Bio Remediation
Bio Remediation
Bio Remediation
The quality of life on Earth is linked inextricably to the overall quality of the
environment. In early times, we believed that we had an unlimited
abundance of land and resources; today, however, the resources in the world
show, in greater or lesser degree, our carelessness and negligence in using
them. The problems associated with contaminated sites now assume
increasing prominence in many countries. Contaminated lands generally
result from past industrial activities when awareness of the health and
environmental effects connected with the production, use, and disposal of
hazardous substances were less well recognized than today. The problem is
worldwide, and the estimated number of contaminated sites is significant. It
is now widely recognized that contaminated land is a potential threat to
human health, and its continual discovery over recent years has led to
international efforts to remedy many of these sites, either as a response to
the risk of adverse health or environmental effects caused by contamination
or to enable the site to be redeveloped for use.
The conventional techniques used for remediation have been to dig up
contaminated soil and remove it to a landfill, or to cap and contain the
contaminated areas of a site. The methods have some drawbacks. The first
method simply moves the contamination elsewhere and may create
significant risks in the excavation, handling, and transport of hazardous
material. Additionally, it is very difficult and increasingly expensive to find
new landfill sites for the final disposal of the material. The cap and contain
method is only an interim solution since the contamination remains on site,
requiring monitoring and maintenance of the isolation barriers long into the
future, with all the associated costs and potential liability. A better approach
than these traditional methods is to completely destroy the pollutants if
possible, or at least to transform them to innocuous substances. Some
technologies that have been used are high-temperature incineration and
various types of chemical decomposition (e.g., base-catalyzed
dechlorination, UV oxidation). They can be very effective at reducing levels
of a range of contaminants, but have several drawbacks, principally their
technological complexity, the cost for small-scale application, and the lack of
public acceptance, especially for incineration that may increase the exposure
to contaminants for both the workers at the site and nearby residents.
Bioremediation is an option that offers the possibility to destroy or render
harmless various contaminants using natural biological activity. As such, it
uses relatively low-cost, low-technology techniques, which generally have a
high public acceptance and can often be carried out on site. It will not always
be suitable, however, as the range of contaminants on which it is effective is
limited, the time scales involved are relatively long, and the residual
contaminant levels achievable may not always be appropriate. Although the
methodologies employed are not technically complex, considerable
experience and expertise may be required to design and implement a
successful bioremediation program, due to the need to thoroughly assess a
site for suitability and to optimize conditions to achieve a satisfactory result.
Because bioremediation seems to be a good alternative to conventional
clean-up technologies research in this field, especially in the United States,
rapidly increasing.
Bioremediation has been used at a number of sites worldwide, including
Europe, with varying degrees of success. Techniques are improving as
greater knowledge and experience are gained, and there is no doubt that
bioremediation has great potential for dealing with certain types of site
contamination. Unfortunately, the principles, techniques, advantages, and
disadvantages of bioremediation are not widely known or understood,
especially among those who will have to deal directly with bioremediation
proposals, such as site owners and regulators. Here, we intended to assist by
providing a straightforward, pragmatic view of the processes involved in
bioremediation, the pros and cons of the technique, and the issues to be
considered when dealing with a proposal for bioremediation.
Some tests make an exhaustive examination of the literature of
bioremediation of organic [2–4] and inorganic pollutants, and another test
takes a look at pertinent field application case histories.
Environmental biotechnology is not a new field; composting and wastewater
treatments are familiar examples of old environmental biotechnologies.
However, recent studies in molecular biology and ecology offer opportunities
for more efficient biological processes. Notable accomplishments of these
studies include the clean-up of polluted water and land areas.
Bioremediation is defined as the process whereby organic wastes are
biologically degraded under controlled conditions to an innocuous state, or to
levels below concentration limits established by regulatory authorities.
By definition, bioremediation is the use of living organisms, primarily
microorganisms, to degrade the environmental contaminants into less toxic
forms. It uses naturally occurring bacteria and fungi or plants to degrade or
detoxify substances hazardous to human health and/or the environment.
The microorganisms may be indigenous to a contaminated area or they may
be isolated from elsewhere and brought to the contaminated site.
Contaminant compounds are transformed by living organisms through
reactions that take place as a part of their metabolic processes.
Biodegradation of a compound is often a result of the actions of multiple
organisms. When microorganisms are imported to a contaminated site to
enhance degradation we have a process known as bioaugmentation.
For bioremediation to be effective, microorganisms must enzymatically
attack the pollutants and convert them to harmless products. As
bioremediation can be effective only where environmental conditions permit
microbial growth and activity, its application often involves the manipulation
of environmental parameters to allow microbial growth and degradation to
proceed at a faster rate. Like other technologies, bioremediation has its
limitations. Some contaminants, such as chlorinated organic or high aromatic
hydrocarbons, are resistant to microbial attack. They are degraded either
slowly or not at all , hence it is not easy to predict the rates of clean-up for a
bioremediation exercise; there are no rules to predict if a contaminant can
be degraded. Bioremediation techniques are typically more economical than
traditional methods such as incineration, and some pollutants can be treated
on site, thus reducing exposure risks for clean-up personnel, or potentially
wider exposure as a result of transportation accidents. Since bioremediation
is based on natural attenuation the public considers it more acceptable than
other technologies.
Most bioremediation systems are run under aerobic conditions, but running a
system under anaerobic conditions may permit microbial organisms to
degrade otherwise recalcitrant molecules.
Although the microorganisms are present in contaminated soil, they cannot
necessarily be there in the numbers required for bioremediation of the site.
Their growth and activity must be stimulated. Biostimulation usually involves
the addition of nutrients and oxygen to help indigenous microorganisms.
These nutrients are the basic building blocks of life and allow microbes to
create the necessary enzymes to break down the contaminants. All of them
will need nitrogen, phosphorous, and carbon. Carbon is the most basic
element of living forms and is needed in greater quantities than other
elements. In addition to hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen it constitutes about
95% of the weight of cells Phosphorous and sulfur contribute with 70% of the
remainders. The nutritional requirement of carbon to nitrogen ratio is 10:1,
and carbon to phosphorous is 30:1 Microbial growth and activity are readily
affected by pH, temperature, and moisture. Although microorganisms have
been also isolated in extreme conditions, most of them grow optimally over a
narrow range, so that it is important to achieve optimal conditions. If the soil
has too much acid it is possible to rinse the pH by adding lime. Temperature
affects biochemical reactions rates, and the rates of many of them double for
each 10 °C rise in temperature. Above a certain temperature, however, the
cells die. Plastic covering can be used to enhance solar warming in late
spring, summer, and autumn. Available water is essential for all the living
organisms, and irrigation is needed to achieve the optimal moisture level.
The amount of available oxygen will determine whether the system is
aerobic or anaerobic. Hydrocarbons are readily degraded under aerobic
conditions, whereas chlorurate compounds are degraded only in anaerobic
ones. To increase the oxygen amount in the soil it is possible to till or sparge
air. In some cases, hydrogen peroxide or magnesium peroxide can be
introduced in the environment. Soil structure controls the effective delivery
of air, water, and nutrients. To improve soil structure, materials such as
gypsum or organic matter can be applied. Low soil permeability can impede
movement of water, nutrients, and oxygen; hence, soils with low
permeability may not be appropriate for in situ clean-up techniques.
In situ bioremediation
These technique are generally the most desirable options due to lower cost
and less disturbance since they provide the treatment in place avoiding
excavation and transport of contaminants. In situ treatment is limited by the
depth of the soil that can be effectively treated. In many soils effective
oxygen diffusion for desirable rates of bioremediation extend to a range of
only a few centimeters to about 30 cm into the soil, although depths of 60
cm and greater have been effectively treated in some cases.
The most important land treatments are:
Bioventing is the most common in situ treatment and involves supplying air
and nutrients through wells to contaminated soil to stimulate the indigenous
bacteria. Bioventing employs low air flow rates and provides only the amount
of oxygen necessary for the biodegradation while minimizing volatilization
and release of contaminants to the atmosphere. It works for simple
hydrocarbons and can be used where the contamination is deep under the
In situ biodegradation involves supplying oxygen and nutrients by circulating
aqueous solutions through contaminated soils to stimulate naturally
occurring bacteria to degrade organic contaminants. It can be used for soil
and groundwater. Generally, this technique includes conditions such as the
infiltration of water-containing nutrients and oxygen or other electron
acceptors for groundwater treatment.
Biosparging- Biosparging involves the injection of air under pressure below
the water table to increase groundwater oxygen concentrations and enhance
the rate of biological degradation of contaminants by naturally occurring
bacteria. Biosparging increases the mixing in the saturated zone and there
by increases the contact between soil and groundwater. The ease and low
cost of installing small-diameter air injection points allows considerable
flexibility in the design and construction of the system.
Bioaugmentation. Bioremediation frequently involves the addition of
microorganisms indigenous or exogenous to the contaminated sites. Two
factors limit the use of added microbial cultures in a land treatment unit: 1)
nonindigenous cultures rarely compete well enough with an indigenous
population to develop and sustain useful population levels and 2) most soils
with long-term exposure to biodegradable waste have indigenous
microorganisms that are effective degrades if the land treatment unit is well
Ex situ bioremediation
Advantages of bioremediation
Disadvantages of bioremediation
Although the application of microbe biotechnology has been successful with
petroleum-based constituents, microbial digestion has met limited success
for widespread residual organic and metals pollutants. Vegetation- based
remediation shows potential for accumulating, immobilizing, and
transforming a low level of persistent contaminants. In natural ecosystems,
plants act as filters and metabolize substances generated by nature.
Phytoremediation is an emerging technology that uses plants to remove
contaminants from soil and water [14–16]. The term “phytoremediation” is
relatively new, coined in 1991. Its potential for encouraging the
biodegradation of organic contaminants requires further research, although
it may be a promising area for the future.
We can find five types of phytoremediation techniques, classified based on
the contaminant fate:
phytoextraction, phytotransformation, phytostabilization, phytodegradation,
rhizofiltration, even if a combination of these can be found in nature.
Phytoextraction or phytoaccumulation is the process used by the plants to
accumulate contami-
nants into the roots and aboveground shoots or leaves. This technique saves
tremendous remediation cost by accumulating low levels of contaminants
from a widespread area. Unlike the degradation mechanisms, this process
produces a mass of plants and contaminants (usually metals) that can be
transported for disposal or recycling.
Phytotransformation or phytodegradation refers to the uptake of organic
contaminants from soil, sediments, or water and, subsequently, their
transformation to more stable, less toxic, or less mobile form. Metal
chromium can be reduced from hexavalent to trivalent chromium, which is a
less mobile and noncarcinogenic form.
Phytostabilization is a technique in which plants reduce the mobility and
migration of contami-
nated soil. Leachable constituents are adsorbed and bound into the plant
structure so that they form a stable mass of plant from which the
contaminants will not reenter the environment.
Phytodegradation or rhizodegradation is the breakdown of contaminants
through the activity existing in the rhizosphere. This activity is due to the
presence of proteins and enzymes produced by the plants or by soil
organisms such as bacteria, yeast, and fungi. Rhizodegradation is a
symbiotic relationship that has evolved between plants and microbes. Plants
provide nutrients necessary for the microbes to thrive, while microbes
provide a healthier soil environment.
Phytoremediation is well suited for use at very large field sites where other
methods of remediation are not cost effective or practicable; at sites with a
low concentration of contaminants where only polish treatment is required
over long periods of time; and in conjunction with other technologies where
vegetation is used as a final cap and closure of the site. There are some
limitations to the technology that it is necessary to consider carefully before
it is selected for site remediation: long duration of time for remediation,
potential contamination of the vegetation and food chain, and difficulty
establishing and maintaining vegetation at some sites with high toxic levels.
Microbial communities are highly diverse and capable of conducting an extensive range of
metabolic activities. Irrespective of depth or geological formation, subsurface microorganisms
carry out all the major nutrient cycling, i.e., carbon, sulfur, nitrogen, manganese, iron and
phosphorus. Although each geological formation appears to have its own microbial structure,
sandy formations that are highly permeable to air or water flow have higher microbial activity.
Considering a generally large subsurface microbiota there is considerable interest for the
prospect of degrading hazardous contaminants in situ by stimulating selective bacterial
populations (biostimulation) or by the addition of organisms to contaminated sites
(bioaugmentation). Stimulation of an indigenous population of methanotrophs by methane is
likely to enrich for species that are well adapted to their environment, whereas the deliberate
addition of more microorganisms into such an environment may be compromised since the
introduced organisms are not as likely to be able to compete.
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• Nester, Eugene W., Denise G. Anderson, C. Evans Roberts Jr., Nancy N.
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• Perfumo, Amedea, Ibrahim M. Banat, Roger Marchant, and Luigi
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