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Breast Cancer Research and Treatment



A nomogram to predict pathologic complete response (pCR)

and the value of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) for prediction
of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) in breast cancer
Hye Won Hwang1 · Hera Jung1 · Jiyeon Hyeon2 · Yeon Hee Park3 · Jin Seok Ahn3 · Young‑Hyuck Im3 · Seok Jin Nam4 ·
Seok Won Kim4 · Jeong Eon Lee4 · Jong‑Han Yu4 · Se Kyung Lee4 · Misun Choi5 · Soo Youn Cho1 · Eun Yoon Cho1 

Received: 13 February 2018 / Accepted: 15 September 2018

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018

Purpose  The value of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) for prediction of pathologic complete response (pCR) in breast
cancer (BC) patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) has received increasing attention. In human epidermal
growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive BC, advances in HER2-targeted therapy have not yet clarified the clinical implica-
tions of pre-NAC TILs. Likewise, the prognostic role of TILs for long-term survival is not well established.
Methods  Pre- and post-NAC TIL levels were evaluated in 248 pair-matched pre-NAC biopsy and post-NAC resection
samples, and analyzed for predictive and prognostic significance with other clinicopathologic parameters. Additional 60
pre-NAC biopsy samples of HER2-positive BC treated with a TCHP regimen (docetaxel, carboplatin, and a combination of
trastuzumab and pertuzumab) were also assessed.
Results  High pre-NAC TILs, clinical nodal stage 0–1 (cN0–1), and negative ER expression were shown to be strong pre-
dictive markers for pCR. A nomogram based on these significant clinicopathologic predictors was developed, providing
integrated probability of achieving pCR after NAC. The association between high pre-NAC TIL levels and significantly
increased pCR rate was also confirmed in HER2-positive BC patients treated with a TCHP regimen. After chemotherapy,
increased quantity of post-NAC TILs was shown to have extended BC-specific survival and disease-free survival in univari-
able and multivariable analyses.
Conclusions  High pre-NAC TIL levels were significantly predictive of pCR in BC, and can act as a surrogate marker for
predicting therapeutic effects of a TCHP regimen for HER2-positive BC. Post-NAC TILs in residual disease were a new
prognostic marker of risk stratification for long-term survival.

Keywords  Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes · Neoadjuvant chemotherapy · Pathologic complete response · Nomogram ·


* Soo Youn Cho Division of Hematology‑Oncology, Department of Medicine,
[email protected] Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School
of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea
* Eun Yoon Cho
[email protected] Department of Surgery, Samsung Medical Center,
Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul,
Department of Pathology and Translational Genomics, South Korea
Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School 5
Division of Forensic Investigation, National Forensic Service
of Medicine, 81 Irwon‑ro, Gangnam‑gu, Seoul 06351,
Seoul Institute, Seoul, South Korea
South Korea
Department of Pathology, Incheon St. Mary’s Hospital,
College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea,
Incheon, South Korea

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Introduction of TILs and pCR rate in different NAC regimens, espe-

cially in HER2-positive BC. The TCHP group consisted
Antitumor host immune responses, including infiltrating of 60 HER2-positive BC patients preoperatively treated
immune cells, play an important role in development and with the TCHP regimen (docetaxel, carboplatin, and a
progression of malignant tumors of many types [1–3]. The combination of trastuzumab and pertuzumab) from Feb-
role of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in breast ruary 2016 to July 2017. To evaluate the molecular sub-
cancer (BC) has been significantly explored over the last type classification, the results of immunohistochemistry
decades. Previous studies demonstrated the association of (IHC) for estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor
high levels of TILs with increased pathologic complete (PR), and Ki-67 were reviewed. HER2 expression was
response (pCR) rate in the neoadjuvant setting, and with assessed by IHC and scoring was determined according
better long-term survival in the adjuvant setting in certain to the criteria of American Society of Clinical Oncology
subtypes of BC [4–9]. (ASCO)/College of American Pathologist (CAP) guide-
As an increasing number of BC patients are treated lines [17]. Tumors with scores 2+ were further tested by
with neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC), identification of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). IHC for Ki-67
a biomarker to predict the probability of pCR in individual using monoclonal antibody (clone MIB-1, Dako, dilution
cases is a high priority. TILs may be a potent candidate 1:300) was scored by an automated image analysis system
in this regard. Due to uneven distribution of TILs among (iSolution DT made by IMT i-Solution Inc.), as the per-
molecular subtypes, the predictive impact is most robust centage of positively stained tumor cells within the highest
in triple-negative (TN) subtype and less well established proliferative area (hot spot). The level of Ki-67 expression
in other subtypes [10, 11]. Moreover, data regarding the was classified as high versus low with a cut-off point of
prognostic and/or predictive role of post-treatment TIL 20% [18, 19]. Based on the IHC results, tumors were cat-
levels remain limited and inconclusive [12, 13]. egorized using the St Gallen criteria, as luminal A (ER/
In human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)- PR+, HER2−, and low Ki-67), HER2− luminal B (ER+,
positive BC, therapeutic advances in dual anti-HER2 HER2−, and either high Ki-67 or PR−), HER2+ luminal B
blockade of trastuzumab and pertuzumab, which are (ER+ and HER2+), HER2+ (ER− and HER2+), or triple-
humanized monoclonal antibodies targeting different negative (ER/PR− and HER2−) subtypes [20]. ypTN stage
epitopes of HER2, have substantially improved pCR rate was defined according to the American Joint Committee
[14–16]. There are few available data regarding whether on Cancer [21]. The pCR was defined as complete disap-
treatment effect of pertuzumab differed with respect to TIL pearance of all invasive tumor cells from breast tissue and
levels, or on the potential association between pCR rate regional lymph nodes regardless of the presence of resid-
and treatment (single vs. dual HER2 targeting) regimen. ual ductal carcinoma in situ (ypT0/is N0). Determination
In this study, we evaluated TILs before and after NAC of residual cancer burden (RCB) was realized according
in a single institute cohort to investigate two key points. to Symmans [22]. For estimation of RCB score and con-
First, we tested the hypothesis that higher levels of pre- sequential RCB class, variables including bi-dimensional
NAC TILs would be predictive of increased pCR rates, size and cellularity of the residual tumor bed, and nodal
regardless of molecular subtype or NAC regimen for disease burden were entered into the MD Anderson RCB
HER2-positive BC. Second, we investigated the prognos- calculator (http://www.mdand​e rson​. org/breas​t canc​e r_
tic ability of post-treatment TIL levels. RCB). Clinicopathologic parameters including age, meno-
pausal status, nuclear grade, histologic grade, histologic
type, recurrence, follow-up status, and follow-up period
were obtained by a thorough review of clinical records.
Materials and methods Study protocols including case selection, slide review,
and collection of clinical parameters were approved by
Patients and samples the Samsung Medical Center Institutional Review Board.

A total of 480 cases of BC treated with NAC followed Evaluation of TILs

by surgical resection from 2004 to 2013 were retrieved
from the computerized records system at Samsung Medi- We evaluated TILs both in pre-NAC biopsy and post-NAC
cal Center, Seoul, Korea. Of these, 248 cases were avail- resection tissue. As post-NAC TILs were assessed in associ-
able for histologic evaluation both in pre-NAC biopsy and ation with residual invasive tumor cells within breast tissue,
post-NAC resection tissue. Besides the cohort group, we patients who achieved pCR or had residual tumor cells only
collected an additional TCHP group for the comparison in lymph nodes were excluded for evaluation of post-treat-
ment TILs. Stromal TILs were evaluated according to recent

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

recommendations of the international TILs working group value for pCR. Univariable logistic regression model and
2014 [23]. Briefly, percentage of stromal areas occupied by backward stepwise selection for final multivariable model
all mononuclear cells including lymphocytes and plasma were conducted. As a more comprehensive predictive tool
cells was scored as a categorical variable in 10% increments. for pCR, we built a nomogram, given the risk factors in
Intratumoral TILs were also assessed separately, but in most the final multivariable model. Values for each of the model
cases these were lower in number and usually parallel to covariates were mapped to points on a scale ranging from
stromal TILs. For that reason, our study focused on stromal 0 to 100, with total points obtained for each model covari-
TILs as a more reproducible parameter for evaluation, cor- ate mapped to the probability of pCR associated with that
responding to current recommendations. Two expert breast combination of covariate values. The predictive accuracy
pathologists (E.Y.C. and H.W.H.) evaluated TIL levels on of the model was assessed by its discrimination and cali-
hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained sections without addi- bration. The area under the receiver operating character-
tional staining, and the average percentage of each case was istic curve (AUC) was measured for the model’s ability
obtained. Lymphocyte-predominant breast cancer (LPBC) to discriminate between patients with or without pCR.
was defined as tumors that contain > 50% TILs (Fig. 1). Calibration was also assessed graphically by plotting the
relationship between observed outcome frequencies and
Statistical analysis predicted probabilities.
Two survival end points were evaluated. Disease-free
Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS Ver.24 survival (DFS) was defined as time between surgery and
software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). In the analysis, recurrence or metastasis, and breast cancer-specific sur-
we categorized patients into LPBC or non-LPBC groups vival (BCSS) as time between initial diagnosis and breast
according to TIL levels before and after NAC. The dif- cancer-related death or last follow-up. Odds ratio (OR) and
ference of clinicopathologic parameters between the two 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were calculated with the
groups was evaluated by Pearson’s χ2 with continuity cor- Cox proportional hazard regression model. We conducted a
rection or Fisher’s exact test. Variables of interest includ- multivariable Cox regression analysis including all poten-
ing pre-NAC TIL level, age, menopausal status, tumor tial variables significantly associated with survival in each
size, clinical nodal stage (cN), histologic grade, NAC univariable analysis. Kaplan–Meier method was used to
regimen and cycle number, expression level of ER, PR, estimate DFS and BCSS curves and the log-rank test was
HER2, and Ki-67 were assessed to evaluate the predictive performed to compare between groups. All the statistical
tests were two-sided, and were regarded as statistically sig-
nificant when the p value was less than 0.05.


Patient characteristics

The review of pre-NAC TILs was available for 248 patients

in the cohort group. Post-NAC TIL levels were evaluated in
204 patients except 44 patients who achieved pCR (n = 37)
or had residual tumor cells in lymph nodes only (n = 7).
The median age was 44 years (range 23–71 years), and 76%
(n = 188) were premenopausal. Clinically, most patients
received a taxane-based regimen (61%, n = 151) as neoad-
juvant treatment. Overall pCR rate in response to NAC was
15% (n = 37).
HER2-positive BC accounted for 25% (n = 62) of the
cohort group, consisting of 22 hormone receptor (HR)-
positive (corresponding to HER2+ luminal B subtype)
and 40 HR-negative (corresponding to HER2+ subtype)
BC patients. With standard cytotoxic agents, 20 patients
Fig. 1  Representative images of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes
(TILs). Non-lymphocyte-predominant breast cancer (non-LPBC) in a received trastuzumab, while 42 patients had no anti-HER2
(× 200) and LPBC in b (× 200) therapy.

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Median age of the TCHP group (n = 60) was 45 years (i) Draw a vertical line for each variable (pre-NAC TILs,
(range 28–59 years), and 80% (n = 48) were premenopausal. cN, ER) to the axis termed ‘Points’ at the top of the figure.
Of these, 50% were HR positive, and 50% were HR negative. The points assigned for the value of each variable can be
read where the vertical line crosses the ‘Points’ axis. (ii)
Associations between pre‑NAC TILs Add the three-point scores determined at step 1 and find the
and clinicopathologic parameters sum score on the axis termed ‘Total Points.’ Determine the
predicted value of pCR by drawing a vertical line from the
The median value of pre-NAC TILs was 14.6%, and 23% sum score on the ‘Total Points’ axis down to the axis termed
(n = 57) were classified as pre-NAC LPBC in the overall ‘Predicted Value.’ The estimated probability of achieving
cohort group. Statistical group analysis for clinicopatho- pCR can be read where the vertical line crosses with the
logic variables was performed between LPBC and non- ‘Predicted Value’ axis (Fig. 2b).
LPBC patients (Table 1). Higher pre-NAC TIL levels were
significantly associated with more aggressive clinicopatho- Association of TILs with pCR rate based on NAC
logic characteristics, such as higher clinical T (cT) stage regimen in HER2‑positive BC
(p = 0.02), histologic grade (p < 0.001), and Ki-67 index
(p < 0.001). No obvious differences were observed in age, There were no significant differences in median value of pre-
menopausal status, cN stage, or histologic type. NAC TILs, or pre-NAC LPBC rate based on type of anti-
HER2 therapy, specifically no anti-HER2 blockade (13.8%
Predictive value of pre‑NAC TILs and nomogram for median pre-NAC TIL levels, 24% for pre-NAC LPBC
for predicting pCR rate), trastuzumab only (27.5%, 45%), or TCHP (27.7%,
Consistent with findings in previous studies, high pre-NAC pCR was achieved in 73% of HER2-positive BC patients
TILs were shown to be a strong predictive marker for favora- treated with TCHP, compared with 50% given trastuzumab
ble outcomes after NAC [4–6]. By comparison, 44.9% of only and 14% with no anti-HER2 therapy. Consistent with
pre-NAC LPBC patients had a pCR, as did 6.3% of non- previous randomized controlled trials, the benefit of dual
LPBC patients (p < 0.001). Notably, high TIL levels were HER2 blockade in improved pCR rate has been noted in
associated with a 25.9% (95% CI 17.4–38.6%) increase this study [14–16].
in pCR rate compared with low TIL levels (p < 0.001; Our study confirmed the association between high pre-
χ2 = 37.71). NAC TILs and significantly increased pCR rate in HER2-
The predictive role of a pre-NAC LPBC phenotype for positive BC (OR 6.49; 95% CI 2.83–14.88; p < 0.001). No
excellent response to NAC was also demonstrated in resid- association between pre-NAC TILs and pCR rate according
ual disease after treatment, including significantly smaller to type of NAC was detected. Our findings show that high
residual tumor size (ypT, p < 0.001) and negative nodal pre-NAC TILs in HER2-positive BC are strongly associated
metastasis (ypN, p = 0.017). Moreover, a significantly higher with increased pCR probability in patients treated with NAC
proportion of patients in the pre-NAC LPBC group yielded plus trastuzumab and pertuzumab either alone (50%) or in
lower RCBs in comparison with non-LPBC group (53% vs. combination (73%). High pre-NAC TILs were also associ-
19%, p < 0.001). ated with a significant decrease in RCB class (OR 2.42; 95%
For further comprehensive prediction of pCR, we con- CI 1.29–4.56; p = 0.002),
structed a nomogram based on the significant and predefined In the TCHP group, we found no significant difference in
predictors. Univariable logistic regression analysis showed the proportion of pre-NAC LPBC by HR expression. Thir-
that the proportion of patients with pCR increased with teen patients (43%) of HR-negative tumors (n = 30) were
high pre-NAC TILs, old age, high histologic grade, high classified as pre-NAC LPBC, as was 14 (47%) of HR-nega-
Ki-67 expression, cN0–1, and small tumor size (Table 2). A tive tumors (n = 30). More patients with HR-negative tumors
taxane-based regimen, > 4 cycles of NAC, additional admin- achieved pCR than those with HR-positive tumors (n = 26
istration of trastuzumab, negative ER or PR expression, vs. 18; OR 4.33; 95% CI 1.20–15.61; p = 0.039).
and HER2 positivity were also associated with pCR. We
identified novel association of high pre-NAC TILs, cN0–1, Prognostic value of post‑NAC TILs
and negative ER expression with increased probability of
achieving pCR in a successive multivariable logistic regres- After chemotherapy, the median TIL percentage fell to
sion model. Figure 2a illustrates the nomogram to calculate 10.2%. TIL levels showed a decrease in 44% (n = 89), no
the probability of achieving pCR. In the nomogram, each change in 39% (n = 80), and an increase in 17% (n = 35).
variable is assigned to a point ranging from 0 to 100, and Post-NAC LPBC comprised 12% of patients with residual
the predicted probability of pCR can be read in two steps: tumors. No association was observed between post-NAC

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Table 1  Association between pre-/post-NAC TILs and clinicopathologic parameters

Variables Pre-NAC Post-NAC

All, n (%) Non-LPBC, LPBC, n (%) p value All, n (%) Non-LPBC, n (%) LPBC, n p value
n (%) (%)

248 191 (77) 57 (23) 204 180 (88) 24 (12)

Age (years)
 < 50 178 (72) 137 (72) 41 (72) 151 (74) 131 (73) 20 (83)
 ≥ 50 70 (28) 54 (28) 16 (28) 0.56 53 (26) 49 (27) 4 (17) 0.33
Menopausal status
 Pre 188 (76) 147 (77) 41 (72) 158 (77.5) 137 (76) 21 (87.5)
 Post 60 (24) 44 (23) 16 (28) 0.48 46 (22.5) 43 (24) 3 (12.5) 0.3
Clinical T stage
 cT1–2 102 (41) 71 (37) 31 (54) 75 (37) 64 (36) 11 (46)
 cT3–4 146 (59) 120 (63) 26 (46) 0.02 129 (63) 116 (64) 13 (54) 0.37
Clinical N stage
 cN0–1 54 (22) 39 (20) 15 (26) 40 (20) 35 (19) 5 (21)
 cN2–3 194 (78) 152 (80) 42 (74) 0.36 164 (80) 145 (81) 19 (79) 0.79
Histologic type
 Ductal 229 (92) 174 (91) 55 (96.5) 185 (91) 164 (91) 21 (87.5)
 Others 19 (8) 17 (9) 2 (3.5) 0.26 19 (9) 16 (9) 3 (12.5) 0.47
Histologic grade
 1–2 116 (47) 105 (55) 11 (19) 109 (53) 99 (55) 10 (42)
 3 132 (53) 86 (45) 46 (81) < 0.001 95 (47) 81 (45) 14 (58) 0.28
Pre-NAC Ki-67
 Low 66 (29) 63 (36) 3 (6) 62 (34) 56 (34) 6 (29)
 High 161 (71) 114 (64) 47 (94) < 0.001 122 (66) 107 (66) 15 (71) 0.81
Molecular subtype
 Lu A 45 (18) 42 (22) 3 (5) 43 (21) 41 (23) 2 (8)
 HER2− Lu B 64 (26) 55 (29) 9 (16) 60 (29) 58 (32) 2 (8)
 HER2+ Lu B 22 (9) 16 (8) 6 (10) 20 (10) 15 (8) 5 (21)
 HER2+ 40 (16) 27 (14) 13 (23) 25 (12) 20 (11) 5 (21)
 TN 77 (31) 51 (27) 26 (46) 0.002 56 (28) 46 (26) 10 (42) 0.01
NAC regimen
 Anthracycline based 97 (39) 79 (41) 18 (32) 87 (43) 75 (42) 12 (50)
 Taxane based 151 (61) 112 (59) 39 (68) 0.22 117 (57) 105 (58) 12 (50) 0.51
NAC cycle
 ≤ 4 90 (36) 71 (37) 19 (33) 79 (39) 69 (38) 10 (42)
 > 4 158 (64) 120 (63) 38 (67) 0.64 125 (61) 111 (62) 14 (58) 0.83
 Yes 37 (15) 12 (6) 25 (44)
 No 211 (85) 179 (94) 32 (56) < 0.001
RCB class
 0–1 66 (27) 36 (19) 30 (53) 26 (13) 12 (7) 14 (58)
 2–3 182 (73) 155 (81) 27 (47) < 0.001 178 (87) 168 (93) 10 (42) < 0.001
Residual tumor size
 ≤ 2 cm 123 (50) 78 (41) 45 (79) 80 (39) 61 (34) 19 (79)
 > 2 cm 125 (50) 113 (59) 12 (21) < 0.001 124 (61) 119 (66) 5 (21) < 0.001
Nodal status
 Neg 94 (38) 65 (34) 29 (51) 137 (67) 115 (64) 22 (92)
 Pos 154 (62) 126 (66) 28 (49) 0.03 67 (33) 65 (36) 2 (8) 0.005
Post-NAC Ki-67
 Low 116 (59) 105 (64) 11 (32) 113 (58.5) 104 (59) 9 (50)
 High 82 (41) 59 (36) 24 (68) 0.001 80 (41.5) 71 (41) 9 (50) 0.46

TILs tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, NAC neoadjuvant chemotherapy, LPBC lymphocyte-predominant breast cancer, Lu A luminal A, Lu B lumi-
nal B, TN triple negative, pCR pathologic complete response

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Table 2  Univariable and Variables Univariable analysis Multivariable analysis

multivariable analyses for
predictive factors of pathologic OR 95% CI p value OR 95% CI p value
complete response (pCR)
Pre-NAC TILs: per 10% increment 6.42 3.27–12.58 < 0.001 3.38 1.60–7.13 0.001
Age: ≥ 50 versus < 50 1.35 0.70–2.60 0.378
Menopause: post versus pre 1.06 0.52–2.14 0.881
Histologic grade: 3 versus 1–2 3.30 1.45–7.52 0.005 1.08 0.43–2.76 0.867
Ki-67: high versus low 4.09 1.44–11.66 0.002 4.05 1.28–12.85 0.067
Nodal status: cN0–1 versus cN2–3 2.39 1.21–4.72 0.012 2.93 1.41–6.05 0.004
Tumor size: ≤ 4 cm versus > 4 cm 2.24 1.16–4.33 0.016 2.76 1.36–5.62 0.19
NAC regimen: Taxane versus Anthracycline 3.87 1.62–9.25 0.002 1.46 0.21–10.33 0.704
Trastuzumab: with versus no 2.14 0.78–5.94 0.142
NAC cycle: > 4 versus ≤ 4 4.49 2.00–10.11 < 0.001 1.97 0.94–4.14 0.074
ER: − versus + 4.76 2.07–10.93 < 0.001 3.40 1.14–10.13 0.028
PR: − versus + 4.51 1.60–12.75 0.004 1.67 0.44–6.34 0.45
HER2: + versus − 1.90 0.99–3.65 0.053

TILs tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, NAC neoadjuvant chemotherapy, ER estrogen receptor, PR progester-

one receptor, HER2 human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval

TILs and baseline pre-treatment clinicopathologic vari- Association between pre‑ and post‑NAC TILs
ables (Table 1). In residual disease, increased quantity of and molecular subtypes
post-NAC TILs was significantly associated with smaller
residual tumor size (p < 0.001), negative nodal status The proportion of pre-NAC LPBC differed among molecular
(p = 0.005), and lower RCBs (p < 0.001), representing a subtypes, with highest in TN (46%) and lowest in luminal
prognostic role of host antitumor immunity after treat- A subtype (5%) (Table 1). This distribution was statistically
ment. Therefore, we hold the hypothesis that post-NAC significant (p = 0.002), and consistent with findings in previ-
TIL levels can predict long-term outcomes in the neoad- ous studies. We also found significant differences between
juvant setting. For further confirmation, univariable and molecular subtypes in post-NAC LPBC rate, which was
multivariable survival analyses were conducted. Median highest in TN (42%), lowest in luminal A and HER2− lumi-
follow-up was 60.1  months. Five-year BCSS rate was nal B (8%).
45.6%, and 5-year DFS rate was 38.3%. The presence of Patients who achieved pCR were significantly more likely
high post-NAC TIL levels has been shown to have sig- to be TN (41%) or HER2+ (38%) subtypes than HER2-
nificantly extended BCSS and DFS in univariable analy- luminal B (11%), HER2+ luminal B (5%), or luminal A
sis (Table 3; Fig. 3a, b). Lower pre- and post-NAC Ki-67 (5%) subtypes. By pre-NAC TIL value, the pre-NAC LPBC
expression, achievement of pCR, lower RCB class, and phenotype was significantly associated with pCR in the
absence of metastatic lymph nodes after NAC were other HER2+ subtype (OR 5.60; 95% CI 1.33–23.62; p = 0.031)
parameters associated with better BCSS. Aforementioned (Table 4). The pCR rate was also significantly higher in
variables and smaller residual tumor size were also statisti- LPBC patients across TN (OR 5.75; 95% CI 1.71–19.38;
cally significant factors of better DFS. When the signifi- p = 0.005) and HER2− luminal B (OR 27.00; 95% CI
cant variables were entered as potential regression candi- 2.41–302.19; p = 0.007) subtypes. The odds ratio of pCR
dates, only high post-NAC TILs and low Ki-67 index were increased by 3.91 (95% CI 3.50–4.48) per 10% increment in
significant predictors of BCSS and DFS in the multivari- pre-NAC TILs in HER2+ subtype, 2.63 (95% CI 1.91–3.42)
able model. in TN subtype, and 1.82 (CI 1.62–2.07) in HER2-luminal
We further compared long-term survival of post-LPBC B subtype. No correlation between high pre-NAC TIL level
and non-post-LPBC patients with patients who achieved and pCR was identified in luminal A or HER2+ luminal B
pCR (Fig. 3c, d). Of interest, patients who did not achieve due to lack of achieving pCR in non-LPBC patients of these
pCR and had high post-NAC TIL levels had slightly poorer subtypes.
BCSS and DFS than pCR group, but significantly bet- In survival analysis, all subtypes demonstrated a tendency
ter survivals than non-pCR and non-post-LPBC group. for extended BCSS and DFS in pre-NAC LPBC in compari-
Patients who did not achieve pCR and had low levels of son with non-LPBC, but only BCSS of the TN subtype was
post-NAC TILs had the poorest survival. statistically significant.

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Fig. 2  a Nomogram to predict

the probability of pathologic
complete response (pCR). TILs
tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes,
NAC neoadjuvant chemo-
therapy, cN clinical N stage, ER
estrogen receptor. b A patient
of triple-negative breast cancer
with cN0 stage and 40% of
pre-NAC TILs would have a
total of 112 points (44 for 40%
pre-NAC TILs, 30 for cN0, and
38 for ER negativity). The pre-
dictive value of pCR after NAC
for this patient is 57%

Discussion provides a prognostic value, as pCR serves as a predictor

for long-term survival [24].
NAC has been increasingly used in the management of Recent preclinical studies demonstrated that stand-
both locally advanced and earlier operable stage BC. NAC ard neoadjuvant cytotoxic agents, including anthracy-
is mainly used to decrease extent of the tumor but it also clines and taxanes, can trigger an antitumor host immune

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Table 3  Factors associated with Variables Univariable analysis Multivariable analysis

prognosis in univariable and
multivariable analyses HR 95% CI p value HR 95% CI p value

Breast cancer-specific survival

 Pre-LPBC versus non-LPBC 1.23 0.64–2.36 0.53
 Post-LPBC versus non-LPBC 2.38 0.85–6.66 0.04 6.57 0.87–19.57 0.005
 Age: ≥ 50 versus < 50 1.55 0.77–3.10 0.22
 Menopause: post versus pre 1.06 0.54–2.08 0.86
 cT stage: cT1–2 versus cT3–4 1.7 0.91–3.16 0.09
 cN stage: cN0–1 versus cN2–3 1.49 0.70–3.18 0.3
 Histologic grade: 1–2 versus 3 1.78 0.99–3.19 0.053
 Pre Ki-67: low versus high 2.67 1.19–5.99 0.018 1.90 0.80–4.48 0.144
 NAC regimen: Taxane versus Anthracycline 0.9 0.50–1.61 0.72
 NAC cycle: > 4 versus ≤ 4 0.76 0.42–1.38 0.37
 pCR versus non-pCR 4.15 1.01–17.08 0.049 4.62 2.95–7.26 0.97
 RCB class: 0–1 versus 2–3 5.66 1.76–18.22 0.004 2.06 0.27–15.95 0.49
 Residual tumor size: ≤ 2 cm versus > 2 cm 1.67 0.94–2.99 0.082
 Nodal status: Neg versus Pos 2.32 1.16–4.65 0.018 1.49 0.64–3.45 0.354
 Post KI-67: low versus high 4.66 2.43–8.94 < 0.001 4.59 2.23–9.46 < 0.001
Disease-free survival
 Pre-LPBC versus non-LPBC 1.26 0.72–2.20 0.43
 Post-LPBC versus non-LPBC 1.99 0.91–4.35 0.044 2.24 0.81–5.48 0.025
 Age: ≥ 50 versus < 50 1.24 0.75–2.06 0.41
 Menopause: post versus pre 0.9 0.55–1.48 0.68
 cT stage: cT1–2 versus cT3–4 1.6 0.99–2.56 0.054
 cN stage: cN0–1 versus cN2–3 1.8 0.95–3.40 0.07
 Histologic grade: 1–2 versus 3 1.33 0.85–2.08 0.21
 Pre Ki-67: low versus high 2.36 1.24–4.49 0.009 2.15 1.10–4.19 0.091
 NAC regimen: Taxane versus Anthracycline 0.66 0.41–1.06 0.086
 NAC cycle: > 4 versus ≤ 4 0.66 0.40–1.06 0.085
 pCR versus non-pCR 3.7 0.35–10.12 0.011 2.57 1.75–3.78 0.971
 RCB class: 0–1 versus 2–3 3.76 1.81–7.81 < 0.001 1.82 0.42–7.86 0.424
 Residual tumor size: ≤ 2 cm versus > 2 cm 1.94 1.23–3.08 0.005 1.21 0.68–2.14 0.524
 Nodal status: Neg versus Pos 2.42 1.41–4.13 0.001 1.68 0.82–3.46 0.155
 Post KI-67: low versus high 2.65 1.64–4.28 < 0.001 2.45 1.43–4.21 0.001

LPBC lymphocyte-predominant breast cancer, NAC neoadjuvant chemotherapy, pCR pathologic complete
response, HR hazard ratio, CI confidence interval

response by inducing tumor-specific cytotoxic T cells. In been considered as less immunogenic, lymphocyte-depleted
HER2-positive BC, dual anti-HER2-targeted therapy com- tumors as compared to other subtypes, questioning their sur-
bined with cytotoxic agents has become a standard NAC rogacy for pCR or long-term survival. However, accumu-
regimen, with the benefit partly from antibody-depend- lated data suggest a possible association of tumor biology
ent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC). However, as the with immunity and inflammation in these subtypes [26, 27].
mechanisms of how TCHP regimens influence tumor Though a majority of previous studies have regarded lumi-
microenvironment are not yet clarified, predictive or prog- nal types altogether as HR-positive, luminal A and luminal
nostic role of TILs remains unknown in this setting. This B have been revealed as distinct molecular subtypes, with
was the first goal of our study. specific oncogenic drivers [28, 29]. The luminal B subtype
Secondly, previous investigations have focused on the can be further divided according to HER2 amplification sta-
prognostic effect of TILs mainly in the TN subtype, due to it tus. As the overexpression of HER2 itself has an immuno-
having the highest rate of LPBC [9, 25]. Luminal types have genicity and triggers the immune system, the tumor-immune

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Fig. 3  Kaplan–Meier curves of breast cancer-specific survival and breast cancer, pCR pathologic complete response, HR hazard ratio, CI
disease-free survival stratified by post-NAC TIL levels (a, b), and in confidence interval
comparison with pCR group (c, d). LPBC lymphocyte-predominant

Table 4  Pathologic complete pCR, n (%)

response (pCR, n = 37) rate
according to molecular subtypes Overall LPBC (n = 25) non-LPBC (n = 12) p value

Luminal A (n = 45) 2 2 (100%) 0 (0%) 0.003

HER2-Luminal B (n = 64) 4 3 (75%) 1 (25%) 0.007
HER2+ Luminal B (n-22) 2 2 (100%) 0 (0%) 0.065
HER2+ (n = 40) 14 8 (57.1%) 6 (42.9%) 0.031
Triple negative (n = 77) 15 10 (66.7%) 5 (33.3%) 0.005

LPBC lymphocyte-predominant breast cancer, HER2 human epidermal growth factor receptor 2

interface between the two luminal B subtypes may be quite prognostic significance of post-treatment TILs [12, 13]. The
different. correlation between high levels of post-treatment TILs and
Finally, few studies have investigated TILs after NAC, lower residual tumor burden or better outcome was found in
and the results have been controversial regarding the the TN subtype only.

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

In this study, 248 pair-matched pre-treatment biopsy and In conclusion, this study reveals the predictive and prog-
post-treatment resection specimens provided new insights nostic value of pre- and post-NAC TILs. These findings
into pre- and post- NAC TIL levels in different molecular apply not only to the well-established TN and HER2+ sub-
subtypes and NAC regimens. types, but luminal A and B also. Pre-NAC TIL levels dem-
The results of pre-NAC TILs confirmed their predictive onstrated a strong predictive impact for pCR, as well as a
value for pCR in the overall cohort group, especially stand- discriminative ability to identify a subgroup of patients char-
ing out in the TN, HER2+, and HER2− luminal B subtypes. acterized by particularly strong response to chemotherapy in
Although absence of cases achieving pCR limits the con- any of the molecular subtypes. Additionally, findings suggest
clusion for luminal A and HER2+ luminal B subtypes, our that post-NAC TILs could be a surrogate for long-term treat-
findings imply possible predictive role of pre-NAC TILs in ment efficacy in the neoadjuvant setting.
these subtypes. Our results demonstrated that besides high
pre-NAC TILs, cN0–1 stage and low ER expression levels Data availability  The datasets analyzed during the current study are
available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
were other significant factors for predicting pCR. On the
basis of these results, we created a nomogram to predict
the probability of pCR. This nomogram provides the esti-
Compliance with ethical standards 
mated probability of achieving pCR after the planned NAC Conflict of interest  The authors declare no conflict of interest.
using clinicopathologic features. There have been other
well-designed nomograms predicting pCR after NAC in the Ethical approval  All procedures performed in studies involving human
literature, but to the best of our knowledge, our study is the participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the insti-
tutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki
first to generate a nomogram providing a detailed probability Declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.
associated with TILs. Although we used a calibration plot to For this type of study, formal consent is not required.
assess agreement between the predicted and observed prob-
abilities, we did not use a bootstrap method to validate the Informed consent  Informed consent was obtained from all individual
participants included in the study.
model internally or externally. Further research focused on
validation will extend the generalized use of the nomogram.
Of note, strong association between high TILs and
increased pCR rate was also observed in the TCHP group
of HER2-positive BC, validating pre-NAC TIL levels as a References
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