Digital Acceleration
Digital Acceleration
Digital Acceleration
Top technologies driving
growth in a time of crisis
Tech-savvy organizations are
outperforming their peers
during the pandemic. 16%pts
6%pts 12%pts
average revenue premium 10%pts
across 12 industries 9%pts
Percentage represents the revenue growth premium between organizations with high
technology adoption (cloud, AI, mobile etc.) and others in each industry. n=1,202
Across industries, the mix of critical Cloud and artificial intelligence have
technologies to performance contribution before become more important as performance
and during COVID-19 has changed dramatically. differentiators.
Ranking of technologies according to revenue impact Top performers are
Artificial intelligence
74% more
likely to use hybrid cloud to improve
security and resiliency of critical
business processes
3 Cloud 3
6 in 10
4 Advanced analytics 4
Top performers
34% 65% All others
n=6,163 n=1,501
Top performers
25% 55%
All others
28% All others Top performers
n=515 n=6,163
Workforce Cybersecurity
Top performers are 5 times more 5 Top performers are 6
likely to synthesize internal with external
data to improve workforce management 72% more
likely to use AI to gather and assess
All others threat intelligence
10% 5x
more 72%
10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Top performers
All others Top performers
n=1,505 n=515
Sixty percent of surveyed
executives are accelerating
their company’s digital
transformation during the
In two-thirds of the industries
we studied, companies that
embraced key technologies
have gained a significant
revenue premium during
the pandemic.
These and other findings can inform your strategy and help
guide and prioritize technology investments. You can use
this report to understand how and where you can apply
transformational technologies against key capabilities in
your business.
Figure 1
COVID-19 causes unprecedented sales volatility
Jan 15 Feb 1 Feb 15 Mar 1 Mar 15 Apr 1 Apr 15 May 1 May 15 Jun 1 Jun 15 Jul 1 Jul 15 Aug 1 Aug 15 Sep 1 Sep 15 Oct 1 Oct 15
The mix of critical technologies
before and during COVID-19
has changed dramatically, with
cloud and AI showing the
largest gains.
Figure 2
Industries have been impacted differently by COVID-19 and
were on different growth trajectories prior to disruption
Healthcare Banking Average
Industrial products growth
Consumer products Telecom Insurance
Automotive Retail
Chemicals Moderate
Media and entertainment Aerospace and defense
In this report, we break down the objective facts and – Next, diving into what we see as six key capabilities
circumstances for industries and organizations. We look at needed to successfully navigate the pandemic, we look
different industries and capabilities, and at how technology at the role and impact of specific technologies, up to and
decisions affect each of them. Specifically: including the recent past. Capabilities range from
business continuity to workforce safety and security.
– For each major industry—and overall across industries— This allows us to assess the importance of specific
we ascertain the strategic role of specific major technologies to each capability that help guide
technologies in enabling success and resilience. organizations’ strategic investments and priorities.
Measured against financial performance, we examine
– Finally, drawing from conclusions of our analysis, we
their relative impact on business outcomes, including
present what business leaders can learn from the
whether specific technologies have a bigger impact in
behavior of organizations that have outperformed their
some industries than in others. Finally, we establish
peers during this time.
whether conclusions from each of these analytic
approaches remain consistent before and during the
COVID-19 pandemic, or if current circumstances have
revealed a change in technological relevance and
High-technology adopters
outperformed their peers on
revenue during COVID-19
disruption in 12 out of 18
industries analyzed.
Does the impact of this technology mix vary by key TSB: Smart Agent for smart
business capabilities? What are the potential
combinations that optimize performance returns? banking
Drilling down further, we found the most pronounced
TSB, a bank based in the UK, experienced a spike in
impact of different technologies for business performance
customer volumes during the COVID-19 crisis for
in the supply chain and operations capability. Cloud, data
items such as requests for details on how to apply for
management, intelligent automation and IoT are the
a repayment holiday on mortgages, personal loans
leading differentiating technologies. Forty-two percent of
and business loans. The company deployed a “Smart
executives report that intelligent automation reduced
Agent” function to its site in only 5 days, enabling
operating costs and 60 percent more outperformers than
customers to ask a chatbot or live agent about
others use a hybrid cloud management platform to simplify
measures the bank is taking during the pandemic.
core business processes. AI is also emerging as an
In addition, the company enabled more than 250
important performance differentiating technology for this
employees, most of whom were working from home.
domain, enabling more responsive and agile supply chains.
In just over a week, more than 11,000 requests had
While many organizations have prioritized greater use of
already been made through Smart Agent, and the
data as a key area for building competitive advantage, our
feature freed up its branch and call center employees
analysis suggests that hybrid cloud is increasingly
to focus on dealing with the most vulnerable
important across business capabilities and acts as a
customers and those who needed essential services.
greater performance differentiator than data alone.5 For
Since its launch, Smart Agent has been enhanced
example, to create greater levels of agility and efficiency,
further to include the ability to authenticate the iden-
outperformers leverage hybrid cloud almost twice as
tity of customers and the service will also be included
much as others.
within the TSB mobile app.
Technologies are playing an increasingly performance-
differentiating role in the way the workforce is being
effectively employed, engaged, and developed. While cloud
and data are important, AI is particularly differentiating for
workforce, with outperformers using AI for communication
with employees twice as often and almost 90 percent more
frequently use AI for employee development and training.
While differences in the role of
key technologies existed prior to
the pandemic, the subsequent
business disruption and, in
some cases, chaos, made the
differences much more evident.
Digital technologies for cloud and AI was only associated with superior financial
performance in a few select industries prior to the
growth and resilience disruption, recent events have made technology adoption
a far more important contributor to business performance
Across industries, organizations have leveraged across most industries. This suggests that the role of
technologies to drive competitive advantage. However, technology in shaping successful performance and
the mix of technologies and the manner in which they have operations emerging from the COVID-19 disruption will be
been deployed varies greatly from industry to industry, very different from the pre-pandemic era.
suggesting different levers of success per industry.
While differences in the role of key technologies existed Indeed, to the extent that the recent turmoil is symptomatic
prior to the pandemic, the subsequent business disruption of the global economy entering a new era of elevated risk—
and, in some cases, chaos, made the differences much with not only pandemics but also greater environmental,
more evident. political and social risks—there is likely to be a greater
premium on successfully leveraging the potential of digital
Our analysis reveals that in 12 of 18 surveyed industries, technologies for more resilient and agile organizations in
businesses with the correct mix of digital capabilities in the future.
place fared better and have shown greater resilience in
their performance. In some cases, they have even thrived. Moreover, while technology adoption is positively
However, specific technologies supporting resilience are associated with financial performance in most industries
not uniform across industries. during the COVID-19 disruption, the magnitude of the
differentiation between high technology adopters and
First, we examined if organizations’ financial performance the rest is not uniform.
in terms of revenue growth was more sensitive to adoption
of specific digital technologies than others. To do this, we In retail, for example, differentiation was high. Businesses
created an adoption index for digital technologies and in the top 10 percent of technology adoption outperformed
compared the financial performance of organizations in the their peers by 16 percentage points on revenue growth
top 10 percent of technology adoption with others in the during the pandemic. For a typical USD 10 billion revenue
industry. We looked at the data for both a pre-COVID period company this is equivalent to a revenue premium for high
(pre-2020) and during the pandemic (the first half of 2020). technology adopters of USD 1.6 billion in a year.
We found that not only does technology adoption vary In insurance, and energy and utilities, the revenue
greatly across industries, but the relationship between outperformance during the pandemic was 10 and 12
technology adoption and financial performance showed percentage points respectively, while in the badly affected
significant variation between industries. More importantly, travel industry the high technology adopters outperformed
technology adoption has become a far more important their peers on revenue by 9 percentage points.
performance differentiator during the COVID-19 disruption
Overall, across the 12 industries where technology was a
than it was previously.
significant differentiator amid the COVID-19 disruption, the
average revenue premium for high technology adopters
was more than 6 percentage points. These findings show
that digital technologies have become an important source
of competitive advantage during the pandemic.
Which mix matters most?
To ascertain the optimal technology mix, and how this mix
Chemicals: Using cloud and
has changed during the recent disruption, we looked at AI to drive additional working
specific technologies to determine if some provide greater
impact on revenue growth than others and how this impact
has changed during the pandemic. We also examined how COVID-19 impacts on business dynamics caused
this varies by industry. a major, multinational chemicals company to set
aggressive goals for increasing working capital by the
For this assessment, we looked at the financial impact of
end of 2020. An important source of savings for the
seven key technologies within and across 18 industries.
company is spare parts inventory management, which
This analysis revealed some stark differences in the role of
relies on accurate data on the state of critical inven-
individual technologies in contributing to organizations’
tory and future needs.
financial performance and how the relative importance of
various technologies has changed significantly as a result This company deployed a cloud/AI platform that uses
of the recent disruption. statistical analysis, prescriptive analytics, optimi-
zation algorithms and process automation to help
Cloud has become a more important contributor to revenue
increase profit margins, increase service levels, and
performance during the pandemic in 11 of the industries
reduce unplanned downtime. With the new platform,
analyzed, most notably in life sciences, healthcare,
the company expects to decrease inventory levels
aerospace and defense, petroleum, and travel and
by 13.6 percent while improving inventory decisions
transportation. In these industries, companies that have
through data integration, analytics and process
invested more in their cloud capabilities prior to the
automation. It also expects to achieve its goal of an
disruption have fared significantly better in terms of
additional USD 50 million working capital by the end
revenue performance during the pandemic.
of 2020.
AI has seen its role as performance differentiating
technology enhanced in nine industries, for example in
banking and financial markets, chemicals, industrial
products and life sciences where companies that have
made significant investment in AI gained revenue
premiums during COVID-19 compared to non-adopters.
In Figure 4, a quadrant chart lays out performance impact Blockchain, RPA and IoT are Emerging, indicating that
on one axis and level of investment on the other. This these technologies have yet to mature to a level where they
analysis yields four segments describing roles of are significantly impacting business performance in the
technology before and during COVID-19. It also shows the industry.
changing dynamics of technology adoption in banking and
financial markets and how investment levels and This assessment can be quite different by industry. In
performance impact are correlated. industrial products, many of these technologies fall into
other quadrants, such as IoT and cloud as Essentials,
In banking and financial markets, for example, cloud and mobile devices as Differentiators and AI and 3D printing as
advanced analytics are Differentiators, helping Opportunities for early mover advantage.
organizations stand out in the marketplace, generate
improved revenues, and optimize operations. AI is an It is evident from the above that the disruption associated
Opportunity for early mover advantage with limited with the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a shift in the role
adoption across the industry, but high-performance of each digital technology across and within industries in
impact. Mobile devices are Essentials, suggesting they are shaping business performance. This is not merely a
very important but also increasingly adopted or deployed temporary diversion on the longer digital transformation
by a larger segment of the industry, thus helping drive journey. It constitutes a more fundamental change in the
performance but not acting as a differentiating technology capabilities and technologies required to succeed in the
in the marketplace. future, both during future disruptions and during the next
Figure 4
Banking and Financial Markets
Performance impact
of technology
Opportunities Differentiators
Artificial intelligence
Advanced analytics
Internet of Things
Robotic Process Automation
Blockchain and DLT Mobile
Emerging Essentials
Figure 5
Where different technologies fit
Insight: Developing and Chapter 4
reading the technology- Building the capabilities for
capability heat maps success
The heat maps presented in this report are based
In the prior chapter, we determined that the technology mix
on analysis of data from multiple surveys covering
for success varies by industry, we are now going deeper and
different technologies, capabilities, and industries.
exploring in which specific areas these have the greatest
The data from the different surveys has allowed us
to map metrics for individual technologies against
different capabilities, and ascertain if they are asso- We established six key operational focus areas that are
ciated with improved business performance. We have consistently core for industries in navigating the risks and
done this across and within individual industries. opportunities associated with COVID-19.6 Developing these
For the “overall” heat map, the data has been used capabilities involves building operating models that appear
to estimate a score of 1-10 for the adoption, use and to drive success in uncertain environments.
prioritization given to a particular technology for the
The six capabilities are:
relevant capability. A score of 1 represents a low
adoption, use, and priority, while a score of 10 is a – Agility and efficiency
very high adoption, use, and priority. – Customer engagement
For the “performance” heat map, the data has been – Supply chain and operations
used to estimate a score of 1-10 of differences – IT resiliency and business continuity
between high performers (revenue and profitability) – Workforce
and others in the adoption, use, and priority given – Cybersecurity
to a particular technology for a relevant capability.
A score of 1 represents no difference while a score The way in which these technologies underpin the required
of 10 represents a very high difference, with high capabilities varies not only by industry, but also by
performers showing significantly greater adoption, capability.
use and priority given to a particular technology for a
relevant capability. For the first time, our ground-breaking analysis maps key
exponential technology priorities against each of the six
business capabilities (see Figure 6).
Figure 6 shows:
Six key operational focus
areas are consistently core
for industries in navigating
the risks and opportunities
associated with COVID-19.
Figure 6
There is a wide variation in the priority given to and link to
performance for different technologies by capability
Now let’s look at each of the key six operational capabilities – Differentiating: Technologies that are performance
individually. For each, we summarize this in a simple table: differentiating and widely adopted within an industry.
1) the relative level of adoption of key technologies for each – Opportunity: Technologies that are performance
operational capability, and 2) the magnitude of the differentiating but not yet widely adopted within an
correlation between the use and adoption of these industry, offering opportunity for early-mover advantage.
technologies and financial performance.
– Essential: Technologies that already are widely adopted
From this analysis, we can then attribute each technology within an industry but no longer differentiating.
to one of the following categories: Differentiating, – Emerging: Technologies with potential, but have yet to
Opportunity, Essential, or Emerging, as well as highlight key become widely adopted or act as significant performance
associated business opportunities. differentiators within an industry
Agility and efficiency for a new normal Our analysis shows that outperformers use their cloud
The world has changed—permanently. Businesses and capabilities for more advanced agile development and
their customers want stable, predictable operations that delivery 93 percent more frequently that others, and 75
are always available and ready. Disruptions due to percent more often use advanced cloud and data usage to
unexpected events will not be easily tolerated. These respond to changing expectations.
requirements need to be met dynamically, intelligently,
and effectively.
Driving deeper for better customer engagement Outperformers use cloud technologies 60 percent more
Organizations need to get more out of their data to than all others to deliver consistent customer service. They
empower their customers and employees and enhance are also delivering self-service user experiences on the
their experiences in response to increasing demands for cloud 76 percent more often.
personalization—all while making marked improvements in
efficiency and agility.
Customer engagement
Blockchain Low Low Emerging Enable buyers to work with new suppliers rapidly
Intelligent Low Medium-High Opportunity Improve risk management and reliability
The company adjusted its e-commerce model prioritizing The company put its disaster recovery on a cloud service
essential medicines and other healthcare products and model. One of JBM’s objectives was to provide a sustained
support. It also implemented virtual queues to manage tool for business transactions. The entire cloud model,
traffic on the website and double the frequency of software which now stores six terabytes of data, was implemented
releases to deliver new critical capabilities which enhanced in five weeks.
its ability to manage the new workload.
The company says the new solution has helped it achieve
“always on” enterprise, driven by disaster recovery on
the cloud and IT optimization as-a-service delivery mode.
JBM’s improved technology compliance also has improves
stakeholders’ confidence.
Reimagining workforce capabilities two years ago. They can start by adjusting and optimizing
It has long been said that for many organizations their most the deployment of the workforce, and reimagining work and
important assets walk out the door everyday: their people. the work environment at every level.
When the pandemic started, many walked out and could
not return. Ready or not, work-from-home became the Outperformers use cloud to improve employee experiences
norm for millions of employees. Now, companies want to at nearly double the rate of others. They are using AI for
prepare them to return to work with confidence by employee communication, development, and training more
prioritizing the wellness of employees and the safety of than 85 percent more often. And they combine internal HR
workplaces. Ninety-two percent of executives state that data with data from outside the firewall to improve
workforce safety and security will be a high priority in the workforce management five times more frequently than
next two years, a more than two-fold increase compared to others.
Blockchain Medium-Low Low Emerging Explore for better security against fraud and digital identity
Intelligent Medium-Low Medium-High Opportunity Improve information security
Data Medium Medium-Low Essential Improved visibility and reduced risk
There is a need to blend
technologies with the right
capabilities, and the right
mix of technologies varies
by industry.
It is not one-size fits all; each In banking and financial markets, there is growing use of
intelligent automation to support various capabilities and
industry has its own optimal processes, and it is particularly differentiating among high
performers for customer engagement. For example, high
fingerprint performers in banking and financial markets leverage
automated processes and self-learning software to
Finally, when zooming in on individual industries and the
deepen customer relationships over four times more than
role that different technologies play, the particular
their industry peers.
challenges and opportunities of a given industry give rise to
different technology priorities. For example, when In automotive, intelligent automation is more
conducting a similar “heat map” analysis for two differentiating for supply chain and operations. For this
industries—automotive and banking and financial capability, automotive organizations are also using IoT for
markets—marked differences are found. improved performance, with 71 percent of organizations
identifying IoT as being important for their operations.
While cloud technologies are important for both industries,
it is more of a competitive differentiator in banking and These findings indicate that there is a need to blend
financial markets. In contrast, AI for customer engagement technologies with the right capabilities, and that the right
is a particularly differentiating use of technology within the mix of technologies varies by industry. Achieving the right
automotive industry. High performers in the automotive mix for your particular industry will act as a catalyst for
industry are 257 percent more likely to be using AI to short-term success, as well as provide the foundation for
evaluate customer satisfaction and 32 percent more likely transforming your organization for the future.
to have adopted AI in their customer service function.
Chapter 5 In this new Cognitive Enterprise, intelligent workflows
afford a new “center of gravity” that motivates seamless
Intelligent workflows: As your organization attempts to make this shift, you
– Embed exponential technologies: AI, IoT, automation, should consider three important guidelines:
blockchain, and 5G can be leveraged at scale and in
combination to truly change the nature of workflows. – Organizations must work to secure both the human and
A critical requirement is to work out how and where these machine elements along intelligent workflows, data
technologies can have the most impact and drive the sources, their attendant applications, and the underlying
biggest returns infrastructure.
– Drive value from data: Data readiness is a pre-condition – Security of business platforms will be critical to trust and
for value—and readiness includes attributes such as their longevity, but companies need to balance this with
accuracy, cleanliness, standards, openness, and frictionless customer and employee experiences.
permission. It is estimated that 80 percent of the effort
– The ecosystem of business platforms requires an open
in deploying AI is getting data ready for use.13
network approach to security across all parties, driving
– Deploy through hybrid multicloud: Hybrid cloud collaboration and insights at speed.
architectures can release the value of trapped data and
functionality, along with handling the transition between The post-COVID-19 business environment will look vastly
old and new applications. Hybrid cloud also can de-risk different than the beginning of 2020. The need and the
architectural choices through “build once, deploy opportunity for digital transformation will never be clearer.
anywhere” approaches. This report can help you understand how and where to
apply digital transformation against key capabilities in your
Enterprise experience and humanity: industry. The race to determine the next generation of
– Elevate human-technology partnerships: Automation will outperformers has started. Is your organization ready to
handle repetitive tasks while platforms and workflows take the lead?
will surface new spaces for insight, creating new areas
for humans to add value. As humans adopt better tools,
they will “up their game” and as the technology becomes
more intuitive, their adoption of it will increase.
– Cultivate smart leadership, skills, and culture: As
business platforms straddle industry boundaries,
leaders will need to look outside traditional industry
networks to seek insights. The ability to communicate
unambiguously about the organization’s intent is more
critical than ever
– Perform with purposeful agility: Agile ways of working
can have huge value, but they need to be made more
purposeful for greater effectiveness and efficiency. In
addition, purposeful agility helps define the business
architecture and other architectural choices.14
Research methodology The findings from the regression analysis as well as the
technology investment data were combined to create a
Our approach to this study has drawn on data from multiple categorization of technologies by industry along two
different surveys covering different aspects of technology principal dimensions: Investment in a given technology
use and its relationship to business priorities and along the x-axis and the relationship between investment
performance. in that technology and revenue performance (as measured
by the coefficient in the regression run) on the y-axis.
Technology adoption and business performance This allowed us to categorize technologies per industry
by industry as follows: Differentiating technologies that are being
We have created a technology adoption index for each invested in and are creating significant performance
industry to understand its relationship to business impact; Essential technologies that are being widely
performance. For each industry, we identified the five invested in but are not associated with significant
most important technologies based on the share of differentiation in business performance; Opportunities that
companies in the industry having made some investment are not yet widely invested in but linked to significantly
in the technology. The technology adoption index is better business performance; Emerging technologies that
calculated as the average level of investment (scale 1-5) are not yet widely invested in nor associated with
in this selection of technologies. significant business performance impact.
Based on the calculated technology indices, we then Technologies for different capabilities
identified the top ten percent technology adopters within To understand the role of different technologies in shaping
each industry. Linking the technology adoption index to the relevant operational capabilities for the future, we
financial performance (average revenue growth rate in looked in more detail at technology adoption and priorities
2017-2019) for the top ten percent of adopters and the rest for specific functions and operating objectives. To this end,
we identified the difference in financial performance. we drew on data from multiple surveys covering different
The same was done against performance during the technologies and their use across functions. The relevant
COVID-19 disruption by looking at revenue resilience data for each technology was mapped against six core
estimated as the percentage change in revenue between capabilities, creating a heat map that shows the role of
1H2020 and 1H2019. This was done for each industry.15 different technologies by capability.
Technology categorization and prioritization Two heat maps were created: one showing the overall
by industry adoption, prioritization, and use of technologies by
To get a more nuanced view of how individual technologies capability, and one looking at the difference in adoption,
contribute to business performance, we conducted prioritization, and use of technologies by capability
multivariate regression analysis. between high performers (on revenue and profitability) and
others. Looking at technology adoption, prioritization and
For the first analysis, we had average annual revenue use through these two lenses provides insight into how
growth in the period 2017-2019 as dependent variable in technologies are being used on the one hand and whether
order to ascertain the relationship between technology they are associated with differentiating business
investment and revenue performance prior to COVID-19. performance on the other.
To test the relationship between technology investment Where data allowed, we also conducted this analysis for a
and business performance during the COVID-19 disruption, selection of individual industries, to ascertain how the use
we ran regression runs with the delta in revenue between and differentiating impact of technologies by capability
first half of 2020 and first half of 2019 as a percentage of varies by industry.
revenue in the first half of 2019 as dependent variable.
About the authors
Jean-Stéphane Payraudeau Anthony Marshall
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jean-Stéphane Payraudeau is Managing Partner, Anthony Marshall is Senior Research Director at the IBM
responsible for IBM’s thought leadership research and Institute for Business Value (IBV), leading the company’s
publications, centers of competence for Industries, as well top-rated thought leadership and analysis program. He
as Global Business Services offerings and assets. In leads a global team of 50 technology and industry experts,
tandem with fellow IBM Services and Industry leaders, statisticians, economists and analysts.
Jean-Stéphane’s team drives, coordinates, and builds the
key elements that accelerate clients’ journeys towards Anthony also is personally active in conducting original
becoming Cognitive Enterprises enabled by hybrid cloud. thought leadership in areas including innovation, digital
transformation, artificial intelligence and cloud strategy.
Jean-Stéphane is a member of the GBS Business
Consulting global leadership team. He has extensive
business management experience as well as expertise in
complex enterprise transformation in the domains of
finance, HR, and procurement.
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