Allocation & Utilization of Funds During 2010-2011 (Development)
Allocation & Utilization of Funds During 2010-2011 (Development)
Allocation & Utilization of Funds During 2010-2011 (Development)
Allocation during current
during current year
Sr. No Name of the Scheme year upto 31-10-
(Rs. In
(Rs. In 2010
millions) (Rs. In
Agriculture Research
On Going Projects
Development of better oilseed
1. verities hybrids to enhance 4.630 0.000 0.266
the oilseed production.
Development of wheat
2. 8.052 0.000 0.000
analytical facilities
Up-gradation of Physical
3. infrastructure AARI, 16.237 0.000 0.000
Research on Insecticide
4. 4.368 0.000 0.620
Establishment of Labs for the
5. 6.837 0.000 1.031
Testing of Biotech Crops.
Creation of Physical
Infrastructure for Research on
6. 20.375 0.000 0.000
Mango under Corporate Mode
at Multan.
Strengthening of research
7. 4.432 0.000 0.000
facilities at MMRI, Sahiwal.
Up-Scaling of Biotechnology
8. Research Institute, AARI, 8.285 0.000 0.000
Introduction of Mechanized
9. Transplanting of Rice through 4.408 0.000 0.334
Service Provider.
Production of Jojoba through
10. 3.465 0.000 0.421
Research and Extension.
Establishment of rice Research
11. 76.700 0.000 0.888
Station at bahawalnagar.
New Schemes
Establishment of Provincial
12. Reference Fertilizers Testing 17.056 0.000 0.000
Laboratory at Lahore.
Development of digitized
13. Profile of Land for Agriculture 13.694 0.000 0.000
in the province.
14. Strengthening of SSRI for 18.935 0.000 0.000
Research on Salt Affected
Soils and Brackish Water.
Provision of Additional
15. Facilities for Pesticide Labs.
43.920 0.000 0.000
Sub Total (Agriculture
251.394 0.000 3.560
Agriculture Extension
On Going Project
Promotion of Lentil Cultivation
16. 2.511 0.000 1.732
in Pothohar Area
New Schemes
Human Resource Development
for Improvement of
17. 105.000 0.000 0.000
Agriculture Extension System
in Punjab.
Sub Total (Agriculture
107.511 0.000 1.732
Agricultural Mechanization
(DGA Field)
Adaption of Bio-Gas
18. Technology to Mitigate Energy 30.275 0.000 0.000
Crisis (Pilot Project).
Sub Total (Agricultural
30.275 0.000 0.000
Water Management
On Going Projects
National Program for
Improvement of Watercources
19. 100.000 0.000 25.000
(Supervisory Consultancy
Punjab Component)
Water conservation and
productivity enhancement
through high efficiency
20. 150.000 0.000 0.000
systems (The Punjab
Greater Thal Canal (GTC)
21. command area development 200.000 0.000 6.059
project Phase-I.
Pilot Testing of Solar Water
22. 16.105 0.000 0.000
Pilot Project for Promotion of
23. cotton Cultivation in Thal 117.979 0.000 3.638
Region with drip irrigation.
New Schemes
Up-Gradation of Water
24. Management Training 51.931 0.000 0.000
Sub Total (Water
636.015 0.000 34.697
Pest Warning & QCP
Management of Fruit Fly
25. through IPM (Integrated Pest 21.233 0.000 0.969
management Techniques)
Disposal of Expired and
26. 40.000 0.000 0.000
Spurious Pesticide.
Sub Total (Pest Warning &
61.233 0.000 0.969
Agriculture Information
On Going Project
Improvement Quality and
Enhancing Frequency of
27. 0.864 0.000 0.211
Audio/Video Prouductions on
Sub Total (Agriculture
0.864 0.000 0.211
Enhancing Productivity of
28. Flowering Crops in Peri-urban 6.052 0.000 1.665
areas of Lahore.
Sub Total (Floriculture) 6.052 0.000 1.665
Strengthening of Punjab
29. 8.425 0.000 0.000
Agriculture Research Board.
Funding of High Priority
30. Research through Competitive 708.578 0.000 37.896
Grant System.
Sub Total (PARB) 717.003 0.000 37.896
University of Agriculture
Construction of three Hostels
31. for Students at University of 78.189 0.000 0.000
Agriculture Faisalabad
Sub Total (University of
78.189 0.000 0.000
Agriculture Faisalabad)
P & E Cell
New Schemes
Small House Cum Garden
32. Plots for Eradication of 112.084 0.000 0.000
Poverty in Punjab.
Development of Model
Agriculture Farms by Leasing
33. Lands to Agriculture
39.380 0.000 0.000
Sub Total (P & E Cell) 151.464 0.000 0.000
Block Allocation for Funding
34. Fast Moving Schemes and 1160.000 0.000 0.000
New Initiatives.
Sub Total (Block) 1160.000 0.000 0.000
Total of Development
3200.000 0.000 80.730
Allocation & Utilization of Funds During 2010-2011
Allocation Expenditure
during Revised during current
Sr. No Name of the Scheme current year Allocation year
(Rs. In (Rs. In millions) up to 31-10-2010
millions) (Rs. In millions)
DGA (Research), AARI,
Grant No. PC-21018
Agriculture (Non
1. 994.854 0.000 360.773