UREC2 Low Risk Human Participants 2021-22
UREC2 Low Risk Human Participants 2021-22
UREC2 Low Risk Human Participants 2021-22
Note that students and staff are responsible for making suitable arrangements to ensure
compliance with the General Data Protection Act (GDPR). This involves informing
participants about the legal basis for the research, including a link to the University
research data privacy statement and providing details of who to complain to if
participants have issues about how their data was handled or how they were treated (full
details in module handbooks). In addition, the act requires data to be kept securely and
the identity of p a r t i c i p a n t s to be anonym ized . They are also responsible for following
SHU guidelines about data encryption and research data management. Guidance can be
found on the SHU Ethics Website https://www.shu.ac.uk/research/excellence/ethics-and-
Please note that it is mandatory for all students to only store data on their allotted
networked drive space and not on individual hard drives or memory sticks etc.
The present form also enables the University and College to keep a record confirming that
research conducted has been subjected to ethical scrutiny.
The form must be completed by the student and the supervisor and independently
reviewed by a second reviewer or module leader (additional guidance can be obtained from
your College Research Ethics Chair1). In all cases, it should be counter-signed and kept
as a record showing that ethical scrutiny has occurred. Some courses may require
additional scrutiny. Students should retain a copy for inclusion in their research projects,
and a copy should be uploaded to the relevant module Blackboard site.
Please note that it may be necessary to conduct a health and safety risk assessment
for the proposed research (SECTION B). Further information can be obtained from the
University’s Health and Safety Website
Health Related Research within the NHS, or Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service
(HMPPS), or with participants unable to provide informed consent check list.
College of Social Sciences and Arts - Dr. Antonia Ypsilanti ([email protected] )
College of Business, Technology and Engineering - Dr. Tony Lynn ([email protected] )
College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences - Dr. Nikki Jordan-Mahy ([email protected] )
If you have answered YES to any of the above questions, then you MUST consult with
your supervisor to obtain research ethics from the appropriate institution outside the
university. This could be from the NHS or Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service
(HMPPS) under their independent Research Governance schemes. Further information is
provided below. https://www.myresearchproject.org.uk/
Question Yes/No
1. Will any of the participants be vulnerable? No
Note: Vulnerable people include children and young people, people with learning
disabilities, people who may be limited by age or sickness, pregnancy, people
researched because of a condition they have, etc. See full definition on ethics website in
the document Code of Practice for Researchers Working with Vulnerable
Populations (under the Supplementary University Polices and Good Research Practice
2. Are drugs, placebos, or other substances (e.g., food substances, vitamins) to be No
administered to the study participants or will the study involve invasive, intrusive,
or potentially harmful procedures of any kind?
3. Will tissue samples (including blood) be obtained from participants? No
4. Is pain or more than mild discomfort likely to result from the study? No
5. Will the study involve prolonged or repetitive testing? No
6. Is there any reasonable and foreseeable risk of physical or emotional harm to any No
of the participants?
Note: Harm may be caused by distressing or intrusive interview questions, uncomfortable
procedures involving the participant, invasion of privacy, topics relating to highly personal
information, topics relating to illegal activity, or topics that are anxiety provoking, etc.
Question Yes/No
7. Will anyone be taking part without giving their informed consent? No
8. Is it covert research? No
Note: ‘Covert research’ refers to research that is conducted without the
knowledge of participants.
9. Will the research output allow identification of any individual who has not NO
given their express consent to be identified?
If you have answered YES to any of these questions you are REQUIRED to complete and
submit a UREC3 or UREC4 form. Your supervisor will advise. If you have answered NO to
all these questions, then proceed with this form (UREC2).
Name of student
Name of supervisor
Aims & research question(s) The aim of the study is to assess social media platforms’ role on
tourists’ destination choice. To do so, the research proposes three key
research questions:
1. Recruitment of participants Recruited on the Internet through social media, WeChat and email
invitations. They will comprise 10 friends with travel experience or
want to traveling.
3. Data analysis Regarding data analysis, the research will employ a thematic
approach, which points out, analyses as well as report patterns or
themes in data gathered online. Thematic analysis is pivotal since it a
technique for identifying, analysing as well as interpreting themes in
qualitative information, which is a method unlimited by theoretical
Outline the nature of the data The data is qualitative in nature. Regarding anonymisation details, all
held, details of anonymisation, personal identifiers will be removed, which may result in a person
storage and disposal procedures
Question Yes/No
1. Will the research involve working with/within an external organization (e.g., No
school, business, charity, museum, government department, international
agency, etc.)?
2. If you answered YES to question 1, do you have granted access to conduct the No
research from the external organization?
If YES, students please show evidence to your supervisor. You should retain this
evidence safely.
3. If you do not have permission for access is this A
A. you have not yet asked
B. you have asked and not yet received an answer
C. you have asked and been refused access.
Note: You will only be able to start the research when you have been granted access.
Question Yes/No
1. Will the research involve working with copyrighted documents, films, NO
broadcasts, photographs, artworks, designs, products, programs, databases,
networks, processes, existing datasets, or secure data?
Question Yes/No
2. If you answered YES to question 1, are the materials you intend to use in the public No
Notes: ‘In the public domain’ does not mean the same thing as ‘publicly accessible’.
• Information which is 'in the public domain' is no longer protected by copyright (i.e.,
copyright has either expired or been waived) and can be used without permission.
• Information which is 'publicly accessible' (e.g., TV broadcasts, websites, artworks,
newspapers) is available for anyone to consult/view. It is still protected by copyright
even if there is no copyright notice. In UK law, copyright protection is automatic and
does not require a copyright statement, although it is always good practice to provide
one. It is necessary to check the terms and conditions of use to find out exactly how the
material may be reused etc.
If you answered YES to question 1, be aware that you may need to consider other
ethics codes. For example, when conducting Internet research, consult the code of
the Association of Internet Researchers; for educational research, consult the Code of
Ethics of the British Educational Research Association.
1. Does this research project require a health and safety risk assessment for the
procedures to be used? Discuss this with your supervisor and consult the Risk
Assessment Toolkit for teaching research.
✓ No
(If YES the completed Health and Safety Risk Assessment form should be attached).
You can find a Blank/Sample Risk Assessment Form at the Checklist, Generic and
TORS Risk Assessments on the Risk Assessment Toolkit
2. Will the data be collected fully online (no face-to-face contact with participants)?
✓ Yes (See the safety guidance for online research2 and go to question 8b).
No (Go to question 3)
6. How will you travel to and from the data collection venue?
Please outline how you will ensure your personal safety when travelling to and from
the data collection venue (include any Covid-19 related precautions)
7. How will you ensure your own personal safety whilst at the research venue?
Safety guidance for online research includes information on how to set up online surveys
and/or conduct online interviews/focus groups. These guidelines can be found in BB. Please
check with your supervisor/module leader.
8. Are there any potential risks to your health and wellbeing associated with either (a)
the venue where the research will take place and/or (b) the research topic itself?
9. If you are carrying out research off-campus, you must ensure that each time you go
out to collect data you ensure that someone you trust knows where you are going
(without breaching the confidentiality of your participants), how you are getting
there (preferably including your travel route), when you expect to get back, and
what to do should you not return at the specified time.
Data is collected via email, so there will be no face-to-face with participants. I can
complete this step in the dormitory, so there is no such thing as being unable to return at
the specified time.
Ethics sign-off
Personal statement
I can confirm that:
I have read the Sheffield Hallam University Research Ethics Policy and Procedures
I agree to abide by its principles.
Name: Date:25/10/2021
Ethics sign-off
Please ensure that you have attached all relevant documents. Your supervisor
must approve them before you start data collection :
Documents Yes No N/A
Research proposal if prepared previously
Debriefing materials
It is mandatory to attach the Participant Information Sheet (PIS)
It is mandatory to attach a Participant Consent Form, unless it is embedded in an online survey, in
which case your supervisor must approve it before you start data collection