The Sanitation Services in Romania: Academy of Economic Studies Faculty of Commerce
The Sanitation Services in Romania: Academy of Economic Studies Faculty of Commerce
The Sanitation Services in Romania: Academy of Economic Studies Faculty of Commerce
Faculty of Commerce
Gr. 342
Table of content
Introduction …………………………………………………………………………….. …3
Chapter1: Chapter 1: The sanitation services in Bucharest…………………………….4
1.1. National legislation..………………………………………………………… ….. …..4
1.2. Main actors of the sanitation system from Bucharest …………….………. …………5
Chapter 2: Chapter2: Local conditions of Waste Management in Bucharest …………..6
2.1. Types of waste from Bucharest …………….....…………………………………………6
2.2. Factors that influence the sanitation status of Bucharest ………………………….…......8
Chapter3: Measures and programs for urban hygiene and waste management ………..9
Conclusions ………………………………………………………………………………...11
Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………………......12
Chapter 1: The sanitation service in Bucharest
Legea nr.101 din 25.4.2006 privind „Serviciul de salubrizare a localităţilor”, art. 2
Ministry of Economy and Trade – revaluation permit.
National Authority for Public Services – licensing;
National Environmental Guard – enforcement;
Local authorities – work permit for operation;
Chapter2: Local conditions of Waste Management in Bucharest
1.5 Market Waste 9,621.19
TOTAL 930,028.35
Table 9– Composition of municipal waste in Bucharest in 2007
Composition 2007
In the capital, the high agglomeration (approx. 2 million inhabitants) and the average
density (8099 loc/km2) put their mark on the state of hygiene of the city, exceeding many times
the actions of the sanitation operators. Another factor that influences the hygiene status of the
city is the urban and street configuration of the city; in many area of the capital there are
abandoned or degraded buildings with courtyards full of litter that have been transformed into
houses for homeless people. These places are literally dangerous because of the high risks of
contamination for people living close to them.
Besides the domestic sanitation, the street sanitation is another important component of
the urban hygiene. The street sanitation has the primary purpose of achieving and maintaining
the communication routes hygiene in order to raise the comfort level for the citizens. It is known
that the difference between a “clean city” and a “dirty city” is made by the appearance and status
of its streets.
A clean city depends on both, sanitation companies and the behavior and civic
responsibility of the population.
Currently, the street sanitation in Bucharest is unsatisfactory and unaligned to the
European standards. In some cases this is caused by the inefficiency of the measures taken by
local governments, but, in most cases, the negligence and neglect of the population reflects the
low level of civic education and environmental responsibility. The mentality that public places
represent literal trash beans is still perpetuated and people don’t acknowledge the negative
impacts of their actions. Bottles, plastic, papers and other types of waste that lye at every street
corner are a common image for Bucharest. In addition, current forms of street trade (kiosks or
boutiques) contribute to that image, throwing all kinds of packaging and food and vegetable
Other causes of the precarious sanitation system:
budgets of austerity which do not provide funds for important sectors of
environmental protection, in general, and sanitation, in particular;
insufficient support rendered by competent state bodies to private sector;
Insufficient actions of ecological parties and non- governmental
organizations to promote solutions and measures of cleaning, namely sanitation.
Thus, in 2004, according to the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development,
the total amount of municipal waste generated in the capital (of 840,247 tones) accounted for
12.5% of total municipal waste produced in Romania (6.710 million tons), compared to 228 049
tones in 2000, 3.5%.
Chapter 3: Measures and programs for urban hygiene and waste management
The improvement of the urban sanitation involves a good waste management which demands the
active participation of both decision-makers (public authorities and public salubrity operators) and
Public authorities from Bucharest acknowledged the importance of suitable waste management
programs and created Municipal Waste Management Plan for the period 2007 – 2013.
The existing management system will be improved until 2013 by:
- Implementation of selective collection of household and assimilative waste;
- Construction of two sorting plants;
- Construction of one mechanical biological plant;
- Construction of two composting plants;
- Modernization of the existing landfills (landfill gas collection and recovery);
- Construction of new cells at the existing landfills (estimated surface 1 ha/year);
-construction of a treatment plant for construction and demolition waste recycles
(capacity – 80,000tons/year).
After 2013 is considered that the thermal treatment could be implemented due to the
characteristics and the composition of municipal waste in Bucharest combined with the residues
resulted from the all ready implemented treatment plants in the period 2008 – 2013.
It is necessary for district city halls to conduct periodic inspection mainly to supervise the
activity of the sanitation operators and to highlight and resolve certain problems. However,
efficient sanitation actions and programs are worthless without the lack of environmental
awareness, especially in poor and underprivileged areas.
Programs for raising citizens’ awareness regarding the environmental impact of improper
waste disposal:
- Stimulating the interest of children for waste collection.
- Highlighting and understanding the negative effects of urban waste disposal;
- Environmental education programs
- Increasing the involvement of citizens in the collection of recyclable waste.
Currently, Romania faces an inadequate waste management, particularly urban ones, as
shown by the poor sanitation status of many urban centers. These include the largest urban
agglomeration in the country - Bucharest - where waste pollution is visible everywhere and is
caused by improper domestic and economic waste disposal.
Among the problems of the city we can mention:
1. Uncontrolled submission of household waste and construction waste and the incapacity
of authorities to deal with these wastes represent the most important sanitation problem
signaled by citizens.
2. Poor urban hygiene in low comfort areas, inhabited mostly by the poor population,
where some people have the habit of throwing garbage at random, which accumulates in
the absence of adequate sanitation.
3. Improper domestic hazardous waste disposal by throwing the garbage outside the
window, in courtyards or on terraces.
4. Uncontrolled business waste storage because of the absence of sanitation contracts.
5. Vacant lots of land become in time improvised landfills.
6. Playgrounds degradation caused by hazardous waste disposal (bottles, cans, plastics, and
construction and demolition waste) in these certain area and the lack of a quick response
from sanitation companies.
7. The need of improved sanitation services from the companies that are responsible with
street cleaning.
The solutions for the problems mentioned could be found only through a close
collaboration between decision-makers (public authorities and public sanitation operators) and
Alexandrescu, M.A., Managementul deseurilor in Romania. Prezent si viitor, „Revista
Salubritatea”, nr 2, 2005