Pavement Design Manual - 2002 Chapter Erreur ! Style Non Défini. Volume II - Rigid Pavements
Pavement Design Manual - 2002 Chapter Erreur ! Style Non Défini. Volume II - Rigid Pavements
Pavement Design Manual - 2002 Chapter Erreur ! Style Non Défini. Volume II - Rigid Pavements
The purpose of this Pavement Design Manual - Volume II is to give specific guidance
and recommendations to the engineers responsible for the design of rigid pavements in
Ethiopia. It is one of the series of “Design manuals, Standard Contract Documents and
Specifications” The preparation of this rigid pavement design manual is part of the
framework initiated by ERA to upgrade the highway network in Ethiopia.
This volume contains :
o A description of rigid pavements : their characteristics, their components and
their function, the different types of slabs and joints, including drawing details.
o A description of the factors influencing the pavement type selection and the
design process.
o A design procedure for the different types of pavement, slab reinforcement, joint
details and joint layout.
The design method is a directly utilizable one, based mainly on empirical results and full
scale experiments. Although an analytical, comprehensive approach to the design is
possible, based on the stresses and strains induced in the pavement by an applied wheel
loading, it is very complicated, rarely used, leads to minor changes and as such is not
covered in these pages.
Rigid pavements (also called concrete pavements), as the name implies, are rigid and
very strong in compression. The strength of the pavement is contributed mainly by a
concrete slab, unlike flexible pavements where successive layers of the pavement
contribute cumulatively. The rugose surface required for an adequate resistance to
skidding in wet conditions can be provided by dragging stiff brooms transversely across
the newly-laid concrete or by cutting shallow randomly spaced grooves in the surface of
the hardened concrete slab.
This constitution implies the following advantages :
o It is feasible to design rigid pavements for longer design lives, up to 60 years.
o Little maintenance is generally required
o Rigid pavement do not deform under traffic
o A relatively thin pavement slab distributes the load over a wide area due to its
high rigidity. Localized low strength subgrade materials can be overcome due to
this wider distribution area.
o Concrete is very resistant to abrasion making the anti-skidding surface texture
last longer.
o In the absence of deleterious materials (either in the aggregate or entering the
concrete in solution from an external source), unlike with flexible pavements,
concrete does not suffer deterioration from weathering. Neither its strength nor
its stiffness are materially affected by temperature changes.
Until now, concrete pavements have not been extensively used in most tropical countries
and in Ethiopia in particular, mainly due to a lack of tradition and experience in their
design and construction. One characteristic of concrete pavements is that either they
prove to be extremely durable, lasting for many years with little attention and
maintenance, or they give troubles from the start, sometimes because of faults in design,
but more often because of mistakes in construction.
Depending on the level of reinforcement, the rigid pavements are categorized into three
basic types:
o Jointed Unreinforced Concrete Pavements (JUCP)
o Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavements (JRCP)
o Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements (CRCP)
Rigid pavements generally consist of, as shown in Figure 1 below, a subbase, and a
concrete slab constructed above the subgrade. (With a capping layer if required)
Concrete Slab
Rigid Pavement
Capping Layer
( If required)
Natural ground or
The capping layer consists of selected fill and is provided in cases of low strength
subgrade. It allows to increase the bearing capacity of the subgrade and thus enables a
lesser pavement thickness to be adopted.
The subbase of a rigid pavement structure consists of one or more compacted layers of
material placed between the subgrade and the concrete slab. In some cases the material
can be cement stabilized to increase its quality. If the subgrade materials quality is
acceptable and if the design traffic is low (less than one million equivalent standard axles
(ESAs)), a subbase layer may not be necessary between the prepared subgrade and the
concrete slab.
A subbase is provided under a concrete pavement for the following reasons:
o to provide a stable “working platform” for the construction equipment;
o to prevent “pumping” at joints and slab edges.
The concrete slab consists of Portland cement concrete, reinforcing steel (When
required), load transfer devices and joint sealing materials.
Transverse reinforcement is provided to ensure that the longitudinal bars remain in the
correct position during the construction of the slab. It also helps to control any
longitudinal cracking that may develop.
The details regarding the design of the pavement slab thickness and the amount of
reinforcement required are discussed in Chapter 7.
Joints are placed in concrete pavements, whether reinforced or not to permit expansion,
contraction and warping of the slab, thereby relieving stresses due to environmental
changes (Temperature and moisture) and friction, and to facilitate construction. Joints
are classified according to their direction, either transverse or longitudinal and upon their
function. They are either contraction, expansion, warping or construction joints and in
most cases , they combine several of these functions.
Typical details of the different types of joints are presented in Appendix B (adapted from
Ref. 8).
Transverse Joints are the joints perpendicular to the centerline of the road. They are
designed to prevent contraction and expansion stresses which develop over long
distances. In some specific places like around in-pavement objects or at junctions,
transverse joints are also required to limit warping stresses.
Contraction joints are the main type of transverse joints. They are provided in JRCP and
JUCP to relieve the tensile stresses due to temperature or moisture changes and friction.
They provide weakened sections between bays to induce tension cracking at preferred
locations in the concrete after it has been placed. If contraction joints were not installed,
random and uncontrolled cracking would occur on the surface of the pavement. They
also contribute to the limitation of the warping stresses.
Load transfer between bays is provided by dowels.
Contraction joints shall consist of:
o a sawn joint groove
o dowel bars
o a sealing groove
The groove and sealant shall be as specified. The dowel bars shall be 20 mm in diameter
at 300 mm spacing, 400 mm long for slabs up to 239 mm thick, and 25 mm in diameter
for slabs 240 mm thick or more.
The primary function of an expansion joint is to provide space for the expansion of the
slab, thereby preventing the development of compressive stresses, which may cause the
slab to buckle. Expansion joints are also contraction joints. Transverse expansion joints
are used at the limit between CRCP and other types of pavement or structures and
sometimes at regular intervals in JUCP and JRCP.
The construction of this type of joints is relatively costly and they require high levels of
maintenance. If not well maintained and not functioning properly, they tend to stay
closed after expansion of the slab, which induces excessive opening of the adjacent
contraction joints, thus being a cause of failure. They are consequently avoided as far as
possible and it is often preferred to accept to maintain localized failures due to expansion
stresses than to run the risk of serious distress at the expansion joints.
They are generally not required if the slab is cast during the hottest time of the year.
In expansion joints, complete separation between the two adjacent concrete bays is
required, and a compressible joint is used to fill the void.
Load transfer between bays is provided by dowels.
Expansion joints shall consist of :
o a joint filler board
o dowel bars
o a sealing groove
The joint filler board and sealing groove shall be as per the Specifications. The dowel
bars shall be 25 mm in diameter at 300 mm spacing, 600 mm long for slabs up to 239
mm thick, and 32 mm in diameter for slabs 240 mm thick or more.
Warping Joints
Warping joints allow a slight relative rotation of the bays and reduce the stresses due to
Transverse warping joints are used for special cases, such as extra joints at manhole
positions, or when unreinforced slabs are alongside reinforced slabs, or in long and
narrow or tapered (odd-shaped) JUCP slabs between normal joint positions, to reduce the
length/width ratio of the bays to 2 or less, and in other similar situations.
Warping joints shall consist of:
o a sawn groove
o tie bars
o a sealing groove
The sealant shall be as per the Specifications. The tie bars shall be 12 mm in diameter at
300 mm spacing, and 1000 mm long.
Longitudinal joints are warping joints, allowing a slight relative rotation of the slab
portions and reducing the stresses due to warping. They are required at such a spacing
that they will reduce the combination of thermal warping stresses and loading stresses to
a minimum, they also reduce the risk of longitudinal random cracking, and often serve at
the same time as construction joints. These joints allow a slight rotation, but differential
lateral displacements between adjacent bays are prevented by tie bars provided at mid-
depth of the slab.
These tie bars also prevent the opening of the cracks and thus the Load transfer is
achieved through aggregate interlock.
Longitudinal joints shall consist of :
o bottom crack inducer
o a sawn groove
o tie bars
o a sealing groove
The sealant shall be as per the Specifications. The tie bars for all longitudinal joints,
except where transverse reinforcement is permitted in lieu, shall be 12 mm in diameter at
600 mm spacing, and 1000 mm long.
Where circumstances permit, a more realistic economical evaluation has to take into
account all expected costs including the initial cost of construction, the cost of
subsequent stages or corrective works, anticipated life, maintenance cost and salvage
value. Costs to road users during periods of reconstruction or maintenance operations are
also appropriate for consideration.
Although pavement structures are based on an initial design period, few are abandoned at
the end of this period and continue to serve as part of the future pavement structure. For
this reason, the analysis period should be of sufficient duration to include a representative
reconstruction of all pavement types.
If the analysis of the above given factors does not show a far higher interest of one option
rather than another, a second set of factors can be considered such as the performance of
similar pavements in the area or the skills of contractors.
Basically, the use of the different types of rigid pavement is as follows:
o JUCP is suitable for all levels of traffic, whenever the risk of subgrade
movement is low.
o JRCP is suitable for all levels of traffic and is used when the risk of settlements
of the subgrade can not be neglected.
o CRCP shall basically be considered only for rather high design traffic (>30
msa). They can also be included for less heavily trafficked schemes where the
advantage of lower maintenance throughout the design life may be worthwhile.
they are particularly suitable were settlement of the sub-soil is expected.
The concrete slabs in concrete pavement are subjected to two main types of stresses :
o The stresses developed because of changes of the environment (moisture and
temperature) and closely depending upon the intrinsic properties of the concrete.
In Ethiopia, though the annual range of temperature is small, the daily range of
temperature is high, varying from 20°C to 40° C (Ref. 1), and hence thermal
stresses deserve special attention.
o The stresses coming from the traffic loads.
Both types of stresses can not be prevented from developing, but the design of concrete
pavement shall take them into account in order to keep them in acceptable ranges of
values. Analytical methods have been developed aiming at computing accurately the
stresses developed in concrete pavements for a theoretical design. But they are rather
complicated and necessitate strong hypothesis on the quality and the evolution of the
different layers composing the subgrade. That is why the approach of this manual is
limited to a qualitative description of the phenomena which justify the pragmatic design
procedure exposed in section 7.
The continuous reinforcement causes the cracking to occur at regular and little spaced
locations thus limiting the opening of cracks to acceptable values.
tension Wetter
During daytime, the top of the slab tends to be warmer than the bottom, causing the
middle of the slab to tend to heave and inducing tensile stresses at the bottom of the slab
and compressive stresses at its top as represented in Figure 5 below.
During nighttime, the opposite phenomenon occur.
tension hotter
Warping stresses are limited in providing joints, either warping or contraction joints
which allow a slight relative rotation of the bays.
As above explained, the factors which shall intervene in the design of rigid pavements
are as follows:
o the subgrade quality
o the quality of the steel and concrete composing the slabs
o the traffic
o the environment (Moisture and temperature)
o the notional design life
For the simplified experience-based design procedure exposed in this manual, the
assumption is made that the materials used for construction meets the standard
requirements as defined in section 3. Which means mainly a yield strength of 500 MPa
for the steel reinforcement bars and a 28 day characteristic compressive strength of 40
MPa for the concrete.
As stated in the previous section, the accurate computation of the stresses in the concrete
is not in the scope of this manual and thus, the proposed thickness design procedure and
joint layout for rigid pavement is suitable for the usual natural ranges of temperature and
moisture rates.
Consequently, the two parameters to be accounted for in the design procedure are the
traffic data and the bearing capacity of the subgrade.
Due to the structural properties of concrete slabs, their durability is very good and they
can be designed for periods of up to 60 years. If properly constructed, the pavement will
last long with a good level of serviceability and low maintenance requirements.
It is common practice to design concrete pavements for 40 years or more. Given that the
required slab thickness varies linearly with the logarithm of the cumulated number of
ESAs, designing for longer periods generally requires marginal additional slab thickness
and reinforcement and proves to be more economical.
This possibility to design rigid pavements for more than twice the maximum design life
of flexible pavements and the lower associated maintenance costs make them generally
more economical in the long term.
The method for computing Cumulative Equivalent Axle Load over the design life is
described in in ERA Pavement Design Manual 2002, volume 1, Chapter 2. The same
method is used for rigid pavement but the equivalency factors to be used are those given
in table 1.
Table 1
Equivalency Factors for Different Axle Loads
(Rigid Pavements)
Wheel load (103 kg) Axle load Equivalency
(single and dual) (103 kg) factor
1.5 3.0 0.02
2.0 4.0 0.05
2.5 5.0 0.13
3.0 6.0 0.28
3.5 7.0 0.53
4.0 8.0 0.93
4.5 9.0 1.53
5.0 10.0 2.40
5.5 11.0 3.63
6.0 12.0 5.25
6.5 13.0 7.33
7.0 14.0 9.92
7.5 15.0 13.1
8.0 16.0 17.0
8.5 17.0 21.6
9.0 18.0 27.1
9.5 19.0 33.7
10.0 20.0 41.4
These factors are marginally higher, when compared with the corresponding values from
Table 2.3 of ERA Pavement Design Manual Volume 1, for loads up to the standard axle
load. However, for heavier loads, the equivalency factors for rigid pavements are lower
and the difference increases exponentially. This reflects the facts that rigid pavements are
more resistant to heavy loads because of the capacity of the concrete slab to spread loads
over a large surface of subbase.
Joints shall be designed according to the general considerations of sub section 4 and
using Drawings B2 to B8.
The general layout of joints shall account for construction consideration and the
following limitations concerning joint spacing and bays dimensions:
Expansion joint are required at the limit with other pavement types or with structures like
In the current section, expansion joints shall be avoided in casting the concrete slab at the
hottest period of the year. If required, expansion joints should replace every third
contraction joint.
In the current sections of the road, the longitudinal and transverse joints placed as
described in the previous sub-sections divide the slabs in even rectangular bays. At
special locations, like crossings or junctions or when manholes or gulleys are fund,
adapted layouts fitting the road geometry must be adopted, in order to prevent the
development of warping stresses. The main principles for designing the joints layout at
special locations are :
o to avoid long, narrows bays with a length/width ratio greater than 2.
o to avoid bays with acute angled corners.
o to avoid bays with re-entrant angles.
The sketches in Figure 6 below present a possible layout for bays at crossing and
junctions illustrating these principles.
Intersection of
transverse joints
boxing out around the object, which means providing an expansion joint without load
transfer device.
Since the opening in the slab structure is likely to create a weakened section prone to
cracking, it is necessary to locate it at the crossing of normal joints or with additional
warping joints as shown in Figure 7 below.
Design CBR
Design ESAs
Check for
Requirement of Yes
Capping Layer
Determine Capping
No Layer Thickness
from Figure 3.2
Type of
Spacing of transverse
Joints (m) 2
26 11
25 JRCP 10
24 9
23 8
22 7
21 6
20 5
419 4
18 3
1 10 100 400 1000
Design Traffic (millions of ESAs)
400 Longitudinal
300 600 JRCP
1 10 100 1000
Design Traffic (millions of ESAs)
Design Thickness of concrete (mm)
1 10 100 1000
Design Traffic (Millions of ESAs)