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Lecture SB 1

Mechanical Engineering Department

Steam Boiler
- Introduction
- Requirements of a Good Boiler
- Boiler systems
- Classification of boilers
- Boiler parts
- Comparison between fire tube and water tube boiler
Lecture SB 2

Mechanical Engineering Department

- Comparison between fire and water boiler types

- Mountings and Accessories of steam boilers
- Combustion calculations and boiler performance
- Heat balance
- Heat losses distribution and define boiler efficiency
Lecture SB 3

Mechanical Engineering Department


• Boilers
• Boiler systems
• Types of boilers
Lecture SB 4

Mechanical Engineering Department


Steam boiler is a closed vessel, in which steam is generated from water by the application
of heat. The steam generated may be used :
1. For power generation as in the case of steam turbine.
2. For processing as in the case of industrial processes.
3. For heating as in the case of heating installation of building.

AIR Steam Boiler STEAM
Lecture SB 5

Mechanical Engineering Department

Requirements of a Good Boiler

• The boiler should be capable to generate steam at the required pressure and quantity as
quickly as possible with minimum fuel consumption.
• Light in weight and compact.
• Safe in working with minimum joints.
• Installation and maintenance costs should be low.
• The b oiler must be able to meet the fluctuating demands without pressure fluctuations.
• Heating surface should be free from contamination.
Lecture SB 6

Mechanical Engineering Department


1. Water treatment system

2. Feed water system
3. Steam system
4. Blow down system
5. Fuel supply system
6. Air supply system
7. Flue gas system
Lecture SB 7

Mechanical Engineering Department

Classification of boilers

▪ According to the orientation of vessel; horizontal, vertical or inclined

Horizontal boiler parts can be inspected and repaired easily but it occupies more space.
vertical boiler occupies less floor area.

▪ According to the tube content; fire tube boiler and water tube boiler
FTB: hot gases are inside the tubes and the water surrounds the tubes ex. Cochran, Lancashire and Locomotive boilers.
WTB: the water is inside the tubes and the hot gases surround them ex. Babcock and Wilcox, Stirling, Yarrow boilers.

▪ According to the type of firing; externally fired and internally fired

externally if the fire is outside the shell ex, Babcock and Wilcox boiler, Stirling boiler
in case of internally fired boilers, the furnace is located inside the boiler shell ex. Cochran, Lancashire boiler.

▪ According to the heat source or fuel type; electric, fuel(solid, liquid, gas), west heat
(hot gases)
Lecture SB 8

Mechanical Engineering Department

▪ According to boiler pressure;

1. High, medium, and low
HPB if produce steam at pressure of 80 bar and above, ex.: Babcock and Wilcox, Velox , Lamont, Benson boilers
LPB if produce steam at pressure below 80 bar are called low pressure boilers ex. Cochran, Cornish, Lancashire
and Locomotive boilers
2. Subcritical and Supercritical
subcritical boiler pressure < 160 bar
supercritical boiler pressure > 160 bar

▪ Stationary (land) and portable (marine and locomotive) boilers

Stationary boilers are used for power plant-steam, for central station utility power plants, for plant process steam etc.
Mobile boilers or portable boilers include locomotive type and other small units for temporary use .
Lecture SB 9

Mechanical Engineering Department

What is the Fire Tube Boiler:

The fire tube type of boiler is cylindrical in shape, the
water being contained in the cylinder or shell which
has fire tubes, containing the hot gases passing
through it. Due to there simplicity and because of the
small capacity requirements of individual users, these
boilers are used in many industries for producing
process steam for example; Cornish, Lancashire, and
economic boiler.

Lecture SB 10

Mechanical Engineering Department

What is the Water Tube Boiler:

In this type the water is contained in small

Steam out
diameter tubes connect to water or steam drum,
this drum being much smaller in size than the
cylinder or shell of fire tube boiler. The hot gases
come into contact with the external surfaces of
these tubes. This type of construction is flexible
and so is found suitable for different capacity and
pressure requirements, from process stem to
power generation. For example; La Mount,
Babcock and Wilcox.

Lecture SB 11

Mechanical Engineering Department

Comparison between fire tube and water tube boiler


Pressure Low pressure up to 25 bar, because larger High pressure > 160 bar because small
diameter of shell and limit of maximum diameter of tubes
thickness (3 cm), σ = Pd/2t

Time of steam Large time needs to reach operation Short time due to small ratio of water to
generation pressure due to large ratio of water to steam
Stress Thermal stresses are higher compared Are lower due to quick circulation of water
with water tube and the uniform thermal distribution
Transportation Inconvenient Convenient

Combustion lower Higher - complete combustion of fuel is

efficiency possible (combustion space is much larger)
Lecture SB 12

Mechanical Engineering Department


Simplicity and coast Low initial and maintenance coast and Higher maintenance and initial coast and
simpler operating condition complex
Purity of feed water Less importance More importance

Stress Thermal stresses are higher compared Are lower due to quick circulation of water
with water tube and the uniform thermal distribution
Explosion Very serious because of its large water Less serious (safety boiler)
Rate of steam The rate of steam production is low due to High rate of steam production due to large
small heating surface (8 to 10 ton/hr) heating surface and long gas travel (30 to
Sensitivity High sensitivity to load change low sensitivity to load change
Lecture SB 13

Mechanical Engineering Department


Lecture SB 14

Mechanical Engineering Department

Comparison between Boiler Mountings and Boiler Accessories

Boiler Mountings Boiler Accessories

1 Component that ensure boiler safety Component improve boiler efficiency

2 Essential part of boiler Boiler accessories are not essential
3 Mounted on the boiler surface Integral parts of the boiler, but not mounted it
4 Boiler Mountings control fluid Boiler Accessories control fluid parameters at
parameters inside of the boiler shell outside of the boiler
5 Example: Pressure gauges, Feed check Example: Super heater, Air preheater,
valve, Safety valves, Water level Economizer, Steam separator
indicator, Fusible plug.
Lecture SB 15

Mechanical Engineering Department

Boiler accessories:
1. Economizer: it is also known as feed
water heater. It is used to heat up the
feed water by utilizing the heat of the
west flue gases before they are
discharged to the chimney. The bleed test
item of heat losses in a boiler is the heat
carried away in the flue gases. Some of
the heat being carried away by the flue
gases may be recovered and sent back
into the boiler in the feed water if an
economizer is placed in the passage of
flue gases in between the exit from the
boiler and the entry to the chimney.
Lecture SB 16

Mechanical Engineering Department

Advantages of Economizer:

1. Fuel economy: the economizer recovers some of the energy from the heat carried away in the flue gases
and utilized for heating the feed water. (saving in fuel and increase the overall efficiency of the boiler plant)
2. Evaporation becomes rapid, which results in quick circulation of water, hence heating becomes more
3. Long life of the boiler- the range of temperature between the different parts of the boiler will be reduced,
which will result in the reduction of stresses.

Disadvantages (limitations) of economizer:

1. The economizer increases resistance in flue gas and cools chimney gases, thus reducing draught.
2. If cooled water enters economizer tw < 50 °C it will condense the water vapor present in the flue gases and
the moisture may accumulate on outside of economizer tubes and causing corrosion, specially if SO2 is
present in flue gases.
Lecture SB 17

Mechanical Engineering Department

2. Air preheater:

Air preheater like economizer, recovers some portion of the

west heat of the flue gases. Air supplied to the combustion
chamber is preheated by using the heat in the west flue gases.
Air preheater are placed after the economiser and before the
gases enter the chimney.

Advantages of air preheater:

1. Improve combustion (hot air tends to accelerate the speed
of chemical reaction and by using preheated air a higher
furnace temperature is possible, which improves heat
transfer by radiation)
2. Increase thermal efficiency by saving in fuel consumption
3. Preheated air helps to give short and more stable flame
which reduces smoke production.
Lecture SB 18

Mechanical Engineering Department

3. superheater:
Superheaters are used in boilers to increase the
temperature of the steam above its saturation
temperature. This done by passing the steam
through a small sate of tubes and hot gases over

Advantages of superheater:
1. Increase cycle efficiency, reduce more work
per kg of steam and thus reducing steam
2. It eliminates the erosion of the turbine blades
in the last stages.
Lecture SB 19

Mechanical Engineering Department

Lecture SB 20

Mechanical Engineering Department

Lecture SB 21

Mechanical Engineering Department

Combustion calculations:

Introduction: Energy is liberated within the boiler by chemical combination of the combustible elements
of the fuels, carbon, hydrogen and sulfur- with oxygen at a temperature above the ignition temperature of
the substance and results in the formation of heat. This combination of a fuel with oxygen is a chemical
process can be expressed by means of simple chemical equations which indicate how much oxygen is
required to burn the substances completely and also gives the resultant amount of products of combustion.
A knowledge of these facts enables the correct of air to be supplied and the amount of heat carried away up
the chimney by the products of combustion to be calculated.

Chemical equations: the combination of the components of fuel with oxygen may be presented by a
chemical equation. The complete combustion of Carbon (C) will results in Carbon dioxide (CO2) being
produced. The complete combustion of Hydrogen (H2) will result in Water vapor or steam (H2O) being
produced and the complete combustion of Sulphur will result in Sulphur dioxide (SO2) being produced.
Lecture SB 22

Mechanical Engineering Department

The first step in forming the equation is to write on the left-hand side the component to be burn and add
oxygen to it and then, on the right hand-side, write the final product. In order that this equation should be
correct, it must give a weight balance, that is , the sum of the molecular weights of the individual
components on the left hand must equal the molecular weight of the compound indicated on the right hand
• Combustion of hydrogen (H2) to water vapor
H2 + O2 = H2O
2H2 + O2 = 2H2O -------------- (1)
By substituting molecular weights,
2*2 + 2*16 = 2(2+16)
This may now be read as;
4 kg of H2 requires 32 kg of O2 to burn it and produces 36 kg of H2O.
then, 1 kg of H2 requires 8 kg of O2 to burn it and produces 9 kg of H2O.
Substituting volumes in eq. 1, then
2 volumes of H2 + 1 volume of O2 = 2 volumes of H2O
2 m3 of H2 + 1 m3 of O2 = 2 m3 of H2O
then, 1 m3 of H2 requires 0.5 m3 of O2 to burn it and produces 1 m3 of H2O
Lecture SB 23

Mechanical Engineering Department

• Combustion of carbon to carbon dioxide (CO2)

C + O2 = CO2 -------------(2)
12 + 32 = 44

1 kg of C requires 32/12 (2.67) kg of O2 to burn it and produces 44/12 (3.67) kg of CO2.

By volumes from eq. 2
1 m3 of C requires 1 m3 of O2 to burn it and produces 1 m3 of CO2.

• Combustion of carbon to carbon monoxide (CO)

C + O2 = CO
2C + O2 = 2CO ------------ (3)
2.12 + 32 = 2(12+16)

1 kg of C requires 32/24 (1.33) kg of O2 to burn it and produces 56/24 (2.33) kg of CO.

By volumes from eq. 3
1 m3 of C requires 0.5 m3 of O2 to burn it and produces 1 m3 of CO.
Lecture SB 24

Mechanical Engineering Department

• Combustion of CO to CO2
CO + O2 = CO2
2CO + O2 = 2CO2 ------------ (4)
56 + 32 = 88
1 kg of CO requires 32/56 (0.57) kg of O2 to burn it and produces 88/56 (1.57) kg of CO2.
By volumes from eq. 4
1 m3 of CO requires 1/2 m3 of O2 to burn it and produces 1 m3 of CO2.

• Combustion of Sulphur to Sulphur monoxide (SO2)

S + O2 = SO2 -------------- (5)
32 + 32 = 64
1 kg of S requires 1 kg of O2 to burn it and produces 2 kg of SO2.
By volumes from eq. 5
1 m3 of S requires 1 m3 of O2 to burn it and produces 1 m3 of SO2.
Lecture SB 25

Mechanical Engineering Department

• Combustion of Methan to carbon dioxide and water vapor,

CH4 + O2 = CO2 + H2O

CH4 + 2O2 = CO2 + 2H2O ------------ (6)
16 + 64 = 44 + 36
1 kg of CH4 requires 4 kg of O2 to burn it and produces 44/16 (2.75) kg of CO2 and 36/16 (2.25) kg of
By volumes from eq. 6
1 m3 of CH4 requires 2 m3 of O2 to burn it and produces 1 m3 of CO2 and 2 m3 of H2O.
Lecture SB 26

Mechanical Engineering Department

The information determined from these equations are tabulated in the following table:

O2 required by substance Products of combustion

for complete combustion
Substanc of 1 kg or 1m3
e kg m3 kg m3 kg m3 kg m3
H2 8 0.5 9 1 - - - -

C 2.67 1.0 - - 3.67 1 - -

CO 0.57 0.5 - - 1.57 1 - -

S 1.0 1.0 - - - - 2 1

CH4 4 2 2.25 2 2.75 1 - -

Lecture SB 27

Mechanical Engineering Department

EX.1: A sample of fuel was found to have the following percentage analysis by weight:
C 80%, H2 16%, Ash 4%
Determine the weight of oxygen required to burn completely 1 kg of fuel and hence determined the
weight of air required


1 kg of C requires 2.67 kg of O2
O2 for 0.8 kg of C = 2.13 kg of O2

1 kg of H2 requires 8 kg of O2
O2 for 0.16 H2 = 1.28 kg of O2

Then the total weight of O2 required = 2.13 + 1.28 = 3.41 kg

The weight of air required = 3.41/0.23 = 14.83 kg
Lecture SB 28

Mechanical Engineering Department

EX.2: A coal has the following percentage analysis by weight

C 85%; H2 5%; O2 4%; Ash, etc. 6%. Calculate
a) The theoretical weight of air required for complete combustion at 1 kg of this fuel.
b) The weight of actual air supplied per kg of heat, assuming 30 percent excess air is necessary.


a) Weight of O2 required to burn 0.85 kg of C = 0.85* 2.67 = 2.27 kg

Weight of O2 required to burn 0.05 kg of H2 = 0.05* 8 = 0.4 kg
The total weight of O2 required to burn C and H2 in fuel is equal to:
2.27 + 0.4 - 0.04 (already present in the fuel) = 2.63 kg
weight of air = 2.63/ 0.23 = 11.43 kg/kg of fuel

b) Weight of air actually supplied = 11.43 + 0.3 * 11.43 = 14.86 kg/kg of fuel.
Lecture SB 29

Mechanical Engineering Department

Products of Combustion

The products of combustion from a fuel containing hydrogen, carbon and Sulphur are; water vapor
carbon dioxide, or carbon monoxide and Sulphur dioxide. These form part of the flue gases from the
combustion chamber. Other flue gases present are nitrogen, from the air supplied for combustion process
purposes, and also any originally present in the fuel, together with any excess oxygen supplied.

The volumetric percentages of such gases can be determined by means of the ORSAT device. From a
knowledge of the products of combustion, together with the chemical analysis of the fuel burnt, it is
possible to determine the actual air supplied and this in conjunction with the determination of the
theoretical air, enables a check to be made on the quantity of excess air entering the furnace.
1. Write combustion reactions for the elements present in fuel.

2. Calculate weight of oxygen required.

3. Subtract oxygen already present in fuel.

4. C, H, S and Hydrocarbons are the combustible substances present in fuel.

5. 5. N, Ash and moisture are incombustible substances present in fuel.

6. Calculate weight and volume of air.

7. In case of weight of air multiplication factor is 100/23 and in case of volume of air

multiplication factor is 100/21.

Lecture SB 30

Mechanical Engineering Department

The dry flue gas analysis by volume in a boiler was CO2 = 13%, CO = 0.3%, N2 = 80.7% and O2 = 6%, and the
total analysis by weight of the fuel was C = 62.4%, H2 = 4.2%, O2 = 4.5%, moisture = 15%, and ash= 13.9%.
Calculate: a) the weight of air theoretically required to burn 1 kg of the fuel.
b) the weight of air actually supplied per kg of fuel burnt.
c) the amount of excess air supplied per kg of fuel burnt.
Solution :
1 kg of fuel contains 0.624 kg C, 0.042 kg H2, 0.045 kg O2, 0.15kg of moisture, and 0.139kg of ash

a) Theoretical air required for complete combustion of 1 kg of fuel =

[(0.624 * 2.67) + (0.042*8) – 0.045] / 0.23 = 8.6 kg/kgf

b) The dry flue gas composition by volume is:

13% CO2 0.3% CO 80.7% N2 and 6% O2
This can be converted to a percentage analysis by weight in the following manner:
Lecture SB 31

Mechanical Engineering Department

Dry % analysis by Molecular Product % analysis by weight

flue volume weight
CO2 13 44 13*44 = 572 (572/3032)*100= 18.87
CO 0.3 28 0.3*28 = 8.4 (8.4/3032)*100= 0.277
O2 6 32 6*32 = 192 (192/3032)*100= 6.333
N2 80.7 28 80.7*28 = 2259.6 (2259.6/3032)*100 = 74.52
∑= 3032 ∑= 100
Lecture SB 32

Mechanical Engineering Department

Therefor 1 kg of dry flue gas contain 0.1887 kg CO2, 0.00277 kg CO, 0.0633 kg O2 and 0.7452 kg N2.
From the table (chemical equations) it was shown that the complete combustion of 12 kg of C produced 44
kg of CO2, and the burning of 12 kg of C produced 28 kg of CO, therefor if 1 kg of dry flue gas contains
0.1887 of CO2 and 0.00277 of CO, it must have originated from,
0.1887*12/44 + 0.00277* 12/28 = 0.0526 kg

Therefor weight of dry flue gases formed per kg of fuel burnt,

= 0.624/0.05265 = 11.85 kg
The total weight of flue gas per kg pf fuel burnt equals weight of dry flue gas plus water vapor resulting from
the combustion of H2 in fuel
= 11.85 + (0.042*9) + 0.15 = 12.378 kg
But weight of fuel actually burnt per kg of fuel burnt ,
= 1 - ash content = 1- 0.139 = 0.861
Therefor weight of air actually supplied per kg of fuel, Flue gas C
=12.378 – 0.861 = 11.517 kg
12 28 12 44 1 0.05265
c) The amount of excess air supplied per kg of fuel burnt,
= 11.5 - 8.6 = 2.9 kg/kgf X 0.00277 X 0.1887 X 0.624
Lecture SB 33

Mechanical Engineering Department

Ex.4: The percentage dry flue gas analysis by volume in a boiler was: CO2 12%, CO 1%, O2 7%, and N2 80%.
The percentage analysis by weight of the coal as fired was C 82%, H2 4%, O2 5%,S 1%, moisture 2% and ash
6%. Given that the rise in temperature of the flue gases is 250°C.

a) The total weight of the flue gases per kg of fuel burnt and hence the heat carried away by the flue gases
if the average specific heat of the flue gases is 1.0 kJ/ kg °C

b) The weight of excess air supplied per kg of fuel burnt and hence the heat carried away by the excess air
if the specific heat of the air is 0.995 kJ/kg °C.
Lecture SB 34

Mechanical Engineering Department

Dry flue % analysis by Molecular Product % analysis by weight
gases volume weight
CO2 12 44 12*44 = 528 (528/3020)*100= 17.48
CO 1 28 1*28 = 28 (28/3020)*100= 0.93
O2 7 32 7*32 = 224 (224/3020)*100= 7.4
N2 80 28 80*28 = 2240 (2240/3020)*100 = 74.19
∑= 3020 ∑= 100

12 12
1 kg of dry flue gas originated from (0.1748 . ) + (0.0093 . ) = 0.0515 kg of C
44 44

Therefore, weight of dry flue gas produced from the complete combustion of 1 kg of this fuel = = 15.9 kg
Lecture SB 35

Mechanical Engineering Department

Hence total weight of flue gas per kg of fuel burnt = 15.9 + (0.04. 9) + (0.01. 2) + 0.02
= 16.3 kg

Heat carried away by these gases = weight of flue gas * specific heat of flue gas * temperature rise
= 16.3* 1.0 * 250
= 4075 kJ/kg fuel

b) Weight of fuel actually burnt per kg of fuel burnt = 1- 0.06 = 0.94 kg

therefore, weight of air actually used per kg of fuel burnt = 16.3 – 0.94 = 15.36 kg

Air theoretically required for complete combustion of 1 kg of fuel =

[(0.82 * 2.67) + (0.04 * 8) + (0.01 * 1) – 0.05] = 10.74

Hence weight of excess air supplied per kg of fuel burnt = 15.36 – 10.74 = 4.62 kg
Then the heat carried away by this excess air per kg of fuel burnt = 4.62 * 0.995 * 250
= 1149 kJ/kgf
Lecture SB 36

Mechanical Engineering Department


Lecture SB 37

Mechanical Engineering Department

Boiler performance:

The following two terms, the efficiency of a boiler and equivalent evaporation of a boiler:

a) Equivalent evaporation
heat available for producing steam per unit quantity of fuel under working condition
Equivalent evaporation =
standard evaporation unit

Standard evaporation = the heat required to produce 1 kg of dry steam under standard conditions from
feed water at 100 and 1.013 bar = 2257 kJ
Equivalent evaporation = W(hs – hw)/ 2257

W = ms/mf kgs /kgf

Lecture SB 38

Mechanical Engineering Department

Boiler performance
ms ms ms
or or
1 𝑘𝑔 𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 1 𝑚2 𝑚3
20 t steam 10 t steam
50 bar 100 bar
300 °C 500 °C


1 t fuel water water 1 t fuel

Lecture SB 39

Mechanical Engineering Department

b) Boiler Efficiency 𝜂b:

The boiler efficiency is the ratio of heat absorbed by the steam from the boiler per unit time to the heat
liberated by the combustion of fuel in the furnace during the same time .
Boiler efficiency can be determined by the following two methods:-

1. By direct measurement of input and output

𝑚ሶ 𝑠 (ℎ−ℎ𝑤)
𝜂b = ሶ
𝑚𝑓 𝐶𝑉

2. By measuring all heat losses and subtracting from the heat input (difference method)

𝜂b = 100 – Σ losses%
Lecture SB 40

Mechanical Engineering Department

EX.1: A boiler plant incorporates an economizer and air preheater and generates steam at 40 bar and 300 °C
with fuel of heating value 33 000 kJ/kg burned at the rate of 500 kg/h. the temperature of feed water is
raised from 40 °C to 125 °C in the economizer and the flue gases are cooled at the same time from 395 °C to
225 °C . The flue gases then enter the air preheater in which the temperature of combustion air is raised by
75 °C. the mass flow rate of air is 2.72 kg/s. neglecting heat loses and taking cp as 1.01 kJ/kg.K for flue gases.

Calculate :-
a) The temperature of flue gases leaving the plant
b) The mass flow rate of steam
c) The efficiency of the boiler
Lecture SB 41

Mechanical Engineering Department

Mass flow rate of flue gases,
mg = ma + mf = 2.72 + 500/3600 = 2.855 kg/s

Energy lost by flue gases = energy gained by air in preheater

mg . Cp . 𝛥t = ma . Cpa . 𝛥t
2.855 . 1.01 . 𝛥t = 2.72 . 1.005 . 75
𝛥t = 71 °C
temperature of flue gases leaving the plant = 225 – 71 = 154 °C

Energy balance for economizer

mw . Cw . 𝛥t = mg . Cpg . 𝛥t
mw . 4.182 . (125 - 40) = 2855 . 1.01 . (395 – 225)
mw = 1.379 kg/s
𝑚ሶ 𝑠 (ℎ−ℎ𝑤) 1.379 (2962.3−167.4)
𝜂b = = = 84 %
𝑚ሶ 𝑐 𝐶𝑉 33000 . (500/3600)
Lecture SB 42

Mechanical Engineering Department

EX.2: The following data is available from boiler test:

• Duration of test = 7 hrs.
• Mass of water supplied = 16400 kg Steam
• Mass of coal burnt =250 kg/hr CV of coal = 33.5 MJ/kg P = 12 bar
• Feed water temperature = 15 °C X = 0.95
• Mean boiler pressure = 12 bar
• Steam quality X= 0.95

1. Actual evaporation /kg of coal
2. Equivalent evaporation from and at 100 °C per kg of coal
3. Thermal efficiency of boiler
Coal Water
𝑚ሶ 𝑐 = 250 kg/hr ms = 16400 kg
- mw = ms = 16400 kg
𝑚ሶ 𝑠 2343 CV = 33500 kj/kg mሶ s = 16400/7 kg/hr
- Actual evaporation = = = 9.37 = 2343 kg/hr
𝑚ሶ 𝑓 250
Lecture SB 43

Mechanical Engineering Department

𝑚ሶ 𝑠 (ℎ2−ℎ1) at 12 bar, X= 0.95

- Equivalent evaporation = ℎ2 = ℎ𝑓 + 𝑋 ℎ𝑓𝑔
𝑚ሶ 𝑓 ℎ𝑓𝑔
= 10.89 ℎ2 = 2685.4 kj/kg

𝑚ሶ 𝑠 (ℎ2−ℎ1)
- Thermal efficiency of boiler = *100%
𝑚ሶ 𝑓 𝐶𝑉 at 100 °C
= 73% ℎ𝑓𝑔 = 2257 kj/kg
ℎ1= ℎ𝑓 at 15 °C
Lecture SB 44

Mechanical Engineering Department

EX.3: Lancashire boiler generates 2400 kg of dry steam/hr at a pressure of 11 bar.

The grate area is 3 m2 and 90 kg of coal is burnt/m2 of grate area per hour, the calorific value of
coal is 33180 kj/kg and the temperature of feed water is 17.5 °C.
1. Actual evaporation per kg of coal
2. Equivalent evaporation from and at 100 °C per kg of coal
3. Efficiency of the boiler
• Grate area is the area where ash is collected
- mሶ w = mሶ s = 2400 kg/hr
• P = 11 bar , x = 1 h2 = hfg = 2781.7 kj/kg
- mሶ 𝑐 = (90 kg/ * 3 m2 = 270 kg/hr
𝑚ሶ 𝑠 2343
- Actual evaporation = ሶ = = 9.37
𝑚𝑓 250
𝑚ሶ 𝑠 (ℎ2−ℎ1)
- Equivalent evaporation =
𝑚ሶ 𝑓 ℎ𝑓𝑔
= 10.66
𝑚ሶ 𝑠 (ℎ2−ℎ1)
- Thermal efficiency of boiler = *100%
𝑚ሶ 𝑓 𝐶𝑉
= 72.5%
Lecture SB 45

Mechanical Engineering Department

EX.4: The following readings are taken during the test for 1 Answer:
hour : State 1 P1 = P2 = P3 = 11.5 bar
• Steam generated = 5400 kg mሶ s = 5400 kg/hr
• Dryness fraction of steam entering the super heater = 0.92 mሶ 𝑐 = 700 kg/hr cv = 31500 kj/kg
• Coal burnt =700 kg CV of coal = 31500 kJ/kg State 2 at 11.5 bar
• Rated pressure of boiler = 11.5 bar h2 = hf +X2 hfg
• Temperature of steam leaving the super heater = 250 °C = 2623.84 kJ/kg
• Temp. of hot well (‫ = )بئر‬45 °C State 3 at 11.5 bar and TS=250 °C (super heated)
h3 = 2936.9 kJ/kg
1. Equivalent evaporation per kg of fuel without and Equivalent evaporation without super heater =
with super heater 𝑚ሶ 𝑠 (ℎ2−ℎ1)
2. The efficiency of boiler with and without super heater = 8.32
𝑚ሶ 𝑓 ℎ𝑓𝑔
Equivalent evaporation with super heater =
1 2 3 𝑚ሶ 𝑠 (ℎ3−ℎ1)
Boiler Super heater = 9.39
𝑚ሶ 𝑓 ℎ𝑓𝑔
Water Wet steam
X2= 0.92 Super heated
T1=45 °C
steam, TS=250 °C
Lecture SB 46

Mechanical Engineering Department

𝑚ሶ 𝑠 (ℎ2−ℎ1)
Thermal efficiency of boiler without super heater = *100%
𝑚ሶ 𝑐 𝐶𝑉
= 59.6%
𝑚ሶ 𝑠 (ℎ3−ℎ1)
Thermal efficiency of boiler with super heater = *100%
𝑚ሶ 𝑐 𝐶𝑉
= 67%
Lecture SB 47

Mechanical Engineering Department

EX.5: Calculate the equivalent evaporation and efficiency of the boiler:

• Steam generation rate 6.3 ton/hr
• Steam pressure 10 bar
• Steam quality 0.95 dry
• Feed water temperature 35 °C
• Coal consumption 0.7 ton/hr
• CV of coal 32 MJ/kg

Find saving in coal consumption per hour if the temperature of feed water is raised to 100 °C and the boiler
efficiency is increased by 5%. Other data remain same
Lecture SB 48

Mechanical Engineering Department

Answer: there is a modified condition

- FW temperature raised to 100 °C
- boiler efficiency improved simultaneously

h1 = hs = hf + X hfg at 10 bar & X = 0.95

= 762.52 + 0.95* 2014.58 = 2676.37 kj/kg
hw = 146.63 kJ/kg at 35 °c (subcooled liquid)
Heat added; Q = h1 – hw= 2676.37 – 146.63
= 2529.14 kJ/kg
Lecture SB 49

Mechanical Engineering Department

Steam generation rate mሶ s = 6.3 ton/hr = 6300 kg/hr

Coal consumption mሶ 𝑐 = 0.7 ton/hr = 700 kg/hr
𝑚ሶ 𝑠
Actual evaporation = = 9 kg steam/ kg coal
𝑚ሶ 𝑐

𝑚ሶ 𝑠 (ℎ1−ℎ4)
E.E = = (9 * 2529.74)/2257 = 10.088
𝑚ሶ 𝑐 ℎ𝑓𝑔

𝑚ሶ 𝑠 (ℎ1−ℎ4)
𝜂b = *100% = (9* 2529.74)/32000
𝑚ሶ 𝑐 𝐶𝑉

𝜂b = 0.711 = 71.1%
Lecture SB 50

Mechanical Engineering Department

New condition: 1) 𝜂b = 71.1 + 5 = 76.1 (new efficiency)

2) water heated up to 100 °c

Q = h1 – hw hw = 419.17 kj/kg
= 2676.37 – 419.17 = 2257.2 kj/kg

mሶ s (h1−hw) mሶ s (h1−hw)
𝜂b improve = mሶ c =
mሶ c CV 𝜂b improve CV

mሶ c = 583.95 kg/hr
In previous condition
mሶ c = 700 kg/hr

**We can see how much fuel can be saved with the modified condition
Lecture SB 51

Mechanical Engineering Department

Lecture SB 52

Mechanical Engineering Department

Boiler heat balance:

1) Q1 = energy absorbed by boiler fluid

Q1 = W (hs – hw) kJ/kgf -----------------(1) W = kgs/kgf

mdg : mass of dry flue gas /kgf

2) Q2 = energy loss due to dry flue gas (products) Tg: temperature of flue gas
Q2 = mdg . Cpg . (Tg – Ta) kJ/kgf ------------------(2) Ta: ambient temperature (boiler room)
Cpg: specific heat of dry flue gas
3) Q3 = energy loss due to moisture in fuel
mmf: mass of moisture in fuel kg/kgf
Q3 = mmf (hs – hf) ------------------(3)
hs: enthalpy of superheated steam at
flue gas temperature and partial
pressure of steam
hf: enthalpy of water at boiler room
Lecture SB 53

Mechanical Engineering Department

4) Q4 = energy loss due to evaporation and superheating moisture formed by combustion

of fuel
Q4 = 9 . H2 (h – hf) -----------------------------(4) H2: mass of hydrogen /kgf
5) Q5 = energy loss due to incomplete combustion ------(5)
Q5 = mass of carbon burnt to CO * heat loss due to incomplete combustion of one kg
of carbon
mass of carbon burnt to CO = [CO/(CO+CO2)] * C
CO, CO2 are expressed as % by volume in flue gas and C as the fraction of carbon in one kg of
fuel, heat loss = 23.7 MJ/kgc
6) Q6 = energy loss due to unburnt fuel
Q6 = muf . C.V. --------------------------------(6)

7) Q7 = energy loss due to radiation and convection (unaccounted losses)

Q7 = CV - Q1 - Q2 - Q3 - Q4 - Q5 - Q6
Lecture SB 54

Mechanical Engineering Department

Heat balance sheet per kg of fuel

Heat supplied by % Heat %

1 kg of fuel kJ utilization kJ
QSup =1 . C.V. 100 Q1 (Q1/QS). 100
Q2 (Q2/QS). 100
Q3 (Q3/QS). 100
Q4 (Q4/QS). 100
Q5 (Q5/QS). 100
Q6 (Q6/QS). 100
Q7 (Q7/QS). 100
Lecture SB 55

Mechanical Engineering Department

Heat Balance
Q1 = W (hs – hw) kJ/kgf
Room Flue gas
Q2 = mdg . Cpg .(Tg – Ta) kJ/kgf CO2
temp. temp. Flue H2O Dry flue gas
Gas N2
Q3 = mmf . (h – hf) O2 CO
Q4 = 9 . H2 (h – hf) 𝒎ሶ 𝒔 h2 Unaccounted losses
h1 C H2
Q5 = mass of carbon burnt to CO * 23.7 Air Coal
O2 Moisture
Q6 = muf . CV
N2 Grate Ash

Lecture SB 56

Mechanical Engineering Department

The following data were recorded during trial of a boiler.
Steam generated = 550 kg/hr Dryness fraction of steam = 0.95
Steam pressure = 10 bar
Coal used 70 kg/hr CV of coal = 33 000 kJ/kg
Mass of dry flue gas = 8.5 kg/kg of coal Moisture in fuel as 2.5% by mass
Temperature of flue gases = 350°C
Temperature of boiler room = 30°C Feed water temperature = 40°C
Specific heat of flue gases = 1.005 kJ/kg K.

Draw up a heat balance sheet for the boiler

Lecture SB 57

Mechanical Engineering Department

Heat supplied = CV (1 – percentage of moisture by mass) = 33000 (1- 0.025)

= 32 175 kJ/kg
Q1 = W (hs – hw) ; W = kgs/kgf hs = hf + x hfg @ 10 bar
= (550/70) *(2675 – 167.5) = 2675 kJ/kg
= 19705 kJ/kg hw = hf @ 40 °C
= 167.5 kJ/kg
Q2 = mdg . Cpg .(Tg – Ta) kJ/kgf
= 8.5 * 1.005 *(350 – 30)
= 2733.6 kJ/kg

Q3 = mmf (h – hf)
= 0.025 [hT=350,1bar – hf@Troom]
= 0.025 (3175.6 – 125.7)
= 76.24 kJ/kg
Lecture SB 58

Mechanical Engineering Department

Heat supplied by % Heat %

Unaccounted losses Q4
1 kg of heat kJ utilization kJ
Q4 = (1 . C.V.) - Q1 - Q2 - Q3
(19705/32175). 100 =
= 32175 – 19705 – 2733.6 – 76.4 QS = 32175 100 Q1
= 9660 kJ/kg (2733.6/32175). 100 =
Q3 (76.4/32175). 100 =
Q4 (9660/32175). 100 =
= 99.967
Lecture SB 59

Mechanical Engineering Department


In a boiler, the following observations were made:

Pressure of steam = 10 bar, Steam produced = 540 kg/h, Fuel used = 65 kg/h
Moisture in fuel = 2% by mass, Mass of dry flue gases = 9 kg/kgf
L.C.V. of fuel = 32000 kJ/kg, Temperature of flue gases = 325°C
Temperature of boiler house = 28°C, Mean specific heat of flue gases = 1.005 kJ/kgK
Dryness fraction of steam = 0.95.
Draw up a heat balance sheet for the boiler

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