DCI Contactless D-PAS Acquirer Host Test Plan v1.2
DCI Contactless D-PAS Acquirer Host Test Plan v1.2
DCI Contactless D-PAS Acquirer Host Test Plan v1.2
This DCI Contactless D-PAS: Acquirer Host Test Plan may not be disclosed or
distributed, in whole or in part, to any third party without written permission from
DFS Services LLC other than as explicitly permitted by the Operating
Revision Status
Table of Contents
1 Test Plan Scope.........................................................................................................................................7
2 Referenced Documents ............................................................................................................................7
3 Abbreviations and Notations ...................................................................................................................8
4 Acquirer Host Test ....................................................................................................................................9
4.1 Purpose ..............................................................................................................................................................9
4.2 Test Environment..............................................................................................................................................9
4.3 Test Cards and Bundles ................................................................................................................................10
4.4 Currencies and Transaction Values.............................................................................................................10
5 Test Structure ..........................................................................................................................................11
5.1 Test Numbering and Associated Sub-Cases .............................................................................................11
6 Test Cases ...............................................................................................................................................12
6.1 Purchase Transaction ....................................................................................................................................12
6.1.1 DCI.A.300.00 Purchase Authorization Request with a Contactless Chip Card Product with an Online PIN
Verification ...................................................................................................................................................................12
6.1.2 DCI.A.300.01 Purchase Authorization Request with a Contactless Chip Card Product with No CVM .............. 13
6.1.3 DCI.A.300.02: Purchase Authorization Request with a Contactless Chip Card Product with Signature .........14
6.1.4 DCI.A.301.00: Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use........................................15
6.1.5 DCI.A.302.00: Purchase Authorization Request with a CDA Contactless Chip Card Product - Offline Data
Authentication Failed ................................................................................................................................................... 15
6.1.6 DCI.A.303.00 Purchase Authorization with a Contactless Chip Card Product Containing an AID with a
Maximum Size ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
6.1.7 DCI.A.304.00 Purchase Authorization with a Contactless Chip Card Product Containing an IAD with a
Maximum Length (32 bytes) ........................................................................................................................................17
6.1.8 DCI.A.304.01 Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use..........................................18
6.1.9 DCI.A. 305.00 Purchase Authorization with a Contactless Chip Card Product Containing a PAN with a
Maximum Size (19 Digits)............................................................................................................................................ 18
6.1.10 DCI.A. 306.00 Purchase Authorization with a Contactless Chip Card Product Containing No PAN Sequence
Number ........................................................................................................................................................................19
6.1.11 DCI.A.307.00 Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use..........................................20
6.1.12 DCI.A.308.00 Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use..........................................20
6.1.13 DCI.A.309.00 – Reserved for Future Use ..........................................................................................................20
6.1.14 DCI.A.310.00 Purchase Authorization with Switch Interface to Contact D-PAS ............................................... 21
6.1.15 DCI.A.311.00 Purchase Authorization Response from Issuer Containing One Issuer Script Command with a
Contactless Chip Card Product ....................................................................................................................................22
6.1.16 DCI.A.311.01 Purchase Authorization Response from Issuer Containing Several Issuer Script Commands with
a Contactless Chip Card Product .................................................................................................................................23
6.1.17 DCI.A.311.02 Purchase Authorization Response from Issuer Containing an Issuer Script Command with a
Maximum Size with a Contactless Chip Card Product .................................................................................................24
6.1.18 DCI.A.312.00 Purchase Authorization Containing All Optional Chip Data Elements with a Contactless Chip
Card Product................................................................................................................................................................ 25
6.1.19 DCI.A.313.00 Purchase Authorization Containing a DF Name with a Maximum Size with a Contactless Chip
Card Product................................................................................................................................................................ 27
6.1.20 DCI.A.314.00 Purchase Transaction is not Complete at the Terminal .............................................................. 28
6.1.21 DCI.A.315.00 Purchase Authorization with Issuer Timeout and No Acquirer Stand-In with a Contactless Chip
Card Product................................................................................................................................................................ 30
6.1.22 DCI.A.316.00 Purchase Authorization and Reversal Advice Containing All Optional Chip Data Elements with a
Contactless Chip Card Product ....................................................................................................................................32
6.1.23 DCI.A.317.00 Purchase Authorization and Reversal Advice Containing a DF Name with a Maximum Size ....34
6.1.24 DCI.A.318.00 Purchase Authorization with Issuer Timeout, Acquirer Stand-in, and Advice ............................. 36
6.1.25 DCI.A.319.00 Purchase Authorization and Authorization Advice with a Contactless Chip Card Product
Containing All Optional Chip Data Elements ................................................................................................................ 38
6.1.26 DCI.A.320.00 Purchase Authorization and Authorization Advice Containing DF Name with a Maximum Size 40
6.1.27 DCI.A.321.00 Purchase Authorization Request with a CVN 15 Contactless Chip Card ....................................42
6.1.28 DCI.A.322.00 Purchase Authorization Request with a CVN 16 Contactless Chip Card ...................................43
6.2 Cash Advance Transaction ...........................................................................................................................44
6.2.1 DCI.A.330.00 Cash Advance with a Contactless Chip Card Product with an Online PIN Verification .............. 44
6.2.2 DCI A.331.00 Cash Advance Authorization Request with a Contactless Chip Card Product with No CVM......45
6.2.3 DCI A.332.00 Cash Advance Authorization Request with a Contactless Chip Card Product with Signature ....46
6.2.4 DCI A.333.00 Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use.........................................47
6.2.5 DCI A.334.00 Cash Advance Authorization Request with a CDA Contactless Chip Card Product - Offline Data
Authentication Failed.................................................................................................................................................... 47
6.2.6 DCI A.335.00 Cash Advance Authorization with a Contactless Chip Card Product Containing an AID with a
Maximum Size ............................................................................................................................................................. 48
6.2.7 DCI A.336.00 Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use.........................................49
6.2.8 DCI.A.336.01 Cash Advance Authorization with a Contactless Chip Card Product Containing an IAD with a
Maximum Size ............................................................................................................................................................. 49
6.2.9 DCI.A.337.00 Cash Advance Authorization with a Contactless Chip Card Product Containing a PAN with a
Maximum Size (19 Digits) ............................................................................................................................................ 50
6.2.10 DCI.A.337.01 Cash Advance Authorization with a Contactless Chip Card Product Containing No Card
Sequence Number ....................................................................................................................................................... 51
6.2.11 DCI.A.338.00 Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use..........................................52
6.2.12 DCI.A.339.00 Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use ..........................................52
6.2.13 DCI.A.340.00 Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use ..........................................52
6.2.14 DCI.A.341.00 Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use ..........................................52
6.2.15 DCI.A.342.00 – Reserved for Future Use..........................................................................................................52
6.2.16 DCI.A.343.00 Cash Advance Authorization Response from Issuer Containing One Issuer Script Command with
a Contactless Chip Card Product .................................................................................................................................53
6.2.17 DCI.A.343.01 Cash Advance Authorization Response from an Issuer Containing Several Issuer Script
Commands with a Contactless Chip Card Product ......................................................................................................54
6.2.18 DCI.A.343.02 Cash Advance Authorization Response from Issuer Containing Issuer Script Command with a
Maximum Size with a Contactless Chip Card Product .................................................................................................55
6.2.19 DCI.A.344.00 Cash Advance Authorization Containing All Optional Chip Data Elements with a Contactless Chip
Card Product................................................................................................................................................................ 56
6.2.20 DCI.A.345.00 Cash Advance Authorization Containing a DF Name with a Maximum Size with a Contactless
Chip Card Product........................................................................................................................................................ 58
6.2.21 DCI.A.346.00 Cash Advance and Reversal.......................................................................................................59
6.2.22 DCI.A.347.00 Cash Advance Authorization with Issuer Timeout and No Acquirer Stand-in with a Contactless
Chip Card Product........................................................................................................................................................ 61
6.2.23 DCI.A.348.00 Cash Advance Authorization and Reversal Advice Containing All Optional Chip Data Elements
with a Contactless Chip Card Product.......................................................................................................................... 63
6.2.24 DCI.A.349.00 Cash Advance Authorization and Reversal Advice Containing a DF Name with a Maximum Size
6.2.25 DCI.A.350.00 – Reserved for Future Use...........................................................................................................67
6.2.26 DCI.A.351.00 – Reserved for Future Use...........................................................................................................67
6.2.27 DCI.A.352.00 – Reserved for Future Use...........................................................................................................67
6.2.28 DCI.A.353.00 Cash Advance Authorization Request with a CVN 15 Contactless Chip Card................................................... 68
6.2.29 DCI.A.354.00 Cash Advance Authorization Request with a CVN 16 Contactless Chip Card ........................... 69
6.3 Magnetic Stripe Mode Transactions ............................................................................................................70
6.3.1 DCI.A.360.00 Purchase Authorization Request with a Dynamic Card Verification Value Enabled (DCVV)
Contactless D-PAS Magnetic Stripe Contactless Chip Card Product...........................................................................70
6.3.2 DCI.A.361.00 Purchase Authorization with Issuer Timeout and No Acquirer Stand-In with a DCVV enabled
Contactless D-PAS Magnetic Stripe Contactless Chip Card Product...........................................................................71
6.3.3 DCI.A.362.00 Purchase Authorization and Authorization Advice with a DCVV Enabled Contactless D-PAS
Magnetic Stripe Contactless Chip Card Product .........................................................................................................73
6.3.4 DCI.A.363.00 Cash Advance Authorization Request with a DCVV Enabled Contactless D-PAS Magnetic Stripe
Contactless Chip Card Product ...................................................................................................................................75
6.3.5 DCI.A.364.00 Cash Advance Authorization with Issuer Timeout and No Acquirer Stand-In with a DCVV Enabled
Contactless D-PAS Magnetic Stripe Contactless Chip Card Product...........................................................................76
6.3.6 Reserved for future use ....................................................................................................................................78
6.3.7 DCI.A.366.00 Purchase Authorization Request with a DCVV Disabled Contactless D-PAS Magnetic Stripe
Contactless Chip Card Product ....................................................................................................................................78
6.3.8 DCI.A.367.00 Purchase Authorization with Issuer Timeout and No Acquirer Stand-In with a DCVV Disabled
Contactless D-PAS Magnetic Stripe Contactless Chip Card Product........................................................................79
6.3.9 DCI.A.368.00 Purchase Authorization and Authorization Advice with a DCVV Disabled Contactless D-PAS
Magnetic Stripe Contactless Chip Card Product ..........................................................................................................81
6.3.10 DCI.A.369.00 Cash Advance Authorization Request with a DCVV Disabled D-PAS Magnetic Stripe Contactless
Chip Card Product........................................................................................................................................................ 83
6.3.11 DCI.A.370.00 Cash Advance Authorization with Issuer Timeout and No Acquirer Stand-In with a DCVV
Disabled Contactless D-PAS Magnetic Stripe Contactless Chip Card Product............................................................ 84
6.4 MPOS Transactions .......................................................................................................................................86
6.4.1 DCI.A.371.00 Purchase Authorization Using an MPOS Device ........................................................................86
6.4.2 DCI.A.372.00 Purchase Authorization and Reversal from an MPOS Device.................................................... 87
List of Figures
Figure 1 –Test Environment .................................................................................................................................9
List of Tables
Table 1 – Reference Documents..........................................................................................................................7
2 Referenced Documents
The documents listed in the following table are referenced in this document using the abbreviations
provided and can be provided to Acquirers on request, for reference purposes. Before using any of these
documents to obtain additional information, please check for any updates on the InfoNet website or via
e-mail to: [email protected].
Table 1 – Reference Documents
Document Type Title Source Reference
Contactless D- DCI Contactless D-PAS: Card Image 1 [CTL D-PAS: CIGA]
PAS Guides and Definitions for Acquirers Guide
Discover Contact and Contactless D- 1 [DFS D-PAS: CM]
PAS: Certification Manual
DCI DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 1 [DCI XAS]
Documentation 8583 Transaction Manual
EMVCo EMV Contactless Specifications for 2
Specifications: Payment Systems, version 2.5, March [EMV CTL]
Contactless 2015
1 = Available from the DCI InfoNet website (https://www.dinersclubinfonet.com) or by email to: dpas
[email protected].
2 = Available from the EMVCo website (http://www.emvco.com).
For detailed information regarding the system architecture, requirements and configuration, refer to the
5 Test Structure
5.1 Test Numbering and Associated Sub-Cases
Test numbers are structured as follows:
DCI.x.yyy.zz Version: nn Sub-case Number: n
Where: x= The category of the test. Set to A (for the Acquirer test).
yyy = The test number in the category.
zz = The test number extension, used when a test needs to be added
between two existing tests.
Version: nn = The version of the test case
Sub-case number: n = The number of the sub-case associated with the related test (if
6 Test Cases
6.1 Purchase Transaction
6.1.1 DCI.A.300.00 Purchase Authorization Request with a Contactless Chip Card Product
with an Online PIN Verification
Test No: DCI.A.300.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 2
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
purchase transaction with an online PIN verification and process the
Authorization Request Response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.1.2 DCI.A.300.01 Purchase Authorization Request with a Contactless Chip Card Product
with No CVM
Test No: DCI.A.300.01 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
purchase transaction with No CVM and process the Authorization Request
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.1.3 DCI.A.300.02: Purchase Authorization Request with a Contactless Chip Card Product
with Signature
Test No: DCI.A.300.02 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
purchase transaction with Signature and process the Authorization Request
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.1.4 DCI.A.301.00: Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use
6.1.5 DCI.A.302.00: Purchase Authorization Request with a CDA Contactless Chip Card
Product - Offline Data Authentication Failed
Test No: DCI.A.302.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
purchase transaction with a CDA card and process the Authorization Request
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.1.8 DCI.A.304.01 Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use
6.1.9 DCI.A. 305.00 Purchase Authorization with a Contactless Chip Card Product
Containing a PAN with a Maximum Size (19 Digits)
Test No: DCI.A.305.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
purchase transaction containing a PAN with a maximum size.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.1.10 DCI.A. 306.00 Purchase Authorization with a Contactless Chip Card Product
Containing No PAN Sequence Number
Test No: DCI.A.305.01 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
purchase transaction containing no Card Sequence Number.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.1.11 DCI.A.307.00 Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use
6.1.12 DCI.A.308.00 Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use
6.1.15 DCI.A.311.00 Purchase Authorization Response from Issuer Containing One Issuer
Script Command with a Contactless Chip Card Product
Test No: DCI.A.310.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 2
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
purchase transaction and process the Authorization Response when the
response contains one Issuer script command.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.1.16 DCI.A.311.01 Purchase Authorization Response from Issuer Containing Several Issuer
Script Commands with a Contactless Chip Card Product
Test No: DCI.A.311.01 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
purchase transaction and process the Authorization Response when the
response contains several Issuer script commands.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.1.18 DCI.A.312.00 Purchase Authorization Containing All Optional Chip Data Elements with
a Contactless Chip Card Product
Test No: DCI.A.312.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
purchase containing all optional chip data elements.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Pre-requisite The following data elements are transmitted by the terminal to the Acquirer:
conditions: AID, AUC, CID, CVM Results, DF Name, IFD Serial Number, and Terminal
Application Version Number, Terminal Type, Transaction Sequence Counter.
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.1.21 DCI.A.315.00 Purchase Authorization with Issuer Timeout and No Acquirer Stand-In
with a Contactless Chip Card Product
Test No: DCI.A.315.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Reversal Request
and process the reversal advice response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.1.22 DCI.A.316.00 Purchase Authorization and Reversal Advice Containing All Optional
Chip Data Elements with a Contactless Chip Card Product
Test No: DCI.A.316.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Reversal
Request containing all optional Chip Data elements and process the reversal
advice response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Pre-requisite The following data elements are transmitted by the terminal to the Acquirer:
conditions: AID, AUC, CID, CVM Results, DF Name, IFD Serial Number, and Terminal
Application Version Number, Terminal Type, Transaction Sequence Counter.
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.1.23 DCI.A.317.00 Purchase Authorization and Reversal Advice Containing a DF Name with
a Maximum Size
Test No: DCI.A.317.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Reversal
Request containing a DF Name with a maximum length and process the
reversal response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Pre-requisite The data element DF Name is transmitted by the terminal to the Acquirer.
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.1.24 DCI.A.318.00 Purchase Authorization with Issuer Timeout, Acquirer Stand-in, and
Test No: DCI.A.318.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Advice and
process the Authorization Advice Response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.1.27 DCI.A.321.00 Purchase Authorization Request with a CVN 15 Contactless Chip Card
Test No: DCI.A.321.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
purchase transaction with CVN 15, and process the Authorization Request
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.1.28 DCI.A.322.00 Purchase Authorization Request with a CVN 16 Contactless Chip Card
Test No: DCI.A.322.00 - Revision 0 – Number sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
purchase transaction with CVN 16, and process the Authorization Request
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.2.1 DCI.A.330.00 Cash Advance with a Contactless Chip Card Product with an Online PIN
Test No: DCI.A.330.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
cash advance transaction with an online PIN verification, and process the
Authorization Request Response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.2.2 DCI A.331.00 Cash Advance Authorization Request with a Contactless Chip Card
Product with No CVM
Test No: DCI.A.331.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
cash advance transaction with No CVM, and process the Authorization
Request Response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.2.3 DCI A.332.00 Cash Advance Authorization Request with a Contactless Chip Card
Product with Signature
Test No: DCI.A.332.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
cash advance transaction with Signature, and process the Authorization
Request Response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.2.4 DCI A.333.00 Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use
6.2.5 DCI A.334.00 Cash Advance Authorization Request with a CDA Contactless Chip Card
Product - Offline Data Authentication Failed
Test No: DCI.A.334.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
cash advance transaction with a CDA card and process the authorization
Cash Advance Authorization Request Response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.2.6 DCI A.335.00 Cash Advance Authorization with a Contactless Chip Card Product
Containing an AID with a Maximum Size
Test No: DCI.A.335.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
cash advance transaction containing an AID with a maximum length.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Pre-requisite The data element AID is transmitted by the terminal to the Acquirer.
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.2.7 DCI A.336.00 Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use
6.2.8 DCI.A.336.01 Cash Advance Authorization with a Contactless Chip Card Product
Containing an IAD with a Maximum Size
Test No: DCI.A.336.01 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
cash advance transaction containing an IAD with a maximum length (32 bytes).
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
Pass Criteria: The Authorization Request message shall be correctly formatted and
transmitted to the IHS.
6.2.9 DCI.A.337.00 Cash Advance Authorization with a Contactless Chip Card Product
Containing a PAN with a Maximum Size (19 Digits)
Test No: DCI.A.337.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 1
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
cash advance transaction containing a PAN with a maximum size.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.2.10 DCI.A.337.01 Cash Advance Authorization with a Contactless Chip Card Product
Containing No Card Sequence Number
Test No: DCI.A.337.01 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
cash advance transaction containing no Card Sequence Number.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.2.11 DCI.A.338.00 Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use
6.2.12 DCI.A.339.00 Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use
6.2.13 DCI.A.340.00 Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use
6.2.14 DCI.A.341.00 Test Case Removed – Test Case Number Reserved for Future Use
6.2.16 DCI.A.343.00 Cash Advance Authorization Response from Issuer Containing One
Issuer Script Command with a Contactless Chip Card Product
Test No: DCI.A.342.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 2
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
cash advance transaction and process the Authorization Request Response
when the response contains one Issuer script command.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.2.18 DCI.A.343.02 Cash Advance Authorization Response from Issuer Containing Issuer
Script Command with a Maximum Size with a Contactless Chip Card Product
Test No: DCI.A.343.02 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
cash advance transaction and process the Authorization Request Response
when the response contains an Issuer script command with a maximum
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.2.19 DCI.A.344.00 Cash Advance Authorization Containing All Optional Chip Data Elements
with a Contactless Chip Card Product
Test No: DCI.A.344.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
cash advance containing all optional Chip Data elements.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.2.22 DCI.A.347.00 Cash Advance Authorization with Issuer Timeout and No Acquirer
Stand-in with a Contactless Chip Card Product
Test No: DCI.A.347.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Reversal
Request for a cash advance and process the Authorization Reversal Request
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.2.23 DCI.A.348.00 Cash Advance Authorization and Reversal Advice Containing All
Optional Chip Data Elements with a Contactless Chip Card Product
Test No: DCI.A.348.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage a Authorization Reversal Request
for a cash advance containing all optional Chip Data elements and process the
Authorization Reversal Request Response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Pre-requisite The following data elements are transmitted by the terminal to the Acquirer:
conditions: AID, AUC, CID, CVM Results, DF Name, IFD Serial Number, and Terminal
Application Version Number, Terminal Type, Transaction Sequence Counter.
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.2.24 DCI.A.349.00 Cash Advance Authorization and Reversal Advice Containing a DF Name
with a Maximum Size
Test No: DCI.A.349.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Reversal
Request for a cash advance containing a DF Name with a maximum length
and process the Authorization Reversal Request Response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Pre-requisite The data element DF Name is transmitted by the terminal to the Acquirer.
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.2.28 DCI.A.353.00 Cash Advance Authorization Request with a CVN 15 Contactless Chip Card
Test No: DCI.A.353.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
cash advance transaction and process the Authorization Request Response
when CVN 15 is included in the cryptogram generation.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.2.29 DCI.A.354.00 Cash Advance Authorization Request with a CVN 16 Contactless Chip
Test No: DCI.A.354.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Request for a
cash advance transaction when CVN 16 is included in the cryptogram
generation process the Authorization Request Response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.3.1 DCI.A.360.00 Purchase Authorization Request with a Dynamic Card Verification Value
Enabled (DCVV) Contactless D-PAS Magnetic Stripe Contactless Chip Card Product
Test No: DCI.A.360.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage a purchase Authorization Request
using MS Mode and process the Authorization Request Response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.3.2 DCI.A.361.00 Purchase Authorization with Issuer Timeout and No Acquirer Stand-In
with a DCVV enabled Contactless D-PAS Magnetic Stripe Contactless Chip Card
Test No: DCI.A.361.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Reversal
Request and process the Authorization Reversal Request Response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.3.3 DCI.A.362.00 Purchase Authorization and Authorization Advice with a DCVV Enabled
Contactless D-PAS Magnetic Stripe Contactless Chip Card Product
Test No: DCI.A.362.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Advice and
Process the Authorization Advice Response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
6.3.4 DCI.A.363.00 Cash Advance Authorization Request with a DCVV Enabled Contactless
D-PAS Magnetic Stripe Contactless Chip Card Product
Test No: DCI.A.363.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage a Cash Advance Authorization
Request using MS Mode and process the Authorization Request Response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.3.5 DCI.A.364.00 Cash Advance Authorization with Issuer Timeout and No Acquirer Stand-
In with a DCVV Enabled Contactless D-PAS Magnetic Stripe Contactless Chip Card
Test No: DCI.A.364.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage a cash advance Authorization
Request using MS Mode and process the Authorization Request Response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.3.8 DCI.A.367.00 Purchase Authorization with Issuer Timeout and No Acquirer Stand-In
with a DCVV Disabled Contactless D-PAS Magnetic Stripe Contactless Chip Card
Test No: DCI.A.367.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Reversal
Request and process the Reversal Advice Response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.3.9 DCI.A.368.00 Purchase Authorization and Authorization Advice with a DCVV Disabled
Contactless D-PAS Magnetic Stripe Contactless Chip Card Product
Test No: DCI.A.368.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage an Authorization Advice and
process the Authorization Advice Response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.3.10 DCI.A.369.00 Cash Advance Authorization Request with a DCVV Disabled D-PAS
Magnetic Stripe Contactless Chip Card Product
Test No: DCI.A.369.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage a cash advance Authorization
Request using MS Mode and process the Authorization Request Response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card:
6.3.11 DCI.A.370.00 Cash Advance Authorization with Issuer Timeout and No Acquirer
Stand-In with a DCVV Disabled Contactless D-PAS Magnetic Stripe Contactless Chip
Card Product
Test No: DCI.A.370.00 - Revision 0 – Number of sub-cases: 0
Objective: To verify that the Acquirer is able to manage a cash advance Authorization
Request using MS Mode and process the Authorization Request Response.
Reference: DCI Xpress Authorization System ISO 8583 Transaction Manual, R15.2
Procedure: Please use the following test card: