Online Steps 4IN8OUT (EN
Online Steps 4IN8OUT (EN
Online Steps 4IN8OUT (EN
Click to install the PL-2303 Drive installer driver, the following screen
will appear:
Click NEXT, until the drive to complete, and then restart the computer,
processor, turn on the power of the online audio processor, the computer
operating system will automatically search the USB information, and the
If you are through other online line or other ways to get head
example PL2303, on the desktop with the right mouse button click on the
normally installed, which means that the processor can be used normally.
exclamation point, which is that the computer system needs the digital
Just update the driver and select the update from the computer, as
shown below:
And then NEXT STEP
This will make the PL2303 driver update complete, and the update will
return to the computer property hardware. The USB driven exclamation mark
will disappear, and then the driver will be used normally.
2. Installation of audio processor software.
A. Open the audio processor of random CD file, as shown below:
Put the mouse over here to right-click, and use the administrator as
After the point is closed, the shortcut will be generated on the desktop.
Click open, as shown below::