Lexicology. Homonyms
Lexicology. Homonyms
Lexicology. Homonyms
Korunets Department
Project work
Barbara Tolkachova
Group ПА04-19
Translators’/Interpreters’ Department
Research supervisor:
V.G. Nikonova
Kyiv 2021
Homonyms are words which have the same form but are different in meaning.
"The same form" implies identity in sound form or spelling, i.e., all the three
aspects are taken into account: sound-form, graphic form and meaning. The term is
derived from Greek (homos – the same, onoma – name, i.e., the same name
combined with the difference of meaning).
There are 3 classifications of homonyms. The first one, according to Walter Skeet,
is based on all three aspects (sound-form, graphic form and meaning). Homonyms
are divided into homonyms proper; homophones and homographs.
Homonyms proper (or perfect, absolute) are words identical in pronunciation аnd
spelling but different in meaning, like back n. "part of the body" - back adv. "away
from the front" - back v. "go back"; bear n. "animal" - bear v, "carry, tolerate";
Ukrainian: мати дієсл. “жінка стосовно дитини, яку вона народила” -мати ім. “
володіти чимось”; варта ім. “сторожа”- варта прикм. ж. р. “ який заслуговує
чогось”; три числів. “число” - три дієслл. наказового способу “ натискуючи
чимось, водити туди й сюди по якійсь поверхні”.
Homophones are words of the same sound but of different spelling and meaning:
sea n ‘море’ and see v ‘бачити’; son n ‘син’ and sun n ‘сонце’; piece ‘шматок’
-peace ‘мир’; knight ‘лицар’-night ‘ніч’; Ukrainian: мене ‘займенник я у знахід.
відмінку’-мине ‘пройде’, біль ‘відчуття фізичного страждання’-білль ‘у
США, Великій Британії тощо – проект закону, що виноситься урядом або
членом парламенту’, etc.
Homographs are words different in sound and in meaning but accidentally identical
in spelling: bow /bou/ 'a piece of wood curved by a string and used for shooting
arrows' - bow /bau/ 'the bending of the head or body', tear n —'a drop of water that
comes from the eye' and tear v /tea/—'to pull apart by force'; Ukrainian: дорога
‘смуга землі по якій ходять або їздять’-дорога ‘коштовна, цінна’; замок
‘палац’-замок ‘пристрій для замикання дверей’; брати ‘схопити’-брати
‘кожен із синів по відношенню до інших дітей’.
1) any spherical body; 2) a large dancing party; Ukrainian: блок: 1)пристрій для
підіймання вантажів; 2)союз, об'єднання; клепати: 1)загострювати (косу,
ніж); 2)зводити наклеп; лимонка:1)груша; 2)ручна граната
Grammatical homonyms differ in grammatical meaning only e.g., found (The past
Indefinite) and found (Participle 2); Ukrainian: відносно(prep.)-відносно(adverb)
As for nouns, we usually find homonymous forms of the Possessive Case Singular
and the Common Case Plural, e.g., brother's – brothers.
From the view point of their origin, homonyms can be: historical homonyms and
ethymological ones.
Historical homonyms are those which result from the breaking up of polysemy;
then one polysemantic word will split up into two or more separate words, e.g., to
bear /терпіти/ - to bear /народжувати/ pupil /ученик/ - pupil /зіниця/
plant /рослина / - plant /завод/
Etymologiсal homonyms are words of different origin which come to be alike in
sound or in spelling (and may be both written and pronounced alike)… E.g., the
Latin vitis -"spiral" has given the English ''vice" - тиски "apparatus with strong
jaws in which things can be hold tightly"; the Latin vice - "instead of", "in place
of" will be found in vice - president. It should be noted that the most debatable
problem in homonymy is the demarcation line between homonymy and polysemy,
i.e., between different meanings of one word and the meanings of two or more
homonymous words.
6) Now we come to a further source of homonyms which differs from all the above
cases. Two or more homonyms can originate from different meanings of the same
word when the semantic structure of the word breaks into several parts. This type
of formation of homonyms is called split polysemy (розпад полісемії). The
semantic structure of a polysemantic word presents a system within which all its
constituent meanings are held together by logical associations. In most cases, the
function of the arrangement and the unity is determined by one of the meanings
(e.g., the meaning “flame” in the noun fire). If this meaning happens to disappear
from the word’s semantic structure, associations between the rest of the meanings
may be severed, the semantic structure loses its unity and falls into two or more
parts which then become accepted as independent lexical units.
3.homonyms -омоніми
5.homographs -омографи
Lexical homonyms-belong to one and the same part of speech and grammatical
meanings of all their forms are identical, but they are different in their lexical
historical homonyms- those which result from the breaking up of polysemy; then
one polysemantic word will split up into two or more separate words
3)By the type of meaning, homonyms are divided into lexical, lexico-semantic, and
5)If both homonyms belong to the same part of speech and if grammatical
meanings of all their forms are identical, they are lexical homonyms.
Among the other ways of creating homonyms the following processes must be
mentioned: onomatopoeia, knows as ___ which serves the creating of ___
homonyms, e.g., iron -to iron, work - to work, etc.; ___ - as soon as a derived
meaning is no longer felt to be connected with the primary meaning at all (as in bar
- балка; bar - бар; bar - адвокатура) polysemy breaks up and separate words come
into existence, quite different in meaning from the basic word but identical in
spelling. In other cases, homonyms are a result of ___ when several different
words become identical in sound or spelling.
2. Lexical homonyms belong to one and the same time part of speech and the
grammatical meanings of all their forms are identical, but they are different in their
lexical meaning, while lexico-grammatical homonymys differ both in lexical and
grammatical meanings and belong to different parts of speech.
5. Two or more homonyms can originate from different meanings of the same
word when the semantic structure of the word breaks into several parts. This type
of formation of homonyms is called split polysemy.
Exercise 1. Find homonyms proper in the sentences, contrast their meaning and
define parts of speech
1.He held the bird gently in the palm of his hand. Last weekend’s rainstorm
loosened the soil and a 40-year-old palm tree fell on the ground.
2.You remembered my favourite band is The Beatles…She always ties her hair
back in a band
3.You are proved that you know English well. We used to get our water from a
6. Він ніс подарунок на день народження його друга. Її ніс був закладений,
бо вона захворіла
1.palm1(noun)- the inside part of your hand from your wrist to the base of your
fingers, while palm2(noun)- a tree that grows in hot countries and has a tall trunk
with a mass of long pointed leaves at the top
well2(noun)- a deep hole in the ground from which you can get water, oil, or gas
4.справа1(іменник)-робота, заняття
5.бурі1(прикметник)-колір хутра
Exercise 2. Match homonyms which belong to the same type in the English
sentences with the Ukrainian ones.
1. Грицю вже не до коси: виплив a) Please, tell me if I 'm right that to get
човен з-за коси, в нім русявих дві to this street we have to turn right?
2.Йди до лісу і швидше греби на b) The wind was too strong to wind the
будь-який смак осінні гриби sail.
3.Брати не хотіли мене брати c) I like to eat cereal for the TV series.
4. The date of our first date is 29th d) Де лисички бродили, там лисички
August 2016. вродили.
5.No sweet without sweat e) Компанія, в якій працює мій тато,
проводить рекламні кампанії.
Exercise 4. In the words given below, define whether the homonyms are: a)
lexical; b) grammatical; c) lexico-grammatical
2.The apples are beginning to drop from the trees. A single drop of blood splashed
onto the floor.
3. Jasper never found the high-paying clients. The bodies, found in the forest,
belonged to two robbers.
4. Повсюди чад, а ворог лютий Пекельні бенкети справля, Гнітить скрізь сили
неокуті і точить мозок, наче тля! Тут з діда-прадіда, із віку в вік збирали мед,
з беріз точили сік.
2,5- lexico-grammatical
1.iron-to iron; 2. water-to water; 3.to knead (OE cnēdan) and to need (OE
nēodian); 4. rite from Latin n (обряд) – to write, v – right, adj.; 5. bang, n (a loud,
sudden, explosive noise) – bang, n (a fringe of hair combed over the forehead
– чуб); 6. base from the French base (Latin basis) and base(low) from the Latin bas
(Italian basso). 7. mew, n. "the sound a cat makes" – mew, n. "a sea gul" – mew, n.
"a pen in which poultry is fattened" – mews "small terraced houses in Central
London. 8. repertory → rep, n., representative → rep, n., reputation → rep, n.