The document discusses the concept of restitution of conjugal rights under Hindu law in India. It provides that restitution of conjugal rights allows a spouse to seek a court order requiring the other spouse to live together if one spouse leaves the marital home without reasonable cause. The remedy originated from English common law and was later codified under various personal laws in India. While courts have upheld the constitutionality of the remedy, some argue it violates privacy and dignity rights by potentially forcing an unwilling spouse into conjugal relations. The remedy remains controversial due to power imbalances in marriages and social barriers to divorce.
The document discusses the concept of restitution of conjugal rights under Hindu law in India. It provides that restitution of conjugal rights allows a spouse to seek a court order requiring the other spouse to live together if one spouse leaves the marital home without reasonable cause. The remedy originated from English common law and was later codified under various personal laws in India. While courts have upheld the constitutionality of the remedy, some argue it violates privacy and dignity rights by potentially forcing an unwilling spouse into conjugal relations. The remedy remains controversial due to power imbalances in marriages and social barriers to divorce.
The document discusses the concept of restitution of conjugal rights under Hindu law in India. It provides that restitution of conjugal rights allows a spouse to seek a court order requiring the other spouse to live together if one spouse leaves the marital home without reasonable cause. The remedy originated from English common law and was later codified under various personal laws in India. While courts have upheld the constitutionality of the remedy, some argue it violates privacy and dignity rights by potentially forcing an unwilling spouse into conjugal relations. The remedy remains controversial due to power imbalances in marriages and social barriers to divorce.
The document discusses the concept of restitution of conjugal rights under Hindu law in India. It provides that restitution of conjugal rights allows a spouse to seek a court order requiring the other spouse to live together if one spouse leaves the marital home without reasonable cause. The remedy originated from English common law and was later codified under various personal laws in India. While courts have upheld the constitutionality of the remedy, some argue it violates privacy and dignity rights by potentially forcing an unwilling spouse into conjugal relations. The remedy remains controversial due to power imbalances in marriages and social barriers to divorce.
MUSLIM, PARSIS AND CHRISTIAN) MEANING OF RESTITUTION OF CONJUGAL RIGHTS • Conjugal rights mean rights emanating from a marital bond. • Cumulatively these rights are called conjugal rights and form the very essence of a marital union. Restitution of conjugal rights means the right to stay together. • It is an accepted norm that each spouse is entitled to the society and comfort of the other and if any spouse, without any reasonable cause leaves any spouse, the latter can move the court for a decree of restitution of conjugal rights. • The restitution of conjugal rights is a positive remedy that is given to a spouse to protect their marriage, to facilitate cohabitation among couples, and to save the sanctity of marriage. MARRIAGE UNDER HINDU LAW • Since the inception of Hindu Law, marriage has been considered as a sacrament. • Probably, no other people have endeavoured to idealize the institution of marriage as the Hindus have done. • But since the codification of Hindu Laws in relation to marriage, under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, it is at the same time a contract and a sacrament. ORIGIN OF RESTITUTION OF CONJGAL RIGHTS • Restitution of Conjugal Rights finds its origin from Jewish law. • This remedy was adopted into Indian legislature neither from the Dharmashtra nor any personal law in the Indian subcontinent, but through the English Common Law of the British Raj. • It was applied in India by the Privy Council for the first time in 1866 in the case of Moonshee Bazloor v. Shamsoonaissa Begum and through the means of judicial interpretations and legislative actions found its way into the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 under section 9, Special Marriage Act, 1954 under section 22, Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1988 under section 32, Divorce Act, 1869 under section 32 and Muslim personal laws. • The concept of restitution of conjugal rights owes its origin to the ancient times when the institution of marriage was based on proprietary rights of the husband. • Marriage imposes an obligation on both spouses to cohabit with each other. • The Indian judiciary had maintained a tremendously archaic and platitudinous approach by holding that a wife’s first duty to her husband is to submit herself obediently to his authority and to remain under his roof and protection in the case of Tirath Kaur v. Kartar Singh, AIR 1964 Punj 28. • The wife was considered as a property of the husband and was, therefore, required to reside in the consortium of the husband at all times. Even a mutual agreement between the husband and wife to live separately was considered void as it was viewed to be contrary to public policy in the case of Tekait v. Basanta, (1901) 28 Cal. 751. • Through the restitution of conjugal rights, the husband becomes entitled to the conjugal society of his wife and can, by a legal process, compel the latter to reside in his domain, if she refuses to do so, and vice versa. • If either party unreasonably withdraws from the conjugal society of the other and voluntarily chooses not to share a household with their spouse, then the aggrieved party can petition for the restitution of conjugal rights. • If the respondent has a valid ground to live separately from the petitioner, then the latter cannot succeed in the pursuance of said petition. COURT PASS A DECREE IN FAVOUR OF THE PETITIONER IN THREE CONDITIONS # Surinder v. Gurdeep, 1973 P&H 134 • The respondent has withdrawn from the society of the petitioner without any reasonable excuse. • The withdrawal was not a consequence of the actions of the petitioner. • There exists no legal ground why the relief should not be granted. PROVISION UNDER THE HINDU MARRIAGE ACT, 1955 • The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 provides for the restitution of conjugal rights under Section 9, which reads as follows:
• ‘9. Restitution of conjugal rights – When either the husband or
the wife has, without reasonable excuse, withdrawn from the society of the other, the aggrieved party may apply, by petition to the district court, for restitution of conjugal rights and the court, on being satisfied of the truth of the statements made in such petition and that there is no legal ground why the application should not be granted, may decree restitution of conjugal rights accordingly. • Explanation – Where a question arises whether there has been reasonable excuse for withdrawal from the society, the burden of proving reasonable excuse shall be on the person who has withdrawn from the society.’ • The explanation, which had been added following the amending act of 1976, makes it clear that the onus is upon the party who has withdrawn from conjugal society to show that there was a reasonable excuse for such withdrawal. Prior to the amendment, the section was silent on this point and judicial decisions held that the burden was on the petitioner to prove that the respondent had withdrawn from their conjugal society without reasonable excuse. Reba Rani v. Ashit, AIR 1965 Cal. 102. CONSTITUTIONALITY OF SECTION 9 • The question of the constitutionality of exercising the remedy of restitution of conjugal rights had been initially presented before the Andhra Pradesh High Court in 1983.
• In the case of T. Sareetha v. Venkata Subbaiah AIR 1983 AP
356, it was argued in this court that the right to privacy confers upon a party to a marriage the ‘right of free choice as to whether, where, how and by who her body is to be used for procreation of children’ and by recognizing the remedy of restitution of conjugal rights under Sec. 9, the State is violating the fundamental liberty, privacy and dignity guaranteed by Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. Further, since the remedy was available to both to married men and women it was contended that by treating the wife and husband, who are inherently unequal, as equals, the impugned section offends the rule of equal protection of laws and, hence, contradictory to the essence of equality given under Article 14. • While declaring the judgment, Justice P. A. Choudhary had accepted the abovementioned arguments and sided with the respondent. • He viewed that forceful cohabitation of two spouses unwilling to reside with each other would lead to forced sexual intercourse against the wife. • He had elaborated on the opinions by articulating on this issue that by enforcing a decree for restitution of conjugal rights the life pattern of the wife is likely to be altered irretrievably whereas the husband’s can remain almost as it was before, since it is the wife who has to bear the child. • The judge had adopted an archaic approach by further enunciating that the inevitable consequence of the enforcement of this remedy cripples the wife’s future plans of life. • With the perspective of the wife, he had associated the right under Sec. 9 as a self-destructive remedy, partial and one-sided, since it was practically available only to the husband. • As a result, Justice Choudhary had ruled Sec. 9 to be unconstitutional as its provisions were anti-thesis to the fundamental rights guaranteed under Articles 14 & 21 of the Constitution. • As a critic we can say that Justice in this case has considered the entire question of restitution of conjugal rights from the point of view of the husband. • It seems that he completely overlooked that restitution of conjugal rights can also be claimed by the wife. JUDICIAL DECISIONS • Subsequently, within less than a year, the issue of the constitutionality of Sec. 9 had re- appeared, this time before the Delhi High Court in the case of Harvinder Kaur v. Harmander Singh AIR 1984 Del. 66. Where the view of the Andhra Pradesh High Court was dissented from. The state of conflict with relation to the disputed section’s constitutionality was resolved by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the same year, in the case of Saroj Rani v. Sudarshan Kumar AIR 1984 SC 1562. where Justice Sabyasachi Mukhatji had upheld the Harvinder case and overruled the T. Sareetha case. FOR THE FOLLOWING CAUSE • The purpose of the decree of restitution of conjugal rights is only to offer an inducement for the husband or wife to live together and did not place emphasis on the compulsion of an unwilling wife to engage in sexual intercourse with her husband. • The object of the decree was only to bring about cohabitation between the estranged parties so that they can live together in the matrimonial home in amity. • Hence, restitution of conjugal rights aimed at consortium and not merely sexual intercourse. In the End… • The remedy of restitution of conjugal rights attacks at a person’s basic essence of being by disabling their right to choose who and who not to reside with. • Both parties in a marriage are not always at an equal standing, owing to either patriarchy or economic dependence of women, and cannot choose to dissolve the marriage entirely at their expense. • Women are still considered as properties of their husbands and abandoned by their families after marriage. • Issues in such a sphere cannot be resolved with a black-and-white approach. In a country where divorce is still considered a social fallacy or taboo in the 21st century, for many people who are unable to support themselves or rely on their families, this remedy encroaches upon their ability of separation without a divorce. This section grants the court the authority to force individuals to cohabitate with their partners, against their will and volition, which in many cases can cause to be a threat to their safety, security and even life. It is of my opinion that the courts, while ruling in the favor of the section’s constitutionality, have disregarded its practical aspect and issue. RESTITUTION OF CONJUGAL RIGHTS IN MUSLIM LAW • In the famous case Abdul Kadir V. Salima (1886), Court held that, “Muslim marriage is a civil contract between bride and groom. The concept of Muslim marriage is closely related to the concept of contract because some terms and conditions should be fulfilled for a valid marriage like a valid contract. In India there is no specific statute to regulate Muslim marriages, it is according to the personal law Shariat. The Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937 simply states that with regard to marriage, succession, inheritance, and charities, Muslims are governed by their law (Shariat). However, the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939, provides for certain grounds for divorce available to Muslim women. The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019 criminalizes talaq. • Restitution of conjugal rights • Restitution of conjugal right is one of the reliefs that is provided to the spouses who are in agony in the institution of marriage. any of them fails to fulfill such obligation or deliberately avoid Co- habitation then the other party can approach the court. Restitution of conjugal right is also known as the ‘Right to stay together. • In Muslim law if the husband either deserts the wife or neglects to perform his marital obligation without any proper reason then the wife can approach the court for restitution of conjugal rights. Husband can also approach the court for restitution of conjugal right. • Jani and others V.Mohammed Khan(AIR 1970 J&K 154), in this case, the court held that a husband is entitled to a decree for restitution of conjugal rights if the wife has refused to live with him. • If a person wants to file a suit for restitution of conjugal right, either the spouse has withdrawn him or herself from the society of other, without any reason. Moonshee Bazloor V. Mohammed Khan (1867)MIA55
• The court held that, if a wife without
lawful causes ceases to cohabit with her husband, he may sue the wife for restitution of conjugal right. • In Muslim law, when a suit filed by the husband for the restitution of conjugal right the wife can defend the suit on the certain grounds. DEFENCES 1) Validity of marriage If there is no valid marriage (terms and condition of marriage not fulfilled) wife can defend the suit on the ground of the marriage is not valid marriage. In this defence, a decree of the court will not grant favour to the husband. Bakh Bivi V. Quain Din (1934) Lahore • A Muslim husband married Muslim women during the period of iddat. • The consummation of marriage took place after the expiry date. • His wife deserted the husband and he sued for restitution of conjugal right. • Court held that the marriage is not valid, because the marriage takes place at the time of iddat. • Decree for the conjugal right could not be passed in favour husband. 2) False charge of adultery ‘Husband makes a false charge on adultery against wife’, is a good defence for wife in a suit of restitution of conjugal right. 3) Legal cruelty A wife can defend a suit for restitution of conjugal rights on the ground that the husband is guilty of cruelty. When the wife has a reasonable apprehension that her life is unsafe, the court will not compel her to live with her husband Itwari v. Ashgari (AIR 1960AII 684) In this case, the court held that, if a Muslim husband suit for restitution of conjugal right to his first wife after the second marriage, the court may not compel the first wife to live with him. • In Muslim law, a wife is not entitled to successfully defend a suit for restitution of conjugal right on the ground that her husband has another wife. • But in some circumstances, the second marriage of the husband results in cruelty to the first wife. • Muslim males can have four wives at a time. • But Muslim women can have only one husband at a time 4) Non- payment of prompt dower In the case, Abdul Kadir V. Salima (1886)8AII 149 Court held that there was no right of the wife to refuse to return to the husband after the marriage had been consummated on the ground that the dower is not paid. If the husband has failed to pay the prompt dower on demand by the wife she can defend the suit. 5) Impotency of husband • If the husband was impotent court will not compel the wife to live with him. • If the wife is not ready to cohabit with the husband, he can sue for the restitution of conjugal right. RESTITUTION OF CONJUGAL RIGHT IN PARSIS LAW SECTION 32A. Non-resumption of cohabitation or restitution of conjugal rights within one year in pursuance of a decree to be ground for divorce.— (1) Either party to a marriage, whether solemnized before or after the commencement of the Parsi Marriage and Divorce (Amendment) Act, 1988 (5 of 1988), may sue for divorce also on the ground,— (i) that there has been no resumption of cohabitation as between the parties to the marriage for a period of one year or upwards after the passing of a decree for judicial separation in a proceeding to which they were parties; or (ii) that there has been no restitution of conjugal rights as between the parties to the marriage for a period of one year or upwards after the passing of a decree for restitution of conjugal rights in a proceeding to which they were parties. (2) No decree for divorce shall be granted under sub-section (1) if the plaintiff has failed or neglected to comply with an order for maintenance passed against him under section 40 of this Act or section 488 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (5of 1898) or section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974). SECTION 36 OF THE PARSI MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE ACT, 1936 Suit for restitution of conjugal rights Where a husband shall have deserted or without lawful cause ceased to cohabit with his wife, or where a wife shall have deserted or without lawful cause ceased to cohabit with her husband, the party so deserted or with whom cohabitation shall have so ceased may sue for the restitution of his or her conjugal rights and the Court, if satisfied of the truth of the allegations contained in the plaint, and that there is no just ground why relief should not be granted, may proceed to decree such restitution of conjugal rights accordingly. THE INDIAN DIVORCE ACT 1869 PART VII-RESTITUTION OF CONJUGAL RIGHTS
SECTION 32: Petition for restitution of conjugal rights :
When either the husband or the wife has, without reasonable excuse, withdrawn from the society of the other, either wife, or husband may apply, by petition to the District Court or the High Court for restitution of conjugal rights, and the court, on being satisfied of the truth of the statements made in such petition, and that there is no legal ground why the application should not be granted, may decree restitution of conjugal rights accordingly.
SECTION 33: Answer to petition :
Nothing shall be pleaded in answer to a petition for restitution of conjugal rights, which would not be ground for a suit for judicial separation or for a decree of nullity of marriage. GENERAL ANALYSIS OF ALL PERSONAL LAWS • In modern India, the remedy is available to Hindus under Section 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955; • To Muslims under their personal law; • To Christians under Section 32 and 33 of the Indian Divorce Act, 1869, • To Parsis under Section 36 of the Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936 and • To persons married according to the provisions of the Special Marriage Act, Section 22 of the Special Marriage Act, 1954. • The provisions for restitution of conjugal rights are identical in Section 22 the Special Marriage Act, 1954 and Section 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. • It is as follows: When either the husband or the wife has, without reasonable excuse, withdrawn from the society of the other, the aggrieved party may apply, by petition to the district court, for restitution of conjugal rights and the court, on being satisfied of the truth of the statements made in such petition and that there is no legal ground why the application should not be granted, may decree restitution of conjugal rights accordingly. Explanation: Where a question arises whether there has been reasonable excuse for withdrawal from the society, the burden of proving reasonable excuse shall be on the person who has withdrawn from the society.” The restitution of conjugal rights is often regarded as a matrimonial remedy. The remedy of restitution of conjugal rights is a positive remedy that requires both parties to the marriage to live together and cohabit • A Christian husband and wife can also apply for an order of restitution of conjugal rights. • The Court cannot pass the decree for following reasons: • Cruelty of husband or wife; or • If either of the spouse is insane; or • If any one of the spouse marries again. • Where a husband/wife shall have deserted or without lawful cause ceased to cohabit with his/her spouse, the party so deserted or with whom cohabitation shall have so ceased, may sue for the restitution of his or her conjugal rights • The court if satisfied of the truth of the allegations contained in the plaint and that there is no just ground why relief should not be granted, may proceed to decree such restitution of conjugal rights accordingly. • When either of the spouses has withdrawn from the society of the other without reasonable cause, the other person may file a suit for restitution of conjugal rights under Section 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. • Similarly a Christian husband or wife can file a petition for restitution of conjugal rights under Section 32 and 33 of the Indian Divorce Act, 1869. • The provision under Muslim law and Parsis law is almost the same as under the modern Hindu law. • A petition for restitution of conjugal rights is maintainable only when there is a valid marriage. • Under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 anything which constitutes a ground for nullity, dissolution of marriage or judicial separation is a defence against a petition for restitution of conjugal rights. • Accordingly under the Section 33 of the Indian Divorce Act, 1869 applicable for Christians nothing can be pleaded as defence against a petition for restitution of conjugal rights which would not be a ground for judicial separation or for a decree of nullity of marriage. • Under Muslim law grounds of void and irregular marriages, marriage avoided by the exercise of option of puberty and other provisions under the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939, are defences for a petition for restitution of conjugal rights. • A petition may also be rejected if the husband has been made an outcaste by his community. • As far as the Hindus and Christians are concerned the existence of a co-wife is a sufficient cause entitling the wife to withdraw herself from the society of her husband which can be taken as a defence by the wife against a restitution petition. • While under Muslim law controlled polygamy is allowed. So, a Muslim wife cannot refuse the comfort-consortium to husband because of husband’s taking a second wife. • But in certain situations, a husband’s second marriage may involve cruelty to the first wife justifying her refusal to live with him. • In Itwari v Asghari, a restitution petition filed by the Muslim husband against his first wife the court had held that it cannot compel the wife to live with husband and can refuse the relief if the court feels that it would not be just and reasonable to do or it would be inequitable to pass decree. • In India bigamous marriages are now to great extent disapproved by the courts. • Some High Courts have considered it as cruelty by the husband and denied on that ground the relief of restitution of conjugal rights.