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2021 Nqesh Reviewer September Edition

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Which of the following indicates that the authority, responsibility and accountability of school heads are
results of the interaction of the school culture the open communication of the principal with the school
community and the commitment o community to attain the mission/vision of the school.
A. Management by Objective (MBO) B. Total Quality Management (TQM)
C. Organizational Development D. Ethical Management

2. A leader is concerned about tasks and relationships. Why is the study of human behavior an
important consideration for management?
a. Human feeling and attitude are difficult to discern
b. Interpersonal relations may or may not affect the organization
c. Human relation facilitates cooperative goal management
d. Leadership involves accomplishing goals without concern for human relationships
A. Leadership involves accomplishing goals B. Interpersonal relations may or may
without concern for human relationships not affect the organization
C. Human relation facilitates cooperative D. Human feeling and attitude are difficult to
goal management discern

3. How are Personnel Economic Relief Allowance (PERA), Additional compensation(ADCOM),

Representation and Transportation Allowance(RATA), Uniform/ clothing Allowance categorized?
A. Fixed personnel expenditures B. Salaries and wages

C. Other compensation D. Allowed Travel Reimbursement Allowance

4. 4. Republic act aims to create multiple partnerships with the business sector, foundations non-
government organization and individuals to team up with DepEd in providing the needed assistance
and service to public schools.
A. RA 9155 B. RA 8525

C. RA 8194 D. RA 8424

5. An Act granting priority to residents, municipality or city, where the school is located in the appointment or
assignment of classroom public school teachers.
A. RA 8190 B. RA 7079

C. RA 4670 D. RA 4672
6. Which of the following techniques in decision making allows for choosing the alternative with the highest
probability- weighted utility.
A. Preference trees B. Elimination by objects

C. Simple prioritization D. Pros and Cons

7. Which system is proven framework for continually improving an organization.

A. Evaluation B. Problem Solving

C. Decision making D. Management

8. In the preparation of SOB, Which of the following should be given priority.

i. Student Assessment
ii. Instructional materials for pupils/teachers
iii. Training of Teachers
iv. Supplies and materials
A. i, ii, iii, iv B. ii and iii
C. D. ii and iv
I only

9. Which of the problem solving strategies involves testing possible solution until the right one is found.
A. Abstraction B. Trial and Error C. Analogy >D. Reduction

A. Analogy B. Abstraction
C. Trial and Error D. Reduction

10. Government funds are appropriated for specifc purposes. If the school head used the budget
allotted for training of teachers for the purpose of books, what offense does she/he commit?

A. misappropriation B. juggling of funds

C. technical malversation

11. Which of the following is not principle governing government procurement?

A. transparency B. accountability
C. competitiveness D. selectivity

12. Which of the following areas of concern should NOT be included if the agreed focus of
observation between the school head and the teacher is classroom management?
A. physical environment conducive to learning B. smooth transitions between activities

C. effcient classroom routine D. assess how much students already know

13. Which of the following functions should NOT be undertaken by the School Quality Management Team?
a.organize program team by learning area
b. conduct monitoring during plan implementation
c. evaluate result of SIP implementation
D. design monitoring and feedback system
A. design monitoring and feedback system B. conduct monitoring during plan implementation

C. evaluate result of SIP implementation D. organize program team by learning area

14. Personnel with permanent, temporary, casual or contractual appointments including those with fxed
terms of offce may avail of the Rehabilitation Privilege during their employment. Below are not basis for
availing of the Rehabilitation Privilege, Except.
A. Illness resulting from or aggravated B. Situations in which offcials/employees meets
by working conditions or environment. an accident while going home from work.
C. Wounds and/or injuries sustained while D. Injuries from accidents that occurred while the
in the performance of offcial duties. offcial/employee was going to work.

15. In the implementation of the SBFP, Public Schools whenever applicable shall endeavor to
procure ingredients from any of the following local sources, Except.
A. Local market vegetable vendors. B. School’s vegetable garden established
under GPP.
C. Local farmers especially those identifed D. School’s vegetable garden established
by DSWD. under GPP.

16. Disposal thru negotiated sale may be resorted to and undertaken by the proper committee if there was
a failure of public auction. When shall we say that there is a failure of public auction?
1. There is only one offeror.
2. The negotiation may be conducted singly, provided that government gets the best price.
A. Both statements 1 and 2 are suffcient to B. Statement 1 alone is suffcient but statement
answer the question. 2 alone is not suffcient to answer the question.
C. Statement 2 alone is suffcient but statement D. Statements 1 and 2 are not suffcient to
1 alone is not suffcient to answer the answer the question and additional data
is needed to answer the question.

17. VUCA is a framework that leaders can use to think about how to respond in environments. An element
of VUCA that refers to the speed of change in an industry, agency, market or world is…
A. Ambiguity B. Complexity
C. Uncertainty D. Volatility
18. MELCs are defned as the competencies that a learner needs in order to continue to subquent grades
and ultimately to have a successful life. Below are not characteristics of MELCs, Except..
A. They are less important for students to B. They connect the content to higher
acquire even if a student drops out from concepts across content areas.

C. They can be expected to be D. It is aligned with the national standards or

ordinarily learned by students even if framework in PPSSH.
not taught in school.

19. As a principal of school, you invited your stakeholders with the aim of providing them snapshot of the
school’s current conditions and performance. Which school document shall you refer to for this purpose?

A. School Report Card B. School Annual Report

C. School Improvement Plan D. School Handbook

20. The SPG/SSG may

I. accept cash donations from any member or any public or private person or institution as long as it will
not affect or compromise the integrity of the organization.
II. Undertake fund-raising activities to subsidize its projects and activities as long as it will not affect or
compromise the integrity of the organization.
A. Both B. II only
C. Neither D. I only

21. How will you as the principal make sure that your LAC plan will be implemented?
A. Assign a LAC Coordinator B. Craft a LAC Plan and communicate

C. Submit the LAC Plan to the proper authorities D. Integrate the LAC Plan in the SIP and AIP

22. In crafting a Memorandum of Agreement, what should be its primary content?

A. all of the above B. list and names of benefciaries of the project

C. time table of implementation D. specifc terms and conditions between and among the
23. Which of the following policies govern the partnership building in DepEd:
A. Partnerships will be entered into only after B. DepEd shall enter into partnerships
thorough study and preparation to ensure that to strengthen its capability to offer basic
all these will be benefcial to the students, education.
learners, teachers and the school.

C. All of the above. D. DepEd in collaboration with its partners

and stakeholders shall ensure that all schools
and venues for learning are safe and
conducive for education and training.

24. The School Partnership Coordinator have the following responsibilities indicated in DepEd Order No. 40,
s. 2015, except:
A. Coordinates with the immersion teacher B. Facilitates the evaluation of partnership for
regarding the immersion placement policy actions and sustainability

C. Helps mobilize resources D. Prepares the Work Immersion Plan

25. The following are the minimum requirements for partnership in K-12 Work Immersion, except of?
A. Legal requirements and documentation B. Proximity of location to DepEd school
C. Matching of SHS programs vis-à-vis list of D. Relatives/friends of the school’s faculty
potential partners, their businesses and

26. In DepEd Order No. 40 s. 2015, who is the designated Partnership Focal Person?
A. School Head B. School Brigada Eskwela Coordinator
C. Any teacher designated by the School Head D. Any teacher designated by the School Head

27. Does the government provide fnancial assistance to students in a public school who want to enroll in
a private high school?
A. Yes, 10% of the graduating class B. Yes, 75% of the graduating class

C. Yes, 50% of the graduating class D. Yes, 25% of the graduating class

28. A certain municipality was devastated by a super typhoon and was declared under state of
calamity. There is a need to restore vital public services, infrastructure facilities and other public
utilities. What alternative method of procurement can be resorted to?
A. direct contracting B. negotiated procurement
C. shopping D. repeat order
29. Teacher V fled a complaint against Teacher M for disgraceful and immoral conduct. The principal
convened the School Grievance Committee composed himself, the faculty club president and a teacher
who is acceptable to both sides. After due process, the committee rendered a judgment that Mr. M is guilty
and will be reprimanded because the administrative complaint was committed for the frst time. Is the action
of the committee correct?
i. Yes, because the 3-member committee followed the composition of school grievance committee.
ii. Yes, because the punishment for graceful and immoral conduct is only reprimand if it was done for
the frst time.
iii. No, because the grievance committee is not the disciplining authority in administrative cased
A. i only B. ii only
C. i and ii only D. iii only

30. What should be done on a fag that is worn out through wear and tear?
A. should be thrown away B. should be separately kept in a cabinet

C. should be used as recycled material D. should be solemnly burned to avoid misuse or


31. Which of the following expenses and rate on the proceeds of the net income of school-managed
canteen is incorrectly stated?
A. Faculty and Student Development Fund - 10% B. School Operations Fund - 25%
C. School Clinic Fund - 5% D. Revolving Capital - 10%

32. The following steps belong to the Assess Stage of the Continuous Improvement Methodology except
for one.
A. Get organized B. Do root cause analysis

C. Walk the process D. Talk with your customers

33. The School Improvement Program of Bagumbayan High School has always been praised by
Regional Director Carlos Bonifacio. He credits this to the diligent efforts of the school head Mr. Marcelo
Aguinaldo. Mr. Aguinaldo ensures that the SIP for Bagumbayan High School is –
A. evidence based, performance based B. evidence based, principle based
and learner centric and learner centric

C. policy-based, evidence based and data centric D. evidence based, results based and
learner centric
34. The PPSSH adhere to some of the following principles EXCEPT for one:

A. It is not anchored on the principles B. It refects values and concepts in promoting

of inclusivity school success
C. It emphasizes building a network of D. It is learner-centered
stakeholders for school and people effectiveness

35. The term "school head" as a person responsible for administrative and instructional supervision of
a school or cluster of schools was defned in __
A. RA 9155 B. RA 10533
D. RA 4760
C. RA 7784

36. How many times does school conducts simultaneous drills directive to raise the level of awareness
of pupils/students on what to do before, during and after earthquake?
A. Annually B. Quarterly
C. Twice a year D. Monthly

37. To prevent the direct entry of sunlight into the instructional spaces, building shall be laid out along
__so that the windows have ___ exposure
A. South-East: B. East -West: North-South
C. North-East: North-South D. East- West :

38. What is the required minimum lot size for enrollment of 500 students in schools located in rural areas?
A. 1/4 hectare B. 10000 sqm
C. 15000sqm D. 5000 sqm

39. PRIME-HRM is a new initiative that aims to assist government organizations improve their HR systems
by meeting them where they are and identifying concrete actions to move them forward. There are four core
HR systems measured by PRIME-HRM. These are:
A. Recruitment, selection and placement; B. Recruitment and onboarding;
learning and development; compensation engagement and retention; rewards and
and benefts; performance management recognition; performance appraisal
C. Hiring and fring; learning and development; D. Recruitment, selection and placement;
compensation and benefts; performance learning and development; rewards and
management recognition; performance management
40. The school head as fscal manager shall also ensure that procurement is done judiciously. Which of
the following statements refer to a poor procurement practice?
A. Ensure that plans for procurement are B. Ensuring bids have transparency, i.e.
linked to budgets wider dissemination of bids

C. Procurement is done through competitive D. Direct contracting can be done especially

bidding for long term projects

41. Mrs. Arrojo, school principal of San Bernardino High School is currently faced with the problem of
storage in her school. In the last two years, she has managed to update the school library, doing away with
old books and computers. She is looking to dispose these properties in order to free up storage space. Is
Mrs. Arrojo authorized to dispose the old books and computers?
A. No, it is not her property. It is B. Yes, in consultation with the school board
DepEd property. and the PTA

C. No, pursuant to Sec 1 of EO No. 888 D. Yes, pursuant to Sec 1 of EO No. 888 and
and COA cir. No. 89 – 296. COA cir. No. 89 – 296.

42. . Formative assessment may be integrated in all parts of the lesson. Which is NOT a reason for
using formative assessment before the lesson?
A. Provides bases for making instructional B. To inform teachers of the progress of the
decisions, such as moving on to a new lesson students in relation to the development of the
or clarifying prerequisite understanding learning competencies
C. To inform the teacher about the students’ D. It helps teachers understand where the
understanding of a lesson/topic before direct students stand in terms of conceptual
instruction understanding and application

43. When the student population is less than 1,500, what kind of laboratory canteen shall also
be implemented in the school?
A. Teacher’s Cooperative B. Division Cooperative
C. Managed by principal D. School Managed

44. Principal Jose is very concern to the health of pupils. He makes sure that the school canteen
serves nutritious foods to their pupils and he always checks that there are no highly-sweetened and
fatty foods served in food trays.
A. Domain 5: Building Connections B. Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching and Learning
C. .Domain 4: Developing Self and Others D. Domain 2: Managing School Operations and

45. Principal Juan visits Sulong Elementary School to conduct benchmarking to observe school’s best
practices in academics. Sulong Elementary School ranked frst in NAT within the whole division. Identify
the PPSSH domain being described
A. Domain 1: Leading Strategically B. Domain 5: Building Connections
C. Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching and Learning D. .Domain 4: Developing Self and Others
46. Brigada Eskwela which focused on preparations and strengthening partnership engagement to ensure that
learning continues even in the time of COVID-19. Principal Maria reached out to local community and other
government stakeholders to ask help for the technology needs and multimedia support of her school.

A. Domain 4: Developing Self and Others B. Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching and Learning

C. Domain 5: Building Connections D. Domain 2: Managing School Operations and


47. . Supreme Pupil Government serves as an umbrella of all other organizations in the school. Principal
Ann supports projects and activities of this organization that are benefcial to the pupil.
A. Domain 1: Leading Strategically B. Domain 4: Developing Self and Others

C. Domain 5: Building Connections D. Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching and Learning

48. Principal Ann appoints Teacher James as DRRM conductor to spearhead the conduct of multi-
hazard drills and other disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness activities in their school.
A. Domain 4: Developing Self and Others B. Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching and

C. Domain 2: Managing School Operations and D. Domain 5: Building Connections


49. The LDM Implementation Portfolio for school heads may be used as part of their ____________
for the performance evaluation for 2020.

a. means of verifcation (MOVs)

b. criteria
c. self-monitoring report
d. assessment rubric
A. means of verifcation (MOVs) B. assessment rubric
C. criteria D. self-monitoring report

50. Analyze participant data, initiate a coaching conversation and establish a coaching agreement are
the steps under _________________.
A. TA and Coaching Plan B. TA Activities Documentation
C. LDM 2 Practicum Portfolio D. LDM Validation and Coaching Progress
51. Which of the following statements about PPSSH are true?
I. PPSSH is teacher -centered.
AI. PPSSH emphasizes on building and strengthening a network of stakeholders for school and
people effectiveness.
III. PPSSH refects the understanding of problems and issues at the school and the need to address them.
IV. PPSSH focuses on developing high-quality instruction, developing a strong school culture, and ensuring
job-embedded professional development for school personnel.

52. Mrs. Maria Sulit, the Principal of Kalanggaman Elementary School manages the school with ease. She is
able to function with less technical assistance from supervisors from the Division. She exhibits instructional
instructional leadership and administrative management with independence. On what career stage does Mrs.
Sulit likely belong?

I. Career Stage I II. Career Stage II III. Career Stage III IV. Career Stage IV

53. Mr. Rene Boy Matatag is a newly hired teacher. He teaches Mathematics 9 in San Lazaro Elementary
School. On one instance, after a discussion on word problems he gave a short quiz using essay questions.
Upon knowing this, Mrs. Dagohoy, his Principal talked to him about the matter. Which domain of the PPSSH
is emphasized?

I. Domain 1 II. Domain 2 III. Domain 3 IV. Domain 4 V. Domain 5

C. C. III D. D. IV

54. At the end of School Year 2020-2021, Mr. Wilson Bacunawa, a Grade Six teacher of Don Pedro
Elementary School listed the following learners with their obtained general averages. Using the table below,
how many learners got “With High Honors?”

No. Name of Learners General Average

1 Andrade, Enjilo B. 92.889
2 Cadlawon, Arturo F. 97.450
3 Fuentes, Merlyn D. 98.568
4 Invento, Marisa D. 94.342
5 Hortelano, Eva S. 95.879

I. 1 II. 2 III. 3 IV. 4

C. D. IV D. B. III
55. Mrs. Terso Ruiz is a newly transferred Offcer-in-Charge of Libertad Elementary School. The school has
100 teachers and 2 administrative staff. In her frst week in school, he looked the Summary of Results of
Individual Performance Commitment Review Form (IPCRF) of the previous school year. He found out that
only one (1) of the 100 teachers got an Outstanding. Given the data, he vowed to improve the situation.
On which strand of Domain 4 will she focus on?

I. Professional Development of School Personnel

II. Personal and Professional Development
III. Professional Refection and Learning
IV. Performance Management
A. C. III B. D. IV


The School head of Camfora Elementary School leads his/her staff intelligently and share the most
important values and ethics to his colleagues considering the DepEd mission and vision.
A. B. Domain 2: Managing School B. A. Domain 1: Leading Strategically
Operations and Resources

C. D. Domain 4: Developing Self and D. C. Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching and

Others Learning

fully utilized in managing school operations in times of pandemic which serves as a guiding path in
achieving academic goals.
A. Domain 4: Developing Self and Others B. Domain 1: Leading Strategically

C. Domain 2: Managing School Operations and D. Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching and

Resources Learning

58. IDENTIFY THE PPSSH DOMAIN BEING DESCRIBED The school head of Camfora Elementary
School guarantee and ensure the delivery of quality education among learners by enhancing and
providing technical assistance to teaching staff a midst pandemic.
A. Domain 4: Developing Self and Others B. Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching and Learning

C. Domain 5: Building Connections D. Domain 1: Leading Strategically

The teaching staff of Camfora Elementary School attended some trainings via online for professional
development and likewise, conducted innovation to learners to enhance learning outcomes of pupils.

A. Domain 2: Managing School Operations and B. Domain 5: Building Connections


C. Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching and Learning D. Domain 4: Developing Self and Others


Principal Bagtas of Baras Baras conducted his applied research entitled “Implementation of Senior High
of Baras Baras HS”. After it was approved by their division offce and ready for implementation, the
Principal conducted a virtual faculty meeting and presented his approved research. What PPSSH domain
is he performing?
A. Domain 3 – Focusing on Teaching and Learning B. Domain 1 – Leading Strategically
C. Domain 2 – Managing School Operations and D. Domain 4 – Developing Self and Others


Principal Reyes of Sawang HS encouraged his teachers in grade 7 to make locally develop learning
modules in Araling Panlipunan. What PPSSH domain the Principal practicing?
A. Domain 1 – Leading Strategically B. Domain 3 – Focusing on Teaching and Learning
C. Domain 1 – Leading Strategically D. Domain 5 – Building Connections


Principal Bungay of Tamayo ES conducted a virtual faculty meeting and discussed latest Memoranda
from their division and he emphasized the importance of promotion. What practice of PPSSH domain is
he performed?
A. Domain 4 – Developing Self and Others B. Domain 5 – Building Connections
C. Domain 3 – Focusing on Teaching and D. Domain 2 – Managing School Operations and
Learning Resources


Principal Pineda of Lawang ES is religiously monitoring and supervising the process of reading and
checking of school forms and followed the health protocols of pandemic. What practice of PPSSH domain
is she performing?
A. Domain 1 – Leading Strategically B. Domain 5 – Building Connections

C. Domain 3 – Focusing on Teaching and D. Domain 2 – Managing School Operations and

Learning Resources
Principal Palma of Burot HS attended the virtual meeting of Barangay offcials of Mayang. The virtual
meeting focused on the programs of Barangay which involve the participations of the school in general.
What practice of PPSSH domain which the School Head did?
A. Domain 2 – Managing School Operations and B. Domain 3 – Focusing on Teaching and
Resources Learning
C. Domain 5 – Building Connections D. Domain 1 – Leading Strategically

65. Which of the following is true in accordance to DO 16, 2020 Guidelines on Eligibility and Application for
the Senior High school Voucher Program for SY 2020-2021?
A. Learners who passed ALS A&E test do B. The maximum voucher amount for Grade
not need to apply for voucher 10 completers from public schools in highly
urbanized cities outside NCR is P18 000.00
C. The maximum voucher amount for D. Grade 10 completers from SUCs and LUCs
learners who passed ALS A&E test from do not need to apply for voucher
highly urbanized cities outside NCR is P20

66. Which quality of school heads is being described if the school heads ensure the access to
inclusive, excellent, relevant and liberating education?
A. Set the direction of the school B. Promote the quality of teaching and learning
C. Engage stakeholders D. Nurture themselves and others

67. The school head managed school fnances adhering to policies, guidelines and issuance in allocation,
disbursement and liquidation which are aligned with the school plan. Identify the Domain in PPSH and
career stage.
A. Domain2, stage 2 B. Domain 1, Stage 2

C. Domain 1, Stage 3 D. Domain2, Stage 3

68. Based on DO 9. S. 2021 entitled Institutionalization of a Quality Management System (QMS) in

the Department of Education, the following are benefts of establishing (QMS) EXCEPT________.
A. Improve quality of service through B. Continued performance excellence through
streamlining and standardization of institutionalization of continuous improvement
processes. as core value and practice of DepEd.
C. Higher likelihood of rework necessary D. Strengthened accountability through
to harmonize the different QMS. transparent communication within and among
offces and personnel in the organization
69. Which of the following are the minimum qualifcations of Learning Support Aide?
i. At least 21 years old, at least two years in college, experience not required
ii. Senior high school completer, at least 18 years old, preferably resident of the barangay where the
school is located,
iii. At least 21 years old, Eligible, preferably resident of the barangay where the school is located,
iv. At least two years in college, Eligible, with at least 24 hours of training
A. i only B. ii and iv
C. i and ii D. ii only

70. Sta. Cruz Elementary School was able to obtain 29 points after accomplishing Annex 2A or the
Child-Friendly School Survey. What does it mean?

I.. SCES is a child-friendly school

AI. SCES is an exemplary child-friendly
school III. SCES is an outstanding child-friendly
school IV. SCES is a very outstanding child-
friendly school

a. III b. II c. IV d. I

A. a. III B. b. II
C. d. I D. c. IV

71. During the identifcation and review of the priority improvement areas, the School Planning Team of San
Juan National High School was able to determine that the problem on dropouts has considerably affected
learners and over three School Years, dropout rates have not improved based on Annex 1a-4.2. Which of
the following areas of prioritization rubric should be rated as Very High?
A. d. Feasibility B. c. Magnitude

C. a. Strategic Importance D. b. Urgency

72. Miss Lia Mante, Head Teacher III, is a newly transferred School Head of Dalisay Elementary School.
The school has 15 teachers. In her frst week in the school she looked on the Summary of Results of the
Individual Performance Commitment Review Form (IPCRF) of the previous school year. She found out that
only one of the 15 teachers got an Outstanding. Given the data, she vowed to improve the situation. On
which strand of Domain 4 will she focus on?

I. Professional Development of School Personnel

AI. Personal and Professional Development
III. Professional Refection and Learning IV.
Performance Management

A. b. II B. c. III
C. d. IV D. a. I
73. Mr. Lito Hipolito is a newly hired teacher. He teaches Mathematics 8 in Valmoria High School. In one
instance, after a discussion on worded problems, he gave a short quiz using essay questions. Upon
knowing this, Mrs. Ellen Padua, his Principal talked to him about the matter. Which domain of the PPSSH
is emphasized?
I. Domain 1
II. Domain 2
III. Domain 3
IV. Domain 4
V. Domain 5
A. c. III B. b. II
C. D. V D. a. I

74. Miss Aya Fernandez, the Principal of Vera Elementary School manages the school with ease. She is
able to function with less technical assistance from the supervisors of the Division. She exhibits her
instructional leadership and administrative management with independence. On what career stage does Ms.
Fernandez likely belong?

I. Career Stage 1 III. Career Stage III

II. Career Stage 2 IV. Career Stage IV

A. b. II B. c. III
C. d. IV D. a. I


Principal Rita Ramos conducts an online meeting with the students and parents per grade level to
orient them in the retrieval and distribution of modules for the upcoming school year.
A. Domain 2 : Leading Strategically B. Domain 4: Developing Self and Others

C. Domain 5: Building Connections D. Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching and Learning


In the making of Annual Improvement Plan for the S.Y. 2021-2022, Principal Ramirez of Macatbong
Integrated School holds a virtual meeting among the subject are coordinators and other concern personnel
to provide overview of the School Improvement Plan.
A. Domain 4: Developing Self and Others B. Domain 1: Leading Strategically

C. Domain 2: Managing School Operations and Resources D. Domain 5: Building Connections

In the making of Annual Improvement Plan for the S.Y. 2021-2022, Principal Ramirez of Macatbong
Integrated School holds a virtual meeting among the subject are coordinators and other concern personnel
to provide overview of the School Improvement Plan.
A. Domain 5: Building Connections B. Domain 2: Managing School Operations and
C. Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching and D. Domain 1: Leading Strategically


One of the English teachers informed the Head Teacher that she will be absent for the day because of an
emergency caused by asthma attack then the HT informed the Principal about the Case. While roaming around
for daily visitation, Principal X sees a particular class handled by the said teacher, causing a destructive noise.
She/He immediately takes over the class and wait for the next subject teacher to comes in.

A. Domain 1: Leading Strategically B. Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching and Learning

C. Domain 4: Developing Self and Others D. Domain 5: Building Connections


Macatbong Integrated School holds a forum and invites the Brgy. Offcials, LGU and other stakeholders to
inform them about the plans and improvements done for the previous years, and engage them with the
other plans to be included in the following year.
A. Domain 4: Developing Self and Others B. Domain 2: Managing School Operations and

C. Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching and D. Domain 5: Building Connections



Due to pandemic, every training and seminars are posted online, Principal Vien sends all the training she
had seen online to their group chat asking the teachers to join if they are interested to keep the spirit and
also to be updated with the changes brought by pandemic.
A. Domain 4: Developing Self and Others B. Domain 3: Focusing on Teaching and Learning

C. Domain 2: Managing School Operations and D. Domain 5: Building Connections

81. According to DO 8, s. 2007, specifc guidelines of laboratory canteen:
A. Every elementary and/or secondary school regulates its laboratory canteen where learners are
being trained on food preparation, retail trade and selling
B. No pupil/student shall serve in the canteen beyond his/her practicum schedule
A. Each statement 1 and 2 are suffcient B. Both Statements 1 and 2 are insuffcient
C. B. Statement 1 is insuffcient while D. Statement 1 is suffcient while statement 2
Statement 2 is suffcient is insuffcient

82. As a rule, a Memorandum of Agreement shall be entered into by and between the school principal
/head to be submitted to SDS . How many years/ term/s should the MOA be renewed?
A. Four years B. annually

C. Two years D. Three years

83. Teachers' cooperative may allocate a small space with in canteen premises and facilities of not
more than how many percentage of the foor area?
A. 1/8 B. 1/3

C. 1/4 D. 1/2

84. In the case of laboratory canteen, how much shall be the allocation for feeding program
of undernourished learners with its P50,000 gross margin derived from operation ?
A. 15,000 B. 20,000

C. 10,000 D. 17,500

85. sick leave maybe fle in advance in case the employee will undergo
A. monetization B. Medical exam and advised to rest
C. vacation outside the country D. of ill health personal travel

86. What is allowed for combination of Blended Learning

A. F2F and modular B. Apprenticeship, Distance Learning and Online
C. f2f,distance learning and online D. online, Home schooling and Modular
87. Where does the governance of basic education begin?
I. National level
II. Regional level
III. Division level
IV. School level

88. Mr Jessie Mendez, the newly installed School Head of Mataas Elementary School plans to read and
review the Dep Ed Vision, Mission and Core Values. Which DepEd order must be used as reference?

A. DepEd Order No. 36, s. 2013 B. DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2013

C. DepEd Order No. 34, s. 2013 D. DepEd Order No. 38, s. 2013

89. The core values of the Department of Education (DepEd) are Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao, Makabansa at
Makakalikasan. The core values are actually the National Motto of the Philippine Republic. Which
Republic Act accounts this?
A. Republic Act 4670 B. Republic Act 8491

C. Republic Act 9184 D. Republic Act 9710

90. What is an ideal opportunity to discuss your development needs with your immediate superior?
A. School Learning Action cell training B. Annual review

C. Division executive meeting D. Annual SGC Evaluation

91. Which of the following are enhanced by professionalism?

I. Pedagogical knowledge
AI. Subject matter knowledge
III. Level of experience
IV. Self-effcacy
A. I and II B. I, II and IV
C. I, II, III and IV D. II, III and IV

92. This is where adopting or adapting the national policies and programs to address the context and
needs of the region; ensuring that standards are being followed.
This is where adopting or adapting the national policies and programs to address the context and needs
of the region; ensuring that standards are being followed.
A. Regional Offce B. Central Offce

C. School/LCs D. Division Offce

93. Which of these is the least effective way of communicating the vision mission statement of the school

A. Forming committees to develop and/or B. Aligning activities, programs and projects

revise the vision-mission statement to the vision and mission of the school.
C. Making the school constituents D. Sharing vision-mission statements
memorize the vision-mission statement development among stakeholders

94. It is the process of setting directions for an institution to realize what it wants to achieve and to go where
it wants to go.
A. Annual Implementation Planning B. Strategic Planning
C. School Improvement Planning D. Division Educational Development Planning

95. Which is not a feature of K to 12 Curriculum?

A. Provision and utilization of Information and B. The exclusion of Senior High School in
Communications Technology (ICT) as a strategy to the basic education program
improve the access to and quality of education.

C. Provision and utilization of Information and D. Inclusion of Kindergarten education

Communications Technology (ICT) as a strategy to as part of basic education.
improve the access to and quality of education.

96. Forcing a child to participate in prostitution or the production of pornographic materials.

A. Sexual Exploitation B. Sexual Violence

C. Bullying D. Child Abuse

97. Any act by deeds or words which debases, degrades or demeans the intrinsic worth and dignity of a
child as a human being.
A. Sexual Violence B. Sexual Exploitation

C. Bullying D. Child Abuse

98. What​ color of ID is for Chief and plantilla positions or regular employee of DepEd?A. Yellow​ B. Blue
C​ . Red D​ .Black
A. A​ . Yellow​ B. D​ . Black
C. C​ . Red​ D. B​ . Blue​
​ Refers to the symbol of DepEd duly approved by the Offce of the President, Malacanan, Manila,
and as department service mark, it should be treated with respect (DepEd Order No. 63, s. 2011) ​ A.
DepEd logo ​ B. DepEd seal​ C. DepEd zeal ​ D. Philippine Flag
A. D​ . Philippine Flag B. C​ . DepEd zeal​
C. A​ . DepEd logo​ D. B​ . DepEd seal​

100. The​ offcial brown envelope size should have the seal placed at________A​ . Uppermost left
portion B​ . Uppermost right​ C. Uppermost center​ D. Lowermost left portion
A. C​ . Uppermost center​ B. D​ . Lowermost left portion
C. B​ . Uppermost right​ D. A​ . Uppermost left portion
1 B 41 D 81 C
2 C 42 B 82 D
3 C 43 D 83 A
4 B 44 D 84 B
5 A 45 C 85 B
6 C 46 C 86 D
7 D 47 C 87 C
8 A 48 C 88 A
9 C 49 A 89 B
10 C 50 D 90 B
11 D 51 A 91 B
12 D 52 B 92 B
13 C 53 C 93 C
14 C 54 B 94 B
15 A 55 B 95 B
16 B 56 B 96 A
17 D 57 C 97 D
18 B 58 B 98 C
19 A 59 D 99 D
20 A 60 B 100 D
21 D 61 B
22 D 62 A
23 C 63 C
24 D 64 C
25 D 65 D
26 A 66 B
27 C 67 A
28 B 68 C
29 D 69 A
30 D 70 C
31 A 71 D
32 B 72 C
33 D 73 A
34 A 74 A
35 A 75 A
36 B 76 B
37 B 77 D
38 D 78 B
39 D 79 D
40 D 80 A

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