Action Research OF Effective Use of Maxism While Teaching

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Submitted by- Surasmita Sarma

Enrollment no: - A3410520043
Submitted to :- Dr Rasna Sherawat

                                      Amity Institute of Education

                                   Amity University Uttar Pradesh

Maxims of Teaching are the universal facts found out by the teacher on the basis of experience.
They are of universal significance and are trustworthy. The knowledge of different maxims helps
the teacher to proceed systematically. It also helps to find out his way of teaching, especially in
the early stages of teaching.
The students learning rely on how significant and viably a teacher is teaching. It requires entire
part of arranging and methodology for a teaching to take place with a class in a systematic way
and furthermore considering how much students understand. All students are from different age
groups, sex, and intelligence, capabilities, able to grasp things while teaching etc. There are so
many criteria to consider while delivering a lecture.
The sole purpose of psychological principles of teaching is to make the process of teaching-learning
interesting and maximize learning. These principles are better known as maxims of teaching and have
always stood the test of time. Though these maxims are universally accepted in macrocosm of education,
these are an integral part of teacher education programme wherein the teacher educators are mandatorily
required to acquaint and equip the prospective teachers with the essentials and techniques of pragmatic
use of teaching maxims in real life classroom situations.
The great irony of teacher education is that prospective teachers are taught in ways that are
inconsistent with these maxims of effective learning and instruction. Instead of whole-to-part,
prospective teachers are often prepared in an assembly-line fashion. They take discrete courses in
various foundations and methods specialties. The culminating activity is an all-too-brief student
teaching experience that typically bears little relationship to what students have learned in course
work. Pre service teachers have little opportunity to observe or practice the whole teaching act.
Yet they are expected to be able to perform this extremely complex task solo--usually without
coaching, mentoring, or support--upon receiving their teaching credential.
Traditional teacher training lacks authenticity. Courses often present theories and principles that
are far removed from the realities of classrooms. Any cases prospective teachers observe or tasks
they engage in are likely to be contrived and to lack the complexity and richness of authentic
teaching situations. Skills are taught in the abstract, de contextualized from their uses in the real
The maxims we propose are partially derived from the work of cognitive scientists. Among those
whose thinking has influenced us is our colleague Rand Spiro, who is investigating the
acquisition of knowledge in complex, ill-structured fields such as biomedicine (Spiro, Feltovich,
& Coulson, in press). They claim that knowledge is "situated," or a product of the activity and
context in which it develops; they argue for teaching through a "cognitive apprenticeship" that
takes into account the situated nature of knowledge. We have been influenced by the Russian
psychologist Vygotsky, who believed that cognitive development begins as a social process,
usually between adults and children, and gradually becomes internalized ((Vygotsky, 1978). The
maxims are also based on our own experience with successful instruction.
1. To understand the importance of Maxism in the teaching-learning process.
2.To analyse the theory of Maxism
3.To interpret how effective the Maxism process is.

Teaching is considered a part of learning. The culmination of all teaching processes really worth the
name is learning. Teaching is an external enterprise while learning is a mental activity. The primary
motive of use of maxims of teaching is the enhancement of quality of learning. Teaching maxims play an
important role in making learning stable and permanent.
According to Bernard,“In teaching-learning process, teachers and students encourage learning.” In fact,
teaching is a task and learning is an achievement. Learning objectives can be realized by properly
organizing teaching skillfully, effectively and carefully. Maxims of teaching The role of the teacher is
considered main in the classroom. He is responsible for creating such an ambience as gives rise to
maximum learning activities and various experiences may be achieved. But, practically, it is not as
convenient as it looks. However talented, scholarly and able a teacher may be, he would be considered
unsuccessful if he or she is unable to transfer learning to students.
Teaching is an art which encompasses the following:
Mastery over subject
 Scientific knowledge of teaching style for transfer of knowledge to pupils
 In order to achieve this objective, teacher’s subject knowledge is not the only factor which is required.
In addition to this, the teacher should know some maxims with the help of which the teacher may
present the subject matter before the students effectively as well as efficiently.
The meaning of maxims of teaching is very simple. Those general ideas and methods of doing the work
which prove helpful in the task of teaching are termed as maxims of teaching. These maxims have been
formulated by the psychologists, educationists, pedagogues and preceptors on the basis of their
experiences. These maxims are reliable and are universally applicable.
Different maxims of teaching are applied in different teaching situations on the basis of well-planned
strategy and logic. Maxims of teaching act as the springboard which catalyzes the momentum of
teaching-learning process and thus helps the teacher in achieving the pre-determined objectives of
education besides providing contentment to both the learners as well as the teacher.

 The different maxims of teaching are

Known to Unknown: - This maxim is based on the assumption that the student knows
something. We are to increase his knowledge and widen his outlook. We have to interpret all new
knowledge’ in terms of the old. It is said that old knowledge serves as a hook on which the new one can
be hung. Known is trustworthy and unknown cannot be trusted. So while teaching we should proceed
from known and go towards unknown. For example, while teaching any lesson, the teacher can link the
previous experiences of the child with the new lesson that is to be taught Teaching of English.

Simple to Complex:- Class-room teaching is formal where the teacher tries to teach and the
students try to learn things. In this process of teaching-learning, the teacher should see those simple
things are presented first to the students. That way they will start taking an interest. Once they become
interested, thou gradually complex type of things can also be learnt by them. By learning simple things,
they feel encouraged and they also gain confidence. For example, while teaching sentences of English
simple sentences should be taught first and complex type of sentences may be taken afterwards.

From Analysis to Synthesis - This maxim states that the difficult or complex topic or subject
matter be logically and systematically broken into different components. (This maxim is also known as
'from Part to Whole'.) Analysis means breaking something into individual elements. Synthesis is just
reverse of Analysis. It means joining the individual elements into one whole. In other words, in analysis,
the subject is broken into its components or elements while in synthesis, the scattered elements of the
subject are collected and the clarification of these elements is logically presented. In fact, these two are
an integral part of Cognitive domain of Bloom's taxonomy of Educational objectives.

From Actual to Representative - Teaching is more effective when the teacher displays
actual teaching aids instead of artificial ones before the pupils in the classroom. Researchers have
shown that the natural teaching material has more influence in the teaching process instead of artificial
one. So, as far as possible, the teacher should make use of this maxim in teaching-learning process. It is
not that this maxim should be blindly resorted to. The teacher should use logic to apply this maxim.

Empirical to Rational: - It means that the empirical knowledge of a student should be made
rational so that it becomes true. It means that the empirical knowledge of a student should be made
rational so that it becomes true and definite. (It may be recalled here that empirical knowledge is the
one which a learner receives by observation.) If we study and analyze the definitions of learning, we will
come to know that the changes in human behavior through experiences are termed as learning. The
experiences contribute especially in the learning process. The pupil learns through observation and
experience and consequently acquires substantial knowledge. The teacher can employ this maxim
especially in teaching of mathematics and sciences. In simple words, the ability to know something, to
learn and verify it is acquired first and the ability to interpret it on the basis of logic or reasoning
develops afterwards and definite sciences. In simple words, the ability to know something, to learn and
verify it is acquired first and the ability to interpret it on the basis of logic or reasoning develops

1) Instruction should use a whole-to-part approach: - Generally, a major goal of instruction is for
the student to acquire a conceptual model of how parts fit together. Therefore, instruction
needs to be framed in terms of complete cases and tasks. Because a sense of the whole task
facilitates the subsequent learning of sub skills, sub concepts and sub skills usually should be
taught within the context of the whole.

2) Instruction should be rooted in authentic, real-world situations. Learners need to work with rich,
complex cases and engage in meaningful, functional tasks. Instruction that is not authentic often
oversimplifies. Such oversimplification impedes the development of useful representations of
knowledge and makes transfer, or the ability to use knowledge in new situations.

3) Instruction should foster flexibility through multiple perspectives. Like a good work of art,
authentic cases and complex tasks can be interpreted at different levels and in different ways.
Looking at authentic cases and tasks from multiple perspectives helps novices develop the
requisite cognitive flexibility for coping with complexity and novelty.

4) Instruction should be sensitive to the developmental progression of students. The mastery of

complex skills involves a typical, though not necessarily fixed, progression of stages, from novice
to expert. Expertise in any skill is characterized by a high degree of conceptual knowledge
("knowledge that") and procedural knowledge ("knowledge how"). Experts also have "executive
control" over the skill; that is, they have a "meta-understanding" of their conceptual and
procedural knowledge. Experts understand the major elements of the skill, why it works, what
it's good for, when and where it should be used, and how to adapt it to varying situations.

5) Instruction should assume an action orientation. Learners must be active participants in their
own learning, not passive recipients of information. Learning and acting must be intimately
relate in order to develop procedural knowledge and link it to conceptual knowledge. Therefore,
throughout training, novices must attempt to perform authentic tasks. They must repeatedly
perform the tasks expected of expert practitioners.

6) Instruction should involve coaching. Coaching involves observing and helping students while
they attempt to perform a task. The teacher directs students to particular aspects of the task,
reminds them about a part of the task they may have overlooked, provides hints and feedback,
and designs and sequences new tasks aimed at bringing the students' performance closer to
expert performance. Coaching has the flavor of collaboration rather than evaluation. It boosts
students' confidence as they go through the frustrating early stages of skill development.

7) Instruction should involve scaffolding. Scaffolding is closely related to the maxims of

developmental progression and coaching. Scaffolding means providing teacher support and
regulating task difficulty so that the level of challenge is optimum for growth toward expertise.
Effective scaffolding thus requires sensitivity to the students' skill level and developmental

 For the survey, a Google format has been made and distributed to all the teachers who are
teaching in school and colleges and even coaching centers to get the responses of which
teaching working in different fields.
 The main source of the survey is teachers.
Link of the survey :-

List of the questions asked are 20.

Question 1

Responses :-
Question 2


Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6


Question 7

Question 8

Question 9


The data interprets that scaffolding is importance while delivering the chapters in class.
 All the teachers responded to the survey well.
 In the question, teaching is more effective when the teacher displays actual aids instead of
artificial ones 10% of the pupil opted neutral and 90% pupil agreed on it.
 In the question, a teacher should move from simple to complex process of teaching, 10% opted
neutral and 90% opted for yes. So the majority believes that then delivering a chapter they
should first explain the simple concepts and then move on to higher level concepts. if the base
of the subject is not clear, students will not be able to understand higher concepts.
 In this question, Maxims of teaching acts as the springboard which catalyzes the momentum of
teaching learning process, majority of the pupil opted yes.
From the collected responses, yes maxims is helpful and useful in teaching –learning process and how
effectively a teacher can use maxims in its own creative way is also taken under consideration.
Teaching is inspiring the learner to learn, the learner being a child or a pupil-teacher or an inservice
teacher or an adult. It is a dignified profession that demands proficiency and it is mandatory for every
teacher to acquire this ability. Teaching is a form of social service which aims at bringing a reform in the
behavior of the student who in turns reforms the society. Teachers are the makers of destiny of a
nation. They are considered as role models for their students. It is but natural for a learner to imitate its
teacher. Pupil-teachers are none other than learners. They are mature minds who resort to
observational and imitational learning. The attitude and demeanor of teachers or teacher educators
undoubtedly leave an indelible impression on the minds of prospective teachers. It is, therefore, the
moral duty of teachers and teacher educators to make every sincere endeavor to bring about positive
and fruitful desirable changes in the behavior of their students (pupil-teachersThese do not fall under
the purview of real and effective teaching and learning. What is the use of such learning which is not
effectively and efficiently transferred to those whom it is really meant for? Sustainability of learning is an
index of its effectiveness.
So the teacher is of paramount importance in any system of education. They play a pivotal role in the
development of education system as a whole. Enlightened, emancipated and empowered teachers lead
communities and nations in their march towards better and higher quality of life. They are responsible
for acculturating the role of education. It is no denying the fact that teaching is a science as well as an
art. The various maxims of teaching tantamount to what is known as science of teaching whereas the
strategies, techniques, skills and tactics employed by the teacher to make use of these maxims in an
effective as well as efficient manner pertain to what is known as art of teaching. The tenets, working
rules or general truths through which teaching becomes interesting, easy and effective are called the
maxims of teaching. They have universal significance. Every person who is expected to enter into the
teaching profession has to familiarize himself with the maxims of teaching. Their knowledge helps him
to proceed systematically.

Name of the GR International School

Venue Google Meet
Theoretical Action research is essentially tracking down answer for an issue, searching
Background of for inside and out arrangement of the equivalent. Only arrangement as well
Action Research as how the issue came up and how the specialist figured out how to advance

Then, at that point, it likewise includes the exploration of the activities taken
to work on the arrangement. This exploration assumes a critical part to
observe an answer for issues found. Time to time activity exploration will
help in making educating more compelling definitely.
Maxims of Teaching are the universal facts found out by the teacher on the basis
of experience. They are of universal significance and are trustworthy. The
knowledge of different maxims helps the teacher to proceed systematically. It also
helps to find out his way of teaching, especially in the early stages of teaching.
Construction of  Identified one problem
the Action  Collection of data from different resources.
Research plan  After collection then the data should be organised, analyse and interpreted.
 Development and implementation of plan
 To analyse the effectiveness of research. 
Steps/Procedure  The initial step includes the distinguishing proof of issue and
of Action afterward in like manner questions will be outlined due to these inquiries
Research review will be finished.
Conducted  The subsequent advance includes the assortment of information
through the inquiries outlined before. Various sources will be utilized,
for example, studies, meetings and articles and so forth
 Presently the third step was to foster an arrangement and carry out it
for which I have utilized google structure to successfully discover replies
to my inquiries.
 In the last with the assistance of results and respondents answers the
information gathered will be checked that digger the activity research
that successfully work.
Evidences of the
Action Research Survey (Sources-Teachers)


tional material pXlYBAxVBp4QKcqY-JVYef9IW-Pw/viewform?usp=sf_link
used to for
Action Research MICROSOFT WORD
Evidences for Survey (Sources- Teachers)
effectiveness of
Action Research

Conclusions Maxism are basically the techniques used by the teacher during teaching-
learning process to make the learning more effective. Maxism also helps for
the active involvement of the students and also motivates the students toward
learning. Without the use of Maxism, a teacher cannot afford to teach
effectively and making interesting.

Reflections I personally feel that effective use of techniques helps students to understand
concepts more clearly. How a teacher uses these techniques effectively, the
students will be encouraged to learn more efficiently. Right use of
techniques are important in the teaching learning process.

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