P. B. Shelley Introduction
P. B. Shelley Introduction
P. B. Shelley Introduction
Romantic & Victorian Poetry
Ms. Zenab Jehangir
The eldest son of a wealthy country squire, Shelley was
born in 1792. From his childhood, he possessed a fierce
independence of spirit and bitterly hated all forms of
At Eton, he read widely, including political theory and
romantic tales.
At Oxford, he and Thomas Hogg published The Necessity
of Atheism and defiantly refused to answer questions
about this work put to them by university authorities, so
they were expelled.
Though he lived a brief life, he had a stormy emotional
He was a revolutionary and an idealist, a dedicated seeker
of an ideal world where love and the brotherhood of man
would prevail. His poetry expresses his spirit of rebellion.
He used the objects of nature, which he worshiped, as
images of his internal state.