Electromagnetism & Relativity: Brian Pendleton
Electromagnetism & Relativity: Brian Pendleton
Electromagnetism & Relativity: Brian Pendleton
Brian Pendleton
• Email: [email protected]
• Phone: 0131-650-5241
• Web: http://www.ph.ed.ac.uk/∼bjp/emr/
The course should be self-contained, but it’s always good to read textbooks to
broaden your education.
• David J Griffiths,
Introduction to Electrodynamics, (Prentice Hall)
• JD Jackson,
Classical Electrodynamics (Wiley) – advanced, good for next year.
• PC Matthews,
Vector Calculus, (Springer 1998).
• ML Boas,
Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, (Wiley 2006).
Griffiths is the main text for electromagnetism; Reitz, Milford & Christy is a stan-
dard electromagnetism text; Jackson is pretty advanced, but it will also be good for
Classical Electrodynamics next year.
The other books are useful for the first part of the course, which will introduce
tensors and their applications in physics.
2 Cartesian tensors 5
2.1 Definition and transformation properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.1 Definition of a tensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.2 Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.3 Dyadic notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.4 Internal consistency in the definition of a tensor . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.5 Properties of Cartesian tensors – tensor algebra . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.6 The quotient theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Revision of matrices and determinants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.1 Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.2 Determinants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.3 Linear equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2.4 Orthogonal matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3 Pseudotensors, pseudovectors & pseudoscalars . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3.1 Vectors (revision) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3.2 Pseudovectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3.3 Pseudotensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.4 Some physical examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.5 Invariant/Isotropic Tensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5 Taylor expansions 34
5.1 The one-dimensional case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.1.1 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.1.2 A precursor to the three-dimensional case . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5.2 The three-dimensional case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6 Curvilinear coordinates 39
6.1 Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
6.1.1 Scale factors and basis vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
6.1.2 Examples of orthogonal curvilinear coordinates (OCCs) . . . . 41
6.2 Elements of length, area and volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
6.2.1 Vector length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
6.2.2 Arc length and metric tensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
6.2.3 Vector area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
6.2.4 Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
6.3 Components of a vector field in curvilinear coordinates . . . . . . . . 45
6.4 Div, grad, curl and the Laplacian in OCCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6.4.1 Gradient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6.4.2 Divergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
6.4.3 Curl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
6.4.4 Laplacian of a scalar field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
6.4.5 Laplacian of a vector field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
7 Electrostatics 51
7.1 The Dirac delta function in three dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
7.2 Coulomb’s law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
7.3 The electric field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
7.3.1 Field lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
7.3.2 The principle of superposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
7.4 The electrostatic potential for a point charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
7.5 The static Maxwell equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
7.5.1 The curl equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
7.5.2 Conservative fields and potential theory . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
7.5.3 The divergence equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
7.6 Electric dipole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
7.6.1 Potential and electric field due to a dipole . . . . . . . . . . . 60
7.6.2 Force, torque and energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
7.7 The multipole expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
7.7.1 Worked example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
7.7.2 Interaction energy of a charge distribution . . . . . . . . . . . 66
7.7.3 A brute-force calculation - the circular disc . . . . . . . . . . . 66
7.8 Gauss’ law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
7.9 Boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
7.9.1 Normal component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
7.9.2 Tangential component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
7.9.3 Conductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
7.10 Poisson’s equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
7.10.1 Uniqueness of solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
7.10.2 Methods of solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
7.10.3 The method of images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
7.11 Electrostatic energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
7.11.1 Electrostatic energy of a general charge distribution . . . . . . 77
7.11.2 Field energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
7.12 Capacitors (condensers) and capacitance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
7.12.1 Parallel-plate capacitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
7.12.2 Concentric conducting spheres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
7.12.3 Energy stored in a capacitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
8 Magnetostatics 82
8.1 Currents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
8.1.1 Charge and current conservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
8.1.2 Conduction current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
8.2 Forces between currents (Ampère, 1821) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
8.2.1 The Lorentz force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
8.3 Biot-Savart law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
8.3.1 Long straight wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
8.3.2 Two long parallel wires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
8.3.3 Current loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
8.4 Divergence and curl of the magnetic field: Gauss and Ampère laws . . 89
8.4.1 Ampère’s law (1826) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
8.4.2 Conducting surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
8.5 The vector potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
8.6 Magnetic dipoles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
8.6.1 Magnetic moment and angular momentum . . . . . . . . . . . 97
8.6.2 Force and torque on a dipole in an external field . . . . . . . . 97
8.7 Summary: electrostatics and magnetostatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Chapter 1
There should be nothing new in this (brief) chapter. It’s intended to revise concepts
and notation, and to refresh your memory. The style and content should be similar
to Kristel Torokoff’s Fields notes, to which you should refer for detailed expositions.
e1 · e1 = e2 · e2 = e3 · e3 = 1 e2
e1 · e2 = e2 · e3 = e3 · e1 = 0
1.1.3 The Kronecker delta symbol δij
Define δij , where i and j can take on the values 1, 2, 3, such that
1 when i = j
δij ≡
0 when i 6= j
In other words:
123 = 231 = 312 = +1; 213 = 321 = 132 = −1; all others = 0.
1.1.6 Vector product
The vector product (or cross product) is defined as
a × b ≡ a b sin θab n
where n is a unit vector orthogonal to both a and b, and the vectors {a, b, n} form
a right-handed set.
Using this definition, the orthonormality relations satisfied by the vector products
of the (right-handed) orthonormal basis vectors {e i } can be written as:
e i × e j = ijk e k ∀ i, j = 1, 2, 3
where we have again used
P3 the summation convention: there is an implicit sum over
the repeated index k: k=1 .
Using this result, in Cartesian coordinates, the ith component of the vector product
of a and b may be written as
(a × b)i = ijk aj bk
P3 P3
where there is an implicit sum over both of the repeated indices j & k: j=1 k=1 .
Equivalently, we can write the vector product as
a × b = e i (a × b)i = ijk e i aj bk
1.2 Linear transformation of basis
Let {e i } and {e 0i } be two orthonormal bases with a common origin related by the
linear transformation
e 0i = `ij e j
where we have again used the summation convention, so the repeated index j is
summed over.
We sometimes refer to the bases {e i } and {e 0i } as frames S and S 0 , respectively.
Using orthonormality of both bases, it is straightforward to show that the nine
constants `ij satisfy (exercise)
`ik `jk = `ki `kj = δij ⇔ L LT = LT L = I
where we have used matrix notation in the 2nd version.
The 3 × 3 transformation matrix L is an orthogonal matrix, whose elements are
given by (L)ij = `ij = e 0i · e j (exercise), and I is the unit matrix.
Every orthogonal matrix L has determinant det L = ±1.
If L represents a rotation of the basis {e i }, then det L = 1. This is called a proper
If L represents an inversion of the basis, i.e. e 0i = −e i , or a reflection of the basis
vectors in some plane, then det L = −1. These are called improper transformations.
a = ai e i = a0i e 0i
The vector a is the same in both bases, but its components in the two bases are
related by
a0i = `ij aj
Chapter 2
Cartesian tensors
where L is the rotation matrix with components `ij which takes S → S 0 . Since there
are 2 free indices (i & j) in the above expression, it represents 9 equations.
Similarly a tensor of rank n, T , is defined to be an entity whose 3n components
Tijk···op (n-indices) in S 0 are related to its 3n components Trst···vw (n-indices) in S by
Tijk···op = `ir `js `kt · · · `ov `pw Trst···vw
We shall often be sloppy and say Tijk···rs is a tensor, when what we really mean is
that T is a tensor with components Tijk···rs in a particular frame S.
The expressions tensor of rank 2 and second-rank tensor are used interchangeably.
Similarly for tensor of rank n and nth -rank tensor.
Important: Note that a rank-n tensor is more general than the ‘direct product’ or
‘tensor product’ of components of n vectors, i.e., not every tensor has components
that can be written as a direct product of vectors ai bj ck . . . pr qs . For example, ai bj +
aj bi is a rank-2 tensor. Another counterexample for n = 2 is given in section 2.1.5.
2.1.2 Fields
A scalar or vector or tensor quantity is called a field when it is a function of position:
2.1.4 Internal consistency in the definition of a tensor
Let Tij , Tij0 , Tij00 be the components of a tensor in frames S, S 0 , S 00 respectively
L be the rotation matrix which takes S → S 0 , L = {`ij }
And let
M be the rotation matrix which takes S 0 → S 00 , M = {mij }
Tij00 = mip mjq Tpq
• If Tij is a tensor then so is Tji (where Tji are the components of the transpose
T T of T ).
• If Tij = Tji in S, then Tij0 = Tji0 in S 0 :
Tij0 = `ip `jq Tpq = `iq `jp Tqp = `jp `iq Tpq = Tji0
Tij = 2
(Tij + Tji ) + 21 (Tij − Tji )
• We can re-write the tensor transformation law for rank 2 tensors (only) using
matrix notation:
Tij0 = `ip `jq Tpq = (LT LT )ij
T 0 = LT LT ≡ LT L−1 (for rank 2 only)
so δij0 = δij .
Starting with
δij0 = δij
and using the general result `ip `jp = δij , we obtain
δij0 = δij = `ip `jq δpq
2.1.6 The quotient theorem
Let T be an entity with 9 components in any frame, say Tij in S, and Tij0 in S 0 .
Let a be an arbitrary vector and let bi = Tij aj . If b always transforms as a vector,
then T is a second rank tensor.
To prove this, we determine the transformation properties of T . In S 0 we have
b0i = Tij0 a0j = Tij0 `jk ak
≡ `ij bj = `ij Tjk ak
Equate the last expression on each line and rearrange
Tij0 `jk − `ij Tjk ak = 0
This expression holds for all vectors a, for example a = (1, 0, 0) etc, therefore
Tij0 `jk = `ij Tjk
⇒ Tij0 `jk `mk = `ij `mk Tjk [ multiplied both sides by `mk ]
⇒ Tim = `ij `mk Tjk
where we used `jk `mk = δjm in the last step. Thus T transforms as a tensor.
Important example: If there is a linear relationship between two vectors a and
b, so that ai = Tij bj , it follows from the quotient theorem that T is a tensor.
This is an alternative definition of a second-rank tensor, and it’s often the way that
tensors arise in nature.
Quotient theorem: Generalising, if Rij···r is an arbitrary tensor of rank-m, and
Tij···s is a set of 3n numbers (with n > m) such that Tij···s Rij···r is a tensor of rank
n − m , then Tij···s is a tensor of rank-n.
Proof is similar to the rank-2 case, but it isn’t very illuminating.
2.2.1 Matrices
An M × N matrix is a rectangular array of numbers with M rows and N columns,
a11 a12 ··· a1,N −1 a1N
a22 ··· a2,N −1 a2N
· ·
A = · · ≡ {aij }
· ·
aM −1,1 aM −1,2 aM −1,N −1 aM −1,N
aM,1 aM,2 aM,N −1 aM,N
The quantities {aij }, with aij ≡ (A)ij for all 1 ≤ i ≤ M , 1 ≤ j ≤ N , are the
elements of the matrix.
A square matrix has N = M . We’ll work mostly with 3 × 3 matrices, but the
majority of what we’ll do generalises to N × N matrices rather easily.
Tr A = aii
Note the implicit sum over i due to our use of the summation convention.
AT ij = ATij = aji
• If
A= AT then aji = aij A is symmetric
A = −AT then aji = −aij A is antisymmetric
Product of matrices
We can very easily implement the usual ‘row into column’ matrix multiplication rule
in index notation.
If A (with elements aij ) is an M × N matrix and B (with elements bij ) is an N × P
matrix then C = AB is an M × P matrix with elements cij = aik bkj . Since
we’re using the summation convention, there is an implicit sum k = 1, . . . N in this
Matrix multiplication is associative and distributive
respectively, but it’s not commutative: AB 6= BA in general.
An important result is
(AB)T = B T AT
which follows because
2.2.2 Determinants
The determinant det A (or |A| or ||A||) of a 3 × 3 matrix A may be defined by
where the first index labels rows and the second index columns. Expanding the
determinant gives
a22 a23 a21 a23 a21 a22
det A = a11 − a12
+ a13
a32 a33 a31 a33 a31 a32
= a11 (a22 a33 − a23 a32 ) − a12 (a21 a33 − a23 a31 ) + a13 (a21 a32 − a22 a31 )
= (123 a11 a22 a33 + 132 a11 a23 a32 ) + . . .
= 1mn a11 a2m a3n + . . .
= lmn a1l a2m a3n
Thus the two forms are equivalent. The form is convenient for derivation of various
properties of determinants
Note that only one term from each row and column appears in the determinant sum,
which is why the determinant can be expressed in terms of the symbol.
The determinant is only defined for a square matrix, but the definition can be
generalised to N × N matrices,
We may use these results to derive several alternative (and equivalent) expressions
for the determinant.
First define the quantity
Xijk = lmn ail ajm akn
It follows that
Thus the symmetry of Xijk is dictated by the symmetry of lmn , and we must have
Xijk = c ijk
Multiplying by ijk and using ijk ijk = 6 (exercise) gives the symmetrical form for
det A
det A =
3! ijk lmn
ail ajm akn
This elegant expression isn’t of practical use because the number of terms in the
sum increases from 33 to 36 (overcounting).
We can obtain a result similar to the boxed expression above by defining
lmn det A = ijk ail ajm akn
Properties of Determinants
We can easily derive familiar properties of determinants from the definitions above:
• Adding a multiple of one row to another does not change the value of the
Example: Adding a multiple of the second row to the first row
lmn a1l a2m a3n → lmn (a1l + λ a2l ) a2m a3n = lmn a1l a2m a3n + 0
and det A is unaltered. The last term is zero because lmn a2l a2m = 0.
• Adding a multiple of one column to another does not change the value of the
determinant (use the other form for the determinant, det A = ijk ai1 aj2 ak3 ).
• Interchanging any two rows of a matrix changes the sign of the determinant.
Example: Interchanging the first and second rows gives
lmn a2l a1m a3n = mln a2m a1l a3n = −lmn a1l a2m a3n = − det A
• Interchanging any two columns of a matrix also changes the sign of the deter-
minant (use the other form for the determinant, det A = ijk ai1 aj2 ak3 ).
ail aim ain
ijk lmn det A = ajl ajm ajn
akl akm akn
To derive this, start with the original definition of det A as | · · · | and permute rows
and columns. This produces ± signs equivalent to permutations.
In index notation
aij xj = yi
With a suitable definition of the inverse A−1 of the matrix A, we can write the
solution as
x = A−1 y or xi = A−1
ij yj
where A−1 −1
ij ≡ (A )ij is the ij
element of the inverse of A
1 1
ij = imn jpq apm aqn
2! det A
By explicit multiplication [tutorial] we can show AA−1 = I = A−1 A as required.
Alternatively [tutorial],
A−1 =
det A
where C = {cij } is the co-factor matrix of A, and cij = (−1)i+j × the determinant
formed by omitting the row and column containing aij .
Note that a solution exists if and only if det A 6= 0.
These results generalise to N × N matrices.
Product of determinants
The product of two epsilon symbols with no identical indices may be written as
δil δim δin
ijk lmn = δjl δjm δjn
δkl δkm δkn
This equation has 6 free indices, so it represents 36 = 729 identities: 18 say ‘1 = 1’,
18 say ‘−1 = −10 , so 693 say ‘0 = 0’.
The proof follows almost trivially by setting A = I in equation (2.1)
ail aim ain
ijk lmn det A = ajl ajm ajn ,
akl akm akn
whence det I = 1 and aij = δij . Unfortunately, this result isn’t as useful as one
might expect. . .
If we set l = k and sum over k
δik δil δim
ijk klm = δjk δjl δjm
δkk δkl δkm
= δik (δjl δkm − δjm δkl ) − δil (δjk δkm − 3δjm ) + δim (δjk δkl − 3δjl ))
= δim δjl − δil δjm + 2δil δjm − 2δim δjl
we obtain an old friend, which we now note can be written as the determinant of a
2 × 2 matrix,
δil δim
ijk klm = δil δjm − δim δjl =
δjl δjm
a(i) · a(j) = δij ,
then A is an orthogonal matrix. The rows of A form an orthonormal triad.
• Consider
a11 a12 a13 a11 a21 a31 1 0 0
AAT = a21 a22 a23 a12 a22 a32 = 0 1 0 ,
a31 a32 a33 a13 a23 a33 0 0 1
A AT = I
• Taking the determinant of both sides of AAT = I gives det A det AT = 1.
Since det AT = det A, then (det A)2 = 1, and therefore
det A = ±1
• Since det A 6= 0, the inverse matrix A−1 always exists, and therefore
A−1 = AT
AT A = I
2.3.1 Vectors (revision)
Inversion of the basis vectors is defined by
(e1 , e2 , e3 ) → (e01 , e02 , e03 ) = (−e1 , −e2 , −e3 )
so that
−1 0 0
L = 0 −1 0
0 0 −1
which has components `ij = −δij .
If {e i } is a standard right-handed basis, then {e0i } is left-handed.
Let a be a vector (also called a tensor of rank 1 or a polar vector or a true vector ).
We showed previously that the components ai transform as a0i = `ij ai , so we have
a01 = −a1 a02 = −a2 a03 = −a3
The vector itself therefore transforms as
a0 ≡ a0i e0i = (−ai ) (−ei ) = ai ei = a
as expected. Thus a (true/polar) vector remains unchanged by inversion of the
S ~e2 S′
~a ~a
~e1 ~e′1
ref lection
Inversion is sometimes called reflection in the origin - hence the label in the figure
2.3.2 Pseudovectors
If a and b are (true) vectors then c = a × b is a pseudovector (also known as a
pseudotensor of rank 1 or an axial vector ).
Let’s illustrate this by considering an inversion.
c01 = a02 b03 − a03 b02 = (−a2 ) (−b3 ) − (−a3 ) (−b2 ) = +c1 etc
c0 ≡ c0i e0i = (+ci ) (−ei ) = −ci ei = −c
Thus the direction of c = a × b is reversed in the new LH basis.
S ~e2 S′
~b ~b
~c ~e1 ref lection ~e′1
~a ~a
The vectors a, b and a × b form a LH triad in the S 0 basis, i.e. they always have the
same ‘handedness’ as the underlying basis.
Now consider the general case. We define the epsilon symbol in all bases, regardless
of their handedness, in the same way:
+1 if ijk is an even permutation of 123
ijk = −1 if ijk is an odd permutation of 123
0 otherwise
2.3.3 Pseudotensors
A pseudotensor of rank n, T , is defined to be an entity whose 3n components Tijk···op
(n-indices) in S 0 are related to its 3n components Trst···vw (n-indices) in S by
Tijk···op = (det L) `ir `js `kt · · · `ov `pw Trst···vw
where there are n factors of ` on the RHS, and the basis vectors of S 0 and S are
related by e 0i = `ij e j so that (L)ij = `ij .
Invariant pseudotensors: The -symbol is a pseudotensor of rank 3. The proof
is simple and uses the fact that is the same in all bases, together with (det L)2 = 1
0ijk ≡ ijk = det L det L ijk = det L `ip `jq `kr pqr
where we used the definition of the determinant in the last step. Furthermore since
is the same in all bases, it’s an isotropic or invariant rank-3 tensor.
We can build pseudotensors of higher rank using a combination of vectors, tensors,
δ and . For example:
• If ai and bi are rank 1 tensors (i.e. vectors), then the 35 quantities ijk al bm
are the components of a pseudotensor of rank 5.
In general:
• Force F = ma vector
µ0 I dr0 × (r − r0 )
B(r) =
4π r − r 0 3
(Biot–Savart Law – more later) C
• E·B pseudoscalar
A pseudoscalar changes sign under an improper transformation: a0 = (det L) a
In this case, one can easily show that
E · B = det L E · B
Theorem: If aij is a second-rank invariant tensor, then aij = λ δij
a11 = a22 , a13 = 0 = a23
Similarly, for a rotation of π/2 about the y-axis, we find (exercise)
a11 = a33 , a12 = 0 = a32
Finally, for a rotation of π/2 about the x-axis
a22 = a33 , a21 = 0 = a31
The only solution to these equations is aij = λ δij . We’ve already shown that δij is
an invariant second-rank tensor, therefore λ δij is the most general invariant second-
rank tensor.
One can use a similar argument to show that the only invariant vector is the zero
vector. It’s obvious that no non-zero vector has the same components in all bases!
Theorem: There is no invariant tensor of rank 3. The most general invariant
pseudotensor of rank 3 has components
aijk = λ ijk
The proof is long and not very illuminating. See, for example, Matthews, Vector
Calculus, (Springer) or Jeffreys, Cartesian Tensors, (CUP). However, it’s easy to
show that the expression above is indeed an invariant tensor.
Chapter 3
The transformations of the previous chapters in which we rotate (or reflect or invert)
the basis vectors keeping the vector fixed are called passive transformations.
Alternatively we can keep the basis fixed and rotate (or reflect or invert) the vector.
These are called active transformations and are represented by second-rank tensors.
−→ −→ −→
y = OS + ST + T Q O
x − (x · n)n n×x
= x · n n + SQ cos θ + SQ sin θ
| {z } | SP | {z } |n × x|
−→ {z } −→
|ST | |T Q| | {z }
d Q
= x · n n + cos θ x − x · n n + sin θ n × x
This gives the important result
y = x cos θ + (1 − cos θ) n · x n + (n × x) sin θ
If R is known, then the angle θ and the axis of rotation n can be determined.
Note: R has 1 + (3 − 1) = 3 independent parameters.
(iii) The product of two rotations x → y → z is given by z = SR x .
(iv) Consider a small (infinitesimal) rotation δθ, for which
cos δθ = 1 + O(δθ2 ) and sin δθ = δθ + O(δθ3 ) , then
y − x = n × x δθ ~y
~n ~x
from which the result above follows directly.
(v) For θ 6= 0, π, R has only one real eigenvalue +1 , with one real eigenvector n .
3.2 Reflections and inversions
Consider reflection of a vector x → y in a
plane with unit normal n.
From the figure y = x − 2 x · n n ~x
In index notation, this becomes
3.4 Active and passive transformations
• Rotation of a vector in a fixed basis is called an active transformation
x → y with yi = Rij xj in the {ei } basis
• Rotation of the basis whilst keeping the vector fixed is called a passive trans-
{ei } → {e0i } and xi → x0i = `ij xj
Rij (θ, e3 ) = δij cos θ + (1 − cos θ) δi3 δj3 − ijk δk3 sin θ
cos θ − sin θ 0 ~y
= sin θ cos θ 0
0 0 1 θ
In components
We conclude that
The general case can be built from three rotations (Euler angles).
Chapter 4
v = ω×r
We can see this geometrically from the figure.
The distance |δr| moved in time δt, is δθ
|δr| = r sin φ δθ = δθ n × r
So its velocity is ~r
δr δθ φ
v = = ω×r where ω = n
δt δt ~ω
δxi δθ
⇒ = n×r i δt
which again gives v = ω × r.
4.1.1 Angular momentum
The angular momentum L of a point particle of mass m at position r moving with
velocity v = ṙ is L = r × p, where the momentum p = mv.
The angular momentum dL of an element of mass dm = ρ dV at r is
dL = ρ(r) dV r × v
The angular momentum of the entire rotating body is then
L = ρ r × ω × r dV
In components
Li = ρ ijk xj (klm ωl xm ) dV
= ρ (δil δjm − δim δjl ) xj ωl xm dV
ρ r2 ωi − xi xj ωj dV
Thus Z
ρ r2 δij − xi xj dV
Li = Iij ωj with Iij =
The geometric quantity I(O) (where O refers to the origin) is called the inertia
tensor.1 It is a tensor because L is pseudovector, ω is a pseudovector, and hence
from the quotient theorem I is a tensor.
Iij is symmetric and independent of the rotation axis n , it’s a property of the body.
Alternative (more familiar) forms
is the moment of inertia about n, with r⊥ the perpendicular distance from the n-axis.
Similarly for the kinetic energy, so that
L(n) = I (n) ω
with L(n) = L · n , I (n) = Iij ni nj
T = 21 I (n) ω 2
− 41 − 41
Similarly for the other components. By symmetry, I(O) = M a2 − 14 2
− 41
− 14 − 41 2
In the above, ρ(r) = ρ(R + r0 ) ≡ ρ0 (r0 ), and we changed integration
R 0variables to r0 .
Expanding the integrand and using the definition of G, namely ρ (r0 ) r0 dV 0 = 0 ,
we get Z
ρ0 (r0 ) R2 + r02 δij − Xi Xj − x0i x0j dV 0
Iij (O) =
Iij (O) = Iij (G) + M (R2 δij − Xi Xj )
where M = ρ0 (r0 ) dV 0 is the total mass of the body. This is a general result; given
I(G) we can easily find the inertia tensor about any other point.
The general result above is often called the parallel axes theorem. However, the
parallel axes theorem technically refers to the inertia tensor about an axis n through
G, which is parallel to the original axis n through O, as in the figure above, so that
I (n) (O) = I (n) (G) + M R⊥
where R⊥ ≡ R2 − (R · n)2 is the ⊥ distance of G from the n axis through O.
and z
Z a/2
I12 (G) = ρ dx dy dz (−xy)
a/2 y
= 0 because 2x −a/2
= 0
a G
Similarly for all the other components.
The inertia tensor about the centre of mass is then
6 0 0
M a2
Iij (G) = M a2 0 16 0 = δij
0 0 6 ij
− 41 − 41
M R2 δij − Xi Xj = M a2
− 14 1
− 41
− 14 − 41 1
2 ij
1 1 2
Since 2 + 6 = 3, this reproduces our previous result for Iij (O).
4.1.4 Diagonalisation of rank-two tensors
Question: are there any directions for ω such that L is parallel to ω?
If so, then L = λ ω, and hence
(Iij − λδij ) ωj = 0
For a non-trivial solution of these three simultaneous linear equations (i.e. ω 6= 0),
we must have det (Iij − λδij ) = 0. Expanding the determinant, or writing it as
det (Iij − λδij ) = 16 ijk lmn (Iil − λδil ) (Ijm − λδjm ) (Ikn − λδkn ) = 0
and then expanding gives
P − Qλ + Rλ2 − λ3 = 0
P = 6 ijk lmn Iil Ijm Ikn
= det I
Q = 6 ijk lmn (δil Ijm Ikn + Iil δjm Ikn + Iil Ijm δkn )
= 6 (δjm δkn − δjn δkm ) Ijm Ikn × 3
2 2
= 2 (TrI) − Tr I
R = 6 ijk lmn (δil δjm Ikn + δil Ijm δkn + Iil δjm δkn )
= 6 2 δkn Ikn × 3
= Tr I
For any tensor A, we know that det A and TrA are invariant (the same in any basis),
hence the quantities P , Q, R are invariants of the tensor I (i.e. their values are also
the same in any basis).
The three values of λ (i.e. the solutions of the cubic equation) are the eigenvalues
of the rank-two tensor, and the vectors ω are its eigenvectors.2 We will generally
call the eigenvectors e.
In the primed basis, we have by definition Iij0 ωj0 = λ0 ωi0 . Comparing with the second
equation above, we see that eigenvectors ω are indeed vectors, i.e. they transform
as vectors: ωi0 = `ij ωj .
Similarly, eigenvalues are scalars, i.e. they transform as scalars: λ0 = λ .
Note that only the direction (up to a ± sign) of the eigenvectors is determined by
the eigenvalue equation, the magnitude is arbitrary.
The answer to our question is that we must find the eigenvalues λ(i) , i = 1, 2, 3 and
the corresponding eigenvectors ω (i) , whence L(i) = λ(i) ω (i) (no sum on i).
Yes, the language is indeed the same as for matrices.
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric tensor
Proofs will not be given here – see books or lecture notes from mathematics courses.
Let T be a real second-rank symmetric tensor with real eigenvalues λ(1) , λ(2) , λ(3)
and orthonormal eigenvectors ` (1) , `( 2) , ` (3) , so that T ` (i) = λ(i) ` (i) (no summa-
tion) and ` (i) · ` (j) = δij . Let the matrix L have elements
(1) (1) (1)
`1 `2 `3
(i) (2) (2) (2) (i)
`ij = `j ≡ `1 `2 `3 = ` · ej
(3) (3) (3)
`1 `2 `3 ij
th th
I.e the i row of L is the i eigenvector of T . L is an orthogonal matrix
(LLT )ij = `im `jm = `m
(i) (j)
`m = δij
We can always choose the normalised eigenvectors ` (i) to form a right-handed basis:
det L = ijk `1i `2j `3k = ` (3) · ` (1) × ` (2) = +1
With this choice, L is a rotation matrix which transforms S to S 0 .
The tensor T transforms as (summing over the indices p, q only)
Tij0 = `ip `jq Tpq
= `p(i) Tpq `q(j)
= `p(i) λ(j) `p(j)
λ(1) 0 0
The inertia tensor
When studying rigid body dynamics, it’s (usually) best to work in a basis in which
the inertia tensor is diagonal. The eigenvectors of I define the principal axes of the
tensor. In this (primed) basis
A 0 0
I0 = 0 B 0
0 0 C
where the (positive) quantities A, B, C are called the principal moments of inertia.
In this basis, the angular momentum and kinetic energy take the form
For a free body (i.e. no external forces), L and T are conserved (time-independent),
but ω will in general be time dependent.
Note that the angular momentum L is parallel to the angular velocity ω when
both are parallel to one of the principal axes of the inertia tensor. For example, if
ω = ω10 e01 then
L = A ω10 e01
In this case, the body is rotating about a principal axis which passes through its
centre of mass.
• The principal axes basis is used in the Lagrangian Dynamics course to study
the rotational motion of a free rigid body in the Newtonian approach to dy-
namics, and the motion of a spinning top with principal moments (A, A, C) in
the Lagrangian approach.
• The principal axes basis/frame is ‘fixed to the body’, i.e. it moves with the
rotating body, and is therefore a non-inertial frame.
Iij ωi ωj = 1
√ √
A factor of 2T is absorbed into ω by convention: ωi → ωi / 2T .
In the principal axes basis, where ωi0 = `ij ωj ,
we have ~h
~n ω1′
A ω10 2 +B ω20 2 +C ω30 2 = 1
ω2′ ~ω
This is called the normal form. It describes
an ellipsoid because A, B, C are all positive.
(ThisR follows from the definition, for example ω1
A = ρ (y 2 + z 2 ) dV .)
[The angular momentum L is labelled h in the
figure on the right. To be fixed . . . ]
ω3 ω3′
• If two principal moments are identical (A, A, C), the ellipsoid becomes a
• If all three principal moments are identical the ellipsoid becomes a sphere, and
L is always parallel to ω.
Chapter 5
Taylor expansions
Taylor expansion is one of the most important and fundamental techniques in the
physicist’s toolkit. It allows a differentiable function to be expressed as a power
series in its argument(s). This is useful when approximating a function, it often
allows the problem to be ‘solved’ in some range of interest, and it’s used in deriving
fundamental differential equations. We shall use the expression ‘Taylor’s Theorem’
interchangeably with ‘Taylor expansion’.
We assume familiarity with Taylor expansions of functions of one variable, so we
won’t go through this material on the blackboard in the lectures. However, for
completeness, we include some comprehensive notes that you should read and/or
work through in your own time.
You will most likely have seen the multivariate Taylor expansion beyond leading
order in previous courses, but probably not in the way it’s done here. . .
where we used the basic integral
Z x
(y − a)n−1 dy = (x − a)n
a n
Now let xm → x, which gives
f (x) = f (a) + (x − a)f 0 (a) + (x − a)2 f 00 + . . . +
(x − a)m−1 f (m−1) (a) + Rm ,
(m − 1)!
where is n! = n(n − 1) · · · 1 is the usual factorial function, with 0! = 1, and the
remainder Rm is Z x Z x1
Rm = ··· f (m) (x0 ) dx0 · · · dxm−1
a a
But from the mean value theorem applied to f (m) , we have
Z x
f (m) (x0 ) dx0 = (x − a)f (m) (ξ) , a≤ξ≤x
which gives the “Lagrange form” for the remainder
Rm (x) = (x − a)m f (m) (ξ) , a≤ξ≤x
• We can repeat the proof above for x
· · · where x ∈ [c, a] with c ≤ a ≤ b.
Since nothing changes, we can talk about expansion in a region about x = a.
• If (limm→∞ Rm ) → 0 (as usually assumed here), we have an infinite series
X 1 (n)
f (x) = f (a) (x − a)n
5.1.1 Examples
f (x) = sin x
Therefore ∞
X x2n+1 x 3 x5
sin x = (−1)n = x− + + ...
(2n + 1)! 3! 5!
This ‘small x’ expansion is shown in the figure.
f (x) = (1 + x)α
The Taylor expansion includes the binomial expansion, α need not be a +ve integer.
f (x) = 0 + 0 + 0 + . . . = 0 ∀x
5.1.2 A precursor to the three-dimensional case
If we regard f (x + a) ≡ g(a) temporarily as a function of a only, we can write g(a)
as a Maclaurin series in powers of a
X 1 (n)
f (x + a) ≡ g(a) = g (0) an , g (n) (0) = f (n) (x)
F (t) ≡ f (x + at)
as before.
∂φ(u) ∂ui ∂φ
F (1) (t) =
= ai = a · ∇ u φ(u)
∂ui ∂t ∂ui
where we used
∂ui ∂ ∂φ
= (xi + tai ) = ai and defined a · ∇ u ≡ ai
∂t ∂t ∂ui
X 1 n
φ(r + a) = a · ∇ r φ(r) ≡ exp a · ∇ r φ(r)
This is the Taylor expansion of a scalar field φ(r) in three dimensions, in a rather
elegant form.
Generalisation to an arbitrary tensor field is easy. Simply replace φ(r) by Tij··· (r)
in the above expression.
Example: Find the Taylor expansion of φ(r + a) = for r a.
|r + a|
Since φ(r) = 1/|r| = 1/r , we have
1 X 1 n 1
= a · ∇r
|r + a| n=0
n! r
1 1 1 1 1
= + (ai ∂i ) + (ai ∂i ) (aj ∂j ) + · · ·
r 1! r 2! r
a·r 3(a · r)2 − a2 r2
1 1
= − 3 + +O 4
r r 2r5 r
Chapter 6
Curvilinear coordinates
As you have seen in previous courses, it is often convenient to work with coordinate
systems other than Cartesian coordinates {xi }, i.e. (x1 , x2 , x3 ) or (x, y, z). Since
most of the material in this chapter should be familiar, albeit in a slightly different
formalism, we won’t go through it on the blackboard – as suggested by the 2018/19
class in their course feedback! Instead, you should read through it on your own.
We shall set up a formalism to deal with rather general coordinate systems, of which
spherical polars are a very important example.
Suppose we make a transformation from the Cartesian coordinates (x1 , x2 , x3 ) to
the variables (u1 , u2 , u3 ), which are functions of the {xi }
u1 = u1 (x1 , x2 , x3 )
u2 = u2 (x1 , x2 , x3 )
u3 = u3 (x1 , x2 , x3 )
If the variables {ui } are single-valued functions of the variables {xi }, then we can
make the inverse transformations,
xi = xi (u1 , u2 , u3 ) for i = 1, 2, 3,
• For Cartesian coordinates, the surfaces ‘xi = constant’ (i = 1, 2, 3) are planes,
with (constant) normal vectors e i (the Cartesian basis vectors) intersecting at
right angles.
• The scale factor h1 gives the length h1 du1 of dr when we change u1 → u1 +du1 .
• e 1 is a unit vector in the direction of increasing u1 (with fixed u2 and u3 .)
In general, if we change a single ui , keeping the other two fixed, we have
= hi e i i = 1, 2, 3 [no sum on i]
• The unit vectors {e i } are in general not constant vectors – their directions
depend on the position vector r, and hence on the curvilinear coordinates
{ui }. [They should perhaps be called {e ui } or {e u , e v , e w } to avoid confusion
with Cartesian basis vectors.]
• If the curvilinear unit vectors satisfy e i · e j = δij , the {ui } are said to be
orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, and the three unit vectors {e i } form an
orthonormal basis. We will always choose the ui to give a right-handed basis.
These unit vectors are normal to the surfaces described above (spheres, cones and
They are orthogonal:
er · eθ = er · eφ = eθ · eφ = 0 P :e
And they form a right-handed orthonormal eθ
e r ×e θ = e φ , e θ ×e φ = e r , e φ ×e r = e θ .
See also tutorial sheet.
r = ρ cos φ e x + ρ sin φ e y + z e z
∂r ∂r ∂r
⇒ = cos φ e x + sin φ e y = −ρ sin φ e x + ρ cos φ e y = ez
∂ρ ∂φ ∂z
The scale factors are then (tutorial) hρ = 1 , hφ = ρ , hz = 1 , and the basis vectors
These unit vectors are normal to surfaces which are (respectively): cylinders centred
on the z-axis (ρ = constant), planes through the z-axis (φ = constant), planes
perpendicular to the z axis (z = constant), and they are clearly orthonormal.
Note: We are not using the summation convention here – because the expression
for dr above contains 3 identical indices! Great care is needing when using the
summation convention with OCCs.
6.2.2 Arc length and metric tensor
Defining ds as the length of the infinitesimal vector dr , we have (ds)2 = dr · dr
In Cartesian coordinates: (ds)2 = (dx)2 + (dy)2 + (dz)2
Comparing equations (6.1) and (6.2), the metric tensor can be written as
gij = hi hj e i · e j
hr = 1 hθ = r hφ = r sin θ
In this case
(ds)2 = (dr)2 + r2 (dθ)2 + r2 sin2 θ (dφ)2
X 3
The shorthand means etc.
i i=1
6.2.3 Vector area dS
If we let u1 → u1 + du1 , with u2 , u3 fixed, then
The vector area of the infinitesimal parallelogram whose sides are the vectors dr1
and dr 2 is
dS = (dr 1 ) × (dr2 ) = (h1 du1 e 1 ) × (h2 du2 e 2 )
For OCCs, this simplifies to
dS 3 = h1 h2 du1 du2 e 3 ,
since e 1 × e 2 = e 3 for orthogonal systems. dS3 points in the direction of e 3 , which
is normal to the surfaces u3 =constant, and the infinitesimal area is a rectangle.
The vector areas dS 1 and dS 2 are defined similarly.
Example: For spherical polars, if we vary θ and φ, keeping r fixed, we easily obtain
a familiar result
dS r = (hθ dθ e θ ) × hφ dφ e φ = hθ hφ dθ dφ e r = r2 sin θ dθ dφ e r
Similarly, if we vary φ and r, keeping θ fixed, we obtain the vector element of area
on a cone of semi-angle θ, with its axis along the z axis
dS θ = hφ dφ e φ × (hr dr e r ) = hφ hr dφ dr e θ = r sin θ dr dφ e θ
Similarly for dS φ [tutorial].
6.2.4 Volume
The volume of the infinitesimal parallelepiped with edges dr1 , dr2 and dr3 is
dV = dr1 × dr2 · dr3 = |((h1 du1 e 1 ) × (h2 du2 e 2 )) · (h3 du3 e 3 )|
6.3 Components of a vector field in curvilinear
A vector field a(r) can be expressed in terms of curvilinear components ai , defined
X 3
a(r) = ai (u1 , u2 , u3 ) e i
where e i is the ith curvilinear basis vector (which again should really be called eui
to avoid confusion with the Cartesian basis vectors.)
For orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, the component ai can be obtained by taking
the scalar product of a with the ith curvilinear basis vector e i
ai = a(r) · e i
• In general, one chooses the set of coordinates which matches most closely the
symmetry of the problem.
6.4 Div, grad, curl and the Laplacian in OCCs
6.4.1 Gradient
The gradient of a scalar field3 f (r) is defined in terms of the change in the field
df (r) when r → r + dr
df (r) = ∇ f (r) · dr (6.4)
Now write f (r) in terms of orthogonal curvilinear coordinates: f (r) = f (u1 , u2 , u3 ).
As usual, we denote the curvilinear basis vectors by {e 1 , e 2 , e 3 } .
Let u1 → u1 + du1 , u2 → u2 + du2 , and u3 → u3 + du3 .
Using the chain rule, we have
∂f ∂f ∂f
df = du1 + du2 + du3 (6.5)
∂u1 ∂u2 ∂u3
We need to rewrite the RHS of this equation in the form of equation (6.4). Start
dr = h1 du1 e 1 + h2 du2 e 2 + h3 du3 e 3
and use orthogonality of the curvilinear basis vectors, e i · e j = δij , to rewrite
equation (6.5) as
∂f ∂f ∂f
df = du1 + du2 + du3
∂u1 ∂u2 ∂u3
∂f ∂f ∂f
= e + e + e · (e 1 du1 + e 2 du2 + e 3 du3 )
∂u1 1 ∂u2 2 ∂u3 3
1 ∂f 1 ∂f 1 ∂f
= e + e + e · (h1 e 1 du1 + h2 e 2 du2 + h3 e 3 du3 )
h1 ∂u1 1 h2 ∂u2 2 h3 ∂u3 3
1 ∂f 1 ∂f 1 ∂f
= e + e + e · dr
h1 ∂u1 1 h2 ∂u2 2 h3 ∂u3 3
Comparing this result with equation (6.4), which holds for all dr, gives us ∇ f in
orthogonal curvilinear coordinates
1 ∂f 1 ∂f 1 ∂f X 1 ∂f
∇f = e1 + e2 + e3 = e
h1 ∂u1 h2 ∂u2 h3 ∂u3 i=1
hi ∂ui i
∂f 1 ∂f 1 ∂f
∇ f (r, θ, φ) = er + eθ + e
∂r r ∂θ r sin θ ∂φ φ
We use f (r) rather than φ(r) in order to avoid confusion with the angle φ in spherical polars.
6.4.2 Divergence
Let a(r) be a vector field, which we write in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates as
a(r) = ai (u1 , u2 , u3 ) e i
where ai are the components of a in the curvilinear basis, e i is the ith curvilinear
basis vector, and a is continuously differentiable.
We obtain ∇ · a in orthogonal curvilinears using the integral definition of divergence
∇ · a = lim a · dS ,
δV →0 δV δS
P q u1
The outward element of area on the face ABCD is dS = +h2 h3 du2 du3 e 1
The outward element of area on the face P QRS is dS = −h2 h3 du2 du3 e 1
The contributions to the surface integral from the faces ABCD and P QRS are then
Z u3 +δu3 Z u2 +δu2 n o
[a1 h2 h3 ]ABCD − [a1 h2 h3 ]P QRS du02 du03
u3 u2
Z u3 +δu3 Z u2 +δu2 n o
= [a1 h2 h3 ](u1 +δu1 ,u0 ,u0 ) − [a1 h2 h3 ](u1 ,u0 ,u0 ) du02 du03
2 3 2 3
u3 u2
( )
u3 +δu3 u2 +δu2
= δu1 (a1 h2 h3 ) du02 du03 (by Taylor’s theorem)
u3 u2 ∂u 1 (u1 ,u02 ,u03 )
= δu1 δu2 δu3 (a1 h2 h3 ) (6.6)
∂u1 (u1 ,u2 ,u3 )
In the last step, we assumed that δV is small enough that the integrand is ap-
proximately constant over the range of integration. We can then approximate the
integrals over u02 and u03 by the integrand evaluated at the point P ,
δu1 (a1 h2 h3 )
∂u1 (u1 ,u2 ,u3 )
multiplied by the range of integration δu2 δu3 . [This is a rather crude use of the
mean value theorem!]
The contributions of the other four faces to the integral over δS can be obtained
similarly, or by cyclic permutations of the indices {1, 2, 3} in equation (6.6).
Finally, divide by the volume of the cuboid δV = h1 h2 h3 δu1 δu2 δu3 , whereupon all
the factors of δui cancel, and we obtain our final expression for ∇ · a in orthogonal
curvilinear coordinates
1 ∂ ∂ ∂
∇·a = (a1 h2 h3 ) + (a2 h3 h1 ) + (a3 h1 h2 )
h1 h2 h3 ∂u1 ∂u2 ∂u3
For Cartesian coordinates, the scale factors are all unity, and we recover the usual
expression for ∇ · a in Cartesians.
For spherical polars we have
1 ∂ 2 ∂ ∂
∇ · a(r, θ, φ) = 2 r sin θ ar + (r sin θ aθ ) + (r aφ )
r sin θ ∂r ∂θ ∂φ
1 ∂ 2 1 ∂ ∂
= 2 r ar + (sin θ aθ ) + (aφ )
r ∂r r sin θ ∂θ ∂φ
where ar , aθ , and aφ are the components of the vector field a in the basis {e r , e θ , e φ }.
6.4.3 Curl
We obtain ∇ × a in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates using the line integral defi-
nition of curl.
The component of ∇ × a in the direction of the
unit vector n is e1
n · ∇ × a = lim a · dr e3
δS→0 δS δC
The line integral around the curve δC is the sum of the line integrals along the lines
1 → 4 respectively,
I Z u2 +δu2 Z u3 +δu3
a · dr = [a2 h2 ](u1 ,u0 ,u3 ) du02 + [a3 h3 ](u1 , u2 +δu2 ,u0 ) du03
2 3
δC u2 u3
Z u2 +δu2 Z u3 +δu3
− [a2 h2 ](u1 ,u0 ,u3 +δu3 ) du02 − [a3 h3 ](u1 , u2 ,u0 ) du03
2 3
u2 u3
( )
u2 +δu2
− δu3 (a2 h2 ) du02
u2 ∂u3 (u1 , u0 ,u3 )
In each case, we approximate the integrals over u03 and u02 by the product of the
integrand and the integration ranges δu3 and δu2 , respectively. Hence
∂ ∂
a · dr = (a3 h3 ) δu2 δu3 − (a2 h2 ) δu3 δu2
δC ∂u2 ∂u3
where all the {ai } and {hi } are evaluated at r(u1 , u2 , u3 ).
Finally, we divide by the area of the rectangle δS = h2 h3 δu2 δu3 , whereupon all the
factors of δui cancel, and we obtain
1 ∂ ∂
e1 · ∇ × a = ∇ × a 1 = (a3 h3 ) − (a2 h2 )
h2 h3 ∂u2 ∂u3
The components of ∇ × a in the directions of the curvilinear basis vectors e 2 and
e 3 may be obtained similarly, or by cyclic permutations of the indices.
It is convenient to write the final result in the form
h e h e h e
1 1 2 2 3 3
1 ∂ ∂ ∂
∇×a =
h1 h2 h3 ∂u1 ∂u2 ∂u3
h1 a1 h2 a2 h3 a3
6.4.4 Laplacian of a scalar field
The action of the Laplacian operator on a scalar field f (r) is defined by ∇2 f =
∇ · (∇ f ) .
Using the expression for ∇ · a, with a = ∇ f , derived above, we find
2 1 ∂ h2 h3 ∂f ∂ h3 h1 ∂f ∂ h1 h2 ∂f
∇f = + +
h1 h2 h3 ∂u1 h1 ∂u1 ∂u2 h2 ∂u2 ∂u3 h3 ∂u3
∂ 2f
1 ∂ 2 ∂f 1 ∂ ∂f
= 2 r + 2 2 sin θ sin θ +
r ∂r ∂r r sin θ ∂θ ∂θ ∂φ2
The expression for the Laplacian of a scalar field in spherical polars is one of the
most useful results in the course, with applications in electromagnetism, quantum
mechanics, optics, elasticity, fluid mechanics, meteorology, general relativity, cos-
mology, . . .
in the form4
∇2 a = ∇ ∇ · a − ∇ × ∇ × a
The quantities on the right hand side are evaluated using the expressions for grad,
div and curl derived above.
Remember the mnemonic ‘grad-div-minus-curl-curl’ or GDMCC, pronounced ‘guddumk’.
Thanks to Peter Boyle for teaching me this!
Chapter 7
Generalising slightly, we define the delta function to pick out the value of the function
f (r 0 )1 at one point r 0 in the range of integration, so that
f (r0 ) r0 ∈ V
dV f (r) δ(r − r0 ) =
V 0 otherwise
Similarly, the total charge on a body with charge density (charge per unit volume)
ρ(r) is Z
Q= ρ(r) dV
• Top hat
a−<x<a+ 1
δ (x − a) = 2
0 otherwise
a−ǫ a+ǫ
• Witch’s hat
1 [ − |x − a|]
a−<x<a+ ǫ
δ (x−a) = 2
0 otherwise
a−ǫ a+ǫ
• Gaussian
(x − a)2
1 ǫ π
δ (x − a) = √ exp −
π 2
In each case
Z +∞ Z +∞
dx f (x) δ (x − a) = dx f (x + a) δ (x)
−∞ −∞
Z +∞
dx f (a) + x f 0 (a) + x2 /2 f 00 (a) + . . . δ (x)
where we shifted the integration variable in the first line, and Taylor-expanded the
integrand in the second. The function f (x) is a ‘good’ test function, i.e. one for
which the integral is convergent for all .
For the top hat, we need to evaluate
Z +∞ Z +
n 1
dx x δ (x) = dx xn
−∞ − 2
n n = 0, 2, 4, . . . 1 n=0
= → =
0 n = 1, 3, 5, . . . →0
|{z} 0 otherwise
Z +∞
dx f (x) δ (x − a) |{z}
→ f (a) i.e. δ (x − a) → δ(x − a)
−∞ →0
Similarly for the other representations. The Gaussian representation is the cleanest,
because it’s a smooth function.
(i) The Dirac delta ‘function’ isn’t a function, it’s a distribution or generalised
(iii) The delta function is the continuous-variable analogue of the Kronecker delta
symbol. If we let i → x
ui δij = uj → dx x δ(x − x0 ) = x0
7.2 Coulomb’s law
Charges can be positive or negative. For qq1 > 0 we have repulsion, and for qq1 < 0
we have attraction: like charges repel and opposite charges attract.
In SI units, charge is measured in Coulombs (C). The proton charge is defined to be
exactly 1.602176634 × 10−19 C, so that 1C is the charge of 0.62415 . . . × 1019 protons.
The permittivity of free space is measured as 0 = 8.85418781 . . .×10−12 C 2 N −1 m−2 .
Aside: Similarly for Newton’s law of gravitation,
m m1 r − r1
F 1 = −G
r − r 3
which is always attractive (hence the negative sign, so that G, m, m1 are all positive).
In SI units: G = 6.672 × 10−11 N m2 kg 2 .
F 1 = q E(r)
The particle at P ‘feels’ the electrostatic field as a force q E(r) with
1 q1 r − r 1
E(r) = (7.1)
4π0 r − r 3
In the limit of (infinitely) many charges, we intro-
duce a continuous charge density (charge/volume) ~r − ~r′
ρ(r0 ), so that the charge in dV 0 at position r0 is
ρ(r0 ) dV 0 . The electric field is then ~r
r − r0
0 0
E(r) = dV ρ(r )
4π0 r − r 0 3
7.5 The static Maxwell equations
∇×E =0
for all static electric fields. This is (the static version of) Maxwell’s third equation.
Therefore Z Z C1
E · dr = E · dr A ~a
C1 C2
Since the line integral is independent of the path from a to b, it can only depend on
the end points. So, for some scalar field φ, we must have
Z b
− E · dr = φ(b) − φ(a)
Now let a = r and b = r + δr, where δr is small, so we can approximate the integral
−E(r) · δr + . . . = φ(r + δr) − φ(r) = ∇φ · δr + . . .
where we used the definition of the gradient in the last step. Since this holds ∀ δr ,
we can always write
E(r) = −∇ φ(r)
The scalar field φ(r) is called the potential for the vector field E(r).
An explicit expression for φ(r) can be obtained from (7.4). We have E = −∇φ with
1 ρ(r0 )
φ(r) = dV 0
4π0 V r − r0
• For a surface charge distribution, with charge/unit-area σ(r), the electric field
produced is
1 r − r 1 σ(r0 )
0 0
E(r) = dS σ(r ) 3 and φ(r) = dS 0
4π0 S r − r 0 4π0 S |r − r0 |
r − r0
1 1 0 λ(r )
0 0
E(r) = dl λ(r ) and φ(r) = dl
4π0 C r − r 0 3 4π0 C |r − r0 |
where dl0 is the infinitesimal element of length along the line (or curve) C.
• In SI units, the potential is measured in Volts V . In terms of other units
V = C/(C 2 N −1 m−1 ) = N mC −1 = JC −1 .
• Field lines are perpendicular to surfaces of con- ~n
• The potential φ is only defined up to an overall constant. If we let φ → φ + c,
the electric field E = −∇ φ (and hence the force) is unchanged. So only
potential differences have physical significance.
In most physical situations, φ → constant as r → ∞, and we usually choose
the constant to be zero.
= − F · dr = − E · dr
q C C
= ∇φ · dr = dφ
= φB − φA
The −ve sign is because this is the work done against the force F . Since the
field is conservative, the integral is independent of the path – it depends only
on the end points.
Note that this does not include the the self-energy of the charge distribution.
To emphasize this we write φext . [More on this later]
1 ρ(r0 )
φ(r) = dV 0
4π0 V r − r0
1 1
∇ · E(r) = − dV 0 ρ(r0 ) ∇2 (7.5)
4π0 V r − r0
Note that ∇2 acts only on r (not on r0 ), so we can take it inside the integral over r0 .
Theorem ∇ = −4π δ(r) ∀r
7.6 Electric dipole
p = q→∞
lim qd
with p finite (and constant). This is sometimes ~r
Electric field The ith component of the electric field produced by (or due to) a
dipole of moment p situated at the origin is
1 p x
j j
Ei (r) = −∂i φ = − ∂i
4π0 r3
1 δij 3 −5
= − p j 3 + xj − r 2xi
4π0 r 2
3p · r p
E(r) = 5
r− 3
4π0 r r
which falls off as 1/r3 .
Spherical polar coordinates
Consider spherical polar coordinates (r, θ, χ), with
the z-axis chosen parallel to the dipole moment, ~ez
i.e. p = p ez , so that p · r = pr cos θ .
[We use χ instead of φ for the azimuthal angle in
order to avoid confusion with the potential φ.]
p 1 θ
Then φ(r) = cos θ θ
4π0 r2
p 1
E(r) = 3 cos θ er
− e z ~eθ
4π0 r3
The last expression uses a “mixed coordinate basis” (r, θ, z), which is useful at times.
We can also obtain this result using the expression for ∇φ in polar co-ordinates
E = −∇φ
∂φ 1 ∂φ 1 ∂φ
= − e + e + e
∂r r r ∂θ θ r sin θ ∂χ χ
p 2 sin θ
= − − 3 cos θ er − 3 eθ
4π0 r r
F (r) = −q E ext (r) + q E ext (r + d)
~r + d~
= −q E ext (r) + q E ext (r) + (d · ∇)E ext (r) + · · · −q
F (r) = p · ∇ E ext (r)
Torque on a dipole
The torque (or moment of the force, or couple) on a dipole, about the point r where
the dipole is located, due to the external electric field is
G(r) = −q 0 × E ext (r) + q 0 + d × E ext (r + d)
= q d × E ext (r) + d · ∇ E ext (r) + · · ·
Taking the dipole limit (i.e. ignoring terms of order O(qd2 )), we find
Energy of a dipole
W = −p · E ext
• If the dipole at r has dipole moment p1 , and the electric field E ext (r) is due
to a second dipole of moment p2 at the origin, then
1 3 p 2
· r p2
W = −p1 · E ext (r) with E ext (r) = r −
4π0 r5 r3
Therefore p~1
p1 · p2 3(r · p1 )(r · p2 )
W = −
4π0 r3 r5
The interaction energy is not only depen- p~2
dent on the distance between the dipoles,
but also on their relative orientations. O
For |r| much larger than the extent of V , i.e |r| |r0 | for all |r0 | such that ρ(r0 ) 6= 0,
we can expand the denominator using the binomial theorem
(1 + x)n = 1 + nx + (n(n − 1)/2) x2 + O(x3 )
n o−1/2
r − r0 −1 = r2 − 2r · r0 + r0 2
( 2 )−1/2
−1 r · r 0 r 0
= r 1 − 2 2 + 2
r r
( 0 3 )
r · r0 1 r02 3 −2r · r0 2
1 r
= 1+ 2 − + + O
r r 2 r2 8 r2 r
This can also be obtained by Taylor expansion [exercise]. Then
0 0
2 2 02
1 1 r · r 3 r · r − r r
φ(r) = dV 0 ρ(r0 ) + 3 + + ...
4π0 V r r 2r5
This gives the multipole expansion for the potential
1 Q 1 p·r 1 Qij xi xj
φ(r) = + 3
+ + ...
4π0 r 4π0 r 4π0 2r5
Q = dV 0 ρ(r0 ) is the total charge within V
p = dV 0 r0 ρ(r0 ) is the dipole moment about the origin
dV 0 3 x0i x0j − r02 δij ρ(r0 )
Qij = is the quadrupole tensor
The multipole expansion is valid in the far zone, i.e. when r r0 , with r0 the size
of the charge distribution.
dV 0 r0 q δ(r0 − d) − δ(r0 ) = q d
p =
which is the dipole moment as defined previously, and hence justifies the name.
1 Qij xi xj
φ(r) =
4π0 2r5
The quadrupole tensor Qij is symmetric, Qij = Qji , and traceless, Qii = 0.
Why quadrupole? d
q d
A simple linear quadrupole is defined by plac- −2q q
ing two dipoles (so four charges) ‘back to back’
with equal and opposite dipole moments, as r’
From the figure O
1 q q
φ(r) = 0
+ 0
4π0 |r−r −d| |r−r +d| | r − r0 |
Expanding the denominators in the usual way, and defining ρ = r − r0 , the leading
(1/ρ) and dipole (1/ρ2 ) terms cancel (exercise), so for large ρ
1 3(ρ · d)2 − d2 ρ2 1 Qij ρi ρj
φ(r) = q 5
4π0 ρ 4π0 ρ5
where Qij = q (3di dj − δij d2 ) is the (traceless, symmetric) quadrupole tensor – as
The quadrupole moment is sometimes defined to be Q = 2qd2 , where the ‘2’ is
The total charge Q is (we drop the primes in this calculation for brevity):
Z Z 2π Z π Z a
Q = ρ(r) dV = f r cos θ (a −r ) r2 sin θ dr dθ dχ = 0.
2 2
V 0 0 0
π π
This integral vanishes because cos θ sin θ dθ = sin(2θ) dθ = 0.
0 0 2
The total dipole moment P about the origin is
P = r ρ(r) dV = r e r ρ(r) dV
Z 2π Z πZ a
= r (sin θ cos χ e 1 + sin θ sin χ e 2 + cos θ e 3 )
0 0 0
f r cos θ (a −r ) r2 sin θ dr dθ dχ
2 2
7.7.2 Interaction energy of a charge distribution
Let’s consider the interaction energy W of an arbitrary (but bounded) charge dis-
tribution in an external electric field E ext = −∇ φext ,
W = dV ρ(r) φext (r)
For a charge distribution localised around the origin, we Taylor-expand φext (r) about
1 2
φext (r) = φext (0) + r · ∇ φext (0) + r · ∇ φext (0) + . . .
= φext (0) − r · E ext (0) − xi xj ∂j Eext i (0) + . . .
The last term may be re-written as − 6 (3xi xj − r2 δij ) ∂j Eext i (0). The additional
term with the δij vanishes because an external field satisfies ∇ · E ext = 0 in the
region around the origin. Therefore
The physical picture is that the total charge couples to the external potential φext ,
the dipole moment with the external field E ext , and the quadrupole moment with
the spatial derivative of the external field.
r = z ez and r0 = ρ e ρ r′
O ρ
r−r0 = z e z − ρ e ρ r − r0 = ρ2 + z 2 1/2
and a
Using the expression for e ρ in terms of e x and e y , we have
a 2π
σ z e z − ρ cos χ e x + sin χ e y
E(z) = ρ dρ dχ
4π0 0 0 (ρ2 + z 2 )3/2
" #ρ=a
σ z ρ dρ σz −1
= 2π ez + 0 = ez
4π0 0 (ρ2 + z 2 )3/2 20 (ρ2 + z 2 )1/2
" # #"
σz 1 σ1 z z
= − ez = − ez
20 |z| (a2 + z 2 )1/2 20 |z| (a2 + z 2 )1/2
The electric field on the z axis is parallel to the z axis because of symmetry. The
sum of all the contributions to Ex and Ey cancel, i.e. they integrate to zero. So we
really only needed to calculate Ez !
Consider two limits:
(ii) a z In this case, the leading behaviour is obtained by dropping the second
term in square brackets:
E(z) = sgn(z) e
20 z
This is the electric field due to an infinite charged surface – see later.
σ h 2 1/2 i
= a + z2 − |z|
Note: it’s often much easier to find φ than E !
(i) z a Expanding as before, we find (exercise – important!)
σ a2 Q
φ(z) = =
40 |z| 4π0 |z|
as expected.
(ii) a z In this case we find a linear potential
σ σ
φ(z) = a − |z| = − |z| + constant
20 20
Exercise: Check that E(z) = − e in each case.
∂z z
This goes against the general rule that it is easier to compute the potential (a scalar) first
rather than the electric field (a vector)!
Q r
4π0 a3
E(r) =
Q r
r≥a r
4π0 r3
Outside the sphere, the electric field ap-
pears to come from a point source, and
inside it increases linearly with r. r
• Infinite flat sheet of charge with constant charge density σ per unit area.
Integrate over a cylindrical ‘Gaussian pill box’ with axis perpendicular to the
sheet. See tutorial, and below.
7.9 Boundaries
Useful results for the changes in the normal and tangential components of the electric
field across a boundary may be obtained using Gauss’ Law and Stokes’ theorem.
Consider a surface carrying surface charge density σ. The electric field on one side
of the boundary is E 1 , and on the other E 2 . The unit normal to the surface is n.
~2 1
7.9.2 Tangential component
Consider a small rectangle of length `, and negligible width δ` (so that δ` `),
which straddles the surface. Applying Stokes’ theorem
∇ × E · dS = E · dr ,
we can ignore contributions from the ends with length δ`. Since ∇ × E = 0, we get
0 = E · dr = E2k − E1k `
C σ
where E1k and E2k are the components of
the electric field parallel to the boundary.
0000000 0
(For small enough `, we assume E1k and 0000000
1111111 0
1111111 0
1 1
1111111 0 δl
E2k are constant along each side of the 0000000
rectangle.) ~n
This can be written as 000000
n × E1 = n × E2 S
where we used the fact that the cross product of the electric field E with n picks
out the tangential component Ek of the electric field, since
E = E⊥ n + E k
7.9.3 Conductors
Physically, a conductor is a material in which ‘free’, or ‘nearly free’ or ‘surplus’
electrons can move (or flow) freely when an electric field is applied.
In Electrostatics
• For a conductor in equilibrium, where all charges are at rest, all the charge
resides on the surface of the conductor, i.e. ρ = 0 inside a conductor.
This holds because if ρ 6= 0, then due to Maxwell’s first equation ∇ · E = ρ/0
(or Gauss’ law), so we must have E 6= 0, and hence the charge would move
and we wouldn’t have equilibrium – a contradiction. So E = 0 and hence
φ = constant everywhere inside a conductor.
Physically, the charges repel and move to the surface.
• The electric field on the surface of a conductor is normal to the surface,
i.e. E k n, otherwise charge would move along the surface
Thus if dr is a displacement on the surface of a conductor, E · dr = −dφ = 0,
so φ = constant on the surface of a conductor, i.e. an equipotential.
Therefore, on the surface of a conductor,
σ ~
Et = 0 , En = E
Proof: Let φ1 (r) and φ2 (r) be two solutions of Poisson’s equation, both of which
satisfy the boundary conditions, and let ψ = φ1 − φ2 , so that ∇2 ψ = 0 for both sets
of boundary conditions.
Applying the divergence theorem to the LHS of the vector calculus identity
∇ · ψ ∇ ψ = ψ ∇2 ψ + ∇ ψ · ∇ ψ
gives Z Z
ψ ∇ψ · n dS = ψ ∇ ψ + ∇ ψ dV
• The uniqueness theorem means we can use any method we wish to obtain the
solution - if it satisfies the correct boundary conditions, and is a solution of
the equation, then it is the correct solution.
(i) Guesswork
(iii) Direct integration of Poisson’s equation
(iv) Gauss’ law plus symmetry
(v) Method of images
(vi) Separation of variables
(vii) Green-function method
Method (iii) uses ‘direct’ integration to find the (unique) solution of Poisson’s equa-
tion, i.e.
1 ρ(r0 )
φ(r) = dV
4π0 V r − r0
which is okay for simple situations with a bounded potential.
We have studied method (iv) already.
In the figure, the point charge q is at position (0, 0, z0 ) above an infinite conducting
surface in the x − y plane (on the left in the figure). The region of interest V is
the half-space z > 0. The image charge −q is at position (0, 0, −z0 ) below the x − y
plane, so it’s not in the physical region.
q −q q
(0, 0, z0)
V : halfspace z > 0
Since φ satisfies Poisson’s equation everywhere in the half-space (z > 0), and
φ(r)|r=(x,y,0) = 0
then the surface of the conductor (at z = 0) is an equipotential, i.e. φ satisfies the
boundary conditions, so φ is the unique solution.
Electric field: We may calculate the electric field from the potential
" #
q (x, y, z − z0 ) (x, y, z + z0 )
E(r) = − ∇φ = 3 − 3
4π0 (x2 + y 2 + (z − z0 )2 ) 2 (x2 + y 2 + (z + z0 )2 ) 2
Force The force on the positive charge due to the conductor is that between two
point charges separated by distance 2z0
q2 1
F = − e
4π0 (2z0 )2 z
Example: point charge and a metal sphere
Consider an earthed conducting sphere of radius a centred on the origin, and subject
to a uniform external electric field E.
+e −e′ e′ −e
Thus the work done to bring in a point charge q from infinity (where φ = 0) to
position r is W = q φ(r).
Let’s assemble a system of n charges qi from ∞ to positions ri :
W1 = 0 [nothing else is there]
1 q1
W 2 = q2 [the work done in the field of q1 ]
4π0 |r1 − r2 |
1 q1 q2
W3 = q3 + [the work done in the field of q1 and q2 ]
4π0 |r1 − r3 | |r2 − r3 |
and so on. Therefore the work done to bring in the ith charge qi to position ri is
qi X qj
Wi =
4π0 j=1 |rj − ri |
The total work done is
n n X
i−1 n
X X 1 qi qj 1 X 1 qi qj 1X
We = Wi = = ≡ qi φi
i i j=1
4π0 |rj − ri | 2 4π0 |rj − ri | 2 i
i,j, (i6=j)
1X X qj 1
We = qi φi with φi = φ(ri ) =
2 i 4π0 |rj − ri |
j, (j6=i)
We = dV ρ(r) φ(r)
2 V
We = dV φ ∇ · E
Now use the product rule to rewrite
φ ∇ · E = ∇ · φ E − ∇ φ · E = ∇ · φ E + E
so that
Z 2
We = dV ∇ · φ E + E
Applying the divergence theorem to the integral of the first term, taking V to be all
space, and S to be a large sphere of radius R → ∞, this integral becomes
1 1
∇ · φ E dV = φ E · dS ≈ O 4πR → 0 as R → ∞
V S R R2
We = dV E(r)
The factor of 1/2 ensures that we don’t count the energy required to bring in charge j from
∞ in the presence of charge i at ri and the energy required to bring in charge i from ∞ in the
presence of charge j at rj . Note there is no factor of 1/2 in our previous expression for the energy
of a charge in an external electrostatic field.
and the energy density (energy/unit volume) at r is
0 2
we (r) = E(r)
Notes: The general result for We was derived for a continuous charge distribution.
When there are point charges we have to be careful with self-energy contributions
which should be excluded from the integral because they lead to divergences.
The two boxed expressions for We are complementary. We can think of the electro-
static energy as lying in the charge distribution or as being stored in the E field.
Finally, note that since the energy density we is quadratic in the electric field, we
don’t have superposition of energy density.
which depends only on the geometry of the capacitor. The SI unit of capacitance is
the farad or Coulomb per Volt, 1F = 1CV−1 .
a E
Two parallel plates of area A have a separation a (with a A), and carry surface
charge densities +σ and −σ on their inner surfaces (because of the attractive force
between the charges on the two plates). The total charge on the upper plate is
Q = σA, and on the lower plate, −Q = −σA.
We can obtain the electric field using Gauss’ law.
Choosing e z to point vertically upwards, first take a pillbox that straddles the inner
surface of the upper plate, as we did in section (7.9.1) of these notes. The electric
field E = 0 in the interior of the conducting plate. Due to symmetry, between
the two plates, the E field is normal to the inner surface of the upper plate, so
E = Ez e z . On the lower flat surface of the pillbox, area S, we have dS = dS(−e z ),
E · dS = −Ez dS = −Ez S =
S S 0
by Gauss’ law. Hence the electric field inside the capacitor (i.e. betweeen the plates)
E inside = − e z
Now take a pillbox that straddles the outer surface of the upper plate. Since there
is no charge on the upper surface, and E = 0 inside the plate, we have E = 0 at the
outer surface. Similarly for the lower plate (exercise). Therefore
E outside = 0 E inside = − e z
We can obtain the potential between the plates in the usual way
σ ∂φ σz
Ez = − = − ⇒ φ(z) = + constant
0 ∂z 0
so the potential difference between the plates is
σa Qa
V = φ1 − φ2 = =
0 A 0
and the capacitance is
Q A 0
C = =
V a
which is a purely geometrical property of the plates, as expected.
7.12.3 Energy stored in a capacitor
Using our first expression for the energy of a charge distribution, we have
Q QV CV 2 Q2
W = (φ1 − φ2 ) = = =
2 2 2 2C
which holds for a capacitor of any shape.
For parallel plates
0 0 σ a Q2 Q2
We = |E| dV = (A a) = =
2 2 0 20 A 2C
as before.
Chapter 8
8.1 Currents
A current is created by moving charges: a charge q moving at velocity v gives an
‘elementary’ current j = q v , which is a vector quantity.
Consider a volume charge density ρ(r) moving with velocity v(r). This defines a
(bulk) current density,
J(r) = ρ(r) v(r)
We can also have a surface current density,
where σ(r) is the surface charge density (charge/area), and a line current
Note: Care is needed with current elements. For example, K dS 6= K dS since the
left hand side points in the direction of the current vector on the surface, but the
right hand side points normal to the surface. On the other hand I dr = I dr since
a line current element always points along the wire in the direction dr.
Units: From the definition of line current, the dimension of current I is
The unit of current I is called the Ampère (A), 1A = 1C s−1 (Coulombs/second).
[K] = A m−1 [J] = A m−2 [dI] = A m
Note that current I and current element dI have different units,1 and that none of
these current ‘densities’ has units of current/volume! This is a little confusing, but
it’s standard . . .
The total (scalar) current I passing through a surface S is the flux of J through S
I = J · dS
where dS is normal to the surface. Similarly, the flux of K across the curve C is
I = K · n0 dr
where the unit vector n is normal to C, in the plane of K, and dr is an infinitesimal
(scalar) line element on the curve C.
∇·K = σ∇· ω×r = 0
Some authors use different fonts I and I for these quantities, but this is hard to do on the
8.1.2 Conduction current
A common situation is where we have have no net electric charge, but a current
exists because positive and negative charges move with different velocities
J = ρ+ v + + ρ− v − with ρ = ρ+ + ρ− = 0 , but |v + | =
6 |v − |
Metal: nuclei are fixed, but electrons move: v + = 0, so J = ρ− v −
Electrolyte: positive and negative ions move with different velocities: J = ρ+ v + − v −
Current is often created by an electric field, which forces charge carriers to move. A
simple linear model, which agrees with experiment in common situations is Ohm’s
J = σE
where σ is called the conductivity2 .
In some materials J is not in general parallel to E, and the linear model must be
generalised to
Ji = σij Ej
where σij are the components of a second-rank tensor, the conductivity tensor.
(iii) In a perfect conductor (for example a superconductor), σ → ∞, so to keep J
finite, we must have E = 0 (as in electrostatics).
(iv) For an insulator, σ = 0.
I1 I2 I1 I2
r1 − r2
r1 − r2
r1 r2 C2
C1 I1 I2
Linear superposition (which comes from experiment) gives
µ0 r12
F 12 = − I1 dr1 · I2 dr2 3
4π C1 C2 r12
where we used the expression for current elements dI 1 · dI 2 = I1 dr1 · I2 dr2
This is the analog for currents of Coulomb’s law. Note that F 21 = −F 12 as expected.
We now separate this into two parts. The loop carrying current I2 produces a
magnetic field B(r), which in turn produces a force on the loop carrying I1 . Start
by writing
dr1 × dr2 × r12 = dr2 dr1 · r12 − dr1 · dr2 r12
Using Stokes’ theorem,
dr1 · r12
1 1
= − dr1 · ∇1 = − dS 1 · ∇1 × ∇1 = 0
C1 r12 C1 r12 S1 r12
where ∇1 is the gradient with respect to r1 , and curl-grad is always zero. Therefore
(I I I )
µ0 dr × dr × r dr · r
1 2 12 1 12
F 12 = I1 I2 3
− dr2 3
4π C1 C2 r12 C2 C1 r12
µ0 I2 dr2 × r12
= I1 dr1 × 3
C1 4π C2 r12
since the second term in the first line is zero (as we’ve just shown). Therefore we
can write I
F 12 = I1 dr1 × B(r1 )
which is the force on C1 due to B(r1 ), where
µ0 I2 dr2 × r12 µ0 I2 dr2 × r1 − r2
B(r1 ) = =
4π C2 3
r12 4π C2 r − r 3
1 2
is the magnetic field 3 at r1 due to the current in C2 . This is the Bio-Savart law,
(approx 1820).
The force on a charge distribution ρ due to an electric field E is V
ρ E dV , so the
force density (force/unit volume) at r is
f (r) = ρ(r) E(r)
Similarly, for a bulk current density in a magnetic field, we often write f = J × B
Therefore, the combined force density is
f = ρE + J × B
We can use the Bio-Savart law to compute the magnetic field directly for some
simple current distributions.
8.3.1 Long straight wire
Consider a long (infinite) straight wire along z ez
the z axis. Without loss of generality, take
the position vector r of the point P to be per- eφ
pendicular to the z axis at the origin. From
the diagram, using cylindrical coordinates, we dr′
have r = ρ eρ and r0 = z 0 e z . Hence
0 0 0 0
r ′ = z ′ ez
r − r = ρ eρ − z ez dr = dz ez
r − r′
dr × r − r 0
= ρ dz 0
ez × eρ
= ρ dz eφ
r P
The magnetic field due to current I in the wire is then
µ0 ∞ I dr0 × r − r0
Z ∞
µ0 dz 0
B(r) = 3 = Iρ 3/2 eφ
4π −∞ 4π
r − r 0 −∞ ρ2 + z 0 2
µ0 µ0 I1 I2
dF = I2 dr2 × B 1 (r2 ) = I2 dz ez × I1 eφ = − dz eρ
2πd 2πd
There is an attractive (for I1 I2 > 0) force per unit length between two parallel
infinitely long straight wires: 4
µ0 I1 I2
f =
Until 20 May 2019, this was the basis of the definition of the Ampère, which was defined so
that if the wires were 1m apart and the current in each wire was 1A, the force per unit length
between the two wires was exactly 2 × 10−7 Nm−1 . Since 1A = 1Cs−1 , it also defined the Coulomb.
8.3.3 Current loop
Consider a current loop, radius a, carrying current I.
Find the magnetic field on the axis through the centre z
of the loop. From the figure: dr′ × (r − r′)
r = z e z , r0 = a e ρ , r − r0 = (a2 + z 2 )
dr0 × r − r0 r − r′
= a e φ dφ × z e z − a e ρ
= az e ρ − a2 (−e z ) dφ
µ0 I 2π
az e ρ + a2 e z dφ
B(r) = r′
4π 0 (a2 + z 2 )3/2 O dr′
µ0 I a2
= e
2 (a2 + z 2 )3/2 z a
R 2π R 2π
where we used 0 e ρ dφ = 0 cos φ e x + sin φ e y dφ = 0. The components of the
magnetic field perpendicular to ez cancel due to symmetry as we integrate around
the loop
because ‘curl grad’ is always zero. Note that J = J(r0 ), so it’s treated as a constant
vector when calculating the gradient with respect to r. Therefore
( !)
µ0 1
0 0
∇ · B(r) = dV J(r ) · ∇ × ∇ = 0
4π V r − r0
and we obtain Maxwell’s second equation, also known as the differential form of the
Gauss law for magnetostatics
∇ ·B = 0
Since the second equation always holds, it tells us that there are no magnetic charges
or ‘monopoles’. There are no sources or sinks for magnetic fields; the field lines form
closed loops.
Compare this with Maxwell’s first equation, ∇ · E = ρ/0 , which states that elec-
tric charge density ρ is the source of electric field [strictly, electric flux – see next
( !) ! !
0 1 2 1 1
∇× J(r ) × ∇
r − r 0 = ∇ J − J · ∇ ∇
r − r 0
r − r0
= −4πδ r − r0 J − J · ∇ ∇
r − r0
( !)
µ0 1
dV 0 −4πδ r − r J(r0 ) − J(r0 ) · ∇ ∇
∇ × B(r) = −
4π V
r − r 0
The integral over the volume in the first term can be performed (trivially) with the
delta function, whilst the second term vanishes (see below), and we obtain.
∇ × B = µ0 J
This is the differential form of Ampère’s law for steady currents, also known as the
static form of Maxwell’s fourth equation.5
To show that the second term vanishes, we take the second ∇ out of the integral to
give (up to constants)
∇ dV 0 J(r0 ) · ∇
V r − r0
The integral may be written in terms of the gradient ∇ 0 , wrt r0
! !
1 1
0 0 0 0 0
dV J(r ) · ∇ = − dV J(r ) · ∇
V r − r0 V r − r0
( ! )
1 1
dV 0 ∇ 0 · J(r0 ) − ∇ 0 · J(r0 )
= − 0
r − r 0
V r − r
J(r0 )
= − · dS 0 + 0
S r−r
where we used the divergence theorem on the first term, which is zero provided
that the current density J(r0 ) → 0 at infinity, and the second term is zero because
∇ · J = 0 in magnetostatics, where we have steady currents.
In fact, ∇ × B = µ0 J implies ∇ · J = 0, since ∇ · ∇ × B ≡ 0.
In electrodynamics, there is an additional term on the RHS, due to time-dependent charge
distributions and therefore non-steady currents. See next semester.
8.4.1 Ampère’s law (1826)
The fundamental laws of magnetostatics are
∇·B = 0 and ∇ × B = µ0 J
Applying the divergence theorem to a closed surface S, which bounds the volume
V , in the first equation gives
B · dS = ∇ · B dV = 0
i.e. the magnetic flux (flux of B) through any closed surface is zero – Gauss’ law of
Applying Stokes’ theorem for a closed curve C bounding an open surface S to the
second equation gives
B · dr = ∇ × B · dS = µ0 J · dS = µ0 I
Example: long straight wire Consider a long straight wire lying along the z
axis and use cylindrical coordinates. By symmetry, B(r) will be independent of z,
its magnitude will be independent of φ, and it must point in the e φ direction (this
is the right-hand grip rule again). Hence
B(r) = Bφ (ρ) e φ
Consider a circle of radius ρ with its centre on the z axis,
so that dr = ρ dφ e φ , and apply Ampère’s law I
B · dr = µ0 I ⇒ Bφ (ρ) 2πρ = µ0 I
Example: coil/solenoid Consider a long coil6 of radius a, with N tightly-wound
turns/unit length, centred on the z axis. Again, we use cylindrical coordinates.
Now apply Ampère’s law to the rectangular ‘loop’ of length L shown in the figure,
which has one long side inside the coil, so dr = ±dz e z , and one outside. Therefore
B . L − 0 . L = µ0 N LI
B = µ0 N I e z
The normal component of the magnetic field is continuous across the boundary.
A ‘long’ coil means its length is much greater than its radius, so we can treat it as being
effectively infinite.
Tangential component: Use a small rectangular
Ampère loop of length L and negligible width strad- n
dling the surface, which has normal n, as shown. For
small enough L, we can take B to be constant along B2
each long side of the rectangle. K
Let the surface spanning the loop have normal n0 , B1 L
so the long side of the loop has direction n0 × n.
Applying Ampère’s law gives
K · n0 dr = µ0 K · n0 L
B · dr = B 2 − B 1 · n × n L = µ0 I = µ0
C C0
R the line0 C is along that part of the surface contained within the loop, so that
I = C 0 K · n dr is the total current flowing through the loop. Therefore
n × B 2 − B 1 · n0 = µ0 K · n0
The vector potential is not unique, it’s defined up to the gradient of an arbitrary
scalar field χ(r). If we make the gauge transformation
A 7→ A0 = A + ∇ χ
∇ × A → ∇ × A0 = ∇ × A + ∇ × ∇ χ = ∇ × A + 0
The magnetic field B (and hence the physics) is unchanged by the transformation.
To fix the gauge uniquely we may choose to add an additional constraint on A, so
∇·A = 0
which is called Coulomb gauge. If ∇ · A = ψ 6= 0, we can always find a gauge
transformation χ such that ∇ · A0 = 0 , i.e.
∇ · A0 = ∇ · A + ∇2 χ = 0 ⇒ ∇2 χ = −ψ
This is just Poisson’s equation, which can be solved for χ in the standard way.
Compare this with the case of electrostatics, where ∇ × E = 0 ⇒ the electric field can
be expressed as the gradient of a scalar potential φ , and vice versa, i.e. ∇ × E = 0 ⇔
∃ φ such that E = −∇ φ
Now if B = ∇ × A, with ∇ · A = 0, then from the differential form of Ampère’s law,
µ0 J = ∇ × B = ∇ × ∇ × A = ∇ ∇ · A − ∇2 A = −∇2 A
So ∇2 A = −µ0 J
This has the form of Poisson’s equation for A (rather 3 equations for Ai ), with so-
µ0 J(r0 )
A(r) = dV 0
4π V r − r0
which satisfies the boundary condition A(r) → 0 as r → ∞
If we take the curl of this equation, we recover the Biot-Savart law [exercise].
We can write similar expressions for line and surface currents [exercise].
8.6 Magnetic dipoles
Consider a circular wire, radius a, in the x − y plane, car-
rying current I. What is the form of the vector potential z
at points with r a?
µ0 I dr0
A(r) =
4π C r − r0
Wlog take r in the x − z plane, so r = x ex + z ez and
r = a cos φ ex + sin φ ey φ
O x
dr = a − sin φ ex + cos φ ey dφ I
r · r0
1 1
For r a = 1 + 2 + ... with r · r0 = ax cos φ
r − r 0 r r
2π 1
µ0 I ax cos φ
A(r) = dφ a − sin φ ex + cos φ ey 1+ + ...
4π 0 r r2
µ0 I π a2 x µ0 m × r
≈ 3
ey =
4π r 4π r3
R 2π
where we used 0 cos2 θ = π, with all the other integrals being zero, and defined
m = π a2 I ez = I S
So that
µ0 3 m · r r − r 2 m
B(r) = ∇ × A(r) =
4π r5
which is the field of a magnetic dipole with dipole moment m.
Compare this with the expression for the electric field for an electric dipole of mo-
ment p at the origin:
3p · r p
E(r) = r− 3
4π0 r5 r
As we shall now show, we get the same result far away from any current loop,
and the field lines for electric dipoles, magnetic dipoles, and bar magnets (see next
chapter) are therefore the same in the far zone (far-field limit).
+ N
− S
Multipole expansion For any current loop near the origin, we expand the mag-
netic vector potential A as above,
r · r0
µ0 I 0 1
A(r) = dr 1 + 2 + ...
4π C r r
Applying Stokes’ theorem to an arbitrary constant vector c gives
0 0
∇ 0 × c · dS 0 = 0
c· dr = c · dr =
Since this holds for all vectors c, then C dr0 = 0 for any closed curve C, so the first
term in the expansion of A always vanishes. Hence there are no magnetic monopoles,
as expected.
To evaluate the second term, first apply Stokes’ theorem to c r · r0 .
0 0 0 0
∇ 0 r · r0 × c · dS 0
c· dr r · r = ∇ × c r · r · dS =
r × c · dS 0 = c · dS 0 × r = c · S × r
where S = S dS 0 is the vector area of the current loop. Since this holds for all
8.6.1 Magnetic moment and angular momentum
As system of charged particles flowing in a closed current loop has angular momen-
For a constant vector c, consider
c· r × dr = c × r · dr = ∇ × c × r · dS
= c ∇ · r − c · ∇ r · dS = 2 c · dS
Since this holds for all constant vectors c, we have
dS = S = 2 r × dr
We can then rewrite the dipole moment as
1 1
m = I dS = 2 I r × dr = 2 r × dI
where dI is the current element.
For a bulk current dI = J dV , this becomes m = 2 r × J dV , and since
J = ρ v, we have Z
m = 2 r × v ρ dV
Now suppose the charge density ρ is made up of particles each with charge q and
mass m, then ρ = (q/m) ρm where ρ is the charge density (charge/unit volume),
and ρm is the mass density (mass/unit volume). Then
q q q
m = r × v ρm dV = r × p dV = L = gL
2m V 2m V 2m
where p is the momentum density (momentum/unit volume), so L is the angular
momentum, and g is called the gyromagnetic ratio of the particles.
It turns out that this derivation is wrong by a factor of two for an isolated spin- 12
particle such as an electron (with charge −e), for which g = −e/m. The extra factor
of two requires relativity.
where r0 is a point on the loop, and we Taylor-expanded
H B(r
) about a point r inside
(or close to) the loop. We’ve already shown that C dr = 0, so the terms in the
integrand that don’t depend on r0 integrate to zero, and hence
dr0 × r0 · ∇ B(r) + . . .
F = I
The derivation above works for any vector field a(r) [check it!], so
dr0 r0 · a(r) = S × a(r)
dx0j r0 · ∇ Bk = I ijk S × ∇ j Bk = I
Fi = I ijk S×∇ ×B i
so that
F = m × ∇ × B = −m ∇ · B + ∇ m · B
But ∇ · B = 0, therefore
F = ∇ m · B ≡ −∇ Wdip
Note: this is not the total energy of the dipole. It also takes energy to make the
current flow in the loop. [This is covered next semester.]
Note that these results mirror those for the electric dipole where F = ∇ p · E and
W = −p · E .
where we approximated B(r0 ) ≈ B(r) on the RHS. The second term vanishes on
applying Stokes’ theorem (because ∇ 0 × r0 = 0), and we again apply the result of
equation (8.1) to the first term, which gives
dr0 r0 · B = IS × B = m × B
G = I
⇔ +
I −
This is a useful way to remember the formulae, but magnetic monopoles (probably!)
do not exist.
Example: compass needle We can measure the magnetic field B via oscillations
of a compass needle (which can be regarded as a magnetic dipole).
8.7 Summary: electrostatics and magnetostatics
Electrostatics: Stationary charges = 0 are the source of electric fields
∇·E = [ME1]
Coulomb’s law (field due to point charge) leads to
∇ × E = 0 [ME3 (static)] ⇒ E = −∇ φ
In turn, the above lead to Poisson’s equation for the scalar potential φ
∇2 φ = −
∇ × B = µ0 J [ME4 (static)]
Next semester, you’ll see how the Maxwell equations involving curls, (ME3 and
ME4), need to be modified when time-varying currents and fields are present.