Kerin Ogg - Lucid Dreams, False Awakenings, Figures of The Fan in Kon Satoshi
Kerin Ogg - Lucid Dreams, False Awakenings, Figures of The Fan in Kon Satoshi
Kerin Ogg - Lucid Dreams, False Awakenings, Figures of The Fan in Kon Satoshi
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Lucid Dreams,
False Awakenings:
Figures of the Fan
¡n Kon Satoshi
158 K E R I N OGG
You get preoccupied with what you want to do, and ignore what you have
to do. Don’t you understand that your irresponsibility cost lives? Of course
not. Nothing can get through all that fat.... If you want to be the king of
geeks (otaku no osama) with your bloated ego, then just keep up all this and
indulge in your freakish masturbation!
Animation production does not come off any better. To be sure, episode
10 of Paranoia Agent depicts the staff working on the diegetic Mellow Maromi
160 K E R I N OGG
162 K E R I N O GG
f ig u r e 2. The creation process, part one: Sagi s original sketch of her assailant.
From Paranoia Agent.
164 K E R I N OGG
f ig u r e 3. The creation process, part two: the public embellishes/appropriates Shónen Bat. From
Paranoia Agent.
166 K E R I N OGG
4. Four faces of Maniwa: detective, otaku, Radar Man, and the new "Ancient Master."
f ig u r e
From Paranoia Agent.
168 K E R I N O GG
170 K E R I N OGG
If there is a more pathetic sight than the underlying reality of Radar Man, it
is the helplessness of the ordinary Tokyoites swallowed up by the Shónen Bat
monster— that is, by their own creation. Repeating Paranoia Agent’s open-
ing scene at the end of the series underscores who’s really responsible for
bringing the apocalypse down on everyones heads . . . and their continued
obliviousness to it. Kon shows the world post-Shónen Bat to be virtually un-
changed: people still run from responsibility, find ways to isolate themselves
even in overcrowded railcars, and distract themselves with the Maromi-like
Konya the cat. As an assessment of society as a whole, it is bleak, but for that
very reason animation fans may find something to grin about as a girl taps
out a text message reading “What? That’s an animation, right? Cant we see
something more like a normal movie?” It is a rare vindication of the médium
from Kon, a small encouragement for otaku, and perhaps a sign that those
who take their entertainment more seriously than most have a leg up.
172 K E R I N O GG
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