HFD Manual V2

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Hypex Filter Design


Hypex Filter Designer is a Windows Software program to control Hypex Electronics B.V. DSP
powered products. For example, our FusionAmp plate amplifiers and our MP-DSP Main OEM
module. You can set up all needed filters and control all options available. Any knowledge on
how to create and design active speakers with digital filters is needed.

This document gives an overview of the options in the Hypex Filter Design software for the Hypex
Electronics DSP products.

The Hypex Filter Design software consists of four areas:

 Main screen
 Device settings screen
 Filter design graphical screen
 Filter design advanced screen

The Demo file can give you a better insight of the possibilities in Hypex Filter Designer. This file
is only for use as an example.

General Functions
 Volume control 1. Download and install the software
 Channel assignment from our website
 Load/take measurements for speaker 2. Plug in the USB cable
(Impulse response) 3. Plug in the power connector and switch
 Load/apply microphone correction ON the module.
data 4. All LED’s turn on and then off in a
 View sum of filters sequence, followed by selecting the
 Invert filter functions active preset (By default Preset 1).
 Delay 5. Start the pc program, Hypex filter
 Graph smoothing design
 Wide range of biquad filter setups 6. Wait for automatic connection, at
 Input gain adapt “Device info” on the main screen,
 View phase response information about the connected
FusionAmp should be given. If there is
Getting started (FusionAmp) no response, there could be a problem
If this is your first Fusion amp, here is a small with the USB connection or your
step by step instruction on how to get your operating system that cannot detect
Fusion amp connected to the PC. the USB device. For this please refer to
What do you need: the Troubleshooting
 Fusion amp
 Mini USB cable
 PC with Windows OS (Windows 7 or
 C13 power cable

Table of Contents
General Functions .............................................................................................................................. 2
Getting started (FusionAmp) .......................................................................................................... 2
Main screen .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Device info .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Preset settings..................................................................................................................................... 6
Force input ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Auto detect ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Volume ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Mute .................................................................................................................................................... 6
VU ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Filter preset ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Equalizer ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Change password .............................................................................................................................. 7
About .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Extra slave options ............................................................................................................................ 7
Volume lock ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Source lock ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Device settings .................................................................................................................................... 8
Preset volume offsets ........................................................................................................................ 8
Input gain configuration ................................................................................................................... 8
Digital audio channel select ............................................................................................................. 8
Bridged configuration (CH1/CH2) ................................................................................................... 9
Soft-clip limiter .................................................................................................................................. 9
Options .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Master unit ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Soft-clip enabled ................................................................................................................................ 9
Wake on line ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Activate signal detection .................................................................................................................. 9
SUBIN volume is absolute .............................................................................................................. 10
Shutdown power mode................................................................................................................... 10
Volume on start .............................................................................................................................. 10
Standby led brightness .................................................................................................................. 10
DAC filter settings .......................................................................................................................... 10

Defaults ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Filter Design ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Menu bar .......................................................................................................................................... 11
File-menu ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Tools menu ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Load filter to DSP menu ................................................................................................................. 12
PRESET menu .................................................................................................................................. 12
Advanced filter design screen ....................................................................................................... 12
Channel submenu ........................................................................................................................... 12
Biquad sub-menu ........................................................................................................................... 13
View sum of filters .......................................................................................................................... 13
Load measurements for speaker .................................................................................................. 13
Biquad filters ................................................................................................................................... 13
Delay ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Graphical filter design screen ........................................................................................................ 14
Designing Filters .............................................................................................................................. 14
Biquad filter types .......................................................................................................................... 15
Graph header ................................................................................................................................... 16
Graph left pane ............................................................................................................................... 16
Graph right pane (filter graph) ...................................................................................................... 16
Graph bottom pane ........................................................................................................................ 16
Adding a filter object ...................................................................................................................... 17
Impulse response graph ................................................................................................................. 18
Filter design examples ................................................................................................................... 19
Filter objects .................................................................................................................................... 16
Disable or delete filter objects ....................................................................................................... 17
Step response graph ....................................................................................................................... 18
Butterworth ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Third order low pass Butterworth example (Fc=1000Hz) ...................................................... 19
Fourth order low pass Butterworth example (Fc=1000Hz) .................................................... 19
Fifth order low pass Butterworth example (Fc=1000Hz) ....................................................... 20
Sixth order low pass Butterworth example (Fc=1000Hz) ....................................................... 20
Linkwitz-Riley.................................................................................................................................. 20
For channel 1 (low frequency driver) ........................................................................................ 21
For channel 2 (high frequency driver) ...................................................................................... 21
Bessel filter ...................................................................................................................................... 22

Fourth order low pass Bessel example (Fc=1000Hz) .............................................................. 23
Sixth order low pass Bessel example (Fc=1000Hz) ................................................................. 23
Crossover using Bessel .................................................................................................................. 24
All pass 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 25
All pass 2 ......................................................................................................................................... 26
Phase plot ........................................................................................................................................ 27
Recording ......................................................................................................................................... 29
Equalizer ............................................................................................................................................ 30
Copy and Write ................................................................................................................................ 33
Default EQ .......................................................................................................................................... 33
Password protection ....................................................................................................................... 33

Main screen Auto detect
When a FusionAmp is connected to HFD, the When “Auto detect” is selected as a source,
main screen, as seen in picture 1, will show the the FusionAmp will not allow absence of audio
connected device information and the user can for more than 10 seconds. If no audio is
change its volume, source and preset. present on the current source (you can see
what source is selected at the right of
“Active:”), the FusionAmp will scan all
available inputs for audio in the following
1. AES
3. Optical
5. Analogue XLR
6. Analogue RCA
You can change the master volume in HFD in
Picture 1: Main screen two ways: with the slider or by entering a
numeric value. The volume text beneath the
Device info numeric volume input indicates the actual
When a device is connected via USB, its name, volume. This value is calculated by the system
product code and firmware version will be dis- based off the input of all available offsets
played under device info. If a DSP filter settings (preset volume offset and SUBIN volume is
file has been uploaded, the DSP-file name will absolute) and added or subtracted to the
be shown as well. master volume.
There are a few more parameters with which Be careful when changing the volume up! it is
you can use to personalize your module. To do very easy to set the volume level to a high
so, click the “Device settings” button. A new level, risking damaging your ears or your
window will pop up. More will be explained in hardware. When you are using the slider, it is
chapter Device settings. also possible to change the volume up and
For setting up a filter, delay and gain etc. You down using the arrow keys of your keyboard.
can use the filter designer. More will be This is the safest way to change the volume.
explained in chapter Filter Design.

Preset settings The mute option will mute all channels. The
mute is cleared on any volume change or when
the mute-checkbox is unchecked.
Force input
The sources you can select depend on the type
of device that is connected to HFD. The sources Picture 2: Device is muted
“Auto detect”, “Analogue XLR” and “Analogue
RCA” are always available. If your device has VU
high-level capability, the source “SUB” will be When a FusionAmp is connected to HFD, it is
added to the list and when your device is possible to observe the input and output level
equipped with a MP-DSP DIGIN board, the of the DSP. This will give you an indication
sources “AES”, “SPDIF”, “Optical” and “Future whether you have the correct input selected
option” are added. All speak for themselves, and audio is provided to the DSP. This will also
but “Auto detect” needs a bit more explanation, indicate if you have set up the DSP with the
see “Auto detect” for more information. correct filters and gain. If the
“Future option” is an input which is partially
available in hardware, but not yet fully

DSP has input and no output, it could mean About
that there are no filter settings uploaded yet, or This window provides more information about
that the system has low gain or even is muted. the HFD version and the firmware version of
Use the checkbox to toggle between level the connected device.
indication view and no level indication. By
default, this checkbox is unchecked. When Extra slave options
checked, the main screen of HFD will expand When you have configured the FusionAmp to
and look like this: act as a slave device (see Options in Device
Picture 3: Main screen with VU indication
settings), two extra settings become available
on the main screen:

Picture 5: Extra slave options

The lock functions are especially added for

slaves that are connected to a master by
means of an S/PDIF cable. The slave receives
audio from the master on its S/PDIF source,
but also control commands, like ON/OFF
The range of the VU indication is -72dB .. command, preset select, master-volume
+18dB. setting or forced source select. Sometimes
you want your slave to ignore the source
Filter preset select command or the volume setting
It is also possible to select a preset if your command. Both extra options are added to the
device uses multiple presets. Click on the preset settings, so every preset can have its
arrows left or right to select the desired preset. own source locked and volume locked.
Each preset can have his own forced input, filter
setting and volume setting. The volume offset Volume lock
for each preset will be explained in chapter The first extra option of slave units is the
Preset volume offset. volume lock. When checked, the master is not
able to change the volume of the slave.
This is useful when your slave’s source is
Picture 4: Selecting a preset
connected to an output which has its own level
control. This can be a high level (SUB) input for
This button is only available when Source lock
a FusionAmp is connected to HFD. Please refer A slave can lock its source, so it will not change
to chapter Equalizer for more information when the master’s source is changed. For
about the equalizer. example, when the slave is connected to the
master with an SPDIF cable, the master source
Change password can be switched to Optical, SPDIF or AES,
To prevent specific functions of the software whereas the slave source should always
from being accessed by unauthorized persons remain SPDIF. An exception is when SPDIF is
you can protect them by setting a password. locked and an analogue source is selected on
Please refer to chapter Password protection for the master. In that case the slave will follow
more information. the master.

The table below (table 1) should clarify which source is active when locking any of the slave
sources. To lock the source, check the “Locked” box next to the input selection.

Slave Locked source Master forced selected source Slave active source
none Auto-detect Auto-detect
none Analogue XLR Analogue XLR
none Analogue RCA Analogue RCA
none SUB in SUB in
none AES AES
none TOSlink TOSlink
Auto-detect Any input Auto-detect
Analogue XLR Any input Analogue XLR
Analogue RCA Any input Analogue RCA
SUB in Any input SUB in
AES Any input AES
TOSlink Any input TOSlink
S/PDIF Analogue XLR Analogue XLR
S/PDIF Analogue RCA Analogue RCA
Table 1: Slave source lock

Device settings
Preset volume offsets
Each module needs to be set up according to
The preset volume is an offset relative to the
the application. On the main screen click the
master volume. This volume can be set for
“Device settings” button to open the screen
each preset individually. This volume ranges
shown below. In this chapter we will explain the
from -24dB to +24dB.
parameters, group by group.

Input gain configuration

The input gain is adjustable by soldering small
jumpers on the DSP board. The input gain
configuration on screen is just here to
visualize that the input gain jumpers are
soldered, it will not change the gain itself.
WARNING: This is an advanced modification,
soldering experience is required. Please refer
to the FusionAmp manual for more

Digital audio channel select

For your 2- and 3- way FusionAmp (MP-DSP
Digin for OEM users), you must instruct the
Picture 6: Device settings screen
DSP which audio channel in the digital

signal it has to use. By default, it will add left The master FusionAmp usually has a remote
and right for subwoofer applications, but you set attached, adding the ability to control the
can change the setting to “Left” or “Right” for volume and choose a source or preset with a
stereo applications, so the FusionAmp will RC5 remote control. Under “Options” check
output only the left or right signal. “Master unit” if the connected device is a
master, uncheck it when this device is
Bridged configuration (CH1/CH2) connected to a master.
On the 2- and 3- way FusionAmps you have the Important: when mains is switched for both
possibility to bridge the first 2 outputs (BTL). If master and slave, be sure that they are
done so, in the DSP only channel 1 is powered at the same time, or power up the
responsible for the output signal. Channel 2 will slave first and then the master. If the master
internally be disconnected and all filter and is started before the slave unit is powered, the
delay settings you may have done on channel slave may not receive commands from the
2 will have no effect. Changing this option will master.
only be in effect when the DSP is restarted.
Please use the remote control or power switch Soft-clip enabled
to shut down the FusionAmp and switch it back When checked, the soft-clip limiter is active
on. This procedure is implemented for safety and will limit the outputs according to the
reasons. After changing the BTL configuration, given power and impedance you have set
you also must upload new soft-clip parameters earlier under “Soft-clip limiter”.
(if you use the soft-clip limiter).
Wake on line
Soft-clip limiter When checked, the FusionAmp will wake up
The DSP in the FusionAmp is equipped with a immediately after mains power is applied.
software limiter which can be used to limit the When unchecked, the FusionAmp will go into
output power. This limiter will reduce the standby when it is connected to the mains
output power to the set value as soon as the until it is triggered to wake up.
limit is reached. The red LED on the front of the
Fusion amp will blink to indicate this. Activate signal detection
To set the limiter to suit your needs, provide a The FusionAmp has two power-down modes:
maximum output power as well as the “Standby” and “Low power” (See “Shutdown
impedance of the connected drivers per power-mode”). When the device is in any
channel. Power is set in increments of 5Wrms. power-down mode, it can wake-up by an
After setting the proper parameters click the analogue signal on the XLR or RCA input. If the
“Update limiter” button to save the settings in device is in “Low-power” power-down mode, it
the FusionAmp and check ‘Soft clip enabled’ to can also wake up by detecting audio on any
enable the limiter. digital input. If you want to enable the signal
For BTL configuration the limiter will reduce to detection, set it to “checked”.
1 channel. Please refer to the “Bridged When signal detection is enabled, it will also
configuration” section as well. automatically enter the selected power-down
mode after a certain time of no audio, by
default this is 15 minutes.
Options As of HFD version 4.95 and FusionAmp
firmware 1.41, it is possible to set the level of
Master unit sensitivity of the audio detection. Four levels
The FusionAmp can be used in a multi-device are available, range 1..4
setting, for example a stereo setup. If you Level 1 is the default value and the most
connect the two devices (using SPDIF) and sensitive one, it will trigger the FusionAmp to
want to be able to adjust the master volume on switch ON when the audio-level is about -
both devices, you must set one FusionAmp as a 60dBand will trigger to switch off when the
master and the other as a slave. audio level has dropped below -70dB.

If your FusionAmp tends to switch on The only wake-up method in this mode is
unexpectedly or will not turn off automatically audio on the analogue XLR or RCA (or SUB
when you have signal detection enabled, you input for 1-way FusionAmp) inputs when
may try to change the sensitivity. Level 4 is the signal detection is enabled (see “Activate
least sensitive one. Each level is about 5dB signal detection”), or with a remote control, if
different from the other. The sensitivity level is your device is equipped with a remote control
only available for the analog inputs to trigger set. The sensitivity is user selectable in four
the FusionAmp to switch ON. The digital inputs levels. If audio is detected for at least 0.5s, the
are fixed at -60dB sensitivity. unit will start up.
It is possible to set a different level for When the device entered “Low-power” mode,
switching ON and for switching OFF, but do not the Fusionamp (2- and 3-way only) will also
select an OFF level that is less sensitive than scan the digital inputs. When audio is detected
the selected ON level, because in that situation, on one of the digital sources (equal or more
your FusionAmp will shut down at a certain than -60dB for at least 0.5s), the system will
point in time and could start again start. In low power mode, the FusionAmp will
immediately due to the fact that it’s starting consume less than 1.5W.
sensitivity is higher than its shutdown
sensitivity. HFD will make sure that LevelOFF is Volume on start
less or equal to LevelON. The FusionAmp can apply a default volume
The OFF-sensitivity level also applies to the after the unit starts. That way, you will always
“auto-source” detect. This implies that it is have a known volume level when you switch on
possible to change the detection level for the FusionAmp. You can enter a volume
scanning for audio. When audio drops below between -96.0dB and +18.0dB. Leave this
the selected level. For the detection of digital option unchecked if you want your FusionAmp
audio, a fixed level of -60dB is set. to start with the last selected volume.
If the FusionAmp is a ‘master’, it will send its
SUBIN volume is absolute start-up volume to any slave connected,
(1-way FusionAmp or MP-SubIn only) during the start-up sequence. If
communication fails during startup, the slave
will have a default volume of -96dB.

Standby led brightness

The Red standby LED on the Fusion Remote kit
Picture 7: Subin volume setting
can be adjusted in brightness from: OFF,
By default, the volume control knob on the 1- 100%, 50% or 25%.
way FusionAmp (MP-DSP Subin for OEM users),
can offset the master volume by -12dB to DAC filter settings
+12dB. If you want to control the volume As of firmware version 1.3, it is possible to
across the entire range (-96dB to +18dB) using control the internal filters of the DAC. Please
the control knob, select this option. But use refer to the datasheet of the AK4454 for more
with care! If checked and the knob is set to information. You can change its filter type,
+18dB, the FusionAmp may produce maximum sound quality (1..3) and FIR settings (0..7).
power and damage your drivers and/or ears. *Note: For advanced users only. Please leave
Note: When enabled, the master volume these settings in their default position unless
setting is ignored. you understand what they do.

Shutdown power mode Defaults

As already mentioned in “Activate signal All settings can be set to their initial values for
detection” the FusionAmp knows two power- your convenience. After a confirmation dialog,
down modes: “Standby” and “Low-Power”. In the default values will be written immediately
“Standby” power mode, the device draws less to the connected FusionAmp. It is wise to do so
than 0.5W from the mains power supply. when volume is set to a low value. Beware that
the soft-clip limiter will be disabled!

Filter Design of one Config.xml file and datafiles containing
impulse response data.
This part describes the Filter Design tool of Projects created with earlier HFD versions can
HFD. More information about specific modules be imported with the “Import project” button.
can be found in the manuals and/or in case of When your measurement microphone’s
the FusionAmp, take a look at the Fusion amp manufacturer offers a microphone correction
device settings file (*.txt/*.dat) you can load it here. It will be
loaded the next time you start HFD
Filter design has two screens: one advanced automatically. Please keep that in mind and
screen (which represents the internal of the check if a microphone correction file is loaded
DSP and where biquads can be sorted) and a when starting a new project.
graphical screen, where filters are created
using impulse data and adding biquads). When
Tools menu
creating a new project, HFD always opens the
graphical interface first. Use the button in the
bottom-right corner, labelled “Advanced” to
switch to the advanced screen. You can switch
back to the graphical screen with a button on
the same spot, labelled “Back to filter design”.

Menu bar Picture 9: Tools menu

There are four items (not all always enabled)
at the top menu of the screen: The tools menu is used to select your
 File input/output hardware to generate sweeps
 Tools and measuring incoming audio to create your
 Load filter to DSP own impulse response files. Use ASIO drivers
 PRESET to avoid the Windows latency. If your
hardware vendor does not supply ASIO drivers
File-menu you can use drivers from
http://www.asio4all.org/. Also, you can hide
or show the loaded microphone correction
curve on the graphical filter design screen or
edit device settings realtime when a device is
connected to your computer.
Asio preferences will open a new dialog in
which you can select the audio device, input
and output channel of that device to configure
your hardware and be able to take
measurements in the graphical filter design

Picture 8: File menu

The file menu is mainly for open/save/create

projects and load/unload microphone
correction datafile.
When a device is connected via USB to your
computer, you can only create a new project for
that device (in the example FA502). Projects
are stored in your profiles “Documents” Picture 10: Set Asio preferences

directory under “FilterData”. A project consists

Load filter to DSP menu In the advanced screen you can:
 Double click on the box labelled
“NC252MP ch1” to open the graphical
 Right click on the box labelled
“NC252MP ch1” to open a sub-menu
Picture 11: Load filter to DSP menu
 Select a biquad by left-click a biquad
Filters can be uploaded to a device for each filter
preset, or you can upload all presets in one click.  Select multiple biquads by pressing the
If you choose to upload all presets, please Ctrl-key and left click biquads
make sure you implemented cross-over  Exchange biquads (sort) by selecting
filters to protect your drivers! Select a preset exactly two biquads on the same
with menu PRESET, edit its content if you want channel and right-click on of them to
to and upload the preset to the attached device, open a sub-menu
or upload all presets.  View biquad filter parameters (at the
right top)
 View biquad response (at the right
 Link channels (three slaves maximum)
 Select preset to work on
 Upload filters to connected device
 Copy a complete channel to another

Channel submenu
After right-clicking the box labelled “NC252MP
ch1”, you open a sub-menu with options for
this channel. Of course, when you do the same
action on the box labelled “NC252MP ch2”, it
Picture 12: Preset menu will open a sub-menu for channel 2, and so on.
Select a preset if your device has preset-
capability. Also, you can copy the current
selected preset to another preset. That action
will only overwrite all filter settings of the
destination preset. Settings done on the main
screen or on the device settings screen are
preserved. You can also clear any not selected

Advanced filter design screen

Picture 13: Advanced screen overview

Picture 14: Right click on the channel box

Here you can: Load measurements for speaker
 alter channel properties You can load the impulse file on either the
 open the graphical interface (same as Graphic filter design screen, this can be done by
double-click the channel box) selecting the channel you want to import and
 link this channel to another channel click “import”, or on the advanced screen, right
 load an impulse datafile (measured click the most left channel-box and click “Load
response) impulse file”. The filter designer expects the
 set/reset mute for this channel impulse response measurement as a text file
 set/reset invert with one sample per line. There is no restriction
 set/reset use channel in sum response on the absolute gain of the impulse response
 mark a channel if you want to copy data. The only thing that matters is that the
biquads from that channel to another absolute gain be the same for all three
 copy biquads from a selected channel measurements. The filter designer computes a
(button “Copy filter from channel X” is gain offset based on all loaded responses to
only visible when a channel is marked centre them collectively on the vertical scale.
for copy)
 edit the name of channel in HFD (click Biquad filters
“Edit” and change the name in the To set the filtering you ought to know about the
newly opened dialog) available biquads. There is a full list of the
available filters in the datasheets.
Biquad sub-menu
When you select exactly two biquads on the Delay
same channel, you can exchange their The delay per channel can be selected under
parameters by right clicking on of the two and common settings. The reason why the delay
click on “Exchange with …” takes bigger steps, for the AS2.100 approx.
21us, is because of the sample rate. We can
only delay per whole sample, so the step count
depends on the sample rate.

Picture 15: Right click on one of two selected biquads

This feature can come in handy when you want

to optimize the DSP calculations for your filter.
Build your filter in the graphical section and
afterwards, sort biquads with this option.

View sum of filters

By selecting the “show sum” the user is able to
see the full filtered channels. This function is
only available for channels with a response

click the most left channel-box and click “Load

impulse file”.

Graphical filter design screen

Picture 16: Graphical filter design screen

Designing Filters As a rule of thumb, sharp dips are diffraction

Use the graphical design screen to build your artefacts while sharp peaks are caused by the
filters. drivers themselves. Exceptions are room
The first step is equalising the magnitude resonances (if the response is not correctly
responses of the drivers flat over their entire truncated) and diffractions on repetitive
useable frequency range. patterns.
To do this you can use shelving filters, and The second step is designing the actual
boost/cut sections. A sharp peak followed by crossover filters. All the usual strategies work.
an equally sharp dip can be corrected using a Delaying higher frequency drivers with respect
second-order shelving filter with a high Q. to lower-frequency ones is a powerful
Exercise care when deciding what to correct. alternative to using asymmetric slopes and
When correcting for diffraction errors, do not yields substantially improved coherence
exceed a Q of 3 because this could make it through the crossover region.
worse. Errors that are caused inside the driver,
or internal cabinet resonances that emanate
through the same diaphragm, may be
corrected ruthlessly - provided the
measurement has sufficient resolution to pin
them down.

Biquad filter types
Biquad function Parameters Use
Unity - Section is not used
Lowpass 1 Cut-off frequency (always -3dB) First order lowpass
Lowpass 2 Cut-off frequency (asymptotically) Q Second order lowpass.
Highpass 1 Cut-off frequency (always -3dB) First order highpass
Highpass 2 Cut-off frequency (asymptotically) Q Second order highpass
Shelf1 Centre Frequency (halfway point) Gain First order shelf. Useful for baffle-step
Direction correction
Shelf2 Centre Frequency (halfway point) Gain Second order shelf.
/ Q /Direction
Asymmetric Shelf Pole frequency and Q / Zero frequency Equalising the bottom end of closed-
and Q box woofers with large magnets
Boost/Cut Centre frequency / Q /gain Dip/peak filter.
Allpass1 Centre frequency Phase correction
Allpass2 Centre frequency / Q Phase correction
Table 2: Biquad filter types

The graphical filter design screen has four  Right pane with graphical representation
main parts (see picture 17): of the selected channel (3)
 Header (1)
 Bottom pane with tabs for Magnitude,
 Left pane with filter object parameters, Impulse, Step and Phase graph, impulse
channel parameters, general settings and load/clear/save buttons and cursor
recording options (2) position (4)

Picture 17: Graphical filter design screen main parts

Graph header Filter objects
The header shows what channel is currently
selected (highlighted bar). To select another
channel, just click on the channel name. Also,
it displays the gain and delay of all channels.
Each channel can be muted/unmuted by
clicking the “Mute” box in the header. In the
same way, channels can be added to the sum-
response by clicking the “Sum” box. Red
means, the channel is excluded from the sum-
response, a green “Sum” box indicates, the Picture 18: Filter graph
channel is part of the sum-response.
In the Magnitude graph, the thick orange line
Graph left pane represents the result of the filter sections on
When you select a filter in the graph, its the measured response. The red line represents
parameters will show up in this pane at the top. the measured response (impulse response).
Below the filter object parameters, the channel You can show or hide the measured speaker
parameters are presented. Here you can edit response by checking or unchecking the
the channel gain, channel delay and channel checkbox “Show” at the bottom of the screen,
invert option. Also, the channel name and or by checking/unchecking the box labelled
output name can be changed, although these with the channel number at the top of the
changes will be added to your project, they are graph (in the example “1”). Lowpass filter
not uploaded to a dsp, so the names are more objects are always coloured blue, high pass
for your convenience. In the channel parameter filter objects red. A selected filter object is
box, the number of remaining filter objects is green. When more filters are placed on top of
displayed and when you have recording each other, the colour will be dark red. All other
hardware installed on your computer, a filters are orange coloured. It is possible to
recording button will be visible. temporary disable a filter, just to hear the
effect after uploading the filter-parameters to
At the bottom of the left pane, general settings the attached DSP. These filter objects are
are presented like smoothing and drawn Grey.
measurement sampling rate.
When a filter object is selected (by left-clicking
Graph right pane (filter graph) its circle), the response of that particular filter
In this graph, you can view and/or change the is drawn as an aqua coloured line. When no
response of the selected channel. objects are selected (by left clicking
Add/Disable/Delete filter objects, show/hide somewhere in the graph, not on a filter object)
impulse responses, show/hide sum response. the effect of all enabled filter objects is drawn
as a single aqua coloured line.
Graph bottom pane
Select the magnitude/impulse or step graph, When channels are added to the sum, the sum-
import/clear/save channel impulse response, line can be displayed by checking “Show sum
view cursor position in the magnitude graph or of all selected channels” at the right top of the
switch to the advanced screen by clicking graph. The sum is drawn in colour black.
“advanced” button.

Impulse responses of other channels can also Click on the down arrow of the Function box to
be added to your graph. The will be drawn in a select the desired filter function. This must be
very light purple colour when enabled by done before any other action, otherwise, the
checking the box corresponding to its channel adding will be cancelled. Select for example a
number at the top of the graph (in the example “BoostCut”:
channel 2 would be an option, but it has no
impulse response loaded, so checkbox “2” is
You can scroll the Y-axis by left clicking and
hold somewhere in the graph (NOT on a filter
object) and dragging the graph up or down.

Adding a filter object

Select a channel by clicking on the channel
Picture 22: Filter object curve
name in the channel header section (top of
the screen): After designating its function, you can change
the parameters by hand (that is, entering a
frequency, Q-factor and gain), or with your
mouse. Left click the green circle and drag it to
Picture 19: Select a channel in the graphic screen where you want it to be. Use your mouse wheel
to change the Q-factor. The mouse-wheel is
In this case “Channel1/High” is selected (its also handy when hovering over an edit box in
surrounded by a thick bright line). To add this screen. When your mouse is over the
filters to the selected channel, right-click in the “Center frequency” box and you rotate the
graph at the frequency-position you want the mouse-wheel, the frequency will change. The
biquad. A popup menu will appear: same will happen if you do this when hovering
over the Q-factor, gains and delay.
While dragging the filter, you can change its
frequency and gain. If you rotate the mouse-
wheel while dragging, the Q-factor will also

Picture 20: Add a filter object Disable or delete filter objects

To disable or delete a filter object, select the
Click “Add filter…” to open at the left side of the corresponding circle, right-click to open a sub-
screen the filter properties settings: menu:

Picture 23: Disable or delete a filter object

Picture 21: Select the filter object function

When more than one filter are placed over each
other, the menu will contain buttons for the
other objects too. Left mouse-click:

Picture 24: Left mouse click

Picture 26: Impulse response graph
Right mouse-click:
After truncating the impulse response, you can
set its start value to be used in all channels.
That way, your SUM response will always use
de right delays which were inserted during the
measurement of all drivers. But only when
your measurement setup did not change
Picture 25: Right mouse click during the actual measurements.

NOTE: a disabled filter object will not be Step response graph

uploaded to the DSP. You can use the disable Click the tab “Step” at the bottom pane to
function to temporarily remove the filter object select the step-graph. Like the Impulse graph,
from your channel to observe its effect. you can drag the graph by left clicking
somewhere in the graph, hold the click and
Impulse response graph drag. Zooming also works in the same way.
Select the impulse response graph, by clicking
tab “Impulse” at the bottom pane. It
represents the loaded impulse data. Scroll
through the X and Y axis by left click and hold
somewhere in the graph and start dragging.
Also, you can zoom in on a part of the curve.
Use the middle mouse button (or press the
mouse-wheel) and draw a rectangular box
around the part you want to show (starting
from the left side to the right). When you
Picture 27: Step response graph
release the middle mouse button, the graph is
redrawn. With this zoom-option it is possible
to select a part of the impulse and truncate it
(click button “Truncate” on the bottom pane).
Echoes can be eliminated in this way.
To zoom-out, just press the middle-mouse (or
wheel) button and draw a rectangular box from
right to left. The size does not matter. You can
zoom-in/zoom-out multiple times.

Filter design examples Butterworth
After flattening your impulse response, you To build a lowpass Butterworth filter, you can
can pass or block the signal for a particular use biquad elements in cascade having the
driver. First order filters have a slope of same cut-off frequency with specific Q-factors.
6dB/Octave, second order filters a slope of The table shows the various Q-factors for
12dB/Octave, and so on. To help build multiple Butterworth filters from 2nd to 6th order:
order filters, some examples are provided: Order Q Q 2nd Q 3rd
Butterworth, Linkwitz-Riley and Bessel. 1st biquad biquad biquad
This paragraph also shows a phase plot of an 2 0.71
Allpass1 and an Allpass2 filter.
3 1st order filter, 1.0
no Q
4 0.54 1.31
5 1 order filter, 0.62
no Q
6 0.52 0.71 1.93
Table 3: Butterworth coefficients

Third order low pass Butterworth example (Fc=1000Hz)

Picture 28: Third order low pass Butterworth example

Fourth order low pass Butterworth example (Fc=1000Hz)

Picture 29: Fourh order low pass Butterworth example

Fifth order low pass Butterworth example (Fc=1000Hz)

Picture 30: Fifth order low pass Butterworth example

Sixth order low pass Butterworth example (Fc=1000Hz)

Picture 31: Sixth order low pass Butterworth example

Linkwitz-Riley (see Butterworth). An 8th order LR filter (LR8) is

For best crossover filter results, Linkwitz-Riley a cascade of two 4th order Butterworth filters,
filters are a good choice. They come only in etc. The main advantage of LR filters is, when
even-order, so like 2nd, 4thand 8th etc. The 2nd using them as low-pass and high-pass
order filter will give you a phase shift of 180 crossover filters (with the same cut-off
degrees. Best is to use the 4th order Linkwitz- frequency), your total filter response will be
Riley, which will result in 360 degrees phase flat.
shift. That way, the low and high output Example: Crossover filter, LR4, cut-off
appear in phase (although the low output will frequency 1kHz.
have a one-period delay). A 2nd order low-pass Create with two low-pass biquads on channel 1
or high-pass LR (short for Linkwitz-Riley) filter and 2 high-pass biquads on channel 2. The two
has a Q of 0.71 on its biquad. A 4th order LR low-pass and two high-pass biquads have a Q-
filter (LR4) is a cascade of two 2nd order factor of 0.71 as in cascaded Butterworth
Butterworth filters filters:

For channel 1 (low frequency driver)

Picture 32: Ch1 biquad settings

For channel 2 (high frequency driver)

Picture 33: Ch2 biquad settings

Looking at the sum-result of both channels (you can simulate this in HFD by loading a flat impulse
file on both channels), you can observe that the result of the Linkwitz-Riley filter is flat over the
total frequency range (black line just below 0dB):

Picture 34: sum result of both channels

LR Order Q 1st Q 2nd Q 3rd Q 4th Remarks

biquad biqua biqua biqua
d d d
2 0.5
4 0.71 0.71 Preferred crossover filter
8 0.54 1.31 0.54 1.31
Table 4: Linkwitz-Riley coefficients

Picture 35: Plot of High pass LR8

It’s a bit hard to see, but just below the 0dB you can observe the SUM of channel one and two,
which is very constant over the whole frequency range.

Bessel filter
Bessel filters have a more linear phase response than Butterworth filters, but they have a worse
frequency response than Butterworth filters. Bessel filters are build similar to Butterworth, except
for the cut-off frequencies of the used biquad objects. Table 3 shows the various cut-off frequency
multiply factors and Q-factors for Bessel filters from 2nd to 6th order:
Order Q first biquad First Q second Second Q third Third
frequency biquad frequency biquad frequency
factor factor factor
2 0.58 1.27x
3 1st order 1.32x 0.69 1.45x
filter, no Q
4 0.81 1.60x 0.52 1.43x
5 1st order 1.50x 0.92 1.76x 0.56 1.56x
filter, no Q
6 1.02 1.90x 0.61 1.69x 0.51 1.60x
Table 5: Bessel filter coefficients

Filter object cut-off frequency = Fc x frequency factor

So, for example, if you need to create a fourth order lowpass Bessel filter with a cut-off frequency
(Fc) of 1000Hz, you need two biquads:
Biquad Cut-off frequency Q-factor
1 1.6x1000=1600Hz 0.81
2 1.43x1000=1430Hz 0.52
Table 6: Example 4th order Bessel filter Fc=1000Hz

In case of a 6th order lowpass Bessel filter with a cut-off frequency of 1000Hz, you need three
Biquad Cut-off frequency Q-factor
1 1.9x1000=1900Hz 1.02
2 1.69x1000=1690H 0.61
3 1.6x1000=1600Hz 0.51
Table 7: Example 6th order Bessel filter Fc=1000Hz

Fourth order low pass Bessel example (Fc=1000Hz)

Picture 36: Fourth order low pass Bessel example

Sixth order low pass Bessel example (Fc=1000Hz)

Picture 37: Sixth order low pass Bessel example

Crossover using Bessel
When creating a crossover filter, use 1/freqFact for the high-pass filter elements. For example, if
you implemented a second order low-pass filter with a frequency factor 1.27, use a high-pass filter
with a frequency factor if 1/1.27=0.787 This way, the biquads will match their responses at -3dB
if you invert one channel.
For example, a 500Hz second order crossover filter, built with one low-pass filter on channel 1 and
one high-pass filter on channel 2 and having this channel inverted.

Picture 38: Ch1 low pass filter

Picture 39: Ch2 high pass filter

Notice the inverted channel 2

Will give the following total response:

Picture 40: total response

At the designed crossover frequency (500Hz) is a slight boost visible.

All pass 1
All pass filters are implemented as 1st and 2nd order. An All pass 1 filter will have a gain of 0dB, but
will drop the phase over increasing frequency from 180 to 0 degrees.

Picture 41: All pass 1 filter

Picture 42: gain of 0dB over the whole frequency scale

Picture 43: At 1kHz this filter will have a phase of 90 degrees

All pass 2
As with the 1st order All pass filter, the All pass 2 also will add no gain, but does add a phase shift
of 360degrees in total:

Picture 44: All pass 2 filter

Picture 45: gain of 0dB over the whole frequency scale

Picture 46: phase response starts at 0degrees and will drop to -180degrees at its centre frequency

Phase plot
HFD has the option to view the phase of the channel response. It can be observed by selecting the
‘Phase’ tab:

Picture 47: phase plot

Due to delays in the recording, the phase will be wrapped around a lot. To skip recording delay, it
is possible to adjust the start time. This can be done by manually clicking on the ‘<’ or ‘>’ arrow of
the start-time edit box, or hovering with your mouse over it and rotate the mouse wheel. Every
click will stand for 1 sample. It is also possible to enter a value manually. Check the impulse tab to
get an approximation of where the calculations should start. If you right-click on the graph at the
spot pointed out by the blue arrow in Picture 48, it will set the start time:

Picture 48: set start time

Or zoom in further, to get a more accurate spot:

Picture 49: zoom in on phase plot

After entering 55000us as the start time in this example, or right clicking near the blue arrow, you
can adjust the start time. On the Phase plot tab, you can use the mouse wheel (while hovering the
mouse cursor over the start time edit box), to adjust the time a few samples forward or backwards.
After tweaking the start time manually to 50759us, the phase plot could look like this:

Picture 50: phase plot after start time adjustment

NOTE: If smoothing is set, the phase-plot will look more gracious, but may not represent the real
response. So in doubt, set channel smoothing to None or select a low level smoothing.

When your computer has recording capabilities, the recording button will be enabled in the left
pane. To take measurements, click on “Enable recording” button. It will open new features in the
left pane:

Picture 51: Enable recording button

A “Measure info” box will be visible at this time. It shows which audio driver is selected and which
inputs and outputs. These settings can be changed in the “Tools-Asio preferences” menu-option.
Before taking a measurement, HFD calculates a sweep to output with a certain gain. This gain is
initially 0dB but can be increased or decreased at your discretion. Change the output gain here:

Picture 52: Change sweep output gain

Hit the “Take measurement” button to start a measurement. HFD will output a sweep signal and
record incoming audio. Afterwards, the impulse and step response are shown in the graphs. From
here you can zoom in on the impulse response and truncate to remove echo’s and start editing a
proper filter for the selected channel.

To remove a recording, click “Clear”. To repeat a recording (and deleting the last one), just hit the
“Take measurement” button again.

A parametric equalizer is added to the FusionAmp as of firmware version v1.4 The equalizer is
placed right after the input selection, before the signal is provided to the three channels.

Picture 53: Equalizer screen, no band selected

By default, all biquads are of type “BoostCut” with a gain of 0dB, making the equalizer to pass
audio without any alterations. Up to 9 biquads are available to prepare the signal, before it is fed
to the output router. Therefore, all three channels use the same equalizer. The equalizer settings
are stored in the preset settings, making that every preset has its own equalizer.
There are several ways to enable a biquad in the EQ. For example, push button “EQ-4”. This will
select the default biquad with a center frequency of 500Hz. This can be changed in the frequency
edit control. You can also drag the biquad over the screen, adjusting the frequency and gain at the
same time. Rotating at that moment the mouse-wheel, it will change the Q-factor.

Picture 54: Equalizer screen, preset 1, band 4 selected: BoostCut

After selecting the biquad of band 4, you may change its function. For example, we want to make
it a low shelf filter. Choose “ShelfLo” at the bottom-left.

Picture 55: Equalizer screen, band 4 selected and filter type changed to ShelfLo

Now you may change gain and Q properties by hand, or click the biquad in the graph (the little
green circle, indicating a selected biquad) and drag it around in the graph. When a biquad is
selected, you can change its Q by rotating the mouse wheel. This is also possible at the input
controls for frequency, Q and gain: hoover your mouse cursor over the input and rotate the mouse
wheel to change the value in the box under the cursor.

Picture 56: Equalizer screen, band 4 selected and filter type changed to ShelfLo

Up to 9 biquads can be used to create an equalizer which suits your demands. In the next picture,
the biquad of band 9 is selected and given a new frequency of 12kHz. This is done by changing the
frequency in the corresponding edit box. You can change the value by typing 12000 into the box,
or hover with the mouse cursor over the edit control and rotate the mouse wheel. The frequency
will change with 1000Hz at this level (It will change with 100Hz if it is between 1000Hz and
9999Hz, and with 10Hz if between 10 and 1000Hz). Or you can drag the biquad to 12kHz.

Picture 57: Equalizer screen, band 9 selected and frequency changed to 12kHz

Updates to the FusionAmp are not done Default EQ
automatically. Therefore, after changes are
made, these must be saved to the FusionAmp
by uploading them, using the “Upload to DSP” Picture 59: Default EQ
button. Once uploaded, the equalizer will have
immediate effect. When you want to start all over with the
As you can see in the picture above, one biquad current selected equalizer (that is, the eq for
is coloured orange (not selected) and one is the current preset), you can set all nine
green (selected). You can also select the left biquads to their default values by hitting the
biquad (of band 4) by clicking on it with your “Default EQ” button. It will set all biquads to
mouse. type “BoostCut”, with a Q of 0.707, a gain of
Equalizer settings are stored per preset. So, 0dB and a frequency of 50Hz(band 1),
when selecting another preset while not saving 100Hz(band 2), 200Hz(band 3), 500Hz(band
the changes you made, the settings of the 4), 1kHz(band 5), 2kHz(band 6), 5kHz(band 7),
newly selected preset will replace the ones on 10kHz(band 8) and 16kHz(band 9). This button
the screen. Therefore its best practise to only will not affect the other presets! After loading
change the preset when you are done editing the default values, the equalizer must be
and uploading the equalizer. uploaded to the DSP (hit “Upload to DSP”
TIP: The equalizer screen opens besides the button).
main screen. Therefore, it is possible to use
both the equalizer screen and the main screen
at the same time, making it possible to upload Password protection
equalizer settings and changing the volume to To prevent customers being able to change
listen if the settings have the expected effect. crucial settings, the FusionAmp should be
Or to select another preset and edit the protected with a password. Close the device
equalizer settings for that preset too. settings screen and click in the main screen on
“Change passwd”

Copy and Write

Picture 58: Copy and Write

Picture 60: OEM settings
After the equalizer is uploaded to the DSP, it is
possible to make a copy of all three equalizers This will open a new password screen:
(one per preset) of the connected FusionAmp.
Hit the “Copy” button to copy the EQ
parameters from the FusionAmp. HFD will
remember them for you, even if the FusionAmp
is disconnected. The parameters are NOT
remembered after closing HFD.
When another FusionAmp is connected and Picture 61: OEM login dialog
you have stored the EQ parameters, it is
possible to recall these parameters and writing On the left side, the standard password
them to the connected FusionAmp. Hitting protection entry fields are visible, on the right
“Write” will send the stored EQ parameters to (grouped as “Enabled items”) you will find the
the connected FusionAmp. All three EQ presets options that can be protected with a password.
will be overwritten. When an item is checked, it is NOT protected
This feature comes in handy, when you want and the user can change this option on a
to copy the Equalizer settings from one connected FusionAmp without entering a
FusionAmp to another (For example, master to password.

For example, if you want a user being unable to In this example, only the DAC filter settings are
change any device settings, uncheck “Device protected. The user is able to change all device
settings” and protect the FusionAmp with a settings, except the DAC settings, and of
password. Besides a password, a valid e-mail course, the module configuration:
address is necessary. This e-mail address will be
programmed into the FusionAmp also, in case of
a forgotten password.

Picture 62: Disable Device settings

Every time an FusionAmp is connected to HFD,

it should be unlocked first, to be able to change
the “Enabled items”. Once unlocked, clicking
“Enabled items” will have immediate effect (no
save is necessary). Needless to say that an Picture 64: Disabled DAC settings

unlocked FusionAmp has all its protected items

accessible. So please keep your password a The items that are not accessible are greyed out
secret! (“DAC filter settings” and “Device option
When a password protected FusionAmp is
connected to HFD, clicking “Unlock” will open the
Password protection window:

Picture 63: Enter password

Document Revision Description Date

R0.0 Initial Draft 15-6-2020

R0.1 Corrected 23-6-2020
R1.0 First release 15-12-2020


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