Effect of ExtrusionProcess Parameters On Mechanial Properties of 3D Printed PLA Product

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Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics

ISSN: 2527-6212, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 119-126

© 2021 Pres Univ Press Publication, Indonesia



Nanang Ali Sutisna1,a, Rakha Amrillah Fattah2,b

Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, President University Jl. Ki Hajar
Dewantara, Jababeka Education Park, Bekasi 17550
[email protected], [email protected]

Metode produksi item melalui penyimpan material secara serempak level demi level, berdasarkan
model digital 3D, disebut Additive Manufacturing (AM) atau pencetakan 3D. Di antara banyak
metode AM, teknik Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) bersama dengan bahan PLA (Polylactic acid)
umumnya digunakan dalam pembuatan aditif. Sampai saat ini, sifat mekanik komponen AM tidak
dapat dihitung atau diperkirakan sampai komponen tersebut dirakit dan diperiksa. Dalam karya ini,
pendekatan baru disarankan tentang bagaimana proses ekstrusi mempengaruhi sifat mekanik
komponen yang dicetak untuk mendapatkan bagaimana bagian tersebut dapat diproduksi atau dicetak
untuk mencapai sifat mekanik yang lebih baik. Metodologi ini didasarkan pada prosedur
eksperimental di mana kombinasi parameter untuk mencapai yang optimal dari percobaan
manufaktur dan nilainya dapat ditentukan, hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan pengaruh proses
ekstrusi terhadap sifat mekanik.

Kata kunci. AM, PLA, FDM, Sifat Mekanik, printer 3D, Proses Ekstrusi.

The method of producing items through synchronously depositing material level by level, based on
3D digital models, is named Additive Manufacturing (AM) or 3D-printing. Amongs many AM
methods, the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) technique along with PLA (Polylactic acid) material
is commonly used in additive manufacturing. Until now, the mechanical properties of the AM
components could not be calculated or estimated until they've been assembled and checked. In this
work, a novel approach is suggested as to how the extrusion process affects the mechanical properties
of the printed component to obtain how the parts can be manufactured or printed to achieve improved
mechanical properties. This methodology is based on an experimental procedure in which the
combination of parameters to achieve an optimal from a manufacturing experiment and its value can
be determined, the results obtained show the effect of the extrusion process affects the mechanical

Keywords: AM, PLA, FDM, Mechanical Properties, 3D printer, Extrusion Process.

Technology has changed in the modern era, we should have found the other method to wipe the
conventional method. Optimization is the way to change the old method to the new method, and now
there is a technology it's called Additive Manufacturing (AM). Additive Manufacturing (AM), known
for the past three decades, is a technology that can create real objects or called finished products made
from raw materials. This process requires computerization with special software called Computer-
Aided Design (CAD) directly, which is used to give the printer information to create the object. The
method of creating this object is done by adding layer by layer gradually until it becomes a real object
that you want to print. The Additive Manufacturing (AM) process differs because it has advantages

Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics 2021

over conventional manufacturing processes by focusing on adding new material rather than producing
residual material, making it a more efficient and fast process.
Extrusion is a method in Additive Manufacturing (AM) that is currently frequently used, a process in
which objects are created with a fixed cross-section and a nozzle that cramps upwards and downwards
and sides. The advantage of the extrusion process is that it can make objects with complex cross-
sections, geometries, and complex cavities. Also, can process materials by the extrusion process only
works by the press. This extrusion application is considered environmentally friendly so that it can
be used in home 3d printing and also is easier to develop the product.

In view of the rapid growth of 3d printers, this study will discuss the effect of extrusion process
parameters on the mechanical properties of 3d printed products with polylactic acid (PLA) filament.

Literature Review
Additive Manufacturing (AM) as known as a 3D printer, the method used to generate a large range
of 3D model structures and complex geometries. The method involves printing sequential multiple
layers shaped over each of one another. Based on the ASTM definition [1], additive manufacturing
(AM) is the process of combining materials to create objects from 3D model data, usually layer by
layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies. Other terminologies to describe
additive manufacturing includes additive fabrication, additive processing, additive engineering,
additive coating, and free form fabrication. Customized manufacturing processes are as of now has
become the trend in 3D printing, as expected by Wohlers Associates, which envisaged that around 50
percent of 3D printing would occur all over the development of consumer products in 2020 [2].

AM are having many methods to develop until this day of 3D printers. The most popular 3D printing
process, most of which uses polymer filaments, are identified as material extrusions, such as fused
deposition modelling (FDM) or fused filament fabrication (FFF). The other is selective laser sintering
(SLS), selective laser melting (SLM) or liquid binding in three-dimensional printing (3DP), material
jetting, stereolithography apparatus (SLA), direct energy deposition (DED), laminated object
manufacturing (LOM), and hybrid, are the methods of AM. Each system has its process material,
Polylactic acid (PLA) and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) are the key polymers commonly
using for 3D composite printing [3].

Additive processing has been commonly used in numerous fields, there is prototyping, construction,
and biomechanical. Implementation of 3D printing there in the construction sector was, in specific,
quite slow and marginal given the benefits of, for example, less waste, freedom of design, and

There are many researches that have been conducted related to optimization of 3D printing process
parameters on mechanical properties of printed product using different materials. Boparai, et al. [5]
discusses the optimization of extrusion process parameters in aluminum alloy materials, while Sagias,
et al. [4] discusses the mechanical properties of 3d printed polymer of specimens. The method that
using in this journal is the Taguchi method and using ABS material. In addition, Tontowi, et al [6]
discusses the optimization of process parameters in the Polylactic acid printed (PLA) part with
Taguchi method and Setiawan, et al [7] reported the optimization of 3D printing parameters on
dimensional accuracy and surface quality using Taguchi-Grey relational analysis. This research is
focuses on the effect of extrusion process parameters on mechanical properties of 3D printed PLA

Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics 2021

This observation is carried out in the extrusion process and the printout of the filament, especially
the PLA filament, which will be printed with a 3D printer at the President University Lab. To
determine the effect of the extrusion process on a 3d printer on mechanical properties here is an
observation by printing an object from a filament, which is commonly called a PLA product.
Parameters have a lot of influence on the object. This happens because each different parameter will
produce different results, then in terms of its mechanical properties, one of which will be a tensile
test to determine the mechanical properties of these objects.

In identifying this thesis's writing, the author decided to focus on the PLA analysis of products that
have been printed using a 3D printer with different parameters and tested using the tensile test. This
research aims to make a good product by analyzing the print results of a 3D printer product so that it
can be seen the effect of the extrusion process with different parameters on the mechanical properties
produced from a filament PLA, the illustration would be described in figure 1 below

Figure 1 Identification Problem

Data Collection
The next step is to collect data for the final project after studying all theoretical studies. Initial data
in the form of specimens that will be tested for tensile testing is designed using CAD software by
adjusting the tensile testing machine found in the lab president university. The specimen that would
be use is following the standart which is ASTM D638 TYPE I standard test method for tensile
properties of plastics [8]. The specimen itself has a thickness of 3mm.

Figure 2 Design 3D of the specimen

Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics 2021

Figure 3 Design of the specimen [8]

The next parameter is the extruder temperature, which determines which filament is too liquid or
not. The temperature, which will be mentioned later, will be based on the filament supplier's
recommendations. The fill density used for filling in the physical model results is the next parameter
and parameter. The data will be described in the form of parameter variations, which will be written
using the table below.

Table 1 Parameter of the specimen

Parameter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Layer Height (LH) 0.05 mm 0.1 mm 0.2 mm
Extruder Temperature (ET) 200°C 205°C 210°C
Infill Density (ID) 10% 20% 30%

Table 1 explains the parameter used in this thesis to know the effect on mechanical properties,
which is this parameter will be the model physic, for level 1 using 0.05 mm layer height, 200°C
extruder temperature, and 10% the infill density. Level 2, the layer height increase becomes 0.1 mm,
205°C extruder temperature, and 20% infill density for level 3 using the most significant layer height
0.2 mm, 210°C extruder temperature, and 30% the infill density. The experimental data will be written
in an orthogonal matrix using Table 2 below.

Table 2 Experiment of the specimen

Specimen LH ET ID
1 0.05 mm 200°C 10 %
2 0.05 mm 205°C 20 %
3 0.05 mm 210°C 30 %
4 0.1 mm 205°C 30 %
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics 2021

5 0.1 mm 210°C 10 %
6 0.1 mm 200°C 20 %
7 0.2 mm 210°C 20 %
8 0.2 mm 200°C 30 %
9 0.2 mm 205 °C 10 %

Data Analysis
This part discusses a complete explanation of the stages of data analysis that have been mentioned
above, which will be tested using a tensile testing machine in the President University lab as shown
in Figure 4, with different parameters as exhibited in Table 1.

Figure 4. Specimen before and after tensile testing

The following equations are used in the testing analysis.
Tensile Strength σ = F/A (1)

Elongation ε = Δl/l x 100% (2)

Young’s Modulus E = σ/ε (3)

Result & Discussion

After all specimen data that have been printed and tested produce specimen parameter data and
tensile strength. According to Figure 4 about result testing of the specimen below, the specimen has
successfully been implemented by methodology in the previous chapter. The fracture of the specimen
is not always the same as the other because the strength of the specimen has different parameters

Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics 2021

Figure 4 Result testing of the specimen

All of the specimens are showing the influence of the mechanical properties, the most influential
parameters the author could say is layer height. Extrusion Process parameters were set at the start of
the experiment, the parameters embrace is the result above. The optimum extrusion process
parameters, resulting in the highest ultimate tensile strength was the following Table 3 with the yellow
line :

Table 3. Extrusion parameters and the effect on mechanical properties

Specimen LH ET ID Tensile Elongation Young
Strength Modulus
1st 0.05 mm 200°C 10 % 27.9 Mpa 2.04 % 1,368 Mpa

2nd 0.05 mm 205°C 20 % 32.1 Mpa 1.60 % 2,006 Mpa

3rd 0.05 mm 210°C 30 % 33.4 Mpa 1.00 % 3,340 MPa

4th 0.1 mm 205°C 30 % 25.4 Mpa 2.59 % 981 Mpa

5th 0.1 mm 210°C 10 % 28.8 Mpa 1.66 % 1,735 Mpa

6th 0.1 mm 200°C 20 % 28.4 Mpa 2.32 % 1,224 Mpa

7th 0.2 mm 210°C 20 % 28 Mpa 2.89 % 969 Mpa

8th 0.2 mm 200°C 30 % 24.8 Mpa 1.90 % 1,305 Mpa

9th 0.2 mm 205 °C 10 % 21.5 Mpa 2.80 % 768 Mpa

After all, due to the various parameters, it is found that the strongest specimen at about 33.4 MPa
(experiment 3) besides this specimen happened after deformed before its fracture. In this final project,
these factors were reduced, To investigate the benefits for producing parts to identical mechanical

Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics 2021

properties using various AM parameters. The results above is that the optimum parameters of the
extrusion process having a major effect on the mechanical properties at the specimens produced.

After all methods and analyze the object, it is concluded that:
1. Extrusion process parameters such as layer height, infill density and extruder temperature.
Layer height is most affect the mechanical properties especially tensile strength because the
layer height is how many the layer built by the height it makes the specimens strong. Also the
other parameters such as infill density and extruder temperature also affect the mechanical
2. The optimum parameters that produce a good product are experimental number 3 that had the
highest strength, i.e ; LH : 0.05 mm, ET : 210°C , Infill Density : 30%.

Further research on other parameters is required and the findings of other filaments or other types of
AM can also be used, as this study only analyzes and performs research on PLA generated from
FDM type machine.

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