Payment Letter: Types of Letter Vocab & Expressions Structures & Notes
Payment Letter: Types of Letter Vocab & Expressions Structures & Notes
Payment Letter: Types of Letter Vocab & Expressions Structures & Notes
transfer for $100 in payment of our Seller allows credit in the form of an open Advice letter “Request for more time
statement/invoice No. - dated..” account for an agreed period of time. At the
end of the period a statement of account is
to pay” letter
sent to the customer, giving details of all the Postal order:
transactions between the buyer and seller
for that period. can be bought from the Post Office, usually
Delayed payment to pay small amounts, and sent to the
supplier directly.
(From buyer) Ask for more time to pay.
1. Invoice letter
the due date is crossed
2. Advice of payment
The payment is for your invoice no. 20
Thanks for constant assistance
3. Acknowledgement
This is to confirm that on [date]...
4. Delayed payment
Please allow me, a further 10 days, to clear my