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Presented as a Partical Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) of

English Education

By :

Halimah Rosyana
NIM. 1611230080





With gratitude and all my love, this thesis is dedicated to:

❖ For both of my unconditional love, my beloved parents, Mr. Ulung

Harmaini , and Mrs. Ruk Mayana, Thank you very much for your support,

pray, and patience to make my dream come true. You are the greatest gift

that God sent to me.

❖ For my beloved sister Rahmadania Putri Delima and my beloved brother

Syawal Gani Yusuf, thanks for your prayer, support, and kind attention. I’ll

be proud of having you all in my life.

❖ My Supervisor I, Dr. Syamsul Rizal, M.Pd , and my Supervisor II, Endang

Haryanto M.Pd, Thank you very much for your suggestions, corrections,

and ideas during the process of writing this thesis.

❖ All lecturers who teach in Tarbiyah and Tadris Faculty, Especially in

English Program. Thanks for everything you gave to me.

❖ My bestfriends forever Mayza , Melan, Edo, Nelson.

❖ Peri bumi ( Mayza, Halimah, Yeni, Yulia and Anrems) thanks for

accompany me and support me doing this thesis.

❖ All members of English Department (TBI C) 2016

❖ Thank you very much for students of tenth grade and the English teachers in

SMAN 4 Kota Bengkulu

❖ My beloved almamater IAIN Bengkulu.



ِ ‫اس النَ َج‬

‫اح‬ ُ ‫س‬َ َ‫اإلتِ َحا ُد أ‬

(Unity is the foundation of success)

Mom is the queen and Dad is the king of my heart

“Live is not always beautiful”

(Halimah Rosyana)


Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, the single power, the Lord of the

universe, master of the day of judgment, God all mighty, for all blessings and

mercies so the researcher was able to finish this thesis entitled An analysis of

teacher and learner talk in English classsroom interaction. Peace be upon Prophet

Muhammad SAW, the great leader and good inspiration of world revolution. The

researcher is sure that this thesis would not be completed without the helps,

supports, and suggestions from several sides. Thus, the researcher would like to

express his deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and suggested

him during the process of writing this thesis. This goes to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Sirajudin, M.Ag, M.H, the Rector of IAIN Bengkulu.

2. Dr. Zubaedi, M.Ag, M.Pd, the Dean of Tarbiyah and Tadris Faculty.

3. Dr. Kasmantoni, M.Si, the head of Tadris Department.

4. Feny Martina, M.Pd. as Chief of English Education Study Program of IAIN


5. Supervisor I, Dr. Syamsul Rizal, M.Pd, and Supervisor II, Endang

Haryanto, M.Pd.

6. All English lecturers and administration staffs of IAIN Bengkulu.

7. The big family of SMAN 4 Kota Bengkulu.

8. All of my best friends, especially in English Program of IAIN Bengkulu


The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. The

researcher hopes that this thesis is useful for the researcher in particular and the

readers in general.

er 2020
The researcher

Halimah Rosyana



DEDICATION ...................................................................................................i

MOTTO .............................................................................................................ii

PRONOUNCEMENT .......................................................................................iii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..................................................................................iv

TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................vi

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................viii

ABSTRAK .........................................................................................................ix

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................ xi

LIST OF GRAPH..............................................................................................xii

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xiii


A. Background … ........................................................................................1
B. Identification of the Problem ..................................................................5
C. Limitation of the Problem .......................................................................5
D. Research Questions .................................................................................5
E. Objective of the Research .....................................................................5
F. Significances of the Problem ..................................................................5


A. Theory of Language Learning in the Classroom ................................... 7

B. Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Senior High School ......... 8
C. Lecturer students interaction ...................................................................10
D. Teacher Talk............................................................................................12
E. Learner Talk ............................................................................................15

F. Classroom Interaction .............................................................................17

G. Pattern of Classroom Interaction … ........................................................18
H. Related Previous Studies .........................................................................21


A. Research Design ......................................................................................23

B. Research Subject .....................................................................................23
C. Technique and Instrument Data Collection.............................................24
D. Data Analysis Technique ........................................................................28
E. Trustworthiness .......................................................................................30


A. Data Display ............................................................................................32

B. Data Interpretation ..................................................................................35
C. Discussion ...............................................................................................52


A. Conclusion ..............................................................................................55
B. Suggestion ...............................................................................................56




Halimah Rosyana. (2020). An Analysis of Teacher and Learner Talk in

English Classroom Interaction. Thesis. English Education Study Program,
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Tadris, Islamic Institute of Bengkulu State.
Advisor 1 : Syamsul Rizal , M.Pd Advisor 2 : Endang Haryanto, M.Pd
Talks between the teacher and learners in the class are very important to
support the learning process. However, these talks are said to be good if they
contain all types of talks based on the Flanders Interaction Analysis Category
(FIAC). Therefore, the objectives of this research were to find out the types of
classroom interaction used by the teacher and students in English class that spent
during classroom interaction. This research used descriptive qualitative as the
research design. The subjects of this research were 29 students and one English
teacher in SMAN 4 Kota Bengkulu. The researcher used the observation checklist
and interview to collecting the data. Then, the Flanders Interaction Analysis
Category (FIAC) was used to identify and analyze the teacher and students
interaction during teaching and learning process. The data of this study was
utterances that used by the teacher and learner in X IPS the research results, it
found that there were 10 categories that consist of 7 categories of the teacher talk
namely: accepting feelings, encouraging, using ideas from students, asking
questions, lecturing, giving directions, and criticizing. Then, three categories of
learner’s talk namely : students response, student initiation and silence. The
researcher concluded that the most of classroom interaction type used by the
teacher in SMAN 4 Kota Bengkulu was asking question category, while students
was students talk response.
Keywords : Teacher’s talk, learner’s talk, classs room interaction


Halimah Rosyana. ( 2020 ). Analisis Percakapan Guru dan Siswa dalam

Interaksi di Kelas Bahasa Inggris. Skripsi. Program studi pendidikan inggris ,
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Tadris , Institut Agama Islam Negri Bengkulu.

Advisor 1 : Syamsul Rizal , M.Pd Advisor 2 : Endang Haryanto, M.Pd

Pembicaraan antara guru dan siswa dikelas merupakan hal yang sangat
penting untuk menunjang proses pembelajaran. Namun, pembicaraan-pembicaraan
tersebut dikatakan baik apabila memuat semua tipe-tipe pembicaraan berdasarkan
Flanders Interaction Analysis Category (FIAC). Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian
ini adalah untuk mencari tahu tipe-tipe interaksi guru dan siswa di dalam kelas
Bahasa Inggris selama berinteraksi dikelas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode
deskriptif kualitatif sebagai desain penelitian. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 29 orang
siswa dan satu orang guru Bahasa Inggris di SMAN 4 Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian
menggunakan observasi dan interview untuk mengumpulkan data. Kemudian, teori
Flanders Interaction Analysis Category (FIAC) digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi
dan menganalisis interaksi guru dan siswa selama pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
Data penelitian berupa ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan oleh guru dan siswa
selama pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas X IPS 2 Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ,
ditemukan bahwa terdapat 10 kategori yang terdiri dari tujuh kategori Percakapan
Guru yaitu : accepting feelings, encouraging, using ideas from students, asking
questions, lecturing, giving directions, dan criticizing. Kemudain, tiga kategori dari
percakapan Siswa yaitu: student’s response, student‘s initiation dan silence. Peneliti
menyimpulkan bahwa tipe yang paling banyak digunakan guru di SMAN 4 Kota
Bengkulu adalah asking questions, sedangkan siswa paling banyak menggunakan
kategori Students talk Response.

Kata Kunci : Percakapan guru, percakapan siswa, interksi kelas



Table Page

Table 1 Guide of Observation Cheklist............................................................ 25

Table 2 Guide of Teacher Interview ................................................................ 26

Table 3 Guide of Students Interview ............................................................... 27

Table 4 Data Displayed The Data of Observation ........................................... 33

Table 5 Data Displayed the Data of Interview ................................................. 35

Table 6 The Percentage of the Results..............................................................48




Appendix 1 Observation Sheet Guideliness For Teacher And Learner Talk Based
Flanders Interaction Analysis Cataghory Theory

Appendix 2 Interview sheet guidelines for English Teachers and to measure teacher
talk and based on Flanders interaction analysis catagory Theory

Appendix 3 Interview sheet guidelines for Learners to measure learner talk based on
Flanders interaction analysis catagory Theory

Appendix 4 Classroom Observation Transcript

Appendix 5 Classroom Observation Transcript

Appendix 6 Interview transcript for English Teacher

Appendix 7 Interview transcript for Students



Graph Page

Graph 1 The Percentage of Teachers and Learners Talk in English Classroom Interaction at
SMAN 4 Kota Bengkulu.....................................................................................47



A.Background of the Study

English has many important roles especially in the teaching and learning

process in the classroom for English for learners, as known learners get

English only in the classroom because they do not use English in public places

except in English classes. According to harmer, English is a lingual franca

that can be defined as a language widely adopted for communicative between

two speakers whose native languages are different from each other and where

one using it as a second language1. It's mean the function of English as the

lingua franca makes the English classes push their citizen to learn English in

the classroom.

English class interaction is one of the most important components

because it is a supporting factor in the learning process that involves teachers

and learners. After all, without interaction the teaching and learning process

will not run smoothly, in the teaching and learning process teachers are not

only required to have skills in write and understand the material to be taught

but, the teacher can also give an appreciation expressed by students relating to

learning, give praise for student work, respond to ideas submitted by students

Harmer, j.(2007). The practice ofEnglish language education. Longman.p.1

and give criticism to students while in class because this can build interactions

between teachers and learners in the classroom.Xiu Hui claim classroom


study is important in English teaching and learning because a classroom is a

place where interactions of various kinds take place, and it affords students

opportunities to learn English2. It means that the more they practiced in the

English classroom the more they had skill and self- confident in using the

language. The purpose of teaching and learning the language is for

communication. Therefore, EFL teachers have to give chance to the learner to

practice the language in the classroom because it will increase their learning

and improve their ability in communication in Englishclassroom.

According to Sundari classroom interaction involves teacher and learners

as interaction in using target language. In the classroom communication is

mostly initiated and maintained by the teacher. They as a key holder of

classroom communication, play prominent roles to manage classroom

participation and stimulate student language production.3 its mean, the key

teacher talk and learner talk that occurs in the classroom there is a teacher if

the teacher can manage a class with talks balanced then the student can

balance the teacher talks by the target because it was the language that is used

to turn the teacher in the English classroom.

Besides that, Borown teacher talk and learner talk should give careful

consideration to balance the teacher talk as planning lessons and when going

outline some aspects of the lesson, the teacher must ensure that learners have

the opportunity to talk and produce language to start a topic so that learners

Hui,x.Analysis of Teacher Talk on the Basis of RelevanceTheory. Vol. 6, No. 3, 2010.p.47.
Sundari,H. Classroom Interaction in Teac hing English as Foreign Language at Lower
Secondary Schools in Indonesia.V.8, 2017. p.148

can turn on interaction in English language learning in the classroom4. So in

general researcher can interpret the teacher as a manager in the process of

interaction in the classroom that gives the right to direct the type of learner

talk in the English language class, so the teacher's talk will affect the learner's

conversation during the learning process. So that communication that takes

place in the classroom can be directed then the teacher talk and learner talk

must have the purpose, this purpose can be achieved well if teacher talk and

learner talk can take place optimally, that is two-way communication betwen

teacher and learners, there is a reciprocal relationship between teacher and

students. In fact, English class communication is still one-way, in teacher talk

and learner talk have some type they are: Direct categories and Indirect


Direct categories can be in the form of giving explanations of subject

matter while in class while indirect can be in the form of giving praise for

student work, and students must respond to what the teacher is talking about,

according to fiac in Evans Thomas, the type of teacher talk and learners talk

categories of FIAC are direct influence and indirect influence, indirect

influence has the consint: accept felling, praise or encourages, accepts use

ideas of students ask questions. Indirect Influence has the consint: Lecturing,

giving directions, criticizing. In student's talks have two kinds are: Response

Borwn,H.D.(2003).Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach To Language
Pedagogy p.170.

and Initiation5. It means talk has different types: teacher talk time and

students talk time the more teacher talks the less opportunity is for learners.

That Teacher Talk Time (TTT) can decrease opportunities for Student

Talking Time (STT) the more teacher talks, the less opportunity is for

learners.The type of teacher talk had a great influence to make the students

talk in the classroom. That was the basic reason why the researcher wanted to

know how much the teacher and students took time to talk during the teaching

and learning process. Therefore researchers want to analyze teacher talk and

learner talk in the English classroom in the teaching and learning process

takes place.

The researcher has conducted a pre observed several teaching and

learning processes in SMA N 4 Kota Bengkulu, the researcher found that the

general teacher talk and learners talk that occurred in the class was students

would participate to talk if the teacher took the initiative, encouraged, and

asked them to talk. In fact, the opportunities that teachers provide for the

learner to talk have a big influence on getting learners to talk in class. That is

the basic reason why researcher want to know what types of talks are often

used by teacher and learners take to talk during the teaching and learning


Therefore, the title of this research is "Teacher and Learners talk in

English classroom Interaction".

Evans, Thomas p.(1970). Flanders System Of Interacion Analysisand Science Teacher

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the study above, the problem can be

identified as the following:

1. Lack of leaner response to teacher in teaching learning process.

2 The learner find it difficult to understand the teacher talk while


3 The learners are less active in expressing opinions in class.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Limitation of this study is only focus on the types used by teacher and

learner talk in English classroom interaction. And the subject in this research

only English teacher and learner in X IPS 2 of SMA N 4 Kota Bengkulu.

D. Research Question

Based on the background described, it can be taken formulation of

research problems as w.hat are the types of teachers talk and learners talk

used in classroom interaction?

E. Objective of the Research

The objective of this research is to analyze the type of teacher’s and

learners talk in classroom interaction.

F. Significance of Study

1. Teacher

For the teacher, they can create of their English educating, she/he

should increment aberrant impact talk which incorporates


acknowledgment of students, educators ought to energize and censured, in

that way the association can be more powerful.

2. Other Teachers

The consequences of this exploration are required to be the model

of communication in educating learning measure. At any rate different

instructors can apply this showing model in their own classroom.

3. Learners

For the students, they have more occasions to rehearse their objective
language abilities when they are in the study hall additionally outside the
homeroom, and furthermore get helpful and significant criticism from their

4. Further Researcher

The outcomes can be utilized for the further specialists which

center around creating study hall collaboration among educator and

understudies by utilizing English in the homeroom.



A.Theory of Language Learning in the Classroom

As have researcher discuss before classroom interaction is the

collaborative exchange of thought, feeling, or ideas between two or more

people resulting in a reciprocal effect on each other during the

teachinglearning process. Hypotheses of open capability underscore the

significant of collaboration as person use language in different setting to

‟negotiate" which means or basically state to get one thought. From the

earliest starting point of language study, study hall ought to be intelligent,

concurring Waterways in Earthy colored expressed that idea cooperation,

understudy can expand their language store as they tune in to or read

credible semantic material, or even the yield of their kindred understudies

in conversation, dramas, join critical thinking errand, or discourse diary.

In association, understudy can utilize all they cycle of the language – all

they have learned or nonchalantly retained –, in actuality, trade 6.

In light of that statementresearcher realize that during the time

spent learning in the homeroom, both the instructor and the students

utilize the language to associate with each other. The language use is

generally spoken. For this situation discourse has the need in language

Brown, H. Douglas. 1994. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy. New Jersey: Prentice Hail Regents.p ,159.


instructing. One of the standards of the language instructing is that

communicated in language is essential,

furthermore, this ought to be reflected in an oral-based approach. This

standard is upheld by Byrne, the study hall is obviously a helpful spot for

bestowing data and for creating numerous instructive abilities, however

our principle worry as language educator isn't to illuminate our

understudies about the language yet to build up their capacity to utilize

the language for assortment of informative purposes . In light of that

assertion, the analyst can infer that in a learning language, the

understudies should gain proficiency with the verbally expressed structure

first before pick up composing structure, for this spoken is extremely

required in the study hall, since it used to cooperate between to each

other, with an enraged capacity.

B.Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Senior High School

Encouraging English is genuinely necessary for us, many

individuals utilize English to speak with others from various pieces of the

world. In Indonesia, English is instructed as an obligatory subject in the

school, it begins from the earliest starting point level that kindergarten to

senior secondary school even in some college level. For Indonesian

students, English is another dialect with the goal that they think that its

hard to learn. The other explanation is that they have communicated in

their local language already which will meddle with their obtaining of the

new dialect. It tends to be appeared by the way that the understudies will

in general exchange their local language rule to the new dialect they are

learning. Thinking about the contrasts between the two dialects, it is

justifiable that the understudies consistently experience issues managing

jargon, structure, spelling, elocution, and other. Between the ages 10 and

18 the scope of the center and secondaryschool years-young men and

young ladies move from adolescence to youthful adulthood. It is no big

surprise that the existences of youngsters are brimming with complexities

and conundrums. The matter of growing up is a convoluted one. Youths

are torn by numerous contentions and numerous snapshots of hesitation.

As expressed in Harmer that juvenile is where somebody is looking for

singular character and that this pursuit gives the vital test to this age

gathering. Character must be produced among schoolmates and

companions. Determination of youth is confounded by the way that the

qualities of optional school understudies as a rule don't really apply to

each juvenile kid or girl.7

The attributes of each individual are exceptionally heterogeneous,

those teenagers at times can mess discipline up and be problematic in

class. It in view of the weariness they feel and the satisfaction if there is

challenge found. Be that as it may, there is something which is intriguing

from teenagers. As indicated by Harmer proposes teen understudies are

truth be told by and large the best language students. At their best, young

adult understudies have an incredible limit with regards to learning,

Harmer, Jeremy. 2001. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Third Edition. New
York: Pearson Education.p.43.

gigantic potential for imaginative idea and an energetic obligation to thing

which premium them. Harmer likewise expressed that dolescence is

bound up with a quest for recognize and a requirement for selfesteem.

This is regularly the aftereffect of the understudies position inside their

companion bunch instead of being the outcome of instructor approval8.

C.Lecturer-Students Interaction

The informative cycle includes connection between in any event

two individuals (instructor understudies or understudy) who share a

rundown of signs and semiotic principles. The idea of association is

characterized as "equal occasions that need in any event two articles and

two activities. Communication happens when these items and occasions

normally impact one another’’9.

Therefore, interactions occur when there are two objects that

influence each other through giving and receiving messages in order to

achieve communication. It means that interaction do not occur only from

one side. In classroom, lecturer-students interaction is communication

between teacher and students that make effect in learning process.

Thoughinteractionwith their lecturer, students can increase their

language store as they listen to or read authenticlinguistic material, or

Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. How to Teach English .New Edition. London: Longman.p.15.
E.D. Wagner. “In Support of a Functional Definition of Interaction” The American
Journal ofDistance Education. 8(2), 1994, 8

even the output of their fellow students in discussions skits, joint

problem-solving tasksordialogues10.

The concept of interaction has a significant importance in the

classroom too; it is an essential part in learning and teaching processes.

Interaction is something people can do together i.e. collectively11.

Obviously, in the classroom it is considered as important for the lecturer

to manage who should talk, to whom, on what topic, in what language

and so on. One set of theories, presented by Tyson and Carroll, looks

teaching process as a process of interaction12. The lecturer does

something to the students and the students do something in return. As the

result of these reciprocal actions, the students learn. If this interpersonal

relationship is good, it means that the learning will occur. On the

contrary, if it is bad, the process of learning is not occur, it will in less

degree and with less stability. From the definition above, it means that

interaction has many influences to the leaning process to achieve the goal

of learning.

Lecturer-students interaction is of significant importance in foreign

language teaching and learning. It is argued that interactions between

lecturers and students facilitate language development and lead to better

language learning. This type of interaction as Coulthard mentions has

Wilga M. Rivers, Interactive Language Teaching. (Cambridge University Press, 1987)
James C. Tyson – Marry Carroll, Conceptual tools for teaching in secondary schools.
(Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company, 1970), 6.
Massoud Rahimpour,“Teacher-Students’ Interactions in Task-Based vs Form-Focused
Instruction”. World Journal of Education. Vol. 1, No. 1; April 2011, 171

received a great deal from teachers in a wide range of disciplines. It

happens between the lecturer and one learner or many other learners, that

is to say a lecturer takes a part in such interaction. It can be said that

interaction will happen when the lecturer and the students interact each

other. He talks with his students the content of the course, asks questions,

uses students’ ideas, lectures, gives directions, criticizes or justifies

student talk responses. On the other hand, the students will benefit by

drawing on the experience of their teachers on how well to interact in the

manner that is most effective13. In this case, lecturer talk is important to

encourage students to respond lecturer talk. In order tostudents can have

the experience and practice their language learning to create good


D.Teacher Talk

Teacher talk can give effect to students, because the teachertransfer

the lesson to students from talking. Cook states that teacher talk is

particularly important to language teaching. It means that teacher talk is

the source of interaction in the classroom. Yanfen and Yuqin said state

that teacher talk is the language in the classroom that takes up a major

portion of class time employed to give direction, explain activities and

check students understanding.14 Moreover, According to Silver and

Kogout teacher talk as a part language of classroom talk and interaction.

M. Coulthard, An Introduction to Discourse Analysis (London: Longman, 1977), p.45.
Yanfen, Liu, and Yuqin, Zhao (2010). A Study of Teacher Talk in Interactions in English

It means that students talk can be defined as the language that is used by

the children to interact with the teacher or their peers in classroom

interaction The indirect teacher talk occur in the classroom and out of

classroom15. It is just as important to asses its quality according to

Flanders, the categories of teacher talk which are included in this direct

and indirect influence are mentioned and described below (1) Teacher-

talk, (2) Student-talk, (3) Silence or confusion. These sections are

subdivided in order to make the total pattern of teacher pupil interaction

more meaningful. According Flander Teacher talk is divided into two

sub-heads, indirect influence and direct influence. Indirect influence

consists of four observation categories:

1. Accepting Feeling; in this category, teacher accepts the feelings of the

students. He feels himself that the students should not be punished for

exhibiting his feelings, he feels himself that the students should not be

punished for exhibiting his feelings, feelings may be positive or


2. Praising Or Encouraging; teacher praises or encourages student action or

behavior. When a student gives answer to the question asked by the

teacher, the teacher gives positive reinforcement by saying words like,

good, very good, better, correct, excellent, carry on, etc .

3. Accepting Ideas; it is just like 1st category. But in this category, the

students ideas are accepted only and not his feelings, if a student passes

Silver, R. and Kogut, G. (2009). Teacher talk, Pedagogical Talk and Classro om activities:
Another Look. Singapore: National Institute of Education.

on some suggestions then the teacher may repeat in nutshell in his own

style or words. The teacher can say, ‘I understand what you mean’ etc.

Or the teacher clarifies, builds or develops ideas or suggestions given by

a student.

4. Asking Questions; Asking question about content or procedures, based

on the teacher ideas and expecting an answer from the students.

Sometimes, teacher asks the question but he carries on his lecture

without receiving any answer. Such questions are not included in this


Direct influence is divided into three categories:

1. Lecturing /Lecture ; Giving facts or opinions about content or procedure

expression of his own ideas, giving his own explanation, citing an

authority other than students, or asking rhetorical questions .

2. Giving Directions ; The teacher gives directions, commands or orders or

initiation with which a student is expected to comply with: open your

book, stand up on the benches,

3. Criticizing or Justifying Authoritys ;when the teacher asks the students

not to interrupt with foolish questions, then this behavior is included in

this category, teachers ask ‘what’ and ‘why’ to the students also come

under this category, statements intended to change student behavior from


unexpected to acceptable pattern, bawling someone out , stating why the

teacher is doing what he is doing.16

E. Learner Talk

Learner acquisition is facilitated by the negotiation of meaning in

interaction. Educators should attempt to arrange significance with

understudies, through requesting explanation and reiteration, and giving

understudies occasions to intrude on the instructors. In spite of the fact

that there is typically considerably less student started than educator

started content in homeroom, it is as a rule from the previous that students

guarantee to have taken in the most. A few educators give the

understudies definitely no space important arrangements. They are

finished authority disregarding the understudies' commitment, in dread

that the training goals won't be met. There is no communication between

understudies. They just permit time for this, assuming any, in the free

practice towards the finish of the exercise, and hence the exercise not in

the least streaming along the intuitive path.FIAC (1987) orders student

talk into two classifications; they are reacting to the educator and starting

talks. The portrayal is:

1. Learner talk-response.

Flander. (2006). An Analysis Classroom Interaction By Using Flander Interaction Analysis

Category System (FIACS) Technique.Thesis, University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu.

Talk by students in light of instructor. The instructor starts the

contact or requests l

worker articulation or designs the circumstance. Opportunity to

communicate own thoughts is restricted.

2. Learner talk-initiation.

Talk with students which they start. Communicating own thoughts;

starting another point; opportunity to create sentiments and a line of

thought, such as posing smart inquiries: going past the current

3. Silence or Pause or Confusion

Stops, brief times of quietness and time of disarray in which

correspondence can't be perceived by the observer17.

Flander in Hai and bee understudies talk are critical to done the

exercise and to get the great accomplishment in the homeroom. Making

understudy talk has a decent favorable position. The favorable position is

by making talk between understudies, they can secure the information and

trade the data through interaction.18As indicated by Then, with respect to

the subsequent trade, making understudy talk has a decent favorable

position. The preferred position is by making talk between understudies,

Flanders, N. A. (1989). Teacher Influence, Pupil Attitudes and Achievement’. US.


Minneapolis: University of Minnesota

Flander. (2006). An Analysis Classroom Interaction By Using Flander Interaction Analysis
Category System (FIACS) Technique.Thesis, University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu.

they can obtain the information and trade the data through connection.

For instance, an understudy who is conversing with his/her friends can

trade the data about their experience, their pastimes, and a lot more

Moore19. Another trade of understudy talk is rehashing instructor talk or

friends talk. Redundancy that generally happened in the perception is

penetrating. This happened since this procedure permitted understudies to

deal with the data and follow instructor's model20.

F. Classroom Interaction

Classroom interaction is community trade of thought, feeling, or

thoughts between at least two individuals bringing about complementary

impact on one another in alternate manners the activity performed by the

educator and the understudies during guidance interrelated. The New

Oxford Word reference of English characterizes the thing ‟interaction‟ as

a proportional activity or impact. Thusly cooperation is more than activity

followed by response. It incorporates acting correspondingly, following

up on one another. As indicated by Chaudron study hall connection

covers homeroom practices, for example, turn-taking, addressing and

replying, arrangement of significance and feedback21.Furthermore, Earthy

colored portrays the term of association as the heart correspondence, it is

Moore, C.C, (2008). Young Children’s Social Organisation of Peer Interaction.
Queensland: Queensland University of Technology.
Suherdi, D. (2009). Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Systemic Approach. Bandung:
Celtics Press.
Chaudron, Craig.1988. Second Language Classrooms- Research on Teaching and
LearniSng. Los Angelas: Cambridge University Press.

the thing that correspondence is all about22. Collaboration happens insofar

as individuals are conveying one another and giving activity and

accepting the response in each other anyplace and whenever remembering

for the study hall setting. In this way, association among understudies and

instructor is major to the learning cycle.

From the assertions above we realize that collaboration in the

study hall is key, in light of the fact that without it training learning

measure in the homeroom won't exist. A decent cooperation will make

messages transmission achievement and make a decent relational

connection between the educator and understudies, so the students‟

accomplishment in language obtaining can be expanded. At long last it

tends to be presume that fundamentally association is a methodical and

communitarian action that requires both the addressor and recipient to

trade thoughts or message and arrange their importance either by utilizing

verbal or non-verbal significance.

G.Pattern of Classroom Interaction

As expressed by Sinclair and Coulthardin Ur the most well-known

kind of study hall collaboration. The educator starts a trade normally as

question one of understudies answer the instructor gives

feedback(assesment,correction,comment). There are different examples in

cooperating in class, among them are:

Brown, H. Douglas . 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy. Second Edition. New York: Addison Wesley Longman.

1. Group work

The understudies work in little gathering on errand that involves

cooperation: passing on data, for instance, or collective choice

making.Teacher strolls around tuning in, intercedes pretty much nothing if

by any means.

2. Individual work

The instructor gives an errand or a bunch of undertaking and

understudy work on them autonomously the educator strolls around

observing and helping where necessary.

3. Choral responses

The instructors give a model which is rehashed by all the class in

the ensemble or provide some insight which is reacted to in chorale.

4. Collaboration

The understudy did likewise kind of errand as individual work

however cooperate, normally two by two to attempt to accomplish the

best outcome they can. The instructor might mediate. (Note that this s not

the same as Gathering Work where the actual errand requires interaction).

5. Student initiates

Teacher answer For instance, in a speculating game; the

understudy thing of inquiry and the educator reacts; however the

instructor chooses who inquires.


6.Full – Class Interaction

The understudies banter a point or do dialects task as a class; the

educator may mediate periodically, to animate support or to screen.

7.Teacher Talk

This may include some sort of quiet understudy reaction, for

example, composing from transcription, yet there is no activity with

respect to the understudy.

8. Self-access Students

Choosetheir own learning errands, and work independently.

9. Open – ended teacher

Addressing There are various conceivable „right‟ answers, with

the goal that more understudies answer each sign.23

Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy, Second Edition. San Fransisco: Longman.

E. Previous Study

There several previous studies are already conducted. The first study is

from Astiti entitled ‘’An Analysis of Teacher Talk in English Classes in

SMKPGRI 4 Denpasar’’. This research found that there are sixtypes of teacher

Talkthat are of frequent use in English classes in SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar. The

six types includemediator, evaluator, learning task assignor, teaching material

interpreter, inspector and classroomclimate conductor. There are 10typesof

teacher Talkhoweveramongthoseunexpectedreactor, manager, digressor,

Learning Pace administrator did not occur in English classes.24

Second, the exploration named “Teachers Instructional and Management

Talk in English Foreign Language Classroom” 2015. There were two instructors

language work. They were instructional talk and the executives talk.

Instructional talk is instructor's language identifies with move of encouraging

materials and the board talk is educator's language identifies with control and

order in study hall. The aftereffects of the perception of educators' discussion

indicated that instructors articulated instructional talk in 5 settings (giving

clarification, heading, and adjustment; and posing and noting inquiry) and the

executives talk in 15 settings (welcoming, checking presence, empowering

understudies, making humor, giving guidance, bearing, declaration, exhortation,

censuring, acclaim, discipline, much obliged; posing and noting inquiry; and

Ni Wayan Widha Astiti, An Analysis of Teacher Talk in English Classes In Smk Pgri 4

shutting movement) instructors talk more for the board talk than instructional


Third, the study was conducted by Nafrina in 2007 entitled “TheTeacher

and Learner Talk inthe Classroom Interaction of Grade Viii A SMPN 2 Cepiring

Kendal”. The objectives of the study were to describe the interaction between

the teacher and learners while they are in the classroom and to identify

Indonesian or English language used most by the teacher and students in the

classroom interaction. In this study involved eight a students of Junior High

School 2 Cepiring Kendal. The result of this study shows that the teacher was

more active in this interaction. Meanwhile, the learner was less active than the

teacher (or the inferior). After getting the result of this study, the writer

concludes that the teacher is dominant in the classroom interaction26.

Similarities and differences are both the same is a study that analyzes

teacher talk and learner talk to be more effective to improve the learning process

in the classroom. this researcher differences with previous studies. in the

previous research, the researcher analyzed what language was more dominant

used by the teacher and students during the teaching and learning process and

how the interaction occurred in the classroom while the research to be examined

by the researcher was what type was used in the classroom in the teaching and

learning process and the type of conversation as what is most dominant that

occurs in the process of interaction in the class.

Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 1280-1288, November
Nafrina, The Teacher And Learner Talk In The Classroom Interaction Of Grade Viii A
Smpn 2 Cepiring Kendal.2007.


A. Research Design

Research Design This research will use descriptive qualitative

study. Creswell states that qualitative research is a situation activity that
locates the observer in the world.27 Research Design Descriptive research
provides an answer to the questions of how something happened and who
was involved, but not to answer the question why something happened or
why someone was involved (explanatory research). Descriptive research
provides a detailed profile of an event, condition or situation using either
quantitative, qualitative or a combination of methods." Data gathering
techniques such as field research and case studies are for qualitative
descriptive research. Qualitative method in the form of descriptive design
will be employed in this study. The design will be used to describe the
characteristics of object- study. "In this case to describe, what types of
teacher talk and learner talk occur in classroom interaction.
B.Research Subjects

In this section, the subject of study will be conducted at Ten grade

students at SMA N 4 Kota Bengkulu. The subject in this study were the

differences focus on teacher experience in class X IPS2 English

classroom, with a total of 18 female students and 12 male

Creswell, J. W ., & Plano Clark, V . L. (in press). Design and conducting mixed
methods research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.p87


students in academics 2019/2020. Researcher decided to choose this class

because only in this school has a special language class in Bengkulu city.

Furthermore, the researcher analyzed the type of teacher talk and learner

talk in classroom interaction by teacher when talking with the learners

major English in classroom.

C.Technique and Instrument Data Collection


Observation is an instrument of collecting data that can be used to

obtain a comprehensive picture or a situation. Through observation
researcher obtain expecteddata, researcher will observe teacher and
student conversations conducted by a teacher and student in the class. the
researcher will use field notes and an observation checklist. It focuses on
the teacher and learner talk in English classroom. Before the researcher
fills in the observation sheet, the researcher must understand the
guidelines for the observation which includes a list of the Fluid
Interaction Analysis Categories (FIAC) which were adapted by
researchers from Flander (1970 cited in Hai and Bee 2006).

Table 3.1
Guide of Observation Checklist

N Research Components Indicator Items

o variable
1 Indirect Accept feeling Teacher accepts the feelings of 1,2
the students
Praise for Teacher praises students action 3,4,5,
Encouragement or behavior
Accepts or uses ideas Teacher develops ideas or 7,8,9,1
of students 0
suggestions given by students
Asking Questions The teacher ideas and expecting 11
an answer from the students
2 Direct Lecturing The teacher asking rhetorical 12,13
Giving Directions The teacher gives directions with 14,15,
which a students 16,17

Critizing or The teacher asks the students not 18,19

Justifying Authority to interrupt with foolish
3 Students Students Students given answer 20,21,
talk 22,23
Talk response

Student The students expressing own idea 24,25


Silence or Communication cannot be 26

understood by the observer
Here is the observation that is for putting out code at the end of

each three seconds interval after do plotting the coded data firstly.


In this study the research will use structure close interview use
when conducting a survey to get a higher response. Vein Gay explained
the most interview use semi structure approach that involves demand

structured questions are followed by clarification unstructur or open

The interview will do with the English teacher and learner in class X
IPS2 the interview will do after finish the teaching and learning process.
This interview will be conduct to gain a spoken respond from the
participants. The functions of interview in this research will do to cross
check the data and to make sure that the data from the observation were
really valid. In this research, the researcher applied an interview with the
In addition, the researcher also conducted an interview to the five
low achieving students and five high achieving students. The researcher
chose those ten students, because they have different comprehension of
what the Teacher conveyed in the classroom and have different
comprehension in learning and understanding of the lesson.
Table 3.2
Guide of Teacher’s Interview

Variable Indicator Items

Accept feeling Teacher talk 1

Praise for Encouragement Teacher talk
Accepts or uses ideas of
students Teacher talk 2,4

Asking Questions Teacher talk 5,

Teacher talk 3

Giving Directions Teacher talk 7,8

Critizing or Justifying
Authority Teacher talk 6

Donald, Ary. Jacobs, Lucky C, Christine K.. 2010. Introduction to research in
education: Canada.

Table 3.3
Guide of Student’s Interview

Components Indicator Items

Student Talk Learner talk 1,2


Student talk Learner talk 3,4


Silence or Learner talk 5,6


D.Data Analysis Techniques

Data analysis is a process arranging the data systems to get the enable data
to discover the research. In making the analysis of data, the researcher uses the
Attractive Analysis by Miles and Huberman29.

1. Data Reduction

Reduction refers to resume the data, choosing the main things,

focusing on the important things and look for the theme of the research.

Next steps of this activity would be selecting, focusing, and making

simpler the resource data that has been collected.

The researcher identified the learning process including the English

teachers' utterances. Then the researcher identified whether the data

contain language style or not. The researcherreduced the data threw some

unimportant data, and take the important data that will be used as data in

this research.

Miles, M, B., Huberman, M. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis: an expanded sourcebook
(2nd ed.). New Delhi: SAGE Publication. P.12.

2. Data Display

Data display means the process to simply the data in the form of

sentence, narrative, diagram, chart, matrix or table. Data display refers to

show data that have been reduced in the form of patterns. It benefits to

help the researcher in understanding the data. Display the data is the

collection of information which arranged and gives possibility to get the

conclusion and take the action.In making the data could be displayed in the

best understanding, this will be displayed to: table observation checklist

and interview sheet. Hence, the researcher arranges the data in good table

in order to be easier to understand.

3. Drawing Conclusion and Verification

Verification means the processes which are able to answer the

research question and research objectives and also the goals and

significances of the research. In qualitative research, the characteristic of

conclusion is temporary. On this research, with drawing the conclusion

would do by comparing between observation data and interview data.the

conclusion in the previous data can be evidenced by validity and

consistency when the researcher is going back to the field, so the

conclusion is credible. Observation data will be forceful by interview data

as to validating all the data that have been collected. In this research, the

researcher makes conclusion from the data display.

In short, the steps in analyzing the data are: (1) the researcher

collects the data through observation and interview. Then, the researcher

selects, identify, and focuses on the data by referring to formulation of the

study. (2) After selected the data, the researcher displayed those data into

table. (3) After displaying data, the conclusion is drawn. Moreover, to get

validity of data, the observation is supported by interview. Thus, the

researcher will get conclusion of what type of teacher and learner talk in

English classroom.

E. Trustworthiness

The validity of the results of the study is important in a research. In

qualitative research there are some techniques used by researcher to make

the research data valid. Therefore, the researcher used triangulation to

check the validity of the data.

Triangulation is a technique to check the trustworthiness of data.

According to Sutopo in Kasiyan, he revealed four kinds of triangulation

techniques, they are 1) Data triangulation, 2) Investigator triangulation, 3)

Theoretical triangulation and 4) Methodology triangulation.30

1. Data Triangulation

Data triangulation is the process to recheck and compare the

information by researcher that gained from distinctive types of data in

order to decrease bias in the result. For example,comparing the result of

interview, questionnaireand the result of observation.

Kasiyan. Kesalahan Implementasi Teknik Triangulasi Pada Uji Validitas Data Skripsi
Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Seni Rupa FBS UNY, imaji, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2015. P. 5.

2. Investigator Triangulation

Investigator Triangulation is significantly enhanced by the ability

to validate conclusions through investigators without prior discussion or

consultation between them. It is particularly important in the collection,

reporting, and analysis of data in order to decrease bias.

3. Theoretical Triangulation

Theoretical Triangulation is using some theory to check some

situation or phenomenon. The goal of it is to see the situation or

phenomenon from different perspective. In fact, the more divergent they

are, the more likely they are to identify the different issues or concerns, the

different theories do not have to be identical or compatible.

4. Methodological Triangulation

Methodological Triangulation is using some methods to conduct

some situations or phenomenon. The aim of it is to decrease the bias and

deficiencies. Methods triangulation’s core strength is its ability to reveal

significant discrepancies or relevant details that could have stay

undiscovered in the analysis using one method or data collection


After understanding those four types of triangulations, the

researcher has chosen data triangulation to check the data validity of this

study. In which, the researcher had used different sources to get the same

data until it does not bias. Its mean, to get the validity of the data in this

research, the researcher not only conducted observations but also do an

interview, thus by used those sources/data and after compared it, the same

data gotten to validated this study.



A. Data Display

This chapter , the researcher is going to present the data analysis of

the teacher talk and learner talk at SMA N 4 Bengkulu in academic years

2020/2021 The data was gotten from the observation and interview. The

observation data was gotten after held a classroom observation at X IPS 2.

The interview data was gotten after held three times interviews to three

subjects to validate the data, as its research , as the subjects they were two

high achiever students and an English teacher.

1. Data from Observation Checklist

For the observation data, the researcher had observed X IPS 2 grade

classroom. The researcher observed teaching and learning. The findings

can be seen in the following data :

Table 4.1
Data displayed the data of observation

No Indicators Data

1 Indirect Talk 1,2

Teacher accepts the feelings of the students

2 Teacher praises students action or behavior 3,4,5,6

3 Teacher develops ideas or suggestions given by students 7,8,9


4 The teacher ideas and expecting an answer from the 10,11,12,13,14,15


5 Direct Talk 16

The teacher asking rhetorical questions

6 The teacher gives directions with which a students 17,18

7 The teacher asks the students not to interrupt with foolish 19


8 Students Talk 20,21,22,23

Students given answer

9 The students expressing own idea 24,25

10 Communication cannot be understood by the observer 26,27,28,29

In the table above, the researcher displayed the 29data collected from the

observation in the form of table

2. Data from Interview

The interview has conducted on 7th and 11th September 2020 in front.

The researcher gave specific questions to English teacher and students.The

interview with Nabila was held on 15th September, 2020and with ma’am

Hikmah Wipaki, M.Pd as the teacher, the interview was held

on14thSeptember 2020.

The data collected displayed in the table below:

Table 4.2
Data Displayed the Data of Interview.

No Indicators Data

1 What activities that you always do in the 31

English classroom
2 What is the method that you alwaysuse in 35
English classroom
3 Do you always using lecturer method in 32
English classroom interaction
4 How far the efectivenes of your learners in the -
5 What kind question that you always gave to 33
your learners, close or open question
6 How far the effectiviness of your learners in -
asking question
7 How many percent do you speak in the 35
English classroom
8 What is your response to the students who 36
cannot answer your question
9 Do you often ask questions when the teacher 37
givethe opportunity to ask.

10 Have you ever develop new opinion when 38

studying in English class.

11 What efforts do you do when you difficult to 39

talk English.

B. Data Interpretation

The researcher had displayed the data summary in the form of table

above. In the following data below, the researcher showed the

interpretation of each data that was gotten from those observation and

interview that displayed in the table form of the data display above.

1. Data from Observation

The data of classroom interaction first meeting were taken on September

7th,2020 in the XIPS 2 classroomat SMA N 4 Kota Bengkulu. The

researcher obtained the data from the classroom interaction.

1.1.1 Types of Classroom Interaction Used by Teacher and Learner


a. Accepting feeling

According fiacs the teacher accepts the feelings of the students. He feels

himself that the students should not be punished for exhibiting his feelings,

he feels himself that the students should not be punished for exhibiting his

feelings, feelings may be positive or negative.

Data 1
Learner : Good morning mam.....
Teacher : Morning how are you today ?
Learner : I’m fine thank you and you ?
Teacher : I’am fine , oke sitdown (see appendix 5 , page 66 )

From the sentences the English teacher applied The teacher produced this

type of teacher talk to help the students to understand their feelings and

attitudes they will not be punished when they are expressing their emotions

where the word “how are you today”.

Data 2
Teacher: Kenapa belum di buat ?
Learner: Saya tidak ada buku mam
Teacher:Ayo gabung sama teman sebangkunya.
(seeappendix 5 page73)

From the data above, it can be seen that the English teacher used to

accepting feling on sentences “saya tidak ada buku mam” and teachers

accept students' feelings “ayo gabung sama teman sebangkunya” .

b. Praise for Encouragement

Teacher praises or encourages student action or behavior. When a student

gives answer to the question asked by the teacher, the teacher gives positive

reinforcement by saying words like, good, very good, better, correct,

excellent, carry on, etc.The teacher purpose in praisingand encouraging the

students is to give honors to them who actively participate in teachingand

learning process. The data as follows:

Data 3

Teacher : Menyelesaikan tugas apa bahasa inggris nya ?

Student : Homework
Teacher : Ok Good, she will have finish their homework.
(see appendix 6page 74)

Based on the data above it can be seen that the English teacher used to

accepting feling on sentences when the students answer the question

correctly the teacher give by saying word “ok Good”.

Data 4

Teacher : Personal coment of the writer related of the story ,

bagaimana dengan factual recount ?
Student : Orientation and events
Teacher : Ok good ( see appendix 5, page78 )

Based on the data above it can be seen that the English teacher used to

accepting feling on sentences when the students answer the question

correctly the teacher give by saying word “ok Good”.

Data 5

Students : I go to mall yesterday

Teacher : Siapa yang bisa lagi ?
Student : I am go to mall yesterday , mam
Teacher : Oke Thank you very much . ( see appendix 6, page81)

Based on the data above it can be seen that the English teacher used to

accepting feling on sentences when the students answer the question

correctly the teacher give by saying word “oke Thank you very much ” the

teacher give praise to students.

Data 6

Students : Yah conjuction apa itu cojuction ?

Teacher : Kata penghubung
Student : Pair ini apa artinya ?
Teacher : Right .. jadi conjuction yang berpasangan.
(see appendix 6 , page76.)

Based on the data above it can be seen that the English teacher used to

accepting feling on sentences when the students answer the question

correctly the teacher give by saying word “ Right ” the teacher give praise to


c. Using idea of the students

In a classroom interaction , sometimes the teacher was using ideas of

students this types deal with the teacher responses toward the student idea.

The data as follows:

Data 7
Student : Biografi menceritakan riwayat hidup seseorang
Teacher : Biografi menceritakan riwayat hidup seseorang kalau auto
biografi sebaliknya , ( see appendix 5, page70 )

Based on the data above it can be seen that the English teacher was using

ideas of students, on the sentences that students said “Biografi menceritakan

riwayat hidup seseorang” and the teacher using idea of students on sentence

“biografi menceritakan riwayat hidup seseorang kalau auto biografi


Data 8
Student : Ralationship
Teacher : Ralationship betwen two things . ( see appendix6 , page 77)

Based on the data above it can be seen that the English teacher was using

ideas of students , on the sentences that students said “ relationship” and the

teacher using idea of students on sentence “ralationship betwen two things

“teacher responses toward the student idea.

Data 9

Teacher : “Saya pergi ke mall” in Engglish ?

Student : Igo to mall yesterday
Teacher : Oke i go to mall yesterday. ( see appendix 6, page 80)

Based on the data above it can be seen that the English teacher was

using ideas of students , on the sentences that students said “i go to mall


yesterday” and the teacher using idea of students on sentence “oke i go to

mall yesterday “teacher responses toward the student idea.

d. Asking question

Askingquestion aboutprocedures, based on the teacher ideas

andexpecting an answerfrom the students. The data as follows :

Data 10

Teacher : Do you know about fatmawati ?

Student : Yes mam, Soekarno wife ( see appendix 5, page 66 )

Based on the data above it can be seen that the English teacher was using

of asking question , on the sentences that teacher said “ do you know about

fatmawati ” and and the students response “ yes mam, Soekarno wife “.

Data 11

Teacher : Sedangkan yang ke 2 ?

Students : Past tense
Teacher : Yang ketiga ?
Students : Pasif mam ( see appendix 6, page81 )

Based on the data above it can be seen that the English teacher was of

asking question , on the sentences that teacher asking question to students

said “sedangkan yang ke 2 ? ” and and the students response “Past tense”.

Data 12

Teacher : Past tense dari pada and is are adalah ?

Students : Was
Teacher : Was untuk subjek apa ?
Students : Orang ketiga tunggal ( see appendix 6, page82 )

Based on the data above it can be seen that the English teacher was of

asking question , on the sentences that teacher asking question to students


“past tense dari pada and is are adalah ?” and and the students response


Data 13

Teacher : Kalau plural apa ?

Students : Jamak
Teacher : Oke lebih dari satu .contohnya both danang and his
brother have gone to Bali. ( see appendix6 , page78 )

Based on the data above it can be seen that the English teacher was of

asking question, on the sentences that teacher asking question to students

“kalau plural apa?” and and the students response “jamak”.

Data 14

Teacher : Apa itu conjuction ?

Students : Kata penghubung ,mam . ( see appendix6 , page 80)
Based on the data above it can be seen that the English teacher was of

asking question, on the sentences that teacher asking question to students

“apa itu conjuction?” and and the students response “kata penghubung”.

Data 15

Teacher : Dari kata go menjadi

Students : Went , mam . . ( see appendix 6, page76 )
Based on the data above it can be seen that the English teacher was of

asking question, on the sentences that teacher asking question to students

“dari kata go menjadi ?” and and the students response “went”.


e. Lecturing

The teacher giving facts or opinions about content or procedure

expression of his own ideas, giving his own explanation, citing an authority

other than students, or asking rhetorical questions. The data as follow :

Data 16
Teacher : Future perfect tense.then used to express an event that will
have been completed some point in the future and will have finish
before other activities. Suatu kegiatan yang berlangsung pada masa
yang akan datang contohnya . homework on Monday we will read
three days
Students : Dia akan membaca tiga hari .( see appendix6 , page76)

The English teachergivelecturing to students on sentence “Future perfect

tense. Then used to express an event that will have been completed some

point in the future and will have finish before other activities”. Here the

perpouse of the teacher is give lecturing to students.

f.Giving Directions

The teacher gives directions, commands or orders or initiation with

which a student is expected to comply. The data as follow :

Data 17

Teacher : Sekarang coba perhatikan di halaman 82 sudah kita bahas

kemaren . Kita review sekilas . ( see appendix5 , page71 )
Based on the data above it can be seen that the English teacher the teacher

giving direction to students to open the book page 82.

Data 18
Teacher : sitdown please . ( see appendix5 , page66)

Based on the data above it can be seen that the English teacher the teacher

giving direction to students “sitdown please”

g. Critizing Students Behavior

When the teacher asks the students not to interrupt with foolish

questions, then this behavior is included in this category, teachers ask ‘what’

and ‘why’ to the students.

Data 19

Teacher : Sekarang i went to mall yesterday, buat kalimat negative

Student : Gimana mam .
Teacher:Apa itu yang gimana mam, . ( see appendix6 , page80 )

The data above included Teacher talk in classroom interaction. It can be

seen Critizing Students Behavior when the students talk " gimana mam "

and the teacher gave a respond "apa itu yang gimana mam".

Data 20

Teacher : Apa to be nya ?

Student : I am
Teacher : Kenapa i am lagi, dari mana kamu dapat i am ?

The data above included Teacher talk in classroom interaction. It can be

seen Critizing Students Behavior when the students talk " i am " and the

teacher gave a respond "kenapa i am lagi ? "

h. Students talk respon

Talk by learners in response to teacher. The teacher initiates the contact

or solicits learner statement or structures the situation. Freedom to express

own ideas is limited. Here is the sentences excerpt related to Students talk

respon in classroom interactions :


Data 21

Teacher : Apa yang di maksud personal recount can you give me

Student : Personal letter , biografi. . ( see appendix5 , page70 )

The data above included student talk. It can be seen the English teacher

ask herstudents “apa yang di maksud personal recount”, and then the

students gave a respond as “Personal letter, biografi”.

Data 22

Teacher: Ya perbedaannya tadi kita menceritakan diri orang lain nah

tu apa itu termasuk ke bagian apa?"salah satu siswa membantu
pertanyaan guru untuk menjawab pertanyaan siswa yang belum
memahami pembelajaran tersebut"
Student: biografi. . ( see appendix5 , page72 )

The data above included student talk. It can be seen the English teacher

ask herstudents “itu termasuk kebagian apa?”, and then the students gave a

respond as “biografi”.

Data 23

Teacher: When we used this tense

Student: Kegiatan yang berlangsung pada masa yang akan datang
( see appendix 6, page74)

From the data above it is showed the student used response it can be seen

that the student response when the teacher said “when we used this tense”

and the student response “kegiatan yang berlangsung pada masa yang akan

datang” .

Data 24

Teacher: She will have finish. Apa.?

Student: Graduation mam.( see appendix6 , page74 )

From the data above it is showed the student used response it can be seen

from the student response when the teacher said “she will have finish.

Apa?” and the student response “graduation mam...”

i. Student talk initation

Expressing own ideas; initiating a new topic; freedom to develop

opinions andline of thought, like asking thoughtful questions: going beyond

the existing. The data as follows:

Data 25

Student : Apa maksud dari future perfect tense mam ?

Teacher:Oke future perfect tense,Suatu kegiatan yang
berlangsungpada masa yang akan datang( see appendix 6 , page 74 )

From the data above it is showed students talk initation can be seen from

the students sentence to say “Apa maksud dari future perfect tense mam ?”

the student talk used student talk initation in classroom interaction.

Data 26

Student: Apa perbedaannya biografi dan autobiografi?

Teacher: Ya perbedaannya tadi kita menceritakan diri orang lain nah
itu apa itu termasuk ke bagian apa?( see appendix 5 , page72).

From the data above it is showed students talk initation can be seen from

the students sentence to say “Apa maksud dari future perfect tense mam?”

the student talk used student talk initation in classroom interaction.

j. Silence

Silence mean pauses in interaction during which there is no verbal

interaction . This is also include silence in which a piece of audio and visual

equipment at the time of the observation, the researcher corried out the

observation , this type was most happened. The data as follows:

Data 27
Teacher : We come to the past tense , kejadian di masa lampau,
contohnya apa ?
Student : (Silence). ( see appendix 6, page 79)

From the data above, it is showed when the English teacher talk “we come

to the past tense , kejadian di masa lampau, contohnya apa ?” the students

selence students don't know what to talk about.

Data 28
Teacher: Oke apalagi karena karakteristiknya? (15:58)
Students: Hening. (Student hening 16:02 ).
( see appendix5 , page69)

From the data above, it is showed when the English teacher talk “oke

apalagi karena karakteristiknya ?“ the students selence students don't know

what to talk about.

Data 29

Teacher : Coba cari apa kira-kira biografi dan autobiografi. Kalau kita
menceritakan tentangorang lain "you tell about some else. or you tell
about yourself about your life apa kira-kira?
Students: Tidak mengerti dan hening. ( see appendix5 , page67 )

From the data above, it is showed when the English teacher talk “coba

cari apa kira-kira biografi dan autobiografi “ the students selence students

don't know what to talk about.


Graph 4.1
The Percentage of Teachersand Learners Talkin English Classroom
Interaction at SMAN 4 Kota Bengkulu

The Percentage of Teacher and Learner


The Percentage of the Results

No Types of Interactions Frequency Percentage

1 2 7%
Accepts feeling
Praises or
2 4 14%
3 Teacher’s Interactions Accepses or uses
3 10% 52%
Talk ideas of students

4 Asks question 6 21% 69%

5 Direct Lecturing 1 3%

6 Interaction Giving directions 2 7% 17%

7 Criticizing 2 7%

Students talk
8 4 14%

Learner’s Talks Students talk 31%

9 2 7%

10 Silence 3 10%

Total Overall 29 100%

The table above presents the types of teacher and learners talk used by the

teacher and learners in English classes of tenth grade of SMA N 4 kota Bengkulu.

Based on observation checklist datathe researcher concluded that teacher talk and

learner talk used 10 types of teacher and learner talk in classroom interaction

based on Flanders interaction analysis catagory namly Accepts feeling,Praises or


encourages, Accepses or uses ideas of students, Asks question, Lecturing, Giving

directions, Criticizing, Students talk response, Students talk initation and silence.

From the overal result that shows in table 4.1, it can be seen that the

percentage of teacher talk was 69% students talk was 31% in the classroom

interaction, the teacher dominanted the teaching learning process. The ratio of the

indirect teacher talk included accepts feelings,praises or encouragment,uses ideas

of students and asking question shows 52% bigger than the ratio of direct teacher

talk include lecturing,giving direction,criticizing and justifying shows 17% . it

means the teacher gave praise and asking question to students during teaching and

learning process. The teacher attempts to make students being more active in class

by giving chance for students to response when the teacher ask question.

2. Data from Interview of English Teacher

The interview has conducted on 14th and15th September 2020 The

researcher conducted an interview to found the data by referring to several

indicators that have been divided into section, including indiract and diract

teacher talk and student talk,after that the researcher shown the next data

collected from those indicators in this interview. In the first indicator which

is about the student’s ways of learning. This indicator divided into 6

questions for the high achiever students and 8 questions to the teacher, so

the researcher has collected 14 data related with it, as shown below:

Data 30

T : Activities I do in english usually a question and answer with

students, while explained matter that students a focus and easier to
catch material provided.Because covid-19 pandemic, these activities it

difficult to was done considering learning now carried out berani, so

interaction to students obstructed.. ( see appendix 7, page85 )
The data of interview above showed the teacher used asking question

when teaching and learning process in the classroom interaction.

Data 31

T: As well as a method of approach that i use in class that is by the a

approach of scientific and several methods that were discussed,
depends on the can be, discussion or just a explained the materials and
the students listening.(see appendix7 , page85 )

From the data interview above showed the teacher used indirect talk

accepts or use ideas of students to discuss the topic.

Data 32

T: Does not always, some times I use students to clarify the matter.
( see appendix , page85 )

The data of interview above show the teacher used asking question in

classroom interaction. She answered the question about do you always using

lecturer method in English classroom interaction.

Data 33

T: Yes, sometimes I usedopen question

From the data interview above showed the teacher used indirect talk

asking question to discuss the topic. She answered the question aboutWhat

kind question that you always gave to your learners, close or open question.

Data 34
T: Students less active because in the pandemic, students become less
enthusiastic toask.( see appendix7 , page85 )

From the data interview above showed the teacher used Critizing or

justifying authority. She answered the question about how far the

effectiviness of your learners in asking question.

Data 35

T: In clarifying material 50-80 usually there are about percent in the

classroom. ( see appendix7 , page85 )

Data shown as the Giving Direction. She answered the question abouthow

many percent do you speak in the English classroom.

Data 36

T: Yes, students who right and wrong in answer to the question i still
give appreciation courage to answer. ( see appendi7 , page85 )
Data shown as the praise for encouragement when the teacher give

appreciation courage to answered the question aboutWhat is your response

to the students who cannot answer your question.After that, the researcher

shown the next data collected from those indicators in thisinterview. In the

second indicator which is about the student talk This indicator divided into 3

questions for the high achiever students.So, the researcher has collected 3

data related with it, as shown below:

Data 37

L1: I would like to learn English, depending on material that is been

brought up in the classroom.
L2: I like learning English but in accordance with matter which in
teach are interesting.
L1:Rarely ask, for fear of the questions from which i ask not in
accordance learning.
L2: If not understand rarely asked to my teachers frequently asked to a
friend. ( see appendix 8, page86 )

Data shown as not Student Talk Responsecourage toanswered the

question about do you often ask questions when the teacher give the

opportunity to ask.

Data 38
L1: Often new learning to develop the same friends and exchange
L2:Sometimes like to reflect his own opinions studying and ask about
one another to a friend. ( see appendix 8, page86 )

Data shown as student talk initiationcourage toanswered the question

about have you ever develop new opinions when studying in English class.

Data 39

L1: If do not understand material I am going to shrink the sound of

silence because sometimes I do not know a way of explaining material
L2: I often silent while reflect what is the right answer.
( see appendix8 , page 86)

The data of interview aboveSilence or pause or confusion when the student

in classroom interaction toanswer the question aboutWhat efforts do you do

when you difficult to talk English.

From the results of interview that conducted by the researcher with

some students the researcher found the difficulties faced by the students in

learning English in classroom interaction the teacher Students do not dare

express learning in public , students become ashamed to students and

teachers more ventured or dared to ask.


C. Discussion

After describing the analysis in previous section , it can be seen that the

ten types of interaction analysis such as accept feeling, praises , acceptor uses

ideas of student, ask question,lecturing, giving direction, criticizing .

Students talks include: Students talk respon , students talk initation and

silence or pause , the researcher discusses absout the description of types

interaction learner and teacher in classroom. The result showed that the

teacher was taking most part in the classroom such givendirection,lecturing

and critizing or justifying authority and praise or encouragement. The teacher

active in asking question to the students ,this will make the students think and

use their idea that theyhad been discussed before. It is an important in

creating classroom interaction because the teacher questions have strong

effect in classroom interaction,most of students have perception that the

teachersknow who they are. According Dagarin (2004) that question will

attract students attention.31 because it will creat classroom interaction

between teacher and students a teacher must have skill in asking question.

Teacher talk can give effect to students, because the teachertransferthe

lesson to students from talking. Cook states that teacher talk is particularly

important to language teaching. It means that teacher talk is the source of

interaction in the classroom. Yanfen and Yuqin said state that teacher talk is

the language in the classroom that takes up a major portion of class time

employed to give direction, explain activities and check students

Dagarin.2004.classroom interaction.New york :Routledge Falmer.

understanding32. From the result of interview and observation that can be

conculude that teacher used Inderirect and the students used silence pause

during interaction inclassroom based on Flander students talk are important to

done the lesson and to get the good achievement in the classroom. Creating

student talk has a good advantage. The advantage is by creating talk between

students, they can acquire the knowledge and exchange the information

through interaction and teacher talk as a part language of classroom talk and

interaction33. The type of teacher talk that often used in classroom interaction

Indiract talk Based on the findings there are three types of teacher talk in

classroom interaction Praise for encouragement .The teacher purpose in

praisingand encouraging the students is to give honors to them who actively

participate in teachingand learning process. And accepts or uses idea of

students This type is used by the teacher in interaction , the are several

utterances in each meeting , the teacher often uses the idea of students during

interaction in calssroom. And asking question most often used bye the

teacher’s during classroom interactions is asking question . the researcher

found this type is always used by teacher . the teacher often asks questions to

student so that students answer the questions that are conveyed.

And the type that is often used by students in class is students talk

response . where students always response when the teacher tells the question.

There are some students who do not understand what the teacher question in

Yanfen, Liu, and Yuqin, Zhao (2010). A Study of Teacher Talk in Interactions in English
Flanders, N. A. (1989). Teacher Influence, Pupil Attitudes and Achievement’. US.

Minneapolis: University of Minnesota


class, during the researcher observation in class of students talk response

during interaction . from the table that the teacher was talking more

students,it can be seen in the proportion of teacher and learner talks they the

teacher talk 69% and the learner talk was 31 % in twice meeting. The result

also showed that the teacher was taking most part in classroom the teacheer

active in asking question to the students . from the all explanation above it

can be drawn a conclusion that teacher talk percentage in classroom because

the teacher talking time is more than student it means the teacher gave

directions to the students during classroom interaction shows that the student

talk response the most dominat but thet still responds teacher question.


A. Conclusion

Based on the research results in the previous chapter, the researcher

found that there were 10 types of teacher and learner of Flander Interaction

Analysis Categories (FIAC). The teacher's talk consists of 7 types, namely:

accept feeling, praise for encouragement, accepts or uses ideas of students,

asking question, leacturing, giving direction, critizing or justfying authority.

Meanwhile, the learners talk consists of 3 types, namely: student talk

response, student talk initation silent or pause. Then, the researcher concluded

that in teacher talk category, the teachers mostly used the type of asking

question which was included in the indirect talk.Meanwhile, on the learners

talk, the learner mostly used the student talk response.

B. Suggestions

Based on the result of the research, the researcher would like to give

some suggestions as consideration, they are:

1. For the English teacher class X at SMA 4 Bengkulu at in the classroom

interaction it is suggested to stimulate the students are expected to initiate

asking question or giving opinion.

2. And for the students class X in teaching learning process the students

also are suggested to give more initation to ask question or giving

opinion in the learning process to increase the students talk in classroom



3. And for the researchers of this study who interested in classroom

interaction between teacher and student the researcher expect that finding

of study can be as a contribution for those who wannt conduct similar



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