BS 812-102 Testing Aggregates Methods For Sampling

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Testing aggregates —
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Part 102: Methods for sampling

UDC [625.07 + 691.22]:620.113

BS 812-102:1989

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Cement,

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Gypsum, Aggregates and Quarry Products Standards Policy Committee

(CAB/-) to Technical Committee CAB/2, upon which the following bodies were

Aggregate Concrete Block Association

Association of Consulting Engineers
Association of Consulting Scientists
Association of Lightweight Aggregate Manufacturers
Brick Development Association
British Aggregate Construction Materials Industries
British Cement Association
British Ceramic Research Ltd.
British Civil Engineering Test Equipment Manufacturers’ Association
British Geological Sciences
British Precast Concrete Federation Ltd.
British Ready Mixed Concrete Association
British Steel Industry
Building Employers Confederation
Calcium Silicate Brick Association Limited
Chartered Institute of Building
Concrete Society
County Surveyors’ Society
Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment)
Department of the Environment (Property Services Agency)
Department of Transport (Transport and Road Research Laboratory)
Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales
Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
Institute of Concrete Technology
Institution of Civil Engineers
Institution of Highways and Transportation
This British Standard, having
been prepared under the
Institution of Structural Engineers
direction of the Cement, Institution of Water and Environmental Management (IWEM)
Gypsum, Aggregates and
Quarry Products Standards Mortar Producers Association Limited
Policy Committee, was Sand and Gravel Association Limited
published under the
authority of the Board of Society of Chemical Industry
BSI and comes into effect on
31 January 1990

© BSI 02-2000 Amendments issued since publication

First published July 1984
New edition January 1990
Amd. No. Date of issue Comments

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference CAB/2
Draft for comment 89/10124 DC

ISBN 0 580 17924 9

BS 812-102:1989


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
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0 Introduction 1
1 Scope 1
2 Definitions 1
3 Principle 1
4 Apparatus 1
5 Procedure for sampling coarse, fine and all-in aggregates 2
6 Sample reduction 3
7 Nominal description 3
8 Despatch of samples 4
9 Certificate of sampling 5
Appendix A Petrological description of natural aggregates 6
Appendix B Recommended form of certificate of sampling 8
Appendix C Description of particle shape and surface texture
of aggregates 9
Figure 1 — Sampling scoops 3
Figure 2 — A suitable type of sample divider (riffle-box) 4
Figure 3 — Typical particle shapes 10
Table 1 — Minimum number of sampling increments 2
Table 2 — Rock types commonly used for aggregates 7
Table 3 — Particle shape 9
Table 4 — Surface texture 9
Publications referred to Inside back cover

© BSI 02-2000 i
BS 812-102:1989


This Part of BS 812 has been prepared under the direction of the Cement,
Gypsum, Aggregates and Quarry Products Standards Policy Committee. This is
a new edition of this Section of BS 812. This edition introduces technical changes
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to bring the standard up-to-date but it does not reflect a full review of the
standard, which will be undertaken in due course. BS 812-102:19841) was a
revision of clauses 3, 5 and 6 of BS 812-1:1975 and this edition re-introduces, in
the form of an appendix, the description of particle shape and surface texture of
aggregates previously contained therein. The remainder of the 1975 edition is
being revised and as each of the tests, or collection of related tests is revised it is
intended to issue it as a separate Part or Section of this standard.
As part of the new approach to harmonization and standards in Europe, work on
testing of aggregates will become part of the programme of work to be undertaken
by CEN/TC 154, Aggregates. If the methods described in this standard are to be
included in that programme then, under the CEN Regulations, they will become
subject to standstill. The standstill is an obligation on the part of members of
CEN/CENELEC not to publish during a given period a new or revised national
standard which is not completely in line with a European Standard (EN) or a
Harmonized Document (HD) in existence or in preparation, or to take any other
action which could prejudice the intended harmonization. The next edition of this
standard could therefore be a dual British/European (EN) Standard.
It is intended that other British Standards should call up BS 812 test methods as
the basis of the compliance. Nevertheless, it is not intended that all aggregates
should be subjected regularly to all the listed tests. Specifications in other
standards should call up only relevant test methods.
Some of the tests in other Parts of this standard are of limited application, and
advice on the use of simpler tests is given, for example when they can be used for
a preliminary sorting of aggregates to see whether more expensive testing is
Reference should be made to BS 812-101 for general guidance on testing
aggregates, precision of test methods and variance arising from sampling errors.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.

Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity

from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 10, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.

1) Now withdrawn.

ii © BSI 02-2000
BS 812-102:1989

0 Introduction 2 Definitions
All the stages of sampling leading to the production For the purposes of this British Standard the
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of proper test portions require skill and care. definitions of petrological terms in BS 6100-5.2
Problems of several kinds arise. apply (see also Appendix A) together with the
a) Sampling may expose the operator to difficulty following.
and possible danger. Due considerations should 2.1
be given to the safety of the operator at all times. batch
Sampling within the body of a vehicle or under
a definite quantity of some commodity
chutes pose particular difficulties.
manufactured or produced under conditions which
b) Often it is not easy to discern a batch, and thus are presumed uniform
specifications that rely on this standard should NOTE With a continuous process the quantity produced during
state the maximum quantity that a bulk sample a specified period should be treated as a batch.
should represent. 2.2
c) Aggregates often segregate by size and, ideally, sampling increment
they should be sampled from large quantities
a quantity of material taken at one time from a
during loading or unloading, but this is often
larger body of material
NOTE When sampling aggregates, the material taken by a
The general principles of BS 5309-1 and BS 5309-4 single operation of the scoop should be treated as a sampling
should be followed in drawing up sampling plans. increment.
The method set out in clause 5 should be used as the 2.3
basis for tests for compliance with specifications for bulk sample
an aggregation of the sampling increments
Materials finer than 75 4m, used as fillers in
bituminous mixtures, should be sampled in
accordance with BS 4550-1, using procedures laboratory sample
appropriate to the type of delivery to produce a a sample intended for laboratory inspection or
laboratory sample having a mass of at least 7 kg. testing
The definitions of the several stages in the 2.5
production of the test portions are given in clause 2. test portion
In some cases the bulk sample is inconveniently the material used as a whole in testing or inspection
large to send for testing and has to be reduced.
NOTE When sampling a batch of aggregates, the aggregation of
If not, it becomes the laboratory sample. the sampling increments yields the bulk sample. If the bulk
At the laboratory, the laboratory sample is reduced sample is of an appropriate size it is sent to the laboratory as a
laboratory sample, otherwise it is reduced by a sample reduction
to the test portions required. If adequate facilities process as described in clause 6 to the laboratory sample. At the
exist at the point of taking the bulk sample, all laboratory, the laboratory sample is reduced by one or more
necessary reduction to the stage of producing the reduction operations to the quantity required by a particular test
test portions may be done before despatch to the method; the quantity of material produced at the final stage of
sample reduction is referred to as the test portion. A particular
laboratory. If several kinds of tests are to be done, test method may then require several specimens to be made from
an intermediate stage of reduction is necessary. a test portion.
In other cases, the test portion is reduced directly
from the laboratory sample. It is again emphasized 3 Principle
that care has to be taken to ensure that the test Unless an explicit statement to the contrary is made
portions are representative of the bulk sample. in other Parts of this standard, the aim is to obtain
a test portion that is representative of the average
1 Scope quality of the batch.
This Part of BS 812 describes methods for obtaining
samples of aggregates of the quantity required for 4 Apparatus
carrying out testing in accordance with other Parts 4.1 A small scoop, to hold a volume of at least 1 L
of BS 812. The method to be used for recording the (i.e. about 1.5 kg of aggregate of normal density).
nominal description of materials sampled is also This scoop is used for sampling aggregates of
given. nominal sizes less than 5 mm.
NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard
are listed on the inside back cover.

© BSI 02-2000 1
BS 812-102:1989

4.2 A large scoop, to hold a volume of at least 2 L NOTE 1 Aggregates that are badly segregated present
(i.e. about 3 kg of aggregate of normal density). problems of varying complexity and in many cases it is better to
wait until they are moved.
This scoop is used to sample any grading of
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NOTE 2 Sampling near ground level should be done with care

aggregate, but is required particularly for to avoid contamination with, for example, residues of previous
aggregates of nominal sizes greater than 5 mm. materials.
NOTE A suitable scoop is shown in Figure 1. When sampling from material in motion, i.e. when it
is being loaded or unloaded, calculate the sampling
4.3 Containers, clean and non-absorbent, such as
times to give the required number of sampling
buckets, for collecting the increments of a sample.
increments, ensuring that they are randomly
4.4 Containers, clean and impervious, such as bags distributed through the batch of aggregate.
made of plastics at least 100 4m thick, for sending
When sampling from a falling stream of aggregate,
samples to laboratories.
take increments from the whole width of the stream.
4.5 A sample divider, appropriate to the maximum NOTE 3 Mechanical samplers, manually or automatically
size to be handled, e.g. a riffle box such as that operated, used for sampling from moving streams may be taken
illustrated in Figure 2. Alternatively, a flat shovel as being in accordance with this standard provided that each
complete operation of the sampler produces an increment of at
and a clean flat and hard surface, e.g. a metal tray, least 2 L of coarse or all-in aggregate or 1 L of fine aggregate.
for use in quartering.
When sampling from conveyor belts, stop the
NOTE For sampling in special circumstances other apparatus conveyor at the appropriate time and take all the
may be needed. For example, shovels, spades, picks, etc. may be
needed to reach the material to be sampled. material from a fixed length of conveyor.
CAUTION. Never sample manually from a moving
5 Procedure for sampling coarse, fine conveyor.
and all-in aggregates For all methods of sampling, combine all the
The quantity of material to be represented by the increments and either despatch the bulk sample or
bulk sample shall be clearly defined and the sample reduce it to a smaller representative sample,
shall be taken by a responsible and experienced acceptable to the tester, by the procedure described
person. in clause 6 and then despatch this smaller sample
Obtain a bulk sample by collecting, in the clean for testing. The sample despatched to the laboratory
containers, a sufficient number of increments is the laboratory sample.
(i.e. scoopfuls) to provide the required quantity of On completion of the sampling process, always
aggregate for all the tests subsequently to be made. make a visual check of the relation of the sample to
However the number of increments shall be not less the material in bulk.
than those given in Table 1. NOTE 4 Whether the bulk is uniform or not, the sample should
be seen to contain a similar range of sizes including the
Take the increments from different parts of the maximum and minimum.
batch in such a way as to represent the average NOTE 5 The procedure described in this clause is for obtaining
quality. a bulk sample representative of the batch sampled. When
sampling is carried out to assess variability within a batch, a
When replicate samples are required take each number of increments are taken from defined places in the batch
sample as a separate and independent operation. and are not combined but tested separately. For routine testing
quality control, simplified procedures may be used. Fewer
When sampling from heaps of aggregate, take the increments may prove satisfactory for this purpose. Where it is
required number of increments from positions necessary to determine the presence and quantity of an
evenly distributed over the whole surface of the occasional contaminant, special measures may be necessary and
heap. At the required spot for each increment reference should be made to the appropriate Part of this
standard. These and other departures from the method should be
remove as much surface material as necessary to recorded on the certificate of sampling.
expose aggregate at least 150 mm in from the
surface. Take the increment by digging the scoop
into this exposed material.
Table 1 — Minimum number of sampling increments
Minimum number of sampling
Nominal size of increments Approximate minimum mass
aggregate for normal density aggregate
Large scoop Small scoop

28 mm and larger 20 — 50
5 mm to 28 mm 10 — 25
5 mm and smaller 10 half scoops 10 10

2 © BSI 02-2000
BS 812-102:1989
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Figure 1 — Sampling scoops

6 Sample reduction 6.4 Sample reduction to provide replicate

samples, When duplicate (or more) laboratory
6.1 General. It is sometimes necessary to reduce
samples are required from a bulk sample, first
the mass of the bulk sample substantially. This reduce the bulk sample by the procedure described
shall be done in such a way as to preserve at each in 6.2 or 6.3. Recombine all the excess bulk sample
stage a representative part of the bulk sample. The
rejected at the individual division stages, mix
methods described in 6.2 and 6.3 are acceptable.
thoroughly and reduce again to provide a second
6.2 Using a sample divider. The width of the laboratory sample. Repeat as necessary to provide
channels of the divider shall be appropriate to the the required number of laboratory samples.
maximum particle size of the aggregate and, in NOTE This procedure should also be used to provide replicate
general, not less than 1.5 times the size of the test portions from a laboratory sample.
largest aggregate particle. When the aggregate
contains material finer than 5 mm it shall be 7 Nominal description
surface dry.
The nominal description of the material sampled
Thoroughly mix and then pass it through the shall be recorded on the certificate (see clause 9)
sample divider. Retain one portion; pass it through under the following general headings.
again and repeat the process as often as necessary a) Type. Use one of the following terms:
to reduce the original sample to the required mass.
1) “crushed rock”;
6.3 Quartering. Thoroughly mix the sample by
heaping it on to a clean, flat and hard surface to 2) “sand” or “gravel”. In this case record if the
form a cone, and turning this over with the shovel to aggregate is crushed or partially crushed and,
form a new cone, the operation being carried out when known, if it has been obtained by inland
three times. Form each conical heap by depositing or marine working;
each shovelful of the material on the apex of the 3) “artificial”. In this case record if the artificial
cone so that the portions which slide down the sides aggregate is slag, synthetic or broken
are distributed as evenly as possible, and so that the rubble, etc.
centre of the cone is not displaced. b) Nominal size
Flatten the third cone by repeated vertical insertion c) Other. References shall be made to the
of the shovel across the apex of the cone, lifting the presence of any obvious extraneous pieces in the
shovel clear of the material after each insertion. sample such as clay lumps, organic material, etc.
Then quarter the flattened heap, which shall be NOTE 1 When a geological or petrological term is required to
uniform in thickness and diameter, along two describe an aggregate in more detail, it should be provided by a
diameters intersecting at right angles. Discard one competent person or authority using, whenever possible, a term
pair of diagonally opposite quarters and shovel the from Appendix A.
Similarly when a metallurical term is required to describe a slag
remainder into a heap. Repeat the process of mixing in more detail, it should be provided by a competent person or
and reduction, until the required mass of sample is authority.
obtained. NOTE 2 Appendix C should be used when it is necessary to
describe the particle shape and surface texture characteristics.

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BS 812-102:1989
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NOTE The width of the slots should be not less than 1.5 times the diameter of the largest aggregate particle.
Figure 2 — A suitable type of sample divider (riffle-box)

8 Despatch of samples 8.2 Information to be sent with samples. Each

package shall contain a card, suitably protected
8.1 Packing samples of aggregates. The samples
from damage by moisture and abrasion, giving the
shall be transferred completely to containers
name and address of the sender and his description
(see 4.4) which shall then be sealed for despatch. of the material.
Where necessary, particularly where the aggregate
contains crushed particles of the larger sizes, the When several samples are taken from a single
bags shall be protected against damage in transit by source, each individual sample shall be separately
casing in suitable containers. identified.
NOTE Individual packages should preferably not exceed 30 kg.

4 © BSI 02-2000
BS 812-102:1989

9 Certificate of sampling d) all the data recorded under nominal

description (clause 7). When a geological,
Each sample, or group of samples from a single
petrological or metallurgical term is used to
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source, shall be accompanied by a certificate, from

describe a material, the identity of the competent
the person responsible for taking the sample,
person or authority responsible for the
certifying that sampling was carried out in description shall be recorded;
accordance with this British Standard. The
certificate shall include as much as is appropriate of e) description of the batch;
the following information. See Appendix B for a f) any other information likely to be helpful to the
recommended form of certificate. tester (see note 5 to clause 5);
a) the date, time, place and method of sampling; g) name and signature of sampler.
b) the name and location of source;
c) sample identification mark (or marks);

© BSI 02-2000 5
BS 812-102:1989

Appendix A Petrological description of natural aggregates

The aggregate should be described by an appropriate petrological name, preferably selected from the list of
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terms and definitions given in Table 2, which are taken from BS 6100-5.2. In the event that the aggregate
cannot be described adequately by the terms in Table 2, it should be described by another appropriate
petrologically accepted term.
In the case of sedimentary rocks such as limestone or sandstone the geological age of the rock should also
be given. The geological age requirement is satisfied by using one of the following terms: Precambrian,
Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian2), Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous,
Tertiary. For example, different types of limestone are described in terms of their age as follows,
Carboniferous limestone, Jurassic limestone, Silurian limestone etc. The age of post-Tertiary materials
need not be given.
Where the petrological character of an aggregate is intermediate between any of the terms in Table 2, or,
where it consists of mixed gravels, the aggregate should be described by combining appropriate terms,
e.g. granite/diorite, basalt/dolerite, microgranite/rhyolite, quartzite/granulite, flint/quartzite.
Petrological description does not take account of suitability for any particular purpose, which should be
determined in accordance with the appropriate British Standard.

2) The term Magnesian Limestone can be substituted for Permian Limestone where appropriate.

6 © BSI 02-2000
BS 812-102:1989

Table 2 — Rock types commonly used for aggregates

Petrological term Description
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andesite a a fine grained, usually volcanic, variety of diorite

arkose a type of sandstone or gritstone containing over 25 % feldspar
basalt a fine grained basic rock, similar in composition to gabbro, usually volcanic
brecciab rock consisting of angular, unworn rock fragments, bonded by natural cement
chalk a very fine grained Cretaceous limestone, usually white
chert cryptocrystallinec silica
conglomerateb rock consisting of rounded pebbles bonded by natural cement
diorite an intermediate plutonic rock, consisting mainly of plagioclase, with hornblende, augite
or biotite
dolerite a basic rock, with grain size intermediate between that of gabbro and basalt
dolomite a rock or mineral composed of calcium magnesium carbonate
flint cryptocrystallinec silica originating as nodules or layers in chalk
gabbro a coarse grained, basic, plutonic rock, consisting essentially of calcic plagioclase and
pyroxene, sometimes with olivine
gneiss a banded rock, produced by intense metamorphic conditions
granite an acidic, plutonic rock, consisting essentially of alkali feldspars and quartz
granulite a metamorphic rock with granular texture and no preferred orientation of the minerals
greywacke an impure type of sandstone or gritstone, composed of poorly sorted fragments of
quartz, other minerals and rock; the coarser grains are usually strongly cemented in a
fine matrix
gritstone a sandstone, with coarse and usually angular grains
hornfels a thermally metamorphosed rock containing substantial amounts of rock-forming
silicate minerals
limestone a sedimentary rock, consisting predominantly of calcium carbonate
marble a metamorphosed limestone
microgranitea an acidic rock with grain size intermediate between that of granite and rhyolite
quartzite a metamorphic rock or sedimentary rock, composed almost entirely of quartz grains
rhyolitea a fine grained or glassy acidic rock, usually volcanic
sandstone a sedimentary rock, composed of sand grains naturally cemented together
schist a metamorphic rock in which the minerals are arranged in nearly parallel bands or
layers. Platy or elongate minerals such as mica or hornblende cause fissility in the rock
which distinguishes it from a gneiss
slate a rock derived from argillaceous sediments or volcanic ash by metamorphism,
characterized by cleavage planes independent of the original stratification
syenite an intermediate plutonic rock, consisting mainly of alkali feldspar with plagioclase,
hornblende, biotite, or augtite
trachytea a fine grained, usually volcanic, variety of syenite
tuff consolidated volcanic ash
The terms microgranite, rhyolite, andesite, or trachyte, as appropriate, are preferred for rocks alternatively described as
porphyry or felsite.
Some terms refer to structure or texture only, e.g. breccia or conglomerate, and these terms cannot be used alone to provide a full
c Composed of crystals so fine that they can be resolved only with the aid of a high power microscope.

© BSI 02-2000 7
BS 812-102:1989

Appendix B Recommended form of certificate of sampling

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Certificate of sampling in
accordance with BS 812-102
Sample identification mark

Date, time, place and method of sampling:

Name and location of source:

Nominal description:
a) type:
b) nominal size:
c) comments on sample:

Coarse or fine aggregate:

Quantity of batch sampled:

Name and signature of sampler:

8 © BSI 02-2000
BS 812-102:1989

Appendix C Description of particle shape and surface texture of aggregates

To avoid lengthy descriptions, it is convenient to classify aggregate particle shape and surface texture
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characteristics under a number of simple headings. The system given in Table 3 and Table 4 has been
devised for this purpose.
Typical particle shapes are illustrated in Figure 3 and tests for obtaining quantitative assessments of
flakiness and elongation are given in Parts 105.1 and 105.23).
Table 3 — Particle shape
Classification Description

Rounded Fully water-worn or completely shaped by attrition

Irregular Naturally irregular, or partly shaped by attrition and
having rounded edges
Angular Possessing well defined edges formed at the intersection of
roughly planar faces
Flaky Having one dimension significantly smaller than the other
two dimensions
Elongated Having one dimension significantly larger than the other
two dimensions
Flaky and elongated Having three significantly different dimensions, i.e. length
significantly larger than width and width significantly
larger than thickness

Table 4 — Surface texture

Surface texture Characteristics

Glassy Conchoidal (i.e. curved) fracture

Smooth Water-worn or smooth due to fracture of laminated or very
finely grained rock
Granular Fracture showing more or less uniform size rounded grains
Rough Fracture of fine or medium grained rock containing no
easily visible crystalline constituents
Crystalline Containing easily visible crystalline constituents
Honeycombed With visible pores and cavities
NOTE Surface texture has been described under the above six headings. This grouping is broad, being
based on the impression which would be gained by visual examination of hand specimens. It does not
purport to be a precise petrological classification (see Appendix A). Different specimens of the same rock
type may not fall into the same group in Table 4.

3) In preparation.

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BS 812-102:1989

Figure 3 — Typical particle shapes

© BSI 02-2000
BS 812-102:1989

Publications referred to

BS 812, Testing aggregates.

BS 812-101, Guide to sampling and testing aggregates.
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BS 812-105, Methods for determination of particle shape.

BS 812-105.1, Flakiness index.
BS 812-105.2, Elongation index of coarse aggregate4).
BS 4550, Methods of testing cement.
BS 4550-1, Sampling.
BS 5309, Methods for sampling chemical products.
BS 5309-1, Introduction and general principles.
BS 5309-4, Sampling of solids.
BS 6100, Glossary of building and civil engineering terms.
BS 6100-5.2, Stone.

In preparation.

© BSI 02-2000
BS 812-102:
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