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Performance Analysis of Induction Motor under

Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

A Thesis

Submitted by
Ayalew Molla
Dagne Birmeji
Elias Wae
Mengistu Tadesse

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree

Bachelor of Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Under the Guidance of

Mr. Salman Ahmad

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

Arba Minch Institute of Technology
Arba Minch University
Arba Minch, Ethiopia
June 4, 2015

This is to certify that the present work titled “Performance Analysis of Induction Motor
Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions”, submitted by, Mengistu Tadesse, Elias Wae, Ayalew
Molla, and Dagne Birmeji in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of
Bsc. , is a record of their original work carried out by them. They had worked under my
supervision and has fulfilled the requirement for the submission of this report. The results
presented in this work have not been submitted in part or full to any other university for award of

Date : June 4, 2015

Signature of main Advisor………………………….

Name of the Main Advisor:…………………………
Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

The researchers of this thesis would like to express their sincere gratitude to everyone who
supported in conduct of this study by providing us benchmark information, direction, and
insights to fulfill this study. We would like to acknowledge the electrical and computer
engineering department instructor Mr. Salman Ahmad who is our research adviser encouraged us
to dig out more about the thesis and helped us by giving of constructive ideas and materials. We
also give our recognition to our research co-adviser Mr. Surendra Chaoudhry, who extended
exceptional support to the conduct of this study without which the conceptualization of the thesis
undertaking would not have been accomplished. Finally we would like also to thank you the
electrical and computer engineering staff members helped us to attain success in this thesis.

Date: June 4, 2015

Name ID No. Signature Contact No.

Ayalew Molla……….…RET/467/03 0912935455
Dagne Birmeji………….RET/751/03 0923723538
Elias Wae………………RET/817/01 0925107514
Mengistu Tadesse………RET/1830/03 0910403945

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

The performance of a three phase induction motor fed by an unbalanced voltage supply has been
investigated in this thesis. Voltage unbalance which is a common and global phenomenon is
found to be very effective in deteriorating the performance of induction machines. Symmetrical
component approach is adopted to estimate the performance of a three-phase induction motor
operating with unbalanced supply system. Further MATLAB software has been used for
simulation purpose. A new approach is proposed to rerate the motor operating with voltage
unbalance. With the aid of analytical and mat lab results, variation of stator current ,positive
sequence, Voltage, Negative sequence voltage, unbalancing factor, motor efficiency, power
factor, and rotor current have been investigated under various steady state unbalanced voltage
Key-Words: - Abnormal operation, symmetrical component, unbalancing factor, Three Phase
Induction Motors, Rerating, Steady state Analysis, Unbalanced Supply

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

Table of contents
Abstract iv
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
List of abbreviations ix
1.1. Background of the study 1
1.2 Three-Phase Induction Motors 2
1.2.1 Principles of Operation induction motor 3
1.2.2 Stator 3
1.2.3 Rotor 3
1.3. Problem statement 4
1.4. Objective of the study 4
1.5. Scope of the project 5
1.6. Significance of the study 5
2.1 Relevant studies 6
2.2 Analysis of machine under unbalance conditions 7
2.3 Voltage Unbalance 7
2.4 Causes of Unbalanced Voltages 8
2.5 Types of voltage unbalance 9
2.5.1. Single phase Under-voltage unbalance: 9
2.5.2. Two phases Under-voltage unbalance: 9
2.5.3. Three phases Under-voltage unbalance: 9
2.5.4. Single phase Over-voltage unbalance: 9
2.5.5. Two phases over-voltage unbalance: 9
2.5.6. Three phases over-voltage unbalance: 9
2.6 Single Phasing 10

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions
2.7. Derating 10
3.1 Theoretical framework or conceptual framework 11
3.2 Analysis of Induction motor under unbalanced conditions 12
3.2.1 Steady State Analysis 13
3.3 Rerating Of Motor 16
3.4 sample calculation for voltage and phase unbalance 16
3.5. Mat lab code for performance analysis of induction motor under unbalanced conditions 28
4. Results and Discussion 30
4.1.2 Unbalance in the voltage magnitude for OVU condition 34
4.1.3 Unbalance in the phase angle with balanced voltage magnitude condition 38
4.2 Unbalance in the over voltage magnitude and phase 41
4.2.1 Both under voltage and magnitude unbalance 44
1. The efficiency of electrical induction motor decreases with increased voltage unbalance. 48
References 50
Appendices 52

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

List of Tables
Table 1 Unbalance in the voltage magnitude for OVU condition............................................................... 30
Table 2 Unbalance in the voltage magnitude for OVU condition............................................................... 34
Table 3 Unbalance in the phase angle with balanced voltage magnitude ................................................... 38
Table 4 Unbalance in the over voltage magnitude and phase ..................................................................... 41
Table 5 Both under voltage and magnitude unbalance ............................................................................... 44

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

List of Figures
Figure 1 Stator diagram ................................................................................................................................ 3
Figure 2 Squirrel-cage rotor type .................................................................................................................. 4
Figure 3 Theoretical framework of performance analysis using mat lab. ................................................... 11
Figure 4 (a) and (b) positive and negative sequence equivalent circuit of an induction motor .................. 13
Figure 5(a) and (b) shows the under voltage unbalance Vs current and -unbalancing factor vs positive and
negative sequence ....................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 6(a) and (b) shows the unbalancing factor vs efficiency and Torque voltage unbalancing factor vs
pf ................................................................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 7 De-rating negative sequence voltage vs efficiency Torque and pf ............................................... 33
Figure 8(a) and (b) over voltage unbalance factor vs current and unbalancing factor vs positive and
negative sequence voltage........................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 9 (a) and (b) unbalancing factor vs efficiency and Torque unbalancing factor vs pf and Derating
.................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 10 negative sequence voltage vs Efficiency and Torque ................................................................. 37
Figure 11 (a) and (b) shows the voltage unbalancing due to unbalancing in phase angle vs current and
voltage unbalancing due to phase angle vs positive and negative sequence voltage .................................. 39
Figure 12 (a) and (b) shows the unbalancing factor due to unbalancing in phase vs efficiency and torque
and -unbalancing due to unbalancing in phase vs De rating ....................................................................... 41
Figure 13 shows -negative sequence voltage vs efficiency torque and pf .................................................. 41
Figure 14 (a) and (b) shows the unbalancing in voltage magnitude and phase angle vs currents and
unbalancing in voltage magnitude and phase angle positive and negative sequence voltage ..................... 42
Figure 15 (a) and (b) shows the unbalancing (both in magnitude and phase angle) factor vs efficiency and
Torque and unbalancing (both in magnitude and phase angle) factor vs pf and Derating .......................... 43
Figure 16 shows the negative sequence voltage vs efficiency Torque & pf for unbalancing both in mag. &
phase ........................................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 17 shows the under voltage unbalance vs currents curve and unbalancing (both in mag. and phase )
vs positive and negative sequence voltage .................................................................................................. 45
Figure 18 (a) and (b) shows the unbalancing (both in mag. and phase) vs efficiency and Torque and 4-
unbalancing factor vs pf and Derating ........................................................................................................ 46
Figure 19 (a) and (b) shows the unbalancing (both in mag. and phase) vs. efficiency and Torque and 4-
unbalancing factor vs pf and Derating ........................................................................................................ 47

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

List of abbreviations

VUF………………………………………….voltage unbalance factor

CVUF………………………………………...complex voltage unbalance factor

OVU………………………………………….over voltage unbalance

UVU…………………………………………..under voltage unbalance

VUP…………………………………………...voltage unbalance percentage

IM……………………………………………..Induction motor

FLA……………………………………………full load ampere

Pf………………………………………………power factor

Vn……………………………………………..negative sequence voltage

Vp……………………………………………..positive sequence voltage

η …………………………………………….....efficiency

ωm………………………………………………angular speed of the rotor

ωs………………………………………………synchronous speed

NEMA…………………………………………National Equipment Manufacturer‟s Association

IEEE ……………………………………………Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions



1.1. Background of the study

Induction motor is an important class of electric machines which is widely used in

industrial, commercial and domestic applications. Due to its simple, rugged and inexpensive

construction, reduced maintenance, and excellent operating characteristics induction motors

become very popular in industrial uses. As rough estimate nearly 80% of world industrial motors

are poly-phase phase induction motors. Three phase induction motors are designed and

manufactured such that all three phase windings are carefully balanced with respect to number of

turns, placement of winding and resistance to operate with balanced supply.

Voltage unbalance which is a common phenomenon is observed almost everywhere in a

three phase system across the world. Although three phase voltage supply is quite balanced in

both magnitude and displacement at the generation and transmission levels. It exits at utilization

end due to unequal load distribution, incomplete transportation of transmission lines, defective

transformers, blown fuses of three phase capacitor bank and so on. Strictly speaking voltage

unbalance can be considered as an irregularity of power supply system.

The influence of unbalanced voltages on the performance of motor was first studied by
Reed and Koppman in 1936 [3]. Further in 1956 Williams [4] proved that an induction motor
operation with unbalanced voltage is undesirable. Studies conducted by Gafford [1] come up in
1959 concerning temperature rise of an induction motor and it was pointed out that due to this
overheating premature ageing of insulation takes place and the life of motor is reduced. In 1963
Berndt et al[12] presented a method for derating of an induction motor operating with unbalance
supply. In 1975 R. F. Woll [15] provided a simple and brief method in order to study the impact

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

of unbalanced voltages on the losses and its negative effects on the insulating material of
induction motor. In 1985 Cummings [2] study provided methods for protection of the motor and
adjusting the relays settings against unbalance. It was observed that most of the research was
focused on voltage unbalance caused by under voltage unbalance. In fact, over-voltage
unbalance often occurs in off-peak periods in several countries. Further the impact of voltage
unbalance on the performance has been described qualitatively, not quantitatively or
numerically. Kersting [17] has discussed the effect of 0-5% unbalance on the losses of induction
motor. In 2000 Wang [19] studied the influence of voltage unbalance upon the study state
performance of an induction motor analytically. It has been shown that voltage unbalance may
cause the motor line currents to be very unbalanced. In 2001 Wang [20] evaluated the effects of
voltage unbalance on induction motor by using complex voltage unbalance factor (CVUF) that
consist magnitude as well as angle to fully describe the voltage unbalance phenomenon. In 2002
Pillay and Hafmann [13] had examined the derating of an induction machine when supplied by
unbalanced voltages in combinations with over- and undervoltages by using electrical and
thermal model. They concluded that the difference in definitions do not result in significant
difference when operated by unbalanced supplies in the 5% range. In 2004 Faiz et al [6]
analyzed the different definitions given by standards and suggested that the available definitions
of voltage unbalance are not comprehensive and complete, therefore the results by these
definitions are not reliable. In 2005 Faiz et al [5] proposed that inclusion of phase angle in
addition to voltage unbalance factor (VUF) give more accurate result. He introduced a method to
determine the derating factor precisely using the complex unbalance factor (CVUF), in order to
evaluate this factor, the machine is loaded such that the current do not exceed the rated value,
derating factor is then computed as the ratio of the machine output power under balanced supply
conditions to that under balanced condition. In 2006 Faiz et al [7] investigated that, for the same
voltage unbalance, derated motor may have higher efficiency than non-rated motor.

1.2 Three-Phase Induction Motors

The three-phase induction motor, also called an asynchronous motor, is the most commonly used
type of motor in industrial applications. In particular, the squirrel-cage design is the most widely
used electric motor in industrial applications.

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

1.2.1 Principles of Operation induction motor

The electrical section of the three-phase induction motor consists of the fixed stator or frame, a
three-phase winding supplied from the three-phase mains and a turning rotor. There is no
electrical connection between the stator and the rotor. The currents in the rotor are induced via
the air gap from the stator side. Stator and rotor are made of highly magnetizable core sheet
providing low eddy current and hysteresis losses.

1.2.2 Stator
The stator winding consists of three individual windings which overlap one another and are
offset by an electrical angle of 120°. When it is connected to the power supply, the incoming
current will first magnetize the stator. This magnetizing current generates a rotary field which
turns with synchronous speed for the smallest pole in a 50 Hz circuit the highest synchronous

Figure 1 Stator diagram

1.2.3 Rotor
The rotor in induction machines with squirrel-cage rotors consists of a slotted cylindrical rotor
core sheet package with aluminum bars which are joined at the front by rings to form a closed
cage .The rotor of three-phase induction motors sometimes is also referred to as an anchor. The
reason for this name is the anchor shape of the rotors used in very early electrical devices. In
electrical equipment the anchor's winding would be induced by the magnetic field, whereas the
rotor takes this role in three-phase induction motors.

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

Figure 2 Squirrel-cage rotor type

1.3. Problem statement

The unbalanced voltage gives a bad influence for the power quality. If the unbalanced power is
applied to the electric apparatuses, it gives a difficult problem to them, especially the electric
motors. The large unbalanced current makes difficult problems in induction motor applications,
such as a heat problem, increases of losses, vibrations, and acoustic noises, shortening of the life,
a decrease of the rotating torque and it has been shown that voltage unbalance may cause the
motor line currents to be very unbalanced.

Induction motor operation with unbalanced voltage is undesirable and it increase temperature
rise of an induction motor and it was pointed out that due to this overheating armature ageing of
insulation takes place and the life of motor is reduced.

1.4. Objective of the study

To evaluate the effects of voltage unbalance on induction motor by using complex voltage
unbalance factor (CVUF) that consist magnitude as well as angle to fully describe the voltage
unbalance phenomenon.

To examine the rating of an induction machine when supplied by unbalanced voltages in

combinations with over- and under voltages.

To propose that inclusion of phase angle in addition to voltage unbalance factor (VUF) give
more accurate result.

To investigate the same voltage unbalance, rated motor may have higher efficiency than non-
rated motor

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

1.5. Scope of the project

The coverage of the study outlines is to analyzing and simulating the performance of three phase
induction motor under unbalance condition through electronic simulation using math lab

1.6. Significance of the study

The outcome of the study is perceived to decide the performance of induction motor under
different voltage condition. Furthermore, the study intends to provide valuable learning
experiences to the students of Electrical and Computer Engineering and other relevant courses in
Arbaminch University, Ethiopia, Africa.

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions


2.1 Relevant studies
In 1985 Cummings [2] study provided methods for protection of the motor and adjusting the
relays settings against unbalance. It was observed that most of the research was focused on
voltage unbalance caused by Under voltage unbalance. In fact, over-voltage unbalance often
occurs in off-peak periods in several countries. Further the impact of voltage unbalance on the
performance has been described qualitatively, not quantitatively or numerically.
In 2005 Faiz et al [5] proposed that inclusion of phase angle in addition to voltage unbalance
factor (VUF) give more accurate result. He introduced a method to determine the derating factor
precisely using the complex unbalance factor (CVUF), in order to evaluate this factor, the
machine is loaded such that the current do not exceed the rated value, derating factor is then
computed as the ratio of the machine output power under balanced supply conditions to that
under balanced condition.
In 2004 Faiz et al [6] analyzed the different definitions given by standards and suggested that the
available definitions of voltage unbalance are not comprehensive and complete, therefore the
results by these definitions are not reliable.
In 2006 Faiz et al [7] investigated that, for the same voltage unbalance, derated motor may have
higher efficiency than non-rated motor.
In Lee, C. Y. [10] is made a statistical study with the efficiency and power factor of induction
motor when are submitted a voltage unbalanced. These variables are related with positive and
negative sequence of voltage, and Voltage Unbalance Factor.
In 1963 Berndt et al [12] presented a method for derating of an induction motor operating with
unbalance supply.
In 2002 Pillay and Hafmann [13] had examined the derating of an induction machine when
supplied by unbalanced voltages in combinations with over- and undervoltages by using
electrical and thermal model. They concluded that the difference in definitions do not result in
significant difference when operated by unbalanced supplies in the 5% range.

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

In 1975 R. F. Woll [15] provided a simple and brief method in order to study the impact of
unbalanced voltages on the losses and its negative effects on the insulating material of induction
Kersting [18] has discussed the effect of 0-5% unbalance on the losses of induction motor. In
2000 Wang [8] studied the influence of voltage unbalance upon the study state performance of
an induction motor analytically. It has been shown that voltage unbalance may cause the motor
line currents to be very unbalanced.
In 2001 Wang [20] evaluated the effects of voltage unbalance on induction motor by using
complex voltage unbalance factor (CVUF) that consist magnitude as well as angle to fully
describe the voltage unbalance phenomenon.
Present paper describes the approach based upon symmetrical component theory to analyze the
operation of 3-phase induction motor, operating with unbalanced supply system. MATLAB
software is used for analyzing under such operations. A new proposal has been suggested for
rerating of induction motor.

2.2 Analysis of machine under unbalance conditions

In previous paper, performance of a three-phase induction motor under unbalanced voltage

imposed by power system grid is studied. The phase currents, the deliverable power to the motor,

stator current and efficiency of the motor are propose. In fact, influence of power system and its

unbalances on the motor itself are investigated. In order to analyze the performance of a three

phase induction motor, symmetrical components analysis is normally used. In this method,

positive and negative sequence equivalent circuits are utilized to calculate different parameters of

the machine under unbalanced voltage operation. A Y-connected, 20HP (15Kw), 380V three-

phase squirrel-cage induction motor has been used for performance analysis of a motor under

unbalanced voltage operation.

2.3 Voltage Unbalance

Voltage unbalance is the non-equality of voltage magnitudes and /or voltage angles among
the three-phases at any given point of time, mainly due to the unequal distribution of single-

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

phase loads, asymmetry of line and transformer winding impedances, time varying operation of
single-phase loads, traction loads, blown out fuses on three-phase capacitor banks, adjustable
speed drives operations etc.
The most important reason for voltage unbalance is a mismatch of reactive power demand
between the industrial utilities and the generating stations. Due to varying operating times of
single-phase and three-phase loads, there exists definite possibility of voltage variations above
and below the rated value, in both balanced and unbalanced form. Thus, voltage variation and
unbalance can be classified into overvoltage unbalance (OVU), and under voltage unbalance
(UVU). OVU is the condition wherein the three phase voltages are not equal to each other, in
addition the positive sequence component of the voltage is greater than the rated voltage value
while UVU is the condition wherein the three phase voltages are not equal to each other, in
addition the positive sequence component of the voltage is lesser than the rated voltage value.
There is a very less possibility that all three-phase voltages remain constant at all times, hence
the analysis carried out in this paper is limited to OVU and UVU cases for phase voltage
unbalance, phase angle unbalance and both phase voltage and angle unbalance.

2.4 Causes of Unbalanced Voltages

Some of the more common causes of unbalanced voltages are:
1. Unbalanced incoming utility supply
2. Unequal transformer tap settings
3. Large single phase distribution transformer on the system
4. Open phase on the primary of a 3 phase transformer on the distribution system
5. Faults or grounds in the power transformer
6. Open delta connected transformer banks
7. A blown fuse on a 3 phase bank of power factor improvement capacitors
8. Unequal impedance in conductors of power supply wiring
9. Unbalanced distribution of single phase loads such as lighting
10. Heavy reactive single phase loads such as welders

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

2.5 Types of voltage unbalance

There are many unbalanced voltages possible with the same voltage unbalance factor (VUF)

2.5.1. Single phase Under-voltage unbalance:

This type of situation arises when there a large single phase load in the system and it doesn't
have enough compensation. In this situation the voltage in that particular phase will be lower
than the other two phases.

2.5.2. Two phases Under-voltage unbalance:

This type of situation arises when two of the three phases have heavy load and don't have enough
compensation. In this situation those two phases will have higher voltage drop than the third

2.5.3. Three phases Under-voltage unbalance:

This type of situation arises when the loads of three phases are all too heavy and not balanced
In this situation the three phases under-voltage unbalance will

2.5.4. Single phase Over-voltage unbalance:

Capacitors are normally used to compensate system reactive power. In order to maintain a
system voltage at rated value, if one of the three phase voltages has been over-compensated, the
voltage of this phase will he higher than the rated value, the single phase over-voltage unbalance

2.5.5. Two phases over-voltage unbalance:

If two of the three phases have been over compensated, then the voltages of these two phases
will be higher than the rated value. This situation arises in a two phases over- voltage unbalance

2.5.6. Three phases over-voltage unbalance:

If the three-phase voltages are over-compensated to different degrees, then all these three phases
voltages will be higher than the rated value and not equal. This type of situation usually occurs at
the lime when a factory is shut own but capacitors are still connected to the system.

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

2.6 Single Phasing

Single-phasing is a term attributed to a condition where one phase of a three-phase system is opened
either on the source side or load side. The loss of a phase could be caused by, among other things, a
blown fuse, damaged switchgear, bad contact, open cable, bad cable terminal lug, etc. With respect to
the transformer that feeds the load, two types of single phasing can be distinguished –primary and
secondary single-phasing, with the latter presenting a more severe condition in terms of the high
currents that flow through the motor load. In general, the loss of a phase in a three phase system is an
extreme form of voltage unbalance.

2.7. Derating
It has been suggested that when motors are operating under unbalanced conditions, they must be
derated in order to mitigate the undesirable effects. Several other approaches for derating have
been suggested, including derating based on current, loss, heating. The two main practically
useful approaches for derating are current approach and horsepower approach. In the current
approach, a limit is placed on the full load current, while in the horsepower approach, a
limit is placed on the horse power During the voltage unbalance tests, current based
derating was investigated. The motor load was reduced to ensure that the unbalance did not
result in current in any phase that exceeded the rated full load amperes (FLA). The ratio of the
resulting shaft horsepower to the nominal is considered as the derating factor. motor derating
with a limit on motor amperage and the NEMA derating curve side by side the derating with
a limit on motor amperage results in a lower curve than the NEMA curve and is linear from
zero to five percentage unbalance. With the motor amps limited to the nominal current, the motor
efficiency is slightly higher than it would have been without a limit imposed on the motor
amps. The slight increase in efficiency may be explained by the absence of the additional
overheating produced in the phases with excessive currents created by the unbalance.

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions


In this thesis we are going to show the performance analyzing of induction motor under
unbalanced condition by analytical calculation and mat lab program.
The methods that we have followed during the work progress of the study are:

When conducting or doing our thesis we have searching information on google that related to our
thesis title. If information is gained once the group members making discussion together on what
we have got from the internet. Then after discussion taking necessary points which are important
for our thesis. And also go to library as well as to our advisors who help us in a great deal about
the paper we have studying.

3.1 Theoretical framework or conceptual framework

The framework of the study covers the integration of the following analytical and mat lab
simulation that comprises the performance of an induction motor. This study utilizes the input,
process, and output (IPO) as reflected in Figure 3 which comprises the performance of an
induction motor. The IPO is implemented through analytical calculation and simulation using
acceptable software most preferably Mat lab software.

• phase voltages
• positive and
• phase angles negative sequence
voltages, VUF,
stator currents,
• mat lab Software power loss, torque,
simulation power factor,
• analytical efficiency and
Input calculation rerating in Hp
• Learning Outcome

Figure 3 Theoretical framework of performance analysis using mat lab.

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

The two general definitions for voltage unbalance as describe are;

The voltage unbalance percentage (VUP) at the terminal of a machine as given by the
National Electrical Manufacturer Association Motor and Generator Standard (NEMA MGI) used
in most studies is:

%VUP *100% …… (a)


The voltage unbalance factor (VUF) is defined by International Electro technical Commission
(IEC) as the ratio of negative-sequence voltage component to the positive-sequence voltage

%VUF ......(b)

In this thesis inorder to analyze the performance of induction motor we have used that the IEC or
SYMMETRICAL COMPONENT DEFINATION which is known as the exact definition of
voltage unbalance.

3.2 Analysis of Induction motor under unbalanced conditions

In this paper, performance of a three-phase induction motor under unbalanced voltage
imposed by power system grid is studied. The phase currents, the deliverable power to the motor,
stator current, torque, positive and negative sequence voltage components, the power losses, and
efficiency of the motor are proposed. In fact, influence of power system and its unbalances on
the motor itself are investigated. In order to analyze the performance of a three phase induction
motor, symmetrical components analysis is normally used. In this method, positive and negative
sequence equivalent circuits, as shown in Fig. 4 (a) and (b) are utilized to calculate different
parameters of the machine under unbalanced voltage operation. A Y connected, 10HP (7.5kW),
400/230V three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor has been used for performance analysis of a
motor under unbalanced voltage operation.

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

3.2.1 Steady State Analysis

The ill effects of the unbalance voltage on the IM stem from the fact that the unbalance
voltage breaks down in positive and negative sequence components of voltage. The negative
sequence component of voltage produces an air gap flux rotating against the rotation of rotor and
thus generated unwanted negative torque. This result in torque pulsation, speed reduction,
increases in machine loss, derating of the machine etc. Additionally due to small value of
negative sequence impedance, negative sequence voltage generates large negative sequence
current and consequently increases of motor losses and reduction in motor life.
Steady state analysis of an induction motor operating with unbalanced voltage supply is
possible using symmetrical component approach. This requires the development of positive- and
negative-sequence equivalent circuit representation as shown in Fig .3(a) and (b).

Figure 4 (a) and (b) positive and negative sequence equivalent circuit of an induction motor

Where, per phase values are defined as;

Vp - positive-sequence voltage, Vn - negative-sequence voltage,
Rs - Stator resistance, Xs - stator reactance,
Rr - rotor resistance referred to stator, Xr - rotor reactance referred to stator,
Xm - magnetizing reactance, Zp - positive-sequence impedance of
Zn - negative-sequence impedance of motor, Ips - stator positive-sequence current,

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

Ipr - rotor positive-sequence current, Ins - stator negative-sequence current,

Inr - rotor negative-sequence current, S - operating slip of the motor
Ipm - positive-sequence magnetizing current Inm - negative-sequence magnetizing current
Let Va , Vb and Vc be the phase voltages of a motor. The corresponding zero-, positive and
negative-sequence components (Vo, Vp and Vn ) of the voltages are given by can be calculated
with the application of the Fortescue transformation in the complex plane, as follow:

* += ⁄ [ ][ ]

j (2π / 3)
Where a =1∠120o or a = e is the Fortescue operator

Analysis of equivalent circuit gives:

Zi=Rs+jXs+ ( ( ) ……………………….……..(1)

For positive-sequence impedance i =p, (s p =s )

For negative-sequence impedance i = n, ( s n = 2 − s).
The Positive– and Negative-sequence stator and rotor are;

Ips= …………………………………………..…… (2)

Ipr= Ips* …………….…….…………………(3)

Ins = ………………………..….……………………(4)

Inr== Ins* ………..…………………………(5)

Assuming that the machine in delta or ungrounded wye connected;

Ias=Ips+Ins ……….…………………………….. (6)

Ibs=a2 Ips+a Ins ……………………………… (7)

Ics=a Ips+ a2 Ins ………………………………(8)

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

The motor input power and power factor can be expressed in terms of symmetrical components

of the voltage and currents as

Input active power (Pin) =Re[3(Vp*Ips*+Vn*Ins*)] ………………..(9)

Input reactive power (Qin) =Im[3(Vp*Ips*+Vn*Ins*)] ……………..(10)

Input power factor (pf) =cos[tan-1( )]…………….………………(11)

*indicates the conjugate value.

In case core loss and mechanical losses are negligible, output power due to positive- and
negative-sequence component may be defined as;

Pp=3(Ipr )( )Rr………………………..(12)

Pn=3(Inr )( )Rr …………….………..(13)

Whereas net output is;

Pout=Pp+Pn……………………………… (14)

Where Pn is negative at normal slip because rotor rotates in opposite direction of the magnetic
field produced by negative-sequence component. Torques produced by positive- and negative-
sequence component is;

Tp= = = ………………(15)

Tn= = = ……………….(16)

Where ωm is angular speed of the rotor and ωs synchronous speed. Therefore motor net output
torque is given as;

T=Tp+Tn= ( ) ………………(17)

Efficiency of the motor is defined as;

Efficiency = *100% ………………… (18)

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

3.3 Rerating Of Motor

In order to maintain the temperature/heating of the motor under unbalanced operation, William
[2] developed the following expression for rerating;

Rerating=√ …………………..(19)

Where ‟Ir is rated current of the motor.

However it has been felt that the motor losses which are primarily responsible for overheating

must be maintained corresponding to full load operation under with balanced supply system.

Further using equations (1) to (19), for a known value of Vp and Vn (i.e. for given voltage
unbalance), total losses of the machine and torque developed may be represented as a function of
operating slip as;

Losses=function (slip) ……………………(20)

Torque=function (slip) ……………………(21)

Equation (20) gives the value of operating slip to maintain the full load losses and this may be
used in (21) to estimate the rerated torque. This approach as proposed may be helpful to control
the heating of motor.

3.4 sample calculation for voltage and phase unbalance

Case 1

The Under unbalance voltages magnitude (UV) are

Va=228<00 V, Vb=229<2400V, Vc=230<1200V

* += ⁄ [ ][ ]=* + = ⁄ [ ][ ]

Vp = ⁄ [Va<00+1<1200*Vb<2400+1<2400*Vc<1200]
= ⁄ [228<00+229<3600+230<3600] = ⁄ [228+229+230] = 229V

Vn = ⁄ [Va<00+1<2400*Vb<2400+1<1200*Vc<1200]

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

= ⁄ [228<00+229<4800+230<2400] = -0.5-j0.289

Vn = 0.5775<-149.970V

Zp=Rs +jXs+ ( ( ) =17.55<29.520ohm

Zn=Rs + jXs+( ( ) =1.87<82.30ohm

VUF = *100 =0.25%

Ips = = = 13.0484<-29.520A or (11.3545-j6.4293)A

Ins = = = 0.3409<-223.97 0A or -0.2453+j0.2367 A

Ias = Ins+Ips =11.3545-j6.4293-0.2453+j0.2367

=11.1092-j6.1926 = 12.7186<-29.140 A

Ibs = a2Ips+ a Ins=1<240*13.0484<-29.25 +1<120*0.3409<-223.97

= -11.3275-j6.9494 =13.2893<-148.470A

Ics =aIps+a2Ins

=13.0484 <90.480+0.3409<-103.97 = 13.1420<89.370A = 0.1454+j13.1412 A

Pin = Re[3(Vp*Ips*+Vn*Ins*)]



Pin =7800.63W
* *
Qin = Im[3(Vp*Ips +Vn*Ins )]

= Im[3(229<00*13.0484<-29.520*+0.6374<-141.670*0.3409<-223.970*)]

= I m[7800.63+j4417.58]

= 4417.58VAR

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

Pf = cos [tan ( )] = 0.8701

Ipr = Ips* = 11.5475<-4.60A

Inr = Ins* =0.297<-223.420A

Pp = 3(Ipr2)( )Rr= 7125.7324<-9.20W

Pn = 3(Inr2)( )Rr = 0.0960<93.160W

Pout = Pp + Pn = 7252.6932W

P loss = Pin-Pout =674.9182W

Tp = = 48.1210Nm

Tn = = 0.001Nm

T = Tp+Tn= 48.1210+0.001=48.12Nm

Efficiency (η) = *100%

η= *100 = 91.3479%

Rerating= √
=√ = 0.1000Hp

Case 2

Sample example for over voltage unbalance

Va=232<00 , Vb=231<2400, Vc=230<1200

* += ⁄ [ ][ ]=* += ⁄ [ ][ ]

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

Vp= ⁄ [Va<00+1<1200*Vb<2400+1<2400*Vc<1200]

= ⁄ [232<00+231<3600+230<3600] = ⁄ [232+231+230] = 231V

Vn= ⁄ [Va<00+1<2400*Vb<2400+1<1200*Vc<1200]

= ⁄ [232<00+231<4800+230<2400] =-0.5+j0.2 =0.58<300

Zp=Rs+jXs+( ( ) =17.55<29.520ohm

Zn=Rs + jXs+( ( ) =1.87<82.30ohm

VUF = *100 = *100% = 0.25%

Ips = = = 13.16<-29.520A or 11.45-j6.48

Ins= = = 0.3102<-52 .19 0 or -0.2453+0.2367

Ias = Ins+Ips = 13.3258<-29.12A

Ibs = a2Ips+ aIns

=1<240*13.0484<-29.25 +1<120*0.3409<-223.97

= -11.3275-j6.9494 =12.9147<-150.350A

Ics =aIps+a2Ins

=13.0484 <90.480+0.3409<-103.970

=0.1454+j13.1412 =13.1239<91.820A




Pin =7936.0437W

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions



= Im[7938.04+j4494.1491]

Qin= 4494.1491VAR

Pf=cos[tan-1( )]=0.8702

Ipr=Ips* =11.0397<65.080A

Inr=Ips* =13.1622<-27.950A

Pp=3(Ipr )( )Rr =7252.7932W

Pn=3(Inr )( )Rr = -0.1W

Pout=Pp +Pn =7252.6932W

P loss= Pin-Pout =683.3505W

Tp= =48.1210Nm

Tn= 0.001Nm

T=Tp+Tn =48.12Nm

Efficiency = *100%= *100% = 91.1370%

Rerating =√

=√ = 0.1000HP

Case- 3

Sample example on phase angle unbalanced condition;

Va=230<40V ,Vb=230<2460V , Vc=230<1250V

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

* + = ⁄ [ ][ ] = ⁄ [ ][ ]

Vp= ⁄ [Va<40+1<1200*Vb<2460+1<2400*Vc<1250]

= ⁄ [230<40+230<3660+230<3650]

= ⁄ [364.3154-j166.0282] = 229.9766<50V

Vn= ⁄ [Va<40+1<2460*Vb<2400+1<1200*Vc<1250]

Vn= ⁄ [230<40+230<4860+230<2450]

=0.9836+2.1107 =2.3286<650V

Zp=Rs+jXs+( ( ) = 17.55<29.520Ohm

Zn=Rs + jXs+( ( ) = 1.87<82.30Ohm

VUF= *100= 0.01%

CVUF = *100 = *100 = 0.01<-600%

Ips = = = 13.1041<-24.520A

Ins = = = 1.2452<-18 .2 0A

Ias = Ins+Ips = 13.752-j5.44+1.1829-j0.39 =14.9367<-22.970A

Ibs = a2Ips+ aIns

=1<240*13.1041<-24.520+1<120*1.2452<-18 .2 0

= -10.6709-j6.38 = 12.6554<-149.690A

Ics =aIps+a2Ins

=1<120*13.1041<-24.520 +1<240* 1.2452<-18 .2 0

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

=13.1041 <95.480+1.2452<221.8 =12.4069<1000A

Pin=Re[3(Vp*Ips*+Vn*Ins*)] = Re[6729.0717+j3883.5966] = 6729.0717 w

Qin=Im[3(Vp*Ips*+Vn*Ins*)] = Im[6729.07+j3883.5966] = 3883.5966

Pf=cos[tan-1( )] =0.8661

Ipr=Ips* =10.72<0.80A

Inr=Ips* =11.8187<-20.580 A
Pp=3(Ipr )( )Rr = 6141.06W

Pn=3(Inr )( )Rr = -152.334W

Pout=Pp+Pn =55988.726W

P loss= Pin-P out =740.9557W

Tp= =40.7448Nm

Tn= = -1.011Nm

T=Tp + Tn =39.7341Nm

Efficiency = *100% = 88.99%

Rerating =√

Case 4

Example for both voltage magnitude and phase angle unbalanced condition
Va=306<60V ,Vb=290<2450V ,Vc=270<1200V

* += ⁄ [ ][ ]

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

* += ⁄ [ ][ ]

Vp= ⁄ [Va<60+1<1200*Vb<2450+1<2400*Vc<1200]

= ⁄ [306<100+290<3650+270<3600]

= ⁄ [287.74+j17.0870]


Vn= ⁄ [Va<60+1<2400*Vb<2450+1<1200*Vc<1200]

Vn= ⁄ [306<100+290<4850+270<2400]

= 0.9955+j11.9057


Zp=Rs+jXs+ ( ( )


Zn=Rs + jXs+( ( )


VUF = *100%=4.1430%

CVUF = *100
CVUF = 4.1430<81.4150

Ips = = = 16.4315<-25.720A

Ins = = = 6.3889<-2.920A

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

Ias = Ins+Ips = 21.1842-j6.8053


Ibs = a2Ips+ aIns

= -17.0449-j3.8987

= 17.4851<-167.120A

Ics =aIps+a2Ins





Pin = 12400.4943 W


= Im[12400+j7231.1289]

Qin= 7231.1289VAR

Pf=cos[tan-1( )] =0.8631




Pp=3(Ipr )( )Rr


Pn=3(Inr )( )Rr

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions




P loss= Pin-Pout




= 0.2814Nm



Efficiency = *100%

= *100%

= 91.5324%

Rerating =√ =0.5863

Case 5

For both voltage magnitude and phase angle unbalanced condition

Va=200<100V, Vb=212<2370V, Vc=229<1290V

* += ⁄ [ ][ ]

* += ⁄ [ ][ ]

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

Vp= ⁄ [Va<100+1<1200*Vb<2370+1<2400*Vc<1290]

= ⁄ [200<100+212<3570+229<3690]

= ⁄ [211.6172+j19.8193]


Vn= ⁄ [Va<100+1<2400*Vb<2370+1<1200*Vc<1290]

Vn= ⁄ [200<100+212<4770+229<2490]

= 6.2164 + j3.2778


Zp=Rs+jXs+( ( )


Zn=Rs + jXs+( ( )


VUF = *100=3.31%

VUF = *100

CVUF = 3.31<-22.40

Ips = = = 12.1107<-24.120A

Ins = = = 3.7581<-55.40A

Ias = Ins+Ips = 13.1873-j8.0424


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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

Ibs = a2Ips+ aIns


= -7.3414-j1.8965 = 7.5834<-165.520A

Ics =aIps+a2Ins

=1<120*12.1107<-24.120 +1<240* 3.7582<-55.4 0

=-6.9803+j11.5852 =13.5256<121.070A


=Re[3(229.9766<5*013.1041<-24.520 *+2.3286<650*1.2452<-18 .2 *)]


Pin = 7868.28 W

Qin=Im[3(Vp*Ips*+Vn*Ins*)] = Im[7868.28+j4463.3316]

Qin= 4463.3316VAR

Pf=cos[tan-1( )] =0.8698

Ipr=Ips* =11.5998<0.40A

Inr=Ips* =12.7898<-23.97680A

Pp=3(Ipr )( )Rr =7190.42W

Pn=3(Inr )( )Rr = -13.9483W

Pout=Pp+Pn =7176.4717W

P loss= Pin-Pout =691.8083W

Tp= =47.707Nm

Tn= = -0.0925Nm

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

T=Tp +Tn = 47.6145Nm

Efficiency= *100% = *100%

= 91.2076%

Rerating =√ =0.096

3.5. Mat lab code for performance analysis of induction motor under unbalanced
The above method that we have used to analyze the performance of induction motor under
unbalanced conditions is so boring and it takes so many times in order to achieve or perform
much possibilities. But in this thesis we have used mat lab code for implementing of
performance analysis of induction motor in a short time for taking of much possibility.

The below mat lab code uses for implementing the performance of induction motor under
unbalanced conditions.

%programme for evaluating performance of Induction motor under unbalance

%Induction Motor parameters are as follow:
%Three phase, 4 pole, 10 HP, 400/230 volt,pf=0.87
%50 Hz, Y- connected, 1440 rpm, Rs=0.7384ohm,Rr=0.7422 ohm,
%Xs=Xr=0.9566 ohm, Xm=38.9872 ohm,Moment of Inertia=0.0343 kg-m2,
%Friction factor =0.000503
d2r = @(x) (x*pi/180);
r2d = @(x) (x*180/pi);
Ma=input('Give input Magnitude of voltage Va= ');
Aa=input('Give input phase angle of voltage Va= ');
Mb=input('Give input Magnitude of voltage Vb= ');
Ab=input('Give input phase angle of voltage Vb= ');
Mc=input('Give input Magnitude of voltage Vc= ');
Ac=input('Give input phase angle of voltage Vc= ');
a=-0.5+0.86603i; % operator a as 1<120
Vp=1/3.*(Va+a*Vb+a^2*Vc); % calculation of phase sequences
Vp_mag=abs(Vp)% positive sequence voltage
Vn_mag=abs(Vn) % negative sequence voltage

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

V0=1/3.*(Va+Vb+Vc); %zero sequence voltage

VUF=(abs(Vn)./abs(Vp))*100 % calculation of voltage unbalancing factor
Rs=0.7384; % input to stators
s=0.04; %motor rated speed is 1440 rpm so slip is 4%
Ips=Vp./Zp; % calculation of stator positive sequence scurrent
Ins=Vn./Zn; % calculation of stator negative seque
Ias=Ips+Ins; %calculation of stator currents for different phases
Pin=real(3*(Vp*conj(Ips))+Vn*conj(Ins)); % calculation of input power
pf=cos(atan(Qin./Pin)) % calculation of power factor
Pp=3*Rr*((1-s)/s)*Ipr_abs^2; % calculation of positive sequence power
Pn=3*Rr*((s-1)/(2-s))*Inr_abs^2; % calculation of negative sequence power
Pout=Pp+Pn; % calculation of output power
P_loss=Pin-Pout % calculation of power loss
T=Tp+Tn % calculation of torque
efficiency=(abs(Pout)./abs(Pin))*100%calculation of efficiency
Rerating_inHP=abs(sqrt(1-(Ins_mag./Ir)^2)./10) % calculation of rerating in per unit

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions


4. Results and Discussion


Table 1 Unbalance in the voltage magnitude for OVU condition

Va Vb Vc VUF Vp Vn Ias(A) Ibs(A) Ics(A) PF P-loss Torque efficiency Rerating
230<0 230<240 230<120 0 227.3342 0.0061 13.1657 13.1651 13.1651 0.8702 646.7154 48.1552 91.8486 0.1
228<0 229<240 230<120 0.25 229.009 0.5774 12.7731 13.0516 13.0509 0.8701 641.2633 47.736 91.8165 0.1
225<0 227<240 230<120 0.64 227.3342 1.4529 12.1035 13.9821 13.0215 0.8701 47.03 47.036 91.8053 0.0996
224<0 226<240 230<120 0.77 226.6676 1.7637 11.8207 14.1076 13.0919 0.8701 629.5918 46.7575 91.7989 0.0992
214<0 216<240 220<120 0.81 216.6675 1.7637 11.2491 13.536 12.5266 0.8709 575.3933 42.7218 91.7971 0.0992
221<0 226<240 218<120 1.05 221.6675 2.3339 14.2322 12.7997 11.2144 0.8699 603.3028 44.7078 91.7825 0.0974
220<0 227<240 229<120 1.2 225.3342 2.7286 11.887 14.9374 12.1324 0.8699 624.2947 46.1921 91.7708 0.0951
218<0 220<240 228<120 1.34 222.09 3.0549 10.5779 14.5206 13.3191 0.8698 606.9667 44.8275 91.7569 0.0921
210<0 218<240 224<120 1.86 217.3342 4.0552 10.4376 15.3721 12.1119 0.8695 585.2998 42.9337 91.7052 0.0728
210<0 220<240 224<120 1.91 218 4.1635 10.8617 15.5936 11.6223 0.8694 589.2728 43.1944 91.699 0.0998
186<0 194<240 200<120 2.09 193.3341 4.0554 9.0954 14.0007 10.7849 0.8693 464.8077 33.9617 91.6754 0.0728
186<0 192<240 201<120 2.25 193.0008 4.3589 8.4559 14.0111 11.4139 0.8691 464.4537 33.8346 91.6525 0.0611
188<0 200<240 204<120 2.43 197.3341 4.8076 9.6673 14.8826 10.3288 0.869 487.0966 35.3584 91.6253 0.0269
200<0 210<240 219<120 2.62 209.6675 5.4874 9.255 15.9285 11.9737 0.8688 551.8062 39.9008 91.5956 0.0758
206<0 215<240 227<120 2.82 216.0009 6.0827 8.9459 16.5721 12.8902 0.8686 588.0546 42.3283 91.5604 0.1174S
180<0 190<240 200<120 3.03 190.008 5.7735 7.9622 14.9814 11.093 0.8683 457.2532 32.7333 91.5179 0.0965
182<0 185<240 202<120 3.28 189.6674 6.227 6.523 14.5954 12.776 0.868 458.3061 32.5971 91.4676 0.1269
190<0 202<240 214<120 3.42 202.08 6.9282 6.1694 6.4985 11.9521 0.8671 521.7671 36.9587 91.4355 0.1732
180<0 195<240 204<120 3.63 193.0008 7.0001 8.3745 16.1926 10.7795 0.8675 478.7845 33.7587 91.3901 0.178
160<0 178<240 182<120 3.9 193.3341 6.7661 8.4765 14.9061 8.7098 0.8671 389.1684 27.1728 91.3222 0.1625
155<0 170<240 178<120 4.02 167.6674 6.7413 7.304 14.5773 9.3213 0.8669 365.3854 25.4151 91.2919 0.1608
160<0 175<240 185<120 4.19 173.3341 7.2644 7.1995 15.2447 9.9959 0.8688 392.5114 27.1458 91.2462 0.1959
173<0 182<240 201<120 4.45 185.3341 8.2529 5.811 16.1591 12.1661 0.8612 452.4521 31.0045 91.1721 0.2656
170<0 189<240 199<120 4.57 186.008 8.505 8.0211 16.9359 10.5122 0.866 457.4967 31.2135 91.1372 0.2844
165<0 180<240 195<120 4.81 180 8.6603 6.6065 16.5076 11.3327 0.8655 431.9252 29.2042 91.0641 0.2961
189<0 209<240 226<120 5.14 208.008 10.6927 7.8983 19.6535 12.9944 0.8648 583.5269 38.9418 90.9571 0.4658
179<0 199<240 216<120 5.41 198.008 10.6927 7.4818 19.0862 12.5431 0.8643 533.8923 35.246 90.8677 0.4658
164<0 178<240 199<120 5.64 180.3341 10.1707 5.5771 17.413 12.6199 0.8638 446.9781 29.2037 90.7812 0.4193
170<0 187<240 208<120 5.84 188.3341 10.9899 6.2167 18.5663 12.9753 0.8633 491.3143 31.8215 90.7079 0.4933
176<0 189<240 215<120 5.99 193.3342 11.4649 5.2731 18.8825 14.2846 0.8651 519.7386 33.5175 90.6715 0.5385
169<0 190<240 209<120 6.01 189.3341 11.5519 6.9989 19.1977 12.6166 0.8627 501.9822 32.1164 90.6041 0.547
179<0 187<240 219<120 6.27 195.008 12.2201 3.956 19.0614 15.6796 0.8622 536.1952 34.0376 90.5372 0.6142
168<0 190<240 210<120 6.41 189.334 12.129 7.0222 19.6198 12.8628 0.8619 508.5104 32.0636 90.4794 0.6048
169<0 196<240 214<120 6.78 193.0008 13.0768 8.0734 20.6616 12.7108 0.8609 537.0603 33.2475 90.32 0.7055
170<0 175<240 210<120 6.8 185.0008 12.5829 2.8722 18.4978 15.8807 0.8601 494.038 30.5436 90.3084 0.6524
150<0 160<240 190<120 7.21 166.667 12.0184 3.6402 17.5494 13.952 0.8597 408.5856 24.7283 90.1204 0.1959
155<0 170<240 200<120 7.56 175.0008 13.2287 4.7549 19.13 14.3766 0.8586 457.9893 27.2021 89.9517 0.7224
167<0 178<240 214<120 7.62 186.3341 14.193 3.9593 20.0965 16.1374 0.8584 520.684 30.8578 89.923 0.8335
175<0 194<240 228<120 7.79 199.0009 15.5027 5.8052 22.1722 16.3713 0.8579 598.9307 35.1207 89.8354 0.9965
165<0 180<240 215<120 7.94 186.6675 14.8136 4.8219 20.7956 15.9918 0.8574 530.8024 30.8715 89.7603 0.909
165<0 200<240 218<120 8.01 194.3542 15.56 9.4549 22.6675 13.2314 0.8572 577.3421 33.4489 89.7231 1.004
164<0 197<240 218<120 8.14 193.008 15.7163 8.9045 22.6386 13.7703 0.8567 573.3633 32.9589 89.6508 1.0242
172<0 218<240 224<120 8.37 206.008 17.2436 12.177 24.6292 12.5978 0.8566 660.8203 37.4812 89.5274 1.235
166<0 189<240 222<120 8.45 192.3342 16.2515 6.6021 22.5186 16.0306 0.8557 578.3947 32.654 89.4837 1.096
165<0 198<240 224<120 8.72 195.6675 17.0718 8.8005 23.7 15.0728 0.8547 607.2635 33.7257 89.3283 1.2104
160<0 188<240 219<120 9.02 189.008 17.0392 7.6692 23.0671 15.715 0.8537 575.3811 31.3956 89.1587 1.2057
158<0 186<240 218<120 9.25 187.8342 17.3334 7.6865 23.1987 15.9004 0.8528 572.5428 30.7855 89.016 1.248
156<0 184<240 217<120 9.47 185.6675 17.6289 7.7192 23.3017 16.087 0.8518 569.8787 30.1797 88.8604 1.2912
154<0 182<240 216<120 9.74 184.0008 17.9258 7.767 23.406 16.274 0.8509 567.6885 29.5781 88.7096 1.3353
150<0 179<240 212<120 9.93 180.3341 17.9103 7.9651 23.2362 15.9877 0.8501 550.7917 28.3642 88.5866 1.333

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

1-under voltage unbalance Vs current

under voltage unbalance vs currents curve



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
voltage unbalacing factor


2-unbalancing factor vs positive and negative sequence

unbalcing facotr vs positive and negative sequence voltage


sequence voltages




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
voltage unbalacing factor


Figure 5(a) and (b) shows the under voltage unbalance Vs current and -unbalancing factor vs
positive and negative sequence

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Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

3-unbalancing factor vs efficiency and Torque

unbalcing facotr vs efficiency and Torque
90 Torque

efficiency & Torque






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
voltage unbalacing factor


4-voltage unbalancing factor vs pf and De rating

unbalcing facotr vs pf and Derating


pf & Derating





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
voltage unbalacing factor


Figure 6(a) and (b) shows the unbalancing factor vs efficiency and Torque voltage unbalancing
factor vs pf

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

negative sequence voltage vs efficiency Torque & pf

90 Torque

efficiency, Torque & pf







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Negative sequence voltae (Vn)

Figure 7 De-rating negative sequence voltage vs efficiency Torque and pf

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions


4.1.2 Unbalance in the voltage magnitude for OVU condition

Unbalance in the voltage magnitude is the condition wherein the three phase voltages are not
equal to each other; in addition the positive sequence component of the voltage is less than the
rated voltage value. And here is the phase angles are kept balanced.

Table 2 Unbalance in the voltage magnitude for OVU condition

Va Vb Vc VUF Vp Vn Ias(A) Ibs(A) Ics(A) PF P-loss Torque efficiency Rerating

230<0 230<240 230<120 0 227.3342 0.0061 13.1657 13.1651 13.1651 0.8702 646.7154 48.1552 91.8486 0.1
232<0 232<240 231<120 0.14 231.6676 0.3336 13.508 13.1072 13.1711 0.8702 656.1753 48.8552 91.8179 0.1
232<0 231<240 230<120 0.25 231.0009 0.5774 13.5639 12.8218 13.2931 0.8701 652.5105 48.5735 91.8165 0.1
264<0 265<240 258<120 0.83 262.3341 2.1863 16.6527 14.2453 14.2921 0.8704 843.6094 62.6277 91.796 0.098
246<0 239<240 236<120 0.97 241.3343 2.33 14.5456 12.0897 14.9638 0.87 714.8198 52.9968 91.7881 0.0974
266<0 263<240 256<120 1.13 261.6677 2.9629 17.0071 13.2105 14.9678 0.8699 841.2489 62.2942 91.7768 0.0931
270<0 265<240 258<120 1.32 264.3344 3.4802 17.3739 12.8641 15.487 0.8698 859.9889 63.5582 91.7621 0.0863
280<0 275<240 265<120 1.61 273.3344 4.4097 18.6343 12.9799 15.8546 0.8696 922.6501 67.9348 91.7378 0.0586
265<0 250<240 255<120 1.72 256.6677 4.4091 15.1921 11.866 17.5682 0.8696 814.6577 59.8939 91.7225 0.05586
272<0 260<240 256<120 1.83 262.6677 4.8072 17.3696 11.4537 16.854 0.8695 854.5042 62.7161 91.7095 0.027
253<0 244<240 236<120 2.01 244.3343 4.9203 16.9521 10.594 15.0915 0.8693 741.349 54.251 91.6871 0.0097
250<0 240<240 232<120 2.16 240.667 5.2068 16.8693 10.1361 15.0867 0.8692 720.0414 52.0206 91.6662 0.0526
250<0 240<240 230<120 2.41 240.009 5.7731 17.3306 9.845 14.9986 0.869 720.0962 52.3048 91.6302 0.0964
256<0 243<240 234<120 2.61 244.3343 6.3857 17.7157 9.4665 15.8719 0.8688 749.3098 54.1866 91.5962 0.1374
255<0 239<240 232<120 2.81 242.009 6.8067 17.5002 8.8507 16.4003 0.8686 738.09 53.1322 91.561 0.1652
255<0 240<240 230<120 3.01 241.6676 7.2648 18.0879 8.6916 16.1275 0.8683 739.1978 52.9605 91.5243 0.1959
260<0 238<240 234<120 3.31 244.009 8.0827 17.7613 7.9163 17.8024 0.8868 759.0477 55.9436 91.4612 0.2532
259<0 244<240 230<120 3.43 244.3343 8.3732 19.2332 8.3976 16.256 0.8678 763.3267 54.0733 91.4361 0.2745
260<0 238<240 230<120 3.69 242.6676 8.9689 18.6754 7.2575 17.6817 0.8684 758.333 53.2945 91.3736 0.3199
265<0 243<240 233<120 3.83 247.009 9.4515 19.4072 7.2464 17.9091 0.8672 786.5201 55.1917 91.3416 0.3586
260<0 232<240 230<120 4.02 240.6676 9.6836 18.0688 6.5868 18.8978 0.8669 752.8833 52.3631 91.2912 0.3778
264<0 240<240 230<120 4.12 244.1676 10.0884 19.5903 6.6155 18.2205 0.8667 780.4391 54 91.2647 0.4122
290<0 264<240 250<120 4.37 268.001 11.7188 22.1642 6.9782 19.9231 0.8663 943.6639 65 91.1916 0.5635
272<0 252<240 233<120 4.46 252.3343 11.2596 21.6326 7.1991 17.8669 0.8662 838.9644 57.4713 91.1698 0.5188
340<0 302<240 290<120 4.85 310.6678 15.07 25.9312 6.6084 24.7874 0.8654 1288.4 86.9797 91.0516 0.9411
288<0 268<240 241<120 5.13 265.6677 13.6179 24.3613 7.5828 18.8301 0.8649 951.4242 63.535 90.962 0.766
348<0 324<240 290<120 5.25 320.6679 16.826 29.7354 9.1787 22.761 0.8646 1392.3 92.5104 90.9209 1.1755
290<0 251<240 242<120 5.64 261.001 14.7307 22.754 3.9301 22.3883 0.8637 936.4459 61.1727 90.7797 0.8987
280<0 245<240 231<120 5.78 252.009 14.5715 22.7834 3.89 21.142 0.8634 877.774 56.9778 90.728 0.8791
350<0 320<240 286<120 5.8 318.6679 18.4873 30.5037 7.841 24.1008 0.8634 1404.27 91.1199 90.7208 1.4207
300<0 270<240 243<120 6.07 271.001 16.4121 26.1601 5.7166 21.4589 0.8627 1027.3 65.8069 90.6147 1.1249
295<0 254<240 240<120 6.27 263.001 16.5024 24.4166 3.0195 23.0753 0.8622 975.6892 61.913 90.5339 1.1302
295<0 250<240 240<120 6.46 261.6676 16.9146 24.1223 2.3376 23.8053 0.8617 973.7172 61.2229 90.4549 1.188
290<0 245<240 234<120 6.68 256.3343 17.13 24.0866 1.9216 23.566 0.8612 943.446 58.6797 90.6609 1.2187
333<0 286<240 265<120 6.82 294.6677 10.1024 28.8234 3.1028 26.315 0.8608 1254.5 77.4794 90.2991 1.681
300<0 250<240 240<120 7.05 266.3345 38.559 25.1492 1.1856 25.0365 0.8691 1012.3 61.7941 90.1967 1.4318
300<0 250<240 238<120 7.23 262.6676 18.9812 25.5852 0.97 25.073 0.8596 1015.6 61.4131 90.1124 1.4987
320<0 270<240 249<120 7.53 279.6677 21.058 28.585 2.293 26.3055 0.8587 1168 69.4852 89.9664 1.8452
318<0 265<240 246<120 7.8 276.3343 21.5431 28.4948 1.7683 26.7541 0.8579 1155.2 67.7183 89.8324 1.9312
312<0 255<240 240<120 8.15 269.009 21.9315 27.9494 1.2969 27.1494 0.8567 1114.4 64.0126 89.6456 2.0019
310<0 255<240 236<120 8.31 267.001 22.1884 28.7899 2.0902 26.787 0.8562 1106.7 62.993 89.5605 2.0414
310<0 254<240 235<120 8.45 266.3343 22.5116 28.5575 2.2439 26.9942 0.8557 1109.2 62.6135 89.4822 2.1094
315<0 260<240 234<120 8.85 269.6676 23.8769 30.285 3.7417 27.3521 0.8543 1161.3 63.9953 89.2535 2.3736
310<0 250<240 232<120 8.93 264.009 23.5795 28.9834 2.8114 27.7832 0.854 1117.6 61.2969 89.2098 2.3147
370<0 340<240 270<120 9.07 326.6678 29.6276 39.8778 12.5705 27.8651 0.8535 1723.9 93.7489 89.1264 3.6565
320<0 260<240 235<120 9.28 271.6676 25.2211 30.9973 4.1213 28.5847 0.8527 1206.4 64.7219 88.9924 2.6488
360<0 330<240 260<120 9.36 316.6678 29.6276 39.3222 12.5643 27.5205 0.8524 1645.2 87.8924 88.9527 3.6565
346<0 335<240 251<120 9.66 310.6678 30.0023 39.922 16.1253 24.6628 0.8512 1609.9 84.3799 88.7639 3.7497
346<0 326<240 250<120 9.94 307.3344 29.2427 38.8972 14.1296 25.5635 0.8518 1563.2 82.6786 88.8539 3.5621

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

1-over voltage unbalance factor vs current

Over voltage unbalancing vs currents curve







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
voltage unbalacing factor


2-unbalancing factor vs positive and negative sequence voltage

unbalcing facotr vs positive and negative sequence voltage


sequence voltages





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
voltage unbalacing factor (ovu)

Figure 8(a) and (b) over voltage unbalance factor vs current and unbalancing factor vs positive
and negative sequence voltage

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

3-unbalancing factor vs efficiency and Torque

unbalcing facotr vs efficiency and Torque

90 Torque


efficiency & Torque







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
voltage unbalacing factor (ovu)


4-unbalancing factor vs pf and Derating

unbalcing facotr vs pf and Derating

3.5 Derating

pf & Derating



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
voltage unbalacing factor (ovu)


Figure 9 (a) and (b) unbalancing factor vs efficiency and Torque unbalancing factor vs pf and

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

5-negative sequence voltage vs Efficiency, Torque, pf

negative sequence voltage vs efficiency Torque & pf

90 Torque

efficiency, Torque & pf







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Negative sequence voltae (Vn)

Figure 10 negative sequence voltage vs Efficiency and Torque

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions


4.1.3 Unbalance in the phase angle with balanced voltage magnitude condition
In this case, the conditions wherein the three phase angles are not equal to each other; in addition
the positive sequence component of the voltage is lesser than the rated voltage value.

Table 3 Unbalance in the phase angle with balanced voltage magnitude

Va Vb Vc VUF Vp Vn Ias(A) Ibs(A) Ics(A) PF P-loss Torque efficiency Rerating
230<4 230<245 230<124 0.58 229.9931 1.338 12.3952 14.1011 13.057 0.8701 647.5269 48.745 91.8075 0.097
230<4 230<246 230<125 1.01 229.9776 2.3289 11.4428 14.3152 13.8937 0.8699 649.1749 48.1244 91.7852 0.0974
230<1 230<239 230<119 1.16 229.9668 2.6766 15.0421 13.0311 11.6543 0.8699 649.9623 48.1145 91.7745 0.0954
230<3 230<245 230<122 1.53 229.9464 3.5171 11.9106 15.7931 12.1771 0.8697 652.3179 48.0846 91.7424 0.0857
230<1 230<238 230<118 1.75 229.9508 4.0143 15.9874 13.0863 10.9563 0.8695 654.019 48.0636 91.7194 0.0741
230<10 230<252 230<128 1.99 229.9075 4.588 12.3235 16.5648 11.3446 0.8694 656.2448 48.0347 91.6889 0.048
230<4 230<246 230<128 2.01 229.9075 4.587 11.3452 12.3232 16.5641 0.8694 656.2408 48.0348 91.689 0.0981
230<6 230<250 230<129 2.11 229.8997 4.8568 9.5628 14.9521 15.6264 0.8693 657.4142 48.0217 91.6733 0.0184
230<4 230<246 230<121 2.51 229.853 5.7666 12.7668 17.3541 10.5316 0.8669 661.7405 47.965 91.617 0.0956
230<1 230<237 230<116 2.67 229.8375 6.1748 17.216 14.1737 9.5463 0.868 664.0709 47.9395 91.1836 0.1235
230<6 230<241 230<121 2.91 229.8063 6.6881 17.8875 13.4314 9.6867 0.8685 666.9927 47.9009 91.5127 0.1574
230<14 230<250 230<128 3.12 229.783 7.1697 17.5569 15.1306 8.2614 0.8682 670.0446 47.8654 91.5016 0.1894
230<15 230<249 230<130 3.22 229.7596 7.7933 18.18 12.727 10.1788 0.8681 671.4671 47.8421 91.4814 0.2046
230<2 230<238 230<115 3.6 229.713 8.2745 17.9529 16.0924 7.2474 0.8676 677.8063 47.7702 91.396 0.267
230<6 230<239 230<120 3.79 229.6613 8.7052 19.5954 13.0626 9.7105 0.8673 681.0323 47.7224 91.3506 0.2995
230<2 230<249 230<123 3.85 229.6663 8.8341 8.1148 19.1528 14.7446 0.8671 682.1125 47.7132 91.3366 0.3095
230<17 230<249 230<135 4.14 229.5963 9.5074 19.8042 8.3172 14.448 0.8667 687.6184 47.6367 91.2199 0.5632
230<10 230<242 230<123 4.37 229.5574 10.0203 20.453 13.4758 9.3204 0.8623 692.184 47.5818 91.1977 0.4063
230<15 230<248 230<127 4.43 229.5579 10.1703 20.1191 15.1014 7.6585 0.8662 693.6307 45.5701 91.179 0.4193
230<2 230<234 230<114 4.66 229.5029 10.6965 20.7509 14.5071 8.3093 0.8638 698.5806 47.5049 91.1106 0.466
230<1 230<249 230<130 4.94 229.433 11.336 6.6372 16.1328 20.7162 0.8663 704.9081 47.4213 91.0228 0.5261
230<5 230<252 230<126 5.01 229.433 11.5068 7.3095 21.1001 15.5369 0.8651 706.7718 47.4062 90.9986 0.5426
230<9 230<257 230<139 5.26 229.3475 12.0725 7.1275 15.7969 21.4879 0.8646 712.6635 47.319 90.9152 0.5991
230<3 230<249 230<118 5.41 229.963 12.3958 12.5049 22.3819 10.854 0.8643 716.1368 47.2657 90.8656 0.6324
230<3 230<244 230<144 5.52 229.293 12.6547 16.8225 21.5896 6.0765 0.864 719.2348 47.2406 90.8213 0.6598
230<5 230<235 230<115 5.83 229.2231 12.3644 22.6632 15.525 7.8813 0.8633 727.6635 47.1401 90.7098 0.7375
230<9 230<250 230<140 6.09 229.1377 13.9715 15.0578 8.7137 23.2725 0.8627 735.1109 47.0403 90.6056 0.8073
230<2 230<245 230<113 6.18 229.091 14.147 16.2632 23.1041 7.341 0.8625 737.2069 47.0018 90.5742 0.828
230<19 230<270 230<138 6.68 228.9667 15.2896 8.7219 24.2143 15.6829 0.8612 752.578 46.8201 90.3631 0.969
230<10 230<236 230<124 6.85 228.8502 15.6808 24.3607 9.8387 14.9413 0.8602 757.7126 46.8247 90.2818 1.0198
230<4 230<240 230<111 6.91 228.9667 15.8106 21.2916 21.9147 1.4154 0.8605 760.3161 46.7586 90.1618 1.0369
230<1 230<254 230<123 7.18 228.858 16.4295 6.295 24.4413 18.2019 0.8598 769.24 46.6351 90.1355 1.1204
230<4 230<235 230<110 7.39 228.8269 16.9214 23.9677 20.176 3.817 0.8591 776.9014 47.1788 90.3362 0.7201
230<16 230<240 230<125 7.47 228.6406 17.0807 25.8623 13.6423 12.2245 0.8589 778.4477 46.4603 89.9955 1.2116
230<5 230<238 230<110 7.87 228.6871 17.9987 23.7261 22.2113 1.5607 0.8576 794.091 46.3553 89.7942 1.3463
230<16 230<245 230<120 7.97 228.6406 18.2256 24.9765 20.7423 4.272 0.8573 797.7562 46.3041 89.7417 1.3806
230<6 230<230 230<139 8.19 228.3845 18.7024 26.982 15.4425 11.589 0.8566 804.7447 46.1295 89.6261 1.4542
230<19 230<246 230<124 8.36 228.447 19.1058 26.4036 19.5009 7.0208 0.856 812.4156 46.0997 89.5317 1.5178
230<23 230<247 230<130 8.42 228.3147 19.2256 27.271 16.4676 10.9013 0.8558 813.8235 46.023 89.4996 1.537
230<22 230<246 230<128 8.7 228.2204 19.8453 27.6031 17.4994 10.2949 0.8548 824.9141 45.8949 89.3454 1.6381
230<6 230<229 230<112 8.89 228.0821 20.5012 28.182 17.2591 11.2191 0.8538 836.7326 45.7315 89.1747 1.7486
230<6 230<236 230<109 9 228.2991 20.5425 26.1623 22.8191 4.0769 0.8537 838.7543 45.8152 89.769 1.7567
230<3 230<260 230<128 9.12 228.2217 20.8586 5.6427 26.9883 21.9829 0.8532 844.5716 45.7324 89.9845 1.8103
230<19 230<246 230<122 9.25 228.1596 21.1093 27.428 21.6025 6.4727 0.8528 849.2509 45.666 89.0164 1.8542
230<7 230<237 230<109 9.53 228.1055 21.7471 26.8011 23.8549 4.3833 0.8517 862.0046 45.5338 88.842 1.9682
230<18 230<246 230<120 9.64 228.0433 21.9818 27.5772 23.0308 5.7124 0.8513 866.5613 45.4724 88.7754 2.011

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

1-voltage unbalancing due to unbalancing in phase angle vs current

voltage unbalancing due to unbalancing in phase angles vs currents curve

25 Ics




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
voltage unbalacing factor


2-voltage unbalancing due to phase angle vs positive and negative sequence voltage

voltage unbalancing due to phase angles vs positive and negative sequence voltage

sequence voltages




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
voltage unbalacing factor


Figure 11 (a) and (b) shows the voltage unbalancing due to unbalancing in phase angle vs current
and voltage unbalancing due to phase angle vs positive and negative sequence voltage

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

3-unbalancing factor due to unbalancing in phase vs efficiency and torque

unbalcing facotr due to unbalancing in phase angles vs efficiency and Torque

90 Torque


efficiency & Torque







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
voltage unbalacing factor


4-unbalancing due to unbalancing in phase vs De rating

unbalcing due to unbalancing in phase angles vs pf and Derating


pf & Derating


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
voltage unbalacing factor


AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

Figure 12 (a) and (b) shows the unbalancing factor due to unbalancing in phase vs efficiency and
torque and -unbalancing due to unbalancing in phase vs De rating
5-negative sequence voltage vs efficiency torque and pf
negative sequence voltage vs efficiency Torque & pf
90 Torque

efficiency, Torque & pf







0 5 10 15 20 25
Negative sequence voltae (Vn)

Figure 13 shows -negative sequence voltage vs efficiency torque and pf


4.2 Unbalance in the over voltage magnitude and phase

Table 4 Unbalance in the over voltage magnitude and phase
Va Vb Vc VUF Vp Vn Ias(A) Ibs(A) Ics(A) PF P-loss Torque efficiency Rerating
277<2 260<243 250<119 1.89 262.2224 4.9687 18.7153 13.1971 13.8914 0.8694 852.4011 62.4973 91.7017 0.0242
245<3 240<240 235<119 2.72 239.8947 6.5251 18.5604 12.8152 11.2241 0.8687 723.8879 52.2227 91.5777 0.1466
286<3 273<244 250<118 3.62 269.3965 9.763 22.4633 15.7287 11.0289 0.8675 932.7628 65.6964 91.3908 0.3844
306<6 290<245 270<120 4.14 288.3735 11.9465 25.3026 16.3022 12.3038 0.8667 1084.8 75.1485 91.2594 0.5863
288<5 267<246 245<114 5.67 265.5245 15.0471 25.0797 20.0869 6.4188 0.8637 970.0631 63.3044 90.7712 0.99382
266<7 250<244 245<114 6.07 252.4857 15.3164 23.9579 20.6663 4.467 0.8627 891.8979 57.1241 90.6281 0.9724
290<5 287<238 260<127 7.86 278.3691 21.8883 30.8321 7.0348 23.813 0.8577 1176.2 68.6878 89.798 1.994
280<4 278<247 246<110 8.6 269.1364 23.1527 26.8421 29.6849 3.4412 0.8552 1141.7 63.6656 89.3971 2.2323
360<9 302<246 260<118 9.76 306.381 29.9 39.768 17.429 23.2676 0.8508 1574.6 81.9958 88.6988 3.7241
370<12 300<240 290<116 11.38 317.6332 36.135 45.0914 20.9815 26.7117 0.8437 1857.1 86.7671 87.1688 5.4403

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

1-unbalancing in voltage magnitude and phase angle vs currents

unbalancing in voltage magnitude and phase angle vs currents curve
45 Ibs







0 2 4 6 8 10 12
voltage unbalacing factor


2-unbalancing in voltage magnitude and phase angle positive and negative sequence voltage

unbalancing in voltage magnitude and phase angle positive and negative sequence voltage

sequence voltages





0 2 4 6 8 10 12
voltage unbalacing factor


Figure 14 (a) and (b) shows the unbalancing in voltage magnitude and phase angle vs currents
and unbalancing in voltage magnitude and phase angle positive and negative sequence voltage

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

3-unbalcing (both in magnitude and phase angle) factor vs efficiency and Torque

unbalcing (both in magnitude and phase angle) facotr vs efficiency and Torque
90 Torque


efficiency & Torque






0 2 4 6 8 10 12
voltage unbalacing factor


4-unbalancing (both in magnitude and phase angle) factor vs pf and Derating

unbalcing (both in magnitude and phase angle) factor vs pf and Derating


pf & Derating

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
voltage unbalacing factor


Figure 15 (a) and (b) shows the unbalancing (both in magnitude and phase angle) factor vs
efficiency and Torque and unbalancing (both in magnitude and phase angle) factor vs pf and

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

5-negative sequence voltage vs efficiency Torque & pf for unbalancing both in mag. & phase

negative sequence voltage vs efficiency Torque & pf for unbalancing both in mag. & phase
90 Torque

efficiency, Torque & pf







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Negative sequence voltae (Vn)

Figure 16 shows the negative sequence voltage vs efficiency Torque & pf for unbalancing both
in mag. & phase

4.2.1 Both under voltage and magnitude unbalance

Unbalance in the voltage magnitude is the condition wherein the three phase voltages are not
equal to each other; in addition the positive sequence component of the voltage is greater than or
less than the rated voltage value for both OVU and UVU condition respectively. But the phase
angles are kept balanced.

Table 5 Both under voltage and magnitude unbalance

Va Vb Vc VUF Vp Vn Ias(A) Ibs(A) Ics(A) PF P-loss Torque efficiency Rerating
189<11 198<237 226<127 1.41 203.3009 2.8586 13.2991 9.6211 12.2711 0.8698 509.1839 37.5922 91.7512 0.094
189.<1 198<234 220<123 2.41 201.8721 4.8697 10.1028 10.3621 15.1994 0.869 509.5308 37.0052 91.6291 0.0153
200<10 212<237 229<129 3.31 212.1442 7.0276 16.2637 7.1776 14.6288 0.868 575.8619 40.931 91.461 0.1799
178<7 187<238 223,120 4 195.1819 7.8183 9.1244 17.0374 10.2726 0.8669 496.9311 34.5857 91.2968 0.235
190<4 200<245 212<119 5.77 200.4507 11.5594 10.8446 20.1189 9.8607 0.8635 555.0378 36.0604 90.7379 0.5478
189<12 199<234 209<12 6.48 97.3881 12.795 20.6885 13 8.0696 0.8617 554.5169 34.8317 90.4473 0.6748
180<7 189<242 221<117 7.13 196.1624 13.9931 11.819 21.6754 9.8959 0.8599 563.9502 34.2717 90.1562 0.8098
180<13 910<240 216<115 8.91 93.657 17.2642 18.8889 22.3106 3.8967 0.854 600.8501 32.9827 89.2161 1.238
67<12 190<242 228<119 9.4 194.1343 18.2551 4.8159 24.6299 10.2567 0.8522 619.9242 33.0202 88.9235 1.3841
116<16 189.241 221<117 10.92 190.1577 20.7701 19.4948 25.357 7.5959 0.8458 648.1252 31.25 87.9031 1.7949

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

1-under voltage unbalance vs currents curve

under voltage unbalance vs currents curve

25 Ics




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
voltage unbalacing factor


2-unbalancing (both in mag. and phase )vs positive and negative sequence voltage

unbalcing (both in mag. and phase )vs positive and negative sequence voltage

sequence voltages




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
voltage unbalacing factor


Figure 17 shows the under voltage unbalance vs currents curve and unbalancing (both in mag.
and phase ) vs positive and negative sequence voltage

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

3-unbalancing (both in mag. and phase) vs efficiency and Torque

unbalcing (both in mag. and phase )vs efficiency and Torque

90 Torque

efficiency & Torque






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
voltage unbalacing factor


4-unbalancing facotr vs pf and Derating

unbalcing facotr vs pf and Derating

1.6 Derating


pf & Derating





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
voltage unbalacing factor


Figure 18 (a) and (b) shows the unbalancing (both in mag. and phase) vs efficiency and Torque
and 4-unbalancing factor vs pf and Derating

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

5-negative sequence voltage vs efficiency Torque & pf

negative sequence voltage vs efficiency Torque & pf

90 Torque

efficiency, Torque & pf







2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Negative sequence voltae (Vn)

Figure 19 (a) and (b) shows the unbalancing (both in mag. and phase) vs. efficiency and Torque
and 4-unbalancing factor vs pf and Derating

Discussions for all graphs plotted above;

In fig.2(a),8(a) and 14(a) shows as the voltage unbalance factor increased the stator current at
phase a and b are increasing with fluctuation. But, stator current at phase c is decreases.

In fig.2 (b) and14 (b) when voltage unbalance factor increases, the negative sequence voltage
increases and the positive sequence voltage is decreases with fluctuation.

In fig.3 (a) and 15(a) when voltage unbalancing factor increases, then the average torque and
efficiency decreases.

In fig.3 (b), 6(b) and 12(b) when voltage unbalance factor is increase, the power factor decrease
slightly and the derating increase with fluctuations.

In fig.4 and 10 as the negative sequence voltage increases, the efficiency is slightly decreases,
the torque also decreases and the power factor decrease.

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

In fig 5(a) as the voltage unbalance factor increases the stator currents at phase a and c are
increased and the stator current at phase b is decreased.

In fig5 (b) and 11(b) when voltage unbalance factor increased , both positive and negative
sequence voltages are increased .

In fig 6(a) and 12(a) as VUF increased, the efficiency is decreases and the torque increased with

In fig.7and 13 when negative sequence voltage is increases, the power factor decreases, the
torque is increase in fluctuation and the efficiency is decreases.

In fig8 (b) as VUF increases the positive sequence voltage is constant and the negative sequence
voltage is increase.

In fig9 (a) both efficiency and torque are slightly decreases as the VUF is increased.

In fig 9(b) and 15(b) when VUF is increases, the derating increases and the power factor slightly

In fig11 (a) as VUF increases, all the stator currents are increase.

In general Fig. 2 to Fig. 16 describes the effects of voltage unbalance on losses, output torque,
efficiency and operating power factor of the machine. Study leads to the following observations.

1. The efficiency of electrical induction motor decreases with increased voltage unbalance.

2. Losses which are the indication of heat are maintained in proposed methodology

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions



5.1 Conclusion

In this thesis an attempt has been made to analyze and control the operation of three-phase
induction motor operating with unbalanced supply system. For the first time MATLAB based
programming used to estimate the steady state performance of motor. Both „under voltage
unbalance‟ as well as „over voltage unbalance‟ have been considered for analysis purpose. A
new approach has been proposed and adopted for rerating of the motor and is found to be
effective to control the excessive heating of the motor operating with unbalanced supply system.
A new comprehensive and generalized procedure is presented to predict the steady-state
performance of three phase motors under unbalanced conditions focusing on the efficiency,
stator currents, torque, power loss and power factor. This prediction could make the control
system of induction motor especially appropriate to prevent damages in high-power machines. It
is well known that voltage unbalance causes extra loads to the utilities and additional charges to
consumers. Also it can be seen that efficiency of the motor under three-phase unbalanced voltage
is lower than the efficiency at normal condition. The maximum amplitude of the current and
torque are significantly increased by decreasing the voltage unbalanced factor. As the
unbalancing in the voltage source can cause excessive losses, heating, noise, vibration, torsional
pulsations, slip, and motor accelerating torque, detecting of unbalancing in the voltage applied is
important. In the case of unbalanced voltages the efficiency and average output torque of the
motor would decrease and the ripple would increase significantly destructing the motor
5.2 Future Work
In this thesis we try to analysis the performance and effects of unbalance voltage on the
induction motor .Following work may be carried out in future
1. Performance evaluation of actual machine under unbalance voltage conditions.
2. Implementation of voltage unbalancing factor in protection and control circuit design of
induction motor.
3. Prevention and mitigation schemes for voltage unbalancing.

AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

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AMU, Department of ECE

Performance Analysis of Induction motor Under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions

Three phase,
4 pole,
10 HP,
400/230 volt,
Y- Connected,
1440 rpm
Rr=0.7422 ohm,

Xs=Xr=0.9566 ohm,

Xm=38.9872 ohm,
Moment of Inertia=0.0343 kg-m2,
Friction factor =0.000503

AMU, Department of ECE


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