Effect of Drillbits-Piri2021
Effect of Drillbits-Piri2021
Effect of Drillbits-Piri2021
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/measurement
Keywords: Rock drilling systems have extensive use in many industries including mining, construction, and oil and water
Noise level extraction. The process of drilling inevitably creates some noise at the drill-rock collision surface. Loud noises
Hard rock drilling cause serious safety issues in the workplace. Noise level can also be a good indicator of the performance of the
Rock properties
drilling tool. This study measured and compared the noise levels created in the drilling environment during the
Coated drill bit
Multivariate statistical analysis
drilling of three types of hard rock, namely Khoshtinat, white Natanz and Nehbandan granites with three types of
drill bit with tungsten carbide, Diamond-DLC, and Titanium-Aluminum-Silicon coatings. The software SPSS was
used to develop several multivariate linear and nonlinear statistical models for predicting noise level. The results
showed that as the mechanical parameters of the drilled rock increased, so did the noise level. Also, in all
specimens, as the hardness of the drill bit increased, the noise level generated by drilling decreased. The results of
statistical tests showed, at above 90% confidence level, that the developed models can provide reasonably ac
curate predictions of the noise level to be generated in drilling environments based on the mechanical properties
of the drilled rock, the hardness of the drill bit, and operating specifications.
1. Introduction noise has long been used as a diagnostic means in mechanical industries,
little attention has been paid to the potential use of noise in the pre
Rock drilling systems have extensive use in many industries diction of rock properties [6]. In a study by Rajesh Kumar et al. (2011),
including mining, construction, and oil and water extraction [1]. In they investigated the relationship between noise level produced during
essence, drilling is the process of removing particles from a rock surface drilling and physical parameters of sedimentary rocks including uniaxial
through the application of a mechanical force. Naturally, this process compressive strength, tensile strength, and porosity [7]. Gradl et al.
creates some noise at the point where the drill bit comes into contact (2012) recorded the noise created from drill-rock interactions during
with the rock [2]. High noise levels are not only detrimental to workers’ drilling by a standard microphone and analyzed the relationship of this
wellbeing but may also cause serious safety issues in the workplace. noise with the drill’s vibration properties [8]. Sometimes, the analysis of
Noise level can also be a good indicator of the performance of the dril the noise generated by the drilling process can reveal the type (class) of
ling tool [3]. Geng et al. (2019) analyzed the delamination formation in the rock being drilled. In other words, it is possible to find noise waves
two methods of core drilling and rotary ultrasonic machining [4]. Geng that are specific to the drilling of a certain rock or at least a class of rocks
et al. (2019) also reviewed an up-to-date summary of progress in [9]. Research on the acoustic propagation of noise waves of rocks began
delamination coming from drilling in composite laminates [5]. While with the efforts of Obert and Duvall in 1941 and 1942 to predict rock
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Piri), [email protected] (R. Mikaeil), [email protected] (H. Hashemolhosseini), [email protected]
(A. Baghbanan), [email protected] (M. Ataei).
Received 19 April 2020; Received in revised form 2 August 2020; Accepted 6 September 2020
Available online 14 September 2020
0263-2241/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Piri et al. Measurement 167 (2021) 108447
explosions in mines [10,11]. Following these studies, researchers thickness was used to analyze various relevant parameters including
focused more on the changes that occur in the amplitude of the acoustic shear angle, specific energy required for machining and cutting force
noise wave in a frequency band as stress increases [12–15]. The studies [29]. Oloruntobi et al. (2018) introduced a new technique for predicting
of Zborovjan et al. (2003) and Miklusova et al. (2006) on the rock pore pressure based on the concept of Hydro-Rotary Specific Energy
drilling noise showed that when processed by Fourier transform, the (HRSE) [30]. Csanádi et al. (2019) investigated the deformation and
noise signal created during rotary drilling can be used in the control of fracture behavior of Tungsten carbide (WC, WC/WC), and Tungsten
rock disintegration process [9,16]. In a study by Delibalta et al. (2015), carbide-cobalt (WC/Co) boundaries and the main factors that affect
they attempted to predict the physical and mechanical properties of the tensile stress-induced cracking [31]. Choi et al. (2019) studied the effect
rock based on the noise created during cutting by a diamond saw [17]. of titanium addition on the mechanical properties and especially the
Kumar et al. (2019) developed a new method for the estimation of rock fracture toughness of Mo-Si-B alloys [32]. In a study by Gren et al.
properties based on dominant frequencies of the sound pressure level (2020), the temperature dependence of interface and surface energies in
produced during drilling operations [18]. In a study by Benjamin et al. WC-Co cemented carbides at temperatures up to and above the melting
(2018) they recorded the noises created during oil and gas well drilling temperature of cobalt was studied by a computational approach [33].
and construction in a residential area in Colorado [19]. Yari and
Bagherpour (2018, 2019) formulated a number of mathematical equa
tions for the relationships between rock mass properties and the domi
nant acoustic frequencies generated during the drilling process by the
use of Fourier series transform [20–22]. In a study by Rajesh Kumar et al.
(2013), regression analysis and artificial neural network models were
used to predict the properties of rocks based on noise levels produced
during drilling [23]. Rempel et al. (2019) compared the efficiency,
noise, vibration and dust generation of two types of drill bits in the
concrete drilling operations [24]. In a study by Masood (2015) the noise
level created during drilling of igneous rocks with different properties
was measured by a portable device [25]. In a laboratory-scale study,
Vardhan et al. (2009) managed to predict the properties of rocks based
on the noise produced during drilling [26]. Kivade et al. (2015) used
artificial neural network models to predict the properties of sedimentary
rocks based on penetration rate and noise of percussion drilling [27].
Garcia et al. (2016) analyzed in-situ high-temperature stress of Titanium
Carbonitride (Ti(C,N)) coatings on functionally graded cemented car
bides using energy dispersive synchrotron X-ray diffraction [28]. In a
study by Gunjal et al. (2020), the existing empirical research on chip
Fig. 2. View of the PVD device [35]
M. Piri et al. Measurement 167 (2021) 108447
Table 1
Important mechanical properties of the rocks.
Dimension stone sample Commercial name Name of quarry SF-a (N/mm) YM (GPa) Mh UCS (MPa)
Fig. 3. An overview of the a) drilling machine; b) drill bits; and c) noise measurement device.
M. Piri et al. Measurement 167 (2021) 108447
Table 4 Table 5
Noise level calculated for Diamond-DLC coated drill bit in rock A2. Noise level calculated for TiAlSi coated drill bit in rock A2.
Penetration Speed of Noise Environment Noise value Penetration Speed of Noise Environment Noise value
rate (m/min) rotation value noise value (db) of drilling rate (m/min) rotation value noise value (db) of drilling
(rpm) (db) (db) (rpm) (db) (db)
12 × 10− 3 850 90.07 77.5 12.57 12 × 10− 3 850 87.26 77.5 9.76
12 × 10 − 3 900 89.59 77.5 12.09 12 × 10 − 3 900 88.15 77.5 10.65
12 × 10− 3 950 90.82 77.5 13.32 12 × 10− 3 950 88.21 77.5 10.71
18 × 10− 3 850 91.59 77.5 14.09 18 × 10− 3 850 88.09 77.5 10.59
18 × 10− 3 900 90.28 77.5 12.78 18 × 10− 3 900 89.63 77.5 12.13
18 × 10− 3 950 90.76 77.5 13.26 18 × 10− 3 950 88.01 77.5 10.51
24 × 10− 3 850 89.69 77.5 12.19 24 × 10− 3 850 89.04 77.5 11.54
24 × 10− 3 900 91.77 77.5 14.27 24 × 10− 3 900 90.26 77.5 12.76
24 × 10− 3 950 91.86 77.5 14.36 24 × 10− 3 950 88.74 77.5 11.24
M. Piri et al. Measurement 167 (2021) 108447
Fig. 5. Noise-time diagram plotted for drilling with WC, Diamond-DLC and TiAlSi coated drill bits with a penetration rate of 12 mm/min and rotation speed of 900
rpm in rock A1 .
Fig. 6. Noise-time diagram plotted for drilling with WC, Diamond-DLC and TiAlSi coated drill bits with a penetration rate of 12 mm/min and rotation speed of 900
rpm in rock A2 .
Fig. 7. Noise-time diagram plotted for drilling with WC, Diamond-DLC and TiAlSi coated drill bits with a penetration rate of 12 mm/min and rotation speed of 900
rpm in rock A3 .
with a drill with TiAlSi coating at a penetration rate of 12 mm / min and As Figs. 5 to 7 show, drilling with WC-coated drill bit generated a
a rotation speed of 900 rpm, the experiment was repeated 3 times and higher level of noise than drilling with Diamond-DLC and TiAlSi-coated
the mean value was recorded as 89.19).Drilling tests were performed drill bits. Among the drill bits, the one coated with TiAlSi generated the
with a laboratory-scale drilling machine on cuboid specimens at rotation least noise when drilling in A1, A2, and A3 rocks at a constant rotation
speeds of 850, 900 and 950 rpm and penetration rates of 12, 18 and 24 speed and penetration rate.
mm/min. A view of the drilled rocks is shown in Fig. 4.
Since the base noise level of the test environment and the drilling 4. Statistical analysis of drilling performance
machine was measured to be 75–80 dB, before any analysis or com
parison, the average of these figures (77.5 dB) was deducted from all To investigate the relationship between operating parameters
measured noise levels. The noise level calculated for each drill bits in (rotation speed), drill bit characteristics (coating hardness) and noise
rock A2 are presented in Tables 3, 4 and 5: level, the obtained test results were subjected to a statistical analysis
Figs. 5, 6, and 7 display the noise-time diagram plotted for drilling involving univariate linear regression and multivariate linear and
with WC, Diamond-DLC and TiAlSi coated drill bits in each rock with a nonlinear regression in SPSS and Excel software. Figs. 8 to 10 show the
penetration rate of 12 mm/min and rotation speed of 900 rpm. relationship between the noise level and changes in operating
M. Piri et al. Measurement 167 (2021) 108447
Fig. 8. Relationship between the noise level and mechanical parameters of studied rocks.
Fig. 9. Relationship between the noise level and hardness of the drill bit.
Fig. 10. Relationship between the noise level and speed of rotation (H = 1570).
M. Piri et al. Measurement 167 (2021) 108447
Table 6
Multivariate linear regression results for prediction of Noise level.
Model coefficients Coefficients Coefficients F Tabulated F-value t Tabulated t-value R
Table 7
Multivariate nonlinear regression results for prediction of Noise level.
Model coefficients Coefficients Coefficients F Tabulated F-value t Tabulated t-value R
M. Piri et al. Measurement 167 (2021) 108447
Fig. 12. A comparison between the predicted and observed noise value for model 1.
Fig. 13. A comparison between the predicted and observed noise value for model 2.
Fig. 14. A comparison between the predicted and observed noise value for model 3.
M. Piri et al. Measurement 167 (2021) 108447
Fig. 15. A comparison between the predicted and observed noise value for model 4.
Fig. 16. A comparison between the predicted and observed noise value for model 5.
Fig. 17. A comparison between the predicted and observed noise value for model 6.
M. Piri et al. Measurement 167 (2021) 108447
PR0.066 × UCS0.421 × YM 0.117 × 103.268 alone is approximately equal to 23%. These changes for the TiAlSi bit
NL = (6)
SR0.439 × H 0.529 for the two samples are approximately 8.7%. These changes show
that with increasing bit hardness, the effect of mechanical parame
In the presented models, NL denotes the noise level in db, UCS the
ters of the rock on changes in sound level due to drilling decreases.
uniaxial compressive strength in MPa, YM the Young’s modulus in GPa,
• when drilling with a drill bit of a given hardness, as rotation speed
SFa the Schimazek abrasivity factor in N/mm, Mh the Mohs hardness,
increased, the noise level decreased.
PR the penetration rate, SR the drill bit rotation speed, and H the coating
• During this research, several linear and non-linear multivariate sta
hardness. In all models, noise level was considered as the dependent
tistical models were developed to predict the sound level using SPSS
variable and the properties of rock and drill bit and the operating pa
software. The results of statistical tests for selected models with a
rameters were considered as independent variables. The t-test and the F-
confidence level and correlation coefficient above 90% showed that
test were used to check the validity of the obtained models. The flow
the sound level in drilling environments can be accurately deter
chart illustrated in Fig. 11 shows the steps followed to control and
mined with the help of mechanical characteristics of the rock, the
validate the obtained models.
hardness of the drilling bits and evaluated operational specifications.
As shown in Fig. 11, the F test was used to check the significance of
Also, among the studied models, Model 2 has a higher correlation
the model, and the t-test was used to check the significance of each in
coefficient (93.8%) than other models. This model shows that there
dependent variable. The results of the F-test and t-test are presented in
is a significant relationship between the noise level due to drilling
Tables 5 and 6.
with independent variables including head stiffness, bit rotation
Since the F statistic obtained from the distribution table was greater
speed, penetration rate and Schmiazek abrasivity factor of rock.
(at 99% confidence level) than the F statistic obtained from all models,
the null hypothesis that there is no linear relationship between the
CRediT authorship contribution statement
dependent variable (maximum noise level) and independent variables
(rock characteristics, drill bit hardness, and operating parameters) was
Mostafa Piri: Investigation, Resources, Writing - original draft,
rejected, meaning that at least one of the regression coefficients is not
Visualization. Reza Mikaeil: Conceptualization, Software, Project
zero. After checking the significance of the model as a whole with the F
administration. Hamid Hashemolhosseini: Validation, Data curation,
test, the t-test was used to check the significance of independent vari
Supervision. Alireza Baghbanan: Methodology, Writing - review &
ables. Using this test, one can check whether the regression coefficient of
editing. Mohammad Ataei: Formal analysis, Funding acquisition.
an independent variable is zero. The results showed that for every
model, the t statistic obtained from the related distribution table was
Declaration of Competing Interest
smaller (at 90% confidence level) than the t statistic obtained from the
independent variables. Therefore, the hypothesis that the coefficients of
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
the independent variables are zero was rejected. One of the key re
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
quirements of statistical analyses, especially those involving the devel
the work reported in this paper.
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