Deo Jude Hanzen C. BPED 1A Reflection in Symposium About VAWC Anti Rape Law and Anti Sexual Harassment Law

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College of Education

Name: Jude Hanzen C. Deo Course & Section: BPED – 1A

Reflection about Online Symposium of Gender and Development (GAD)

Republic Act 9262 (Anti-Violence against Women and their Children)

Speaker: Mrs. Ana Marie M. Albaladejo

In this topic regarding the VAWC it really enlightened me to become more

accountable, responsible and be aware of my actions because this law provided a
prescribing penalties that may put you into trouble, fine or the worst scenario it
may lead you into jail. In this topic, the speaker also discussed about the types of
punishable violence under the the R.A. 9262. The first one is physical violence that
causes a victim a physical injuries and mutilation. The second one is psychological
violence that causes victim a mental suffering, emotional suffering, stalking,
damage to property, ridicule, repeated verbal abuse, depriving a woman of access
to her family and lastly marital infidelity. The third one is sexual violence that
causes victim a forcing by someone to watch obscene movies and to engage in any
sexual activity. The last one is economic abuse that causes victim a limitation
preventing her from engaging in legitimate profession, business or in any of
activity, threat of deprivation of financial resources and the right to use conjugal or
community property. Those different types violence that I have mentioned are very
common and it happens in different part of country all around the world. I also
concluded that those different violence can cause severe trauma to the victim that
can lead her/him to anxiety and depression. I would like also to recognize and
thanks to this kind or law that protects women and the children against from
superior and abuser so that the victim will be given justice if they will experienced
those different kinds of violence. To sum up, we need to become a good citizen of
this country and do what is right because any unlawful acts will put you in trouble
and also can ruin your future.

Republic Act 8353 (Anti-Rape Law) and Republic Act 7877 (Anti-Sexual
Speaker: Atty. Benjie Doce

In the anti-rape law, there`s a lot of anti-rape laws presented and discussed
in the symposium. I would like generalized my statement regarding this topic.
Raping someone because of lust doesn`t give you happiness, it will lead you into a
sin and also you may face fine and you may put into the jail if you are proven
guilty. It is really important that the millennials are knowledgeable especially in
this kind of violence that`s why it is very important to have sex education as well
as this subject gender and society because it widens our perspective and empower
someone to be aware and to promote this anti-rape violence because it is really
cruelty to someone who has experienced this violence. This violence can also
cause a lot of effects to the victim and the family of the victim. I also concluded
that this violence can really affect the future and can ruin the victim`s life because
of his/her experiences. I also encourage everyone to listen to your parents whatever
their advice was because it can be very helpful and can prevent us from doing this
and prevent us from experiencing this kind of violence.

In the topic anti-sexual harassment law, it can give awareness to somebody

that we have this kind of law that protects the victim from any kind of sexual
harassment. It also empowers those subordinate who harassed by the superior to
file a case to the authority and also to serve justice to the victim. The speaker also
discussed the elements that must be present in order to consider those actions or
sexual harassment. The first one is when the victim was harassed sexually in
(WET) work, education and training. The second one is that when sexual
harassment made by the superior over the subordinate, the law is not applicable if
the subordinate did that over the superior. Lastly, there should be sexual favor, if I
gave you this you should also give this to me. If this all elements are present, it
could be considered as a sexual harassment and will be punished accordingly.

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