1582 Ijiet 2959
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1, January 2022
Abstract—Evaluating faculty members' performance is a In the Philippines, teacher evaluation is part of the
very complex area to study. In addition, predicting the educational institution's practice. The purpose of student
performance of these faculty members is a very difficult and evaluation of faculty is to facilitate faculty growth and
challenging task. However, the core of education is teaching and
learning, and teaching-learning works to its fullest when there
development. Likewise, student evaluation is used to play a
are effective teachers. Measuring the effectiveness of faculty support tenure, promotion, transfer, and termination
members is done based on the student evaluation of faculty. decisions as well as salary increases and faculty awards. In
This research aims to develop a model to predict the Vietnam, improving the quality of teaching performance,
performance of the faculty members using associative rule professional enhancement, and making positive
based on the existing evaluation form used by PSU to evaluate improvements among teachers is the main goal of teacher
faculty members. The model is designed to utilize the
knowledge of text analytics rule capabilities that will provide
evaluation [2], [3]. The main objective of educational
great support for the decision-making of Pangasinan State institutions is to provide a quality education through
University in the Philippines. The result reveals that the term regular teaching assessment to maintain quality of
good is still the top one terms occurred for all campuses education [4]. According to Magno [5], this criterion implies
followed by teaching. The results indicated that teacher/faculty that the educational institution measures the quality of the
members on all campuses are good teachers. Associating words services through the delivery of instruction to their students.
reveal that "teaching good subject/topic," "explains simply"
Teaching is a development process that improves faculty
and other meaningful associated words can be utilized to
evaluate the performance of the teacher. The results exposed performance or a reviewing process that assists
not only the quantitative values of faculty evaluation it also administrators in making personnel and strategic decisions
exposed the qualitative opinion of the students in the [6]. The main objective of faculty evaluation is to identify the
performance of their faculty members. This study reveals strengths and work on the weak areas to improve the
important aspects of the faculty member's teaching performance of the teachers, thus achieve optimum process
performance in terms of words/association of words that will
quality. According to Sanders & Horn [7], Once teachers are
describe their teaching performance. The results can be utilized
in coaching and mentoring faculty members to cope with their given feedback about classroom-level instructional outcomes,
weaknesses. The proposed model can be utilized by Pangasinan they start to modify their instruction to address their weak
State University to evaluate the faculty members in terms of areas.
their teaching performance by utilizing the comments/opinions Evaluating teachers' performance is a difficult task, but it
of the students. is made for years through pedagogical surveys. The most
commonly used tool to evaluate a teacher's performance is
Index Terms—Association rule, data analytics, faculty
through surveying students' responses. The concern about
student evaluations is based mainly on 1) students not having
enough experience and maturity to evaluate the course and
I. INTRODUCTION the teachers, 2) students' evaluation is affected by the
popularity of the course and/or teacher, grades are given by
The core of education is teaching and learning, and the teacher and course being compulsory: or elective.
teaching-learning works to its fullest when there are effective Furthermore, the teacher may have the best performance on
teachers. The effectiveness of teaching can be measured research to find out the solution for community problems,
through the use of student evaluation of faculty, a survey that have good performance in community service, social life
students complete each academic semester. It is used to inside and outside the university [8]. To evaluate teacher's
determine the perception and knowledge of faculty members performance, students individually fill a pedagogical survey,
on the different basic and fundamentals of teaching, research, and the quantitative mean of the answers corresponds to the
and service using the available resources [1]. This evaluative teacher evaluation. However, despite the spread of such tools,
procedure is commonly referred to as student ratings of there is no study on automatically predicting teachers'
teaching (SRT), teacher rating form (TRF), student performance using qualitative surveys that will directly
evaluation of teaching (SET), or student evaluation of faculty identify the strength and weaknesses of a teacher [3].
Nowadays, data mining is becoming a more common
Manuscript received June 9, 2021; revised July 28, 2021. platform in understanding and solving educational and
The authors are with Pangasinan State University, Philippines (e-mail: administrative problems in higher education. Data mining
[email protected], [email protected],
techniques are applied in higher education more and more to
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]). give insights into educational and administrative problems to
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2022.12.1.1582 21
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 2022
increase managerial effectiveness. For example, it is used to included. Refer to Table I for the sample comments derived
investigate factors related with the assessment of teaching from the actual data set. The estimated number of data
performance of educators [9]. However, most of the gathered is 15,548.
researches carried out on educational mining focus mainly on
modeling student's performance, but there is very a small LANGUAGE OR DIALECTS USED
number of research model on faculty performance [10]-[13]. Number of
Data mining is a powerful technology for analyzing Language Comments
important information from data warehouses. It is a data Used
She is good at teaching. she do everything just to
analysis methodology used to identify hidden patterns in a understand all the topics that she discuss. Sometimes she is
large set of data [2]. With data mining techniques, such One (English) late because of first subject she handle but we understand
knowledge can be extracted and accessed in transforming the that because she wants us/them learned more about the
topics she gave
database tasks from storing and retrieval of learning and
One (Filipino,
extracting knowledge. It consists of a set of techniques that specifically Tamad magturo,madalang.
are used to extract relevant and interesting knowledge Tagalog)
from data. Data mining has several tasks such as Matalino si Sir. Time is gold para sa kanya, ayaw niya ng
Two (Filipino plagiarism at higit sa lahat may sariling pinaniniwalaan
association rule mining, classification and prediction, – English) Nag e-alien talk di ko na maintindihan minsan sa sobrang
and clustering. Classification techniques are supervised bilis o lalim ng mga words na ginagamit niya
learning techniques that classify the data item into the
predefined class label. It is made of the most useful Data translation was then employed after the data were
techniques in data mining to build classification models from compiled. Comments that are written in Filipino or
an input data set. It is the process of finding a set of models Tagalog-English were translated to the English language.
that describe and differentiate data classes and concepts, to Filling in the missing values from the comments such as
predict the class whose label is unknown [9]. The users missing letter/s were next employed. Care was taken to make
commonly build models used to predict future data trends. sure that the translation is consistent throughout the dataset.
There are several algorithms for data classification such as For example, comments like "instructing being not good in
decision tree (j48), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and teaching" is translated as "bad in teaching." Lastly,
Naive Bayes classifiers. With classification, the inconsistencies such as misspelled words or grammatical
generated model would be able to predict a class for errors were then corrected. The aforementioned processes
giving data depending on previously learned information were accomplished by the data processor.
from historical data [4]. B. Data Pre-processing
This research aims to develop a model to predict the
Data pre-processing was immediately employed after
performance of the faculty using associative rule based on the
cleaning the data gathered. Data pre-processing operators
existing evaluation form use by PSU to evaluate faculty
include tokenization, filtering stop words, stemming, case
transformation, and feature selection or n-gram. Translation,
Specifically, the study aims to:
tokenization, case transformation, and filtering stop words
1) Determine the most frequent word/words used to describe
are the only data preprocessing steps that were employed.
the performance of a faculty member.
The Fig. 1 shows the data preprocessing techniques used in
2) Determine the performance of faculty members of every
this paper.
campus of Pangasinan State University using the
associative approach text analytics technique.
The proposed model is designed to utilize the knowledge
of associative text analytics capabilities that will provide
great support for the decision-making of Pangasinan State
University in the Philippines. Fig. 1. The preprocessing of data in RapidMiner9.7.
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 2022
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 2022
Create Association Rules. The criterion used is confidence relatively higher rank compared to the other remaining
and the threshold value set for confidence is 0.90. campuses, tells us that most of the students on this campus
give greater importance to the usage of this term.
F. Flow Chart
good 1 547 1 344 1 421 1 940 1 841 1 391 1
teaching 2 389 2 215 2 363 2 932 2 679 2 295 2
students 3 312 4 101 3 154 3 504 3 323 3 192 3 783
topic 4 240 5 90 5 133 5 347 4 227 4 127 4 570
understand 11 131 10 47 8 104 4 391 5 200 5 110 8 440
class 6 146 8 52 4 135 7 337 6 182 10 83 11 369
time 21 76 11 45 17 67 19 196 7 168 21 47 7 462
teach 13 109 7 109 22 62 8 286 8 165 11 79 20 268
topics 12 111 17 32 24 52 12 253 16 122 13 57 10 388
teacher 8 138 3 122 9 98 16 215 10 161 7 98 35 150
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 2022
Size Support Item1 Item2 Item3 Item 4
3 0.033 she good teaching
3 0.007 she good students
3 0.012 she good understand
3 0.008 she good topic
4 0.008 she good teaching understand
4 0.009 she good teaching shes
4 0.006 she teaching understand shes
4 0.007 good teaching he students
4 0.006 good teaching voice low
(min freq = 20, min items = 3, max items =5).
TABLE X: RESULTS AFTER USING FP-GROWTH FOR THE SAN CARLOS CITY Fig. 4. Comparison of support count among the campuses of Pangasinan
DATA SET State University.
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 2022
term is considered as an item and the text field is the resounding and clear (positive) or piercing (negative).
transactions. Hence, the goal is to further identify the terms
that occur together that will give us an overview of the CAMPUS DATA SET
perspective of the students towards their instructors. Campus Premises Conclusion Support Confidence
Applying the Create Association Rules operator gives a clear chance he 0.005867971 1.000000000
view and understanding of the terms that have a strong loud voice 0.006845966 1.000000000
relationship with each other and are commonly used together Alaminos strategies teaching 0.007334963 0.937500000
by the students in giving comments or evaluations to the lessons,
good 0.005867971 0.923076923
faculty members. The complete result for the overall data set social communication 0.013527575 1.000000000
is shown in the below: social skills 0.013527575 1.000000000
good 0.00969163 1.000000000
Premises Conclusion Support Confidence discussing
explain, way, discussing,
things 0.004309513 0.917808219 good 0.00969163 1.000000000
simple giving
explain, way, students,
difficult 0.004309513 0.917808219 understand 0.00969163 1.000000000
simple Binmaley situation
explain, way, noisy, like dont 0.014977974 1.000000000
simple 0.004309513 0.930555556
things like, messy dont 0.008810573 1.000000000
way, difficult explain, simple 0.004309513 0.943661972 she, noisy, like dont 0.008810573 1.000000000
explain, simple way 0.00469544 0.948051948 low voice 0.014096916 0.941176471
way, difficult explain, things 0.004373834 0.957746479 attend class 0.020264317 0.920000000
explain, things, good, teaching,
way 0.004373834 0.971428571 voice 0.0059988 1.000000000
difficult low
things, difficult explain 0.004502476 0.972222222 good, low voice 0.00989802 0.970588235
way, difficult, Lingayen
explain 0.004309513 1.000000000 soft voice 0.0074985 0.961538462
simple loud voice 0.016196761 0.947368421
(min freq = 67, min items = 1, max items =5, min confidence = 0.9). she, low voice 0.00869826 0.935483871
way, difficult explain 0.013864818 1.000000000
A total of 9 rules were derived wherein each numerical difficult, simple explain 0.014298094 1.000000000
value for confidence exceeds the set threshold value explain, way,
simple 0.013864818 1.000000000
(minimum confidence is 0.90) after applying the Create difficult
explain, simple way 0.014731369 0.971428571
Association Rules operator under the RapidMiner. This explain,
implies that the terms included in Table XIII have a strong simple 0.014298094 0.970588235
relationship with each other. For example, the terms way and San Carlos
way 0.013864818 0.969696970
difficult are strongly related with the terms explain and simple difficult, simple
simple way 0.01559792 0.947368421
with support equal to 0.004309513 and confidence equal to way, simple explain 0.014731369 0.944444444
0.943661972. Also, if way and difficult (premise) were explain, simple difficult 0.014298094 0.942857143
included in the comment, then there is a high possibility that explain, way,
difficult 0.013864818 0.941176471
the terms explain and simple (conclusion) will also appear. It simple
simple explain 0.015164645 0.921052632
is not appropriate to say that explain and simple (conclusion)
explain, simple way, difficult 0.013864818 0.914285714
occurred in the comment because of the existence of way and abuse good 0.023329799 1.000000000
difficult in the same comment. Take note that Association abuse teaching 0.023329799 1.000000000
Rules are not consequential; instead, they are co-existential, abuse kind 0.023329799 1.000000000
that is, when the premise occurred, then the conclusion will teaching,
good 0.026511135 1.000000000
also occur at the same time. This is also because the result has abuse good, teaching 0.023329799 1.000000000
a low support value but with a high confidence value. Further, good, abuse teaching 0.023329799 1.000000000
this implies that the rules might not stand out in the data set teaching, abuse good 0.023329799 1.000000000
but they occurred frequently due to continued analysis. The abuse good, kind 0.023329799 1.000000000
same explanation goes for the rest of the rules included in the good, abuse kind 0.023329799 1.000000000
kind, abuse good 0.023329799 1.000000000
list. abuse teaching, kind 0.023329799 1.000000000
Conducting the same Association Rule process per campus
Sta Maria teaching, abuse kind 0.023329799 1.000000000
shown in Table XIV gives us the idea about the usual kind, abuse teaching 0.023329799 1.000000000
characteristics of its faculty members based on how the good, teaching,
abuse 0.023329799 1.000000000
students perceived them. In Alaminos Campus, if lessons and
good, abuse teaching, kind 0.023329799 1.000000000
explaining (premise) were included in the comment, then teaching, abuse good, kind 0.023329799 1.000000000
there is a high possibility that the term good (conclusion) will good, teaching,
kind 0.023329799 1.000000000
also appear, hence most of the students perceived their abuse
instructors as good in explaining the lessons and critiqued kind, abuse good, teaching 0.023329799 1.000000000
good, kind,
them based on their teaching strategies. Also, if the term loud abuse
teaching 0.023329799 1.000000000
was in the comment, then there is a high possibility that the teaching, kind,
good 0.023329799 1.000000000
term voice will follow. This implies that students thought that abuse
their instructors are loud-voiced that may indicate whether teaching, good 0.026511135 0.961538462
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 2022
International Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 2022
topic, discussing good 2.844611529 members. Further, this study aims to determine the most
discussing, giving good 2.844611529 frequent word/words to describe the performance of a faculty
students, situation understand 11.58163265
member and to determine the performance of faculty
noisy, like dont 12.20430108
Binmaley members of every campus of Pangasinan State University
like, messy dont 12.20430108
she, noisy, like dont 12.20430108 using the associative approach text analytics technique.
low voice 22.72841051 RapidMiner9.7. was used to evaluate the results in this study.
attend class 8.420967742 All members of this paper evaluated the results manually to
good, teaching,
voice 12.97276265 ensure validity.
good, low voice 12.5912108 The result reveals that the term good (excluding the
soft voice 12.47381024 pronouns he and she) is the most occurring term on the
loud voice 12.28998566 students' evaluation using associative rule analysis. It can be
she, low voice 12.13581022 deduced that the majority of the teaching staff of Pangasinan
way, difficult explain 19.23333333
difficult, simple explain 19.23333333
State University across every campus are good at teaching
explain, way, their subject or topic and can explain it simply so that
simple 60.73684211
difficult students can easily comprehend it.
explain, simple way 22.42057143 It is revealed that "teaching good subject/topic," "explain
explain, difficult simple 58.9504644
simple," and other meaningful associated words can be
explain, difficult,
way 22.38060606 utilized to evaluate the performance of the teacher. The
simple way 21.86526316 results reveal not only the quantitative values of faculty
way, simple explain 18.16481481 evaluation it also exposed the qualitative opinion of the
explain, simple difficult 57.26616541 students in the performance of their faculty members.
explain, way,
difficult 57.16408669 This study reveals important aspects of the teaching
simple explain 17.71491228 performance of the faculty members of Pangasinan State
explain, simple way, difficult 65.94285714 University. The results can be used for coaching and
teaching, attention good 17.46296296 mentoring by university and campus heads to their faculty
abuse good, teaching 2.619444444
members in terms of their weaknesses. Moreover, the results
good, abuse teaching 4.668316832
San Carlos
teaching, abuse good 3.367857143 can be utilized by Pangasinan State University to evaluate the
abuse good, kind 2.619444444 teaching performance of their faculty members based on the
good, abuse kind 27.73529412 comments or opinions of the students.
kind, abuse good 17.46296296
abuse teaching, kind 2.619444444
teaching, abuse kind 29.46875
kind, abuse teaching 17.46296296 The authors declare no conflict of interest.
good, teaching,
abuse 3.367857143
good, abuse teaching, kind 32.51724138
teaching, abuse good, kind 29.46875 F.F.P., P.V.C., B.F.R., J.M.P. conceived the presented idea
good, teaching, of this paper; P.V.C. and J.M.P. gathered every necessary
kind 27.73529412
data; D.B.A.G. conducted the preprocessing of data; F.F.P.
kind, abuse good, teaching 17.46296296
good, kind, abuse teaching 4.668316832 and P.V.C. performed the analysis; F.F.P., P.V.C., B.F.R.,
teaching, kind, and J.M.P. supervised the findings of this work. All authors
good 3.367857143
abuse stated on this paper discussed the results and contributed to
teaching, student good 2.619444444 the completion of the final manuscript.
audible voice 12.57180157
inaudible voice 12.57180157
faint voice 12.57180157 REFERENCES
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Copyright © 2022 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed Jennifer M. Parrone received her M.S. in mathematics
under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted at the University of the Philippines (UP) Baguio City.
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original She serves as the chair of the Mathematics and Natural
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