Activity 3.2.4 Beam Analysis Short Cuts

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Beam formulas can be used to quickly calculate end reactions, shear, and bending moments based on the type of loading imposed on the beam.

Beam formulas allow engineers to calculate end reactions, shear, and bending moments without creating shear and moment diagrams, saving time.

MD Solids provides the most comprehensive analysis by allowing users to create shear and moment diagrams for beams under different loading conditions.

Activity 3.2.

4 Beam Analysis Short Cuts

As you performed calculations during Activity 3.2.3 Beam Analysis, you may have
noticed a pattern to the calculation of end reactions and the resulting shear and
moment diagrams. In fact, mathematical formulas can be developed to represent the
magnitude of the end reactions, shear, and bending moments based on the type of
loading imposed on the beam. Engineers typically use these time-saving formulas in
lieu of creating shear and moment diagrams.

 Engineering notebook
 Computer with MD Solids software
 Pencil

Use the following beam formulas to complete the activities below. All beams are
16 feet in length. All uniform loads are w = 100 lb/ft and all concentrated loads are
P = 500 lb. Assume the distance a = 4 ft.

1. Use the beam formulas given for each beam diagram to calculate the end
reactions and maximum moment for each loading case. Then compare your
answers to the end reactions and maximum moment you found in Activity 3.2.3
Beam Analysis. Note that, for this activity, the deflection formulas are provided
for reference only.
2. Use MD Solids to create the shear and bending moment diagrams. Remember
to reset between problems. Print out the diagrams and attach them to this
activity. Compare the shear and bending moment diagrams with the diagrams
you created in Activity 3.2.3 Beam Analysis.

Note: For all formulas

L= Length of beam (ft)
P = Concentrated load in pounds (lb)
ω = Uniform load
R = End reaction (lb)
M = Bending moment ( ft ∙ lb )
a = Distance from left support to point of load application (ft)
b = Distance from the support to point of load application as shown in diagram (ft)

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Civil Engineering and Architecture Activity 3.2.4 Beam Analysis Short Cuts– Page 1
1. Simple Beam – Concentrated Load at Center

L L = 16, W = 100 lbs, P = 500

2 lbs, a = 4 ft Reaction

R =R = P
500/2 = 250 lbs
Moment = PL
(at point of load) max 4
16 x 500 = 8000 / 4 = 2000 ftlb
Δmax= 48PEI
(at point of load)

2. Simple Beam – Uniformly Distributed Load

L = 16, W = 100 lb/ft, P = 500
L lbs, a = 4 ft
R =R = ωL
Reaction A B
100 x 16 = 1600/2 = 800
ω L2
M max=
(at center)
100 x 256 / 8 = 3200
Δmax= 5384
ω L4
(at center)

3. Simple Beam – Uniformly Distributed Load and Concentrated Load at Mid-Span

L = 16, W = 100 lb/ft, P = 500 lbs, a = 4 ft
R =R = P + ωL
Reaction A B
500/2 + 1600/2 = 1050 lbs
PLω L2
Moment M max= 4 +
(at point of load)
2000 + 3200 = 5200 ft/lbs

PL5 ω L4
Δmax= 4 + 384 EI
(at point of load)

4. Simple Beam – Two Equal Concentrated Loads – Symmetrically Placed

L = 16, W = 100 lb/ft, P = 500 lbs, a = 4 ft
Reaction 500 lbs MomentRA =RB =P
(between loads)

500 x 4 = 2000 ftlbs

3 L2−4 a¿
Δmax= 24 EI ¿
(at center)

5. Simple Beam – Two Equal Concentrated Loads – Symmetrically Placed

and Uniformly Distributed Load
L = 16, W = 100 lb/ft, P = 500 lbs, a = 4 ft
L R =R =P+ ωL
Reaction AB
500 + 800 = 1300 lbs
ω L2
Moment M max=Pa+ 8
(between loads)

2000 lbft + 3200 lbft = 5200 ftlb

5 ω L4
Deflection Δmax= 384 EI +
3 L2−4 a¿
Pa ¿
24 EI
(at center)
6. Simple Beam Concentrated Loads – Asymmetrically Placed
L = 16, W = 100 lb/ft, P = 500 lbs, a = 4 ft
R = Pb
Reaction A
R = Pa
Reaction A = 500 x 12 / 16 = 375 lbs
Reaction B = 2000 / 16 = 125 lbs
= Pab
Moment M max
(at Point of Load)

500 x 4 = 2000 x 12 = 24000/ 16 =

1500 ftlb
Δmax = Pab(a+ 2b) √ 3 a(a+2 b)
27 EI

a(a+2 b)
√ 3,
whena> b )
1 Which of the three analysis methods (sketching shear and moment diagrams,
beam formulas, or MD solids) do you prefer? Why?
I prefer the beam formulas because I’m not sure how to use MD Solids.

2 Which method provides the quickest calculation for maximum shear and
moment? The MD Solids program but I am unable to use it.

3 Which method provides the most comprehensive

analysis? MD Solids

4 Why is it important to understand the mathematics and physics behind a formula

or computer program before relying on the results?
Because we need to be able to double check the results or identify when something
doesn’t make sense.

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