Important!: Read Before Proceeding!
Important!: Read Before Proceeding!
Important!: Read Before Proceeding!
The information contained herein is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate and applicable for proper operation and installation of
the specified equipment at the time this document entered service. Before proceeding, it is recommended that you check for a more
current version of this Installation Operation Manual (IOM) on our website at
Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described. Protect yourself and others by
observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or property damage! Retain
instructions for future reference.
RECEIVING AND HANDLING Appliances (YZHW) are accordingly labeled. These units
YORK® by Johnson Controls fans are carefully inspected before require installation according to NFPA96 Standards, local codes
leaving the factory. When the unit is received, inspect the carton and general practices. For curb mounting, to assure a positive
for any signs of tampering. Inspect the unit for any damage that seal, apply a high temperature gasket material on the roof curb.
may have occurred during transit and check for loose, missing
or damaged parts. Mishandled units can void the warranty Installing Dampers
provisions. If units are damaged in transit, it is the responsibility When required, install dampers prior to mounting the unit on the
of the receiver to make all claims against the carrier. YORK® by curb or frame. Secure dampers to the inside of the curb without
Johnson Controls is not responsible for damages incurred during undue twisting, which may distort the damper frame. Damper
shipment. frame must be reasonably level on all sides. Check for free
operation. If dampers are motor operated type, ascertain that
Avoid severe jarring and/or dropping. Handle units with care to proper voltage is impressed on motor terminals.
prevent damage to components or finishes. If the unit is scratched
due to mishandling, the protective coating may be damaged. Positioning and Running Power Lines
Incorrect lifting may damage the fan and void the warranty. Power is normally brought from within the building and placed
inside one corner of the curb. Feed power line through the
STORAGE clearance hole provided in the damper and in turn through the
electrical conduit hole provided in the base of the exhauster (fed
Long-term storage requires special attention. Store units on a through rubber grommets on smaller units). If local codes require
level, solid surface, preferably indoors. If outside storage is special electrical wire of unusually large size, then remove and
necessary, protect the units against moisture and dirt by encasing discard the electrical conduit (or grommets).
the cartons in plastic or in some similar weatherproof material.
Periodically inspect units and rotate wheels to spread bearing Installing the Fan
lubricant. Failure to rotate wheels results in reduced bearing life For access to motor and drive assembly, simply remove or lift
and may void the manufacturer’s warranty. If the unit will be access hood and make necessary power connections to motor
stored for an extended time, remove belts. Belts which remain (through disconnect switch if required). Provide a generous
under tension in a stationary position for extended periods are amount of slack in power line between motor and disconnect
likely to have a reduced operating life. switch to allow for motor deflections, and to permit movement
or motor for belt tension adjustments.
Place the carton in an upright position and remove the staples Anchoring or Securing the Unit
or use a sharp (knife edge) tool to carefully cut or scribe the Whenever possible, anchor the fan by fastening through the
sealing tape on both sides at the top of the carton. Open carton vertical portion of the mounting flange. The type of fastener
flaps. Remove any cardboard and wooden filler pieces, as well depends upon curb construction and using two fasteners per side
as loose components or accessories shipped with the unit. constitutes adequate anchoring under normal conditions. If code
or specification prescribes fastening through the top (horizontal
Carefully remove the unit from the carton. Inspect the unit for portion) of the mounting flange, use neoprene or lead washers
any damage that may have occurred during transit and check for under the head of each fastener to prevent water leaks.
loose, missing or damaged parts.
Guy down large units installed in areas subject
For all units, determine the minimum safe floor or roof loading to high winds or unusual field conditions.
requirement for proper support, minimally by multiplying
the total weight of the unit by two. Follow local codes and
good practices to ensure proper anchoring of roof top units. A To complete the re-assembly of the unit secure hood to frame by
minimum of 12” clearance should be provided for adequate replacing all spacers, washers and nuts exactly as they were found
heat dissipation. For these units, flex pads, etc. are available prior to removal. The unit is now ready for service. Apply power
to reduce the transmission of vibration to the surrounding and check rotation as indicated by arrow in motor compartment.
areas. See suggested ductwork installations. See dimensional The rotation of all centrifugal ventilators is counterclockwise
information following. Blowers suitable for Restaurant Exhaust when viewing the unit from above the motor compartment.
START-UP & OPERATION Before applying power to the motor, check the following:
Carefully inspect the unit before start-up. All motor bearings
should be properly lubricated and all fasteners should be 1. Check line voltage with motor nameplate.
securely tightened. Rotate blower wheels by hand to insure free 2. On single phase motors, set-up the terminal blocks in
movement. Make sure the inlets and approaches to the exhauster accordance with the nameplate instructions (or wiring
are clean and free from obstruction. To assure maximum air diagram). The set up must match the line voltage.
movement, adequate supply air must be available. 3. If the motor is three phase, group and connect the winding
leads as shown on the wiring diagram. The line voltage
Rough shipping or handling may cause the wheel or propeller to must correspond with proper grouping of motor leads.
move away from the venturi inlet. That condition can cause the
4. On two speed motors, follow the wiring diagram explicitly
fan to move less air. If that occurs, loosen set screws and adjust
or serious motor damage will occur.
the impeller closer to the inlet. Retighten all hardware securely.
5. Activate the blower and allow it to operate.
Check condition of belts and the amount of tension prior to start- 6. Carefully check the rotation of the wheel to insure operation
up. When it becomes necessary to adjust belt tension, do not in the proper direction.
overtighten as bearing damage will occur. Recommended belt
tension should permit deflection of 1/64” per inch of span of Incorrect rotation overloads motor severely and
the belt on each side of the belt measured halfway between the results in serious motor damage. To change
pulley centerline. Exercise extreme care when adjusting belts as rotation of three phase units simply interchange
not to misalign the pulleys. Any misalignment will cause a sharp any two of the three line leads. On single phase
reduction in belt life and produce squeaky, annoying noises (See units change the terminal block set-up following
figure 1). On units equipped with two or three groove pulleys, the wiring diagram.
adjust all belts with equal tension.
7. Check that bearing temperatures are not excessively hot.
8. Check that all bolts and hangers are secure after one (1)
hour of continuous operation.
Whenever belts are removed or installed, never Guard and Protect All Moving Parts
force belts over pulleys without loosening motor All motors are checked prior to shipment. However, if motor
first to relieve belt tension. defects should develop, prompt service can be obtained from
the nearest authorized service station of the motor manufacturer
under the warranty. Exchange, repair or replacement will be
provided on a no charge basis if the motor is defective within
the warranty period. Do not return defective motors to YORK®
by Johnson Controls. Motor guarantee is void unless overload
protection is provided in motor wiring circuit.
BP Energrease, MPMK11
Use low pressure grease guns only. High
pressure guns tend to blow out or unseat bearing Gulf Gulfcrown EP-2
seals, leaving the bearing open to collect grime, Imperial Oil Unirex EP-2 32°F to 150°F
dust and foreign particles. (0°C to 66°C)
Shell Alvania R-3
Replace parts with components which duplicate original parts correctly. Incorrectly sized shafts, belts, pulleys, etc. can damage the fan.
Spare or replacement parts and prices are available upon request. Please supply the following information: Factory Order Number,
Customer’s Name and Order Number and Date. If this information is not available, furnish a complete description of the part
required. Names of parts are shown on the following drawing. To order motors provide the HP, RPM, voltage, phase, hertz and type
of enclosure.
wheel diameter
Item Description
PARTS REPLACEMENT: Unipak Typical Installation
Grease drain
and downspout Vented curb (by others)
switch box
From hood
Model A B C D E F G
PARTS REPLACEMENT: Unipak Typical Installation
Model S T
1. Defective or loose motor bearings. 1. Replace motor with same frame size, RPM, HP.
2. Ventilator base not securely anchored. 2. Reset properly.
Excessive 3. Loose or unbalanced wheel/propeller. 3. Tighten screws, remove build-up, balance wheel/propeller.
Noise 4. Misaligned pulleys or shaft. 4. Correct alignment.
5. Loose or damaged wheel/propeller. 5. Replace wheel/propeller.
6. Wheel running in wrong direction. 6. Reverse direction.
1. Belt slippage
1. Adjust tension or replace belts.
Note: Care should be taken to follow all local electrical, safety and building codes. Provisions of the National Electric Code (NEC), as wells as the Occupational Safety and
Health Act (OSHA) should be followed.
All motors are checked prior to shipment. If motor defects should develop, prompt service can be obtained from the nearest
authorized service station of the motor manufacturer while under warranty. Exchange, repair or replacement will be provided on a
no charge basis if the motor is defective within the warranty period. The YORK® by Johnson Controls representative in your area
will provide a name and address of an authorized service station if requested.
WARNING: Motor guarantee is void unless overload protection is provided in motor wiring circuit.
P.O. Box 1592, York, Pennsylvania USA 17405-1592 Tele. 800-861-1001 Subject to change without notice. Printed in USA
Copyright © by Johnson Controls 2015 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Revised: 08/24/15
For Product Warranty Support and Parts call 814-479-4005