Design Rpeort (Road)
Design Rpeort (Road)
Design Rpeort (Road)
Unit 305, Suncity Business Tower, Golf Course 1, Jai Singh Marg (First Floor), YMCA Cultural
Road,Sector 54 Gurgram Haryana - 122002India Centre Building, New Delhi – 110001 (INDIA)
Email : [email protected] Email :[email protected]
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORT&H) is poised to develop all
remote and strategically important roads in hilly terrains to perennial routes. In
continuation to these developments National Highways and Infrastructure Development
Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) has been appointed by MORT&H, to implement these
NHIDCL has been assigned the work of Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed
Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities for the construction of a Road
Tunnel and its approaches enabling all weather connectivity along the stretches on NH-
244 in the State of Jammu and Kashmir. NHIDCL has entrusted TPF Getinsa Eurostudios
SL in association with Rodic Consultants Private Limited, to carry out Consultancy
Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-
Construction activities to Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel and its approach roads
on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion of NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State
of Jammu and Kashmir.
The Index Map showing the stretches of National Highways, described above as a part of
project road, is presented in Fig. 1.1 (enclosed).
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
NHIDCL has been assigned the work of Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed
Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities for the Construction of a Road
Tunnel and its approaches enabling all weather Connectivity along the stretches on NH-
244 (Old NH1B) in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
(i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on
Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion.
(ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads
on Goha – Khanabal road portion
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
2018 & IRC: 48 Hill road Manual. Due to uni-directional tunnel proposal the approach
road shall be 2 X 2 lane upto km 9.935 and afterward 2 Lane carriageways with paved
shoulder configurations has been proposed.
This report constitutes Volume – II of the DDPR and Comprises of the Design Report.
Chapter – 1 : Introduction
Deals with the design standards propose for the project road and
provides the typical cross-sections adopted under different
Deals with the geometric design of the road proper resulting from
the application of the design standards.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Deals with Toll Traffic, Toll Lanes and Toll Revenues collection
Deals with Traffic Signs and Road Markings and other Appurtenant.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
2.0 General
The cross-section elements have been adjusted to far extent to accommodate within the
minimize width of PROW and topographic barriers.
In the west side the portal is on the Chenani-Sudhmahadev road at about 17km from
Chenani near Gauri Kund Temple on the west and terminates near Bari Village traversing
through Thanda Pani in Assar tehsil in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. The project road
and Tunnel traverses through hilly and mountainous terrain along its route. On the east
side the portal is connected to a new proposed road from Goha to Khellani. Access to this
tunnel will also be for the villages located along the existing road at designated locations.
The proposed Goha -Khellani road will meet NH-244 (old NH-1B) near Khellani.
The improvement point of view two types of standards has been adopted, namely:
The minimum standards in fact a compromise between safety and the operational
freedom, which could be accepted for difficult stretches where application of the
desirable standards, would lead to high costs.
Accordingly, design standards for geometric elements have been proposed under
“desirable” and “minimum” categories. These proposed standards are consistent with
the fall within the parameters recommended in the related standards of the Indian Roads
Congress (IRC). Considering the practicability of work the adopted values has been listed
in the Table 2.1.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Design Standards
(i) Design Speed (Km/hr.)
Mountainous Terrain : 60 (Ruling), 40(Minimum)
(ii) Level of Service : B
(iii) Roadway Widths (m) :
Mountainous Terrain 11 m for 2-lanes with paved shoulders/
Earthen Shoulder
(iv) Roadway Elements
Mountainous Terrain
With Retaining wall and parapet : Carriageway
2-lane- 2x3.5 m
Paved Shoulder
2x1.5 m
Earthen Shoulder
1.0 m (Valley Side)
(v) Camber Carriageway
Flexible- 2.50%
Rigid - 2.00 %
Paved Shoulder
Flexible- 2.50%
Rigid - 2.00 %
Unpaved Shoulder
Flexible- 3.50%
Rigid - 3.00 %
(vi) Right of Way As per Plan and Profile
(vii) Embankment/ Cutting Slope
Fill height, up to 3.0 m In filling- 1V: 2 H
Fill height from 3.0 m to 6.0 m In filling- 1V: 1.5 H
Fill height exceeding 6.0 m To be designed based on soil
parameters, (IRC:75-1979)
In cutting- 1V:1H
(viii) Stopping Sight Distance 20 m for design speed of 20 km/hr.
25 m for design speed of 25 km/hr.
30 m for design speed of 30 km/hr.
40 m for design speed of 35 Km /hr.
45m for design speed of 40km/hr.
60 m for design speed of 50km/hr.
Intermediate sight distance 40 m for design speed of 20 km/hr.
50 m for design speed of 25 km/hr.
60 m for design speed of 30 km/hr.
80 m for design speed of 35 Km /hr.
90 m for design speed of 40km/hr.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Design Standards
120 m for design speed of 50km/hr.
(ix) Super-elevation
Mountainous Terrain With snow bound area
(As per IRC: SP:48-1998) Maximum 7%
Clause No- Without snow bound area
Maximum 10%
Adopted maximum 7%
(x) Radii for Horizontal Curves
Mountainous Terrain Ruling Minimum 150 m
Absolute minimum 75 m
(xi) Gradient
(As per IRC: SP:73-2018)
Mountainous Terrain
Ruling 5.00%
Limiting 6.00%
Steep Terrain
Ruling 6.00%
Limiting 7.00%
(xii) Minimum k factor
Summit Curve
Mountainous Terrain Desirable: 8
Minimum: 5
Valley Curve
Mountainous Terrain Desirable: 10
Minimum: 7
(xiii) Bridge Clearance
Vehicular underpass 5.5 m
Light Vehicular and Smaller 4.0m
Vehicular Underpass
(xiv) Design Flood Frequency
Bridges More than 50 years
Sewers and Ditches 60 years
2.2 Terrain Classification
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Design speed is the basic parameter, which determines geometric features of the road.
The proposed design speeds for different terrain categories are as follows:
As per IRC: SP:73-2018, the standard lane width of the project highway shall be 3.5 m.
Full strength pavement for paved shoulders is proposed. Width of these shoulders will
be 1.5 m. This will provide better traffic operation conditions, lower maintenance cost
and will be useful at the times of routine/periodic maintenance.
It is proposed to have 1.0 m wide earthen shoulders which will provide sufficient space
for installing road appurtenant such as traffic signs, crash barriers (where required) etc.,
and in combination with the paved shoulders for parking of stalled vehicles.
2.4.4 Median
The slope of embankment is linked with its height. In accordance with the Manual for
Safety in Road Design (MoRT&H publication), 2H: 1 V has been proposed for the entire
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
prepared and these are listed in the Table 2.2. Figures of different typical cross sections
showing following different types of road features have been presented in Volume-IX:
Summary of TCS
Sr. No. Detail TCS
(m) Kms
1 Left side Fill Right Cut 1 235.5 0.236
2 Both side Cut 2 139 0.139
3 Both side Cut 3 348 0.348
4 Left side Fill Right Cut 4 126.5 0.127
5 VIADUCT Left 5 264 0.264
6 VIADUCT Left 6 336 0.336
7 Both side Fill 7 49.5 0.050
8 Both side Cut 8 972 0.972
9 Both side Fill 9 305 0.305
10 Left side Fill Right Cut 10 605 0.605
11 Both side Cut 11 447 0.447
12 TUNNEL 8089 8.089
13 VIADUCT 933.5 0.934
2.5 Sight Distance
Safe stopping sight distance, both in the vertical and horizontal directions will apply in
design. The sight distance values as per IRC recommendations are as follows:
The proposed new alignment of project road Sudhmahadev - Dranga Tunnel section is
connecting Gauri Kund Temple on Chenani-Sudhmahadev road to Bari village in the state
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Further it has been ensured that the alignment would enable consistent, safe and smooth
movement of vehicles operating at the design speed.
Super elevation is the cross fall this is provided on the pavement on a horizontal curve in
order to assist a vehicle to maintain a circular path, and partially compensate the
centrifugal force.
For normal values of super elevation, side friction and radius, the following formula is
e+f= V2
f= coefficient of side friction force developed between the vehicle tyres and
the road pavement. This is taken as positive if the frictional force on the
vehicle acts towards the centre of the curve.
Maximum side friction of 0.15 is adopted for the project road as per IRC: 73
Considering the high-speed characteristics of the project road, the maximum super
elevation is limited to 7%.
Super elevation has been developed by rotating the carriageway about edge.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
corresponds to the start of the transition and full super elevation for the curve (e %) is
attained at the end of the transition. In circular curves, 2/3 of the super elevation is
achieved on the tangent i.e. at the start of the curve 2/3 e% is achieved. In case of
compound curves (curves in same direction) where proper super elevation runoff length
is not available, full super elevation on sharper curve is retained on the common tangent.
Transition curves
Transition curves have some advantages which can be summed up into the following:
To introduce gradually the centrifugal force between the tangent point and the
beginning of the circular curve, to provide smooth entry to curve.
To enable gradual introduction of the designed super elevation and extra widening of
pavement at the start of the circular curve.
Almost all curves in the project road are provided with transition except at larger radius
where transition is not required as per requirement of IRC Code.
It is the clear distance between the centre line of a horizontal curve to an obstruction on
the inner side of the curve. This is considered in design so that adequate sight distance is
available while negotiating the curve.
Study of the limiting values for various elements of horizontal alignments recommended
by various international standards reveals that, besides the general factors described
above, conditions specific to the country have also a role to play in determining the
boundaries of the standards. The standards proposed to suit the project road, are
presented below:
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
The vertical alignment has been designed to be generally compatible with the horizontal
alignment and consistent with the topography to achieve a free-flowing profile. The
following criteria shall in general be followed while designing vertical curves:
2.7.1 Gradient
Vertical Gradient
According to AASHTO (2001) design guidelines, the minimum K values for stopping sight
distance requirements are 52, 26 and 7 for design speeds of 100 km/hr, 80 km/h and 50
km/hr respectively.
According to TAC (1999) design guidelines, the minimum K valves for stopping sight
distance requirements are 45 to 80, 24 to 36 and 6 to 16 for design speeds of 100 km/hr,
80 km/hr and 50 km/hr respectively.
The Consultants propose minimum summit curve K values of 75, 35 and 15 for design
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
The minimum K values for valley or sag curves, in accordance with AASHTO (2001)
design guidelines are 45, 30 and 13 for design speeds of 100 km/hr, 80 km/hr and 50
km/hr respectively. The minimum K values for valley or sag curves, in accordance with
TAC (1999) design guidelines are 37 to 50, 25 to 32 and 7 to 16 for design speeds of 100
km/hr, 80 km/hr and 50 km/hr respectively.
The Consultants propose minimum summit curve K values of 42, 30 and 15 for design
speeds of 100 km/hr, 80 km/hr and 50 km/hr respectively
In case of 2-lane road, for TCS - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 each lane will have
unidirectional cross fall. For effective drainage consideration the cross-fall for the
pavement and paved shoulders will be 2.5%. For earthen shoulders, the corresponding
value will be 3.0%.
Geometric design relates to design of all visual elements of the road. For the project road,
this includes:
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
2.10.1 Culverts
The culverts will be built/widened to the same width as the flanking roadway.
2.10.2 Bridges
The standards proposed in IRC SP: 41 “Guidelines for the Design of At-Grade Intersection
in Rural and Urban Areas” will be applied.
2.13 Drainage
Earthen/Natural soil cut to Trapezoidal shape will form the open drain in general
connected to natural out fall. Wherever required, lined drains with suitable locally
available materials will be provided to accommodate higher discharge. The drain will be
lined with suitable material. These are:
Earthen Trapezoidal drain : This will generally apply for stretches with
low to medium discharge
Lined drain with or without cover : This will apply in urban areas. Covers will be
provided at places involving high pedestrian
activities or where pedestrian footpath is
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
3.1 General
Geometric design relates to design of all visual elements of the road. For the project road,
this includes:
The topographic survey data from total station survey equipment have been downloaded
into computer to prepare Digital Terrain Model (DTM). Based on the decision taken on
the side of widening, the centre line of the carriageway was finalized in the light of the
design standards in the form of smooth flowing line compromising tangents and curves.
A template of the cross section appropriate to the location was then superimposed to
develop all other lines such as kerb lines, pavement/roadway lines etc. MX software was
used to prepare the design.
Vertical alignment has been carried out at the centre line where it is proposed to be 2
laning with paved shoulders. It has been properly designed based on the vehicle speed,
acceleration, deceleration, stopping distance, sight distance and comfort in vehicle
movements at high speeds.
The following criteria in general were followed while designing the vertical profile.
i) The Project stretch is two-lane with Paved shoulder so Stopping sight distance are
provided wherever possible.
ii) For the new carriageway, the levels have been decided based on requirement due
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
to combination of spans, which results in increase in girder depth and any other
hydrological requirement. A maximum super elevation of 7% has been provided
after giving rotation at median edges.
iii) Gradients in accordance with the adopted standards were maintained considering
SSD. However, to avoid any additional cutting and filling on proposed alignment
due to adherence of recommendations of IRC-73, some minor compromise has
been made.
iv) Grade compensation is considered in adherence to IRC: SP:23 which states “Since
grade compensation is not necessary for gradients flatter than 4%, when applying
grade compensation correction, the gradients need not be eased beyond 4%”.
Minimum Roadway width with apex: NH/SH -11.5 for double lane &
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
The entire project road has been designed with the use of windows-based software
package MX.
Two numbers of sample designed examples of horizontal and vertical curves for the
project road by the MX package have been taken up for validation as detailed below:
PVI Chainage
Summit Curve
2 Vertical Curve
PVI Chainage
Valley Curve
The detailed design calculations for the above horizontal & vertical curves are given in
Annexure 3.1.
Annexure 3.1
A. Abbreviations
1) Shift S
2) Tangent Length Ts
3) Apex distance Es
9) Centrifugal Acceleration C
Page 1 of 5
Annexure 3.1
B. Design Calculation for Horizontal Curve
Design Parameters
R = 300 m
∆ = 48°55’48”
V = 50 Km/h.
Design Calculations
80 80
C= = = 0.6400
75+V 75+50
0.0215 V 3
𝐿s =
0.0215 (50)3
0.6400× 300
=14.00 m ----------------------------------------(i)
225 R
= 0.037
Therefore, 𝐿𝑠 = 1.0X V 2 /R
= 8.33 m ------------------------------(ii)
Therefore, 𝐿𝑠 taken as maximum of the above two equation and Table 17 of IRC: 73 – 2015.
Therefore, 𝐿𝑠 taken as 15 m
Page 2 of 5
Annexure 3.1
𝑉2 (50)2 2500
e+f= = = = 0.066
127 R 127 (300) 127 × 300
0.037+ f = 0.066
𝐿𝑠 2 (15)2
s= = =0.031 m
24 R 24 × 300
∆ 𝐿𝑠
𝑇𝑠 = (𝑅 + 𝑠)𝑇𝑎𝑛 +
2 2
𝐸𝑠 = (𝑅 + 𝑠)𝑆𝑒𝑐 −𝑅
𝐿𝑐 = 𝑅 × ∆𝑐
𝐿𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝐿𝑐 + 2 𝐿𝑠
∆= 0.854 𝑅𝑎𝑑
∆𝑠 =
𝐿𝑆 15
= = = 0.0250 Rad
2𝑅 2 × 300
∆𝑐 = (∆ − 2∆𝑠 )
= 0.804 Rad
(48°55’48”) 15
Therefore, 𝑇𝑠 = (300 + 0.031)𝑇𝑎𝑛 +
2 2
= 144.0.13
𝐿𝑐 = 300 × 0.804
= 241.20 m
𝐸𝑠 = (300 + 0.031) 𝑆𝑒𝑐 − 300
= 29.63 m
𝐿𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 241.20 + 2 × 15
= 271.2 m
Page 3 of 5
Annexure 3.1
Design Parameters
𝑁𝑆 2 0.04254 × (125.74)2
𝐿= = =70.064 m<ISD………. NOT OK
9.6 9.6
𝐿 = 2𝑆 −
= 2 × 125.74 −
= 5645.377 – 70/2
= 5610.377
Page 4 of 5
Annexure 3.1
= 1634.4 – (-0.00222 X 70/2)
= 1634.478 m
𝑁𝑆 2 0.07538 × (62.87)2
𝐿= = = 80.520 m > SSD………. O.K.
(1.5 + .035 × S) (1.50 + 0.035 × 62.87)
= 11924.872– 100/2
= 11874.872
Page 5 of 5
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
4.1 General
Road section either in cut or fill inevitably suffers from risk of erosion by runoff resulting
from rainfall. The runoff has therefore to be channelized and damage to any element of
the road and/or adjoining properties. This is done by properly designing the drainage
structures, which includes drains, discharging structures and transfer structures.
4.2 Principle
The drains collect the runoff from the road surface, embankment slopes and adjoining
lands. Geographical characteristics, soil condition and rainfall intensity are some of the
main factors which influence the shape, location and capacity of drains. The drain should
have sufficient capacity to carry natural peak runoff without scouring embankment or
any part of the road.
- Discharge the drain flow into a natural outlet, via a transfer structure (divergent
drain or culvert)
- Provision of catch pit drain at the outlet of the culvert. Thus, also assists to
maintain the grade of the longitudinal drain.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
triangular and rectangular section. However large top width of trapezoidal drain may
also prove to be a traffic hazard.
The drain has to collect the flow from the road surface, embankment slopes and
adjoining lands and carry to the nearest available cross-drainage work. The longitudinal
slope of the road alignment is generally varying in direction with respect to the
countryside slope. Keeping this in view, it is proposed to locate the drain close to the toe
of the road embankment on both sides in the rural area. In urban stretches, lined
rectangular drains have been provided.
Design Chainage
Length TCS
Sr. No. (Km) Drain Type Side
(m) Type
From To
1 00+020 00+030 10 TCS-1 PCC Drain One Side
2 00+030 00+050 20 TCS-2 PCC Drain Both Side
3 05+499 05+508 9 TCS-2 PCC Drain Both Side
4 05+508 05+535 27 TCS-6 PCC Drain One Side
5 05+618 05+635 17 TCS-5 PCC Drain One Side
6 05+635 05+660 25 TCS-3 PCC Drain Both Side
7 05+660 05+676 15.5 TCS-4 PCC Drain One Side
8 05+676 05+751 75 TCS-5 PCC Drain One Side
9 05+751 05+765 14.5 TCS-4 PCC Drain One Side
10 05+765 05+868 103 TCS-3 PCC Drain Both Side
11 05+868 05+945 76.5 TCS-5 PCC Drain One Side
12 06+070 06+118 48.5 TCS-5 PCC Drain One Side
13 06+118 06+190 72 TCS-4 PCC Drain One Side
14 06+190 06+410 220 TCS-3 PCC Drain Both Side
15 06+410 06+435 24.5 TCS-4 PCC Drain One Side
16 06+435 06+482 47 TCS-5 PCC Drain One Side
17 06+607 06+720 113 TCS-6 PCC Drain One Side
18 06+720 06+740 20.5 TCS-1 PCC Drain One Side
19 06+740 06+760 20 TCS-2 PCC Drain Both Side
20 09+400 09+490 90 TCS-2 PCC Drain Both Side
21 09+490 09+510 20 TCS-1 PCC Drain One Side
22 09+540 09+550 10.5 TCS-6 PCC Drain One Side
23 09+565 09+750 185.5 TCS-6 PCC Drain One Side
24 09+750 09+935 185 TCS-1 PCC Drain One Side
25 09+935 10+220 285 TCS-8 PCC Drain Both Side
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Design Chainage
Length TCS
Sr. No. (Km) Drain Type Side
(m) Type
From To
26 10+340 10+370 30 TCS-10 PCC Drain One Side
27 10+370 10+430 60 TCS-8 PCC Drain Both Side
28 10+430 10+470 40 TCS-10 PCC Drain One Side
29 10+500 10+740 240 TCS-10 PCC Drain One Side
30 10+740 10+780 40 TCS-8 PCC Drain Both Side
31 10+780 10+830 50 TCS-10 PCC Drain One Side
32 10+880 11+020 140 TCS-10 PCC Drain One Side
33 11+020 11+050 30 TCS-8 PCC Drain Both Side
34 11+050 11+070 20 TCS-10 PCC Drain One Side
35 11+070 11+555 485 TCS-8 PCC Drain Both Side
36 11+555 12+002 447 TCS-11 PCC Drain Both Side
37 12+458 12+510 52 TCS-8 PCC Drain Both Side
38 12+510 12+535 25 TCS-10 PCC Drain One Side
39 12+690 12+710 20 TCS-8 PCC Drain Both Side
40 12+710 12+770 60 TCS-10 PCC Drain One Side
4.5 Hydrological Design
Hydrologic analysis is a very important step prior to the hydraulic design of road
drainage system. Such analysis is necessary to determine the magnitude of flow and the
duration for which it would last. Hydrological data required for design include drainage
area map, watershed delineation, direction of flow, outfalls, and drains, other surface
drainage facilities, ground surface conditions and rainfall and flood frequencies. Factors
that affect run-off are size and shape of drainage area, slope of ground, land use
characteristics, geology, soil types, surface infiltration and storage.
The design of drains has been done according to the method suggested in IRC SP-42. The
rational method is a universally accepted empirical formula relating rainfall to runoff
and is applicable to small catchment areas not exceeding 25 Sq. Km.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Ic = critical intensity of rainfall in cm/hr for the selected frequency and for
duration equal to the time of concentration
The suggested values of `P’ for use in rational formula are adopted from Table 2 of IRC
The primary component in designing drains is the design storm viz. rainfall value of
specified duration and specific return period. As the extent of drainage system for roads
is small, even intense rainfall of short duration may cause heavy outflows. Therefore,
proper study of extreme values of rainfall of various short durations is required in
designing road drainage systems. The storm duration chosen for design purpose is equal
to time of concentration and is based on the assumption that the maximum discharge at
any point in a drainage system occurs when the entire catchment is contributing to the
flow. The time of concentration for any watershed is the time required for a given drop
of water from the most remote bank of watershed to reach the point of study. It may
have two components (I) entry time (II) time of flow. If the drainage point under
consideration is at the entry of the drainage system, then the entry time is equal to the
time of concentration. If, however, the drainage point is situated elsewhere, then the
time of concentration is sum of the entry time and the time required by the raindrop to
traverse the length of the drainage system to the point under study.
Once the time of concentration has been fixed, the next step consists in reading the
intensity of rainfall from the appropriate rainfall map for storm duration equal to time of
meditation and adopted design frequency. Unfortunately, rainfall maps of India for
duration less than 1 hr are not yet available. A general equation given in IRC SP-42 is
used for deriving intensity for shorter duration.
F T 1
I =
T t 1
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
t = Smaller time interval in hours within the storm duration of ‘T’ hours
The available topographic sheets of the area have been studied to formulate an idea of
the drainage pattern and determine the extent of the area on both sides of the road
contributing to the flow to be carried by the roadside drains. Final bearings of the drains
have been taken at site itself. The design frequency of the storm for roadside drain
design has been taken as 25 year, as suggested in IRC SP-42.
After determining the quantity of runoff, the design depth of flow in the drain for the
adopted section has been calculated from the Manning’s formula.
n = Coefficient of rugosity
In design of roadside drains, the flow of water is assumed as sub critical flow. The slope
and velocity are kept below the critical level.
Values of `n’ and maximum permissible velocity for various channel surfaces are adopted
from Table 6 of IRC SP-42.
The open drains will have their outfall in the depressions leading to the proposed cross-
drainage works. The drains may also lead to the country side as per the contour. The
levels of drainage channels have been fixed keeping in view the invert levels of cross-
drainage structures.
The drainage system is at best when it is maintained as properly as designed. For this
purpose, it is necessary that the drains keep their shape and slope in the designed
manner during their lifetime. It is also necessary that drains retain their full crosssection,
particularly for the monsoon. Three categories of maintenance are required for the
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Periodical maintenance and inspection is also very necessary as failure of drains may
occur due to deficiency in maintenance rather than defect in design. The principal
activities may be
(a) Desilting
It should be a common practice that all the drains are desilted thoroughly before onset of
monsoon. All un-lined roadside drains require dressing and deepening before monsoon.
In case of pipe drains, if it is not possible to desilt it manually, suitable mechanical
devices such as sectional sewer rods, flexible sewer rods, bucket machine, roding
machine with flexible rods, scraper and hydraulically propelled rubber rods etc., should
be employed. Success of such operation can be ensured only through proper inspection
by all field officers rather than leaving it only to maintenance unit. Outfall structure and
the cross-drainage structure also require similar treatment.
Special maintenance/repairs are required during rains, especially after heavy shower all
cross-drainage should be inspected to observe any blockage due to debris, log of wood
and other such material. A watch on the deficiencies in the drainage system should be
kept and problem locations should be identified, and proper record should be kept.
Necessary corrective measures should be adopted immediately after heavy rains. A
watch on missing manhole covers and broken covers is also required to be kept and
replacement / repairs should be carried out on priority to avoid accident.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Design Engineers essentially need the design flood of a specific return period for fixing
the waterway vis-à-vis the design HFL of bridges depending upon their size and
importance to ensure safety as well as economy. The committee of engineers headed by
Dr. A.N. Khosla had recommended that design discharge should be the maximum flood
on record for a period not less than 50 years. This was accepted by IRC. IRC: 5-1970-
Section-I General Features of Design specifies that the waterway of a bridge is to be
designed for a maximum flood of 50 years return period.
The following methods have been used to estimate the peak discharge for bridge sites on
major and minor streams:
Empirical Formulae
Rational Method
Hydro-meteorology model
These methods have been discussed in detail in Appendices to Design Report Volume-II,
Part-2 (Bridges).
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
5.1 General
Financial analysis of the Project stretch suggests that the Project stretch is not viable on
BOT Basis. The Project is financially viable on EPC Basis. Toll plaza is proposed on the
project stretch at Km 6.190.
The location and number of toll plazas depend on the type of toll system. The two
alternative systems for consideration are a ‘closed’ or an ‘open’ one.
This system consists of isolating the tolled stretch of the highway. Barriers are set up
across the highway next to each end point and additionally at all entry and exit points
within the section. Anyone driving on the highway section pays a fee which is related to
the distance traveled. The driver gets an entry ticket which registers point, date and time
of entry and he pays at the exit according to the distance traveled.
In an open toll system, flat toll fees are levied at certain points on the highway. Toll fees
do not necessarily reflect a consistent rate per kilometer as they may relate to different
trip lengths. Also, an open system often leads to short intervals between barriers
inconveniencing long distance traffic.
Open system is best suited for partially access controlled highways where local traffic
cannot be completely isolated. They are less costly and less complicated to operate than
a closed toll system.
The location for the toll plaza on any project road has been suggested on the basis of
travel pattern and taking into account the following considerations:
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
There are three commonly used operations for toll collection, viz, manual collection
system, semi-automatic system and fully automatic system.
In this system, all the operations, viz. Toll collection, ticket printing, record maintenance,
lane control and accounting system, etc., are performed manually. This could result in
poor supervision of toll plaza operations, least efficiency of vehicle throughout and more
manpower requirements. However, this method can be a better alternative for the open
system for an isolated highway section with low traffic volumes. It is, however, not suited
for adoption for catering to high volumes of traffic.
Semi-Automatic System
In this system, only toll collection is operated manually and all other operations like
vehicles classification, ticket printing, lane controlling, accounting system and
monitoring the plaza operation are computerized. Thus, this system offers a well co-
ordinate and more efficient toll plaza operations coupled with high vehicle handling
capacity over conventional operation system. This system is well suited for Indian
conditions particularly for the present study corridor for providing a high level of
customer service.
Automatic System
In this system, the toll is collected electronically through automatic vehicle identification
system. Toll is calculated by the system itself based on the vehicle type, which is
detached automatically when a vehicle passes through the system.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
The local traffic shall be given exemption by issuing monthly passes as per the
Concession Agreement. Monthly passes are issued based on trip length. Similarly,
frequent users would prefer return passes, which will entitle the specified vehicle to
undertake a return journey on the same day as the outward journey. The share of
monthly passes and return journey trips are estimated from OD survey conducted at the
respective locations based on trip length and frequency.
The Semi-Automatic Post Classification Toll Collection System is proposed for the project
road. The equipment in the proposed semi-automatic post classification system will have
a) Lane Controller
b) Operator Display
c) Operator Console
j) Receipt Printer
k) Intercom Units
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Lane Width
As per Manual of Specifications and Standards (IRC: SP: 73:2018) for Two-laning of
Highways, width of each toll lane shall be 3.2 meters. For over dimensional vehicles, 4.5
m wide lane is proposed on each direction.
The length for the separator islands has been worked out based on the average queue
length and size of toll booth. The width of median is recommended 1.9 m for
accommodating toll booths as per Manual of Specifications and Standards (IRC: SP: 73-
2018) for two-laning of Highways.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
6.1 General
The up-gradation and widening of the project road, would transform it into a high-speed
corridor for which an efficient traffic control system is essential. The main purpose of
traffic control system is to provide the road users a smooth, hazard free passage,
together with ensuring adequate safety to all concerned, including the pedestrians. Since
the project roadway crosses many populated villages and towns, the designing of traffic
control measures assumes paramount importance.
The various traffic control measures adopted for the project road are described in the
succeeding paragraphs. These comprise the designs of:
(i) Junctions
6.2 Junctions
There are total 1 major & 3 minor junctions on the project road. These junctions have
been designed as per IRC guidelines.
The traffic signs on the project roads have been provided in accordance with the IRC
Code of Practice for Road Signs (IRC 67-2010).
The various types of road signs as presented in the above-mentioned standard and
introduced in the project roads are described below. The main categories of road signs
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
The Mandatory Signs are meant to convey to road users a definite instruction they must
follow e. g. octagonal ‘STOP’ sign, circular signs for speed or other restrictions etc.
Compulsory signs such as “Keep Left” compel the drivers to follow a definite route.
Warning Signs
The Warning Signs are meant to convey to road users a warning about dangers/hazards
ahead. These are triangular signs warning about ‘School Zone’, ‘cross road’ and other
hazards lying ahead.
Informatory Signs
The Informatory Signs are provided to convey to road users’ information on places of
interest, services and facilities etc. This also includes other signs which are useful to the
drivers like Direction signs, parking signs etc.
The road signs shall be of the retro-reflectorized type and made of high intensity grade
with encapsulated lens type reflective sheeting fixed over aluminium sheets. The sign
post would be of aluminium alloy posts or steel posts or hollow section of cast or sheet
Locations of signs have been marked on plan and profile drawings of the project road as
also in the individual intersection drawings.
All the road signs selected are proposed to be erected on a refuge or on an island or on
earthen shoulder of the road and will be mounted on ground. Orientation and siting of
signs with respect to the carriageway will be carried out conforming to IRC standard
with due care to adjoining land use on urban and semi urban areas.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
The carriageway markings as suggested should be simple, clear to purpose and type,
hard wearing and skid resistant in both dry and wet weather conditions.
Provisions have been made for Road Marking on the entire length of the project road
which, inter alia, includes centre line, carriageway edge-lines, lane line, pedestrian
crossings etc.
Hot applied thermoplastic Materials (Superimposed Type) has been proposed for road
marking purpose to be applied with the help of marking machines after trials.
Carriageway Edge lines are specifically required to define edges of the carriageway
wherever there are paved shoulders or slow/parking lanes. Carriageway edge lines
recommended are 150mm wide, white in colour and continuous along both sides of the
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
carriageway except at junctions where a broken edge line is used to provide continuity in
case of minor junctions and discontinued across major ones. Edge lines have also been
provided around directional traffic islands and rotary islands.
Centre Lines
The Centre Line has been suggested to be 100mm wide in broken or continuous-single
or twin lines depending upon the zonal restriction requirements as mentioned below:
Broken single line will indicate that crossing centre-line is not hazardous and
permitted to do so with adequate caution. This type has been normally provided in
rural straight stretches of 2-lane roads.
Continuous single line provided at all sharp curves and on all bridge structures, will
indicate crossing is permitted only for right turning vehicles.
Other Markings
Other markings such as Directional Arrows, Chevron and Diagonal markings, Lane
markings, Pedestrian crossing, Zebra Control areas and other related signs required for
smooth operation of traffic have been provided in accordance with IRC standard code of
practice (IRC 35-1977) or as per other recommendations.
No bypass is proposed in the Project stretch. Few realignments have been proposed.
Slip road is provided on the approach of grade separated structures. However, there is
no slip road proposal.
Adequate lighting is important for safe operation and making proper manoeuvres at
those locations where the road passes through urban stretches. At such locations due to
higher share of local traffic, slow traffic and large pedestrian movement, the drivers need
to take correct decisions avoiding sudden braking and swerving. Need for adequate
street lighting exists at such urban locations along the project corridor. However, electric
light posts have already been provided locally in these urban stretches which would be
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
suitably relocated.
Standard Guard posts made of M 20 grade concrete resting on M15 Grade concrete
foundation have been proposed on approaches to structure, high embankment area
where height of embankment is more than 3m and in sharp curve locations. These guard
stones shall be painted with alternate black and white stripes and placed at intervals of
1.5m with an offset of 2m from carriageway edge.
These have been proposed as per the required provision in IRC 8 and 26 and as per
standard practice in the country. These should be made of precast concrete and
lettering/numbering shall be as per IRC codes mentioned above.
There are two types of safety barriers viz. longitudinal road side safety barriers and
median safety barriers. There are broadly three types of longitudinal road side safety
These safety barriers will be provided on embankment height more than 3 m, sharp
curves, approaches of bridges, cut slopes etc.,
6.7.4 Delineators
Delineators provide visual assistance to drivers about the alignment of road ahead,
particularly at night. This is particularly useful at curves.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Two types of delineators have been proposed on the project road, namely:
(i) Triangular red reflectors as object markers provided at the heads of medians and
directional islands
(ii) Circular red reflectors fixed on guard posts at prescribed spacing to delineate the
alignment in sharp curves and high embankments.
The guidelines of MC-79 have been followed in selecting the types and locations.
The project road passes through hilly terrain and the proposed alignment does not pass
through any ecologically sensitive area. Environmental impacts caused by a highway
upgrading project are expected to be limited in extent. The impact on land resources
would mainly be on account of earthwork and quarrying operation. Nevertheless, some
of these concerns due to high speed traffic on the corridor have been given due
consideration in design as a matter of principle. The measures adopted in design to
mitigate these potential impacts are:
a) Plantation of trees along the road that will result in partial noise attenuation and act
as sink of air pollutants.
b) Bus bays at required locations will facilitate a healthy environment for the road users
by ensuring a smooth traffic flow and reduction in air and noise pollution.
c) Provision of pedestrian facilities, system of sign and markings suitable lighting have
been provided at suitable locations to safeguard against hazards which may result
from higher vehicle speed.
The positive impact of the project includes improvement of economy, reduction in travel
time and enhancement to the landscape along the road.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length
4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length
4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
The project road will be provided with paved shoulders, and it has been proposed that
these will be constructed as per IRC specification.
Pavement is the most significant component of a road and therefore its design strengths
must be assured to support the projected traffic loading throughout the design period. The
Objective is to determine the total thickness of the pavement structure as well as
thickness of individual structural layer components. Design strength of pavement must be
adequate to support the projected traffic loading throughout the operation period.
For the project, pavement design is required for the following cases:
The Consultant has worked out the designs for the above case based on result of
survey/investigations regarding traffic, axle load spectra, pavement condition and
strength, sub-grade/material properties etc.
As mentioned in TOR, the overlay as well as new pavement has been designed primarily as
per IRC guidelines.
A. New pavements shall be designed in accordance with IRC: 37-2018 or any other
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length
4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
B. Clause 5.3, IRC: SP: 73-2018 states that "Flexible pavement design shall be designed in
accordance with IRC:37-2018. Guidelines for the Design of flexible Pavements”.
Strengthening of existing pavement shall be designed based on procedure outlined in
IRC: 81. Rigid Pavement shall be designed in accordance with the method prescribed
in IRC:58. “Guidelines for the Design of Plain Jointed Rigid Pavements for Highways”
Clause 5.4. I of IRC: SP: 73-2018, states that "Flexible pavement shall be designed
for a minimum design period of 15 years, subjected to the condition that design
traffic shall not be less than 20 msa. Stage construction shall not be permissible.
Rigid Pavements shall be designed for a minimum design period of 30 years. The
stage construction shall not be permitted.
C. The whole pavement design concept has been divided into two parts:
As per the guidelines of IRC: 37-2018, five different combinations of layers of pavement
options are available for classified traffic and various material properties. The
combinations contain layers of sub base, base, binder and surface courses. Each
combination of layers has been suggested for different environmental conditions and
traffic. A flexible Pavement covered in these guidelines consist of different layers as shown
in fig. below-
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length
4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
The Sub-base and the base layer can be unbound (e.g. granular) or chemical stabilized
with stabilizer such as cement, lime, fly ash and others Cementous stabilizer. Flexible
Pavement with unbound Sub-base and base layer has been proposed here to adopt in the
The base layer may consist of wet mix macadam, water bound macadam, crusher run
macadam etc. Relevant specification of IRC/ MORTH are to be adopted for the
Bituminous layers consist of Dense Bituminous macadam and Bituminous Concrete which
thickness varying as per design stipulation.
Design of flexible pavement applies to the new carriageway. The new pavements have
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length
4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
No rigid pavement is proposed. However, in tunnel portion length PQC shall be provided.
The design life adopted in the analysis is 15 years for flexible pavement.
The stretch of Project road from Sudhmahadev to Dranga has been adopted for traffic
homogenous sections:
The homogenous sections as mentioned above will be designed and constructed as two-
lane carriageway with paved shoulders. As the proposed tunnel shall be unidirectional,
the approach road has been provisioned 2 X 2 – lane up to km 9.935 for accommodating
the tunnel traffic.
It may be noted that due to the high ambient temperature as a result of exposure to sun,
the bitumen from top surface of the BC layer of pavement gets gradually oxidized with
passage of time. Rain also causes the stripping of bitumen from the pavement surface
gradually. The process of oxidation and stripping makes the top BC layer of the pavement
bitumen hungry, which may lead to ravelling, potholes & other defects in the pavement,
thereby affecting the function of the pavement in the form of poor riding quality.
It is proposed that during the design life period, functional overlay will be provided on
the pavement after every 5 years (approx.) from the date of the opening of road to traffic.
Minimum 25 mm SDBC functional overlay must be provided for the case of no
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length
4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
If the pavement is not strengthened before the expiry of its design life (15 years) for the
future traffic loading, then the underlying layers of the pavement will be overstressed.
The over stressing of pavement layers including sub grade will damage the physical
condition of the pavement in the form of occurrence of cracks, faulting, ravelling, rutting
or other conditions, which would affect the load carrying capabilities of the pavement
So, in order to ensure the desired level of structural strength and riding quality of the
pavement after the expiry of design life, it is essential to provide a structural overlay on
the pavement as a part of rehabilitation.
The base year traffic has been assessed by carrying out traffic surveys at Location –
Khellani. For pavement design purpose, commercial vehicles of laden weight more than 8
tonnes have been considered. Such vehicles consisted of buses, LCVs, 2 Axle trucks, 3 Axle
trucks and Multi Axle trucks. The summary of AADT (No.) of commercial vehicles is given
in Table below:
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length
4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Data LMV/ 2-Axle 3-Axle Multi
Location (Up & BUS Total
2018- LCV Trucks Trucks Axle
Khellani on NH-
7-days Average 114 370 358 308 36 1186
The details of Traffic Volume Count, AADT and commercial Vehicle Calculations of the
Project Stretch is attached in Annexure 1. VDF:
VDF has been calculated on the basis of Axle Load Survey carried on various types of
vehicles. The VDF Calculations are given in Annexure 2.
The summary of the Calculated VDF location wise is shown in below table:
Khellani Multi
Summary LCV Bus 2-Axle 3-Axle
on NH- Axle
244 Average V.D. F 0.46 0.62 4.93 0.76 3.93
Based on the commercial vehicles per day (CVPD) for the project road and VDF,
Cumulative Million Standard Axle of the Project road has been calculated with a growth
rate of 5.0% to 10 % for 15 years design period time and distribution factor is taken as
0.40. The Calculation of the MSA is as follows:
10 15 20 25 Adopted design msa for
Years Years Years years 15 years
Khellani on
5.468 9.448 14.562 21.127 20 MSA
As per clause 5.4 of IRC: SP:73-2018, Flexible pavement shall be designed for a minimum
design period of 15 years subject to the condition that design traffic shall not be less than
20 msa.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length
4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
For new constructions, the soil support value pertains to the strength of the subgrade in
terms of CBR. Materials from borrow areas will be used for constructing the subgrade, and
accordingly, the engineering characteristics of these materials are relevant. For this
purpose, as a part of the soils and materials survey, the Consultants have identified
possible borrow areas all along the project road and have carried out laboratory tests on
representative samples from these, including 4-day soaked CBR on specimens compacted
at 97% MDD (heavy compaction). Besides these, suitable material available from roadway
excavation for widening the road formation may be also used, subject to fulfilment of
requirement of the soil parameters.
Based on the material investigations carried out on the project road, it is found that the
existing ground is within the range of 9.7% - 11.8 % CBR at majority of locations. Hence,
keeping in view the availability of material within the permissible leads, However for the
safety measures and on conservative basis of design, the CBR value of 10% has considered
for the Pavement design. The details of the CBR along with the 90th Percentile are
attached in the Annexure-4 of the Report.
The flexible pavement is modelled as an elastic multilayer structure. Stresses and strains
at critical locations (fig. showing below) are computed using linear layered elastic model.
The stress - strain analysis software IITPAVE has been used for the computation of stress
and strain in flexible pavements as mentioned below.
i. Tensile Strain (€t) at bottom of bituminous layer, which can cause cracking in the
bituminous layer.
ii. And Vertical Compressive Strain (€v) at the top of sub grade, which can cause
rutting failure of pavement layers.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length
4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
With every load repetition, the tensile strain developed at the bottom of the bituminous
layer develops micro cracks, which go on widening and expanding till the load
repetitions are large enough for the cracks to propagate to the surface over an area of
the surface that is unacceptable from the point of view of long-term serviceability of the
pavement. The phenomenon is called fatigue of the bituminous layer and the number of
load repetitions in terms of standard axles that causes fatigue denotes the fatigue life of
the pavement.
Fatigue Model- Fatigue model has been calibrated in the R-56 (54) studies using the
pavement performance data collected during the R-6 (57) and R-19 (58) studies
sponsored by MORTH. Two fatigue equations were fitted, one in which the computed
strains in 80 per cent of the actual data in the scatter plot were higher than the limiting
strains predicted by the model (and termed as 80 per cent reliability level in these
guidelines) and the other corresponding to 90 per cent reliability level. The two
equations for the conventional bituminous mixes designed by Marshall method are
given below-
Va = per cent volume of air void in the mix used in the bottom bituminous layer
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length
4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Vbe = per cent volume of effective bitumen in the mix used in the bottom bituminous
The flexible pavement has low flexural strength and hence layers reflect the deformation
of the lower layers/subgrade on to the surface layer after the withdrawal of wheel load.
To control the deflections in the subgrade so that no permanent deflections results the
pavement thickness is so designed that the stresses on the sub grade soil are kept within
its bearing power. Loading of bituminous pavement requires the stiffest layers to be
placed at the surface with successive weaker layers down to sub grade.
For structural design, only the number of commercial vehicles of laden weight of 8 tonnes
or more and their axle loading will be considered.
The sub-base layer serves three functions like to protect the sub-grade from over
stressing, to provide a platform for the construction traffic and to serve as drainage and
filter layer.
Material passing through 0.425mm (425 micron), LL & PI shall not more than 25 and 6 %.
Material shall have a minimum 10% fines value of 50 KN when tested in compliance with
BS:812. The water absorption value (as per IS 2386) of the coarse aggregate shall be less
than 2%, if not soundness test shall be carried out as per IS 383. 100% sample should pass
through 75mm sieve and only 3-10% sample should pass through 0.075mm sieve for all
the three grades. When coarse graded sub base is used as a drainage layer, Loss Angels
abrasion value should be less than 40, so that there is no crushing during the rolling and
the permeability is retained. The sub-base should be composed of two layers, the lower
layer forms the separation/filter layer to prevent intrusion of sub grade soil into the
pavement and upper layer forms the drainage layer to drain away any water that may
enter through surface cracks.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length
4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Base layer consists of WMM, WBM, Crusher run macadam, reclaimed concrete etc.
Relevant specifications of IRC/MORTH are to be adopted for the construction.
When both sub-base and base layers are made up of unbound granular layers, the
composite resilient modulus of the granular subbase and base are as follows:
Binder layer consists of DBM and BM are to be adopted for construction. It is act like as
load distribution and supporting layer.
Surface layer consists of BC, SDBC and PC are to be adopted for construction.
Temperature 0 C
Mix Type
20 25 30 35 40
BC and DBM for VG 10 bitumen 2300 2000 1450 1000 800
BC and DBM for VG 30 bitumen 3500 3000 2500 2000 1250
BC and DBM for VG 40 bitumen 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000
BC and DBM for Modified bitumen 5700 3800 2400 1600 1300
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length
4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Temperature 0 C
Mix Type
20 25 30 35 40
BM with VG 10 bitumen 500 MPa at 350 C
BM with VG 30 bitumen 700 MPa at 350 C
RAP treated with 4 percent bitumen emulsion/foamed
bitumen with 2-2.5 percent residual bitumen and 1.0 800 MPa at 350 C
percent cementitious material
Pavement design is carried out in accordance with IRC 37:2018 for the following base and
sub-base options.
Pavement design procedures for the total stretch were accomplished using the principles
of mechanistic design and were in general accordance with the postulates of IRC: 37-2018.
The IITPAVE software was used for this evaluation.
The allowable strains in pavement layers were calculated in terms of two primary
pavement distress criteria: fatigue cracking and rutting. The actual strains arising in the
pavement layers due to traffic loading were then calculated, assuming suitable thickness
values for different pavement layers. The assumed pavement crust was deemed to be safe
for the design loads if the actual strains were less that the allowable strains.
The allowable strains in the pavement layers were calculated primarily based on two
pavement distress criteria: fatigue cracking and rotting. The distress of fatigue cracking is
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length
4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
more critical in the bituminous layer in the pavement crust. This type of cracking is
usually initiated at the bottom of the bituminous layer after repeated application of the
axle loads. This initiation means that the actual horizontal tensile strain at the bottom of
the bituminous layer has exceeded a certain limit, which is the allowable strain.
The allowable tensile strains were calculated using the fatigue criteria equation as
outlined in the Appendix I of IRC: 37-2018. The equation is as follows.
Equation No. 1 is recommended for use for traffic up to 30 MSA where normal bituminous
mixes with VG 40 bitumen can be used.
The distress of rutting is more critical in the subgrade under the pavement crust. This type
of cracking is usually initiated at the top of the subgrade layer after repeated application
of the axle loads. This initiation means that the actual vertical compressive strain at the
top of the subgrade layer has exceeded a certain limit, which is the allowable strain.
The allowable compressive strains were calculated using the rutting criteria equation as
outlined in the Appendix I of IRC:37-2018. The equation is as follows.
Equation No. 3 is recommended for use for traffic up to 30 MSA where normal bituminous
mixes with VG 40 bitumen can be used.
The actual tensile strains were calculated using the various pavement design parameters
as inputs in the IITPAVE programs. The actual strains are computed using various trial
pavement structural layer combinations.
The average maximum and minimum temperature are noted as 35 oC and -5 oC in the
project area respectively. An average pavement temperature of 30 oC has been considered
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length
4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
The type pressure used in the analysis was 0.56 MPa (560 Standard axle used was
dual type, having a mass of 8160 kg. This resulted in a single tyre load of 20,000 N. The
Poisson's ratio of bituminous layer and granular layer is taken as 0.35 and 0.40 for sub-
grade layers.
The pavement layer thickness is derived for the traffic volume of 20 msa corresponding to
10 % CBR, the pavement crust thickness is tabulated below according to IRC: 37 - 2018
plate 6.
Table- 2: Pavement structural Analysis with 10 % CBR & 20 MSA as per IITPAVE
1 10 20 76.83 240.163 4000 40 70 250 200 560 193.5 323.1 319.4 577.7
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length
4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
10 Bitumen Grade VG 40
11 Pavement Temperature 300C
12 Resilient Modulus of Bituminous layers 4000
As the allowable Strain is more than actual generated strains by IIT PAVE software,
the pavement is safe
The traffic volume of 20 msa and 10 % of CBR being considered as per the availability of
material, The Actual strains are Less than the Allowable strains hence the Pavement
Design is safe.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length
4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
The flexible pavement has been designed for design life of 15 years and projected
The sub base and base courses are designed for 15 years and 20 MSA projected
traffic and design CBR of 10 %.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu &
Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Annexure 1
PCU Equivalents 0.5 1 1.5 3 1.5 3 3 4.5 4.5 1.5
Total Fast- Total All
Bus LCV Truck Agricultural Tractor
Vehicle Type Moving Vehicles Vehicles
2-Wheeler Passenger Car Standard With Without
Mini Bus 4 Tyre 2-Axle 3-Axle Multi Axle
Bus Trailor Trailor
Day 1 445 463 392 369 27 29 27 23 184 195 171 176 146 156 18 12 31 37 16 19 1457 1478 1457 1478
Day 2 478 477 386 370 28 30 22 28 185 192 172 178 152 153 18 20 33 36 19 17 1493 1501 1493 1501
Day 3 463 461 370 358 27 29 28 26 175 194 182 189 149 156 16 18 36 32 14 19 1460 1482 1460 1482
Day 4 412 478 367 379 27 29 36 28 188 182 180 188 141 163 21 12 37 36 16 18 1426 1513 1426 1513
Day 5 453 464 360 379 24 30 31 36 184 182 172 175 160 145 20 21 36 35 17 18 1457 1486 1457 1486
Day 6 465 439 351 388 27 30 23 28 175 178 185 182 163 144 20 19 36 34 16 17 1462 1460 1462 1460
Day 7 461 438 371 358 29 25 28 26 192 182 175 181 160 166 19 17 33 35 18 16 1485 1444 1485 1444
Total 3178 3219 2595 2600 191 204 197 197 1283 1307 1236 1269 1072 1083 131 117 243 246 113 121 10238 10363 10238 10363
Total Up/Down 6397 5196 395 394 2590 2506 2155 248 488 234 20602 20602
Average 453 459 370 371 27 29 28 28 183 186 176 181 153 154 18 16 34 35 16 17 1458 1476 1458 1476
AADT No. 914 743 57 57 370 358 308 36 70 34 2947 2947
AADT PCU 457 743 86 171 555 1074 924 162 315 51 4538 4538
Directional Distribution 49.6 50.2 49.8 49.9 47.4 50.9 49.1 49.1 49.5 50.3 49.2 50.6 49.7 50.0 50.0 44.4 48.6 47.1 50.0 49.5 50.1 49.47 50.08
Composition by Vol. 31.01 25.21 1.93 1.93 12.56 12.15 10.45 1.22 2.38 1.15 100.00 100.00
Composition by PCU 10.07 16.37 1.88 3.77 12.23 23.67 20.36 3.57 6.94 1.12 99.99 99.99
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu &
Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Annexure 2
Wheel Load (kg) Axle Load (KN) Equivalency Factors Gross
Sl. Damage
Commodity Weight
No. 1st 2nd 1st 2nd SW-FSA DW-SA SW-RSA Factor
in KN
1 Bricks 1002 4926 19.66 96.65 0.008 4.888 116.307 4.896
2 Empty 401 1598 7.87 31.35 0.000 0.054 39.220 0.054
3 grocery 1922 3408 37.71 66.86 0.113 1.120 104.575 1.233
4 Goods 1155 4624 22.66 90.72 0.015 1.654 113.384 1.669
5 1893 2453 37.14 48.13 0.107 0.301 85.269 0.407
6 vegetables 1990 4321 39.04 84.78 0.130 2.894 123.822 3.024
7 sand 1837 2267 36.04 44.48 0.095 0.096 80.520 0.190
8 Goods 1025 4694 20.11 92.10 0.009 4.030 112.207 4.039
9 Bricks 2178 2576 42.73 50.54 0.187 0.366 93.273 0.552
10 1255 3597 24.62 70.57 0.021 1.390 95.196 1.410
11 wheat 1996 4844 39.16 95.04 0.132 4.570 134.201 4.702
12 vegetables 1058 4555 20.76 89.37 0.010 3.574 110.127 3.584
13 grocery 1872 2087 36.73 40.95 0.102 0.157 77.676 0.259
14 Goods 1710 3748 33.55 73.54 0.071 0.714 107.086 0.785
15 Empty 421 1658 8.26 32.53 0.000 0.063 40.790 0.063
16 Empty 1112 1604 21.82 31.47 0.013 0.055 53.288 0.068
17 Empty 872 1424 17.11 27.94 0.005 0.034 45.048 0.039
18 Empty 912 1471 17.89 28.86 0.006 0.039 46.754 0.045
19 Empty 763 1715 14.97 33.65 0.003 0.072 48.618 0.075
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu &
Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu &
Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu &
Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Sl. Wheel Load (kg) Axle Load (KN) Equivalency Factors Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) Vehicle Damage Factor
No. 1st 2nd 1st 2nd SW-FSA DW-SA in KN (VDF)
1 Passenger 2622 3179 51.44 62.37 0.392 0.369 113.82 0.76
2 Passenger 2099 3453 41.18 67.75 0.161 0.514 108.93 0.68
3 Passenger 2329 3502 45.69 68.71 0.244 0.544 114.40 0.79
4 Empty 1634 2088 32.06 40.97 0.059 0.069 73.03 0.13
5 Passenger 2655 3616 52.09 70.95 0.412 0.619 123.04 1.03
6 Passenger 2235 3112 43.85 61.06 0.207 0.339 104.91 0.55
7 Passenger 2089 3657 40.99 71.75 0.158 0.647 112.74 0.81
8 Passenger 2209 3391 43.34 66.53 0.198 0.478 109.87 0.68
9 Empty 1444 2436 28.33 47.79 0.036 0.127 76.13 0.16
10 Passenger 2422 3337 47.52 65.47 0.286 0.449 112.99 0.73
11 Passenger 2610 3784 51.21 74.24 0.385 0.742 125.45 1.13
12 Passenger 2328 3188 45.68 62.55 0.244 0.374 108.22 0.62
13 Passenger 2074 3360 40.69 65.92 0.154 0.461 106.62 0.61
14 Passenger 2052 3073 40.26 60.29 0.147 0.323 100.55 0.47
15 Passenger 2458 3308 48.23 64.90 0.303 0.433 113.13 0.74
16 Passenger 2384 3494 46.77 68.55 0.268 0.539 115.33 0.81
17 Passenger 2473 3524 48.52 69.14 0.310 0.558 117.66 0.87
18 Empty 1336 2237 26.21 43.89 0.026 0.091 70.10 0.12
19 Passenger 2306 3183 45.24 62.45 0.235 0.371 107.69 0.61
20 Passenger 2562 3293 50.27 64.61 0.358 0.425 114.88 0.78
21 Passenger 2345 3786 46.01 74.28 0.251 0.743 120.29 0.99
22 Passenger 2274 3633 44.62 71.28 0.222 0.630 115.90 0.85
23 Empty 1414 2283 27.74 44.79 0.033 0.098 72.54 0.13
24 Passenger 2109 3685 41.38 72.30 0.164 0.667 113.68 0.83
25 Passenger 2086 3576 40.93 70.16 0.157 0.592 111.09 0.75
26 Passenger 2038 3713 39.99 72.85 0.143 0.688 112.83 0.83
27 Passenger 2681 3320 52.60 65.14 0.429 0.440 117.74 0.87
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu &
Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Sl. Wheel Load (kg) Axle Load (KN) Equivalency Factors Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) Vehicle Damage Factor
No. 1st 2nd 1st 2nd SW-FSA DW-SA in KN (VDF)
28 Passenger 2268 3629 44.50 71.20 0.220 0.627 115.70 0.85
29 Passenger 2239 3590 43.93 70.44 0.209 0.601 114.36 0.81
30 Passenger 2664 3772 52.27 74.01 0.418 0.732 126.27 1.15
31 Passenger 2647 3148 51.93 61.76 0.408 0.355 113.70 0.76
32 Passenger 2578 3108 50.58 60.98 0.367 0.338 111.56 0.70
33 Passenger 2069 3773 40.59 74.03 0.152 0.733 114.62 0.89
34 Passenger 2208 3293 43.32 64.61 0.197 0.425 107.93 0.62
35 Passenger 2681 3535 52.60 69.36 0.429 0.565 121.96 0.99
36 Passenger 2562 3366 50.27 66.04 0.358 0.464 116.31 0.82
37 Passenger 2476 3591 48.58 70.46 0.312 0.602 119.03 0.91
38 Empty 1555 2535 30.51 49.74 0.049 0.149 80.25 0.20
39 Passenger 1644 2173 32.26 42.63 0.061 0.081 74.89 0.14
40 Passenger 1398 2292 27.43 44.97 0.032 0.100 72.40 0.13
41 Passenger 1623 2436 31.84 47.79 0.058 0.127 79.64 0.18
42 Passenger 1508 2467 29.59 48.40 0.043 0.134 77.99 0.18
43 Passenger 1614 2419 31.67 47.46 0.056 0.124 79.13 0.18
44 Passenger 1379 2144 27.06 42.07 0.030 0.076 69.12 0.11
45 Passenger 1588 2272 31.16 44.58 0.053 0.096 75.73 0.15
46 Passenger 1664 2488 32.65 48.81 0.064 0.139 81.46 0.20
47 Empty 1677 2291 32.90 44.95 0.066 0.100 77.85 0.17
48 Passenger 2026 3644 39.75 71.50 0.140 0.638 111.25 0.78
49 Passenger 2296 3662 45.05 71.85 0.231 0.651 116.90 0.88
50 Passenger 2512 3195 49.29 62.69 0.331 0.377 111.97 0.71
51 Passenger 2573 3636 50.48 71.34 0.364 0.632 121.82 1.00
52 Passenger 2674 3297 52.46 64.69 0.424 0.427 117.15 0.85
53 Empty 1531 2136 30.04 41.91 0.046 0.075 71.95 0.12
VDF 0.619
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu &
Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu &
Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu &
Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Wheel Load (kg) Axle Load (KN) Gross Vehicle Weight Vehicle Damage
Sl. Factors
Commodity (GVW) Factor
No. DW-
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd SW-FSA in KN (VDF)
1 Empty 2978 1820 1730 58.43 35.71 33.94 0.653 0.049 128.079 0.702
2 grocery 2351 6690 6600 46.13 131.26 129.49 0.254 9.635 306.876 9.889
3 Goods 3431 6610 6250 67.32 129.69 122.63 1.150 8.447 319.629 9.598
4 construction material 3386 6250 6010 66.43 122.63 117.92 1.091 6.978 306.975 8.069
5 vegetables 2176 6240 5530 42.69 122.43 108.50 0.186 5.927 273.621 6.113
6 Empty 2343 1633 1465 45.97 32.04 28.74 0.250 0.028 106.752 0.279
7 Empty 2584 1700 1453 50.70 33.35 28.51 0.370 0.031 112.560 0.401
8 Empty 2238 1478 1410 43.91 29.00 27.66 0.208 0.021 100.572 0.230
9 Empty 2353 1542 1427 46.17 30.25 28.00 0.254 0.024 104.418 0.278
10 Empty 2447 1467 1465 48.01 28.78 28.74 0.298 0.023 105.536 0.320
11 Empty 2421 1685 1417 47.50 33.06 27.80 0.285 0.029 108.361 0.314
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu &
Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Wheel Load (kg) Axle Load (KN) Gross Vehicle Weight Vehicle Damage
Sl. Factors
Commodity (GVW) Factor
No. DW-
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd SW-FSA in KN (VDF)
12 Empty 2384 1662 1473 46.77 32.61 28.90 0.268 0.030 108.283 0.298
13 Empty 2201 1429 1437 43.18 28.04 28.19 0.195 0.021 99.415 0.216
14 Empty 2421 1618 1451 47.50 31.75 28.47 0.285 0.027 107.714 0.313
15 Empty 2223 1442 1414 43.62 28.29 27.74 0.203 0.021 99.650 0.223
16 Empty 2130 1610 1475 41.79 31.59 28.94 0.171 0.028 102.318 0.199
17 Empty 2195 1668 1498 43.07 32.73 29.39 0.193 0.031 105.183 0.224
18 Empty 2221 1549 1451 43.58 30.39 28.47 0.202 0.025 102.436 0.227
19 Empty 2125 1489 1466 41.69 29.21 28.76 0.169 0.024 99.670 0.193
20 Empty 2354 1460 1454 46.19 28.65 28.53 0.255 0.022 103.358 0.277
21 Empty 2372 1439 1404 46.54 28.23 27.55 0.263 0.020 102.318 0.283
22 Empty 2598 1645 1471 50.97 32.27 28.86 0.378 0.029 112.109 0.407
23 Empty 2147 1578 1468 42.12 30.96 28.80 0.176 0.027 101.887 0.203
24 Empty 2458 1592 1410 48.23 31.24 27.66 0.303 0.025 107.125 0.328
25 Empty 2194 1699 1468 43.05 33.33 28.80 0.192 0.031 105.183 0.223
26 Empty 2327 1576 1449 45.66 30.92 28.43 0.243 0.026 105.006 0.269
27 Empty 2169 1614 1407 42.56 31.67 27.61 0.184 0.026 101.828 0.209
28 Empty 2110 1480 1430 41.40 29.04 28.06 0.165 0.022 98.492 0.187
29 Empty 2497 1628 1413 48.99 31.94 27.72 0.323 0.026 108.656 0.349
30 Empty 2323 1677 1466 45.58 32.90 28.76 0.242 0.030 107.243 0.272
31 Empty 2437 1420 1472 47.81 27.86 28.88 0.293 0.022 104.555 0.314
32 Empty 2150 1469 1474 42.18 28.82 28.92 0.177 0.023 99.925 0.201
33 Empty 2306 1566 1420 45.24 30.72 27.86 0.235 0.025 103.829 0.259
34 Empty 2513 1655 1475 49.31 32.47 28.94 0.331 0.030 110.716 0.361
35 Empty 2204 1483 1417 43.24 29.10 27.80 0.196 0.022 100.140 0.218
36 Empty 2418 1462 1466 47.44 28.68 28.76 0.284 0.023 104.889 0.306
37 Empty 2219 1446 1431 43.54 28.37 28.08 0.201 0.021 99.984 0.222
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu &
Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Wheel Load (kg) Axle Load (KN) Gross Vehicle Weight Vehicle Damage
Sl. Factors
Commodity (GVW) Factor
No. DW-
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd SW-FSA in KN (VDF)
38 Empty 2481 1515 1400 48.68 29.72 27.47 0.315 0.022 105.870 0.337
39 Empty 2202 1557 1483 43.20 30.55 29.10 0.195 0.026 102.848 0.222
40 Empty 2308 1408 1481 45.28 27.62 29.06 0.236 0.022 101.965 0.257
41 Empty 2285 1462 1410 44.83 28.68 27.66 0.226 0.021 101.180 0.247
42 Empty 2377 1460 1430 46.64 28.65 28.06 0.265 0.022 103.339 0.287
43 Empty 2274 1565 1414 44.62 30.71 27.74 0.222 0.024 103.064 0.246
44 Empty 2286 1668 1444 44.85 32.73 28.33 0.227 0.029 105.909 0.256
45 Empty 2241 1629 1436 43.97 31.96 28.17 0.209 0.027 104.104 0.237
46 Empty 2354 1534 1499 46.19 30.10 29.41 0.255 0.026 105.693 0.281
47 Empty 2456 1591 1429 48.19 31.22 28.04 0.302 0.026 107.439 0.328
48 Empty 2481 1465 1401 48.68 28.74 27.49 0.315 0.021 104.908 0.335
49 Empty 2592 1686 1451 50.86 33.08 28.47 0.375 0.030 112.403 0.405
50 Empty 2532 1644 1425 49.68 32.26 27.96 0.341 0.027 109.892 0.369
51 Empty 2214 1427 1489 43.44 28.00 29.21 0.199 0.022 100.651 0.222
52 Empty 2380 1631 1412 46.70 32.00 27.70 0.266 0.026 106.399 0.293
53 Empty 2438 1574 1489 47.83 30.88 29.21 0.293 0.027 107.930 0.320
54 Empty 2147 1619 1423 42.12 31.76 27.92 0.176 0.026 101.808 0.203
55 Empty 2559 1619 1456 50.21 31.76 28.57 0.356 0.028 110.539 0.384
56 Empty 2385 1594 1465 46.79 31.27 28.74 0.269 0.027 106.811 0.296
57 Empty 2532 1644 1425 49.68 32.26 27.96 0.341 0.027 109.892 0.369
58 Empty 2214 1427 1489 43.44 28.00 29.21 0.199 0.022 100.651 0.222
59 Empty 2380 1631 1412 46.70 32.00 27.70 0.266 0.026 106.399 0.293
60 Empty 2438 1574 1489 47.83 30.88 29.21 0.293 0.027 107.930 0.320
61 Empty 2147 1619 1423 42.12 31.76 27.92 0.176 0.026 101.808 0.203
62 Empty 2559 1619 1456 50.21 31.76 28.57 0.356 0.028 110.539 0.384
63 Empty 2385 1594 1465 46.79 31.27 28.74 0.269 0.027 106.811 0.296
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu &
Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Wheel Load (kg) Axle Load (KN) Gross Vehicle Weight Vehicle Damage
Sl. Factors
Commodity (GVW) Factor
No. DW-
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd SW-FSA in KN (VDF)
64 Empty 2536 1648 1429 49.76 32.33 28.04 0.343 0.028 110.127 0.371
65 Empty 2218 1431 1493 43.52 28.08 29.29 0.201 0.023 100.886 0.223
66 Empty 2384 1635 1416 46.77 32.08 27.78 0.268 0.027 106.635 0.295
67 Empty 2442 1578 1493 47.91 30.96 29.29 0.295 0.027 108.165 0.323
68 Empty 2151 1623 1427 42.20 31.84 28.00 0.178 0.027 102.044 0.204
VDF 0.765
Equivalency Gross
Wheel Load (kg) Axle Load (KN) Vehicle
Factors Vehicle
Sl. Damage
Commodity Weight
No. SW- SW- DW- Factor
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th (GVW)
in KN
1 Grocery 3520.00 2925.00 5832.00 3847.00 69.06 57.39 114.42 75.48 1.27 0.61 2.71 316.35 4.593
2 Rice 3890.00 4468.00 6550.00 6452.00 76.32 87.66 128.51 126.59 1.90 3.31 8.83 419.08 14.036
3 Empty 2406.00 1647.00 1406.00 1391.00 47.21 32.31 27.59 27.29 0.28 0.06 0.02 134.40 0.358
4 Empty 2483.00 1515.00 1461.00 1332.00 48.72 29.72 28.66 26.13 0.32 0.04 0.02 133.24 0.378
5 Empty 2269.00 1522.00 1484.00 1374.00 44.52 29.86 29.12 26.96 0.22 0.04 0.02 130.45 0.285
VDF 3.930
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu &
Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx. length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length 10.00 Km
under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Annexure 3
Year Standard LCV 2 Axle 3 Axle MAV Distribution Yearly MSA Design
Bus Factor Design Period
Design ESA
VDF 0.62 0.46 4.93 0.76 3.93 ESA
2018 114 370 358 308 36 0.40 347906
2019 120 407 376 323 38 0.40 366541
Base Year
2020 126 448 395 340 40 0.40 386231
2021 132 488 414 357 42 0.40 406742
2022 139 532 435 374 44 0.40 428387 428387 0.428 1-year
2023 145 580 457 393 46 0.40 451232 879619
2024 153 632 480 413 48 0.40 475347 1354966
2025 160 689 504 433 51 0.40 500808 1855774
2026 168 744 529 455 53 0.40 527233 2383007 2.383 5-year
2027 177 803 555 478 56 0.40 555090 2938096
2028 186 868 583 502 59 0.40 584459 3522555
2029 195 937 612 527 62 0.40 615426 4137981
2030 205 1012 643 553 65 0.40 648081 4786062
2031 215 1083 675 581 68 0.40 681841 5467903 5.468 10-year
2032 226 1159 709 610 71 0.40 717384 6185287
2033 237 1240 744 640 75 0.40 754806 6940093
2034 249 1327 781 672 79 0.40 794208 7734300
2035 261 1420 821 706 83 0.40 835696 8569996
2036 274 1505 862 741 87 0.40 878431 9448427 9.448 15-year
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Annexure 4
The CBR values of the subgrade soil varies along a highway alignment even on a homogeneous section. 90 th
percentile CBR is recommended in guideline.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
The design CBR is = 10; Since the 90th percentile CBR value is less than proposed Pavement design CBR value,
hence CBR value for pavement design will be 10.
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report and providing Pre-Construction activities in respect of the
following stretches on NH-244 (old NH-1B) in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. (i) Sudhmahadev – Dranga Tunnel of approx.
length 4.5 Km and its approach roads on Chenani – Sudhmahadev – Goha road portion. (ii) Vailoo Tunnel of approx. length
10.00 Km under Sinthan Pass and its approach roads on Goha – Khellani – Khanabal road portion.
Annexure 5