Intro ModbusTCP
Intro ModbusTCP
Intro ModbusTCP
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
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The following information describes the operation of Modbus TCP/IP as it MODBUS AND
relates to Acromag Series 900EN-40xx I/O modules. For more detailed
information on Modbus, you may also refer to the “Modicon Modbus MODBUS TCP/IP
Reference Guide”, PI-MBUS-300 Rev J, available via download from
The Modbus protocol was developed in 1979 by Modicon, Incorporated, for What is Modbus?
industrial automation systems and Modicon programmable controllers. It
has since become an industry standard method for the transfer of discrete/
analog I/O information and register data between industrial control and
monitoring devices. Modbus is now a widely-accepted, open, public-domain
protocol that requires a license, but does not require royalty payment to its
At this point, It’s important to make the distinction that Modbus itself is an
application protocol, as it defines rules for organizing and interpreting data,
but remains simply a messaging structure, independent of the underlying
physical layer. As it happens to be easy to understand, freely available, and
accessible to anyone, it is thus widely supported by many manufacturers.
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4 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
What is Modbus Modbus TCP/IP (also Modbus-TCP) is simply the Modbus RTU protocol
TCP/IP? with a TCP interface that runs on Ethernet.
The Modbus messaging structure is the application protocol that defines the
rules for organizing and interpreting the data independent of the data
transmission medium.
So in summary, Modbus TCP/IP uses TCP/IP and Ethernet to carry the data
of the Modbus message structure between compatible devices. That is,
Modbus TCP/IP combines a physical network (Ethernet), with a networking
standard (TCP/IP), and a standard method of representing data (Modbus as
the application protocol). Essentially, the Modbus TCP/IP message is
simply a Modbus communication encapsulated in an Ethernet TCP/IP
In practice, Modbus TCP embeds a standard Modbus data frame into a TCP
frame, without the Modbus checksum, as shown in the following diagram.
Application Data Unit (ADU)
Function Traditional
Address Data Checksum
CONSTRUCTION OF A Code Modbus Serial Frame
Function Function Code & Data
Code Are Not Modified
The Modbus commands and user data are themselves encapsulated into
the data container of a TCP/IP telegram without being modified in any way.
However, the Modbus error checking field (checksum) is not used, as the
standard Ethernet TCP/IP link layer checksum methods are instead used to
guaranty data integrity. Further, the Modbus frame address field is
supplanted by the unit identifier in Modbus TCP/IP, and becomes part of the
Modbus Application Protocol (MBAP) header (more on this later).
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
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From the figure, we see that the function code and data fields are absorbed What is Modbus
in their original form. Thus, a Modbus TCP/IP Application Data Unit (ADU) TCP/IP?
takes the form of a 7 byte header (transaction identifier + protocol identifier
+ length field + unit identifier), and the protocol data unit (function code +
data). The MBAP header is 7 bytes long and includes the following fields:
The complete Modbus TCP/IP Application Data Unit is embedded into the
data field of a standard TCP frame and sent via TCP to well-known system
port 502, which is specifically reserved for Modbus applications. Modbus
TCP/IP clients and servers listen and receive Modbus data via port 502.
IEEE 802.3 Ethernet is a long-standing office networking protocol that has Why Combine Modbus
gained universal world-wide acceptance. It is also an open standard that is With Ethernet?
supported by many manufacturers and its infrastructure is widely available
and largely installed. Consequently, its TCP/IP suite of protocols is used
world-wide and even serves as the foundation for access to the World Wide
Web. As many devices already support Ethernet, it is only natural to
augment it for use in industrial applications.
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6 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
What About Determinism is a term that is used here to describe the ability of the
Determinism? communication protocol to guaranty that a message is sent or received in a
finite and predictable amount of time. We can surmise that, for critical
control applications, determinism is very important.
Originally, Ethernet equipment was designed for the office environment, not
harsh industrial settings. Although, many factory Ethernet installations can
use this standard hardware without a problem, new industrial-rated
connectors, shielded cables, and hardened switches and hubs are now
available to help resolve the durability issue.
Ethernet is made more deterministic via the use of fast Ethernet switches to
interconnect devices. These switches increase the bandwidth of large
networks by sub-dividing them into several smaller networks or separate
“collision domains”. The switch also minimizes network chatter by
facilitating a direct connection from a sender to a receiver in such a way that
only the receiver receives the data, not the entire network.
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
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So how does a switch (or switching hub) work to increase determinism? What About
Each port of a switch forwards data to another port based on the MAC Determinism?
address contained in the received data packet/frame. The switch actually
learns and stores the MAC addresses of every device it is connected to,
along with the associated port number. Now the port of the switch does not
require its own MAC address, and during retransmission of a received
packet, the switch port will instead look like the originating device by having
assumed its source address. In this way, the Ethernet collision domain is
said to terminate at the switch port, and the switch effectively breaks the
network into separate distinct data links or collision domains, one at each
switch port. The ability of the switch to target a packet to a specific port,
rather than forwarding it to all switch ports, also helps to eliminate the
collisions that make Ethernet non-deterministic.
So, as switches have become less expensive, the current tendency in
critical industrial control applications is to connect one Ethernet device per
switch port, effectively treating the switch device as the hub of a star
network. Since there is only one device connected to a port, there is no
chance of collisions occurring. This effectively suppresses the CSMA/CD
routine. In this manner, with only one network device connected per switch
port, the switch can run full-duplex, with no chance of collisions. Thus, a
10/100 Ethernet switch effectively runs at 20/200 Mbps because it can
transmit and receive at 10 or 100 Mbps simultaneously in both directions
(full duplex). The higher transfer speed of full-duplex coupled without the
need for invoking CSMA/CD produces a more deterministic mode of
operation, helping critical control applications to remain predictable and on-
Unfortunately, broadcast traffic on a company network cannot be completely
filtered by switches, and this may cause additional collisions reducing the
determinism of a network connecting more than one device to a switch port.
However, if the company network and the control & I/O network are instead
separated, no traffic is added to the control network and its determinism is
increased. Further, if a bridge is used to separate the two networks, then
the bridge can usually be configured to filter unnecessary traffic.
So we see how combining good network design with fast switches and
bridges where necessary raises the determinism of a network, making
Ethernet more appealing. Other advances in Ethernet switches, such as,
higher speeds, broadcast storm protection, virtual LAN support, SNMP, and
priority messaging further help to increase the determinism of Ethernet
networks. As Gigabit (Gbit), 10Gbit, and 100Gbit Ethernet enters the
market, determinism will no longer be a concern.
In order to better understand how Modbus TCP/IP is structured and the THE OSI NETWORK
meaning of the term “open standard”, we need to review the Open Systems
Interconnect (OSI) Reference Model. This model was developed by the MODEL
International Standards Organization and adopted in 1983 as a common
reference for the development of data communication standards, like
Modbus TCP/IP. It does not attempt to define an actual implementation, but
rather it serves as a structural aide to understanding “what must be done”
and “what goes where”.
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8 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
THE OSI NETWORK The traditional OSI model is presented below, along with the simplified 5-
layer TCP/IP Standard (layers 5 & 6 suppressed). In the OSI model, the
MODEL functions of communication are divided into seven (or five) layers, with every
layer handling precisely defined tasks. For example, Layer 1 of this model
is the physical layer and defines the physical transmission characteristics.
Layer 2 is the data link layer and defines the bus access protocol. Layer 7
is the application layer and defines the application functions (this is the layer
that defines how device data is to be interpreted).
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
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By the OSI Model, we can infer that in order for two devices to be THE OSI NETWORK
interoperable on the same network, they must have the same application-
layer protocol. In the past, many network devices have used their own MODEL
proprietary protocols and this has hindered their interoperability. This fact
further drove the need for adoption of open network I/O solutions that would
allow devices from a variety of vendors to seamlessly work together, and
this drive for interoperability is a key reason Modbus TCP/IP was created.
Note that in the TCP/IP Standard Model, Ethernet handles the bottom 2
layers (1 & 2) of the seven layer OSI stack, while TCP/IP handles the next
two layers (3 & 4). The application layer lies above TCP, IP, and Ethernet
and is the layer of information that gives meaning to the transmitted data.
So we see that Modbus TCP/IP is based on the TCP/IP protocol family and
shares the same lower four layers of the OSI model common to all Ethernet
devices. This makes it fully compatible with existing Ethernet hardware,
such as cables, connectors, network interface cards, hubs, and switches.
TCP/IP refers to the Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol The TCP/IP Stack
which were first introduced in 1974. TCP/IP is the foundation for the World
Wide Web and forms the transport and network layer protocol of the internet
that commonly links all Ethernet installations world-wide. Simply stated,
TCP/IP allows blocks of binary data to be exchanged between computers.
The primary function of TCP is to ensure that all packets of data are
received correctly, while IP makes sure that messages are correctly
addressed and routed. TCP/IP does not define what the data means or how
the data is to be interpreted, it is merely a transport protocol.
Modbus TCP/IP uses TCP/IP and Ethernet to carry the data of the Modbus
message structure between devices. That is, Modbus TCP/IP combines a
physical network (Ethernet), with a networking standard (TCP/IP), and a
standard method of representing data (Modbus).
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10 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
The TCP/IP Stack TCP/IP is actually formed from a “suite” of protocols upon which all internet
communication is based. This suite of protocols is also referred to as a
protocol stack. Each host or router on the internet must run a protocol
stack. The use of the word stack refers to the simplified TCP/IP layered
Reference Model or “stack” that is used to design network software and
outlined as follows:
To better understand stack operation, the following table illustrates the flow
of data from a sender to a receiver using the TCP/IP stack (we’ve renamed
the Host-to-Network layer to the more commonly used Data Link Layer):
Each layer on the sending stack communicates with the corresponding layer
of the receiving stack through information stored in headers. As you move
the data down the stack of the sender, each stack layer adds its own header
to the front of the message that it receives from the next higher layer. That
is, the higher layers are encapsulated by the lower layers. Conversely, this
header information is removed by the corresponding layer at the Receiver.
In this way, the headers are essentially peeled off as the data packet moves
up the receiving stack to the receiver application.
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
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The following figure illustrates the construction of a TCP/IP-Ethernet packet TCP/IP Stack
for transmission. For Modbus TCP/IP, the application layer is Modbus and
the Modbus Application Data Unit is embedded into the TCP data array.
When an application sends its data over the network, the data is passed
down through each layer--note how the upper layer information is wrapped
into the data bytes of the next lowest layer (encapsulated). Each
subsequent layer has a designated function and attaches its own protocol
header to the front of its packet. The lowest layer is responsible for actually
sending the data. This entire wrap-into procedure is then reversed for data
received (the data received is unwrapped at each level and passed up
thorough to the receiver’s application layer).
Cable Types (Fiber, Copper), Signal Form, etc.
(Physical Layer)
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12 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
Key Concepts & To better understand Modbus TCP/IP and the operation of a stack, please
Terminology review the following key concepts and terminology:
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
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The uppermost layer of the TCP/IP and OSI Reference Models is the APPLICATION
Application Layer. There are many application layer protocols that may
reside here, such as FTP, Telnet, HTTP, SMPT, DNS, and NNTP, among LAYER
others. While each of these protocols has their own specific purpose, for
Modbus TCP/IP, the primary application layer protocol of interest is Modbus.
The TCP/IP protocol suite (or stack of independent protocols) provides all Modbus Functions
the resources for two devices to communicate with each other over an
Ethernet Local-Area Network (LAN), or global Wide-Area Network (WAN). and Registers
But TCP/IP only guarantees that application messages will be transferred
between these devices, it does not guaranty that these devices will actually
understand or interoperate with one another. For Modbus TCP/IP, this
capability is provided by the application layer protocol Modbus.
The Modbus data model has a simple structure that only differentiates
between four basic data types:
Discrete Inputs
Coils (Outputs)
Input Registers (Input Data)
Holding Registers (Output Data)
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14 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
Modbus Functions The Modbus registers of a device are organized around the four basic data
reference types noted above and this data type is further identified by the
and Registers leading number of the reference address as follows:
IMPORTANT: The reference addresses noted in the memory map are not
explicit hard-coded memory addresses. Internally, all Modbus devices use
a zero-based memory offset computed from the reference address.
However, the system interface of Modbus systems (software) will vary in this
regard and may require you to enter the actual reference address, drop the
leading number, or enter an absolute memory offset from 1, or a memory
address offset from 0. This is system dependent and a common source of
programming errors. Be wary of this when writing higher-level application
programs to access these registers.
Note that not all Modbus functions operate on register map registers. All
data addresses in Modbus messages are referenced to 0, with the first
occurrence of a data item addressed as item number zero. Further, a
function code field already specifies which register group it operates on (i.e.
0x, 1x, 3x, or 4x reference addresses). For example, holding register 40001
is addressed as register 0000 in the data address field of the message. The
function code that operates on this register specifies a “holding register”
operation and the “4xxxx” reference group is implied. Thus, holding register
40108 is actually addressed as register 006BH (107 decimal).
The function code field of the message (PDU) will contain one byte that tells
the slave what kind of action to take. Valid function codes are from 1-255,
but not all codes will apply to a module and some codes are reserved for
future use. Additionally, the Modbus specification allocates function codes
65-72 and 100-110 for user-defined services.
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
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01 (01H) Read Coil (Output) Status 0xxxx
03 (03H) Read Holding Registers 4xxxx
and Registers
04 (04H) Read Input Registers 3xxxx
05 (05H) Force Single Coil (Output) 0xxxx
06 (06H) Preset Single Register 4xxxx
15 (0FH) Force Multiple Coils (Outputs) 0xxxx
16 (10H) Preset Multiple Registers 4xxxx
17 (11H) Report Slave ID Hidden
The client request data field provides the slave (server) with any additional
information required by the slave to complete the action specified by the
function code in the client’s request. The data field typically includes
register addresses, count values, and written data. For some messages,
this field may not exist (has zero length), as not all messages will require
When the slave device responds to the master, it uses the function code
field to indicate either a normal (error-free) response, or that some kind of
error has occurred (an exception response). A normal response simply
echoes the original function code of the query, while an exception response
returns a code that is equivalent to the original function code with its most
significant bit (msb) set to logic 1.
For example, the Read Holding Registers command has the function code
0000 0011 (03H). If the slave device takes the requested action without
error, it returns the same code in its response. However, if an exception
occurs, it returns 1000 0011 (83H) in the function code field and appends a
unique code in the data field of the response message that tells the master
device what kind of error occurred, or the reason for the exception (see
Modbus Exceptions).
The client application program must handle the exception response. It may
choose to post subsequent retries of the original message, it may try
sending a diagnostic query, or it may simply notify the operator of the
exception error.
When you review these examples and compare them to traditional serial
Modbus commands, note that the slave address is supplanted by the unit
identifier in Modbus TCP/IP (normally set to 00H or FFH). In addition, the
error check field (CRC/LRC) is removed, as TCP/IP already applies its own
error checking. For commands that support broadcast transmission, this
applies to serial Modbus only, as Modbus TCP/IP is unicast only (except
where an Ethernet-to-serial bridge is used).
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16 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
The different fields of the of the Modbus TCP/IP ADU are encoded in Big-
Endian format. This means that the most significant byte in the sequence is
stored at the lowest storage address (i.e. it is first).
The following example will include the format of the MBAP header
information, but the header information will not be repeated in the
successive examples.
Read Coil Status (01) This command will read the ON/OFF status of discrete outputs or coils (0x
reference addresses) in the slave/server. For Acromag modules, its
response is equivalent to reading the on/off status of solid-state output
relays or switches. Broadcast transmission is not supported.
The Read Coil Status query specifies the starting coil (output channel) and
quantity of coils to be read. Coils correspond to the discrete solid-state
relays of this device and are addressed starting from 0 (up to 4 coils
addressed as 0-3 for this model). The Read Coil Status in the response
message is packed as one coil or channel per bit of the data field. For
Acromag modules, the output status is indicated as 1 for ON (conducting
current), and 0 for OFF (not conducting). The LSB of the first data byte
corresponds to the status of the coil addressed in the query. The other coils
follow sequentially, moving toward the high order end of the byte. Since this
example has only 4 outputs, the remaining bits of the data byte will be set to
zero toward the unused high order end of the byte.
The transaction identifier is used to match the response with the query when
the client sends multiple queries without waiting for a prior response. It is
typically a number from 1 to 16, but the maximum number of client
transactions and the maximum number of server transactions will vary
according to the device. The protocol identifier is always 0 for Modbus. The
length is a count of the number of bytes contained in the data plus the
function code (1 byte) and unit identifier (1 byte).
The unit identifier is 00H or FFH, as this module is Modbus TCP/IP. If this
module was a traditional serial Modbus type (no Ethernet port), and it was
being addressed via a bridge or gateway from an Ethernet client (an
Ethernet-to-serial bridge), then the unit identifier is equivalent to the
traditional serial Modbus slave address (1-247). Using 00H or FFH as
shown here will cause the any serial bridge/gateway device to block the
passage of this client message across the bridge. This is why some text will
show the unit identifier as part of the query itself since it supplants the
traditional slave address (note that the length includes the unit identifier
byte), while others show it as part of the MBAP header as is done here.
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
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Modbus Request ADU Example - Read Coil Status Query Read Coil Status (01)
Field Name Example Decimal (Hexadecimal)
Function Code 1 (01) This example reads the output
Starting Address High Order 0 (00) channel status of coils 0-3.
Starting Address Low Order 0 (00)
Number Of Points High Order 0 (00)
Number Of Points Low Order 4 (04)
Note that the leading character of the 0x reference address is implied by the
function code and omitted from the address specified. In this example, the
first address is 00001, referenced via 0000H, and corresponding to coil 0.
Note that the response function code is the same as the request function
code. The transaction identifier is preserved by the server and returned.
The protocol identifier remains 0 for Modbus. The length of the response is
calculated by the server and is the size of the Modbus server’s PDU, plus
the unit identifier (1 byte). The unit identifier is the same as what was
received from the client.
If an error had occurred, the response function code is modified and set
equal to the request function code plus 80H. The transaction ID, protocol
ID, and unit identifier stay the same. The length becomes 0002H (2 bytes).
The PDU then becomes the exception code value itself (1 byte). Refer to
Modbus Exceptions for information on exception codes.
To summarize, the status of coils 3-0 is shown as the byte value 0A hex, or
00001010 binary. Coil 3 is the fifth bit from the left of this byte, and coil 0 is
the LSB. The four remaining bits (toward the high-order end) are zero.
Reading left to right, the output status of coils 3..0 is ON-OFF-ON-OFF.
Bin 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
Hex 0 A
Coil NA NA NA NA 3 2 1 0
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18 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
Read Holding Registers Reads the binary contents of holding registers (4x reference addresses) in
(03) the slave device. Broadcast transmission is not supported.
The Read Holding Registers query specifies the starting register and
quantity of registers to be read. Note that registers are addressed starting
at 0 (registers 1-16 addressed as 0-15). The Read Holding Registers
response message is packed as two bytes per register, with the binary
contents right-justified in each byte. For each register, the first byte contains
the high order bits and the second byte the low order bits.
Read Input Registers This command will read the binary contents of input registers (3x reference
(04) addresses) in the slave device. Broadcast transmission is not supported.
The Read Input Registers query specifies the starting register and quantity
of registers to be read. Note that registers are addressed starting at 0. That
is, registers 1-16 are addressed as 0-15. The Read Input Registers
response message is packed as two bytes per register, with the binary
contents right-justified in each byte. For each register, the first byte contains
the high order bits and the second byte the low order bits.
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
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Modbus PDU Example - Read Input Registers Query Read Input Registers
Field Name Example Decimal (Hexadecimal) (04)
Function Code 4 (04)
Starting Address High Order 0 (00) This example reads input
Starting Address Low Order 2 (02) registers 30003 & 30004
Number Of Points High Order 0 (00) (Channel 0 input value and
Number Of Points Low Order 2 (02) status).
Forces a single coil/output (0x reference address) ON or OFF. With Force Single Coil (05)
broadcast transmission (address 0), it forces the same coil in all networked
slaves (serial Modbus only).
The Force Single Coil query specifies the coil reference address to be
forced, and the state to force it to. The ON/OFF state is indicated via a
constant in the query data field. A value of FF00H forces the coil to be
turned ON (i.e. the corresponding solid-state relay is turned ON or closed),
and 0000H forces the coil to be turned OFF (i.e. the solid-state output relay
is turned OFF or opened). All other values are invalid and will not affect the
Coils are referenced starting at 0—up to 4 coils are addressed as 0-3 for our
example and this corresponds to the discrete output channel number.
The Force Single Coil response message is simply an echo (copy) of the
query as shown above, but returned after executing the force coil command.
No response is returned to broadcast queries from a master device (serial
Modbus only).
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20 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
Preset Single Register This command will preset a single holding register (4x reference address) to
(06) a specific value. Broadcast transmission is supported by this command
(serial Modbus only) and will act to preset the same register in all networked
The Preset Single Register query specifies the register reference address to
be preset, and the preset value. Note that registers are addressed starting
at 0--registers 1-16 are addressed as 0-15. The Preset Single Registers
response message is an echo of the query, returned after the register
contents have been preset.
Force Multiple Coils Simultaneously forces a series of coils (0x reference address) either ON or
(15) OFF. Broadcast transmission is supported by this command (serial Modbus
only) and will act to force the same block of coils in all networked slaves.
The Force Multiple Coils query specifies the starting coil reference address
to be forced, the number of coils, and the force data to be written in
ascending order. The ON/OFF states are specified by the contents in the
query data field. A logic 1 in a bit position of this field requests that the coil
turn ON, while a logic 0 requests that the corresponding coil be turned OFF.
Unused bits in a data byte should be set to zero. Note that coils are
referenced starting at 0—up to 4 coils are addressed as 0-3 for this example
and this also corresponds to the discrete output channel number.
Note that the leading character of the 0x reference address is implied by the
function code and omitted from the address specified. In this example, the
first address is 00001 corresponding to coil 0 and referenced via 0000H.
Thus, in this example the data byte transmitted will address coils 3...0, with
the least significant bit addressing the lowest coil in this set as follows (note
that the four unused upper bits of the data byte are set to zero):
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
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Bin 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Force Multiple Coils
Hex 0 5 (15)
Coil NA NA NA NA 3 2 1 0
The Force Multiple Coils normal response message returns the slave
address, function code, starting address, and the number of coils forced,
after executing the force instruction. Note that it does not return the byte
count or force value. No response is returned to broadcast queries from a
master device (serial Modbus).
Presets a block of holding registers (4x reference addresses) to specific Preset Multiple
values. Broadcast transmission is supported by this command and will act Registers (16)
to preset the same block of registers in all networked slaves (serial Modbus
The Preset Multiple Registers query specifies the starting register reference
address, the number of registers, and the data to be written in ascending
order. Note that registers are addressed starting at 0--registers 1-16 are
addressed as 0-15.
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22 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
Preset Multiple The Preset Multiple Registers normal response message returns the slave
Registers (16) address, function code, starting register reference, and the number of
registers preset, after the register contents have been preset. Note that it
does not echo the preset values. No response is returned to broadcast
queries from a master device (serial Modbus only).
Report Slave ID (17) This command returns the model, serial, and firmware number for an
Acromag slave/server device (97xEN for this example), the status of the
Run indicator, and any other information specific to the device. This
command does not address Register Map registers and broadcast
transmission is not supported (serial Modbus).
Supported Data Types All I/O values are accessed via 16-bit Input Registers or 16-bit Holding
(Acromag Modules) Registers (see Register Map). Input registers contain information that is
read-only. For example, the current input value read from a channel, or the
states of a group of digital inputs. Holding registers contain read/write
information that may be configuration data or output data. For example, the
high limit value of an alarm function operating at an input, or an output value
for an output channel.
I/O values of Acromag modules take the following common forms of data to
represent temperature, percentage, and discrete on/off, as required. This is
not a Modbus standard and will vary between devices.
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
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Summary Of Data Types Used By Acromag 900MB/900EN Modules Supported Data Types
Data Types Description (Acromag Modules)
Count Value A 16-bit signed integer value representing an A/D
count, a DAC count, time value, or frequency with a
range of –32768 to +32767.
Count Value A 16-bit unsigned integer value representing an A/D
count, a DAC count, time value, or frequency with a
range of 0 to 65535.
Percentage A 16-bit signed integer value with resolution of
0.005%/lsb. ±20000 is used to represent ±100%.
For example, -100%, 0% and +100% are
represented by decimal values –20000, 0, and
20000, respectively. The full range is –163.84% (-
32768 decimal) to +163.835% (+32767 decimal).
Temperature A 16-bit signed integer value with resolution of
0.1°C/lsb. For example, a value of 12059 is
equivalent to 1205.9°C, a value of –187 equals –
18.7°C. The maximum possible temperature range
is –3276.8°C to +3276.7°C.
Discrete A discrete value is generally indicated by a single bit
of a 16-bit word. The bit number/position typically
corresponds to the discrete channel number for this
model. Unless otherwise defined for outputs, a 1 bit
means the corresponding output is closed or ON, a 0
bit means the output is open or OFF. For inputs, a
value of 1 means the input is in its high state (usually
>> 0V), while a value of 0 specifies the input is in its
low state (near 0V).
Recall that a server may generate an exception response to a client request Modbus Exceptions
and this is normally flagged by returning the original function code plus 80H
(the original code with its most significant bit set). Additionally, it may also
return an exception code in the data field of the response that can be used
to trouble-shoot the problem.
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24 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
In a normal response, the slave simply echoes the function code of the
original query in the function field of the response. All function codes have
their most-significant bit (msb) set to 0 (their values are below 80H). In an
exception response, the slave sets the msb of the function code to 1 in the
returned response (i.e. exactly 80H higher than normal) and returns the
exception code in the data field. This is used by the client/master
application to actually recognize an exception response and to direct an
examination of the data field for the applicable exception code.
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
___________________________________________________________________ 25
TCP is a data-stream based protocol, it may send almost any length IP
packet it chooses, and it can parse this message as required. For example,
it may encapsulate two back-to-back encapsulation messages in a single
TCP/IP/MAC packet, or it may divide an encapsulation message across two
separate TCP/IP/MAC packets.
In the introduction, we talked about how a traditional Modbus message Modbus TCP/IP
(Modbus Application Data Unit) was stripped of its checksum and device ADU Format
address field, then combined with an MBAP header (ModBus Application
Protocol), to build a Modbus TCP/IP Application Data Unit. This information
is then nested into the data/payload field of a standard TCP frame, the total
of which is then nested into the IP frame, which is then nested into the
Ethernet/MAC frame for transmission over Ethernet. This nesting is the
message encapsulation process that is commonly referred to. The following
sections will attempt to describe the encapsulation that occurs at each layer
as we move down the stack to the connection media, starting from the
application layer, Modbus.
We know that the application layer is said to ride on top of TCP. Prior to
passing the application message via TCP, a Modbus TCP/IP Application
Data Unit is formed from a 7-byte Modbus Application Protocol (MBAP)
header and the Protocol Data Unit (Modbus function code and data). This
packet takes the following form:
H Transaction ID
MBAP Header
A Protocol ID
(7 Bytes)
E Length
R Unit ID Function Code
8 Bytes (MIN)
Modbus Data
Modbus PDU
(1 Byte MIN)
Variable From 0 to Max Bytes
65535 Bytes (MAX)
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26 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
Modbus TCP/IP The 7-byte MBAP header includes the following fields:
ADU Format
• Transaction/Invocation Identifier (2 Bytes): This identification
field is used for transaction pairing when several Modbus
transactions are sent along the same TCP connection without
waiting for completion of the prior transaction.
• Protocol Identifier (2 bytes): This field is always 0 for Modbus
services and other values are reserved for future extensions.
• Length (2 bytes): This field is a byte count of the remaining fields
and includes the destination identification and data fields.
• Unit Identifier (1 byte): This field is used to identify a remote
server located on a non TCP/IP network (for bridging Ethernet to a
serial sub-network). In a typical slave application, the unit ID is
ignored and just echoed back in the response. It is recommended
that a unit ID of FF be used to keep this value insignificant to a
serial bridge or gateway (see below).
The Protocol Data Unit (PDU) is the Modbus function code and data field in
their original form. The original Modbus error checking field (checksum) is
not used, as the standard ethernet TCP/IP link layer checksum methods are
instead used to guaranty data integrity. Further, the original Modbus device
address field is supplanted by the unit identifier in Modbus TCP/IP and
becomes part of the Modbus Application Protocol (MBAP) header. The
original device address is not needed because Ethernet devices already
contain their own unique MAC addresses. However, it is used if a serial
bridge or gateway is being used to bridge Ethernet to a serial sub-network of
Modbus devices.
With traditional serial Modbus, a client can only send one request at a time
and must wait for an answer before sending a second request. However,
Modbus TCP/IP devices may send several requests to the same server
without waiting for the prior response. In this instance, the transaction
identifier is use to match a future response with its originating request and
must be unique per transaction. It is commonly a TCP sequence number
driven by a counter that is incremented by each request. The maximum
number of client transactions will vary from device to device, but is generally
a number from 1 to 16. Likewise the maximum number of server
transactions also varies. For Acromag 9xxEN-4 modules, this number is 10.
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
___________________________________________________________________ 27
With TCP/IP devices, a Modbus server is addressed using its IP address, Modbus TCP/IP
rendering the unit identifier non-functional and FFH is used in its place. The Application Data Unit
hex address FF remains non-significant to a gateway or bridge and will
continue to be ignored if the network is later expanded or augmented with
serial bridge or gateway devices.
The Modbus TCP/IP ADU is then inserted into the data field of a standard
TCP frame and sent via TCP on well-known system port 502, which is
specifically reserved for Modbus applications. Thus, this packet is
encapsulated by the data frames imposed by the TCP/IP stack of protocols
(TCP/IP/MAC) before being transmitted onto the network. The term
encapsulation refers to the action of packing (embedding) this message into
the TCP container, the IP container, and the MAC container. This lower
level encapsulation is illustrated as follows:
Because TCP is a connection-oriented protocol, a TCP connection must first Connection Manager
be established before a message can be sent via Modbus TCP/IP.
Following the client-server principle, this connection is established by the
client (master). This connection can be handled explicitly by the client user-
application software, or automatically by the client TCP connection
manager. More commonly, this is handled automatically by the client
protocol software via the TCP socket interface and this operation remains
transparent to the application.
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28 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
___________________________________________________________________ 29
The Transport Layer resides just below the Application Layer and is TRANSPORT
responsible for the transmission, reception, and error checking of the data.
There are a number of Transport Layer protocols that may operate at this LAYER
layer, but the primary one of interest for Modbus TCP/IP is the Transport
Control Protocol (TCP).
The Transport Control Protocol (TCP) resides one layer above the Internet TCP- Transport Control
Protocol (IP) and is responsible for transporting the application data and Protocol
making it secure, while IP is responsible for the actual addressing and
delivery of the data. The TCP packet is inserted into the data portion of the
IP packet below it. IP itself is an unsecured, connectionless protocol and
must work together with the overlaying TCP in order to operate. In this way,
TCP is generally considered the upper layer of the IP platform that serves to
guaranty secure data transfer. The use of the label Modbus-TCP (versus
Modbus TCP/IP) does not imply that IP is not used or not important.
If data is lost, it must be retransmitted. This type of data exchange refers to
explicit messaging and is commonly used for exchanging information that is
not time-critical, but still necessary. TCP uses explicit messaging and will
work to ensure that a message is received, but not necessarily on time.
TCP is a connection-oriented protocol. TCP establishes a connection
between two network stations for the duration of the data transmission.
While establishing this connection, conditions such as the size of the data
packets are specified (which apply to the entire connection session).
TCP also follows the Client-Server communication model. That is,
whichever network station takes the initiative and establishes the connection
is referred to as the TCP Client. The station to whom the connection is
made is called the TCP Server. In Modbus TCP/IP, the communication is
always controlled by the master (client) and the master/client will establish
the connection. The server (slave) cannot initiate communication on its
own, but just waits for the client (master) to make contact with it. The client
then makes use of the service offered by the server (note that depending on
the service, one server may accommodate several clients at one time).
TCP verifies the sent user data with a checksum and assigns a sequential
number to each packet sent. The receiver of a TCP packet uses the
checksum to verify having received the data correctly. Once the TCP server
has correctly received the packet, it uses a predetermined algorithm to
calculate an acknowledgement number from the sequential number. The
acknowledgement number is returned to the client with the next packet it
sends as an acknowledgement. The server also assigns a sequential
number to the packet it sends, which is then subsequently acknowledged by
the client with an acknowledgement number. This process helps to ensure
that any loss of TCP packets will be noticed, and that if needed, they can
then be re-sent in the correct sequence.
TCP also directs the user data on the destination computer to the correct
application program by accessing various application services using various
well-known port numbers. For example, Telnet can be reached through Port
23, FTP through port 21, and Modbus through port 502. In this way, the port
number is analogous to the room number in a large office building—if you
address a letter to the public relations office in room 312, you are indicating
that you wish to utilize the services of the public relations office.
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30 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
TCP- Transport Control A port is the address that is used locally at the transport layer (on one node)
Protocol and identifies the source and destination of the packet inside the same
node. Port numbers are divided between well-known port numbers (0-
1023), registered user port numbers (1024-49151), and private/dynamic port
numbers (49152-65535). Ports allow TCP/IP to multiplex and demultiplex a
sequence of IP datagrams that need to go to many different (simultaneous)
application processes.
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
___________________________________________________________________ 31
TCP Header Field Definitions (Left-to-Right and Top-to-Bottom): TCP- Transport Control
Source Port (SP) – Port of sender’s application (the port the sender is
waiting to listen for a response from the destination machine).
Destination Port (DP) – Port number of the receiver’s application (the port
of the remote machine the sent packet will be received at).
Sequence Number (SN) – Offset from the first data byte relative to the start
of the TCP flow which is used to guaranty that a sequence is maintained
when a large message requires more than one transmission.
Acknowledgment Number (AN) – This is the sequence number expected
in the next TCP packet to be sent and works by acknowledging the
sequence number as sent by the remote host. That is, the local host’s AN is
a reference to the remote machine’s SN, and the local machine’s SN is
related to the remote machine’s AN.
Header Length (HLEN) – A measure of the length of the header in
increments of 32-bit sized words.
Reserved – These 6 bits are reserved for possible future use.
UARPSF Flags (URG, ACK, PSH, RST, SYN, FIN) – U=Urgent flag which
specifies that the urgent point included in this packet is valid;
A=Acknowledgement flag specifies that the portion of the header that has
the acknowledgement number is valid; P=Push flag which tells the TCP/IP
stack that this should be pushed up to the application layer program that
needs it or requires it as soon as time allows; R=Reset flag used to reset the
connection; S=Synthesis flag used to synchronize sequence numbers with
acknowledgement numbers for both hosts (synthesis of the connection);
F=Finish flag used to specify that a connection is finished according to the
side that sent the packet with the F flag set.
Window Size (WS) – This indicates how many bytes may be received on
the receiving side before being halted from sliding any further and receiving
more bytes as a result of a packet at the beginning of the sliding window not
having been acknowledged or received.
TCP Checksum (TCPCS) – This is a checksum that covers the header and
data portion of a TCP packet to allow the receiving host to verify the integrity
of an incoming TCP packet.
Urgent Pointer (UP) – This allows for a section of data as specified by the
urgent pointer to be passed up by the receiving host quickly.
IP Options – These bits are optional and rarely used.
TCP User Data – This portion of the packet may contain any number of
application layer protocols (CIP™, HTTP, SSH, FTP, Telnet, etc.).
The following simplified example illustrates a typical TCP transaction. In this TCP Example
example a network client (web browser) initiates data transfer with a web
server (such as the web server embedded within the Acromag 9xxEN
modules). The client is a PC running Internet Explorer and connected to the
network via a Network Interface Card (NIC).
Earlier we talked about how ports are used to send and receive messages
via TCP. For example, local port 502 was reserved for listening/receiving
Modbus messages. Likewise, port 80 is another well-known port that is
reserved for web applications. The Acromag 9xxEN-40xx modules actually
use both well-known port 502 (Modbus) and port 80 (web server).
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32 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
TCP Example
4 567
NETWORK 8 9 10 11
(WEB Browser) ACT
Note that a web browser always uses TCP for communication with a web
server. The web browser (client application) starts by making a service
request to TCP of its transport layer for the opening of a connection for
reliable data transport. It uses the IP address of the remote server
combined with the well-known port number 80 (HTTP Protocol) as its socket
address. TCP opens the connection to its peer entity at the web server by
initiating a three-way handshake. If this handshake can complete and the
connection successfully open, then data can flow between the web browser
(client) and the web server (Acromag module).
Once the connection is made, the web browser and remote server assume
that a reliable open data pipe has formed between them and they begin
transporting their data in sequence, and without errors, as long as TCP does
not close the connection. TCP will monitor the transaction for missing
packets and retransmit them as necessary to ensure reliability.
Note that in the figure above, an observer in the data paths at either side of
the router would actually see the beginning of the message from the client to
the web server begin only in the third data frame exchanged (the client’s
request message is combined with the connection acknowledge of the third
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
___________________________________________________________________ 33
The Network Layer or Internet Layer resides just below the Transport Layer NETWORK LAYER
and is responsible for routing the packets to the network. Although there
are many network layer protocols such as ICMP, IGMP, and others, the
most important of these for our purpose are IP, ARP, and RARP.
Although Modbus TCP/IP are named together, they are really IP – Internet Protocol
complimentary protocols. The Internet Protocol (IP) manages the actual
addressing and delivery of the data packets. IP provides a connectionless
and unacknowledged method for sending data packets between two devices
on a network. IP does not guaranty delivery of the data packet, it relies on a
transport layer protocol (like TCP) or application layer protocol (like Modbus)
to do that. IP also makes it possible to assemble an indefinite number of
individual networks into a larger overall network, without regard to physical
implementation of the sub networks. That is, the data is sent from one
network station to another, transparent to these differences.
The following illustrates the contents of the IP header. The first 5 rows are
commonly used (20 Bytes), while the 6th (or more) rows will depend on how
many 32-bit option words are required by special options. The data is the
encapsulated packet of the upper Transport Layer, a TCP or UDP packet
(Modbus TCP/IP does not utilize UDP).
0 8 16 24 32 Bits
Variable Number of Bytes
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34 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
Version – A 4-bit field that specifies what version of the Internet Protocol is
being used (currently IP version 4). IP version 6 has many advantages over
IP version 4, but is not in widespread use yet.
Header Length (HLEN) – A 4-bit number that specifies the increments of
32-bit words that tell the machine decoding the IP packet where the IP
header is supposed to end (this dictates the beginning of the data). For
example, “0101” (5) would specify an IP packet having only the first 5 rows
as header information and its data thus beginning with the 6th row.
Type-of-Service (TOS) – Used for special IP packet information that may
be accessed by routers passing along the packet, or by receiving interfaces.
The first 3 bits are reserved, the fourth bit is set to 0, and the remaining 4
bits are used to flag the following (respectively): minimize delay for this
packet, maximize throughput for this packet, maximize reliability for this
packet, and minimize monetary costs. Many application layer protocols
have recommended values for each of these bits based on the kind of
service they are using. For example, NNTP (Net News Transfer Protocol) is
not a very time critical operation. NNTP is used for USENET posts, and
group synchronization between servers, or to a client from a server. If it
happens to take a long time to transfer all this data, that’s OK. Since it’s not
time sensitive, the “minimize monetary costs” bit may be set for a server
synchronizing itself with another server under these conditions. Thus, it is
left to the router to determine the paths which are the cheapest and then
route a packet based on the flags that are set. If a router has only two
routes (one to/from the internet, a second to/from a Local Area Network),
then these 4 bits are often ignored since there are not multiple routes to its
destination. These bits may be useful where a router may have four routes
to a distant network, each route using a medium that has specific costs
related to bandwidth, reliability, or latency (fiber, satellite, LAN line, or VPN
for example). With each of these links up through a router, an incoming
packet may be routed via any of these paths, but a properly configured
router may be able to take advantage of how these packet bits are set by
the sender in determining which route to take. These bits are sometimes
known as the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) which defines one
of a set of classes of service. This value is usually set to 0, but may be
used to indicate a particular Quality of Service request from the network.
Total Length (TL) – The total length of the IP packet in 8-bit (byte)
increments. By subtracting header length (HL) from total length (TL), you
can determine how many bytes long the data portion of the IP packet is. As
a 16-bit value, valid ranges would be from 20 (minimum size of IP header) to
65535 bytes. A TL of only 20 is unlikely (no data), but could happen if
something was broken. Very large IP packets (greater than 1500 bytes) are
also uncommon, since they must typically be fragmented onto some
Identification (ID) – A 16-bit number used to distinguish one sent IP packet
from another by having each IP packet sent increment the ID by 1 over the
previous IP packet sent.
Flags – A sequence of 3 fragmentation flags used to control where routers
are allowed to fragment a packet (via Don’t Fragment flag) and to indicate
the parts of a packet to the receiver: 001=More, 010=Don’t Fragment, 100=
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
___________________________________________________________________ 35
Fragmentation Offset (FO) – A byte count from the start of the original IP – Internet Protocol
packet sent and set by any router that performs IP router fragmentation.
Time-to-Live (TTL) – An 8-bit value that is used to limit the number of A Network's Infrastructure
routers through which a packet may travel before reaching its destination includes the physical hardware
(the number of hops/links which the packet may be routed over). This used to transmit data
number is decremented by 1 by most routers and is used to prevent electronically such as routers,
accidental routing loops. If the TTL drops to zero, the packet is discarded switches, gateways, bridges,
by either the server that has last decremented it, or the next server that and hubs.
receives it.
Protocol – An 8-bit value that is used to allow the networking layer to know A router is located at the
what kind of transport layer protocol is in the data segment of the IP packet. gateway where it directs the
For example, 1=ICMP, 2=IGMP, 6=TCP, 17=UDP. flow of network traffic and
Header Checksum – A 16-bit checksum (1’s complement value) for the determines the route of
header data that allows a packet to offer verification data to help ensure that packets as they travel from
the IP header is valid. This checksum is originally inserted by the sender one network to another
and then updated whenever the packet header is modified by a router. This network(s). A router can be
is used to detect processing errors on the part of the router or bridge where either a hardware device or a
the packet is not already protected by a link layer Cyclic Redundancy Check software application.
(CRC). Packets with an invalid checksum are discarded by all nodes in an
IP network.
Source IP Address (32 bits) – The IP address of the source machine
sending the data onto the network. This address is commonly represented
by 4 octets representing decimal values and separated by periods
( for example).
Destination IP Address (32 bits) – The IP address of the destination
machine to which the packet is being routed for delivery. This address is
commonly represented by 4 octets representing decimal values and
separated by periods ( for example).
Options (Variable Number of Bits/Words) – These bits are reserved for
special features and are rarely used, but when they are used, the IP header
length will be greater than 5 (five 32-bit words) to indicate the relative size of
the option field.
IP Data (Variable Number of Bits/Words) - This portion of the packet may
contain any number of nested protocols (TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc.).
The Ethernet Address or MAC Address refers to the Media Access Ethernet (MAC)
Control Address that uniquely identifies the hardware of any network device. Address
This is a unique, 48-bit, fixed address assigned and hard-coded into an
Ethernet device at the factory. This is usually expressed in hexadecimal TIP: If you want to determine
form as 12 hex characters (6 bytes), with the first 3 bytes (6 leftmost hex the Ethernet address of the
characters) representing the device manufacturer, and the last 3 bytes (6 NIC card installed in your PC,
rightmost hex characters) uniquely assigned by the manufacturer. All six at the DOS command prompt,
bytes taken together uniquely identify the network device. type WINIPCFG <Enter>
(Windows 98), or IPCONFIG
Do not confuse the Ethernet Address (MAC address) with the Internet /ALL <Enter> (Windows XP).
Protocol (IP) Address, which is a 32-bit number assigned to your computer
(see below) that can change each time you connect to a network.
IP addresses are 32-bit numbers that are administered by an independent Internet (IP) Address
authority (InterNIC) and are unique for any device on the network. The IP
address is a 32-bit value made up of four octets (8 bits), with each octet
having a value between 0-255 (00H-FFH). It is commonly expressed as
four decimal numbers (8-bit values) separated by a decimal point. This
provides about 4.3 billion possible combinations.
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36 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
Internet (IP) Address Large networks of corporations, communications companies, and research
institutions will obtain large blocks of IP addresses, then divide them into
subnetworks within their own organization and distribute these addresses as
they see fit. The smaller networks of universities and companies will
acquire smaller blocks of IP addresses to distribute among their users.
Because these numbers are ultimately assigned by the Internet Assigned
Number’s Authority, an IP address can be used to approximate a machine’s
A Subnet Mask is used to A Subnet is a contiguous string of IP addresses. The first IP address in a
subdivide the host portion of subnet is used to identify the subnet and usually addresses the server for
the IP address into two or the subnet. The last IP address in a subnet is always used as a broadcast
more subnets. The subnet address and anything sent to the last IP address of a subnet is sent to every
mask will flag the bits of the IP host on that subnet.
address that belong to the
network address, and the Subnets are further broken down into three size classes based on the 4
remaining bits correspond to octets that make up the IP address. A Class A subnet is any subnet that
the host portion of the shares the first octet of the IP address. The remaining 3 octets of a Class A
address. The unique subnet subnet will define up to 16,777,214 possible IP addresses (224 – 2). A Class
to which an IP address refers B subnet shares the first two octets of an IP address (providing 216 – 2, or
to is recovered by performing 65534 possible IP addresses). Class C subnets share the first 3 octets of
a bitwise AND operation an IP address, giving 254 possible IP addresses. Recall that the first and
between the IP address and last IP addresses are always used as a network number and broadcast
the mask itself, with the result address respectively, and this is why we subtract 2 from the total possible
being the sub-network unique addresses that are defined via the remaining octet(s).
A Subnet Mask is used to determine which subnet an IP address belongs to.
The use of a subnet mask allows the network administrator to further divide
the host part of this address into two or more subnets. The subnet mask
flags the network address part of the IP address, plus the bits of the host
part, that are used for identifying the sub-network. By mask convention, the
bits of the mask that correspond to the sub-network address are all set to
1’s (it would also work if the bits were set exactly as in the network address).
It’s called a mask because it can be used to identify the unique subnet to
which an IP address belongs to by performing a bitwise AND operation
between the mask itself, and the IP address, with the result being the sub-
network address, and the remaining bits the host or node address.
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
___________________________________________________________________ 37
Internet (IP) Address
For our example, if we wish to further divide this network into 14 subnets,
then the first 4 bits of the host address will be required to identify the
subnetwork (0110), then we would use “11111111.11111111.11111111. Note that the first node
11110000” as our subnet mask. This would effectively subdivide our Class address (0) is typically
C network into 14 subnetworks of up to 14 possible nodes each. reserved for the network
server and should not be
With respect to the default settings of Acromag 9xxEN modules: used. The last node (255) is a
broadcast address. Use of
Subnet Mask (11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000) these node addresses for any
IP Address: (10000000.00000001.00000001.01100100) other purpose may yield poor
Subnet Address: (1000000.00000001.00000001.00000000) performance.
At this point, we see that each layer (application, transport, network, and
data link layer) uses its own address method. The application layer uses
socket numbers, which combine the IP address with the port number. The
transport layer uses port numbers to differentiate simultaneous applications.
The network layer uses the IP address, and the Data Link layer uses the
MAC address.
The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a TCP/IP function that resides at ARP –Address
the network layer (layer 3) with the Internet Protocol (IP), and its function is Resolution Protocol
to map Ethernet addresses (the MAC ID) to IP addresses, and maintain a
mapping table within the network device itself. This protocol allows a The ARP maps TCP/IP
sending station to gather address information used to form a layer 2 frame addresses to physical MAC
complete with the IP address and hardware (MAC) address. Every TCP/IP- addresses.
based device contains an ARP Table (or ARP cache) that is referred to by a
router when it is looking up the hardware address of a device for which it Even though ARP is a layer 3
knows the IP address and needs to forward a datagram to. If this device protocol, it does not use an IP
wants to transmit an IP packet to another device, it first attempts to look-up header and has its own packet
the Ethernet address of that device in its ARP table. If it finds a match, it will format that it broadcasts on
pass the IP packet and Ethernet address to the Ethernet driver (physical the local LAN within the data
layer). If no hardware address is found in the ARP table, then an ARP field of a layer 2 frame, without
broadcast is sent onto the network. The ARP protocol will query the needing to be routed (the
network via a local broadcast message to ask the device with the Ethernet Type field of the layer
corresponding IP address to return its Ethernet address. This broadcast is 2 frame has the value 0806H
read by every connected station, including the destination station. The in it to indicate an ARP
destination station sends back an ARP reply with its hardware address request).
attached so that the IP datagram can now be forwarded to it by the router.
The hardware address of the ARP response is then placed in an internal
table and used for subsequent communication.
It is important to note that when we used the term “local broadcast ARP is used to search for
message” above, that Ethernet broadcast messages will pass through hubs, another station’s MAC address
switches, and bridges, but will not pass through routers. As such, broadcast knowing only its IP address.
messages are confined to the subnet on which they originate and will not
propagate out onto the worldwide web. RARP is used to search for a
local station’s IP address
knowing only its MAC address.
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38 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
ARP –Address To make sure that the broadcast message is recognized by all connected
Resolution Protocol network stations, the IP driver uses “FF FF FF FF FF FF” as the Ethernet
address. The station that recognizes its own IP address in the ARP request
will confirm this with an ARP reply. The ARP reply is a data packet
addressed to the ARP request sender with an ARP identifier indicated in the
protocol field of the IP header.
The IP driver then extracts the Ethernet address obtained from the ARP
reply and enters it into the ARP table. Normally, these dynamic entries do
not remain in the ARP table and are aged out, if the network station is not
subsequently contacted within a few minutes (typically 2 minutes under
The ARP table may also support static address entries, which are fixed
addresses manually written into the ARP table and not subject to aging.
Static entries are sometimes used for passing the desired IP address to new
network devices which do not yet have an IP address.
RARP – Reverse RARP essentially allows a node in a local area network to request its IP
Address Resolution address from a gateway server’s ARP table. The ARP table normally
resides in the LAN’s gateway router and maps physical machine addresses
Protocol (MAC addresses) to their corresponding Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.
When a new machine is added to a LAN, its RARP client program requests
RARP is the complement of its IP address from the RARP server on the router. Assuming that an entry
ARP and is used to translate a has been set up in the router table, the RARP server will return the IP
hardware interface address to address to the machine which will then store it for future use.
its protocol (IP) address, while
ARP translates a protocol ARP and its variant RARP are needed because IP uses logical host
address to a hardware (MAC) addresses (the IP address), while media access control protocols (Ethernet,
address. Token-Ring, FDDI, etc.) need MAC addresses. The IP addresses are
assigned by network managers to IP hosts and this is usually accomplished
Like ARP, RARP is a layer 3 by configuration file options and driver software. That is why these are
protocol that does not use an sometimes referred to as software addresses. LAN topologies cannot use
IP header and has its own these software addresses and they require that the IP addresses be
packet format that it mapped to their corresponding MAC addresses.
broadcasts on the local LAN
within the data field of a layer For example, a diskless workstation cannot read its own IP address from
2 frame, without needing to be configuration files. They will send an RARP request (or BOOTP request) to
routed (the Ethernet Type field a RARP server (or BOOTP server). The RARP server will find the
of the layer 2 frame has the corresponding IP address in its configuration files using the requesting
value 0835H in it to indicate an station’s MAC address as a lookup, and then send this IP address back in a
RARP request). RARP reply packet.
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
___________________________________________________________________ 39
Address Resolution
0 8 16 Bits
Hardware Type
Protocol Type
48-bit Sender
Hardware (MAC) Address
32-bit Sender .
Protocol (IP) Address
48-bit Target/Destination
Hardware (MAC) Address
32-bit Target/Destination .
Protocol (IP) Address
28 Bytes
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40 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
RARP – Reverse Most network stations will send out a gratuitous ARP request when they are
Address Resolution initializing their own IP stack. This is really an ARP request for their own IP
address and is used to check for a duplicate IP address. If there is a
Protocol duplicate IP address, then the stack does not complete its initialization.
DATA LINK (MAC) The Data Link Layer or Host-to-Network Layer provides the protocol for
connecting the host to the physical network. Specifically, this layer
LAYER interfaces the TCP/IP protocol stack to the physical network for transmitting
IP packets.
Recall from Figure 1 of the TCP/IP Stack section, how the various protocols
at each of the different layers are encapsulated (nested) into the data frame
of the next lowest layer. That is, packets generally carry other packet types
inside them and their function is to often contain or encapsulate other
packets. In this section, we will look at the lowest encapsulation layer (often
referred to as the data link layer or the MAC layer) where Ethernet resides.
Note that bits are transmitted serially with the least significant bit of each
byte transmitted first at the physical layer. However, when the frame is
stored on most computers, the bits are ordered with the least significant bit
of each byte stored in the rightmost position (bits are generally transmitted
right-to-left within the octets, and the octets are transmitted left-to-right).
CSMA/CD The data link layer also uses the CSMA/CD protocol (Carrier Sense Multiple
Access w/ Collision Detection) to arbitrate access to the shared Ethernet
Recall that with CSMA/CD, any network device can try to send a data frame
at any time, but each device will first try to sense whether the line is idle and
available for use. If the line is available, the device will begin to transmit its
first frame. If another device also tries to send a frame at approximately the
same time (perhaps because of cable signaling delay), then a collision
occurs and both frames are subsequently discarded. Each device then
waits a random amount of time and retries its transmission until it is
successfully sent.
Medium Access Control The Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol provides the services required
(MAC) Protocol to form the data link layer of Ethernet. This protocol encapsulates its data
by adding a 14-byte header containing the protocol control information
before the data, and appending a 4 byte CRC value after the data. The
entire frame is preceded by a short idle period (the minimum inter-frame
gap), and an 8-byte preamble.
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Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
___________________________________________________________________ 41
The figure at right ETHERNET (MAC) PACKET Ethernet (MAC) Packet
shows the construction 0 8 16 Bits
of the Ethernet packet
along with its preamble
(via the MAC protocol). Minimum Inter-Frame Gap Time
Note that the frame R
preamble is normally E
preceded by a short idle M
period that corresponds L
to a minimum inter- E 8-bit SFD
8 Bytes
frame gap of 9.6
microseconds (at
10Mbps). This idle time
before transmission is .
to allow the receiver .
electronics at each 48-bit SOURCE ADDRESS
station to settle after F
completion of the prior 64-1518
A 16-bit TYPE
frame. BYTES
M 22 Bytes
68 Bytes (MIN)
72 Bytes (MIN)
1526 Bytes (MAX)
(Includes PREAMBLE)
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42 Introduction To Modbus TCP/IP
RARP – Reverse Destination Address (48-bits) – This 6-byte address is the destination
Address Resolution Ethernet address (MAC Address). It may address a single receiver node
(unicast), a group of nodes (multicast), or all receiving nodes (broadcast).
Protocol Source Address (48-bits) – This 6-byte address is the sender’s unique
node address and is used by the network layer protocol to identify the
sender and also to permit switches and bridges to perform address learning.
Type (16-bits) – This 2-byte field provides a Service Access Point (SAP)
and is used to identify the type of network layer protocol being carried. The
value 0800H would be used to indicate an IP network protocol, other values
indicate other network layer protocols. For example, 0806H would indicate
an ARP request, 0835H would indicate a RARP request. For IEEE 802.3
LLC (Logical Link Control), this field may alternately be used to indicate the
length of the data portion of the packet.
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check (32-bits) – The CRC is added at the end
of a frame to support error detection for cases where line errors or
transmission collisions result in a corrupted MAC frame. Any frame with an
invalid CRC is discarded by a MAC receiver without further processing and
the MAC protocol does not provide any other indication that a frame has
been discarded due to an invalid CRC.
The Ethernet standard dictates a minimum frame size which requires at
least 46 data bytes in a MAC frame. If a network layer tries to send less
than 46 bytes of data, the MAC protocol adds the requisite number of 0
bytes (null padding characters) to satisfy this requirement. The maximum
data size which may be carried in a MAC frame over Ethernet is 1500 bytes.
Any received frame less than 64 bytes is illegal and referred to as a “runt”.
Runts may result from a collision and a receiver will discard all runt frames.
Any received frame which does not contain an integral multiple of octets
(bytes) is also illegal (misaligned frame), as the receiver cannot compute the
CRC for the frame and these will also be discarded by the receiver.
Any received frame greater than the maximum frame size is referred to as a
“giant” and these frames are also discarded by an Ethernet receiver.
If you made it this far and are still awake, you must be a glutton for
punishment. Please refer to for more information on
Modbus to help satisfy your apetite.
Acronym Reference
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