Yagasu Tree Audit - Tally Sheet - AC

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LCF2-Yagasu2 Tree Audit of Plantations in Y1 and Y2 Nov-Dec 2021

Tally sheet 1: Plot description

Date : …………………………… Type : Evian plot / Regular plot

District : ……………………… Village: ……………………………
Plot number :………..(1 – 120) Plot ID. : ……..
Name of the owner : …………… Tel of the owner: ………………………
GPS reading : Altitude : __________(m)
Long. ________________________ Lat.____________________________
Area planted in the plot: …………………… ha
Area without mangrove plantation in the plot: …………………… ha

Category: Pond / Riverbank / Coastal If the plot is a pond, is it active? Yes/No

If not, why: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Soil condition: muddy (soft) /sandy (hard)

Are there mature mangrove trees inside or nearby the plot 1? No / R. apiculata / R. mucronata
/ R. stylosa / Avicennia spp / Other (precise) ……………….................................................................

Plot elevation and flooding pattern:

Low elevation / Flooded by all high tides, including Neap high tides
Medium elevation / Flooded by average high tides
High elevation / Flooded only by Spring high tides

Are there signs of hydrological disturbances and/or exposure to waves, currents and wind?
Intact dykes + pond gate
Broken dykes +/- pond gate
Presence of artificial channels draining water out of the plot
Obstruction of natural or artificial channels preventing water entry
Stagnant water (inc. semi-permanent flooding in active ponds)
Sedimentation: roots buried by sedimentary material, mini delta close to water inlets, visible
increase of sediment elevation in parts of the plot
Erosion: uncovered roots, presence of small to large erosion channels, scouring of river
Broken or crooked trunks and branches
Other (precise): …………….

Period of plantation (Year/Month): From ………/………. To ………/………

Number of propagules/seedlings planted and replaced:
Initially planted Replaced
Direct planting Nursery Direct planting Nursery
(propagules) Seedlings (propagules) Seedlings
R. apiculata

Nearby mature trees must be hydrologically connected to the plot to be considered
LCF2-Yagasu2 Tree Audit of Plantations in Y1 and Y2 Nov-Dec 2021

R. mucronata
R. stylosa
Avicennia spp
Other (precise)
 ……..
 ……..
 ……..

Planting density applied: … m x … m

If the plot is a pond, was the pond planting plan applied? Yes/No
What are deviations to the plan observed? ……………………………………………………………… …..
Number of times the plot was monitored by the owner since plantation: ……………………………..
Number of times the plot was monitored by Yagasu since plantation: ………………………………..

Observed causes of mortality:

Flooding is too frequent (plot is too low or water drainage is disturbed)
Flooding is too rare (plot is too high or water supply is disturbed)
The plot is too exposed to waves and currents, resulting in erosion of the sediment and
unrooting of mangrove seedlings
Sedimentation resulting in increased elevation and decreased flooding, and/or burial of
seedlings by sandy/silty material
Mangrove seedlings damaged by cattle
Logging (precise): clear cut/selective for charcoal/firewood/timber
Conversion (precise): pond/salt pan/housing & infrastructure/palm oil/other agricultural land
Presence of pests and disease (precise): ……………………………………………………….
Other (precise): ………………………………………………………………………………………

Main causes of mortality according to the plot owner:


Tally sheet 2: Density plot

Plot number :………..(1 – 120) Plot ID. : ……..

Transect ID. : ……..
GPS reading : Altitude : __________(m)
Long. ________________________ Lat.____________________________
GPS measuring distance shift : ……… m
Compass direction of transect: ________( 0 )
Density Plot (Rectangular/Square): … m x … m
LCF2-Yagasu2 Tree Audit of Plantations in Y1 and Y2 Nov-Dec 2021

No. Mangrove species Height Plant condition Note

(m) (Good/dying/dead)

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