Ce 371 Homework 3 1) A Gate Having The Shape in The Figure Is

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1) A gate having the shape in the figure is

located in the vertical side of an open tank
containing water. The gate is mounted on a
horizontal shaft. (a) When the water level is
at the top of the gate, determine the
magnitude of the fluid force on rectangular
portion of the gate above the shaft and the
magnitude of the fluid force on the
semicircular portion of the gate below the
shaft. (b) For this same fluid depth determine
the moment of the force acting on the
semicircular portion of the gate with respect
to an axis which coincides with the shaft.
γwater = 9810 N/m3
For a a semi circle;
I xc = 0.1098R 4 and y CG =

2) As water rises on the left side of the
rectangular gate, the gate will open
automatically. At what depth above the hinge
1.5 m
will this occur? Neglect the mass of the gate. D
γwater = 9810 N/m3


3) Gate AB in the figure has a homogeneous

mass of 180 kg, 1.2 m wide into the paper,
resting on smooth bottom B. For what water
depth h will the force at point B be zero?
γglycerin = 12360 N/m3, γwater = 9810 N/m3
4) The pressure in the air gap is 8000 Pa
gage. The tank is cylindrical. Calculate the
net hydrostatic force (a) on the bottom of
the tank; (b) on the cylindrical sidewall
CC; and (c) on the annular plane panel BB.
γwater = 9810 N/m3

5) For the closed tank of the figure, all

fluids are at 20°C and the air space is
pressurized. If the outward net hydrostatic
force on the 40-cm by 30-cm panel at the
bottom is 8450 N, estimate (a) the pressure
in the air space; and (b) the reading h on
the manometer. γoil = 8720 N/m3, γwater =
9810 N/m3, γmercury = 133100 N/m3

6) A “V” shaped tank is hinged about point

A as shown in the figure. The tank is C
B Cable
prevented from opening by a cable BC. Find 1m
the force in the cable if the spacing between
the cables perpendicular the figure’s plane is 3m
1 m. γwater = 9810 N/m3
A Hinge

7) Gate AB in the figure is hinged at A,

has width b into the paper, and makes
smooth contact at B. The gate has uniform
density ρS and uniform thickness t. For what
gate density, expressed as a function of (h, t,
ρ, θ), will the gate just begin to lift off the

8) An open rectangular container contains a

liquid that has a specific weight that varies
according to the equation γ = c1 + c 2 h , where
c1 and c2 are constants and h is a vertical
coordinate measured downward from the
free surface. Derive an equation for the
magnitude of the liquid force exerted on the
one wall of the container having a width, b,
and height H, and an equation that gives the
vertical coordinate of this force.

9) Two square gates close two openings in a

conduit connected to an open tank of water
as shown in the figure. When the water depth
h reaches 5 m it is desired that both gates
open at the same time. Determine the weight
of the homogeneous horizontal gate and the
horizontal force R, acting on the vertical gate
that is required to keep the gates closed until
this depth is reached. The weight of the
vertical gate is negligible and both gates are
hinged at one end as shown. Friction in the
hinges is negligible. γwater = 9810 N/m3

10) A structure is attached to the ocean floor

as shown in the figure. 2 m diameter hatch is
located an inclined and hinged at on one
edge. Determine the minimum air pressure,
p1 within the container to open the hatch.
Neglect the weight of the hatch and friction
in the hinge. γsea water = 10.1 kN/m3


1)a) Frec = 1059 kN, Fcir = 1009 kN; b) 1.37×106 Nm

2) 2.598 m
3) 2.44 m
4) a) 1183.8 N; b) 0; c) 853.8 N
5) a) 58808 Pa (gauge); b) 0.44 m
6) 33541 N
7) ρ s = ρ
3t cos θ
2 1  c2 
+  H
 H 2
H  h 3 4  c1 
8) F = b c1 + c2 ; =
 2 6  H 1c 
1 +  2 H
3  c1 
9) W = 31.92 kN, R =497.04 kN
10) 26.5 kPa

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