Summative Quiz in Psychological Assessment

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Some key takeaways from the passage include the importance of following standardized procedures when administering tests, maintaining confidentiality of test takers' information, and ensuring tests are both reliable and valid measures of the constructs they are intended to assess.

When developing psychological tests, it is important to use representative normative samples, have a clear purpose or construct being measured, and standardize administration procedures to reduce errors and biases. The format and layout of test items is also an important consideration.

Some important ethical guidelines around psychological testing include obtaining informed consent, maintaining test takers' confidentiality, communicating results appropriately, and only breaking confidentiality if a test taker poses a threat to themselves or others.

Summative Quiz in Psychological Assessment

1. Anastasia a clinical psychologists marks items describing the presence or absence of depressive symptoms in 5
domains such as behaviors, cognitive, physical, emotional and functioning. The information most likely
a. Rating scale
b. Structured interview
c. Checklist
d. Structured projective inventory
2. The results of Departmental exams is negatively skewed, the exam questions were likely…
a. Easy
b. Difficult
c. Biased
d. Quiet novel in many respects
3. Scales were designed by Aaron T. Beck to measure all of the following except
a. anxiety
b. hopelessness
c. depression
d. hostility
4. Which scores would be interpreted appropriately for measuring a student’s mastery of a specific domain of
a. Norm reference score
b. Standardized reference score
c. Criterion referenced score
d. Projective referenced score
5. In communicating test results to the consumer of test data, the most pertinent information to be conveyed to
them is
a. Numerical scores obtained by examinees
b. Labels or diagnoses derived from the test
c. Meaning of test scores
d. None of the above
6. The legal and ethical responsibilities of a test users with regard to appropriate interpretation of test results is
a. Obviated when they use tests on their behalf
b. Obviated when they use tests on behalf of the clients
c. Obviated when they used tests on behalf of a third party
d. Never Obviated
7. As a general rule, the presence of third parties other than the examiner and the examinee during the test
administration of individual tests is…
a. desirable
b. undesirable
c. neither a or b
d. both a and b
8. Which of the following is not one of the areas in which computer based test administration offers advantage
over individual test administration.
a. Uniform of procedures
b. Precision of capabilities
c. Cost effectiveness
d. Qualitative data gathering
9. Because errors of measurement can easily raise or lower the scores on psychological test, it is important to…
a. Be flexible in presenting the directions to a test
b. Follow the test directions exactly without deviation
c. Tell the examinees to use to use their own judgement concerning the test directions
d. Use common sense in deciding what portion of the test directions to read
10. It has been said that persons who score well on NMAT also do well in Med school. This would mean that the law
aptitude is
a. Reliable
b. Valid
c. Qualified
d. Standardized
11. Laura was concerned that respondents for her test would be more likely to choose the most acceptable answer
instead of the truest answer. She was concerned about ________. NOT SUREEEE MWEHEEHEH
a. Acquiescence
b. Social desirability
c. Faking good
d. Projection
12. With regard to the samples used to establish within group norms, the single prerequisite is that they should be…
a. Very large, numbering in thousands
b. Gathered locally by the institution that will use them
c. Representative of the group for which they will be used
d. Convenient to obtain in the process of standardization
13. Ethics can be defined as the formulation of principles to…
a. Reduce inappropriate behavior
b. Punish inappropriate behavior
c. Reinforce appropriate behavior
d. Guide behavior
14. Which of the following is not an appropriate thing to do before administering a test…
a. Tell the student why they are tested
b. Give a brief introduction of the test
c. Ensure that all directions are followed
d. Become familiar with the student and establish friendly conversations
15. Which of the following test administration techniques is always consider inappropriate?
a. Reinforcing students work behavior
b. Coaching a student to arrive in a appropriate answer
c. Encouraging student to respond
d. telling students they are doing a good job
16. A person obtains a percentile score of 95. This means that the person…
a. Answered 95% of items correctly
b. Did not score as well as 95% of those taking the test
c. Has a z score of 95%
d. Outperformed 95% of those who also took the test
17. Which of the following are acceptable behaviors of assessment personnel when testing students?
a. Coaching
b. Allowing increased response time
c. Telling the students, they can have a treat at the end of the test
d. Encouraging students to respond
18. A test administrator stopped a test because a student got every answer correct until number 25, then she got 4
wrong answers in a row incorrect. The test administrator stop because the ___________ was reached.
a. cut score
b. selection score
c. basal
d. ceiling
19. Which of the following groups embody the prerequisites in ethical considerations in assessment *
a. Qualifications of the examiner, privacy, feedback
b. Informed consent, confidentiality and privacy
c. Feedback, rapport and informed consent
d. Validity, reliability and norms
20. The beginning of the group intelligence testing movement is best associated with *
a. The need to identify slow learners in school
b. The need to identify best applicant for a job
c. The military’s need to screen the intellectual ability of recruits
d. The civil service system needs to identify qualified postal workers
21. Rayco refused to share his intimate experiences to the psychologist during the interview *
a. Right to privacy
b. Right to confidentiality
c. Right to inform consent
d. Right to freedom of expression
22. Lorraine was referred to you for SPED admission. What method or tools you will need to address the referral
question *
a. Interview
b. Observation
c. Psychological test
d. All of the above
23. A test taker who scores at the 5thstanine is scoring….
a. Above average
b. Below average
c. Within the average range
d. In an unspecified range, it depends on the test
24. In general, test takers have the right *
a. To know why they are being tested
b. To know the results of the test they took
c. To know how the test data will be used
d. All of these
25. Confidentiality can be broken if *
a. The information will ask by a referral source
b. The information will ask by a social worker
c. The client posses a threat to himself or other people
d. All of the above
26. This is process of measuring psychology related variables by means of devices or procedures designed to obtain
a sample of behavior *
a. Psychological assessment
b. Psychological testing
c. Psychological measurement
d. Psychological evaluation
27. It pertains to the form, plan, structure, arrangement, and layout of the test items…
a. Content
b. Format
c. Procedure
d. Scoring
28. Francis Galton primarily proposed that…
a. There are certain aspects of people that can and should be measured
b. Psychological measurement should be used to find commonalities among people
c. Our traits and abilities are a product of evolution from one generation to another
d. The interest should be on how are different from one another
29. Measures of variability by concept are basically indications of *
a. How individual cases coverage around a single value
b. How individual cases differ around the mean
c. How individual cases differ from one another
d. How individual cases differ around the mean
30. The purpose of cut score in any test is…
a. To identify who perform well and those who perform poorly
b. To divide the set of data into two or more classification
c. A reference for deciding who will past and who will fail
d. To specify the highest or lowest possible in a test
31. Who among the parties in testing process should be concerned most on tests psychometric properties. *
a. Test user
b. Test taker
c. Test publisher
d. Test developer
32. The steepness of a distribution in its center is called _______ , while the nature or the extend to which
symmetry is absent is called ___________. *
a. Kurtosis, Skewness
b. Skewness, kurtosis
c. Central tendency, variability
d. Normality, Skewness
33. We interpret assessment based on the: *
a. clients test taking abilities
b. purpose of assessment
c. situational factors
d. all of the above
34. The opportunity given to the participants to know about the nature, results and conclusion of the research. *
a. informed consent
b. debriefing
c. data-gathering
d. informed assent
35. When releasing test data, we include the *
a. raw and scaled scores
b. test results
c. observations notes of the client during examination.
d. all of the above
36. Refers to the security of the clients’s identity…
a. obscurity
b. anonymity
c. privacy
d. confidentiality
37. Marc was given an intelligence test on Monday, and he obtained a score of 129. The same test was given to him
on Wednesday, and he obtained a score of 130. He was actually just an average student based on his
performance on other intelligence tests and on his GPA. The test is therefore: *
a. reliable but not valid
b. valid but not reliable
c. valid and reliable
d. deemed effective
38. This conveys that findings obtained in one situation can be applied to another situation. *
a. Generalizability
b. comprehensiveness
c. generic attribute
d. collectivity
39. Test-retest only applicable on: *
a. mood
b. affective state
c. dominant traits
d. stable traits
40. Due to confidentiality, we restrict the disclosure of information to unqualified persons. However, we can: *
a. discuss information with other professionals if we need to better understand the case
b. disclose the information and divulge the whole assessment results when the court requests it
c. disclose the information to blood-relatives, only if they have shown enough proof that they related to the
d. all of the above
41. Which of the following is true about reliability and validity? I. A test can be valid without being reliable II. A test
can be reliable but not valid III. A test cannot be valid unless it’s reliable. IV. A test cannot be reliable if it’s not
valid *
a. I and II
b. II and III
c. I and IV
d. II only

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