Astm E268
Astm E268
Astm E268
absolute coil-a coil (or coils) that respond(s) to the total bucking coils-same as differential coils.
detected electric or magnetic properties, or both, of one circumferential coils-See encircling coils.
section of a part undergoing electromagnetic test without coil size-the dimension of a coil, for example, length or
comparison to another section of the part, or to another diameter.
part. coil spacing-in electromagnetic testing, the axial distance
absolute measurements-in electromagnetic testing, mea- between two encircling coils of a differential system.
surements made without a direct reference using an comparator coils-in electromagnetic testing, two or more
absolute coil in contrast to differential and comparative coils electrically connected in series opposition but ar-
measurements. (See also absolute coil.) ranged so that there is no mutual induction (coupling)
absolute readout-in electromagnetic testing, the signal between them such that any electric or magnetic condi-
output of an absolute coil. (See also absolute coil.) tion, or both, that is not common to the test specimen and
absolute system-an electromagnetic testing system that the standard, will produce an unbalance in the system and
uses a coil assembly and associated electronics to measure thereby yield an indication.
the total electromagnetic properties of a test part without comparative measurements-in electromagnetic testing,
direct comparison to another section of the part or to measurements made in which the unbalance in the system
another part. (See also absolute coil.) is measured using comparator coils in contrast to differen-
acceptance level-a test level above or below which test tial and absolute measurements. (See also comparator
specimens are acceptable in contrast to rejection level. coils.)
acceptance limits-test levels used in electromagneticinspec- comparative readout-in electromagnetic testing, the signal
tion that establish the group into which a material under output of comparator coils. (See also comparator coils.)
test belongs. comparative system-an electromagnetic test system that
acceptance standard-in tubing inspection, a tube used to uses coil assemblies and associated electronics to detect
establish the acceptance level with artificial discontinuities any electric or magnetic condition, or both, that is not
as specified in the applicable product standard. common to the test specimen and the standard. (See also
amplitude distortion-same as harmonic distortion. comparator coils.)
amplitude response-that property of a test system whereby coupling-two electric circuits are said to be coupled to each
the amplitude of the detected signal is measured without other when they have an impedance in common so that a
regard to phase. (See also harmonic anaIysis and phase current in one causes a voltage in the other,
analysis.) cut-ofllevel-same as rejection level.
annular coils-See encircling coils. defect resolution-a property of a test system that enables
annular coil clearance-the mean radial distance between the separation of indications due to defects in a test
adjacent coil assembly and test part surface in electromag- specimen that are located in close proximity to each other.
netic encircling coil examination, depth of penetration-in electromagnetictesting, the depth at
artificial discontinuity-reference discontinuities, such as which the magnetic field strength or intensity of induced
holes, grooves, or notches that are introduced into a eddy currents has decreased to 37 % of its surface value.
reference standard to provide accurately reproducible The depth of penetration is an exponential function of the
sensitivity levels for electromagnetic test equipment. frequency of the signal and the conductivity and perme-
band pass filter-a wave filter having a single transmission ability of the material. Synonymous terms are standard
band; neither of the cut-off frequencies being zero or depth of penetration and skin depth. (See also skin effect.)
infinity. diamagnetic material-a material whose relative perme-
bobbin coil-See ID coil. ability is less than unity.
NOTE-The intrinsic induction., B,.,, is oowsitelv directed to the
applied magnetizing force H.
I These definitions are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-7 on
Nondestructive Testing and are the direct reswnsibilitv of Subcommittee E07.07 differential Cok-tW0 Or IUOre Coils elC%tridYconnected in
on Electromagnetic Mithods. series opposition such that any electrio or magnetic
CulTcnt edition approved sept. 6, 1989. Published February 1990. Originally condition, or both, that is not to the areas of a
published as E 268 - 65 T. Last previous edition E 268 84a. - specimen being electromagneticallytested will produce an
For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Defini-
tions SE-268in the Code.
unbalance in the system and thereby yield an indication.
COPYRIGHT 2003; ASTM International Document provided by IHS Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=EEPPM03,
12/30/2003 06:47:48 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call
the Document Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584.
A S T M E268 8 9
differentia1 measurements-in electromagnetic testing, mea- this type are also referred to as annular, circumferential, or
surements made in which the imbalance in the system is feed-through coils.
measured using differential coils in contrast to absolute end effect-See edge effect.
and comparative measurements. (See also differential jëed-through coils-See encircling coils.
coils,) ferromagnetic material-a material that, in general, exhibits
differential readout-in electromagnetic testing, the signal the phenomena of magnetic hysteresis and saturation, and
output of differential coils. (See also differential coils.) whose permeability is dependent on the magnetizing force.
differential system-an electromagnetic testing system that fill factor-for encircling coil electromagnetic testing, the
uses coil assemblies and associated electronics to detect an ratio of the cross-sectional area of the test specimen to the
electric or magnetic condition, or both, that is not effective cross-sectional core area of the primary encircling
common to the areas of the specimen being tested. (See coil (outside diameter of coil form, not inside diameter
also differential coils.) which is adjacent to specimen).
differentiated signal-in electromagnetic testing, an output fill factor-for internal probe electromagnetic testing, the
signal that is proportional to the rate of change of the input ratio of the effective cross-sectional area of the primary
signal. internal probe coil to the cross-sectional area of the tube
eddy current-an electrical current caused to flow in a
conductor by the time or space variation, or both, of an filter-a network that passes electromagnetic wave energy
applied magnetic field. over a described range of frequencies and attenuates
energy at ali other frequencies.
eddy current testing-a nondestructive testing method in gate-same as rejection level.
which eddy current flow is induced in the test object. harmonic analysis-an analytical technique whereby the
Changes in the flow caused by variations in the specimen amplitude or phase, or both, of the frequency components
are reflected into a nearby coil, coils, or Hau effect device of a complex periodic signal is determined.
for subsequent analysis by suitable instrumentation and harmonic distortion-nonlinear distortion characterized by
techniques. the appearance in the output of harmonics other than the
edge effect-in electromagnetic testing, the disturbance of fundamental component when the input wave is
the magnetic field and eddy currents due to the proximity sinusoidal.
of an abrupt change in specimen geometry (edge). This IACS-the International Annealed Copper Standard; an
effect generally results in the masking of discontinuities international standard of electrical conductivity.
within the affected region. (This effect is also termed the ID coil-a coil or coil assembly used for electromagnetic
end effect.) testing by insertion into the test piece as in the case of an
effective depth of penetration (EDP)-in electromagnetic inside probe for tubing. Coils of this type are also referred
testing, for (a) thickness, the minimum depth beyond to as inside coils, inserted coils, or bobbin coils.
which a test system can no longer reliably detect a further impedance-the total opposition that a circuit presents to the
increase in specimen thickness, or (b) defects, the limit for flow of an alternating current, specifically the complex
reliably detecting metallurgical or mechanical discontinui- quotient of voltage divided by current.
ties by way of conventional continuous wave (CW) eddy impedance analysis-in electromagnetictesting, an analytical
current instrumentation and sensors. The EDP point is ap- method that consists of correlating changes in the ampli-
proximately three times the standard depth of penetration. tude, phase, or quadrature components, or ali of these, of a
effective permeability-a hypothetical quantity that de- complex test signal voltage to the electromagnetic condi-
scribes the magnetic permeability that is experienced tions within the test specimen.
under a given set of physical conditions such as a impedance plane diagram-a graphical representation of the
cylindrical test specimen in an encircling coil at a specific locus of points, indicating the variations in the impedance
test frequency. This quantity may be different from the of a test coil as a function of basic test parameters.
permeability of the particular metal being tested in that it incremental permeability-the ratio of the change in mag-
takes into account such things as the geometry of the part, netic induction to the corresponding change in magne-
the relative position of the encircling coil, and characteris- tizing force when the mean induction differs from zero.
tics of the magnetic field. initial permeability-the slope of the induction curve at zero
electrical center-the center established by the electromag- magnetizing force as the test specimen is being removed
netic field distribution within a test coil. A constant from a demagnetizing condition (slope at origin of BH
intensity signal, irrespective of the circumferential position curve before hysteresis is observed).
of a discontinuity, is indicative of electrical centering. The inserted coil-See ID coil.
electrical center may 'be different from the physical center inside coil-See ID coil,
of the test coil. lift-off effect-the effect observed in an electromagnetic test
electromagnetic testing-a nondestructive test method for system output due to a change in magnetic coupling
materials, including magnetic materials, that uses electro- between a test specimen and a probe coil whenever the
magnetic energy having frequencies less than those of distance between them is varied.
visible light to yield information regarding the quality of magnetic history-magnetic condition of a ferromagnetic
testing material. part based on previous exposures to magnetic fields.
encircling coiìs-in electromagnetic testing, coii(s) or coil magnetic leakage flux-the excursion of magnetic lines of
assembly that surround(s) the part to be tested. Coils of force from the surface of a test specimen.
COPYRIGHT 2003; ASTM International Document provided by IHS Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=EEPPM03,
12/30/2003 06:47:48 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call
the Document Policy Group at 1-800-451-1584.
A S T M E Z b ô 87 W 0759510 0 0 9 3 8 h l i 7
magnetic saturation-that degree of magnetization where a NOTE&For any ferromagnetic material, permeability is a func-
further increase in magnetizing force produces no tion of the degree of magnetization.However, initial permeability, h,
signficant increase in magnetic flux density (permeability) and maximum permeability, p,, are unique values for a given .
specimen under specified conditions.
in a specimen. NOTE&Except for initial permeability, p,,, a numerical value for
modulation analysis-an analytical method used in electro- any of the d-c permeabilitiesis meaningless unless the corresponding
magnetic testing that separates responses due to various .
B or H excitation level is specified.
factors influencing the total magnetic field by separating NOTE%For the incremental permeabilitiespA and pai, a numer-
and interpreting, individually, frequencies or frequency ical value is meaningless unless both the corresponding values of
bands in the modulation envelope of the (carrier fre- mean excitation level (B or H ) and the excursion range (ABor AH)
are specified.
quency) signal.
noise-in electromagneticinspection, any nonrelevant signal phase analysis-an analytical technique that discriminates
that tends to interfere with the normal reception or between varibles in a part undergoing electromagnetic
processing of a desired flaw signal. It should be noted that testing part by the different phase angle changes that these :
such noise signals may be generated by inhomogeneities in conditions produce in the test signal. (See .also phase
the inspected part that are not detrimental to the end use detection.)
of the part. phase angle-the angular equivalent of the time displace-
nonferromagnetic material-a material that is not magnetiz- ment between corresponding points on two sine waves of
able and hence, essentially not affected by magnetic fields. the same frequency.
This would include paramagnetic materials and diamag- phase detection-the derivation of a signal-whose amplitude
netic materials. is a function of the phase angle between two alternating
normal permeability-the ratio of the induction (when currents, one of which is used as a reference.
cyclically made to change symmetrically about zero) to the
corresponding change in magnetizing force. phase-sensitive system-a system whose output signal is
optimum frequency-in electromagnetic testing, that fre- dependent on the phase relationship between the voltage
quency which provides the largest signal-to-noise ratio returned from a pickup or sensing coil and a reference
obtainable for the detection of an individual material voltage.
property. Each property of a given material may have its phase shift-a change in the phase relationship between two
own optimum frequency. alternating quantitites of the same frequency.
paramagnetic material-a material that has a relative perme- probe coil-in electromagnetic testing, a smali coil or coil
ability slightly greater than unity and that is practically assembly that is placed on or near the surface of test
independent of the magnetizing force. objects.
permeability, a-c-a generic term used to express various probe coil clearance-the perpendicular distance between
dynamic relationships between magnetic induction, B, and adjacent surfaces of the probe and test part; also li-off.
magnetizing force, H, for magnetic material subjected to a recovery time-the time required for a test system to return
cyclic excitation by alternating or pulsating current. The to its original state after it has received a signai.
values of a-c permeability obtained for a given material reference coil-in electromagnetictesting, the section of the
depend fundamentally upon the excursion limits of dy- coil assembly that excites or detects, or both, the electro-
namic excitation and induction, the method and condi- magnetic field in the reference standard in a comparative
tions of measurement, and also upon such factors as system.
resistivity, thickness of laminations, frequency of excita- reference standard-a reference used as a basis for compar-
tion, etc. ison or calibration. In tubing inspection, a tube with
NOTE-The numerical value for any permeability is meaningless artificial discontinuities used for establishing the test
unless the corresponding B or H excitation level is specified. For sensitivity setting and for perodically checking and ad-
incremental permeabilities not only the corresponding d-c B or H
excitation level must be specified, but also the dynamic excursion justing sensitivity setting as required. (See also standard
limits of dynamic excitation range (0or AH), (I).)
permeability, d-c-permeability is a general term used to rejection level-the value established for a test signal above
express relationships between magnetic induction, By and or below which test specimens are rejectable, or otherwise
magnetizing force, H, under various conditions of mag- distinguished from the remaining specimens.
netic excitation. These relationships are either (I) absolute selectivity-the characteristic of a test system that is a
permeability, which in general is the quotient of a change measure of the extent to which an instrument is capable of
in magnetic induction divided by the corresponding differentiating between the desired signal and disturbances
change in magnetizing force, or (2) relative permeability, of other frequencies or phases.
which is the ratio of the absolute permeability to the signal gradient-same as differential readout.
magnetic constant (ym). signal-to-noise ratio-the ratio of values to signal (response
NOTE1-The magnetic constant y' ,, is a scalar quantity differing containing relevant information) to that of noise (response
in value and uniquely determined by each electromagneticsystem of containing nonrelevant information),
units. In the unrationalized cgs system y' ,, is 1 gauss/oersted and in skin depth-see depth of penetration.
the mksa rationalized system y', = 4r X iO-'H/m.
NOTE2-Relative permeability is a pure number which is the skin effect-the phenomena wherein the depth of penetra-
same in all unit systems. The value and dimension of absolute tion of electric currents into a conductor decreases as the
permeability depends on the system of units employed. frequency of the current is increased. At very high frequen-
. -
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r 12/30/2003 06:47:48 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call
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A S T M E 2 6 8 89 W 0 7 5 9 5 3 0 O043865 O W
(im E268
cies, the current flow is restricted to an extremely thin complete cycles per unit time of the alternating current
outer layer of the conductor. (See also depth of penetra- applied to the primary test coil.
tion.) test quality level-See rejection level.
speed effect-the phenomenon in electromagnetic testing of three way sort-an electromagnetic sort based on a signal
which the evidence is a change in the signal voltage response from the material under test above or below two
resulting from a change in the relative motion between the levels established by three or more calibration standards.
specimen and a test coil assembly. threshold level-the setting of the instrument that causes it
standard-(]) a physical reference used as a basis for to register only those changes in response greater or less
comparison or calibration; (2) a concept that has been than a specified magnitude.
established by authority, custom, or agreement to serve as two-way sort-an electromagnetic sort based on a signal
a model or rule in the measurement of quality or the response from the material under test above or below a
establishment of a practice or procedure. level established by two or more calibration standards.
standard depth of penetration-See depth of penetration. wobble-in electromagnetic testing, an effect that produces
test coil-the section of the coil assembly that excites or variations in an output signal of a test system and arises .
detects, or both, the magnetic field in the material under from variations in coil spacing (operational lift-off) due to
electromagnetictest. lateral motion of the test specimen in passing through an
test frequency-in electromagnetic testing, the number of encircling coil.
This standard Is sub]ect to revision at m y time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years end
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invned enher for revision of this Standard or for additlonal standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments wlii receive careful consideration et a meeting of the responsible
technlcal commlltee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a taIr hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM CommHfee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.
COPYRIGHT 2003; ASTM International Document provided by IHS Licensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=EEPPM03,
12/30/2003 06:47:48 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call
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