IPS MBD21907 in 522 Datasheet of Emergency Relief Valve A
IPS MBD21907 in 522 Datasheet of Emergency Relief Valve A
IPS MBD21907 in 522 Datasheet of Emergency Relief Valve A
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Consulting Engineers . Construction Management . Commissioning & Qualification Project No. MBD21907
B101-109, Kailash Vaibhav Ind. Estate, Vikhroli (W), Mumbai – 400 079 Made/App. NPK/SSP
Document Title Data sheet of Emergency Relief Valve Rev A
Document No. IPS-MBD21907-IN-522 Date 5-Aug-2021
Data sheet of Emergency Relief Valve
Units: Flow :- Liquid: Kg/h Gas: Nm3/h Steam:Kg/h; Pressure: Bar (g); Temperature:- °C; Level/length:- mm
1 Tag No. RFS
6 Manufacturer STS
7 Model No. STS
12 Mol.Wt. RFS
Service Conditions
14 Viscocity RFS
32 Cap STS
33 Gasket / Packing MOC RFS
IPS-DOC-IN-03-V1.0 2 of 3 561536201.xls
Consulting Engineers . Construction Management . Commissioning & Qualification Project No. MBD21907
B101-109, Kailash Vaibhav Ind. Estate, Vikhroli (W), Mumbai – 400 079 Made/App. NPK/SSP
Document Title Data sheet of Emergency Relief Valve Rev A
Document No. IPS-MBD21907-IN-522 Date 5-Aug-2021
Data sheet of Emergency Relief Valve
Operating Tank Design
Pressure Tank Design Pressure
Temp. Temp. Material
kg/cm2(g) kg/cm2 (g)
Nature of fluid Bottom plate to °C °C
Location / Line / P & ID Tank Capacity Tank Diameter Tank Insulation Tank Insulation Process Connection Line / Nozzle Vapor Density Gasket /
Sr. No. Tag No. Rev No. Fluid Scenario Clear/ Viscous/ Tank MOC curb angele Mol Weight Remark
Equipment No. NO. (KL) (mm) Type Thickness (mm) Size, Type & STD. Schedule Kg/m3 Packing MOC
Slurry Height (mm)
Spindle / Disc /
Oper. Set. Min Nor Max Min Nor Max Min Nor Max Body / Bonnet