Review On: Flash Column Chromatography: Ramesh Dattatraya Bhusal, Deepali Mahir Nahar, Prashant Bhimrao Dalvi
Review On: Flash Column Chromatography: Ramesh Dattatraya Bhusal, Deepali Mahir Nahar, Prashant Bhimrao Dalvi
Review On: Flash Column Chromatography: Ramesh Dattatraya Bhusal, Deepali Mahir Nahar, Prashant Bhimrao Dalvi
Corresponding author
Mr. Ramesh Dattatraya Bhusal
(M. Pharm)
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Aldel Education Trust's,
St. John Institute of Pharmacy and Research, Palghar(E), 401404.
[email protected]
Please cite this article in press as Mr. Ramesh Dattatraya Bhusal et al. Review on: Flash Column Chromatography. Indo
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2017:7(01).
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Vol 7, Issue 01, 2017. Mr. Ramesh Dattatraya Bhusal et al. ISSN NO: 2231-6876
All chromatographic methods use columns for the separation process, except TLC. Column chromatography has found its
place in many laboratories for preparative purposes as well as for reaction control in organic synthesis. The importance of column
chromatography is mainly due to following factors: Simple packing procedure.Low operating pressure. Low expense for
Column chromatography is classified into two categories, depending on how the solvent flows down the column. If the
solvent is allowed to flow down the column by gravity, or percolation, it is called Gravity column chromatography. If the solvent is
forced down the column by positive air pressure, it is called Flash chromatography. In traditional column chromatography a sample to
be separated is placed on the top of a column containing some solid support, often silica gel. The rest of the column is then filled with
a solvent (or mixture of solvents) which then runs through the solid support under the force of gravity. The various components to be
separated travel through the column at different rates and then can be collected separately as they emerge from the bottom of the
column. Unfortunately, the rate at which the solvent percolates through the column is slow. In flash chromatography however air
pressure is used to speed up the flow of solvent, dramatically decreasing the time needed to purify the sample, therefore making the
column and running the separation could take less than 10-15 minutes.
Preparative HPLC:
Important chromatographic parameters to achieve reliable and accurate results are resolution, peak width and peak symmetry.
If more and more sample amount is applied to the column, the peak height and peak area increases but the peak symmetry and the
capacity factor remain unchanged. In analytical HPLC the optimal peak shape resembles a Gaussian curve. If more than a certain
amount of sample is injected onto the column the adsorption isotherm becomes non-linear. This means the peak becomes
unsymmetrical, shows strong tailing and the capacity factor decreases. In preparative HPLC this effect is called concentration
overloading. In some cases, depending on the compound, the capacity factor increases with increasing overloading, which leads to a
strongly fronting peak. Since the adsorption isotherm is dependent on the compounds the chromatographic system column load ability
has to be determined for each preparative HPLC experiment.
Obtain a glass column and make sure that it has either a glass frit or a plug of cotton wool directly above the stopcock to
prevent the silica gel from escaping from the column through the stopcock. (IF it doesn’t have either, you will have to put in a
somewhat loosely stuffed plug of cotton wool; if you stuff it too much, solvent flow becomes painfully slow even with air pressure
above the column). Next, put a ~1/2 in. layer of clean sand above the plug of glass wool. Use only as much as is necessary to obtain a
flat surface, with the same diameter as that of the body of the column. Make sure the surface is flat. Then pour in the silica gel using a
funnel. DO THIS STEP IN THE HOOD! Silica gel is chemically similar to asbestos, and is a known carcinogen. Manipulations with
dry silica should be done only in the hood.
Vol 7, Issue 01, 2017. Mr. Ramesh Dattatraya Bhusal et al. ISSN NO: 2231-6876
Flash chromatography General consist of following parts (Fig. No. 1)
Pump Systems
Pump Controller
Type of pump
Vacuum Pump/peristaltic Pump
Sample Injection Systems
Glass Columns, Filling Sets & Column Valves
Fraction Collector
Detectors and Chart Recorders
Computerize LCD Display
Vol 7, Issue 01, 2017. Mr. Ramesh Dattatraya Bhusal et al. ISSN NO: 2231-6876
Pump Systems
Pump Controller
A pressure range up to either 10 bar or 50 bar gives optimum separation results for a broad range of applications. The pump
modules can be controlled by three different units. The Pump Controller C610 (for isocratic separation up to 10 bar), the Pump
Manager C615 (for isocratic and gradient separation up to 50 bar) and the Control Unit C620.
Type of pump
Vacuum Pump/peristaltic Pump
Transfer Solvent from Mobile phase Reservoir to Flash Pump.
Injection Valve:
For the sample injection of 0–5 ml.
Glass Columns
A wide range of columns offer maximum flexibility for every situation. Depending on the nature and the quantity of the
sample offers a series of column types which vary in form, size and performance.
Pre-column are minimizing dead volumes and enhance the life time of the main column by trapping contaminants. The small
Pre-column, fits to Glass Columns of inner diameter of ID 15, 26, 36 and 49 mm. The large Pre-column, fits to Glass Columns of ID
70 and 100 mm inner diameter.
Fraction Collector
For simple separations a column, pump and pump controller may be enough. For a greater level of automation with precision,
performance and ease of use the Fraction Collector can be incorporated into most setups.
Vol 7, Issue 01, 2017. Mr. Ramesh Dattatraya Bhusal et al. ISSN NO: 2231-6876
3 detectors delivering a very precise analysis of the separation results. For most applications one of the robust UV/Vis
detectors would be sufficient for the systems detection needs. Both detectors are delivered in combination with a preparative flow cell.
In the absence of adequate UV/Vis absorption, likely for sugars or polymers, a Differential Refractometer (RI Detector) in
combination with a UV/Vis detector is the preferred setup.
UV Monitor:
Filter Photometer with four standards built in filters at 200 nm, 220 nm, 254 nm and 280 nm. Delivered with built in
Deuterium Lamp and a preparative flow cell.
UV Photometer:
Spectral Photometer with a wavelength range between 190 nm and 740 nm. Delivered with built in Deuterium Lamp and a
preparative flow cell.
Differential Refractometer:
Refractive Index detector mostly used in combination with a UV/Vis detector for the analysis of low UV/Vis absorbing
substances. Delivered with a preparative cell. For a maximal flow rate of 100 ml/min.
As per Table No.1 Preparative HPLC and Flash chromatography both are efficient and advance techniques for separation of
various chemical compounds. Flash chromatography is cost effective and low maintenance. In the case of the target molecule or
compound is in high concentration, flash Chromatography is preferable. Then we may isolate the compound with high purity. In the
case of sample have more chemical constituents, without information of concentrations of that chemical constituents, preparative
Vol 7, Issue 01, 2017. Mr. Ramesh Dattatraya Bhusal et al. ISSN NO: 2231-6876
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