Compiledendo Perio
Compiledendo Perio
Compiledendo Perio
1. Generally speaking, the bacteria associated with periodontal health are characterized as:
a. Gram-negative, motile, aerobes b. Gram-negative, non motile, anerobes
c. gram-positive, nonmotile, facultative anaerobes d. Gram-positive, motile, aerobes
5. Which of the following is most significant in regard to the prognosis of a periodontally involved
A. Pocket depth b. attachment loss
c. anatomical crown length d. Bleeding upon probing
10. Gingival changes evident during pregnancy probably result from the effect of:
a. Estrogen b. Progesterone c. Histamine d. Vit. Deficiency
12. Which of the following cells participate in the early phase of inflammation (early lesion of
A. Eosinophils b. kupffer’s cells c. Mast cells d. Epitheloid
13. The first leukocytes to arrive as a result of inflammation caused by plaque formation in the
initial lesion of gingivitis are the
a. Eosinophils b. Lymphocytes c. Neutrophils d. Basophils e. Monocytes
14. Which local sign of acute inflammation is caused by the dilation of capillaries?
a. Redness b. Heat c. swelling d. Pain
15. all of the following are diagnostic of occlusal trauma except:
a. Periodontal pocket formation b. thickening of lamina dura
c. Fremitus d. angular bone destruction e. tooth mobility
18. All of the following statements concerning B cells are true except:
a. They mature in the bone marrow and migrate to lymphoid organs
b. They are found in the germinal centers of the spleen and lymph nodes
c. They are progenitors of plasma cells
d. They are involved in humoral and cell mediated immunity
21. The key etiologic agent in the initiation of gingivitis and PD is:
a. calculus b. plaque c. toothbrush abrasion d. saliva
22. The bacteria that form plaque & calculus release toxins that stimulates the immune system
to over produce powerful infection-fighting factors called:
a. Free radicals b. cytokines c. amides d. Lymphokines
23. Which of the following is the single major preventable risk factor for PD?
A. smoking b. diabetes c. genetics d. pathogenic bacteria
26. When using the balanced-force technique for canal preparation, which of the following
statements is accurate?
a. The cutting stroke involves apical pressure and a counterclockwise rotation.
b. Clockwise rotation balances the tendency of the file to be drawn into the canal during the
cutting stroke.
c. Dentin is engaged with a counterclockwise rotation and cut with a 45-to 90-degree, clockwise
d. It requires the use of a crown down technique.
28. A fragment of a barbed broach is broken off and wedged in the middle third of a canal in a
maxillary incisor. A radiolucency is present at the apex. The fragment cannot be bypassed or
removed. Treatment of choice includes:
1. extracting the tooth
2. preparing and obturating to the point of blockage
3. performing an apicoectomy and retrofilling
4. placing formocresol to permeate and fix necrotic tissue.
a. 1, 2 & 3 b. 1 & 2 c. 2 & 3 d. 2, 3 & 4 e. 3 only
29. Erratic and inconsistent results from electric pulp testing may be caused by:
1. saliva on the tooth
2. secondary dentin obliterating the pulp chamber
3.multiple canals presenting various stages of pulp pathosis
a. 1 & 2 b. 1 & 3 c. 2 & 3 d. 1 only e. 1,2 & 3
a. Localized Aggressive Periodontitis b. Generalized Aggressive Periodontitis
c. Chronic periodontitis d. Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis
e. Necrotizing Ulcerative Periodontitis
43. Generalized interproximal attachment loss affecting at least 3 permanent teeth other than
first molars and incisors :
a. Localized Aggressive Periodontitis b. Generalized Aggressive Periodontitis
c. Chronic periodontitis d. Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis
e.Necrotizing Ulcerative Periodontitis
45. A cuplike resorptive area at the crest of the alveolar bone is a radiographic finding of :
a. Gingivitis b. occlusal trauma c. Early periodontitis d. NUG
46. Which of the following is most significant in regard to the prognosis of a periodontally
involved tooth?
a. Pocket depth b. attachment loss
c. Anatomical crown length d. bleeding upon probing
47. Which of the following needs to be evident in order to make a diagnosis of periodontitis?
A. bleeding b. pocket depth of 5mm or more
c. radiographic evidence of bone loss d. a change in tissue color and tone
51. Which of the following is not correctly matched with regards to a periodontal treatment plan?
a. preliminary phase-plaque control b. phase I-mouth preparation
c. phase II-periodontal surgery d. phase III-restorative phase
52. When using the periodontal probe to measure pocket depth, the measurement is taken from
the :
a. Base of the pocket to the CEJ
b. free gingival margin to the CEJ
c. Junctional epithelium to the margin of the free gingiva
d. base of the pocket to the mucogingival junction
54. How should the periodontal probe be inserted into the sulcus?
a. perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth b. with a firm pushing motion
c. with a short oblique stroke d. parallel to the tooth surface
55. If you should meet resistance after inserting the periodontal probe into the sulcus, you
a. remove the probe and reinsert it in a different spot
b. lift the probe away from the tooth and attempt to move it apically
c. force the probe beyond the obstruction
d. remove the probe and select one with a narrower diameter
e. record the measurement where the probe stopped
56. Which of the following is the most common error when performing periodontal probing?
a. using the wrong type of probe
b. incorrectly reading the periodontal probe
c. excessively angling the probe when inserting it interproximally beyond the long axis of
the tooth
d. forgetting to also probe the lingual of every tooth
57. Which of the following presents the most difficulty in performing a thorough scaling and root
planning on?
a. mesial surfaces of maxillary premolars b. proximal surfaces of mandibular incisors
c. trifurcations of maxillary molars d. distal surfaces of mandibular molars
59. Maximum shrinkage after gingival curettage can be expected from tissue that is:
a. fibrotic b. edematous
c. fibroedematous d. formed within an infrabony pocket
60. The success of a pulpotomy for a primary molar depends primarily upon:
a vital root pulp b. the amount of root resoprtion
c. the patient’s age d. the absence of internal root resoprtion
62. Which of the following root surfaces is the most likely to be strip-perforated during canal
instrumentation of the mesial root of a mandibular first molar?
A. facial B. lingual C. mesial D. distal
63. The literature suggests that the majority of vertical root fractures of endodontically treated
teeth result from:
a. traumatic occlusion d. locking temporaries into prepared teeth
b. cementing the cast post and core e. permanent cementing crowns.
c. condensation forces during gutta-percha fill
64. One objective of root canal obturation is to develop a fluid tight seal. Another objective is to
create a favorable biologic environment for the process of tissue healing.
a. Both statements are TRUE.
b. Both statements are FALSE
c. The first statement is TRUE, the second is FALSE
d. The first statement is FALSE, the second is TRUE.
65. The least important factor influencing the pathogenicity of endodontic flora is:
a. Microbial interaction. c. Endotoxins released after bacterial death.
b. Exotoxins released by living bacteria d. Enzymes produced by bacteria.
66. In which of the following is one-visit root canal treatment not recommended?
a. The pulp is necrotic and not symptomatic
b. The pulp is necrotic and symptomatic.
c. The pulp is necrotic and there is a draining sinus tract.
d. The pulp is vital and symptomatic.
e. None of the above.
67. The action of calcium hydroxide in promoting formation of an apical calcified barrier in a
tooth with an open apex and a necrotic pulp is probably best explained by:
a. creation of a zone of liquefaction necrosis at the apex
b. creation of a zone of coagulation necrosis at the apex
c. creation of an environment that promotes hard tissue deposition
d. calcium ions from the canal dressing precipitating apically to form an apical bridge.
68. Which of the following is the best indicator of success of a pulpotomy in an immature
permanent tooth?
a. patient comfort
b. stable vitality readings
c. continuation of root formation
d. formation of a dentinal bridge covering the pulp stumps in the root canal.
69. A healthy 8-year old child has fractured permanent central incisor. The pulp is widely
exposed and vital. From radiographs, root ends appear incompletely calcified. The
recommended procedure is to:
a. cap the pulp c. perform a pulpotomy
b. extract the tooth d. remove the entire pulp.
70. A radiograph of a maxillary lateral incisor reveals a radiolucent area circumscribing the
apex. The tooth does not respond to vitality tests, and a sinus tract is present. In conjunction
with endodontic treatment, the sinus tract should be treated by:
a. enucleation c. irrigation with sodium hypochlorite
b. cauterization d. none of these. It does not require treatment.
71. Perforation on the mesial in the cervical third of the root of a maxillary first premolar is a
common error in performing an endodontic procedure because:
a. the crown tipped distally. d. The root tends to curve distally
b. The entire tooth tends to tip distally e. The bur tends to be directed mesially
c. concavity on the mesial root frequently exists.
72. A periapical lesion was discovered 1 ½ years after RCT on a maxillary central incisor. Apical
curettage and biopsyshowed the lesion to be an apical cyst. Two years later, the lesion is larger
than it was before surgery. Which of the following is the most likely cause of continued failure?
a. Actinomycotic infection d. Failure to resect the apex.
b. An unobturated accessory canal e. Incomplete removal of the apical cyst
c. Leakage from a poorly debrided and obturated canal.
73.The root end is ultrasonically prepared during endodontic surgery for which of the following
a. It results in apical cracks at low setting.
b. It results in larger, but cleaner, cavity walls.
c. It can make a deeper cavity more safely than a bur.
d. It does not require as acute an angle of root resection.
75. Piezoelectric, ultrasonic devices differs from magneto-strictive devices in which of the
a. The piezoelectric unit transfers more energy to the files.
b. The piezoelectric unit produces heat that requires a coolant.
c. The piezoelectric unit uses a RispiSonic, SharperSonic, and TrioSonic file system
d. The piezoelectric unit vibrates at 2 to 3 kHz.
77. A good master cone will have a snug fit at the apical third by:
a. minimum of 4mm b. 5mm c. 0.5 to 1mm
d. no specific length e. 2 mm.
78. Post operative pain after obturation occur when:
a. there is excess cement
b. there is excessive force applied during lateral condensation
c. patient failed to take analgesic after treatment.
79. The most reliable factor that will help determine if canal is ready for obturation is:
a. tooth is asymptomatic and functional c. negative culture test result
b. no foul odor d. all of the choices.
82. Blood at the tip of the paper point removed from the root canal indicates:
a. possible hematoma c. possible incomplete instrumentation
b. possible incomplete irrigation d. possible root perforation
86. The distance from the apical exit of the root canal up to the reference point on the crown of
the tooth is referred to as:
a. root length b. root canal length c. computed working length d. all of these
88. The access preparation for root canal treatment should be:
a. as small as possible to conserve tooth structure
b. confined to the area where carious destruction occurs
c. extended to the full periphery of the pulp chamber to remove the overhanging enamel
and dentin
d. all of the these
89. Presence of lingering pain after the removal of the stimulus is an indication of :
a. irreversible pulpitis b. reversible pulpitis c. necrosis d. all of these
90. In an infected root canal, the two most commonly found organisms are:
a. staphylococcus and enterococci c. streptococci and staphylococci
b. lactobacilli and streptococci d. all of them.
92. Which of the following statements regarding pulp stimulation with cold is accurate?
a. It is best accomplished with cardon dioxide snow.
b. It is an accurate assessment of pulp vitality.
c. It directly stimulates the pain fibers in the pulp.
d. It is best determined with a blast of air.
93. When is endodontic treatment is contraindicated?
a. The patient has no motivation to maintain the tooth.
b. The canal appears to be calcified.
c. Class III mobility and loss of bone support.
d. The tooth needs periodontal crown lengthening before restoration.
e. None of the above.
94. Based on instrument design and method of manufacturing, which is most susceptible to
a. K-type file fabricated from tapered, square SS blank.
b. K-flex file fabricated from rhomboidal SS blank.
c. Hedstrom file fabricated from round SS blank.
d. Reamer fabricated from triangular SS blank.
96. A preoperative finding that predisposes to a decreased prognosis is which of the following:
a. The tooth is in hyperocclusion.
b.The pulp is necrotic with no periradicular lesion
c. The pulp is necrotic with a periradicular lesion present.
d. The pulp is vital
e. Treatment is in an elderly patient.
97. Which of the following teeth is most likely to exhibit C-shaped morphology?
a. Maxillary first premolar c. Mandibular first premolar
b. Maxillary first molar d. Mandibular first molar.
98. Presence of gutta-percha beyond the apex is usually caused by which of the following?
a. Use of too small master cone.
b. Excessive heating and compaction during warm, vertical condensation.
c. Destruction of the natural apical constriction.
d. All of the above.
99. In which of the following is one-visit root canal treatment not recommended?
a. The pulp is necrotic and not symptomatic
b. The pulp is necrotic and symptomatic.
c. The pulp is necrotic and there is a draining sinus tract.
d. The pulp is vital and symptomatic.
e. None of the above.
100. The most important route of bacteria into the dental pulp is from:
a. General circulation via anachoresis.
b. Exposure to the oral cavity via caries.
c. The gingival sulcus.
d. None of these.
1. The likelihood that oral bacteria play an important role in gingival inflammation is
evidenced by which of the following?
A. An increase in salivary hyaluronidase
B. An increased number of bacteria in saliva.
C. An increase of neutralizing antibodies in saliva.
D. A reduction of inflammation with reduction of plaque.
2. Radiographically, which of the following statements regarding canals that appear
calcified are accurate?
A. They are seldom able to be instrumented.
B. They have a different appearance than the surrounding dentin.
C. They should be opened up with rotary rather than ultrasonic instruments.
D. All of the above.
6. Normally, the free gingiva can be distinguished from the epithelial attachment because
A. Underlying connective tissue of the gingiva does not contain lymphoid cells.
B. Epithelium of the epithelial attachment does not have rete pegs
C. Epithelium of the gingiva is not keratinized.
D. Underlying connective tissue of the epithelial attachmentis less vascular.
8. The majority of patients with symptoms of severe odontogenic pain have a diagnosis of :
A. periodontal abscess C. acute apical periodontitis
B. irreversible pulpitis D. acute apical abscess E. none of
9. The most likely source of bacteria found in diseased periodontal tissue is:
A. serum B. saliva C. subgingival plaque D. supragingival plaque.
11. The likelihood that oral bacteria play an important role in gingival inflammation is
evidenced by:
A. an increased number of bacteria in saliva
B. an increased in salivary hyaluronidase.
C. An increase of neutralizing antibodies in saliva
D. New pathogenic strains in the involved area.
E. A reduction of inflammatory states with antibiotic treatment.
20. Which of the following statements regarding internal root resoprtion is accurate?
A. It is rare in deciduous tooth C. It is initiated by
B. It is seldom confused with external resoprtion. D. It is usually
21. Pulp necrosis is most likely to occur after which of the following?
A. Midroot fracture C. Concussion
B. Intrusive luxation D. Complicated crown fracture
22. Which of the following statements regarding unltrasonic root canal instrumentation is
A. It should be performed in a dry environment.
B. It poses little risk of file breakage.
C. It is not very useful for dentin removal.
D. It is most useful in small canals where file contact with the wall is maximized.
23. Which of the following statements regarding guided tissue regeneration (GTR) is false?
A. GTE is an effective adjuncts to treatment of periodontal disease but has limited
value in treating endodontic pathosis.
B. The combined endodontic periodontic lesion has the least favorable
prognosis for GTR because of the relationship of the lesion to the gingival
C. Bioresorbable membranes exhibit results similar to nonresorbable membranes.
D. Evidence suggest that GTR enhances bone formation by preventing contact of
connective tissue with the bone.
26. The cribriform plate (alveolar bone proper) reveals minute openings which represent:
A. areas of osteoclastic activity. D. Regions of hematopoietic activity.
B. Resoprtion sites of the spongiosa. E. Attachment sites of Sharpey’s
C. Regions for passage of vascular and nerve elements.
29. Used to remove gross and supragingival calcular deposits on mandibular anterior region:
A. sickles B. chisels C. Hoes D. Files E. curettes
31. Instruments used for scaling, root planing and removal of soft lining of perio pocket;
A. sickles B. chisels C. Hoes D. Files E. curettes
33. The acute apical abscess is best differentiated from acute apical periodontitis by which of
the following?
A. pulp testing B. presence of swelling C. radiographic appearance D. degree
of mobility
34. Which of the following cell types may be found in the periodontal ligament?
1. fibroclasts 2. osteoblasts 3. macrophages 4. cementoblasts
A. 1,2 and 3 B. 1 and 3 only C. 2 and 4 only D. 4 only E. all
of them.
35. A pulp has been damaged and is inflamed because of deep caries and cavity preparation.
What material placed on the floor of the cavity aids the pulp in resolving the
A. Calcium hydroxide C. Steroid formulations
B. Zinc oxide-eugenol D. none, there is no material that promotes
38. A tissue graft between individuals of the same species but with non-identical genes:
A. graft B. allograft C. Alloplast
39. Scalers
A. push stroke B. Pull stroke C. twisting stroke D. Sawing motion
40. The calcified bodies sometimes found in the periodontal ligament are best described as
which of the following?
A. Cementicles C. bone
B. Denticles D. enamel pearls E. mineralized interstitial
41. Although the exact mechanism of formation of calculus is not understood, it is known
that the organic matrix of calculus in humans includes:
A. no living microorganisms C. an abundance of microorganisms
B. a fusospirochetal complex D. only by-products of bacterial metabolism
43. Hoes: B
A. push stroke B. Pull stroke C. twisting stroke D. Sawing motion.
44. Chisels: A
A. push stroke B. Pull stroke C. twisting stroke D. Sawing motion.
45. Files; B
A. push stroke B. Pull stroke C. twisting stroke D. Sawing motion.
48. Which group of fibers of the periodontal ligament is the first to offer resistance to
movement of the tooth in an occlusal direction?
A. alveolar crest B. horizontal C. interradicular D. oblique E.
49. The bacterial population in the gingival sulcus or the pocket that influences the course of
periodontal disease involves”
A. mostly aerobic bacteria
B. essentially a pure culture
C. bacteria not indigenous to the oral cavity
D. essentially the same organism found in the healthy sulcus.
50. Which of the following groups of periodontal ligament fibers has a cementum-to-
cementum attachment?
A. Oblique C. free gingival
B. Transseptal D. interradicular E. dentoalveolar crest
53. Which of the following species of streptococci is usually not found in human dental
A. S. mutans B. S. sanguis C. S. pyogenes D. S. salivarius E. S. mitior (S.
55. Which of the following is not a “principal” collagenous fiber group of the periodontal
A. Apical B. horizontal C. Oblique D. Gingivodental E.
none of these.
56. Which of the following organisms is least likely to be found among normal anaerobic
flora of the gingival sulcus?
A. Treponema C. Actinobacillus
B. Bacteroides D. Fusobacterium E. Mycobacteria
59. Which of the following regarding chronic, apical periodontitis is/are accurate?
A. It is a neutrophil-dominated lesion encapsulated in a collagenous connective
B. It may contain epithelial arcardes or rings.
C. It represents a continuous, slow process that is asymptomatic.
D. It has a predominance of B-cells over T-cells.
60. Which of the following is correct in relation to the periradicular lesion formed in
response to dental caries and subsequent pulp necrosis?
A. Bacteria are commonly found in granuloma.
B. T-helper cells predominate over T-suppressor cells.
C. Formation of the granuloma is mediated through a specific immunologic
D. The release of interleukins can mediate bone resorption.
61. Which of the following statements best describe retrograde periodontitis?
A. Inflammation from the periodontal sulcus migrates apically, causing pulp
inflammation and eventually pulp necrosis.
B. Pulp necrosis occurs, and the toxic irritants cause inflammation that
migrates to the gingival margin, creating a periodontal pocket.
C. Irritants gain access to the periodontal tissues at the site of a vertical-root fracture
producing tissue destruction that mimics periodontitis.
D. Pulp necrosis results in the formation of an apical , radioluscent lesion
characterized by the loss of the apical lamina dura.
62. Each of the following are direct advantages of pre-enlarging the radicular space, except:
A. It provides better tactile control of instruments when negotiating a small, curved
B. It removes the bulk of tissue and contaminants before apical preparation.
C. It facilitates obturation.
D. It provides a reservoir for the irrigant.
E. None of the above.
64. The root end is ultrasonically prepared during endodontic surgery for which of the
following reasons?
A. It results in apical cracks at low setting.
B. It results in larger, but cleaner, cavity walls.
C. It can make a deeper cavity more safely than a bur.
D. It does not require as acute an angle of root resection.
E. None of these.
65. N2, Endomethasone, and Reibler,s paste are sealers that:
A. Produce liquefaction necrosis in the periradicular tissues.
B. Induce healing in the apical pulp wound after vital pulp extirpation.
C. Can cause periapical inflammation.
D. Do not produce a seal when used in combination with a core material.
66. Which of the following statements regarding pulp stimulation with cold is accurate?
A. It is best accomplished with cardon dioxide snow.
B. It is an accurate assessment of pulp vitality.
C. It directly stimulates the pain fibers in the pulp.
D. It is best determined with a blast of air.
68. Based on instrument design and method of manufacturing, which is most susceptible to
A. K-type file fabricated from tapered, square SS blank.
B. K-flex file fabricated from rhomboidal SS blank.
C. Hedstrom file fabricated from round SS blank.
D. Reamer fabricated from triangular SS blank.
A. Gauging is performed in the coronal portion of the canal to confirm if the coronal
enlargement is complete
B. Tuning identifies the most apical, cross-sectional diameter of the canal.
C. Gauging and tuning verify the completed shaping f the apical portion of the
D. Gauging and tuning produces a uniform, cylindric diameter to the canal in the
apical 2 to 3mm that enhances obturation and sealing.
E. None of these.
75. Extending a no. 10 file with a 0.02 taper 1.0mm beyond the apical foramen will result in
which of the following?
A. It opens the apical foramen to a minimum diameter of 0.12mm.
B. It increases postoperative discomfort to occlusal forces.
C. It reduces the percentage of change from a no. 10 file to a no. 15 file by 50%.
D. It eliminates the natural constriction of the foramen and increases the chance for
an overfill.
76. Which of the following statements regarding Hedstrom files are accurate?
A. They are manufactured by machining a round cross-sectional wire.
B. They are effective when used in a reaming action.
C. They are safer than K-files, because external signs of stress are more visible as
changes in flute design.
D. They are aggressive because of a negative-rake angle that is parallel to the shaft.
E. None of the above.
77. The smear layer on dentin walls acts to prevent pulpal injury for which of the following?
A. It reduces diffusion of toxic substance through the tubules.
B. It resists the effects of acid etching of the dentin.
C. It eliminates the need for cavity liner or base.
D. Its bactericidal activity acts against oral microorganisms.
78. Moderate extrusion of obturating materials beyond the apex is undesirable because of
which of the following?
A. There is more likelihood of postoperative discomfort.
B. Sealer and gutta-percha cause a severe, inflammatory reaction in periradicular
C. The prognosis is poorer.
D. All of the above.
80. Which of the following statements regarding sodium hypochlorite used as a root canal
irrigating solution is accurate?
A. It is buffered to a pH of 12 to 13, which increases toxicity.
B. It exhibits a chelating action on dentin.
C. It should be used in higher concentrations because of the increased free chlorine
D. It is a good wetting agent that permits the solution to flow into canal irregularities.
E. All of the above statements are accurate.
87. The least important factor influencing the pathogenicity of endodontic flora is:
A. Microbial interaction.
B. Endotoxins released after bacterial death.
C. Exotoxins released by living bacteria
D. Enzymes produced by bacteria.
90. The response of the pulp to a recently placed amalgam without cavity lining is usually
92. Which of the following teeth is most likely to exhibit C-shaped morphology?
A. Maxillary first premolar C. Mandibular first premolar
B. Maxillary first molar D. Mandibular first molar.
93. Presence of gutta-percha beyond the apex is usually caused by which of the following?
A. Use of too small master cone.
B. Excessive heating and compaction during warm, vertical condensation.
C. Destruction of the natural apical constriction.
D. All of the above.
94. In which of the following is one-visit root canal treatment not recommended?
A. The pulp is necrotic and not symptomatic
B. The pulp is necrotic and symptomatic.
C. The pulp is necrotic and there is a draining sinus tract.
D. The pulp is vital and symptomatic.
E. None of the above.
95. The most important route of bacteria into the dental pulp is from:
A. General circulation via anachoresis.
B. Exposure to the oral cavity via caries.
C. The gingival sulcus.
D. None of these.
96. When using the balanced-force technique for canal preparation, which of the following
statements is accurate?
A. The cutting stroke involves apical pressure and a counterclockwise rotation.
B. Clockwise rotation balances the tendency of the file to be drawn into the canal
during the cutting stroke.
C. Dentin is engaged with a counterclockwise rotation and cut with a 45-to 90-
degree, clockwise rotation
D. It requires the use of a crown down technique.
98. Direct pulp capping is recommended for primary teeth with which of the following?
A. Carious exposures C. Calcification in the pulp chamber
B. Mechanical exposures D. All of these.
99. Retreatment has the most favorable prognosis during which of the following?
A. When the cause of failure is identified and is correctable.
B. When the patient is asymptomatic.
C. When gutta-percha was used instead of paste.
D. When a surgical microscope is used.
100. Canals may be missed during treatment because of which of the following?
A. Calcification C. Inadequate access
B. Anomalous location D. All of the above.
3. Each of the following can occur as a result of a successful root canal treatment, except:
A. Apical seal of cementum C. Regeneration of alveolar bone
B. Regeneration of the periodontal ligament D.Formation of reparative dentin
4. Which of these is a radiopaque area in the apices of young permanent teeth with chronic
A. apical abscess C. condensing osteitis
B. radicular cyst D. apical granuloma
7. Metallic salts are included in root canal sealers to make the sealers:
A. set hard C. antibacterial
B. radiopaque D. set more rapidly E. better tolerated by periapical
9. Which of the following periapical conditions is often associated with a vital pulp?
A. apical cyst C. condensing osteitis
B. apical scar D. chronic apical periodontitis E. suppurative apical
10. The most effective means to reduce root canal microbes is:
A. systemic medication
B. complete debridement of the root canal
C. intracanal medication with a non-specific drug
D. intracanal medication with multiple antibiotic preparations.
12. If you were to do a periodontal surgery, when will you do a beveled incision?
A. When the attached gingiva were fibrotic. C. When the marginal gingiva is
B. In performing gingivectomy D. In performing gingivoplasty.
14. An infrabony pocket is a periodontal pocket with the epithelial attachment located:
A. coronal to the crest of alveolar bone C. within the alveolar bone
B. apical to mucogingival junction D. apical to the crest of the
alveolar bone
17. Which of these gingival connective tissue component acts as a molecular filter and
regulates cell migration:
A. Glucoronic acid B. Glycoproteins C. Proteoglycans D.
19. Tetracycline are used as an anti infective agent in the treatment of periodontal disease
because of its added property of:
A. inhibition of collagenose synthesis C. inhibition of arachidonic synthesis
B. inhibition of interleukin alpha D. enhances PMN’s chemotaxis
21. During calculus removal, the surface of the root feels smoothest following scaling with:
A. a hoe C. an unltrasonic instrument
B. periodontal files D. a rotary driven metal scaler E. a periodontal
25. The majority of patients with symptoms of severe odontogenic pain have a diagnosis of :
A. periodontal abscess C. acute apical periodontitis
B. irreversible pulpitis D. acute apical abscess E. none of
26. The most likely source of bacteria found in diseased periodontal tissue is:
A. serum C. saliva
B. subgingival plaque D. supragingival plaque.
28. A tissue graft between individuals of the same species but with non-identical genes:
A. graft B. allograft C. Alloplast
29. Scalers
A. push stroke B. Pull stroke C. twisting stroke D. Sawing
30. Which of the following groups of periodontal ligament fibers has a cementum-to-
cementum attachment?
A. Oblique C. free gingival
B. Transseptal D. interradicular E. dentoalveolar crest
32. Calcium hydroxide is advocated as an interappointment medication primarily because of:
A. Its ability to dissolve necrotic tissue. C. Its antimicrobial activity.
B. Its ability to stimulate hard-tissue formation. D. Its ability to temporarily seal
the canal.
33. The most important route of bacteria into the dental pulp is from:
A. General circulation via anachoresis. C. Exposure to the oral cavity
via caries.
B. The gingival sulcus. D. None of these.
34. Generally speaking, the bacteria associated with periodontal health are characterized
A. Gram-negative, motile, aerobes C. Gram-negative, non motile, anerobes
B. gram-positive, nonmotile, facultative anaerobes D. Gram-positive,
38. Gingival changes evident during pregnancy probably result from the effect of:
A. Estrogen B. Progesterone C. Histamine D Vit.
41. The first leukocytes to arrive as a result of inflammation caused by plaque formation in
the initial lesion of gingivitis are the
A. Eosinophils C Lymphocytes E.
Neutrophils B. Basophils D Monocytes
46. Which of the following is the single major preventable risk factor for PD?
A. smoking B. diabetes C. genetics D. pathogenic bacteria
53. Which of the following root surfaces is the most likely to be strip-perforated during canal
instrumentation of the mesial root of a mandibular first molar?
A. facial B. lingual C. mesial D. distal
55. The most reliable factor that will help determine if canal is ready for obturation is:
A. tooth is asymptomatic and functional C. negative culture test result
B. no foul odor D. all of the choices.
60. Smooth broach is used in :
A. debridement C. exploration
B. obturation D. all of the choices
62. The distance from the apical exit of the root canal up to the reference point on the crown
of the tooth is referred to as:
A. root length C. root canal length
C. computed working length D. all of these
64. The access preparation for root canal treatment should be:
A. as small as possible to conserve tooth structure
B. confined to the area where carious destruction occurs
C. extended to the full periphery of the pulp chamber to remove the overhanging
enamel and dentin
D. all of the these
1. The primary reason for placing a surgical dressing after a gingivectomy is to:
A. prevent hemorrhage C. stabilize the teeth
B .accelerate healing D. retard plaque accumulation E.none of the above.
65. Clinical criteria for diagnosing periodontal and gingival diseases include alteration in the:
1. depth of the gingival sulcus and the level of the epithelial attachment
2. free gingival groove
3. color of gingival tissue
4. contour of gingival tissue.
A. 1, 2 & 3 B. 1, 2 & 4 C. 1, 3, & 4 D. 2, 3 & 4 E. 1,2, 3& 4
67. Gutta-percha may be softened or dissolved within the root canal by using:
1. alcohol 4. eugenol
2. ethyl chloride 5. xylene
3. chloroform
A. 1 & 5 B. 2 only C. 3 only D. 3 & 4 E. 3 & 5
69. The action used for placing K-type file into a canal should resemble:
A. an up-and-down motion
B. a straight apical pressure
C. complete rotation of the instrument with pressure directed apically.
D. a clockwise-counterclockwise motion with pressure directed apically.
70. A dentist restored an endodontically treated tooth with a cast post-and-core and a metal
ceramic crown. Tree months later, the patient calls and complains of pain, especially on
biting. Tooth mobility is normal, as are the radiographs. The most probable cause of pain
A. a loose crown C. a vertical root fracture
B. psychosomatic D. a premature eccentric contact
71. The literature suggests that the majority of vertical root fractures of endodontically
treated teeth result from:
A. traumatic occlusion D. condensation forces during gutta-
percha fill
B. locking temporaries into prepared teeth E.cementing the cast post and core
C. permanent cementing crowns.
73. Which of the following teeth is most likely to exhibit C-shaped morphology?
A. Maxillary first premolar C. Mandibular first premolar
B. Maxillary first molar D. Mandibular first molar.
74. Extending a no. 10 file with a 0.02 taper 1.0mm beyond the apical foramen will result in
which of the following?
A. It opens the apical foramen to a minimum diameter of 0.12mm.
B. It increases postoperative discomfort to occlusal forces.
C. It reduces the percentage of change from a no. 10 file to a no. 15 file by 50%.
D. It eliminates the natural constriction of the foramen and increases the chance for an
75. Retreatment has the most favorable prognosis during which of the following?
A. When the cause of failure is identified and is correctable.
B. When the patient is asymptomatic.
C. When gutta-percha was used instead of paste.
D. When a surgical microscope is used.
77. Which of these gingival connective tissue component acts as a molecular filter and
regulates cell migration:
A. Glucoronic acid C. Glycoproteins
B. Proteoglycans D. Heparatan
79. The index used for assessment of average severity of periodontal disease in large
population groups is:
A. Loe and Silness index C.. Russel index
B. Greene and Vermillon index D. Ramfjord index
83. Which of the following is most significant in regard to the prognosis of a periodontally
involved tooth?
A. Pocket depth C. attachment loss
B. anatomical crown length D. Bleeding upon probing
87. All of the following statements concerning B cells are true except:
A. They mature in the bone marrow and migrate to lymphoid organs
B. They are found in the germinal centers of the spleen and lymph nodes
C. They are progenitors of plasma cells
D. They are involved in humoral and cell mediated immunity
89. When using the balanced-force technique for canal preparation, which of the
following statements is accurate?
A. The cutting stroke involves apical pressure and a counterclockwise rotation.
B. Clockwise rotation balances the tendency of the file to be drawn into the canal during
the cutting stroke.
C. Dentin is engaged with a counterclockwise rotation and cut with a 45-to 90-degree,
clockwise rotation
D. It requires the use of a crown down technique.
1. Which of the following sensory responses can be elicited from a tooth after root canal
A. tactile sensation B. sensitivity to EPT C. thermal sensation D. sensitivity
to sweets
80. The success of a pulpotomy for a primary molar depends primarily upon:
A. a vital root pulp C. the amount of root resoprtion
B. the patient’s age D. the absence of internal root resoprtion
82. Which of the following root surfaces is the most likely to be strip-perforated during canal
instrumentation of the mesial root of a mandibular first molar?
A. facial B. lingual C. mesial D. distal
84. In treating a root canal before obturation, the most important consideration is:
A. general health of the patient
B. cleaning and shaping of the canal
C. efficacy of the irrigating solution
D. amount and concentration of medication used.
E. Sterilization of the canal as evidenced by negative cultures
85. A negative response to the electric pulp tester immediately after a severe luxation of a
tooth indicates that the:
A. pulp is inflamed
B. electric pulp tester is giving a false reading
C. pulp is necrotic and should be removed
D. blood supply is interrupted, and the negative response may be temporary
E. neural transmission is interrupted ,and the negative response may be
86. Normally, the free gingiva can be distinguished from the epithelial attachment because
C. Underlying connective tissue of the gingiva does not contain lymphoid cells.
D. Epithelium of the epithelial attachment does not have rete pegs
E. Epithelium of the gingiva is not keratinized.
F. Underlying connective tissue of the epithelial attachmentis less vascular.
87. Which of the following regarding acute apical periodontitis is/are accurate?
A. It is limited to the periodontal ligament (histologically).
B. It is detectable radiographically.
C. It may heal if induced by a nonintectious agent.
D. All of the above statements are accurate.
88. The mandibular, 2nd molar should be restored with crown after RCT for which of the
following reasons?
G. The pulp chamber is relatively large in comparison to the crown, making the tooth
susceptible to fracture.
H. The tooth is in close to the insertion of the muscle of mastication, and the
percentage of preexisting fractures is high.
I. There is a tendency for the buccal cusps to shear off under occlusal loading.
J. Providing a post can be placed in the distal root to strengthen the root.
89. During a stepback enlargement of the canal space, one reason for recapitulation
after each increase in instrument size is to:
A. maintain coronal curvature of the canal
B. maintain the apical stop for filling with gutta-percha
C. create a coronal funnel to facilitate filling with gutta-percha
D. clean the apical segment of dentin fillings that are not
removed by irrigation
91. The success of a pulpotomy for a primary molar depends primarily upon:
A. a vital root pulp C. the amount of root resoprtion
B. the patient’s age D. the absence of internal root
92. When root canal therapy is indicated for a vital tooth, which of the following is the
most biologically acceptable?
A. Filing to the radiographic apex and filling to the radiographic apex
B. Filing 0.5-1.0mm short of the radiographic apex and filling to
the same length
C. Filing to the radiographic apex and filling 0.5-1.0mm short of the
radiographic apex
D. Filing 0.5-1.0mm beyond the radiographic apex and filling to the
radiographic apex.
93. Which of the following root surfaces is the most likely to be strip-perforated
during canal instrumentation of the mesial root of a mandibular first molar?
A. facial B. lingual C. mesial D. distal
95. In treating a root canal before obturation, the most important consideration is:
A. general health of the patient
B. cleaning and shaping of the canal
C. efficacy of the irrigating solution
D. amount and concentration of medication used.
E. Sterilization of the canal as evidenced by negative cultures
96. A patient complains of intermittent and spontaneous pain on a tooth that was
previously pulp capped. Radiographs disclose no periapical pathology. The tooth
is not sensitive to percussion. Both cold and heat stimulate a severe and lasting
pain. The most probable diagnosis is:
A. reversible pulpitis.
B. Irreversible pulpitis
C. Cracked tooth syndrome
D. Acute apical periodontitis
E. Chronic apical periodontitis
97. A negative response to the electric pulp tester immediately after a severe
luxation of a tooth indicates that the:
A. pulp is inflamed
B. electric pulp tester is giving a false reading
C. pulp is necrotic and should be removed
D. blood supply is interrupted, and the negative response may be
E. neural transmission is interrupted ,and the negative
response may be temporary.
98. Each of the following can occur as a result of a successful root canal treatment,
A. Apical seal of cementum
B. Regeneration of alveolar bone
C. Regeneration of the periodontal ligament
D. Formation of reparative dentin
99. Endodontic therapy is contraindicated for a single rooted tooth that has:
A. discoloration
B. an acute apical abscess
C. a chronic abscess and a draining sinus tract
D. a horizontal fracture of the apical third of the root.
E. A vertical fracture of the root and an associated deep
periodontal defect
101. The most important principle governing the location and outline of the
lingual or occlusal opening into the pulp chamber is:
A. preservation of tooth structure.
B. Direct access along straight lines.
C. Complete removal of the roof of the pulp chamber
D. Removal of all caries and defective restorative material.
102. In which of the following conditions are pulps of the involved teeth likely to
be vital?
1. Globulomaxillary cysts
2. radicular cysts
3. periapical osteofibrosis (cementoma)
4. traumatic bone cyst
5. fibrous dysplasia
A. 1,3,4 ,5 B. 1,3,5 C. 1 & 4 D. 2,3,5 E. 1,2,3,4,5
104. Gutta-percha may be softened or dissolved within the root canal by using:
4. alcohol 4. eugenol
5. ethyl chloride 5. xylene
6. chloroform
A. 1 & 5 B. 2 only C. 3 only D. 3 & 4 E. 3 & 5
106. The action used for placing K-type file into a canal should resemble:
A. an up-and-down motion
B. a straight apical pressure
C. complete rotation of the instrument with pressure directed
D. a clockwise-counterclockwise motion with pressure directed
107. A dentist restored an endodontically treated tooth with a cast post-and-
core and a metal ceramic crown. Tree months later, the patient calls and
complains of pain, especially on biting. Tooth mobility is normal, as are the
radiographs. The most probable cause of pain is:
A. a loose crown C. a vertical root fracture
B. psychosomatic D. a premature eccentric contact
108. The literature suggests that the majority of vertical root fractures of
endodontically treated teeth result from:
A. traumatic occlusion
B. condensation forces during gutta-percha fill
C. locking temporaries into prepared teeth
D. cementing the cast post and core
E. permanent cementing crowns.
109. One objective of root canal obturation is to develop a fluid tight seal.
Another objective is to create a favorable biologic environment for the process of
tissue healing.
A. Both statements are TRUE.
B. Both statements are FALSE
C. The first statement is TRUE, the second is FALSE
D. The first statement is FALSE, the second is TRUE.
110. Metallic salts are included in root canal sealers to make the sealers:
A. set hard D. antibacterial
B. radiopaque E. set more rapidly
112. Which of the following sensory responses can be elicited from a tooth
after root canal therapy?
A. tactile sensation C. sensitivity to EPT
B. thermal sensation D. sensitivity to sweets
117. Retreatment has the most favorable prognosis during which of the
A. When the cause of failure is identified and is correctable.
B. When the patient is asymptomatic.
C. When gutta-percha was used instead of paste.
D. When a surgical microscope is used.
121. The least important factor influencing the pathogenicity of endodontic flora
A. Microbial interaction.
B. Endotoxins released after bacterial death.
C. Exotoxins released by living bacteria
D. Enzymes produced by bacteria.
124. Which of the following is the best indicator of success of a pulpotomy in
an immature permanent tooth?
A. patient comfort
B. stable vitality readings
C. continuation of root formation
D. formation of a dentinal bridge covering the pulp stumps in the root canal.
125. A healthy 8-year old child has fractured permanent central incisor. The
pulp is widely exposed and vital. From radiographs, root ends appear
incompletely calcified. The recommended procedure is to:
A. cap the pulp C. perform a pulpotomy
B. extract the tooth D. remove the entire pulp.
127. Perforation on the mesial in the cervical third of the root of a maxillary first
premolar is a common error in performing an endodontic procedure because:
A. the crown tipped distally.
B. The root tends to curve distally
C. The entire tooth tends to tip distally
D. The bur tends to be directed mesially
E. A concavity on the mesial root frequently exists.
130. Which of the following periapical conditions is often associated with a vital
A. apical cyst C. condensing osteitis
B. apical scar D. chronic apical periodontitis
E. suppurative apical periodontitis
131. The most effective means to reduce root canal microbes is:
A. systemic medication
B. complete debridement of the root canal
C. intracanal medication with a non-specific drug
D. intracanal medication with multiple antibiotic preparations.
132. In the pulp myelinated nerves function to transmit impulses interpreted as:
1. pain
2. cold
3. proprioception
A. 1 & 2 B. 1 & 3 C. 1 only D. 2 & 3 E. all of
134. A fragment of a barbed broach is broken off and wedged in the middle
third of a canal in a maxillary incisor. A radiolucency is present at the apex. The
fragment cannot be bypassed or removed. Treatment of choice includes:
5. extracting the tooth
6. preparing and obturating to the point of blockage
7. performing an apicoectomy and retrofilling
8. placing formocresol to permeate and fix necrotic tissue.
A. 1, 2 & 3 B. 1 & 2 C. 2 & 3 D. 2, 3 & 4 E. 3
135. Erratic and inconsistent results from electric pulp testing may be caused
1. saliva on the tooth
2. secondary dentin obliterating the pulp chamber
3. multiple canals presenting various stages of pulp pathosis
A. 1 & 2 B. 1 & 3 C. 2 & 3 D. 1 only E. 1,2 & 3
137. Once the root canal is obturated, what usually happens to the organisms
that had previously entered periapical tissues from the canal?
A. They persist and stimulate formulation of a granuloma.
B. They are eliminated by the natural defenses of the body.
C. They re-enter and reinfect the sterile canal unless periapical surgery is
D. They will have been eliminated by various medicaments that were used in
the root canal.
139. Which of the following would you consider in the treatment plan of a
patient with NUG (Necrotizing Ulceration Gingivitis)?
A. Radiograph
B. Case history and clinical experiences.
C. Oral prophylaxis & sublingual curettage and root planing
D. All of the above.
140. Where there are deepened pathologic pockets range from 6-8 mm,
gingivectomy is indicated. Will you do the procedure in:
A. one quadrant at a time C. three quadrant at a time
B. two quadrant at a time D. all at the same time.
141. In gingivectomy, the incision must follow the bleeding points because they
refer to the bottom of the pockets.
A. The statement and reason is related.
B. The statement and reason is correct but is not related.
C. The statement is correct but the reason is incorrect.
D. The statement is incorrect but the reason is correct.
149. A 45 year old male presents mobile teeth of molars 1 020 mobility, clinical
examination reveal swollen gums of posterior teeth upper right and left;
radiograph presents bone level to the middle third of roots; medical history- he is
diabetic. The diagnosis is:
A. marginal gingivitis C. trauma from occlusion
B. juvenile periodontitis D. advance periodontitis
157. Furcal periodontal involvement with loss of attachment thru and thru from
buccal to lingual in the mandibular molars is this type:
A. Class II C. Class I
B. Class III D. Class IV
160. PMN leucocytes migrate through the blood vessel wall in the early stage
of inflammation by means of:
A. Diapedesis C. chemotaxis
B. Rhexis D. phagocytosis
162. Alveolar bone loss may be a feature of the following conditions, except:
A. Hyperparathyroidism C. eosinophilic granuloma
B. Hypophosphatasia D. erosive lichen planus
166. The index used for assessment of average severity of periodontal disease
in large population groups is:
A. Loe and Silness index C. Greene and Vermillon index
B. Russel index D. Ramfjord index
169. Which of the following medical conditions may not influence the defense
mechanism of the gingival to bacterial infection?
A. Rheumatic heart disease C. Diabetes
B. Agranulocytosis D. Cyclic neutropenia
180. During calculus removal, the surface of the root feels smoothest following
scaling with:
A. a hoe D. an unltrasonic instrument
B. periodontal files E. a rotary driven metal scaler
C. a periodontal curet
184. If a dentist finds only a thin ring of calculus in the bottom third of a deep
pocket, it may be assumed that:
A. calculus calcified before the pocket reached this depth
B. calculus previously extended to the enamel, but the top part was
C. Bacterial plaque formed only in the deeper region of the pocket.
D. Calculus migrated apically as the pocket grew deeper, and new calculus
formed on the apical side while that on the occlusal side dissolved.
186. The primary reason for placing a surgical dressing after a gingivectomy is
A. prevent hemorrhage
B. accelerate healing D. retard plaque accumulation
C. stabilize the teeth E. none of the above.
187. Clinial criteria for diagnosing periodontal and gingival diseases include
alteration in the:
5. depth of the gingival sulcus and the level of the epithelial attachment
6. free gingival groove
7. color of gingival tissue
8. contour of gingival tissue.
A. 1, 2 & 3 B. 1, 2 & 4 C. 1, 3, & 4 D. 2, 3 & 4 E. 1,2, 3& 4
“…..set your heart on spiritual gifts and you will receive abundantly!”
1 Corinthians 14:12
A. pulpotomy B. extraction C. pulpectomy
D. pulp capping E. periodic recall
3. Metallic salts are included in root canal sealers to make the sealers:
C. Venous stasis in the connective tissue bed. D. Ulceration of the outer epithelium.
8. Which of these is a radiopaque area in the apices of young permanent teeth with chronic
A. Leukotoxins B. Endotoxins
C. Enzymes D. Polyclonal B lymphocytes activation
10. Alveolar bone loss may be a feature of the following conditions, except:
11. The least important factor influencing the pathogenicity of endodontic flora is:
12. Which of the following is the best indicator of success of a pulpotomy in an immature
permanent tooth?
13. A healthy 8-year old child has fractured permanent central incisor. The pulp is widely
exposed and vital. From radiographs, root ends appear incompletely calcified. The
recommended procedure is to:
15. An infrabony pocket is a periodontal pocket with the epithelial attachment located:
16. Furcal periodontal involvement with loss of attachment thru and thru from buccal to lingual in
the mandibular molars is this type:
17. PMN leucocytes migrate through the blood vessel wall in the early stage of inflammation by
means of:
18. Which of these is not a diagnostic feature if occlusal trauma?
19. Which of these gingival connective tissue component acts as a molecular filter and regulates
cell migration:
20. Individuals with cyclic neutropenia or agranulocytosis frequently develop severe periodontal
disease because the function of which cell is depressed:
21. Which of the following medical conditions may not influence the defense mechanism of the
gingival to bacterial infection?
22. During calculus removal, the surface of the root feels smoothest following scaling with:
26. Which of the following would you consider in the treatment plan of a patient with NUG
(Necrotizing Ulceration Gingivitis)?
A. Radiograph B. Case history and clinical experiences
C. Oral prophylaxis & sublingual curettage and root planning D. All of the above.
27. Where there are deepened pathologic pockets range from 6-8 mm, gingivectomy is
indicated. Will you do the procedure in:
28. In gingivectomy, the incision must follow the bleeding points because they refer to the
bottom of the pockets.
A. area of plaque covering the clinical crown B. thickness of plaque at the gingival margin
C. colony forming units of gram-negative bacteria D. weight of plaque obtained from
facial surfaces. E. Weight of plaque obtained from the clinical crown.
31. The least important factor influencing the pathogenicity of endodontic flora is:
32. A periapical lesion was discovered 1 ½ years after RCT on a maxillary central incisor.
Apical curettage and biopsyshowed the lesion to be an apical cyst. Two years later, the lesion is
larger than it was before surgery. Which of the following is the most likely cause of continued
33. Lymphokines are produce by which cells:
34. Which of the following are considerations in coronal pretreatment of an endodontic case?
5. removing caries
6. removing occlusal contacts
7. preventing leakage during therapy
8. providing for secure position of the rubber-dam clamp
9. A. 1, 2 & 3 B. 1, 2 & 4 C. 1, 3 & 4 D. 2 & 3 only E. 2, 3 & 4
11. 35. The main objective of occlusal equilibration in natural dentition is:
B. Increase shearing action in mastication
C. Prevent myofacial pain syndrome
D. Prevent TMJ pain syndrome
E. Achieve a more favorable distribution of forces to the periodontal ligament
36. Gutta-percha may be softened or dissolved within the root canal by using:
37. The action used for placing K-type file into a canal should resemble:
A. an up-and-down motion
38. The likelihood that oral bacteria play an important role in gingival inflammation is evidenced
by which of the following?
39. Radiographically, which of the following statements regarding canals that appear calcified
are accurate?
41. Chronic apical periodontitis is best differentiated from acute apical periodontitis by which of
the following?
42. Piezoelectric, ultrasonic devices differs from magneto-strictive devices in which of the
C. The piezoelectric unit uses a RispiSonic, SharperSonic, and TrioSonic file system
43. Normally, the free gingiva can be distinguished from the epithelial attachment because the:
A. Underlying connective tissue of the gingiva does not contain lymphoid cells.
44. The majority of patients with symptoms of severe odontogenic pain have a diagnosis of :
45. The most likely source of bacteria found in diseased periodontal tissue is:
47. The likelihood that oral bacteria play an important role in gingival inflammation is evidenced
A. an increased number of bacteria in saliva
B. an increased in salivary hyaluronidase.
C. With the composite as close to the gingiva as possible. D. All of the above.
A. Free gingiva and encircle the tooth. B. Free gingiva and encircle alveolar bone
C. Attached gingivl and encircle alveolar bone D.Periodontal ligament and encircle the
55. Which of the following statements regarding internal root resoprtion is accurate?
A. It is rare in deciduous tooth B. It is initiated by odontoblasts
56. Pulp necrosis is most likely to occur after which of the following?
57. Which of the following statements regarding unltrasonic root canal instrumentation is
D. It is most useful in small canals where file contact with the wall is maximized.
58. Which of the following statements regarding guided tissue regeneration (GTR) is false?
A. GTE is an effective adjuncts to treatment of periodontal disease but has limited value in
treating endodontic pathosis.
B. The combined endodontic periodontic lesion has the least favorable prognosis for
GTR because of the relationship of the lesion to the gingival margins.
D. Evidence suggest that GTR enhances bone formation by preventing contact of connective
tissue with the bone.
61. The cribriform plate (alveolar bone proper) reveals minute openings which represent:
C. Resoprtion sites of the spongiosa. D. Attachment sites of Sharpey’s fibers.
65. Instruments used for scaling, root planing and removal of soft lining of perio pocket;
67. The acute apical abscess is best differentiated from acute apical periodontitis by which of
the following?
68. Which of the following cell types may be found in the periodontal ligament?
69. A pulp has been damaged and is inflamed because of deep caries and cavity preparation.
What material placed on the floor of the cavity aids the pulp in resolving the inflammation?
71. Elective endodontic treatment is contraindicated in which of the following?
72. A tissue graft between individuals of the same species but with non-identical genes:
73. Scalers
74. The calcified bodies sometimes found in the periodontal ligament are best described as
which of the following?
A. Cementicles B. bone
76. Which group of fibers of the periodontal ligament is the first to offer resistance to movement
of the tooth in an occlusal direction?
77. The bacterial population in the gingival sulcus or the pocket that influences the course of
periodontal disease involves”
78. Which of the following groups of periodontal ligament fibers has a cementum-to-cementum
79. The alveolar bone proper usually consist of:
80. Which of the following species of streptococci is usually not found in human dental plaque?
82. Which of the following is not a “principal” collagenous fiber group of the periodontal
83. Which of the following organisms is least likely to be found among normal anaerobic flora of
the gingival sulcus?
A. Treponema B. Actinobacillus
86. Which of the following regarding chronic, apical periodontitis is/are accurate?
C. It represents a continuous, slow process that is asymptomatic.
87. Which of the following is correct in relation to the periradicular lesion formed in response to
dental caries and subsequent pulp necrosis?
A. Inflammation from the periodontal sulcus migrates apically, causing pulp inflammation and
eventually pulp necrosis.
B. Pulp necrosis occurs, and the toxic irritants cause inflammation that migrates to the
gingival margin, creating a periodontal pocket.
C. Irritants gain access to the periodontal tissues at the site of a vertical-root fracture producing
tissue destruction that mimics periodontitis.
D. Pulp necrosis results in the formation of an apical ,radioluscent lesion characterized by the
loss of the apical lamina dura.
89. Each of the following are direct advantages of pre-enlarging the radicular space, except:
A. It provides better tactile control of instruments when negotiating a small, curved canal
C. It facilitates obturation.
91. The root end is ultrasonically prepared during endodontic surgery for which of the following
E. None of these.
B. Induce healing in the apical pulp wound after vital pulp extirpation.
93. Which of the following statements regarding pulp stimulation with cold is accurate?
A. The release of formaldehyde on setting. B. Low toxicity. C. Long working time, but
quick setting at body temperature. D. It can be distinguished from gutta-percha radiographcally.
97. Extending a no. 10 file with a 0.02 taper 1.0mm beyond the apical foramen will result in
which of the following?
C. It reduces the percentage of change from a no. 10 file to a no. 15 file by 50%.
D. It eliminates the natural constriction of the foramen and increases the chance for an overfill.
98. Which of the following statements regarding Hedstrom files are accurate?
C. They are safer than K-files, because external signs of stress are more visible as changes in
flute design.
D. They are aggressive because of a negative-rake angle that is parallel to the shaft.
99. The smear layer on dentin walls acts to prevent pulpal injury for which of the following?
100. Moderate extrusion of obturating materials beyond the apex is undesirable because of
which of the following?
5. The action used for placing a K-type file into a canal should resemble:
A. an up-and-down motion
B. a straight apical pressure
C. complete rotation of the instrument with pressure directed apically
D. a clockwise-counterclockwise motion with pressure directed apically
E. none of the above.
12. Characterized as the 3-dimensional filling of the entire root canal system is as
close to the DCJ as possible:
A. master cone B. obturation C. mechanical preparation D.
apical cone
14. Desired periapical tissue responses after endodontic therapy on a tooth with a
periapical lesion include:
I. regeneration of dentin
II. regeneration of alveolar bone
III. deposition of apical cementum
IV. re-establishment of the periodontal ligament
A. I, II & IV B. I & IV only C. II & IV only D. II, III & IV E. III
& IV only
15. Which of the following is least likely to cause discoloration of a tooth with a
necrotic pulp?
A. decomposition of necrotic tissue
B. hemolysis of unremoved blood cells
C. failure to include pulp horns in a coronal access
D. frequent ingestion of heavy doses of tetracycline
E. use of a root canal sealer that contains precipitated silver
19. In which of the following is one-visit root canal treatment not recommended?
A. The pulp is necrotic and not symptomatic
B. The pulp is necrotic and symptomatic.
C. The pulp is necrotic and there is a draining sinus tract.
D. The pulp is vital and symptomatic.
E. None of the above.
21. The mandibular, 2nd molar should be restored with crown after RCT for which of the
following reasons?
A. The pulp chamber is relatively large in comparison to the crown, making the tooth
susceptible to fracture.
B. The tooth is in close to the insertion of the muscle of mastication, and the
percentage of preexisting fractures is high.
C. There is a tendency for the buccal cusps to shear off under occlusal loading.
D. Providing a post can be placed in the distal root to strengthen the root.
24. Moderate extrusion of obturating materials beyond the apex is undesirable because of
which of the following?
A. There is more likelihood of postoperative discomfort.
B. Sealer and gutta-percha cause a severe, inflammatory reaction in periradicular
C. The prognosis is poorer.
D. All of the above.
E. both A & B only
25. Piezoelectric, ultrasonic devices differs from magneto-strictive devices in which of the
A. The piezoelectric unit transfers more energy to the files.
B. The piezoelectric unit produces heat that requires a coolant.
C. The piezoelectric unit uses a RispiSonic, SharperSonic, and TrioSonic file
D. The piezoelectric unit vibrates at 2 to 3 kHz.
26. Once the root canal is obturated, what usually happens to the organisms that had
previously entered periapical tissues from the canal?
A. They persist and stimulate formulation of a granuloma.
B. They are eliminated by the natural defenses of the body.
C. They re-enter and reinfect the sterile canal unless periapical surgery is
D. They will have been eliminated by various medicaments that were used in the
root canal.
27. Erratic and inconsistent results from electric pulp testing may be caused by:
4. saliva on the tooth
5. secondary dentin obliterating the pulp chamber
6. multiple canals presenting various stages of pulp pathosis
A. 1 & 2 B. 1 & 3 C. 2 & 3 D. 1 only E. 1,2 & 3
29. The most effective means to reduce root canal microbes is:
A. systemic medication
B. complete debridement of the root canal
C. intracanal medication with a non-specific drug
D. intracanal medication with multiple antibiotic preparations.
F. prevent discoloration
G. seal dentinal tubules
H. stimulate healing in the apical region
I. medicate the canal to eliminate remaining bacteria
J. fill the space between the solid cone material and the pulp canal wall.
30. Perforation on the mesial in the cervical third of the root of a maxillary first premolar is a
common error in performing an endodontic procedure because:
A. the crown tipped distally.
B. The root tends to curve distally
C. The entire tooth tends to tip distally
D. The bur tends to be directed mesially
E. A concavity on the mesial root frequently exists.
31. A healthy 8-year old child has fractured permanent central incisor. The pulp is widely
exposed and vital. From radiographs, root ends appear incompletely calcified. The
recommended procedure is to:
A. cap the pulp C. perform a pulpotomy
B. extract the tooth D. remove the entire pulp.
32. The action of calcium hydroxide in promoting formation of an apical calcified barrier in a
tooth with an open apex and a necrotic pulp is probably best explained by:
A. creation of a zone of liquefaction necrosis at the apex
B. creation of a zone of coagulation necrosis at the apex
C. creation of an environment that promotes hard tissue deposition
D. calcium ions from the canal dressing precipitating apically to form an apical
33. The least important factor influencing the pathogenicity of endodontic flora is:
A. Microbial interaction.
B. Endotoxins released after bacterial death.
C. Exotoxins released by living bacteria
D. Enzymes produced by bacteria.
35. Retreatment has the most favorable prognosis during which of the following?
A. When the cause of failure is identified and is correctable.
B. When the patient is asymptomatic.
C. When gutta-percha was used instead of paste.
D. When a surgical microscope is used.
36. Which of the following teeth is most likely to exhibit C-shaped morphology?
A. Maxillary first premolar C. Mandibular first premolar
B. Maxillary first molar D. Mandibular first molar.
37. Which of the following are indications for surgical endodontic intervention?
4. a non-negotiable canal with periapical pathosis
5. a sinus tract that persists after repeated treatment
6. periapical pathosis in a tooth with a post and core retained crown.
A. 1 & 2 B. 1 & 3 C. 2 & 3 D. 1,2 & 3 E. 3 only
39. One objective of root canal obturation is to develop a fluid tight seal. Another objective is
to create a favorable biologic environment for the process of tissue healing.
A. Both statements are TRUE.
B. Both statements are FALSE
C. The first statement is TRUE, the second is FALSE
D. The first statement is FALSE, the second is TRUE.
40. A dentist restored an endodontically treated tooth with a cast post-and-core and a metal
ceramic crown. Tree months later, the patient calls and complains of pain, especially on
biting. Tooth mobility is normal, as are the radiographs. The most probable cause of pain
A. a loose crown C. a vertical root fracture
B. psychosomatic D. a premature eccentric contact
42. Which of the following is used to bleach a discolored, endodontically treated tooth?
A. Ether C. Sodium bicarbonate
B. Chloroform D. Sodium hypochlorite E. Hydrogen
43. The most important principle governing the location and outline of the lingual or occlusal
opening into the pulp chamber is:
A. preservation of tooth structure.
B. Direct access along straight lines.
C. Complete removal of the roof of the pulp chamber
D. Removal of all caries and defective restorative material.
44. Endodontic therapy is contraindicated for a single rooted tooth that has:
A. discoloration
B. an acute apical abscess
C. a chronic abscess and a draining sinus tract
D. a horizontal fracture of the apical third of the root.
E. A vertical fracture of the root and an associated deep periodontal defect
45. A negative response to the electric pulp tester immediately after a severe luxation of a
tooth indicates that the:
A. pulp is inflamed
B. electric pulp tester is giving a false reading
C. pulp is necrotic and should be removed
D. blood supply is interrupted, and the negative response may be
E. neural transmission is interrupted ,and the negative response may
be temporary.
46. In treating a root canal before obturation, the most important consideration is:
47. Which of the following root surfaces is the most likely to be strip-perforated during canal
instrumentation of the mesial root of a mandibular first molar?
48. The success of a pulpotomy for a primary molar depends primarily upon:
49. During a stepback enlargement of the canal space, one reason for recapitulation after each
increase in instrument size is to:
50. The action used for placing K-type file into a canal should resemble:
A. an up-and-down motion
B. a straight apical pressure
C. complete rotation of the instrument with pressure directed apically.
D. a clockwise-counterclockwise motion with pressure directed
51. Radiographically, the level of the normal interproximal alveolar crest is related to
A. epithelial attachment. D. Amount of underlying trabecular
B. Anatomy of the alveolar process E. Position of the CEJ of
approximal teeth.
C. Location of the gingival attachment
52. Which of the following oral bacteria have been implicated as periodontal pathogens?
A. Porphyromonas gingivalis, Eubacterium sp., and Campylobacter recta
B. Streptococcus gordonii, Streptococcus mutans, and Giamella sp.
C. Lactobacillus casei and Veillonella sp.
D. Streptococcus mitior, Streptococcus gordonii, and Bacteriodes gracillis
E. None of the above
53. Where there are deepened pathologic pockets range from 6-8 mm, gingivectomy is
indicated. Will you do the procedure in:
55. Which of the following periodontal diseases causes the most rapid destruction of
alveolar bone?
A. Periodontal abscess C. Phenytoin-induced gingival enlargement
B. Chronic periodontitis D. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
57. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial treatment for a patient with HIV-
associated necrotizing ulcerative gingivo-periodontitis?
A. Debridement and antimicrobial rinses. C. Gingivectomy and gingivoplasty
B. Definitive root planing and curettage D. administration of antibiotics
59. A bacterial enzyme capable of altering the ground substance of the periodontal ligament is:
A. lysozyme C. collagenase
B. peroxidase D. streptokinase E. hyaluronidase
60. Which of the following has been associated with localized juvenile periodontitis?
A. Cyclic eosinophils C. Increased phagocytosis
B. Lysis of neutrophils D. Neutrophil chemotactic defects
C. Ulceration of lamina propia.
62. Pronounced bony ledges and interproximal cratering are indicators for performing:
63. The highest incidence of fibrous gingival enlargement (hyperplasia) is related to:
A. Puberty . C. leukemia D. medication
B. Diabetes D. pregnancy
65. Increasing the zone of attached gingival in the area of mandibular second and third molars
is often complicated by the presence of the:
66. Desquamation of the gingival with ulceration of the lamina propia is:
A. Gingivosis C. herpetic gingivostomatitis
B. necrotic ulceration gingivitis D. gingivitis
B. Bone resoprtion
C. 30 mobility
D. retractable gingival
70. Which type of periodontitis causes continued attachment loss inspite of apparently
appropriate therapy?
71. Which of the following cell types contains a biologically active amine which is released in the
inflammatory process and is active in causing vascular permeability?
A. Leukotoxins C. Endotoxins
74. ////Soft tissue curettage is most successful in reducing pocker depth in which of the
75./// Pronounced bony ledges and interproximal cratering are indicative for:
A. Gingivectomy C. Periodontal flap
B. Modified Widmans flap D. Scaling, root planing and curettage
A. Cristae C. lysosomes
B. Endoplasmicreticulum D. lysozymes
77. A periodontal pocket can be seen radiographically on which of the following surfaces?
78. The first fiber group destroyed to allow the junctional epithelium to migrate in an
apical direction is the:
A. circular C. dentogingival
B. horizontal D. alveologingival E. none of these.
80. Although no causal relationship between particular bacteria and periodontal diseases have
been determined, there does appear to be an association between localized juvenile
periodontitis and the presence of:
81. Which of the following components or products of plaque bacteria are antigenic in
I. enzymes and other proteins
II. hydrogen sulfide IV. endotoxins
III. polysaccharides V. Ammonia
A. I, II & IV B. I, III & IV C. II, III & V D. III, IV & V E. all
of these
82. PMN leucocytes migrate through the blood vessel wall in the early stage of inflammation by
means of:
A. Diapedesis C. chemotaxis
B. Rhexis D. phagocytosis
83. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial treatment for a patient with HIV-
associated necrotizing ulcerative gingivo-periodontitis?
85. Alveolar bone loss may be a feature of the following conditions, except:
A. prevent proliferation of gingival connective tissue and epithelium to the
root surface
87. Which of the following factors is most critical in determining whether or not to extract
a tooth involved with periodontal disease?
A. depth of pockets C. amount of attachment loss
B. mobility of the tooth D. relationship to adjacent teeth
88. Which of these gingival connective tissue component acts as a molecular filter and regulates
cell migration:
B. Proteoglycans D. Heparatan
90. Apical migration of the epithelial attachment with corresponding recession of the
marginal gingival results in
A. a shallow sulcus C. infrabony pocket formation
B. gingival pocket formation D. periodontal pocket formation
91. The index used for assessment of average severity of periodontal disease in large
population groups is:
92.. Which of the following periodontal diseases show a strong genetic etiologic relationship?
95. Pocket where gingival sulcus is deepened because of the increased bulk of the
A. gingival pocket B. periodontal pocket C. suprabony pocket D. infrabony
96. The most common clinical sign of occlusal trauma is the presence of:
A. wear facets C. tooth mobility
B. enamel cracks D. cuspal fracture E. tooth
97. Which of these inhibit collagenase formation in the management of periodontal disease:
A. Amoxycillin C. Metronidazole
B. Erythromycin D. Minocycline
98 Pocket where the bottom of the pocket is apical to the level of the adjacent alveolar
bone. :
A. gingival pocket B. periodontal pocket C. suprabony pocket D. infrabony
99. Which of the following is the current method-of-choice for removing or disrupting
bacterial masses in the mouth?
A. Biologic C. Mechanical (brush and floss)
B. Chemical (mouthwashes) D. Antibiotic (penicillin, tetracycline)
100. During calculus removal, the surface of the root feels smoothest following scaling with:
C. a periodontal curet
189. Which of the following sensory responses can be elicited from a tooth after root
canal therapy?
A. tactile sensation B. sensitivity to EPT C. thermal sensation D. sensitivity
to sweets
190. The success of a pulpotomy for a primary molar depends primarily upon:
A. a vital root pulp C. the amount of root resoprtion
B. the patient’s age D. the absence of internal root resoprtion
192. Which of the following root surfaces is the most likely to be strip-perforated
during canal instrumentation of the mesial root of a mandibular first molar?
A. facial B. lingual C. mesial D. distal
194. In treating a root canal before obturation, the most important consideration is:
A. general health of the patient
B. cleaning and shaping of the canal
C. efficacy of the irrigating solution
D. amount and concentration of medication used.
E. Sterilization of the canal as evidenced by negative cultures
195. A negative response to the electric pulp tester immediately after a severe
luxation of a tooth indicates that the:
A. pulp is inflamed
B. electric pulp tester is giving a false reading
C. pulp is necrotic and should be removed
D. blood supply is interrupted, and the negative response may be temporary
E. neural transmission is interrupted ,and the negative response may be
198. Each of the following can occur as a result of a successful root canal treatment,
A. Apical seal of cementum C. Regeneration of alveolar bone
B. Regeneration of the periodontal ligament D. Formation of reparative dentin
199. Changes that occurs in edematous gingiva are:
A. Hyperemia in lamina propia. C. Congestion in the connective
tissue bed.
B. Venous stasis in the connective tissue bed. D. Ulceration of the outer
200. Endodontic therapy is contraindicated for a single rooted tooth that has:
A. Discoloration
B. a chronic abscess and a draining sinus tract
C. a horizontal fracture of the apical third of the root.
D. A vertical fracture of the root and an associated deep periodontal defect
202. In which of the following conditions are pulps of the involved teeth likely to be
6. Globulomaxillary cysts
7. radicular cysts
8. periapical osteofibrosis (cementoma)
9. traumatic bone cyst
10. fibrous dysplasia
A. 1,3,4 ,5 B. 1,3,5 C. 1 & 4 D. 2,3,5 E. 1,2,3,4,5
204. Which of these is a radiopaque area in the apices of young permanent teeth with
chronic pulpitis?
A. apical abscess C. condensing osteitis
B. radicular cyst D. apical granuloma
206. Gutta-percha may be softened or dissolved within the root canal by using:
7. alcohol 4. eugenol
8. ethyl chloride 5. xylene
9. chloroform
A. 1 & 5 B. 2 only C. 3 only D. 3 & 4 E. 3 & 5
207. A dentist restored an endodontically treated tooth with a cast post-and-core and
a metal ceramic crown. Tree months later, the patient calls and complains of pain,
especially on biting. Tooth mobility is normal, as are the radiographs. The most probable
cause of pain is:
A. a loose crown C. a vertical root fracture
B. psychosomatic D. a premature eccentric contact
208. The literature suggests that the majority of vertical root fractures of
endodontically treated teeth result from:
A. traumatic occlusion D. locking temporaries into prepared teeth
B. cementing the cast post and core E. permanent cementing crowns.
C. condensation forces during gutta-percha fill
209. One objective of root canal obturation is to develop a fluid tight seal. Another
objective is to create a favorable biologic environment for the process of tissue healing.
A. Both statements are TRUE.
B. Both statements are FALSE
C. The first statement is TRUE, the second is FALSE
D. The first statement is FALSE, the second is TRUE.
212. Metallic salts are included in root canal sealers to make the sealers:
A. set hard C. antibacterial
B. radiopaque D. set more rapidly E. better tolerated by periapical
214. Which of the following teeth is most likely to exhibit C-shaped morphology?
A. Maxillary first premolar C. Mandibular first premolar
B. Maxillary first molar D. Mandibular first molar.
215. When root canal therapy is indicated for a vital tooth, which of the following is the
most biologically acceptable?
A. Filing to the radiographic apex and filling to the radiographic apex
B. Filing 0.5-1.0mm short of the radiographic apex and filling to the same length
C. Filing to the radiographic apex and filling 0.5-1.0mm short of the radiographic
D. Filing 0.5-1.0mm beyond the radiographic apex and filling to the radiographic
216. Extending a no. 10 file with a 0.02 taper 1.0mm beyond the apical foramen will
result in which of the following?
A. It opens the apical foramen to a minimum diameter of 0.12mm.
B. It increases postoperative discomfort to occlusal forces.
C. It reduces the percentage of change from a no. 10 file to a no. 15 file by 50%.
D. It eliminates the natural constriction of the foramen and increases the chance for
an overfill.
217. Restoring contours of teeth are necessary in restorative dentistry because:
A. contours prevents plaque formation
B. contours reduces trauma from occlusion
C. contours deflect food from impacting into the gingiva
D. contours increase masticatory surfaces
218. Alveolar bone loss may be a feature of the following conditions, except:
A. Hyperparathyroidism C. eosinophilic granuloma
B. Hypophosphatasia D. erosive lichen planus
219. Retreatment has the most favorable prognosis during which of the following?
A. When the cause of failure is identified and is correctable.
B. When the patient is asymptomatic.
C. When gutta-percha was used instead of paste.
D. When a surgical microscope is used.
221. The least important factor influencing the pathogenicity of endodontic flora is:
A. Microbial interaction. C. Endotoxins released after
bacterial death.
B. Exotoxins released by living bacteria D. Enzymes produced by bacteria.
222. In which of the following is one-visit root canal treatment not recommended?
A. The pulp is necrotic and not symptomatic
B. The pulp is necrotic and symptomatic.
C. The pulp is necrotic and there is a draining sinus tract.
D. The pulp is vital and symptomatic.
E. None of the above.
225. A healthy 8-year old child has fractured permanent central incisor. The pulp is
widely exposed and vital. From radiographs, root ends appear incompletely calcified.
The recommended procedure is to:
A. cap the pulp C. perform a pulpotomy
B. extract the tooth D. remove the entire pulp.
226. A radiograph of a maxillary lateral incisor reveals a radiolucent area
circumscribing the apex. The tooth does not respond to vitality tests, and a sinus tract is
present. In conjunction with endodontic treatment, the sinus tract should be treated by:
A. enucleation C. irrigation with sodium hypochlorite
B. cauterization D. none of these. It does not require treatment.
227. Perforation on the mesial in the cervical third of the root of a maxillary first
premolar is a common error in performing an endodontic procedure because:
A. the crown tipped distally. D. The root tends to curve distally
B. The entire tooth tends to tip distally E. The bur tends to be directed
C. A concavity on the mesial root frequently exists.
228. A periapical lesion was discovered 1 ½ years after RCT on a maxillary central
incisor. Apical curettage and biopsyshowed the lesion to be an apical cyst. Two years
later, the lesion is larger than it was before surgery. Which of the following is the most
likely cause of continued failure?
A. Actinomycotic infection D. Failure to resect the apex.
B. An unobturated accessory canal E. Incomplete removal of the apical
C. Leakage from a poorly debrided and obturated canal.
232. Which of the following periapical conditions is often associated with a vital pulp?
A. apical cyst C. condensing osteitis
B. apical scar D. chronic apical periodontitis E. suppurative apical
233. The most effective means to reduce root canal microbes is:
A. systemic medication
B. complete debridement of the root canal
C. intracanal medication with a non-specific drug
D. intracanal medication with multiple antibiotic preparations.
234. A fragment of a barbed broach is broken off and wedged in the middle third of a
canal in a maxillary incisor. A radiolucency is present at the apex. The fragment cannot
be bypassed or removed. Treatment of choice includes:
9. extracting the tooth
10. preparing and obturating to the point of blockage
11. performing an apicoectomy and retrofilling
12. placing formocresol to permeate and fix necrotic tissue.
A. 1, 2 & 3 B. 1 & 2 C. 2 & 3 D. 2, 3 & 4 E. 3 only
235. Erratic and inconsistent results from electric pulp testing may be caused by:
7. saliva on the tooth
8. secondary dentin obliterating the pulp chamber
9. multiple canals presenting various stages of pulp pathosis
A. 1 & 2 B. 1 & 3 C. 2 & 3 D. 1 only E. 1,2 & 3
239. Once the root canal is obturated, what usually happens to the organisms that
had previously entered periapical tissues from the canal?
A. They persist and stimulate formulation of a granuloma.
B. They are eliminated by the natural defenses of the body.
C. They re-enter and reinfect the sterile canal unless periapical surgery is
D. They will have been eliminated by various medicaments that were used in the
root canal.
241. Which of the following would you consider in the treatment plan of a patient with
NUG (Necrotizing Ulceration Gingivitis)?
A. Radiograph
B. Case history and clinical experiences.
C. Oral prophylaxis & sublingual curettage and root planing
D. All of the above.
242. Where there are deepened pathologic pockets range from 6-8 mm, gingivectomy
is indicated. Will you do the procedure in:
A. one quadrant at a time C. three quadrant at a time
B. two quadrant at a time D. all at the same time.
243. In gingivectomy, the incision must follow the bleeding points because they refer
to the bottom of the pockets.
A. The statement and reason is related.
B. The statement and reason is correct but is not related.
C. The statement is correct but the reason is incorrect.
D. The statement is incorrect but the reason is correct.
244. During a stepback enlargement of the canal space, one reason for recapitulation
after each increase in instrument size is to:
A. maintain coronal curvature of the canal
B. maintain the apical stop for filling with gutta-percha
C. create a coronal funnel to facilitate filling with gutta-percha
D. clean the apical segment of dentin fillings that are not removed by
245. A patient complains of intermittent and spontaneous pain on a tooth that was
previously pulp capped. Radiographs disclose no periapical pathology. The tooth is not
sensitive to percussion. Both cold and heat stimulate a severe and lasting pain. The
most probable diagnosis is:
A. reversible pulpitis. C. Irreversible pulpitis
B. Cracked tooth syndrome D. Acute apical periodontitis E. Chronic apical
247. If you were to do a periodontal surgery, when will you do a beveled incision?
A. When the attached gingiva were fibrotic. C. When the marginal gingiva is
B. In performing gingivectomy D. In performing gingivoplasty.
250. A 45 year old male presents mobile teeth of molars 1020 mobility, clinical
examination reveal swollen gums of posterior teeth upper right and left; radiograph
presents bone level to the middle third of roots; medical history- he is diabetic. The
diagnosis is:
A. marginal gingivitis C. trauma from occlusion
B. juvenile periodontitis D. advance periodontitis
251. The most important principle governing the location and outline of the lingual or
occlusal opening into the pulp chamber is:
A. preservation of tooth structure.
B. Direct access along straight lines.
C. Complete removal of the roof of the pulp chamber
D .Removal of all caries and defective restorative material.
255. The action used for placing K-type file into a canal should resemble:
A. an up-and-down motion
B. a straight apical pressure
C. complete rotation of the instrument with pressure directed apically.
D. a clockwise-counterclockwise motion with pressure directed apically.
258. Which of the following are indications for surgical endodontic intervention?
7. a non-negotiable canal with periapical pathosis
8. a sinus tract that persists after repeated treatment
9. periapical pathosis in a tooth with a post and core retained crown.
A. 1 & 2 B. 1 & 3 C. 2 & 3 D. 1,2 & 3 E. 3 only
259. Furcal periodontal involvement with loss of attachment thru and thru from buccal
to lingual in the mandibular molars is this type:
A. Class I B. Class II C. Class III D. Class IV
260. PMN leucocytes migrate through the blood vessel wall in the early stage of
inflammation by means of:
A. Diapedesis B. chemotaxis C. Rhexis D. phagocytosis
261. Which of these is not a diagnostic feature if occlusal trauma?
A. Widening of periodontal surface C. Loss of alveolar bone
B. Periodontal pocket formation D. Increased in tooth mobility
262. Which of these gingival connective tissue component acts as a molecular filter
and regulates cell migration:
A. Glucoronic acid B. Glycoproteins C. Proteoglycans D.
264. The index used for assessment of average severity of periodontal disease in
large population groups is:
A. Loe and Silness index C. Greene and Vermillon index
B. Russel index D. Ramfjord index
267. Which of the following medical conditions may not influence the defense
mechanism of the gingival to bacterial infection?
A. Rheumatic heart disease C. Diabetes
B. Agranulocytosis D. Cyclic neutropenia
270. If a dentist finds only a thin ring of calculus in the bottom third of a deep pocket, it
may be assumed that:
A. calculus calcified before the pocket reached this depth
B. calculus previously extended to the enamel, but the top part was removed.
C. Bacterial plaque formed only in the deeper region of the pocket.
D. Calculus migrated apically as the pocket grew deeper, and new calculus formed
on the apical side while that on the occlusal side dissolved.
272. The primary reason for placing a surgical dressing after a gingivectomy is to:
A. prevent hemorrhage C. accelerate healing D. retard plaque
B. stabilize the teeth D. none of the above.
275. In the pulp myelinated nerves function to transmit impulses interpreted as:
4. pain 2. cold 3. proprioception
A. 1 & 2 B. 1 & 3 C. 1 only D. 2 & 3 E. all of them.
277. Clinical criteria for diagnosing periodontal and gingival diseases include alteration
in the:
9. depth of the gingival sulcus and the level of the epithelial attachment
10. free gingival groove
11. color of gingival tissue
12. contour of gingival tissue.
A. 1, 2 & 3 B. 1, 2 & 4 C. 1, 3, & 4 D. 2, 3 & 4 E. 1,2, 3& 4
279. The main objective of occlusal equilibration in natural dentition is:
A. Increase shearing action in mastication
B. Prevent myofacial pain syndrome
C. Prevent TMJ pain syndrome
D. Achieve a more favorable distribution of forces to the periodontal ligament
280. Which of the following periodontal diseases show a strong genetic etiologic
A. Adult periodontitis C. Juvenile periodontitis
B. Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis D. Gingivitis
281. Tetracycline are used as an anti infective agent in the treatment of periodontal
disease because of its added property of:
A. inhibition of collagenose synthesis C. inhibition of arachidonic synthesis
B. inhibition of interleukin alpha D. enhances PMN’s chemotaxis
283. During calculus removal, the surface of the root feels smoothest following
scaling with:
A. a hoe C. an unltrasonic instrument
B. periodontal files D. a rotary driven metal scaler E. a periodontal
101. Which of the following statements regarding sodium hypochlorite used as a root
canal irrigating solution is accurate?
A. It is buffered to a pH of 12 to 13, which increases toxicity.
B. It exhibits a chelating action on dentin.
C. It should be used in higher concentrations because of the increased free chlorine
D. It is a good wetting agent that permits the solution to flow into canal irregularities.
E. All of the above statements are accurate.
104. The most important principle governing the location and outline of the lingual or
occlusal opening into the pulp chamber is:
A. preservation of tooth structure.
105. In which of the following conditions are pulps of the involved teeth likely to be
1. Globulomaxillary cysts
2. radicular cysts
5. fibrous dysplasia
106. Which of the following represents the basic constituent of most root canal
A. Zinc oxide C. Zinc stearate
B. Polyvinyl resin D. Polycarboxylate E. Zinc oxyphosphate
107. Which of the following statements regarding Hedstrom files are accurate?
A. They are manufactured by machining a round cross-sectional wire.
B. They are effective when used in a reaming action.
C. They are safer than K-files, because external signs of stress are more visible as
changes in flute design.
D. They are aggressive because of a negative-rake angle that is parallel to the
E. None of the above.
108. Which of the following statements regarding pulp stimulation with cold is
A. It is best accomplished with cardon dioxide snow.
B. It is an accurate assessment of pulp vitality.
C. It directly stimulates the pain fibers in the pulp.
D. It is best determined with a blast of air.
110. Endodontic therapy is contraindicated for a single rooted tooth that has:
A. discoloration
112. In shaping and cleansing the canal of a vital maxillary central incisor, a
practitioner has inadvertently perforated the apical foramen. This error can result in each
of the following, except:
A. Pain to the patient.
B. Enlargement of the foramen.
C. Trauma to the apical tissue.
D. Necrotic tissue being forced into the apical tissues.
113. A size 30 root canal file is broken 1mm short of the apex in the distofacial canal
of a maxillary second molar. The instrument can neither be removed nor by-passed. The
remaining pulp is vital. In this situation, the dentist should complete the root canal
treatment and:
A. amputate the distofacial root.
B. Perform an apicoectomy of the distofacial root
C. Perform an apicoectomy and a retrofill of the distofacial root
D. Place the patient on recall for further evaluation.
114. During a stepback enlargement of the canal space, one reason for recapitulation
after each increase in instrument size is to:
B. maintain coronal curvature of the canal
C. maintain the apical stop for filling with gutta-percha
D. create a coronal funnel to facilitate filling with gutta-percha
E. clean the apical segment of dentin fillings that are not removed by
116. The smear layer on dentin walls acts to prevent pulpal injury for which of the
A. It reduces diffusion of toxic substance through the tubules.
B. It resists the effects of acid etching of the dentin.
C. It eliminates the need for cavity liner or base.
D. Its bactericidal activity acts against oral microorganisms.
117. The action used for placing K-type file into a canal should resemble:
A. an up-and-down motion
118. A dentist restored an endodontically treated tooth with a cast post-and-core and
a metal ceramic crown. Tree months later, the patient calls and complains of pain,
especially on biting. Tooth mobility is normal, as are the radiographs. The most probable
cause of pain is:
A. a loose crown C. a vertical root fracture
119. To remain stable, a rubber dam clamp must contact the anchor tooth gingival to
the height of contour. Which other criterion must the clamp satisfy?
A. All four points must be sharp.
120. Which of the following root surfaces is the most likely to be strip-perforated
during canal instrumentation of the mesial root of a mandibular first molar?
A, facial B. lingual C. mesial D. distal
123. The literature suggests that the majority of vertical root fractures of
endodontically treated teeth result from:
A. traumatic occlusion D. condensation forces during gutta-
percha fill
B. locking temporaries into prepared teeth E. cementing the cast post and core
124. One objective of root canal obturation is to develop a fluid tight seal. Another
objective is to create a favorable biologic environment for the process of tissue healing.
A. Both statements are TRUE. C. The first statement is TRUE, the second is
B. Both statements are FALSE D. The first statement is FALSE, the second is
125. Extending a no. 10 file with a 0.02 taper 1.0mm beyond the apical foramen will
result in which of the following?
A. It opens the apical foramen to a minimum diameter of 0.12mm.
B. It increases postoperative discomfort to occlusal forces.
C. It reduces the percentage of change from a no. 10 file to a no. 15 file by 50%.
D. It eliminates the natural constriction of the foramen and increases the chance for
an overfill.
127. A healthy 8-year old child has fractured permanent central incisor. The pulp is
widely exposed and vital. From radiographs, root ends appear incompletely calcified.
The recommended procedure is to:
A. cap the pulp C. perform a pulpotomy
B. extract the tooth D. remove the entire pulp.
129. Once the root canal is obturated, what usually happens to the organisms that had
previously entered periapical tissues from the canal?
A. They persist and stimulate formulation of a granuloma.
B. They are eliminated by the natural defenses of the body.
C. They re-enter and reinfect the sterile canal unless periapical surgery is
D. They will have been eliminated by various medicaments that were used in the
root canal.
131. The mandibular, 2nd molar should be restored with crown after RCT for which of
the following reasons?
A. The pulp chamber is relatively large in comparison to the crown, making the tooth
susceptible to fracture.
B. The tooth is in close to the insertion of the muscle of mastication, and the
percentage of preexisting fractures is high.
C. There is a tendency for the buccal cusps to shear off under occlusal loading.
D. Providing a post can be placed in the distal root to strengthen the root.
133. A fragment of a barbed broach is broken off and wedged in the middle third of a
canal in a maxillary incisor. A radiolucency is present at the apex. The fragment cannot
be bypassed or removed. Treatment of choice includes:
13. extracting the tooth
14. preparing and obturating to the point of blockage
15. performing an apicoectomy and retrofilling
16. placing formocresol to permeate and fix necrotic tissue.
A. 1, 2 & 3 B. 1 & 2 C. 2 & 3 D. 2, 3 & 4 E. 3 only
134. Erratic and inconsistent results from electric pulp testing may be caused by:
10. saliva on the tooth
11. secondary dentin obliterating the pulp chamber
12. multiple canals presenting various stages of pulp pathosis
A. 1 & 2 B. 1 & 3 C. 2 & 3 D. 1 only E. 1,2 & 3
135. Which of the following are considerations in coronal pretreatment of an
endodontic case?
16. removing caries
17. removing occlusal contacts
18. preventing leakage during therapy
19. providing for secure position of the rubber-dam clamp
A. 1, 2 & 3 B. 1, 2 & 4 C. 1, 3 & 4 D. 2 & 3 only E. 2, 3 & 4
136. The most important route of bacteria into the dental pulp is from:
A. General circulation via anachoresis. C. Exposure to the oral cavity via
B. The gingival sulcus. D. None of these.
137. The least important factor influencing the pathogenicity of endodontic flora is:
A. Microbial interaction. C. Endotoxins released after
bacterial death.
B. Exotoxins released by living bacteria D. Enzymes produced by bacteria.
C. granulomatous tissue
140. Which of the following sensory responses can be elicited from a tooth after root
canal therapy?
A. tactile sensation C. sensitivity to EPT
141. Extending a no. 10 file with a 0.02 taper 1.0mm beyond the apical foramen will
result in which of the following?
A. It opens the apical foramen to a minimum diameter of 0.12mm.
B. It increases postoperative discomfort to occlusal forces.
C. It reduces the percentage of change from a no. 10 file to a no. 15 file by 50%.
D. It eliminates the natural constriction of the foramen and increases the chance for
an overfill.
142. Retreatment has the most favorable prognosis during which of the following?
A. When the cause of failure is identified and is correctable.
B. When the patient is asymptomatic.
C. When gutta-percha was used instead of paste.
D. When a surgical microscope is used.
143. In the pulp myelinated nerves function to transmit impulses interpreted as:
5. pain
6. cold
7. proprioception
A. 1 & 2 B. 1 & 3 C. 1 only D. 2 & 3 E. all of them.
145. Each of the following are direct advantages of pre-enlarging the radicular space,
A. It provides better tactile control of instruments when negotiating a small, curved
B. It removes the bulk of tissue and contaminants before apical preparation.
C. It facilitates obturation.
D. It provides a reservoir for the irrigant.
E. None of the above.
146. In which of the following is one-visit root canal treatment not recommended?
A. The pulp is necrotic and not symptomatic
B. The pulp is necrotic and symptomatic.
C. The pulp is necrotic and there is a draining sinus tract.
D. The pulp is vital and symptomatic.
E. None of the above.
148. The response of the pulp to a recently placed amalgam without cavity lining is
A. slight-to-moderate inflammation C. slight but increasing severe in
B. moderate-to-severe inflammation D. none of these.
150. When using the balanced-force technique for canal preparation, which of the
following statements is accurate?
A. The cutting stroke involves apical pressure and a counterclockwise
B. Clockwise rotation balances the tendency of the file to be drawn into the canal
during the cutting stroke.
C. Dentin is engaged with a counterclockwise rotation and cut with a 45-to 90-
degree, clockwise rotation
D. It requires the use of a crown down technique.
151. Moderate extrusion of obturating materials beyond the apex is undesirable
because of which of the following?
A. There is more likelihood of postoperative discomfort.
B. Sealer and gutta-percha cause a severe, inflammatory reaction in periradicular
C. The prognosis is poorer.
D. All of the above.
152. Premature occlusal contacts of the teeth are most harmful to the periodontium of
A. Consumes high nondetergent diet C. Has maligned teeth
B. Clenches and grinds his teeth D. Wears a partial denture.
153. Radiographically, which of the following statements regarding canals that appear
calcified are accurate?
A. They are seldom able to be instrumented.
B. They have a different appearance than the surrounding dentin.
C. They should be opened up with rotary rather than ultrasonic instruments.
D. All of the above.
156. Which of the following cell types may be found in the periodontal ligament?
1. fibroclasts 2. osteoblasts 3. macrophages 4. cementoblasts
162. Dental plaque arises primarily as a result of enzymatic reactions using which of
the following?
A. Glucose and protein C. Sucrose and lipid
B. Sucrose and saliva D. Glucose and saliva
163. The index used for assessment of average severity of periodontal disease in
large population groups is:
A. Loe and Silness index C. Russel index
B. Greene and Vermillon index D. Ramfjord index
164. Clinical criteria for diagnosing periodontal and gingival diseases include alteration
in the:
13. depth of the gingival sulcus and the level of the epithelial attachment
14. free gingival groove
15. color of gingival tissue
16. contour of gingival tissue.
A. 1, 2 & 3 B. 1, 2 & 4 C. 1, 3, & 4 D. 2, 3 & 4 E. 1,2, 3& 4
167. During calculus removal, the surface of the root feels smoothest following
scaling with:
A. a hoe C. an unltrasonic instrument
B. periodontal files D. a rotary driven metal scaler E. a periodontal
169. Which of the following statements regarding guided tissue regeneration (GTR) is
A. GTE is an effective adjuncts to treatment of periodontal disease but has
limited value in treating endodontic pathosis.
B. The combined endodontic periodontic lesion has the least favorable prognosis for
GTR because of the relationship of the lesion to the gingival margins.
C. Bioresorbable membranes exhibit results similar to nonresorbable membranes.
D. Evidence suggest that GTR enhances bone formation by preventing contact of
connective tissue with the bone.
171. The acute apical abscess is best differentiated from acute apical periodontitis by
which of the following?
A. pulp testing C. presence of swelling
B. radiographic appearance D. degree of mobility
172. Chronic apical periodontitis is best differentiated from acute apical periodontitis
by which of the following?
A. Pulp testing and radiographic appearance.
B. Pulp testing and nature of symptoms
C. Radiographic appearance and nature of symptoms.
D. Pulp testing, radiographic appearance and nature of symptoms.
174. Tetracycline are used as an anti infective agent in the treatment of periodontal
disease because of its added property of:
A. inhibition of collagenose synthesis C. inhibition of arachidonic synthesis
B. inhibition of interleukin alpha D. enhances PMN’s chemotaxis
B. simple epithelium D. stratified epithelium E. high connective tissue
178. Which of the following species of streptococci is usually not found in human
dental plaque?
A. S. mutans B. S. sanguis C. S. pyogenes D. S. salivarius E. S. mitior (S.
182. The cribriform plate (alveolar bone proper) reveals minute openings which
A. areas of osteoclastic activity. D. Regions of hematopoietic activity.
B. Resoprtion sites of the spongiosa. E. Attachment sites of Sharpey’s fibers.
C. Regions for passage of vascular and nerve elements.
184. The calcified bodies sometimes found in the periodontal ligament are best
described as which of the following?
A. Cementicles C. bone
B. Denticles D. enamel pearls E. mineralized interstitial
185. Which group of fibers of the periodontal ligament is the first to offer resistance to
movement of the tooth in an occlusal direction?
A. alveolar crest B. horizontal C. interradicular D. oblique E.
186. The likelihood that oral bacteria play an important role in gingival inflammation is
evidenced by which of the following?
A. An increase in salivary hyaluronidase
B. An increased number of bacteria in saliva.
C. An increase of neutralizing antibodies in saliva.
D. A reduction of inflammation with reduction of plaque.
191. Direct pulp capping is recommended for primary teeth with which of the
A. Carious exposures C. Calcification in the pulp chamber
B. Mechanical exposures D. All of these.
192. Presence of gutta-percha beyond the apex is usually caused by which of the
A. Use of too small master cone.
B. Excessive heating and compaction during warm, vertical condensation.
C. Destruction of the natural apical constriction.
D. All of the above.
194. Which of the following periodontal diseases show a strong genetic etiologic
A. Adult periodontitis C. Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
B. Juvenile periodontitis D. Gingivitis
196. The Plaque Index of Silness and Loe measures:
A. area of plaque covering the clinical crown
B. thickness of plaque at the gingival margin
C. colony forming units of gram-negative bacteria
D. weight of plaque obtained from facial surfaces.
E. Weight of plaque obtained from the clinical crown.
197. The primary reason for placing a surgical dressing after a gingivectomy is to:
A. prevent hemorrhage C. accelerate healing
B. stabilize the teeth D. retard plaque accumulation E. none of
the above.
198. The bacterial population in the gingival sulcus or the pocket that influences the
course of periodontal disease involves”
A. mostly aerobic bacteria
B. essentially a pure culture
C. bacteria not indigenous to the oral cavity
D. essentially the same organism found in the healthy sulcus.
199. Normally, the free gingiva can be distinguished from the epithelial attachment
because the:
A. Underlying connective tissue of the gingiva does not contain lymphoid cells.
B. Epithelium of the epithelial attachment does not have rete pegs
C. Epithelium of the gingiva is not keratinized.
D. Underlying connective tissue of the epithelial attachmentis less vascular.
School of Dentistry
201. The root end is ultrasonically prepared during endodontic surgery for which of the
following reasons?
A. It results in apical cracks at low setting.
B. It results in larger, but cleaner, cavity walls.
C. It can make a deeper cavity more safely than a bur.
D. It does not require as acute an angle of root resection.
204. The most important route of bacteria into the dental pulp is from:
A. General circulation via anachoresis.
B. Exposure to the oral cavity via caries.
C. The gingival sulcus.
205. The least important factor influencing the pathogenicity of endodontic flora is:
A. Microbial interaction. C. Endotoxins released after
bacterial death.
B. Exotoxins released by living bacteria D. Enzymes produced by bacteria.
207. Which of the following statements regarding Hedstrom files are accurate?
A. They are manufactured by machining a round cross-sectional wire.
B. They are effective when used in a reaming action.
C. They are safer than K-files, because external signs of stress are more visible as
changes in flute design.
D. They are aggressive because of a negative-rake angle that is parallel to the
209. The smear layer on dentin walls acts to prevent pulpal injury for which of the
A. It reduces diffusion of toxic substance through the tubules.
B. It resists the effects of acid etching of the dentin.
C. It eliminates the need for cavity liner or base.
D. Its bactericidal activity acts against oral microorganisms.
210. Which of the following statements regarding sodium hypochlorite used as a root
canal irrigating solution is accurate?
A. It is buffered to a pH of 12 to 13, which increases toxicity.
B. It exhibits a chelating action on dentin.
C. It should be used in higher concentrations because of the increased free chlorine
D. It is a good wetting agent that permits the solution to flow into canal irregularities.
E. All of the above statements are accurate.
214. Which of the following teeth is most likely to exhibit C-shaped morphology?
A. Maxillary first premolar C. Mandibular first premolar
B. Maxillary first molar D. Mandibular first molar.
219. The response of the pulp to a recently placed amalgam without cavity lining is
A. slight-to-moderate inflammation C. slight but increasing severe in
B. moderate-to-severe inflammation
220. Which of the following statements regarding pulp stimulation with cold is
A. It is best accomplished with cardon dioxide snow.
B. It is an accurate assessment of pulp vitality.
C. It directly stimulates the pain fibers in the pulp.
D. It is best determined with a blast of air.
223. When using the balanced-force technique for canal preparation, which of the
following statements is accurate?
A. The cutting stroke involves apical pressure and a counterclockwise
B. Clockwise rotation balances the tendency of the file to be drawn into the canal
during the cutting stroke.
C. Dentin is engaged with a counterclockwise rotation and cut with a 45-to 90-
degree, clockwise rotation
D. It requires the use of a crown down technique.
225. Presence of gutta-percha beyond the apex is usually caused by which of the
A. Use of too small master cone.
B. Excessive heating and compaction during warm, vertical condensation.
C. Destruction of the natural apical constriction.
D. All of the above.
226. Retreatment has the most favorable prognosis during which of the following?
A. When the cause of failure is identified and is correctable.
B. When the patient is asymptomatic.
C. When gutta-percha was used instead of paste.
D. When a surgical microscope is used.
227. Canals may be missed during treatment because of which of the following?
A. Calcification C. Inadequate access
B. Anomalous location D. All of the above.
228. Radiographically, which of the following statements regarding canals that appear
calcified are accurate?
A. They are seldom able to be instrumented.
B. They have a different appearance than the surrounding dentin.
C. They should be opened up with rotary rather than ultrasonic instruments.
D. All of the above.
229. Pulp necrosis is most likely to occur after which of the following?
A. Midroot fracture C. Concussion
B. Intrusive luxation D. Complicated crown fracture
231. A pulp has been damaged and is inflamed because of deep caries and cavity
preparation. What material placed on the floor of the cavity aids the pulp in resolving the
A. Calcium hydroxide C. Steroid formulations
B. Zinc oxide-eugenol D. none, there is no material that promotes
235. A good master cone will have a snug fit at the apical third by:
A. minimum of 4mm B. 5mm C. 0.5 to 1mm D. no specific length E. 2 mm.
C. patient failed to take analgesic after treatment.
237. The most reliable factor that will help determine if canal is ready for obturation is:
A. tooth is asymptomatic and functional C. negative culture test result
B. when the canal has eased to exude tissue fluid D. before post cementation
240. Blood at the tip of the paper point removed from the root canal indicates:
A. possible hematoma C. possible incomplete instrumentation
244. The distance from the apical exit of the root canal up to the reference point on
the crown of the tooth is referred to as:
A. root length B. root canal length C. computed working length D. all
of these
246. The access preparation for root canal treatment should be:
A. as small as possible to conserve tooth structure
C. extended to the full periphery of the pulp chamber to remove the overhanging
enamel and dentin
247. Presence of lingering pain after the removal of the stimulus is an indication of :
A. irreversible pulpitis B. reversible pulpitis C. necrosis D. all of these
248. In an infected root canal, the two most commonly found organisms are:
A. staphylococcus and enterococci C. streptococci and staphylococci
249. Zinc oxide eugenol is ideal for root canal obturation because:
A. it can be easily removed if necessary
252. The calcified bodies sometimes found in the periodontal ligament are best
described as which of the following?
A. Cementicles C. bone
B. Denticles D. enamel pearls E. mineralized interstitial
253. Which group of fibers of the periodontal ligament is the first to offer resistance to
movement of the tooth in an occlusal direction?
A. alveolar crest B. horizontal C. interradicular D. oblique E.
254. The likelihood that oral bacteria play an important role in gingival inflammation is
evidenced by which of the following?
A. An increase in salivary hyaluronidase
B. An increased number of bacteria in saliva.
C. An increase of neutralizing antibodies in saliva.
D. A reduction of inflammation with reduction of plaque.
255. The most likely source of bacteria found in diseased periodontal tissue is:
A. serum B. saliva C. subgingival plaque D. supragingival plaque.
257. Which of the following cell types may be found in the periodontal ligament?
1. fibroclasts 2. osteoblasts 3. macrophages 4. cementoblasts
259. Which of the following species of streptococci is usually not found in human
dental plaque?
A. S. mutans B. S. sanguis C. S. pyogenes D. S. salivarius E. S. mitior
(S. mitis)
4. the absence of mitotic ability and thus, stretching as the root grow.
261. Which of the following cell types may be found in the periodontal ligament?
1. fibroclasts 2. osteoblasts 3. macrophages 4. cementoblasts
A. 1,2 and 3 B. 1 and 3 only C. 2 and 4 only D. 4 only E. all
of them.
263. Which of the following species of streptococci is usually not found in human
dental plaque?
A. S. mutans B. S. sanguis C. S. pyogenes D. S. salivarius E. S. mitior
(S. mitis)
265. The acute apical abscess is best differentiated from acute apical periodontitis by
which of the following?
A. pulp testing C. presence of swelling
B. radiographic appearance D. degree of mobility
266. Chronic apical periodontitis is best differentiated from acute apical periodontitis
by which of the following?
A. Pulp testing and radiographic appearance.
B. Pulp testing and nature of symptoms
C. Radiographic appearance and nature of symptoms.
D. Pulp testing, radiographic appearance and nature of symptoms.
268. Which of the following regardibg acute apical periodontitis is/are accurate?
A. It is limited to the periodontal ligament (histologically).
B. It is detectable radiographically.
C. It may heal if induced by a nonintectious agent.
D. All of the above statements are accurate.
270. The acute apical abscess is best differentiated from acute apical periodontitis by
which of the following?
A. pulp testing C. presence of swelling
B. radiographic appearance D. degree of mobility
271. Which of the following statements best describe retrograde periodontitis?
A. Inflammation from the periodontal sulcus migrates apically, causing pulp
inflammation and eventually pulp necrosis.
B. Pulp necrosis occurs, and the toxic irritants cause inflammation that
migrates to the gingival margin, creating a periodontal pocket.
C. Irritants gain access to the periodontal tissues at the site of a vertical-root
fracture producing tissue destruction that mimics periodontitis.
D. Pulp necrosis results in the formation of an apical , radioluscent lesion
characterized by the loss of the apical lamina dura.
272. Which of the following statements regarding guided tissue regeneration (GTR) is
A. GTE is an effective adjuncts to treatment of periodontal disease but has limited
value in treating endodontic pathosis.
B. The combined endodontic periodontic lesion has the least favorable
prognosis for GTR because of the relationship of the lesion to the gingival
C. Bioresorbable membranes exhibit results similar to nonresorbable membranes.
D. Evidence suggest that GTR enhances bone formation by preventing contact of
connective tissue with the bone.
283. Gingiva becomes inflamed and varies in color from bright red to a bluish and
usually described as “old rose” and usually appears on the 3rd or 4th month of pregnancy:
A. recurrent aphthous stomatitis C. gingivostomatitis herpetica
285. An acute infection involving the gingiva, lips, other oral tissues and cause by
herpes simplex virus which is known as one of the largest virus:
A. recurrent aphthous stomatitis C. gingivostomatitis herpetica
287. This disease is common in females which occurs in the postonulation period prior
to menstruation.
A. recurrent aphthous stomatitis C. gingivostomatitis herpetica
292. Alveolar defect wherein there’s dipping of the crestal bone margins exposing the
root surface:
A. cementicles C. alveolar dehiscence
299. Which of the following extracellular polysaccharide in dental plaque serves as the
structural stabilizer of the intermicrobial matrix :
A. fructan B. mutan C. dextran D. glucan
School of Dentistry
289. Which of the following would you consider in the treatment plan of a patient with NUG
(Necrotizing Ulceration Gingivitis)?
A. Radiograph C. Case history and clinical experiences.
B. Oral prophylaxis & sublingual curettage and root planning D. All of the above.
290. Where there are deepened pathologic pockets range from 6-8 mm, gingivectomy is
indicated. Will you do the procedure in:
A. one quadrant at a time C. three quadrant at a time
291. In gingivectomy, the incision must follow the bleeding points because they refer to the
bottom of the pockets.
A. The statement and reason is related.
293. If you were to do a periodontal surgery, when will you do a beveled incision?
A. When the attached gingiva were fibrotic. C. When the marginal gingiva is narrow.
294. A 45 year old male presents mobile teeth of molars 1 020 mobility, clinical examination
reveal swollen gums of posterior teeth upper right and left; radiograph presents bone level to
the middle third of roots; medical history- he is diabetic. The diagnosis is:
A. marginal gingivitis B. trauma from occlusion C. juvenile periodontitisD. advance
B. Staphylococcus D. B & C
297. Which type of periodontitis causes continued attachment loss inspite of apparently
appropriate therapy?
A. Juvenile periodontitis C. Adult periodontits
298. Which of these is a radiopaque area in the apices of young permanent teeth with
chronic pulpitis?
A. apical abscess B. condensing osteitis C. radicular cyst D. apical granuloma
299. Endodontic therapy is contraindicated for a single rooted tooth that has:
A. discoloration D. an acute apical abscess
B. a chronic abscess and a draining sinus tract E. a horizontal fracture of the apical third of
the root.
301. Which of the following is used to bleach a discolored, endodontically treated tooth?
A. Ether B. Sodium bicarbonate C. Chloroform D. Sodium hypochlorite E. Hydrogen peroxide
302. The most important principle governing the location and outline of the lingual or
occlusal opening into the pulp chamber is:
A. preservation of tooth structure. C. Complete removal of the roof of the pulp chamber
B. Direct access along straight lines. D. Removal of all caries and defective restorative
303. In which of the following conditions are pulps of the involved teeth likely to be vital?
11. Globulomaxillary cysts
12. radicular cysts
13. periapicalosteofibrosis (cementoma)
14. traumatic bone cyst
15. fibrous dysplasia
A. 1,3,4 ,5 B. 1,3,5 C. 1 & 4 D. 2,3,5 E. 1,2,3,4,5
304. If a dentist finds only a thin ring of calculus in the bottom third of a deep pocket, it may
be assumed that:
A. calculus calcified before the pocket reached this depth
B. calculus previously extended to the enamel, but the top part was removed.
D. Calculus migrated apically as the pocket grew deeper, and new calculus formed on the apical
306. The primary reason for placing a surgical dressing after a gingivectomy is to:
A. prevent hemorrhage C. stabilize the teeth
307. Clinical criteria for diagnosing periodontal and gingival diseases include alteration in
17. depth of the gingival sulcus and the level of the epithelial attachment
18. free gingival groove
19. color of gingival tissue
20. contour of gingival tissue.
A. 1, 2 & 3 B. 1, 2 & 4 C. 1, 3, & 4 D. 2, 3 & 4 E. 1,2, 3& 4
309. Gutta-percha may be softened or dissolved within the root canal by using:
10. alcohol 4. eugenol
11. ethyl chloride 5. xylene
12. chloroform
A. 1 & 5 B. 2 only C. 3 only D. 3 & 4E. 3 & 5
311. The action used for placing K-type file into a canal should resemble:
A. an up-and-down motion
312. A dentist restored an endodontically treated tooth with a cast post-and-core and a
metal ceramic crown. Tree months later, the patient calls and complains of pain, especially on
biting. Tooth mobility is normal, as are the radiographs. The most probable cause of pain is:
A. a loose crown B. a vertical root fracture C. psychosomatic D. a premature eccentric
313. The literature suggests that the majority of vertical root fractures of endodontically
treated teeth result from:
A. traumatic occlusion D. condensation forces during gutta-percha fill
B. locking temporaries into prepared teeth E.cementing the cast post and core
B. It causes irritation of the periodontal attachment apparatus and increased post operative
C. It enlarges the apical terminus and increases the potential for extrusion of obturating
315. Which of the following teeth is most likely to exhibit C-shaped morphology?
A. Maxillary first premolar C. Mandibular first premolar
316. Extending a no. 10 file with a 0.02 taper 1.0mm beyond the apical foramen will result in
which of the following?
A. It opens the apical foramen to a minimum diameter of 0.12mm.
C. It reduces the percentage of change from a no. 10 file to a no. 15 file by 50%.
D. It eliminates the natural constriction of the foramen and increases the chance for an overfill.
317. Retreatment has the most favorable prognosis during which of the following?
A. When the cause of failure is identified and is correctable.
319. Which of these gingival connective tissue component acts as a molecular filter and
regulates cell migration:
A. Glucoronic acid B. Glycoproteins C. Proteoglycans D. Heparatan
321. The index used for assessment of average severity of periodontal disease in large
population groups is:
A. Loe and Silness index B. Russel index C. Greene and Vermillon index D. Ramfjord index
B. furnishes an elastic sling for holding the tooth D. allows for physiologic movement of
the teeth
325. A healthy 8-year old child has fractured permanent central incisor. The pulp is widely
exposed and vital. From radiographs, root ends appear incompletely calcified. The
recommended procedure is to:
A. cap the pulp B. perform a pulpotomy C. extract the tooth D. remove the entire pulp.
326. Elective endodontic treatment is contraindicated in which of the following?
A. Patient is a borderline diabetic.
327. The least important factor influencing the pathogenicity of endodontic flora is:
A. Microbial interaction. C. Endotoxins released after bacterial
328. In which of the following is one-visit root canal treatment not recommended?
A. The pulp is necrotic and not symptomatic
329. The action of calcium hydroxide in promoting formation of an apical calcified barrier in
a tooth with an open apex and a necrotic pulp is probably best explained by:
A. creation of a zone of liquefaction necrosis at the apex
D. calcium ions from the canal dressing precipitating apically to form an apical bridge.
330. Which of the following is the best indicator of success of a pulpotomy in an immature
permanent tooth?
A. patient comfort C. formation of a dentinal bridge covering the pulp stumps in the
root canal.
331. A radiograph of a maxillary lateral incisor reveals a radiolucent area circumscribing the
apex. The tooth does not respond to vitality tests, and a sinus tract is present. In conjunction
with endodontic treatment, the sinus tract should be treated by:
A. enucleation C. irrigation with sodium hypochlorite
332. Perforation on the mesial in the cervical third of the root of a maxillary first premolar is
a common error in performing an endodontic procedure because:
A. the crown tipped distally. D. The root tends to curve distally
B. The entire tooth tends to tip distally E. The bur tends to be directed
333. A periapical lesion was discovered 1 ½ years after RCT on a maxillary central incisor.
Apical curettage and biopsyshowed the lesion to be an apical cyst. Two years later, the lesion is
larger than it was before surgery. Which of the following is the most likely cause of continued
A. Actinomycotic infection D. Failure to resect the apex.
334. A fragment of a barbed broach is broken off and wedged in the middle third of a canal
in a maxillary incisor. A radiolucency is present at the apex. The fragment cannot be bypassed or
removed. Treatment of choice includes:
17. extracting the tooth
18. preparing and obturating to the point of blockage
19. performing an apicoectomy and retrofilling
20. placingformocresol to permeate and fix necrotic tissue.
A. 1, 2 & 3 B. 1 & 2 C. 2 & 3D. 2, 3 & 4 E. 3 only
335. Pocket where the bottom is coronal to the underlying alveolar bone:
A. gingival pocket B. periodontal pocket C. suprabony pocket D. infrabony
338. Erratic and inconsistent results from electric pulp testing may be caused by:
13. saliva on the tooth
14. secondary dentin obliterating the pulp chamber
15. multiple canals presenting various stages of pulp pathosis
A. 1 & 2 B. 1 & 3 C. 2 & 3 D. 1 only E. 1,2 & 3
A. 1, 2 & 3 B. 1, 2 & 4 C. 1, 3 & 4 D. 2 & 3 only E. 2, 3 & 4
340. Once the root canal is obturated, what usually happens to the organisms that had
previously entered periapical tissues from the canal?
A. They persist and stimulate formulation of a granuloma.
C. They re-enter and reinfect the sterile canal unless periapical surgery is performed.
D. They will have been eliminated by various medicaments that were used in the root canal.
B. Venous stasis in the connective tissue bed. D. Ulceration of the outer epithelium.
B. stimulate healing in the apical region E. medicate the canal to eliminate remaining bacteria
C. fill the space between the solid cone material and the pulp canal wall.
345. Which of the following periapical conditions is often associated with a vital pulp?
A .apical cyst C. condensing osteitis
346. The most effective means to reduce root canal microbes is:
A. systemic medication
C. intracanal medication with a non-specific drug
347. In the pulp myelinated nerves function to transmit impulses interpreted as:
8. pain
9. cold
10. proprioception
A. 1 & 2 B. 1 & 3 C. 1 only D. 2 & 3E. all of them.
351. During a stepback enlargement of the canal space, one reason for recapitulation after
each increase in instrument size is to:
A. maintain coronal curvature of the canal
D. clean the apical segment of dentin fillings that are not removed by irrigation
352. The success of a pulpotomy for a primary molar depends primarily upon:
A. a vital root pulp C. the amount of root resoprtion
353. When root canal therapy is indicated for a vital tooth, which of the following is the most
biologically acceptable?
A. Filing to the radiographic apex and filling to the radiographic apex
B. Filing 0.5-1.0mm short of the radiographic apex and filling to the same length
C. Filing to the radiographic apex and filling 0.5-1.0mm short of the radiographic apex
D. Filing 0.5-1.0mm beyond the radiographic apex and filling to the radiographic apex.
354. Which of the following root surfaces is the most likely to be strip-perforated during
canal instrumentation of the mesial root of a mandibular first molar?
A. facialB. lingual C. mesial D. distal
356. An infrabony pocket is a periodontal pocket with the epithelial attachment located:
A. coronal to the crest of alveolar bone C. within the alveolar bone
358. Furcal periodontal involvement with loss of attachment thru and thru from buccal to
lingual in the mandibular molars is this type:
A. Class II B. Class I C. Class III D. Class IV
B. before surgery for gross corrections and after surgery for line corrections
360. PMN leucocytes migrate through the blood vessel wall in the early stage of
inflammation by means of:
A.Diapedesis B. chemotaxis C.Rhexis D. phagocytosis
362. Which of these inhibit collagenase formation in the management of periodontal disease:
A. Amoxycillin B. Metronidazole C. ErythromycinD. Minocycline
C. contours deflect food from impacting into the gingiva D. contours increase
masticatory surfaces
364. Alveolar bone loss may be a feature of the following conditions, except:
A. Hyperparathyroidism B. eosinophilic granuloma C. HypophosphatasiaD..erosive lichen
365. Which of the following medical conditions may not influence the defense mechanism of
the gingival to bacterial infection?
A.Rheumatic heart disease B. Diabetes C. Agranulocytosis D. Cyclic neutropenia
370. Which of the following periodontal diseases show a strong genetic etiologic
A. Adult periodontitis C. Juvenile periodontitis
A. B lymphocytes B. Plasma cells C. Polymorphonuclear leucocytes D. T
373. Tetracycline are used as an anti infective agent in the treatment of periodontal disease
because of its added property of:
A. inhibition of collagenose synthesis C. inhibition of arachidonic synthesis
374. Metallic salts are included in root canal sealers to make the sealers:
A. set hard C. antibacterial
375. One objective of root canal obturation is to develop a fluid tight seal. Another objective
is to create a favorable biologic environment for the process of tissue healing.
A.Both statements are TRUE. C. The first statement is TRUE, the second is FALSE
B. Both statements are FALSE D. The first statement is FALSE, the second is TRUE.
377. Which of the following sensory responses can be elicited from a tooth after root canal
A. tactile sensation C. sensitivity to EPT
378. Which of the following are indications for surgical endodontic intervention?
10. a non-negotiable canal with periapicalpathosis
11. a sinus tract that persists after repeated treatment
12. periapicalpathosis in a tooth with a post and core retained crown.
A. 1 & 2B. 1 & 3 C. 2 & 3 D. 1,2 & 3 E. 3 only
384. In treating a root canal before obturation, the most important consideration is:
A. general health of the patient D. cleaning and shaping of the canal
385. A patient complains of intermittent and spontaneous pain on a tooth that was
previously pulp capped. Radiographs disclose no periapical pathology. The tooth is not sensitive
to percussion. Both cold and heat stimulate a severe and lasting pain. The most probable
diagnosis is:
A. Reversible pulpitis. C. Irreversible pulpitis
386. A negative response to the electric pulp tester immediately after a severe luxation of a
tooth indicates that the:
A.blood supply is interrupted, and the negative response may be temporary D. pulp is inflamed
B. electric pulp tester is giving a false reading E. pulp is necrotic and should be
C. neural transmission is interrupted ,and the negative response may be temporary.
387. Each of the following can occur as a result of a successful root canal treatment, except:
A. Apical seal of cementum C. Regeneration of alveolar bone