Computer Answer Key 7

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Teacher’s Resource Book

With Answers











Computers are used everywhere, i.e., at homes, libraries, schools, offices, etc.
They touch every aspect of our life making it easier and comfortable. We rely
on computers for most of our daily work. In today’s world, not knowing about
the computer is nothing less than illiteracy. Knowing about computer and its
uses are no more a luxury, but a necessity.
Keeping in mind the increasing need of computer, IT Planet, a series of 8
books from class 1 to 8 has been written with a focus to impart knowledge
about computers to young minds. This series will help the teachers to make
the children computer-friendly according to the level of their knowledge and
help them acquire computer technology skills as required by the curriculum of
various boards. These books are based on new N.C.E.R.T. guidelines.
You are a computer teacher. The subject you are teaching and the knowledge
you are giving will help the students throughout their lifetime. You are
creating a tech-savvy generation.
We should strike a balance between theory and applications, and we should
include appropriate elements of recent research in our curriculum. We expect
our students to play leading roles in industry, profession and government.
Rather than just coping with the future, we expect our students to create the
Co-existence Is The Key: Learning is a collective effort and not an individual
effort. Group learning enhances better understanding and decreases
dissonance among students.
Integration On Life Skills Into Teaching Methodologies: Learning takes place in
every walk of life – from taking our first baby steps to landing a person on the
surface of the Moon. Learning from life skills is, perhaps, the most essential
part of overall student development.
Bridging The Gap: Students in a classroom learn at different levels, thus, the
need for the teacher to adopt various innovative methods to bridge gaps
between the understanding levels of the first child and the last child.
The teachers should give their students a discovery-based learning. Compared
with many other subjects, Computer Science is not straight-forward to teach.
One reason for this is the general nature of the computer field. The computer
field is changing very rapidly. The computers available to your students in the
school and homes 20 years from now will be a hundred or a thousand times
as powerful as the computers they have now in school. A guided discovery-
based learning environment contributes greatly to learning, and it facilitates

transfer of learning. In addition, you may want to assign a number of activities
at the end of the chapters as homework and make use of this in assessment.


One of the major goals of a teacher is to help students acquire a more
realistic understanding of the course contents. The teacher should make the
students say and believe:
1. "I am better at solving some types of problems than others. I am smart
enough to get better at solving any problem that I care to spend time on."
2. "I regularly encounter and solve problems at home, at work, at play, and
at school. Problems are everywhere. What I learn at school can help me
solve some of these problems. What I learn outside of school can help me
solve some of these problems. Both types of learning are very important
to me."
By the time students get to the classes you teach, they will have repeatedly
demonstrated that they are quite smart and that they are good problem
solvers. One of the things that we know about problem-solving is that success
breeds success. Our school system and our society tend to reward people who
are good at solving school and non-school problems. This positive feedback
promotes putting in the time, energy, and thought needed to become still
better at problem-solving.

The best teaching style ratio is 90:10.
90% serious teaching style and 10% fun based teaching style.
1. Begin by making sure all students have their books. Ask students to
recall what they learnt from the previous lesson. Then observe several
students' responses.
2. Read the chapter to the students. Explain it to them in a very easy to
understand way. Help students get well-versed with every chapter. Have
them write down some important points that they remember from the
3. Assign the activity at the end of the chapter.
4. Closure. Near the end of the period, let students think about some of
the important ideas that have been covered in today's discussions and
readings. Each student has to decide on one idea that he/she felt was
particularly important. As time permits, these ideas can be shared by the
whole class in small groups, written down, or merely thought about at a
personal level.

Bloom’s taxonomy : teacher planning kit
Bloom's Taxonomy was created under the leadership of educational
psychologist, Dr Benjamin Bloom, in order to promote higher forms of
thinking in education, such as analyzing and evaluating concepts, processes,
procedures and principles, rather than just remembering facts (rote learning).
It is most often used while designing educational, training, and learning
It provides an important framework for teachers to use to focus on higher
order thinking (HOT). By providing a hierarchy of levels, this taxonomy can
assist teachers in designing performance tasks, crafting questions for conferring
with students, and providing feedback on student work.
This resource is divided into different levels each with Keywords that
exemplify the level and questions that focus on that same critical thinking
level. Questions for Critical Thinking can be used in the classroom to develop
all levels of thinking within the cognitive domain (development of our mental
skills and the acquisition of knowledge). The results will be improved attention
to detail, increased comprehension and expanded problem-solving skills. Use
the keywords as guidelines to structuring questions and tasks. Finish the
Questions with content appropriate to the learner.

1. KNOWLEDGE (Remembering)
Recall/regurgitate facts without understanding. Exhibits previously learned
material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts and answers.
Key Words:
Choose List Quote Repeat Trace
Copy Listen Read Reproduce What
Define Locate Recall Retell When
Duplicate Match Recite Select Where
Find Memorise Recognise Show Which
How Name Record Spell Who
Identify Observe Relate State Why
Label Omit Remember Tell Write

! Can you list three ....? ! What is ...?
! Can you recall ...? ! When did ...?
! Can you select ...? ! When did ........ happen?
! How did .......... happen? ! Where is ... ?
! How is ....? ! Which one ....?
! How would you describe ...? ! Who was ... ?
! How would you explain ...? ! Who were the main ...?
! How would you show ...?

2. COMPREHENSION (Understanding)
To show understanding finding information from the text. Demonstrating
basic understanding of facts and ideas.
Key Words:
Ask Estimate Indicate Purpose Summarise
Cite Explain Infer Relate Translate
Classify Express Interpret Rephrase
Compare Extend Match Report
Contrast Generalise Observe Restate
Demonstrate Give examples Outline Review
Discuss Illustrate Predict Show

! Can you explain what is ! How would you summarise ...?
happening ... what is meant ...? ! What can you say about ...?
! How would you classify the type ! What facts or ideas show ...?
of ...? ! What is the main idea of ...?
! How would you compare ...? ! Which is the best answer ...?
contrast ...? ! Which statements support ...?
! How would you rephrase the ! Will you state or interpret in your
meaning ...? own words ...?

3. APPLICATION (Applying)
To use in a new situation. Solving problems by applying acquired knowledge,
facts, techniques and rules in a different way.

Key Words:
Act Classify Experiment with Manipulate Select
Administer Connect Group Model Show
Apply Construct Identify Organise Simulate
Associate Correlation Illustrate Perform Solve
Build Demonstrate Interpret Plan Summarise
Calculate Develop Interview Practice Teach
Categorise Dramatise Link Relate Transfer
Choose Employ Make use of Represent Translate

! How would you use ...? understanding of ...?
! What examples can you find to ...? ! What approach would you use to
! How would you solve ........... using ...?
what you have learned....? ! How would you apply what you
! How would you organise ........... to learned to develop ...?
show .....? ! What other way would you plan to
! How would you show your ...?

! What would result if ...? ! What facts would you select to
! Can you make use of facts to ...? show ....?
! What elements would you choose ! What questions would you ask in
to change ...? an interview with ...?

4. ANALYSIS (Analysing)
To examine in detail. Examining and breaking information into parts by
identifying motives or causes; making inferences and finding evidence to
support generalisations.
Key Words:
Analyse Discover Function Omit Research
Appraise Discriminate Group Order See
Arrange Dissect Highlight Organise Select
Assumption Distinction In-depth discussion Point out Separate
Breakdown Distinguish Inference Prioritize Similar to
Categorise Divide Inspect Question Simplify
Cause and effect Establish Investigate Rank Survey
Choose Examine Isolate Reason Take part in
Classify Find List Relationships Test for
Differences Focus Motive Reorganise Theme

! What are the parts or features of ...? How is .......... related to ....?
! Why do you think ...? What is the theme ...?
! What motive is there...? Can you list the parts ...?
! What inference can you make ...? How would you classify...?
! What conclusions can you draw...? How would you categorise...?
! Can you identify the different parts ...? What evidence can you find ...?
! What is the relationship between ...? What is the function of ...?
! Can you make a distinction between ...? What ideas justify ...?
5. SYNTHESIS (Creating)
To change or create into something new. Compiling information together in a
different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing
alternative solutions.
Key Words:
Adapt Delete Happen Modify Solve
Add to Design Hypothesise Original Speculate
Build Develop Imagine Originate Substitute
Change Devise Improve Plan Suppose
Choose Discover Innovate Predict Tabulate
Combine Discuss Integrate Produce Test
Compile Elaborate Invent Propose Theorise
Compose Estimate Make Up Reframe Think
Construct Experiment Maximise Revise Transform
Convert Extend Minimise Rewrite Visualise
Create Formulate Model Simplify
! What changes would you make to ! What way would you design ...?
solve ...? ! Suppose you could ........ what
! How would you improve ...? would you do ....?
! What would happen if ...? ! How would you test ....?
! Can you elaborate on the reason ! Can you formulate a theory for ...?
...? ! Can you predict the outcome if ...?
! Can you propose an alternative...? ! How would you estimate the
! Can you invent ...? results for ...?
! How would you adapt ........ to ! What facts can you compile...?
create a different.....? ! Can you construct a model that
! How could you change (modify) would change....?
the plot (plan)....? ! Can you think of an original way
! What could be done to minimise for the ...?

6. EVALUATION (Evaluating)
To justify. Presenting and defending opinions by making judgements about
information, validity of ideas or quality of work based on a set of criteria.
Key Words:
Agree Criteria Evaluate Justify Select
Appraise Criticise Explain Mark Support
Argue Debate Give reasons Measure Test
Assess Decide Good Opinion Useful
Award Deduct Grade Perceive Validate
Bad Defend How do we know? Persuade Value
Choose Determine Importance Prioritise Why
Compare Disprove Infer Prove
Conclude Dispute Influence Rate
Consider Effective Interpret Recommend
Convince Estimate Judge Rule on

! Do you agree with the ! How could you determine... ?
actions/outcomes ...? ! What choice would you have made...?
! What is your opinion of ...? ! What would you select...?
! How would you prove/disprove ...? ! How would you prioritise...?
! Can you assess the value/importance ! What judgement would you make
of ...? about ...?
! Would it be better if ....? ! Based on what you know, how would
! Why did they (the character) choose you explain...?
...? ! What information would you use to
! what would you recommend....? support the view...?
! How would you cite to defend the ! How would you justify...?
actions ...? ! What data was used to make the
! How would you evaluate...? conclusion...?

1 Computer Virus

A. Tick [ü] the correct answer.

1. c. 2. a. 3. a. 4. b.
5. a.
B. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statements.
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T
5. F 6. F

C. Fill in the blanks.

1. Vital Information Resources Under Seize
2. Virus Author 3. E-mail 4. Trojan Horse
5. Virus definition

D. Define the following.

1. Rootkit: It is a program that hides in a computer and allows
someone from a remote location to take full control of the
2. Logic Bomb: A logic bomb is a program, or portion of a program,
which lies dormant until a specific piece of program logic is
3. Virus Signature: A virus signature, also called a virus definition, is a
known specific pattern of virus code.

E. Differentiate between the following.

1. Adware: It is a program that displays an unwanted advertisement in
a banner, pop-up window on web pages, e-mail messages, or on
other Internet services.
Spyware : A program placed on a computer or mobile device without
the user’s knowledge that secretly collects information about the
user and then communicates the same information to some outside
source while the user is online.

F. Answer in 1-2 sentences.
1. A computer virus is a program which is created deliberately to
damage critical information and data.
2. An antivirus program protects a computer against virus, identifying
and removing any computer virus found in the memory, storage
media, or incoming files.

G. Answer Briefly.

1. This virus attaches itself to the boot sector of the disk. The infected
code runs when the system is booted from that infected disk and it
will infect at BIOS level.
2. Viruses are activated on our computer in many different ways such
as when we open an e-mail attachment that contains a virus, when
something we downloaded from the Internet is infected by virus or
when a virus-infected software is installed in our computer via CD or
pen drive.
3. E-mail viruses are spread by the files attached to e-mail messages.
When we open an e-mail attachment that contains a virus, the virus
spreads to our computer. If we forward the attachment to other
people, their computers will also be affected when they open the
4. Ransomware is a virus that restricts access to our computer system
and demands a ransom (money) to be paid in order to remove the
5. i. Do not start a computer with removable media inserted in the
drives or plugged in the ports.
ii. Install an antivirus program on all your computers. Update the
software and the virus signature files regularly.

H. Application Based Question.

The e-mail attachment might have a virus in it that made the computer
slow and created trouble in running apps.

2 Number System

A. Tick [ü] the correct answer.

1. c. 2. b. 3. c. 4. b.
5. c.

B. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statements.

1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F

C. Fill in the blanks.

1. Electronic pulses 2. Digits 3. Binary
4. 10 5. 8 6. 0 to 9 , A to F

D. Define the following.

1. Bit: The smallest unit in computer processing is called a bit. It is a
unit of data that can be either of the two conditions, 0 or 1.
2. Byte: A group of 8 bits is called a byte.
3. Nibble: Half a byte is called Nibble. A nibble is a collection of bits on
a 4-bit boundary.
E. Differentiate between the following.
1. Binary number system: Binary is a base 2 number system and the
symbols it uses are 0 and 1.
Decimal number system: The decimal number system is a base 10
number system. The decimal number system uses 10 symbols: 0 to
2. Octal number system: In an octal number system, the base is 8.
Hence, there are only eight symbols or digits 0 to 7.
Hexadecimal number system: The hexadecimal number system uses
16 digits including 6 letters of alphabet. These include the symbols 0
to 9 and A to F.

F. Answer Briefly.

1. Number System is a way to represent numbers in a computer

system. Every value that we are giving to/getting from computer
memory has a defined number system. There are two types of
Number Systems.
i. Non-positional Number System
ii. Positional Number System
2. There are different positional number systems. These are Decimal
number system, Binary number system, Octal number system and
Hexadecimal number system.

G. Application Based Question.

In the past, counting beyond ten was done by humans with the help of
stones, pebbles, or sticks to indicate values.

Activity Section

Convert the following.

1. Decimal to Binary

i. 345 ii. 113

2 345 2 113
2 172 1 2 56 1
2 86 0 2 28 0
2 43 0 2 14 0
2 21 1 2 7 0
2 10 1 2 3 1
2 5 0 1 1
2 2 1
1 0
Ans (101011001)2 Ans (1110001)2

iii. 145 iv. 287

2 145 2 287
2 72 1 2 143 1
2 36 0 2 71 1
2 18 0 2 35 1
2 9 0 2 17 1
2 4 1 2 8 2
2 2 0 2 4 0
1 0 2 2 0
1 0
Ans (10010001)2 Ans (100011111)2

2. Binary to Decimal
i. (111)2 = (1 x 2²) + (1 x 2¹) + (1 x 2⁰)
(1 x 4) + (1 x 2) + (1 x 1)
4 + 2 + 1 = (7)10
ii. (1101)2 = (1 x 2³) + (1 x 2²) + (0 x 2¹)+(1 x 2⁰)
(1 x 8) + (1 x 4) + (0 x 2) + (1 x 1)
8 + 4 + 0 + 1 = (13)10
iii. (1001)2 = (1 x 2³) + (0 x 2²) + (0 x 2¹) + (1 x 2⁰)
(1 x 8) + (0 x 4) + (0 x 2) + (1 x 1)
8 + 0 + 0 + 1 = (9) 10

iv. (1011)2= (1 x 2³⁾ + (0 x 2²) + (1 x 2¹) + (1 x 2⁰)
(1 x 8) + (0 x 4) + (1 x 2) + (1 x 1)
8 + 0 + 2 + 1 = (11) 10

3. Decimal to Octal

i. 45 ii. 70
8 45 8 70
8 5 5 8 8 6
0 5 8 1 0
0 1

Ans (55)8 Ans (106)8

4. Decimal to Hexadecimal

i. 22 ii. 330
16 22 16 330
16 1 6 16 20 10
0 1 16 1 4
0 1
Ans (16)16 Ans (14A)16
(because A = 10)

3 Animate - Layers & Animation

A. Tick [ü] the correct answer.

1. a. 2. b. 3. b. 4. a. 5. c.
6. a.

B. Write 'T' for True and 'F' for False statements.

1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F

C. Fill in the blanks.

1. Keyframes 2. Stop-motion 3. Frame rate

4. Motion 5. Shape

D. Differentiate between the following.

1. Keyframe: A keyframe is the frame which has an animation in it, or

where a new symbol appears in the timeline.
Blank Keyframe: A blank keyframe is a placeholder for symbols you
can plan to add later, or to clearly leave the frame blank.
2. Motion Tween: A motion tween is a feature that allows you to easily
animate the motion of an object. Instead of defining the location of
the object in every frame, we can create a motion tween, which will
automatically move the object from the beginning location to ending
Shape Tween: We can use shape tweening to morph from one shape
to another. For example, we can morph a circle into a square.

E. Answer in 1-2 sentences.

1. Animation creates the illusion of movement. Each frame replaces the
earlier one so quickly that it is difficult to notice it. Animations can
be used for a lively message or for entertainment.
2. Frames are individual pictures in a sequence of images. We add them
to add time to Animate movie.

3. There are two ways to slow down an animation:
i. You can adjust the frame rate of your Animate movie in the
Properties panel.
ii. You can add frames between your keyframes by right-clicking on
the Timeline, and then clicking on Insert Frame.

F. Answer Briefly.

1. We can create the illusion of movement in a movie by changing the

placement of the Stage content from keyframe to keyframe. This
animation in a movie is called frame-by-frame animation. It is also
called stop-motion animation.
2. Tweening defines two points of movement in the Timeline with two
keyframes; then it lets Animate calculate all the in-between frames
necessary to get from first point to the last point. In Animate, we
have three types of tweening: classical tweening, motion tweening,
and shape tweening.

G. Application Based Question.

The Shape tween option got disabled because shape tweening animation
can only be applied to shapes, not on a symbol.

4 Photoshop - Introduction

A. Tick [ü] the correct answer.

1. c. 2. c. 3. a. 4. c.
5. a. 6. c.

B. Write 'T' for True and 'F' for False statements.

1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T
5. T 6. F 7. T 8. T

C. Fill in the blanks.

1. Palettes 2. .psd 3. canvas
4. Magic wand 5. Foreground

D. Define the following.

1. Crop tool: It is used to cut only the desired part of an image. It
crops some part of the image and gives us the required part.
2. Clone stamp tool: It is used to clean up small flaws or erase
elements of an image. It also copies information from one area of an
image to another.

E. Differentiate between the following.

1. Brush tool: Brush tool is used to paint the brush strokes or add color
to our image.
Paint Bucket tool: Paint Bucket tool is used to fill an area of an
image with solid color.
2. Foreground Color: Painting tools, such as the Brush tool, apply the
Foreground color in an image. Default foreground color Is black.
Background Color: We can apply the Background color by using
Eraser tool. Default background color is white.
3. Dodge Effect: Dodge tool is used to lighten a specific area of an
Burn Effect: Burn tool is used to darken a specific area of an image.

F. Answer in 1-2 sentences.
1. There are many tools in Toolbox that you can use for working on an
image. If we leave mouse curser over the tool, it will indicate the
name of the tool and its keyboard shortcut.
2. i. Changing on-screen size of an image.
ii. Changing the canvas size of an image.
3. Magnetic Lasso tool is used to select elements of our image that have
well-defined edges. It will snap on the edge of the element as you

G. Answer Briefly.

1. Photoshop is a graphic designer software developed and published

by Adobe Systems.
It allows us to create, modify, combine and optimize digital images.
It is used to brighten, darken and change the hue (shade) of colors
in parts of our image. It lets us print our images, save them in a
format suitable for use on a web, or prepare them for use in a page-
layout program.
2. Color Mode is used to apply the specific colors on your image.
Popularly used color modes in Photoshop are RGB and Grayscale.
RGB is the common mode for working with color images in
Photoshop. Converting an image to grayscale mode removes the
color from our image.

H. Application Based Question.

Crop tool is used to keep the desired photo and remove the rest.

5 Photoshop - Layers and Filters

A. Tick [ü] the correct answer.

1. b. 2. a. 3. c. 4. b.
5. a.

B. Write 'T' for True and 'F' for False statements.

1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F
5. F

C. Fill in the blanks.

1. Dimensions or Layers 2. Flatten 3. Opacity
4. Blending 5. Reordering

D. Differentiate between the following.

Recorder Layer: Recording a layer of an image changes the stacking order

of layers to move elements forward or backward.
Flatten Layer: Flatten layers combine all the layers of an image into one.

E. Answer in 1-2 sentences.

1. The Layers dialog panel appears on the top right-side of Photoshop

window, where you can work with Layers. It has options which are
used to perform specific tasks.
2. Renaming a layer will help you in identifying it in a better way or
managing many layers in a single image.
3. Hiding a layer temporarily removes elements in that layer from the
4. Transform tool is used to change the shape of the objects in the layer
and it allows you to keep the rest of our image unchanged.

F. Answer Briefly.
1. Layers are the key components to work with graphic objects. Layered
Photoshop files act like several images combined into one. Each layer
of an image has its own set of pixels that you can move and
transform, independently of the pixels in other layers.
2. Photoshop blending modes specify how pixels in a layer should blend
with the layers below. Photoshop has many blending modes.
Selecting a blending mode changes the appearance of the layer or
image, based on the layer or layers beneath it.

G. Application Based Question.

He should use Flatten layer or Merge layer option to combine all the
layers according to his need.

6 Internet - Ethics & Safeguard

A. Tick [ü] the correct answer.

1. b. 2. b. 3. b.
4. a. 5. c.
B. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statements.
1. T 2. T 3. T
4. F 5. F 6. F
C. Fill in the blanks.
1. Virus 2. Keylogger 3. Hacker
4. Digital Footprint

D. Differentiate between the following.

1. Spam: It involves sending unwanted messages by spammer to a large
number of recipients.
Phishing: It is a scam in which we will receive an official or
legitimate looking e-mail message that attempts to obtain our
personal and/or financial information.
2. Hacker: The term hacker refers to someone who accesses a
computer or network illegally. Hacking can happen either for positive
or negative reasons.
Cracker: A cracker is someone who also accesses a computer or
network illegally, but has the intent of destroying data, stealing
information, or other malicious action.

E. Answer in 1-2 sentences.

1. Cyberbullying is harassment that takes place using technology which

includes sending or forwarding threatening text messages, posting
embarrassing or altered pictures of someone without his or her
2. Social engineering is a term used for gaining unauthorized access or
obtaining confidential information by taking advantage of the
trusting human nature of some victims.

F. Answer Briefly.
1. We should make a strong password and change it frequently. Our
password should be at least six characters long and include at least
one number, letter (combination of upper and lower cases) and
special character (@, *, &, !, etc.). Our new password should be
different from any other passwords that we have used. It is strongly
advised that we use different passwords for all different accounts.
2. We should not save password of an account in a particular website
because, in future, anyone else who uses our computer might also
be able to access our account from the site without our permission.
3. i. Parents should advise children to play only those online games
which are suitable for their age.
ii. Parents should advise children not to share any personal
information to any unknown person.

G. Application Based Question.

This potential threat can come under Social Engineering.

7 HTML - Introduction

A. Tick [ü] the correct answer.

1. b. 2. a. 3. a.
4. b. 5. b. 6. a.
B. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statements.
1. T 2. T 3. T
4. F 5. T
C. Fill in the blanks.
1. Tim Berners Lee 2. HyperText Markup Language
3. Cross-platform 4. Angular Brackets
5. Entities

D. Differentiate between the following.

Container Tag: Tags that have both starting as well as ending are known
as container tags.
For example: <HTML> ........................ </HTML>
Empty Tag: Tags that have only a starting, and there is no need to close
them (using </>) are known as empty tags.
For example: <BR>

E. Answer in 1-2 sentences.

1. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a programming language used
to create web pages. It is simply a collection of certain keywords
called tags.
2. Semantic tags enable us to describe the different parts of our web
Example of Semantic tags are: Doctype, Header, Footer, Navigation,
Section, etc.
3. DOCTYPE tag at the beginning of our page specifies that the
document is written in HTML5.
4. Attributes are used to give additional information about the tag.

F. Answer Briefly.

1. The main features of HTML are given below:

i. HTML is not a case sensitive language.
ii. HTML document is saved with .htm or .html file extension.
iii. HTML document is written in any text editors and word
2. Syntax error can be avoided in the following ways:
i. Make sure the tags have brackets, closing tags include a slash,
and attribute values are surrounded by quotation marks.
ii. Always consider using new lines to type code, instead of running
everything together in one long line.

H. Application Based Question.

Yes, Rahul can view the HTML programming of that gaming web page by
the following way:
i. Press the Alt key on the keyboard.
ii. Click on View menu, then click on Source.

8 HTML - Creating Web Page

A. Tick [ü] the correct answer.

1. a. 2. b. 3. a.
4. c. 5. a.

B. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statements.

1. F 2. F 3. T
4. T 5. F

C. Fill in the blanks.

1. DOCTYPE 2. <wbr> 3. BGCOLOR
4. COLOR 5. <H1>, <H6> 6. Comment

D. Differentiate between the following.

Physical Style Formatting: They specify a particular font change that is

interpreted strictly by all browsers.
For example, to ensure that text appears in bold font, we would enclose
it between a start <b> and end </b> tag.
Logical Style Formatting: They allow a browser to interpret the tag based
on browser settings, relative to other text on a web page.
For example, <h2> heading tag indicates that the heading text should be
larger than the regular text but smaller than text formatted using an
<h1> heading tag.

E. Answer in 1-2 sentences.

1. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a programming language used

to create web pages. It is simply a collection of certain keywords
called tags.
2. <BR> tag is used to add blank lines between the paragraphs and is
also used to start a new line.
3. Font tag is used to change the appearance of our text along with the
FACE attribute.

F. Answer Briefly.

1. The elements included in the structure of HTML5 document are such

as: <DOCTYPE>, <HTML>, <HEAD>, <TITLE> and <BODY> that we
must add to every web page we create.
2. Metadata means ‘data about data.’ On a web page, metadata can
include author information, the type of editor used to create the
page, a description of the content, relevant keywords, and copyright
3. We should specify more than one font while changing the font, as it
comes handy if one font is missing on a user's computer, the text
can be displayed with another font you have specified.

G. Application Based Question.

Rishabh should save the file with .html file extension then he would be
able to open the HTML file in the web browser.

9 HTML - Images, Links & Table

A. Tick [ü] the correct answer.

1. a. 2. b. 3. c.
4. a. 5. b.

B. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statements.

1. T 2. F 3. T
4. F 5. T

C. Fill in the blanks.

1. <IMG> 2. Absolute, Relative
3. Hypertext REFerence 4. Padding 5. Left

D. Define the following.

1. Cell Padding: The web browser displays the designated amount of
space between the cell contents and the cell borders. It is called Cell
2. Cell Spacing: The web browser displays the designated amount of
border size or space between the cells. It is called Cell Spacing.
3. Absolute Link: It is a hyperlink containing a full URL, which includes
the entire information needed to find a particular site.
E. Differentiate between the following.
1. Bulleted List Tag: Bulleted list or unordered list tags are used to
show the items which are not in a particular order. We can also
place circle, disc, or square instead of bullets.
Ordered List Tag: Numbered list or ordered list tags are used on a
web page for displaying items in a specific order, such as a set of
instructions or a table of contents. We can also place A, B, C...etc. or
i, ii, iii...etc. instead of 1,2,3...etc.
2. Internal Link: Internal links are the links to the pages within our own
website. These links can be either absolute or relative.
External Link: External links are links outside our own website.
These links must always be absolute.

F. Answer in 1-2 sentences.
1. We add images to the web pages because a concept that is difficult
to explain in the form of text can be explained with the help of a
picture or an image easily and quickly.
2. IMG stands for 'image' that tells the browser that an 'image will be
placed here' on the page.
SRC stands for 'source'. It is the source of image file. It specifies the
URL of the image.
3. Links enable users to navigate from one topic to the other on a
website and from one website to another. The user clicks the link,
and the browser opens the destination page.
4. We can create a table to clearly display information on a web page
in a tabular format. For example, if we like to display the price list
or sales order of an item, the best possible solution is to display it
using a table.

G. Answer Briefly.
1. We can create a link to an image so that we can click on that image
to display the link. This is helpful in case we wish to display a large
number of images on our page. So, in that case, we can display the
same images in small size on a page and create hyperlinks to their
larger sizes. Its syntax is:
<A HREF = ""> <IMG SRC=“computer.
2. The various attributes associated with Table tag are: SUMMARY,
3. We can combine two or more cells in a row or column to make one
large cell. Spanning cells is mainly used to display a title across the
top or down side of a table.

H. Application Based Question.

1. Kavya should use ordered list, <OL> tag for displaying the result in
an ordered form on the webpage.
2. The first possibility is that Divya's image is not in GIF or JPEG format
that the browser can support. Secondly, she might not have
specified the right path of the image where it is stored.

10 Access - Creating a Database

A. Tick [ü] the correct answer.

1. a. 2. b. 3. a. 4. a.
5. b.
B. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statements.
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T
5. F 6. F

C. Fill in the blanks.

1. Rows, Columns 2. Fields 3. .accdb
4. OLE Object 5. Primary Key 6. 255

D. Define the following.

1. Field Name: It is a unique name for each field in the table. For
example, in the Students' Detail table, the field names are
Student_ID, Student_name, Class, Transportation, and Fees.
2. Data Type: Data type defines which type of data you can store in the
3. Validation Rule: A Validation rule is used to limit a field entry to
meet certain criteria.

E. Differentiate between the following.

1. Record: A record is a row in a table that contains information about
a given person, product, or an event.
Field: A field is a column in a table that contains a specific piece of
information within a record. It is the smallest unit of data.
2. Short Text Data Type: This is a general-purpose field containing any
data. It has a limit of 255 characters and cannot be used for numeric
Long Text Data Type: This type has a limit of 63,999 characters; it is
used for detailed, descriptive fields.

F. Answer in 1-2 sentences.
1. Microsoft Access is a powerful database software that allows us to
create, manage and process data in the form of a table.
2. We use templates in Access to includes pre-built tables and forms, in
which you can add your own data.
3. Primary key is needed to identify a field which is having unique
records and to establish relationship between tables.
4. Default value in properties are used to speed up data entry for fields
that usually contain the same value by making that value as the

G. Answer Briefly.

1. Tables are the key component in a database. Their main purpose is

to store data in an organized way. A database can contains multiple
2. A Validation rule is used to limit a field entry to meet certain
criteria. By Validation rules, you can ensure that the correct value is
entered in the field. If the user makes an incorrect entry, error alerts
can stop the user, provide a warning or just provide information.

H. Application Based Question.

No, she has not done the right thing by setting the primary key for the
field 'Student_name' because names of two or more students can be the
same. She should ideally set primary key for the field 'Roll_no.', which is
unique to every student.

Worksheet - 1
Chapters 1 - 5

A. Tick [ü] the correct answer.

1. a. 2. c. 3. a.
4. c. 5. a. 6. a.

B. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statements.

1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F
5. F 6. F 7. F 8. F

C. Fill in the blanks.

1. Alabama 2. Hexadecimal 3. Bit
4. Frame rate 5. 18 6. Black arrow
7. Palettes 8. Opacity

D. Define the following.

1. Sweeper: Sweeper is a fake antivirus also known as rogue. It is
designed in such a way that it looks like an antivirus software, but in
reality, it is a virus. People download it unintentionally, and the
sweeper virus enters in their computer and changes system files,
browsing activity, etc.
2. Mask Layer: A Mask Layer is used to show or hide a portion of your
layer. A mask is like a stencil or paper cutout, where you can see
what is behind it through the holes.
3. Stop-motion animation: Frame-by-frame animation is also known as
stop-motion animation. It is achieved by manipulating a physical
object and making it appear to move on its own by shooting one
frame, manipulating the object, then shooting another frame and so
4. Eyedropper tool: Eyedropper tool enables us to paint using a color
already present in our image.

E. Differentiate between the following.

1. Executable File Virus: This virus stores itself in an executable file and
infects other files each time the file is run.
Macro Virus: This virus infects files that are created using certain
applications or programs that contain macros.
2. Canvas size of image: It is used to change the size of canvas. It adds
blank space to the sides of an image.
Print size of image: It is used to set image size and its print

F. Answer the following questions.

1. The effects of viruses are:

i. It can damage or rename the important files.
ii. It can damage or destroy the Operating System.
iii. It can decrease the speed of the computer.
iv. It can reduce the memory or hard disk space.
v. It can infect boot records.
vi. It can infect executable files.
2. Features of antivirus are:
i. Most antivirus programs contain an automatic update feature
that regularly prompts the users to download the updated virus
signatures, usually at least once a week.
ii. Most antivirus programs automatically check for viruses when
they are first installed.
iii. It may inform the users about new virus alerts and virus hoaxes.
A virus hoax is an e-mail message that warns users of a non-
existent virus or other malware.
3. Computer is an electronic machine that stores data in coded form or
machine readable form. Number System is a way to represent
numbers in a computer system. Every value that you are giving
to/getting from computer memory has a defined number system.
4. The hexadecimal number system uses 16 digits including 6 letters of
alphabet. The hexadecimal number system is used with computers
i. It can represent binary values in a more compact and readable

ii. The conversion between the binary and the hexadecimal number
systems is very efficient.
5. Tweening defines two points of movement in the Timeline with two
keyframes; then it lets Animate calculate all the in-between frames
necessary to get from first point to the last point.
6. A symbol is an object in Animate. This object is stored in the Library;
it can be used repeatedly throughout a movie. Symbol can be a
graphic object, a movie clip, a graphic created in another program,
or a button. Sound clips may also be symbols.
When we drag a symbol from the Library to the Stage, we create an
7. Layers are the key components to work with graphic objects and
animation. Layers are very helpful to add depth to our graphic
8. Some of the selection tools available in Photoshop are:
! Magic Wand: This tool is used to select the groups of similarly
coloured pixels. It works best on solid colour background.
! Marquee: This tool is used to select a rectangular or elliptical
area of an image. We can move, delete, or stylize the selected
area using other Photoshop commands.
! Lasso: With this tool, we can create oddly shaped selections.
Then we can move, delete or stylize the selected area using
other Photoshop commands.
9. By using Filters in Photoshop, we can quickly and easily apply
enhancements to our image, including artistic effects, texture effects,
and distortions.
10. In Photoshop, layers are the key components to work with graphic
objects. Layered Photoshop files act like several images combined
into one. Each layer of an image has its own set of pixels that you
can move and transform, independently of the pixels in other layers.
Most commands affect only the layer that you select.

Worksheet - 2
Chapters 6 - 10

A. Tick [ü] the correct answer.

1. b. 2. b. 3. c. 4. a.
5. b. 6. c. 7. c. 8. b.

B. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statements.

1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F
5. T 6. F 7. T 8. T
9. F

C. Fill in the blanks.

1. Vulnerabilities 2. Phishing 3. Starting, Ending
4. <canvas> 5. Semantic 6. Horizontal rule
7. .accdb 8. Tables, rows, columns

D. Define the following.

1. Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is harassment that takes place using

technology which includes sending or forwarding threatening text
messages, posting embarrassing or altered pictures of someone
without his or her permission, or setting up a fake online social
network page where others make harsh comments and spread
rumors about someone.
2. Digital Footprint: Digital footprint is a trail of data we leave behind
while using the Internet.
3. Navigation Tag: The <nav> tag is used to define important
navigational links to other pages on a site.
4. Section Tag: A <section> tag offers a generic way of grouping related
information on a web page.
5. Heading Tag: Heading tags are used to define headings in the web
page and to separate text or add new topics on the web page.
6. PRE Tag: It is a pre-formated tag used to keep the line breaks and
spaces we enter for a paragraph or a block of text, as it is, while

7. Data Type: Data type defines which type of data you can store in the
8. Field Name: It is a unique name for each field in the table. For
example, in the Students' Detail table, the field names are Studnet-
ID, Name, Class, Transportation, and Fees.

E. Differentiate between the following.

1. Virus: Viruses are programs which are created deliberately to
damage data. A virus can badly affect or infect our computer
without our knowledge and alter the working of the computer.
Spyware: It is a software program that gets installed on our
computer, without our knowledge or consent. This program secretly
gathers data from our computer, steals our passwords, displays
advertisements, and takes control of our web browser.
2. Attributes: Attributes always go inside the opening HTML tag, and it
is a good form to enclose attribute values in quotation marks (“ ”).
Entities: Entities are the special characters such as a copyright
symbol or a fraction that you can add to a web page by using special
3. Subscript Tag: Subscript specifies that the enclosed text should be
displayed as a subscript using a smaller font as compared to the rest
of the text. It appears slightly below the normal text.
Superscript Tag: Superscript specifies that the enclosed text should
be displayed as a superscript using a smaller font as compared to
the rest of the text. It appears slightly above the normal text.
4. Head Tag: <HEAD> and </HEAD>, contains the web page title and
other descriptive information (metadata) about a web page.
Title Tag: The <TITLE> and </TITLE> tags indicate the title of the web
page. The Title bar or Tab of a web browser window usually displays
the title.
5. Hyperlink data type: It is used to link to websites, e-mail addresses,
files on your computer, files on the LAN or virtually any other
Attachment data type: We can attach data files from word
processing programs, spreadsheets, graphic editing programs and so

F. Answer the following questions.

1. These are the precautions we should take while using cookies.

i. We should limit the amount of information we provide to a
website or adjust how our browser handles cookies.
ii. Clear or disable cookies in your browser. Most modern browsers
allow users to decide whether to accept cookies and the time
frame to keep them. However, rejecting cookies makes some
websites unreadable.
2. We can prevent ourselves from cyber bullying in the following ways:
i. We should never give our personal information and password to
any unknown person. He/she can use this information to harass
ii. Check for privacy settings, usually found on the Settings on most
social networking sites, to set permissions.
3. HTML5 is the new standard for HTML. It is an advancement of
previous versions by including new tags for defining common types
of page content, better support for audio and video, and drawing
capability with the new <canvas> tag. It is designed to deliver almost
everything you want to do online without requiring additional
4. A text editor is a program that allows a user to enter, change, save
and print text, such as Notepad. Text editors do not have many
advanced features, but they do allow you to develop HTML
documents easily.
5. Comment can be added to a web page to write notes meant for us.
Besides, it also helps to update a section of the text and specifies the
reasons for using a specific tag.
6. To change the background of the page we can use BGCOLOR attribute
in body tag, for example: Within the <BODY> tag, type BGCOLOR=“?”.
Replace ? with a color name or hexadecimal value. It will apply the
background color of the page.
7. There are various benefits of creating an E-mail link because it allows
visitors to send us an e-mail message directly. When the visitor clicks
on the e-mail link, the default e-mail program will open and displays
the e-mail address we specified to ensure that the message reaches
the correct person. An e-mail link allows users to send queries and

feedback that can help us improve our website.
8. To display entire list in a box, type the number of List Box entries as
the SIZE attribute value. This makes the List Box appear as a
rectangular box that displays all the items in the list. If the List Box
list is long, it may take up more room on the form than you want,
making users scroll to view the selections. If you prefer to save room
on your form, keep the List Box size as 1. This creates a drop-down
9. i. Setting a Default Value: You can speed up data entry for fields
that usually contain the same value by making that value as the
ii. Setting the Field Format: You can change the format of a field to
update its appearance in datasheet, form, and report.
iii. Creating Validation Rules: A Validation rule is used to limit a field
entry to meet certain criteria. By Validation Rules, you can
ensure that the correct value is entered into the field.
10. Design View is used for greater control on table structure. We can
describe the structure of the table before creating it. Here, we enter
our own field names and descriptions, and choose our own data
type to associate with each field.
11. Primary key contains data that is unique to a specific record and it
uniquely identifies a record in a table. In each table we have to set
one field as the primary key, Access uses this key to relate record of
this table to those of another table.
12. The different data types available in Access are: Short Text, Long
Text, Number, Date/time, Currency, Auto Number, Yes/No, OLE
Object, Hyperlink, Attachment, Calculated and Lookup wizard.


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