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Arts10 q2 Mod3 Role and Function of Artworks 1

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Quarter 2 – Module 3:
Role and Function of Artworks
Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of
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agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright holders.
Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
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over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio


Author : Judith T. De Leon

Co-Author - Content Editor : Florabel R. Valenzuela
Co-Author - Language Reviewer : Ryan Jake F. Bariacto
Co-Author - Illustrator : Ruth Ann M. Verdera
Co-Author - Layout Artist : Genalyn A. Aragon
Co-Author - Team Leader : Genalyn A. Aragon


Schools Division Superintendent : Romeo M. Alip, PhD, CESO V
OIC- Asst. Schools Division Superintendent : William Roderick R. Fallorin, CESE
Chief Education Supervisor, CID : Milagros M. Peñaflor, PhD
Education Program Supervisor, LRMDS : Edgar E. Garcia, MITE
Education Program Supervisor, AP/ADM : Romeo M. Layug
Education Program Supervisor, Learning Area : Maria Teresa C. Perez
Project Development Officer II, LRMDS : Joan T. Briz
Division Librarian II, LRMDS : Rosita P. Serrano

Printed in the Philippines by Department of Education – Schools Division of Bataan

Office Address: Provincial Capitol Compound, Balanga City, Bataan
Telefax: (047) 237-2102
E-mail Address: [email protected]

Quarter 2 – Module 3:
Role and Function of Artworks
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the

What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to

check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link

the current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be

introduced to you in various ways such as a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
activity or a situation.

What is It This section provides a brief discussion of the

lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.

What’s More This comprises activities for independent

practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.

What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank

sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will

help you transfer your new knowledge or skill
into real life situations or concerns.

Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your

level of mastery in achieving the learning

Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given

to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned. This also tends retention of
learned concepts.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the

At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all the sources used in

developing this module.

The following are reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and in checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
What I Need to Know

This module was designed for you to know the different technology-based art
that reflects the different ideas, beliefs and values of different cultures.
At the end of the module, you are expected to:
1. perceive the concept that technology is an effective and vibrant tool for
empowering a person.
a. to express his/her ideas, goals, and advocacies which elicit
immediate action
2. identify the role or function of artworks by evaluating its utilization and
combination of art elements and principles.
3. derive the traditions/history of a community using artworks.
4. collate the characteristics of artworks in the 21st century.
What I Know

Arrange the jumbled letters below to form sensible word/s.

1 O P O T H 1 P
2 I L A I D T G 2 D
3 T M O E C P R U 3 C
4 H N L O G E O Y T C 4 T
5 I G S E E O D V M A 5 V
6 L E P X I 6 P
7 R C O P 7 C
8 Y B R A O D S T R O 8 S
9 R S L T U I N O E O 9 R
10 H P T O O H S O P 10 P
Lesson 21stCentury Technology-

1 based Art-Role and

Function of Artworks
Art has always been a part of human life. By analyzing artworks, one
was able to identify and derive the tradition and culture from where it came
from. Arts has a vast ideology that continues to unfold as time passes by.

As the world enters the 21st century, a lot of things have changed.
Surely, the technologies available these times have greatly affected our way of
living. Progress has been evident on almost every field, may it be in
engineering, cooking, entertainment and even in arts.

Together, let us discover and be amazed with all the improvements and
transformations 21st Century technology has brought in the world of art.
What’s In

With the help of any photo/image applications installed in your

available device/s, study each picture and identify what type of effects or
features to modify your illustration is shown. Choose your answer from the
box below.

Crop Rotate Enlarge Duplicate Shrink

Move Toggle Layer Distort Blur

1. -

2. -

3. -

4. -
5. -

6. -

7. -

8. -

9. -

10. -
What’s New

Match the following pictures from column A with the sophisticated visual
effects used to transform them by placing the letter of the description on the
space preceding the number.

Column A Column B

A. Morphing

B. Pixelating

C. Fractalizing


D. Spherizing

What is It

Technology has been a powerful and vibrant aid in expressing one’s

idea. It has been an effective tool in conveying advocacies and goals. The
application of technology in art has widen its entire range of media – from
canvas, walls and cloths to billboards, television and even cinemas.

Digital art has been prevalent nowadays, you are probably surrounded
by tons of them, from social media platforms to the flashing advertisements
on televisions and on billboards. Digital are arts that were made with the use
of a computer. For example:

• Mobile Phone – photos and videos

• Digital Photography (Point-and-Shoot
and DSLR Cameras) – in creating
photo art
• Digital Painting and Imaging
• Computer Generated Images (CGI)
• Videos (TV and Film) – in making
advertisements, films, documentaries,
and games

Since computers nowadays has been

widely used, Computer-generated Images (CGI) has been a
widespread powerful business tool – from textile designs, package
designs, furniture designs to animations has been dependent on
computers. CGI is mostly used in animations on films, advertising, and
product design.
CGIs undergo several digital manipulations such as overlapping,
adding, enhancing, and creating patterns, collages, photos, and other digital

As a famous phrase goes, “A picture I

worth a thousand words”, images captured
digitally can also convey emotions and tell
stories. An image can show what kind of
tradition and history a community has. By
using different capturing techniques such as
rule of thirds, tilt shots, soft focus etc. one
can produce a sophisticated digital image.

Rush Hour by Manny Fatujag

Digital Photography is a technology-based art that makes use of

devices that automatically set and adjust the needed elements (shutter
opening, shutter speed, flash lighting, zoom inlout, etc.) to ensure a good
quality image. The two basic types of digital photography are point-and-shoot
and DSLR.

Point-and-shoot means that the camera pre-set the needed

elements so that the user can literally just click away.
DSLR type enables the photographer to still make his/her own
judgement on how to use the features available and the
techniques he knows such as capturing from unique angles in
order to take good images.

Digital Arts can also be applied on Video Games, Digital Imaging,

Digital Painting and Videos (TV and Films).

❖ Video Games – video games are not only played and enjoyed by
countless gamers of different ages all over the world, they can
also be developed by amateurs on a personal device and usually
contain a storyline. Storyline is a series of events and
probabilities that the creator produces on how he wants the game
to run. These storylines can be
inspired by a lot of factor such as the
developer’s personal experiences,
sports, movies, comics, myths,
legends, and/or other games.
Most video games nowadays involve extremely complex and
realistic graphics and animation techniques that may be
considered a form of modern art.

❖ Digital Painting – Digital painting requires the combination of a

software application and a hardware device. It is similar to the
typical way of drawing, only that the
artist uses digital pens to draw on
digital pads and/or graphic tablets. In
digital painting, basic art elements and
principles are being utilized and
combined in order to produce an
artwork which contains balance,
movement and emphasis. Even though
it uses technology, lessons on the
effective use of value, texture, shape,
color, line and perspective still apply.

❖ Digital Imaging – a variety of software such as Adobe Photoshop,

Frame Magic, Snapseed and Adobe Lightroom has been
circulating in the digital imaging world. These apps are used in
designing images to be printed on vast media such as papers,
ceramics, and fabrics.

Aside from photographs taking final forms in commercial

products, digital images can also be used in capturing essential
moments for the world to see. These images are either published in
newspapers or shown on news reports.
❖ Videos (TV and Films) – A video is consisting of a series of
frames/pictures which produces a moving image. Video editing
softwares such as iMovie and Dreamweaver were used in order to
create visual effects on the pre-shot videos available. Video
editing in TV and Films improves the cinematography by heaps.
With the use of technology, high tech effects can now be seen in
our films today.

Aside from entertainment purposes, video imaging can also serve

in terms of scientific, educational, and medical needs. We see this
in the form of CT scans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).
What’s More

With what you have learned previously and with the help of the internet,
match the following pictures from column A with their characteristics by
placing the letter of the description on your answer sheet.

Column A Column B


A. Making forms as if they were in a reflecting


B. Putting an image over another with different

2. degrees of transparency making forms grow

C. Shows interspace between two images

D. An elevated view of an object from above, with

a perspective as though the observer was a
3. bird

E. A type of shot where the camera moves in on

the subject

F. It is a type of shot that helps you see really
close to the subject

G. Captures a sweeping view of your subject


H. Focuses on the image where you, the

photographer, wants

I. Captures fast movement using ordinary

camera or video gear. This shot reveals
interesting structures not visible to the naked

J. Looks down on the subject

K. Refers to where the camera follows the subject
from left to right or right to left, blurring the
backgrounds and shows speed.




What I Have Learned

This self-assessment activity will give you an opportunity to reflect on and to

assess your own learning of the application of digital arts. Identify and define
in two (2) to three (3) sentences the four computer-based process/products
where Digital arts is being applied.
















What I Can Do

Create an image from scratch using a drawing/illustration program (eg.

Microsoft Paint, Adobe Photoshop) on a computer, laptop, tablet, or
phone. Relate your Computer-generated Image to the COVID-19

Rubric for A Computer-generated Image

Criteria 4 3 2
Reflection and The CGI represents The CGI represents The student clearly
Knowledge a clear a somewhat clear does not
understanding of understanding of understand the
the information the material. information. The
presented. CGI is not
representative of the
knowledge gained.
Relativity The CGI created is The CGI created is The CGI created is
appropriate and somehow related to appropriate and
related to the the theme given. related to the theme
theme given. given.

Creativity Work done with Work done with Work done with no
exceptional care minimal care and care or attention to
and attention to attention to detail detail.
detail and a variety and a few
of objects/tools objects/tools was
was used. used.

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. ____________ make use of electronic and mechanical devices, rather than
the artist’s own hand, to produce the desired images and effects.
2. Using drawing or illustration software on desktop computers, laptops, and
tablets ________________ are created from scratch.
3. ______________ is a form of art that emerged due to the available technology
on mobile phones with built-in cameras that could capture and store images.
4. ______________ is a technology-based art that evolved from the earlier type
of photography that made use of the action of light on light-sensitive film as
manipulated by a user of a camera.
5. ______________ makes use of virtual tools on a computer to simulate the
canvas, brushes, paints, etc. used in traditional painting.

B. Given the pictures below, identify what type of technology-based art was
used on it.


2. 5.

Additional Activities

A. Shown below was a famous digital artwork created by Malgorzata Kmiec

entitled “Spring Spirit”. Briefly explain how the following principles of
art are incorporated or expressed in this particular work.
• Rhythm, movement
• Balance
• Emphasis
• Harmony, Unity, and Variety
• Proportion

B. In your opinion, which is better, technology-based art or traditional art?

Explain why using these guide questions.
• Which can express emotions, ideas, goals, and advocacies better?
• What similarities do these two have in common?
• What differences do traditional art and digital art have?
• Where it can be used?
• Which was able to portray traditions, culture, and history of a
What’s More
1.Computer Arts/Digital
Arts 1. F
2. Computer-generated 2. C
Images (CGI) 3. J
4. E
3. Mobile Phone Art
5. A
4. Digital Photography
6. D
5. Digital Painting 7. K
8. I
B: 9. H
1. Digital Imaging 10. G
2. Digital Painting
3. Videos/CGI
4. Digital Imaging
5. Video Games
What’s In
What I Know:
1. Photo
1. crop
What’s New 2. Digital
2. layer
3. Computer
3. distort
4. Technology
4. duplicate
1. D 5. Videogames
5. rotate
2. A 6. Pixel
6. shrink
3. C 7. Crop
7. move
4. B 8. Storyboard
8. enlarge
9. Resolution
9. blur
10. Photoshop
10. toggle
Answer Key
Cipriano, Eduardo V., Adelina Pineda-Limos, Ronald V. Solis, Mark G. Fabella, Ray
Ferdinand D. Limos, and Girly L. delos Reyes. The 21St Century MAPEH in Action
10 WT. Reprint, Manila, Philippines: REX Book Store, 2015.

Sunico, Raul M., Evelyn F. Cabanban, and Melissa Y. Moran. HORIZONS Music
and Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos Grade 10 Teacher's Guide. Reprint,
Tawid Publications, 2015.

"Crop Icon". En.Wikipedia.Org.


"Toggle Button”. Thenounproject.com


"Blur". Icons8.com

"Enlarge icon". Iconfinder.com


"Move Icon". Clipartmax.com.


"Shrink”. Thenounproject.com

"Rotate”. Thenounproject.com

"Duplicate”. Flaticon.com

"Distort”. Flaticon.com

"Layer icon”. Flaticon.com

"On the road to Bull Run, By Tony Karp"| Tony Karp’s Bubble Pictures, 2020.

"Pixelate"| Digital Pixel Effect with Photoshop.


"3D Animation Benefits: Exploring its Impact to Branding and Business "| CIIT
College of Arts and Technology. Edu, 2020.

"Victorinox| 3d CGI Watch Product”. Pantone Canvas.


"Rush Hour, by Manny Fajutag"| Manny Fajutag: The Filipino Photographer Taking
international Flight | Culture Trip.

“Star Dew Valley” | Chucklefish Games| ConcernedApe. Engadget.Com


"JOKER 2019, by Chairit Inkleng". Dribble.com.


“Vanishing Ozone, 1992” | TIME Magazine Cover. TIME Magazine.com


“Ceramic Printed Mugs”. Indiamart.com


“Design Custom Tshirts”. Rushordertees.com


“Pacquiao-Broner Fight 2019”. Yahoo Sports.com


“From Miss World Philippines 2016 to Miss Universe Philippines 2018: The journey
of Catriona Gray | Binibining Pilipinas | Pageants. Rappler.com

"Spring Spirit, by Malgorzata Kmiec" | Gosia Kmiec. Artstation.com.


“Avengers:Endgame”. Variety.com.
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region III,

Schools Division of Bataan - Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resources Management and Development Section (LRMDS)

Provincial Capitol Compound, Balanga City, Bataan

Telefax: (047) 237-2102

Email Address: [email protected]

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