This Study Resource Was: ENG 112 Logical Fallacies Exercise Name: Katelyn Boring Grade: /10
This Study Resource Was: ENG 112 Logical Fallacies Exercise Name: Katelyn Boring Grade: /10
This Study Resource Was: ENG 112 Logical Fallacies Exercise Name: Katelyn Boring Grade: /10
1. Friedrich Nietzche's attack on social welfare should not be taken seriously. He is said to have been a
degenerate and it is a fact that he went insane.
Ad hominem
2. You can be sure of getting the best watch possible if you buy a Tempus Fugit watch, because you will
be buying the world's greatest watch.
Hasty generalization
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3. I guess I will receive a C on my next English paper because the teacher said my average was a C so far,
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so the chances must be that I'll get a C on the next one.
Slippery Slope
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4. You will get pregnant if you kiss a boy. I've seen Sally kiss boys three times, and now she is pregnant.
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Irrelevant conclusion
5. My honesty is a matter of record. My enemies have tried to bring similar charges against me before,
but they couldn't prove anything that stands up in court. That proves I am an honest man.
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Appeal to Force
6. Just answer the question yes or no. Were you still selling drugs when you came to this town?
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7. Senator Jones shouldn't be blamed for having sex with teenage girls. After all, other senators have
done much worse things.
Ad Hominem
8. How can you justify giving this man life imprisonment by declaring him guilty of murder? After all,
since that time he has become a devout Christian and proven to be an exemplary prisoner during the
whole time he was on trial.
Appeal to Authority
9. I have been a member of the NAACP for ten years. My son cannot possibly be a bigot.
Red Haring
10. American citizens must raise taxes to support schools. Without more money, our schools cannot
possibly do a good job.
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Post Hoc
11. Rare taste: you either have taste or you don't. (Scotch ad)
12. In this freedom-loving land of ours, beer belongs. Exercise your American freedom and enjoy beer.
13. Bob True is the best qualified candidate for tax assessor. I've known him eight years and he is an
honorable man, a devout individual, and an outstanding father.
Red Harring
14. Men are all alike: selfish creatures who spend every weekend glued to a television tube.
Hasty Generalization
15. The pinkos, socialistic liberals, and weirdos in that other department are naturally against my
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legislative reforms.
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Personal Incredulity
16. I interviewed the entire third floor of my dorm, and my research shows that most of the people at
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this university go home on weekends.
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Non Sequitur
17. He is using unfair arguments because none of his arguments are equitable. Because they are not
Post Hoc
18. Alien abductions must take place because no one has found any evidence to disprove the eye-
witness accounts.
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Appeal to Ignorance
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19. We must put God back in our schools, or else American society will degenerate.
20. You cannot listen to Rush Limbaugh's ideas because he is a conservative. Conservative speaker's
ideas are not worth listening to. Since Limbaugh is conservative, you cannot listen to his ideas.
Ad Hominem
21. We should not allow legislation to ban tobacco. After all, tobacco has been sold for 200 years in
America. So, we have no reason to ban it now.
Misleading statistic
22. Your honor, the defendant must be guilty because no one can prove his innocence.
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Appeal to Ignorance
23. Susan passed Writing 121. Joey passed Writing 121. Kory passed Writing 121. Writing 121 must be an
easy class, since three out of three students I know passed it.
Hasty Generalization
24. In spite of what some say, the number of the poor is rising in America because there is no evidence
to suggest that number is decreasing.
Appeal to Ignorance
25. You may tell me that it is cruel to require students to learn Latin. But is it any less cruel to require
them to enroll in physical education courses? The mental strains of mastering a dead language pale
beside the rigors of athletics.
Red Haring
Section of Fiendish Difficulty. Some of the following sentences are logical fallacies, and some aren't.
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Which do you think constitute logical fallacies and which are logically valid?
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26. Bicycles are a means of transportation, and we all know that transportation is vital to American
commerce. If we get rid of all the current bike lanes, there will be less bikes, hence less transportation.
Getting rid of bicycle lanes would cripple American trade entirely.
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Logical fallacy
27. Why should responsible adults who are eighteen be given extended credit? Because people who are
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adults are mature, and anyone who is mature is responsible enough to have control of money.
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Logical Fallacy
Not every adult is mature. There is no evidence to support, and it is more of a hasty generalization.
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Find your own fallacies. Look online and locate 3 examples of logical fallacies. Provide the URL to the
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logical fallacy and explain what logical fallacy it is and why it is a logical fallacy.
Hasty Generalization
“My roommate said her philosophy class was hard, and the one I’m in is hard, too. All philosophy classes
must be hard!” Two people’s experiences are, in this case, not enough on which to base a conclusion”.
Post Hoc
“President Jones raised taxes, and then the rate of violent crime went up. Jones is responsible for the
rise in crime.” The increase in taxes might or might not be one factor in the rising crime rates, but the
argument hasn’t shown us that one caused the other”.
Appeal to Authority
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“We should abolish the death penalty. Many respected people, such as actor Guy Handsome, have
publicly stated their opposition to it.” While Guy Handsome may be an authority on matters having to do
with acting, there’s no particular reason why anyone should be moved by his political opinions—he is
probably no more of an authority on the death penalty than the person writing the paper”.
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