Introduction To Bacnet: For Building Owners and Engineers
Introduction To Bacnet: For Building Owners and Engineers
Introduction To Bacnet: For Building Owners and Engineers
Introduction to BACnet
For Building Owners and Engineers
The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of
BACnet history, terminology and philosophy for building
owners, managers and others involved with BACnet projects.
The document provides an introduction to the topic of BACnet
but it is not a comprehensive description of BACnet and it is
not a product or system implementation guide. Ver. 1.0
Introduction to BACnet
For Building Owners and Engineers
Table of Contents
Briefly, What is BACnet? ................................................................................................................... 1
BACnet History.............................................................................................................................................. 1
Purpose of BACnet ....................................................................................................................................... 1
BACnet Overview................................................................................................................................ 3
Devices ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Device Interoperability ............................................................................................................................... 3
Objects ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Properties ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Services ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Transport Systems ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Network Types ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Network Type Caveats ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Interoperability Areas....................................................................................................................... 7
Data Sharing................................................................................................................................................... 7
BACnet Priority .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Change Of Value (COV) ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Trending.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Scheduling ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Alarm & Event Management................................................................................................................... 10
Device & Network Management ............................................................................................................ 10
Specifying Interoperability with BACnet ................................................................................... 11
Protocol Implementation and Conformance Statement (PICS) .................................................... 11
BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks (BIBBs) ............................................................................ 12
BACnet Listing ............................................................................................................................................ 13
BACnet Terminology ....................................................................................................................... 14
BACnet International Contact Information ...............................................................................20
Every effort has been made to assure that the content of this guide is accurate. However it is
not a reference document. The definitive document is the BACnet standard.
Scheduling allows BACnet devices to establish and edit
schedules that reside in BACnet devices so that control
can be coordinated based on dates and times. BACnet
Calendar objects are used to indicate whether each day
is active or inactive according to that calendar. Device
Figure 13: BACnet provides robust scheduling mechanisms to
programs may look at the Calendar and decide to do support a broad set of building system requirements
something based on that status. Individual dates may
be specified, as well as ranges of dates. The date list valid on days when the Calendar is active. Alternatively
may also include WeekNDays which are (day-of-week, the special event may be active for a particular Date,
week-of-month, month) ordered lists. Individual parts Date Range or WeekNDay. The time values represent
of dates, date ranges and WeekNDays may include times on those days when the special event takes
special values for ANY. For example (Tuesday,2,ANY) precedence over any Weekly_Schedule that may be in
means the second Tuesday every month. These allow effect on that day and time. If more than one special
for powerful repeating schedules to be created that do event is scheduled for the same day and time, the
not have to be revised every month or year. EventPriority specifies their relative importance to
each other.
Schedule objects are based on the idea of time values
which are pairs (time,value) that specify a value to use Although device programs may monitor a Schedule
at a particular time. One way of thinking of BACnet object value to determine what to do from moment to
schedules is a variable value that changes at different moment, it is more common for the Schedule to write
times during each day. In its simplest form the to other object properties when the schedule value
Schedule object has a Weekly_Schedule which is an changes. The Schedule includes a list of references or
array of seven slots that correspond to the days of a bindings to other object properties that are written by
normal week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. Each the Schedule object. Some devices are only servers and
slot contains a list of time values to be used on that do not have the ability to write to objects except those
that reside in the same device as the schedule. These
BACnet Listing
In 2000, the BACnet community created a not-for-
profit organization to address interoperability testing Figure 16: The BTL Mark on products assures users that they
have been independently tested according to
and listing services for manufacturers of BACnet industry standard test requirements.
devices. This organization is called the BACnet Testing
Laboratories, or BTL, and it operates under the Vendors may or may not submit their products for
auspices of BACnet International. independent testing according to the globally
recognized BTL methodology. Customers can identify
products that have been tested through the BTL
process by referring to the BTL listing maintained at or by the
presence of the BTL Mark on the product itself.
BACnet International recommends that Customers
require the use of BTL Listed products whenever
Figure 15: BACnet Interoperability Workshops help to ensure possible.
multi-vendor projects go smoothly
Native BACnet
A device that uses BACnet as its principal if not only
means of communication.
Ph: 770-971-6003
Fax: 678-229-2777
[email protected]