Chapter 4. Translational Equilibrium and Friction
Chapter 4. Translational Equilibrium and Friction
Chapter 4. Translational Equilibrium and Friction
Note: For all of the problems at the end of this chapter, the rigid booms or struts are considered
to be of negligible weight. All forces are considered to be concurrent forces.
Free-body Diagrams
4-1. Draw a free-body diagram for the arrangements shown in Fig. 3-18. Isolate a point where
the important forces are acting, and represent each force as a vector. Determine the
4-2. Study each force acting at the end of the light strut in Fig. 3-19. Draw the appropriate free-
body diagram. A
of 24 N. What is the tension in the cord that supports the lowest brick? What is the tension
in the cord between the middle brick and the top brick?
Each brick must weight 8 N. The lowest cord supports only one brick,
Chapter 4. Translational Equilibrium and Friction Physics, 6th Ed.
4-4. A single chain supports a pulley whose weight is 40 N. Two identical 80-N weights are
then connected with a cord that passes over the pulley. What is the tension in the
*4-5. If the weight of the block in Fig. 4-18a is 80 N, what are the tensions in ropes A and B?
*4-6. If rope B in Fig. 4-18a will break for tensions greater than 200 lb, what is the maximum
*4-7. If W = 600 N in Fig. 18b, what is the force exerted by the rope on the end of the boom A in
A = 300 N; B = 520 N
Chapter 4. Translational Equilibrium and Friction Physics, 6th Ed.
*4-8. If the rope B in Fig. 18a will break if its tension exceeds 400 N, what is the maximum
weight W? ΣFy = By - W = 0; By = W B
A By
B sin 400 = 400 N ; B = 622 N ΣFx = 0 Bx
0 0
Bx – A = 0; B cos 40 = A; A = (622 N) cos 40 A = 477 N.
*4-9. What is the maximum weight W for Fig. 18b if the rope can sustain a maximum tension of
B = 800 N
only 800 N? (Set B = 800 N). A
*4-10. A 70-N block rests on a 300 inclined plane. Determine the normal force and find the friction
force that keeps the block from sliding. (Rotate axes as shown.) F N
*4-11. A wire is stretched between two poles 10 m apart. A sign is attached to the midpoint of the
line causing it to sag vertically a distance of 50 cm. If the tension in each line segment is
5m 5m
2000 N, what is the weight of the sign? (h = 0.50 m)
φ φ
tan φ = (0.5/5) or φ = 5.710 ; 2(2000 N) sin φ = W 2000 N 2000 N
W = 4000 sin 5.71; W = 398 N.
*4-12. An 80-N traffic light is supported at the midpoint of a 30-m length of cable between to
poles. Find the tension in each cable segment if the cable sags a vertical distance of 1 m.
15 m 15 m
h = 1 m; Tan φ = (1/15); φ = 3.81 0
h φ
T sin φ + T sin φ = 80 N; 2T sin 3.810 = 80 N
W = 80 N
Chapter 4. Translational Equilibrium and Friction Physics, 6th Ed.
80 N
Solution to 4-12 (Cont.): T= = 601 N ; T = 601 N
2 sin 3.810
*4-13. The ends of three 8-ft studs are nailed together forming a tripod with an apex that is 6ft
above the ground. What is the compression in each of these studs if a 100-lb weight is hung
33.3 lb
F sin 48.90 = 33.3 lb; F= = 44.4 lb F = 44.4 lb, compression
sin 48.9 0
*4-14. A 20-N picture is hung from a nail as in Fig. 4-20, so that the supporting cords make an
4-15. A horizontal force of 40 N will just start an empty 600-N sled moving across packed snow.
After motion is begun, only 10 N is needed to keep motion at constant speed. Find the
40 N 10 N
µs = = 0.0667 µk = = 0.0167 µs = 0.0667; µk = 0.016
600 N 600 N
4-16. Suppose 200-N of supplies are added the sled in Problem 4-13. What new force is needed
Chapter 4. Translational Equilibrium and Friction Physics, 6th Ed.
4-17. Assume surfaces where µs = 0.7 and µk = 0.4. What horizontal force is needed to just start
a 50-N block moving along a wooden floor. What force will move it at constant speed?
4-18. A dockworker finds that a horizontal force of 60 lb is needed to drag a 150-lb crate across
F 60 lb
µk = ; µk = = 0.400 µk = 0.400
N 150 lb
4-19. The dockworker in Problem 4-16 finds that a smaller crate of similar material can be
dragged at constant speed with a horizontal force of only 40 lb. What is the weight of this
4-20. A steel block weighing 240 N rests on level steel beam. What horizontal force will move
4-21. A 60-N toolbox is dragged horizontally at constant speed by a rope making an angle of 350
with the floor. The tension in the rope is 40 N. Determine the magnitude of the friction
force and the normal force. 350
ΣFx = T cos 350 – Fk = 0; Fk = (40 N) cos 350 = 32.8 N
ΣFy = N + Ty – W = 0; N = W – Ty = 60 N – T sin 35 0
4-22. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction for the example in Problem 4-19?
F 32.8 N
µk = = ; µk = 0.884
N 37.1 N
Chapter 4. Translational Equilibrium and Friction Physics, 6th Ed.
4-23. The coefficient of static friction for wood on wood is 0.7. What is the maximum angle for
4-24. A roof is sloped at an angle of 400. What is the maximum coefficient of static friction
between the sole of the shoe and the roof to prevent slipping?
*4-25. A 200 N sled is pushed along a horizontal surface at constant speed with a 50-N force that
makes an angle of 280 below the horizontal. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction?
ΣFx = T cos 280 – Fk = 0; Fk = (50 N) cos 280 = 44.1 N
ΣFy = N - Ty – W = 0; N = W + Ty = 200 N + T sin 280 280
N = 200 N + (50 N) sin 35 ; 0
N = 223 N
F 44.1 N
µk = = µk = 0.198
N 223 N
*4-26. What is the normal force on the block in Fig. 4-21? What is the component of the weight
*4-27. What push P directed up the plane will cause the block in Fig. 4-21 to move up the plane
Chapter 4. Translational Equilibrium and Friction Physics, 6th Ed.
*4-28. If the block in Fig. 4-21 is released, it will overcome static friction and slide rapidly down
the plane. What push P directed up the incline will retard the downward motion until the
block moves at constant speed? (Note that F is up the plane now.) P
Magnitudes of F , Wx, and N are same as Prob. 4-25. 430
ΣFx = P +Fk – Wx = 0; P = Wx - Fk; P = 40.9 N - 13.2 N
Challlenge Problems
*4-29. Determine the tension in rope A and the compression B in the strut for Fig. 4-22.
400 N B
ΣFy = 0; By – 400 N = 0; B= = 462 N A
sin600 600 By
*4-30. If the breaking strength of cable A in Fig. 4-23 is 200 N, what is the maximum weight that
200 N
can be supported by this apparatus?
B 400 Ay
ΣFy = 0; Ay – W = 0; W = (200 N) sin 400 = 129 N
*4-31. What is the minimum push P parallel to a 370 inclined plane if a 90-N wagon is to be
rolled up the plane at constant speed. Ignore friction.
P = 54.2 N
W = 90 N
Chapter 4. Translational Equilibrium and Friction Physics, 6th Ed.
4-32. A horizontal force of only 8 lb moves a cake of ice slides with constant speed across a floor
*4-33. Find the tension in ropes A and B for the arrangement shown in Fig. 4-24a.
*4-34. Find the tension in ropes A and B in Fig. 4-24b.
500 A
ΣFy = By – 160 N = 0; By = 160 N ; 0
B sin 50 = 294 N
W = 160 N
160 N
B= ; B = 209 N
sin 500
*4-35. A cable is stretched horizontally across the top of two vertical poles 20 m apart. A 250-N
sign suspended from the midpoint causes the rope to sag a vertical distance of 1.2 m.
10 m 10 m
What is the tension in each cable segment?. φ
h φ
12. T T
h = 1.2 m; tan φ = ; φ = 6.84 0
10 W = 250 N
2Tsin 6.840 = 250 N; T = 1050 N
*4-36. Assume the cable in Problem 4-31 has a breaking strength of 1200 N. What is the
Chapter 4. Translational Equilibrium and Friction Physics, 6th Ed.
*4-37. Find the tension in the cable and the compression in the light boom for Fig. 4-25a.
ΣFy = Ay – 26 lb = 0; Ay = 26 lb ; A sin 370 = 26 lb
370 B
26 lb
A= ; A = 43.2 lb
sin 37 0
W = 26 lb
ΣFx = B – Ax = 0; B = Ax = (43.2 lb) cos 37 ; 0
B = 34.5 lb
*4-38. Find the tension in the cable and the compression in the light boom for Fig. 4-25b.
68 lb W 68 lb
B= ; A = 915 lb
sin 480
*4-39. Determine the tension in the ropes A and B for Fig. 4-26a.
ΣFx = Bx – Ax = 0; B cos 30 = A cos 45 ;
0 0
B = 0.816 A
ΣFy = A sin 450 – B sin 300 – 420 N = 0; 0.707 A – 0.5 B = 420 N W B
420 N
Substituting B = 0.816A: 0.707 A – (0.5)(0.816 A) = 420 N
*4-40. Find the forces in the light boards of Fig. 4-26b and state whether the boards are under
tension or compression. ( Note: θA = 900 - 300 = 600 ) B
ΣFy = B sin 450 + A sin 600 – 46 lb = 0; 0.707 B + 0.866 A = 46 lb 46 lb
Chapter 4. Translational Equilibrium and Friction Physics, 6th Ed.
Solving for B: B = 23.8 lb; and A = 1.414B = 01.414 (23.8 lb) or A = 33.7 lb
rope is attached to the light poles. What is the direction of the forces acting ON the ends
of the poles? What is the direction of the forces exerted BY the poles at that point? Draw
the appropriate free-body diagram. Imagine that the poles are bolted together at their
upper ends, then visualize the forces ON that bolt and BY that bolt.
*4-42. Determine the forces acting ON the ends of the poles in Fig 3-27 if W = 500 N.
ΣFy = A sin 600 – B sin 300 – 500 N = 0; 0.866 A – 0.5 B = 500 N
Substituting B = 0.577 A: 0.866 A – (0.5)( 0.577 A) = 500 N
Chapter 4. Translational Equilibrium and Friction Physics, 6th Ed.
Can you explain why B = W? Would this be true for any weight W?
Try another value, for example W = 800 N and solve again for B.
*4-43. A 2-N eraser is pressed against a vertical chalkboard with a horizontal push of 12 N. If
µs = 0.25, find the horizontal force required to start motion parallel to the floor? What if
you want to start its motion upward or downward? Find the vertical forces required to just
start motion up the board and then down the board? Ans. 3.00 N, up = 5 N, down = 1 N.
For horizontal motion, P = Fs = µsN
F P N 12 N 12 N
P = 0.25 (12 N); P = 3.00 N
For vertical motion, P – 2 N – Fk = 0 2N 2N
P = 2 N + 3 N; P = 5.00 N
*4-44. It is determined experimentally that a 20-lb horizontal force will move a 60-lb lawn
mower at constant speed. The handle of the mower makes an angle of 400 with the
ground. What push along the handle will move the mower at constant speed? Is the
normal force equal to the weight of the mower? What is the normal force?
20 lb N
µk = = 0.333 ΣFy = N – Py - W= 0; W = 60 lb
60 lb Fk
N = P sin 40 + 60 lb;
Fk = µkN = 0.333 N P
Chapter 4. Translational Equilibrium and Friction Physics, 6th Ed.
20 lb
0.552 P = 20 lb; P= = 36.2 lb ; P = 36.2 lb
*4-45. Suppose the lawn mower of Problem 4-40 is to be moved backward. What pull along the
handle is required to move with constant speed? What is the normal force in this case?
Discuss the differences between this example and the one in the previous problem.
20 lb P N
µk = = 0.333 ΣFy = N + Py - W= 0; W = 60 lb
60 lb Fk
20 lb
0.980 P = 20 lb; P= = 20.4 lb ; P = 20.4 lb
*4-46. A truck is removed from the mud by attaching a line between the truck and the tree. When
the angles are as shown in Fig. 4-28, a force of 40 lb is exerted at the midpoint of the line.
*4-47. Suppose a force of 900 N is required to remove the move the truck in Fig. 4-28. What
force is required at the midpoint of the line for the angles shown?.
W = 70N
Chapter 4. Translational Equilibrium and Friction Physics, 6th Ed.
*4-48. A 70-N block of steel is at rest on a 400 incline. What is the static friction force directed
up the plane? Is this necessarily the maximum force of static friction? What is the normal
*4-49. Determine the compression in the center strut B and the tension in the rope A for the
situation described by Fig. 4-29. Distinguish clearly the difference between the
compression force in the strut and the force indicated on your free-body diagram.
ΣFx = Bx – Ax = 0; B cos 50 = A cos 20 ;
0 0
B = 1.46 A
ΣFy = B sin 500 – A sin 200 – 500 N = 0; 0.766 B – 0.342 A = 500 N 200
Substituting B = 1.46 A: 0.766 (1.46 A) – (0.342 A) = 500 N
*4-50. What horizontal push P is required to just prevent a 200 N block from slipping down a 600
inclined plane where µs = 0.4? Why does it take a lesser force if P acts parallel to the
plane? Is the friction force greater, less, or the same for these two cases?
(a) ΣFy = N – Wy– Py = 0; Wy = (200 N) cos 60 = 100 N
Py = P sin 600 = 0.866 P; N = 100 N + 0.866 P P
(b) If P were parallel to the plane, the normal force would be LESS, and therefore the
friction force would be reduced. Since the friction force is directed UP the plane, it
Chapter 4. Translational Equilibrium and Friction Physics, 6th Ed.
is actually helping to prevent slipping. You might think at first that the push P (to
stop downward slipping) would then need to be GREATER than before, due to the
lesser friction force. However, only half of the push is effective when exerted
horizontally. If the force P were directed up the incline, a force of only 133 N is
*4-51. Find the tension in each cord of Fig. 4-30 if the suspended weight is 476 N.
Consider the knot at the bottom first since more information is given at that point.
476 N C
ΣFy = A sin 300 - (275 N) sin 600 = 0 275 N
A = 476 N; ΣFx = A cos 300 – C cos 600 – B = 0; 476 cos 300 – 275 cos 600 – B = 0
*4-52. Find the force required to pull a 40-N sled horizontally at constant speed by exerting a pull
along a pole that makes a 300 angle with the ground (µk = 0.4). Now find the force required
if you push along the pole at the same angle. What is the major factor that changes in these
Fk Fk
(a) ΣFy = N + Py - W= 0; W = 40 N 300
N = 40 N - P sin 300; Fk = µkN
ΣFx = P cos 300 - µkN = 0; P cos 400- 0.4(40 N - P sin 300) =0;
Chapter 4. Translational Equilibrium and Friction Physics, 6th Ed.
ΣFx = P cos 300 - µkN = 0; P cos 400- 0.4(40 N + P sin 300) =0;
**4-53. Two weights are hung over two frictionless pulleys as shown in Fig. 4-31. What weight
W will cause the 300-lb block to just start moving to the right? Assume µs = 0.3. Note:
**4-54. Find the maximum weight than can be hung at point O in Fig. 4-32 without upsetting the
ΣFy = B sin 200 – W = 0; W = B sin 200 = (63.9 lb) sin 200; W = 21.8 lb