Ps III Final Report Jason Wegner
Ps III Final Report Jason Wegner
Ps III Final Report Jason Wegner
PS III is a five-course equivalent integrated semester including half-time teaching and professional study in curriculum
design, leadership, advanced methods, and reflective practice. Intern Teachers are assigned full time to schools for the
semester during which they assume responsibility for approximately one-half of the teaching day. PS III professional study
is designed to complement and enhance the internship. The professional study components may occur on or off-campus
and are coordinated by the University Consultants in collaboration with Intern Teachers and school personnel.
Jason Wegner completed his PS3 Internship at Lethbridge Collegiate Institute, in the fall of 2021 where he
taught English Language Arts 9 and 10, made several mental health presentations, as well as co-coaching
the LCI Rams Football Team. Jason’s University Consultant for September and October was Merena Johnson
and for November and December, Carol Young was appointed his University Consultant. This report reflects
both Merena and Carol’s observations and conclusions regarding Jason’s internship.
Jason completed thorough and comprehensive unit and lesson plans that reflected grade level learning
outcomes and goals; as well as the specific literature, and assignments that would be employed to meet
curricular expectations. For the 3 classroom observations, Jason presented detailed lesson plans to the UC
prior to the lesson. While Jason recognized the importance of planning lessons, he was able to be flexible to
address teachable moments when students wanted to explore topics that arose during the lesson. He
demonstrated strong ability to bring the lesson plans to life for students through clear and concise
conversations, a relaxed and positive classroom atmosphere and respect and rapport with students.
Fostering effective relationships with his students was reflected in Jason’s teaching. He presented a calm,
friendly and respectful demeanour to his students. Because students felt respected and valued, they could
confidently ask challenging questions and give thoughtful responses during class. Jason shared some of his
mental health journey with his grade 9 class in preparation for reading a novel based on that topic. Students
were engaged in his story and were able to ask deep and meaningful questions about Jason’s experience.
Jason was also aware of individual needs and problems that students were experiencing and was
compassionate towards them. While he worked hard to develop positive relationships during classes, Jason
dedicated many hours to supporting students outside of class. He is to be commended for his dedication and
success as a coach for the LCI Rams Football team. Jason recognized the importance of working with
students in co-curricular teams.
A positive and inclusionary classroom atmosphere was created by consistent, simple, yet effective strategies.
Jason met students at the classroom door and had casual, but meaningful conversations with students. A
seating plan was in place to support student learning and positive behaviour. Students felt “heard” by Jason in
simple ways like Jason switching out chairs for comfort. His ability to wait at least 30 seconds for students to
ask questions or make comments allowed more thoughtful students to contribute important ideas to the class.
These, and many other small, but important details and strategies made Jason’s students feel more confident
and valued.
I have read the complete Final Report and certify that the assigned grade is Pass
University Consultant Signature Date
Jason implemented a wide variety of teaching techniques. A good portion of English classes revolve around
classroom discussion. Jason asked important questions that allowed students to get to the heart of
discussion topics. He seamlessly integrated the use of technology through jazz and classical music to settle
and focus students’ attention. The whiteboard was employed with strong visuals and written information.
When speaking to the class, Jason’s voice level and tone was inviting and calming.
Jason has demonstrated exemplary teaching and professionalism throughout his practicum and is to be
commended for his work at LCI in the fall of 2021.
I have read the complete Final Report and certify that the assigned grade is 12/1/2021
University Consultant Signature Date
My classroom experience was overwhelmingly positive. I was able to learn all the students’ names by the first
day, which impressed them. Calling students by name has been my number one classroom management
strategy, as well as having clear expectations. We began the year with a collaborative discussion on what makes
an excellent classroom and set those points as our classroom expectations. For example, we all agreed that
phones could be a distraction, so we agreed to a two-strike rule. I see it once strike one. A second sighting of the
phone results in confiscation until the end of class. Overall, crafting strong relationships with students helped
create a positive learning environment that supported all students.
As for planning and preparation, I believe it has been an area of strength. I began planning the moment I
received my placement back in June. I created unit plans such as a multi-genre unit, Julius Caesar, Crazy Man
novel study, Hero’s Journey and Animal Farm novel study, as well as several resources for students. I wrote a
class agenda for the next class each day, which helped me stay prepared and on task. My techniques of
instruction included a lot of explicit modelling and check-ins. I regularly ensured students had clear
understandings of the expectations of the assignments and content. I used technology when appropriate, such
as digitally marking essays, but I found myself sticking to tried and true methods modelling my teacher mentor,
Alyssa Sutherland.
I had several assessments throughout my semester, both formative (collected marks) and summative
(percentage marks). I kept an ongoing and accurate record of everything we did in class on PowerSchool and
regularly gave students feedback on assignments based on rubrics provided by my teacher mentor. I regularly
gave students a fair amount of time in class to complete their work, but students sometimes would have missing
assignments. To combat this, I made regular reminders on our class Teams account to help students keep pace
with the class. I also printed out a descriptive report of what students’ grades were and what they were missing,
so they were aware. This printout was done in addition to the conversations I had with parents at parent-teacher
interviews where I described to parents how their child was doing in the class.
I did have some challenges in my assessments early in the semester but approached them with humility as
my teacher mentor coached me to become a better assessor of student capabilities and a more accurate
record keeper on PowerSchool.
In addition to my practicum, I published my memoir, Manic Man, and gave five presentations on combatting
mental health stigma. The support and encouragement I was given throughout my practicum by staff and
students was heartwarming. I feel as though I have created lasting relationships with staff and students and
have grown into the type of teacher I want to be.
While I have become the teacher I want to be, I am by no means done growing. For me, teaching is not
something I will ever become perfect at. There will always be moments that will humble me and force me to
adapt and grow. Some key learnings I had in my final practicum were in the areas of planning and
assessment. At one point, I found myself trying to “re-invent the wheel” and create a course from scratch. I
adjusted by having conversations with the experienced teachers in our department and leaned on them to
help me create resources and plans rather than doing it alone. I grew a lot in the area of assessment as I
initially tried to create my own rubrics that were unclear in hindsight. By again leaning on the experienced
staff in my school, I was able to readjust and give more accurate and meaningful assessments to students. In
all, I grew a ton throughout my practicum, and while I may be approaching the finish line in my degree, I am
just beginning the long journey of continuous and never-ending growth as a professional.
Intern Teacher Signature Date
Jason demonstrated the ability to plan and develop effective lessons that reflected the content and objectives
in the Program of Studies. He engaged in thoughtful planning to ensure that the objectives of each lesson
were met by attempting to engage and sustain student attention through use of a variety of resources,
assessment tools, and activities. He strove to make learning fun and authentic for students. Jason has
demonstrated a good sense of flexibility and has been relatively quick to adapt to the unforeseen teaching
interruptions all veteran teachers are familiar with. He was able to make plans for his classes or rework his
plans as the overall plan or pace of his units changed. Jason demonstrated flexibility when it came to
unexpected situations.
Jason is very organized which will continue to serve him well through his practicum and in the future. He is
very detailed in his lesson plans and includes an agenda on the board everyday which is helpful for both
himself as well as his students. Jason does an excellent job at integrating technology where appropriate --
demonstrating modeling on the board for the student using his laptop and ipad, utilizing computer lab spaces
and laptops when needed etc. His lesson plans are appropriately detailed and include all the outcomes and
objectives for each lesson taught, and he is well prepared with his long-term goals. Jason has done a great
job at being flexible with his students needs. Timing of lessons/unit plans is something that takes some
practice and experience and Jason is doing an excellent job of learning as he goes. His lessons are well
timed. I have also seen substantial growth in some challenges he came across in his unit plan timing at the
beginning of the year – I watched Jason be flexible and adapt to these challenges with ease.
Jason is doing an excellent job regarding instruction. He moves around the classroom, checking in with
students to ensure that they are meeting expectations. He offers feedback for students when they ask for it.
Furthermore, Jason is able to adapt to his classes that have a wide range of student needs -- offering some
challenge to the students that need it, and extra help to the students that are struggling. He is skilled in public
speaking and is able to get the students attention easily as well as ensure that he is heard throughout his
lesson in an interesting and engaging way. Overall, Jason has created a positive learning environment where
students feel comfortable to participate in lessons and feel safe. Jason established a rapport with students,
and they felt at ease to talk to him about their personal lives and build relationships during class time. This is
a benefit to student learning and understanding. Jason and I had many discussions about these and many
other classroom management skills throughout his practicum, including pacing, wait times, classroom
management techniques and consequences, and questioning techniques. I have seen Jason improve in all
areas of his teaching. Although he still has room to grow in these areas (as well all do as life-long learners),
Jason has a natural teaching rhythm.
Teacher Mentor Signature Date
Jason was able to have interactions with parents both during Parent Teacher Interviews as well as
continuously throughout his practicum. He was able to share his insight with parents through phone calls and
e-mails and did so in a positive manner. Additionally, Jason was required to enter grades and comments into
PowerSchool, and although there were a few hiccups along the way regarding his assessments, Jason took
the feedback he was given and applied to his subsequent assessments and PowerSchool entries and I have
seen great strides in his assessment strategies. His comments and feedback to students were always
professional, positive, and included suggestions for student improvement.
Jason demonstrates a high level of professionalism. He is punctual, mature, and knowledgeable. He has
been able to seek out relationships with many people around the school and knows them all by name. When
he has questions, he doesn't hesitate to ask and to seek out the person who can answer his questions for
him. He has demonstrated a high level of commitment to the football team and was a valuable member of
their team this season. Furthermore, Jason was committed to checking in to ensure that his lessons and his
assessments were meeting expectations and accepted feedback in areas that need improvement. I do
caution Jason to ensure he doesn’t overextend himself in his teaching career and to find time to focus on his
mental wellness. A master teacher is able to find the fine balance between giving yourself to your students
and allowing time for yourself. Jason demonstrates that he has a growth mindset and that he is a lifelong
learning, which is very important in our profession. Excellent work, Jason! I am proud of everything you have
accomplished this semester and I can’t wait to see how your career pans out! Welcome to the profession!
Administrator Comments:
Jason works hard and prioritizes fostering effective relationships. With the release of his book and his
journey of mental illness he has used that platform to convey the importance of mental health. He
consistently acts with fairness, respect and integrity towards staff and students and continually
demonstrates empathy and genuine care for others. Through the effective demonstration of this
competency Jason has given many students a voice to speak up about their own circumstance where
they may not have had this opportunity previously. Jason's work with his book, and being an advocate for
mental health in the building and in his classes has been impressive. He worked with our Wellness Team
here at school as a special guest presenter to speak on and promote mental health awareness, also
while working with the football team and doing his PSIII. Jason is very intent on building relationships and
working with students for their betterment - whether that be mental wellness or physical wellness in his
fitness training teams. With Jason's focus on individual wellness and recognition of student diversity he
continually established with his students an inclusive learning environment where students recognize that
they are welcomes, cared for, respected, and safe. Students relayed this feeling of safety when they
would come to him, or leave him notes about how they were not doing well and needed help.
Jason is very mindful of engaging in career-long learning. He built a strong relationship with his
teacher-mentor and then collaborated consistently with her as well as another PSIII student to work on
his inquiry and grow his personal teaching practice. Jason naturally employs strong critical reflection skills
and is consistently looking to improve his work. Throughout his practicum he worked to build capacity to
support student success through his inclusive, welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning
environments. Again - with his personal emphasis on mental wellness, he was able to continually
promote and encourage that with his classes. Jason also demonstrated awareness of emerging
technologies in providing multiple ways of viewing and hearing 'Julius Caesar' as the class worked
through it. Also - jazz music for built in brain breaks. In addition, when it came time for students to
demonstrate and represent their knowledge in a summative project, students used a wide variety of
technology to do that.
Jason consistently demonstrates a professional body of knowledge as his planning is thorough and
comprehensive. He has his learning outcomes identified right at the beginning of every lesson as well as
a comprehensive mid-range and long-term planning. He is mindful of incorporating a wide range of
teaching strategies to meet the learning needs of students. Jason clearly articulates to students exactly
what outcomes they are working at in each class. He uses his Greg games to engage students at the
beginning of every class and foster collaboration. He used multiple ways (view, read and listen) to follow
along with Julius Caesar as they went through the play as a class. He provides brain breaks, cued with
music, to allow students to reset. Jason constructed a fantastic culminating project that offered a wide
range of choice for students in demonstrating their knowledge, the students were then able to present to
the class and it was a wonderful display of the diversity of student interests, individual talents, and key
understandings of Julius Caesar.
Administrator Signature Date
Jason also demonstrated an awareness and understanding of adhering to legal frameworks and policies
when he had a student disclose information to him in a note. Jason followed proper protocol and
procedures in how he reported and handled the information given to him by the student.
Jason has been a wonderful addition to the staff at LCI. He is hardworking and very intent on doing an
excellent job of leading learners in his classroom. He is passionate about teaching the content and
subject matter. His personal experience with his own mental health journey, and writing and publishing
brings a lot to the table as an English teacher. He also volunteers many hours working with the football
team this fall. I also appreciate how open Jason is to sharing his journey, and using that to engage with
students on a personal level, as well as academic level on how to move forward both as learners and as
Jason has clearly demonstrated his competency with Alberta's Teaching Quality Standard.
Administrator Signature Date