A Neural-Network-Based Model Predictive Control of Three-Phase Inverter With An Output LC Filter
A Neural-Network-Based Model Predictive Control of Three-Phase Inverter With An Output LC Filter
A Neural-Network-Based Model Predictive Control of Three-Phase Inverter With An Output LC Filter
ABSTRACT Model predictive control (MPC) has become one of the well-established modern control meth-
ods for three-phase inverters with an output LC filter, where a high-quality voltage with low total harmonic
distortion (THD) is needed. Although it is an intuitive controller, easy to understand and implement, it has
the significant disadvantage of requiring a large number of online calculations for solving the optimization
problem. On the other hand, the application of model-free approaches such as those based on artificial neural
networks approaches is currently growing rapidly in the area of power electronics and drives. This paper
presents a new control scheme for a two-level converter based on combining MPC and feed-forward ANN,
with the aim of getting lower THD and improving the steady and dynamic performance of the system for
different types of loads. First, MPC is used, as an expert, in the training phase to generate data required for
training the proposed neural network. Then, once the neural network is fine-tuned, it can be successfully
used online for voltage tracking purpose, without the need of using MPC. The proposed ANN-based control
strategy is validated through simulation, using MATLAB/Simulink tools, taking into account different loads
conditions. Moreover, the performance of the ANN-based controller is evaluated, on several samples of linear
and non-linear loads under various operating conditions, and compared to that of MPC, demonstrating the
excellent steady-state and dynamic performance of the proposed ANN-based control strategy.
INDEX TERMS Three-phase inverter, model predictive control, artificial neural network, UPS systems.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
VOLUME 7, 2019 124737
I. S. Mohamed et al.: Neural-Network-Based MPC of Three-Phase Inverter
Most of these control schemes, in a way or another, On the other hand, the application of data-driven
are characterized by a number of limitations. For instance, methodologies (or model-free approaches, particularly arti-
the major drawback of non-linear methods (e.g., HVC), ficial neural networks ANNs-based approaches) is cur-
which require high switching frequency for effective oper- rently growing rapidly in the area of power electronics and
ation, is having a variable switching frequency. This creates drives [39]. Broadly speaking, the use of neural networks for
resonance problems which reduce the converter’s efficiency the control of dynamical systems was proposed in the early
[23], [24]. On the other hand, although the linear methods, nineties [40]–[42]. Multi-layer perceptrons were employed in
which require carrier-based modulators, have the advantage various roles, including system identification and implemen-
of constant switching frequency, their dynamic response is tation of the control law. In particular, ANN-based controllers
weak comparing with HVC, because of the slow response of and estimators have been widely used in identification and
the modulator. However, both linear and nonlinear methods control of power converters and motor drives [43]. As an
are extensively used for generating the switching signals example, they can be used to estimate the rotor speed, rotor-
of the inverter because of the simplicity of the controller flux, and torque of induction motors [44]–[46], in addition
implementation. Another example is deadbeat control which to the identification and estimation of the stator current of
provides fast transient response, but is highly sensitive to induction motor drives [47]. Several ANN-based methods
model uncertainties, measurement noise, and parameter per- have also been used in the control of power converters, as pre-
turbations, in particular for high sampling rates. Other mod- sented in [48]–[51]. Indeed, the ANN-based controllers have
ern control approaches based on H∞ control theory [25] and some advantages compared to other control methods such as:
µ synthesis [26] have been proposed, to handle the possible (i) their design does not require the mathematical model of
uncertainties in the system. the system to be controlled, considering the whole system as
Model predictive control (MPC) has become one of the a black-box; (ii) they can generally improve the performance
well-established modern control methods in power elec- of the system when they are properly tuned; (iii) they are
tronics, particularly for three-phase inverters with LC filter usually easier to be tuned as compared to conventional con-
according to [1], [23], [27]–[29]. The key characteristic of trollers; (iv) they can be designed based on the data acquired
MPC is to explicitly use the model of the system to predict from a real system or a plant in the absence of necessary
the future behavior of the variables to be controlled, consid- expert knowledge. But, they require a large amount of training
ering a certain time horizon. Afterwards, MPC selects the data. However, as the present work suggests, this is not a
optimal control action (i.e., optimal switching signals) based major drawback because data can be obtained using reliable
on the minimization of a pre-defined cost function, which simulation tools.
represents the desired behavior of the system [30]–[32]. With By taking advantage of the flexibility of MPC at train-
the aim of getting lower THD and improving steady and ing time, this paper proposes a feed-forward ANN-based
dynamic performance, many methods have been proposed controller for a three-phase inverter with output LC filter
in the literature [29], [33]. For instance, the deployment of for UPS applications. The goal is getting lower THD and
longer prediction horizons is presented in [34]. However, good performance for different types of loads. The proposed
this results in a significant increase in computational cost. controller undergoes two main steps: (i) we use MPC as an
To mitigate and tackle this problem, an improvement of the expert or a teacher for generating the data required for training
finite-set FS-MPC strategy, using only a single step pre- off-line the proposed neural network using standard super-
diction horizon, is introduced in [35]. This improvement is vised learning, under full-state observation of the system;
mainly based on defining a new cost function, which not only (ii) once the off-line training is performed, the trained ANN
tracks the voltage reference but it also simultaneously tracks can successfully control the output voltage of the inverter,
its derivative. While, in [36], a current-sensorless FS-MPC without the need of using MPC at test time, as illustrated
scheme for LC-filtered voltage source inverters is proposed, in Fig. 1. We study a performance comparison between the
in order to reduce the number of sensors in typical FS-MPC, proposed ANN-based approach and the conventional MPC,
offering a comparable performance with the typical FS-MPC under various operating conditions. The main contributions
scheme. of the work described in this paper can be summarized as
The main features of MPC can be summarized as: (i) an follows:
intuitive controller easy to understand and implement, with 1) To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt
a fast dynamic response; (ii) no need either for PWM to directly control a three-phase inverter with an output
blocks or modulation stage; (iii) the simple inclusion of sys- LC filter using a feed-forward ANN based on MPC,
tem constraints and nonlinearities, and multivariable cases; instead of the more common model-based approaches
(iv) the flexibility to include other system requirements. On as well as ANN classical control-based (such as
the other hand, a major drawback of MPC is that it requires Fuzzy Logic Controller FLC-, PID-, or PWM-based)
the optimization problem to be solved online, which involves approaches, or a combination of both [49], [52]–[56].
a huge amount of real-time calculations. However, differ- 2) The proposed ANN-based approach generates directly
ent solutions have been introduced in order to address this the switching signals of the inverter, without the need
problem, as proposed in [27], [37], [38]. for the mathematical model of the inverter and without
FIGURE 1. An overview of the proposed control strategy: the training phase combines between using MPC for predicting the output voltage of the
inverter and collecting data, under full-state observation, for training the neural network. In the test phase, the trained neural network is employed
online to control the output voltage of the inverter instead of MPC, considering linear and non-linear loads.
where L and C are the filter inductance and the filter capaci-
tance, respectively. The output voltage vc and the filter current
if can be measured, whilst the voltage vector vi can be calcu-
lated using (3). The output current io is considered as a dis-
turbance due to its dependence on an unknown load, whereas
the value of Vdc is assumed to be fixed and known. The output
voltage vc is considered as the output of the system, which can
be written as a state equation as vc = 0 1 x.
Then, using (7), the discrete-time state-space model of the
filter can be obtained for a sampling time Ts as
FIGURE 3. Eight possible combinations of the switching signals, and their x(k + 1) = Aq x(k) + Bq vi (k) + Bdq io (k),
corresponding voltage vectors generated by the inverter in the complex
αβ frame. ZTs
if (k + 1) i (k)
= eATs f + eAτ Bdτ vi (k)
The possible output-voltage space vectors generated by the vc (k + 1) vc (k)
inverter can be obtained by | {z } |{z} | {z } | {z }
x(k+1) Aq x(k) Bq
vi = (vaN + avbN + a2 vcN ) (2) ZTs
+ eAτ Bd dτ io (k). (8)
where vaN , vbN , and vcN represent the phase-to-neutral, N ,
voltages of the inverter. On the other hand, we can define the | {z }
voltage vector vi in terms of the switching state vector S and Bdq
the dc-link voltage Vdc by This model is used by the predictive controller (i.e., MPC)
to predict the output voltage vc for all given input volt-
vi = Vdc S. (3)
age vectors vi . Then, for predicting the output voltage vc
Fig. 3 illustrates the eight switching states and, conse- using (8), we need the output current io which can be esti-
quently, the eight voltage vectors generated by the inverter mated using (9), assuming that io (k − 1) = io (k) for
using (1) and (3), considering all the possible combinations of sufficiently small sampling times Ts as proposed in [1], [34].
the switching signals Sa , Sb , and Sc . It is noteworthy that only C
seven different voltage vectors are considered as possible io (k − 1) ∼
= io (k) = if (k − 1)− vc (k)−vc (k − 1) (9)
outputs, since v0 = v7 .
Similarly, as in (1), the filter current if , the output voltage III. MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL FOR NEURAL
vc , and the output current io can be expressed in vectorial form NETWORK
as In this section we employ the model predictive control (MPC)
2 proposed in [31], [57], which provides the state-of-art of
if = (ifa + aifb + a2 ifc ) ≡ if α + j if β , (4) output-voltage control of three-phase inverter for UPS appli-
2 cations, for two purposes: (i) to generate the data required
vc = (vca + avcb + a2 vcc ) ≡ vcα + j vcβ , (5) for the off-line training of the proposed neural network, and
2 (ii) to compare its performance with the proposed
io = (ioa + aiob + a2 ioc ) ≡ ioα + j ioβ . (6) ANN-based controller under linear and non-linear load
In the proposed control strategy, we assume that the inverter
The model of LC filter can be described by two equations: the
generates only a finite number of possible switching states
former describes the inductance dynamics, whereas the latter
and their corresponding output-voltage vectors, making it
describes the capacitor dynamics [1]. These two equations
possible to solve the optimization problem of the predic-
can be written as a continuous-time state-space system as
tive controller online [1]. MPC exploits the discrete-time
dx model of the inverter to predict the future behavior of the
= Ax + Bvi + Bq io , variables to be controlled, for each switching state. There-
after, the optimum switching state is selected, based on the
1 "1# " #
d if 0 − i 0
= 1 L
+ L vi + 1 io , minimization of a pre-defined cost function, and directly
dt vc 0
vc 0 − fed to the power switches of the converter in each sam-
x | C {z } x
|{z} | {z } | {zC } pling interval Ts , without the need for a modulation stage.
B Bq We choose the cost function to be minimize so as to achieve
(7) the lowest error between the predicted output voltage and
A. PROPOSED NEURAL NETWORK ARCHITECTURE TABLE 1. Training results of the proposed ANN based on 60 and
70 training cases, which have been collected by MPC.
Machine learning, and in particular artificial neural networks,
is one key technology in modern control systems. An artificial
neural network (ANN) is an extremely flexible computational
model that can be optimized to learn input-to-output map-
pings based on historical data. An ANN is composed of a
number of simple computing elements linked by weighted
vectors vi that inverter generates. The output is one-hot
connections. Feed-forward networks do not contain loops,
encoded, meaning that at each sampling instant only the index
so they are organized in layers and can be used to implement
of the optimum voltage vector will be active (i.e., having a
input-to-output mappings that are memoryless, i.e., without
value of one), while others will be equal to zero.
dynamics. In its basic form, this model can be expressed as
The training data, which have been collected by MPC,
an iterative composition of input-output functions of the form
comprises 70 experimental conditions, which are divided
X into 60 cases for specific resistive loads (i.e., for only R =
f (Ex ) = h w0 + wi xi , (11) 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 ), whereas only 10
i=1 experiments represent the case where the inverter directly
where h(x) is an activation function (usually it is a feeds a non-linear load (i.e., diode-bridge rectifier) with
non-linear function such as logistic sigmoid or hyperbolic different values of RNL and CNL . For each experimental
tangent, to ensure the universal approximation property [62]), condition, the simulation is run using MPC,2 under various
xE = {x1 , x2 , · · · , xM } is the input vector of the ANN with M operating conditions such as simulation time (i.e, number of
elements, wi are the weights for each input xi , and w0 is a bias output voltage cycles), sampling time Ts , filter capacitor C,
or correction factor. In a feed-forward network, it is possible filter inductance L, DC-link voltage Vdc , and reference volt-
to distinguish one input layer, one output layer, and hidden age v∗c . Then, the input features of the neural network and
layers that connect the input to the output. The objective of their targets are stored for training.
the ANN training phase is to optimize some cost function by As a consequence, the total dataset consists of 217, 510 and
finding optimal values for the wi and w0 . 247, 820 instances for the cases where 60 and 70 experimen-
Although recent developments have focused on larger tal conditions are used, respectively. These dataset has been
and larger scale problems (deep learning), improved tech- divided into two parts: 70% randomly selected for training
niques have also been proposed to improve the reliability of purposes, and 30% for testing and validation. The overall
networks of smaller size. Toward the same goal, hardware accuracy of ANN for the 60 training cases is 69.1%, while
suppliers have started to support reduced-precision floating- it has a 0.2% increase for the 70 training cases, considering
point [63] and integer [64] arithmetics, and offer small- 15 hidden layers and the training function ‘‘transcg’’. We
scale, dedicated architectures [65]. The result is a sound and observe that the validation and training error, as well as the
scalable technology. error on the test set, are very similar when training stops,
In this work, a feed-forward neural network (fully con- according to the ‘‘early stopping’’ criterion used. This is an
nected multi-layer perceptron) of the ‘‘shallow’’ type, i.e., one indication that the neural network may attain a good degree of
hidden layer, was used to implement the control model. A grid generalization. For instance, for the 60 training cases, the best
search tuning procedure allowed the selection of a configu- validation performance is taken from epoch 747 with the
ration with 15 units in the hidden layer, while the number lowest validation error of 0.11108. The training results are
of input and output units is constrained by the number of summarized in Table 1. Training was also attempted using the
input and output variables, respectively. Training was done Bayesian regularization back-propagation method, achieving
via the Scaled Conjugate Gradient (SCG) method [66], which an accuracy of 93%. However, its performance at the test
exploits the good convergence properties of conjugate gradi- phase (on-line) was not satisfactory.
ent optimization [67] and has the computational advantage of For further detailed information about the training cases
not requiring a line search, nor any user-selected parameters. used for training the ANN-based controller, please refer to:
The ANN takes as inputs the measured variables of the filter C. ANN-BASED CONTROLLER
current if , the output voltage vc , the output current io , and the As previously mentioned, the ANN-based controller is
reference voltage v∗c all expressed in αβ coordinates. The real trained off-line from samples collected via MPC, as shown
and imaginary parts of these variables are separately fed to the in Fig. 1. After fine-tuning the ANN, the trained ANN can be
neural network, bringing the total number of input features to used instead of MPC to control the system presented in Fig. 2.
eight, i.e., M = 8. The output of the ANN is the optimum Fig. 5 depicts the proposed block diagram of the
voltage vector xopt to be applied at each sampling instant. ANN-based controller for a three-phase inverter with output
The size of the output layer is an array with a length of 7,
which represents the indexes of the seven possible voltage 2 Web: https://github.com/IhabMohamed/MPC-3-Phase-Inverters
FIGURE 5. Block diagram of the proposed ANN-based controller for a three-phase inverter with an output LC filter. Each sampling
instant, the trained ANN takes, as input, the measured variables if , vc , io , and v∗c , whereas it explicitly generates the optimum
voltage vector xopt . Afterwards, the corresponding switching states Sa , Sb , and Sc are directly given to the power switches of the
LC filter, in order to generate a high-quality sinusoidal output TABLE 2. Parameters of the converter system.
voltage with low THD, considering different types of loads.
The control strategy of the proposed ANN-based controller
at sampling time k can be described as follows:
1) measure the value of the filter current if (k), the output
voltage vc (k), and the output current io (k) at sampling
time k. Note that, the output current io (k) is considered
to be a measurable value, without estimation based
on (9) or using the observer as in [1]; The simulation of the three-phase inverter system shown
2) then, these measured values in addition to the reference in Fig. 2 was carried out, considering linear (i.e., resistive)
voltage v∗c (k) are used by the trained ANN in order to and non-linear loads, in order to evaluate the behavior of
explicitly generate the optimum voltage vector xopt to the proposed ANN-based control strategy and compare its
be applied at instant k + 1; performance with that of MPC proposed in Section III. In par-
3) finally, the switching states, Sa , Sb , and Sc , correspond- ticular, we studied and evaluated the steady and dynamic
ing to the optimum voltage vector xopt are applied and performance of both control strategies, taking into account
directly given to the power switches of the converter different loads conditions. The parameters of the system are
each sampling interval Ts . listed in Table 2.
The behavior of the ANN-based controller in steady-state
operation for a resistive load of 5 kΩ shown in Fig. 6, while
V. SIMULATION IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULTS the behavior of the predictive controller for the same resistive
This section provides a comprehensive study and evaluation load is shown in Fig. 7. The amplitude and the fundamental
of the two proposed control strategies, taking into account frequency of reference voltage v∗c are set to 200 V and 50 Hz,
different loads under various operating conditions. respectively. It can be seen in the figures that the output
voltages vc for the proposed control strategies are sinusoidal
A. SIMULATION SETUP with low distortion, particularly for the ANN-based approach
To verify the proposed ANN-based control strategy and which has a THD of only 1.6% compared to 3.95% for MPC.
compare its performance with the conventional MPC, we Moreover, we observe that, due to the resistive load, the out-
used MATLAB (R2018a)/Simulink software components to put current io is proportional to the output voltage, whilst the
implement the Simulink model and the simulations of the filter current io measured at the output of the converter shows
system shown in Fig. 2. We acquired the training samples, off- high-frequency harmonics, especially in the case of MPC,
line training, and online voltage tracking purpose using the which are attenuated by the LC filter.
proposed ANN approach via a PC equipped with an Intel
The transient response of both control strategies for
Core i5-4210U 1.70 GHz CPU, 6 GB of RAM, and an Nvidia no-load (i.e., open-circuit) is shown in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9. Here,
GPU, and running Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit. the filter capacitor C and filter inductance L are set to 50 µF
TABLE 3. A comparison between the two proposed control strategies for linear and non-linear loads under different operating conditions such as
sampling time Ts , filter capacitor C , filter inductance L, DC-link voltage Vdc , and reference voltage v∗c .
the behavior of the proposed control strategies for a diode- reference output voltage. As can be seen in the figures,
bridge rectifier, with values C = 300 µF and R = 60 Ω, the output voltage generated by the ANN-based controller
while the behavior for an inductive load of 0.01 H is shown in outperforms that obtained using MPC for non-linear loads,
Fig. 13 and Fig. 14, considering the same operating condi- despite the highly distorted output currents due to feeding a
tions presented in Table 2 and different amplitudes of the non-linear load. For instance, for MPC, the total distortion in
FIGURE 15. Comparison of the THD of the output voltage obtained by the two proposed control strategies, for some cases given in Table 3, under
different operating conditions.
its performance to outperform that of MPC. For example, transient response, demonstrating the excellent steady and
(THD)ANN of cases S26 , S27 , S28 , S29 , S49 is decreased to be dynamic performance of the proposed ANN-based control
3.72%, 2.39%, 4.08%, 2.35%, 3.86%, respectively. strategy. As in any model-based control strategy, variations in
In fact, it is not surprising that the performance of the the system parameters inevitably influence the performance
proposed ANN-based controller outperforms that of MPC in of the ANN-based control scheme proposed in this paper. The
both transient and steady-state response, even with unseen possible directions for future work would be (i) the imple-
experimental conditions (i.e., loads) at training time as tab- mentation of the ANN-based controller in practical applica-
ulated in Table 3. This happened for two reasons. First, tions; then (ii) the employment in other power electronics
the training data are sufficient to learn the mathematical applications, possibly employing different neural networks.
model of the system to be controlled and its dynamics, as well
as representing the optimal control law. Second, generating REFERENCES
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vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 53–62, Jun. 2000. Researcher with the Division of Electronics and
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Nov. 2018. Dr. Do received the Best Research Award from Dongguk University,
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[63] NVIDIA. (Jun. 2019). Training With Mixed Precision. [Online]. Available:
Fast-Varying Disturbances and Applications. He is currently an Associate
Editor of IEEE ACCESS.
[64] D. Das, N. Mellempudi, D. Mudigere, D. Kalamkar, S. Avancha,
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A. Heinecke, P. Dubey, J. Corbal, N. Shustrov, R. Dubtsov, E. Fomenko,
received the M.Sc. and Industrial Ph.D. degrees
and V. Pirogov, ‘‘Mixed precision training of convolutional neural net-
in electrical engineering from the Faculty of Elec-
works using integer operations,’’ 2018, arXiv:1802.00930. [Online]. Avail-
able: https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.00930 trical Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia, in 2009 and
[65] Z. Hu, A. B. Tarakji, V. Raheja, C. Phillips, T. Wang, and I. Mohomed, 2013, respectively.
‘‘Deephome: Distributed inference with heterogeneous devices in the From 2013 to 2016, he was a Postdoctoral
edge,’’ in Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop Deep Learn. Mobile Syst. Appl. (EMDL), Research Associate, and since March 2016, he has
New York, NY, USA, 2019, pp. 13–18. been an Associate Professor with Aalborg Uni-
[66] M. F. Møller, ‘‘A scaled conjugate gradient algorithm for fast supervised versity, Denmark, where he leads the Advanced
learning,’’ Neural Netw., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 525–533, Nov. 1993. Control Lab. He made a guest professor stay at
[67] R. Fletcher, Practical Methods of Optimization, 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ, Nottingham University, U.K., in 2018. He has authored or coauthored more
USA: Wiley, 2000. than 170 technical articles (more than 70 of them are published in interna-
tional journals, mostly IEEE Transactions) in his domain of interest, eight
book chapters, and a book in the field. His research interests include design
IHAB S. MOHAMED received the B.S. degree and control of microgrids, and application of advanced modeling and control
from the Institute of Aviation Engineering and concepts to power electronic systems.
Technology (IAET), Egypt, in 2009, the M.S. Dr. Dragic̆ević was a recipient of the Konc̆ar Prize for the best industrial
degree in electrical engineering from Cairo Ph.D. thesis in Croatia, and the Robert Mayer Energy Conservation Award.
University, Egypt, in 2014, and the M.Sc. He serves as an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL
degree in European master in advanced robotics ELECTRONICS, the IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER
(EMARO+). He attended the first year of ELECTRONICS, and the IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine.
EMARO+ at the Warsaw University of Tech-
nology (WUT), Poland, and the second year at
the University of Genoa (GU), Italy. He is cur-
rently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in robotics engineering with INRIA
Sophia Antipolis—Méditerranée, Université Côte d’Azur, France, under the
supervision of Prof. P. Martinet, G. Allibert, and P. Salaris.
From 2009 to 2015, he was a Teaching Assistant with the Electronics AHMED A. ZAKI DIAB received the B.Sc. and
and Communications Department, IAET. His research interests include M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from Minia
predictive control (MPC), power electronics, robotics, computer vision, and University, Egypt, in 2006 and 2009, respec-
machine learning. tively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Electric
Drives and Industry Automation Department, Fac-
ulty of Mechatronics and Automation, Novosi-
STEFANO ROVETTA (M’99–SM’12) is currently birsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk,
an Associate Professor of computer science with Russia, in 2015. Since 2001, he has been with
the University of Genova, Italy. He has authored the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty
more than 170 scientific articles in machine learn- of Engineering, Minia University, as a Teaching
ing, neural networks, clustering, fuzzy systems, Assistant, a Lecturer Assistant, and since 2015, as an Assistant Profes-
and bioinformatics. sor. His current research interests include ac drives, application of control
Dr. Rovetta is a member of the Italian Neural techniques, and optimization algorithms in renewable energy systems. He
Network Society, the European Neural Network was a recipient of the Postdoctoral Fellowship at the National Research
Society, and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic University, Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI), Moscow, Russia,
and Technology. He received the 2008 Pattern from September 2017 to March 2018.
Recognition Society Award. He was the Chair of international conferences.