Flow Making 2
Flow Making 2
Flow Making 2
Creating ManyChat flows are a must for doing giveaways and accomplishing automation. We
usually create flows depending upon the phase of the launch we are in. For instance, Hyper
Launch1.1 flow is different from HL1.2 or HL2.
Newbies should rehearse flow creation on ManyChat before going for hands-on as it will assist you
and you will not face any drawbacks and complications while establishing one for a client.
You can create flows for practice on manychat for free. Of Course, you will not be able to access
some premium features but trust me it is worth it to try and drill on a free one.
Here are steps and some important guidelines to keep in mind while you are creating a ManyChat
1- Create an account on Manychat or link your Facebook with it.
2- Connect it with your page. (if you don't have any then create a new page and link it)
3- After your page is linked. ManyChat will be integrated with it and now you can create flows.
4- For flow creation go at "Automation". Then click on "flows". Then click on the “new flow” at the
top right corner.
5- A dialogue box will open.
Name the flow and start creating it.
(Create according to you or your clients' needs) like HL 1(phase 1 and 2) HL2 flows or customer
support flows. It's better to name your flows in a manner so that you can keep a track of them
6- After creating the flow. You can either integrate it with your page messenger(if you are using it for
customer support) or you can integrate it with your ad if you are using it for Hyper launch.
7- To integrate it with ad first create an ad then copy the JSON code from manychat and paste it in
advance JSON set up in the ad.
8- Do giveaways according to your client's needs and don't do too much on the same day. Put a
specific limit. For this impose a condition in the flow.
While creating flows conserve these things in your mind:
A- Try not to type "free" in any message.
B- Apply button settings in the flow.
C- In button dialogue box choose action and select the "subscribe to a bot" so that bot can handle it.
D- Flows steps are to offer the product buying invitation to the customer
E- Try to make the message short as it is convenient for the buyer to read. Use policy with the buyer.
F- Policy must have text that shows the state of Urgency like this offer is only available for an hour
or else.
G- Using “Perform actions” will save the buyers data in MC.
H- Set your time zone to the US As we are targeting the US market place. You don’t want to do
giveaways according to Pakistani Time
I- If flows do not work correctly then go for "refresh permissions"(important)
J- Click publish and your flow will start working.
K- To integrate it with FB ads, go to "Growth Tools", then "new growth tools" then "Facebook ad
JSON". Copy the JSON code from there and paste it as defined above.
Some important things.
If you have any type of questions or anything else please let me know I will be more than happy to
answer your queries.