Dune Imperium Faq 2021-3-8

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Last Updated March 8, 2021

(new and revised entries are marked with a *)

Countess Ariana Thorvald — The “Spice Addict” ability is

ERRATA not optional. It affects only the spice you harvest when
Missionaria Protectiva — This card is part of the Bene sending an Agent to one of the three board spaces (The
Gesserit faction. (This should be noted underneath its Great Flat, Hagga Basin, and Imperial Basin), not spice
title.) you receive by other means.
Demand Respect — See Intrigue cards.
* discard — When a player is directed to discard a
card (for example: Reverend Mother Mohiam, Test of
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Humanity), this means an Imperium card from their hand,
unless otherwise specified.
Alliance — If you have an Alliance token and lose
Influence with that Faction, you also lose the token in Double Cross — At least one opponent must have a
either of these cases: troop in the Conflict for you to play this Intrigue card.
(But you do not need to have any troops in your supply.)
• You were previously tied for Influence with another
player; the player you were tied with now takes the Foldspace — You can’t acquire this card using
Alliance token. (If you were tied with more than persuasion. It must be acquired from the board space of
one other player, choose one to take it.) the same name.
• If you have fallen to 3 Influence or lower. (If no Guild Bankers — The discount applies to each copy of
player has 4 Influence or higher to take the Alliance The Spice Must Flow you acquire during your turn.
token, return it to the game board.)
Gun Thopter — An opponent with no garrisoned troops
* Assassination Mission — You must use some other is unaffected by this card’s Agent box.
means to trash this card for its 4 Solari; the card
provides no way to trash itself. Helena Richese — Your opponents cannot acquire the
card you remove with the “Manipulate” ability. If you
* Baron Vladimir Harkonnen — You may only use the don’t acquire the card during your next Reveal turn,
“Masterstroke” ability to gain Influence one time during remove it from the game.
a game.
Imperial Spy — You must use this card to trash itself
Carryall — The base spice you harvest is 1 from Imperial in order to draw an Intrigue card. (You don’t draw one
Basin, 2 from Hagga Basin, and 3 from The Great Flat. when it’s trashed by other means.)
Chani — See Retreat. * Intrigue cards — To play an Intrigue card, you must
Charisma — See Intrigue cards. meet its conditions and pay its costs. For example, you
must have a seat on the High Council to play Councilor’s
* Conflict — The rules for giving rewards in a Conflict Dispensation, and you must pay 2 Solari to play Bribery.
are the same for one, two, or three players. They are
different only for four players. You may play any Plot Intrigue card during one of
your Agent turns or your Reveal turn. If the card does
See also “When you win a Conflict.” something that won’t apply until your next Reveal turn
(for example: Charisma, Recruitment Mission), keep it
Corner the Market — Count the total number of The
face up in front of you until then, then use and discard it.
Spice Must Flow cards in your deck and your discard
pile. Count each opponent’s The Spice Must Flow cards In the rare case that you exhaust the intrigue deck,
separately; if any one of them has more than you (or shuffle the discarded Intrigue cards to form a new deck.
the same number as you), you don’t meet the second
requirement of the Intrigue card. See also “When you win a Conflict,” Reveal turn.

Count Ilban Richese — The “Ruthless Negotiator” ability Liet Kynes — Cards from your Agent turns this round
works only when paying Solari for the printed cost of a and your current Reveal turn count; Liet Kynes provides
space on the game board (not, for example, when using 2 persuasion for each.
one of your cards with an ability that costs Solari).

* optional effects — Most effects from a board space or * Reverend Mother Mohiam — Your opponents choose
card you play are mandatory, unless: the cards they discard, beginning with the player to your
left and proceeding clockwise.
• a card says “you may” do something;
• there’s an arrow in the effect (if you don’t want the See also discard.
effect, you may choose not to pay the cost—except * Score track — See Victory Points.
when playing an Intrigue card, where paying a cost
is required); * Shifting Allegiances — If you choose, you may lose and
• you’re trashing a card using the “black X” card icon gain Influence with the same Faction (ultimately gaining
(but note that it is not optional when a card tells one Influence with that Faction).
you—without using an arrow—to trash itself). As with any cost, you must actually pay the cost (losing
* paying a cost — When an arrow indicates a cost you one Influence) in order to gain two Influence. You can’t
may pay to receive an effect, you may only choose to “lose” Influence with a Faction where you have none.
do this once. For example: when you play Duncan Idaho, * Solo Play — Rivals in Solo Play do earn Victory Points
you may pay 1 water to recruit a troop and draw a card; from a Faction’s Influence track (both for reaching 2
you can’t pay 2 water to recruit two troops and draw two Influence and for having an Alliance token). They do not
cards. receive the bonus for reaching 4 Influence.
Plans Within Plans — There are six spaces on each See also Conflict.
Influence track; you have 3 Influence on a track if you
reach the space one above where you score a Victory Sort Through the Chaos — When you win this Conflict,
Point. you take the Mentat at the start of the next round.

Poison Snooper — See Reveal turn. * The Spice Must Flow — You keep the Victory Point for
acquiring this card even if you later trash it.
Rapid Mobilization — See Retreat.
Staged Incident — When using this Intrigue card, move
Recruitment Mission — If you acquire more than one your Combat marker to lower your strength as you
card this turn, you may choose differently for each would with any other adjustment caused by a Combat
one whether to put it on top of your deck or discard it intrigue card.
* Test of Humanity — See discard.
See also Intrigue cards.
To the Victor… — See Intrigue cards.
* Refocus — If your discard pile is empty when you play
this card, reshuffle your deck. * Victory Points — You can score more than 12 Victory
Points, even though the Score track only goes to 12
See also Reveal turn. (enough for most games).
Retreat — When a card allows you to retreat “any * “When you win a Conflict” — Combat Intrigue cards
number” of troops, you may choose zero. that do something “when you win a conflict” can’t be
Reveal turn — If you draw a card during your Reveal played when you tie for victory with another player.
turn (for example: Poison Snooper, Refocus), you must If you receive an Intrigue card as a reward for winning a
immediately reveal that card and use it this turn. Conflict, and that card can be played “When you win a
Conflict,” you may choose to play it immediately.

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