Competency - Based Learning Material
Competency - Based Learning Material
Competency - Based Learning Material
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Qualification THIS
module contains training materials and activities for you to complete.
The unit of competency “Welcome gue! "#$ !"%e oo$ "#$ 'e(e)"ge o)$e)* contains
knowledge, skills and attitude required for TRAI!!".
#ou are required to go through, a series of learning activities in order to complete each
learning outcome of the module. In each learning outcome are I#o)m"!+o# S,ee!- Sel.C,ec%-
T"% S,ee! "#$ /o' S,ee!0 Then follow these activities on your own. If you have questions, don$t
hesitate to ask your facilitator for assistance.
The goal of this course is the development of practical skills in supervising work%&ased
training. Tools in planning, monitoring and evaluation of work%&ased training shall &e
prepared during the workshop to support in the implementation of the training program.
This module is prepared to help you achieve the required competency, in 1FOOD AND
This will &e the source of information for you to acquire knowledge and skills in this
Titles you can't find anywhere else
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Try Scribd FREE for 30 days to access over 125 million titles without ads or interruptions!
Try Scribd FREE for 30 days to access over 125 million titles without ads or interruptions!
Try Scribd FREE for 30 days to access over 125 million titles without ads or interruptions!
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• Work through all the information and complete the activities in each section.
• Read information sheets and complete the self%check. Answer keys are included in this
package to allow immediate feed&ack. Answering the self%check will help you acquire
the knowledge content of this competency.
• -erform the task sheets and o& sheets until you are confident that your output conforms to
the performance criteria checklist that follows the sheets.
• "u&mit outputs of the task sheets and o& sheets to your facilitator for evaluation
and recording in the Accomplishment hart. /utputs shall serve as your portfolio during
the institutional competency evaluation.
A ce)!++c"!e o "c,+e(eme#! will &e awarded to you after passing the evaluation. #ou must
pass the institutional competency evaluation for this competency &efore moving to
another competency.
320 Hour
Co!"#!" o$ "% Co'(#"#!)* + B,# L#,r!!. M,"#r,/
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Try Scribd FREE for 30 days to access over 125 million titles without ads or interruptions!
Try Scribd FREE for 30 days to access over 125 million titles without ads or interruptions!
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Try Scribd FREE for 30 days to access over 125 million titles without ads or interruptions!
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• Work through all the information and complete the activities in each section.
• Read information sheets and complete the self%check. Answer keys are included in this
package to allow immediate feed&ack. Answering the self%check will help you acquire
the knowledge content of this competency.
• -erform the task sheets and o& sheets until you are confident that your output conforms to
the performance criteria checklist that follows the sheets.
• "u&mit outputs of the task sheets and o& sheets to your facilitator for evaluation
and recording in the Accomplishment hart. /utputs shall serve as your portfolio during
the institutional competency evaluation.
A ce)!++c"!e o "c,+e(eme#! will &e awarded to you after passing the evaluation. #ou must
pass the institutional competency evaluation for this competency &efore moving to
another competency.
320 Hour
Co!"#!" o$ "% Co'(#"#!)* + B,# L#,r!!. M,"#r,/
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