Reveal Evaluation Terms (UK) : 3. Term and Termination

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Reveal Evaluation Terms (UK)

These Terms and Conditions (the “Evaluation Terms”) apply to (i) any 3. Term and Termination
hardware products (“Products”); (ii) any embedded software components These Evaluation Terms shall apply from the earlier of: (i) the date of
and software applications (“Software”), and/or (iii) any support services last signature on the Evaluation Form and (ii) the date of receipt of
(“Services”) that you (“You” or “Evaluator”) have received from Reveal Evaluation Items by Customer (the “Effective Date”), until the end of
Media Limited (“Reveal”) or its authorized channel partner (“Partner”) for the Evaluation Period (unless earlier terminated as set forth herein)
evaluation purposes. The Products, Software and Services are referred to or until the Products are returned to Reveal pursuant to clause 1,
collectively herein as the “Evaluation Items”. whichever is later. Reveal may, at its option, terminate the evaluation
Evaluator acknowledges and agrees, as evidenced by its signature on or and these Evaluation Terms immediately upon written notice to
electronic acceptance of the Evaluation Form or acceptance of the Evaluator if Evaluator (i) fails to comply with any of these Evaluation
Evaluation Items, that Evaluator has read, understood and agreed to the Terms or (ii) uses an Evaluation Item other than as authorized herein.
terms and conditions of these Evaluation Terms. REVEAL’S OFFERING OF As soon as practicable following any termination or expiration of
THESE EVALUATION TERMS IS EXPRESSLY CONDITIONAL ON these Evaluation Terms (and in no event more than ten (10) business
EVALUATOR’S ASSENT TO THESE EVALUATION TERMS (INCLUDING THE days thereafter), unless Evaluator purchases the Product(s),
TERMS OF THE EVALUATION FORM) TO THE EXCLUSION OF ALL OTHER Evaluator agrees to return to Reveal, at Evaluator’s cost, the
TERMS. Product(s) and all related materials and documentation, including
By accepting the Evaluation Form and these Evaluation Terms, You hereby without limitation all Confidential Information of Reveal.
agree to Your conduct evidencing Your acceptance of a legally binding Notwithstanding the earlier termination or expiration of these
commitment and / or the use of electronic communication in order to Evaluation Terms, Sections 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2, 5, 6, 8 and 9 shall survive.
enter into contracts, place orders and other records and to the electronic 4. No Warranty
delivery of notices, policies and records of transactions. Furthermore, You THE EVALUATION ITEMS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”, AND TO THE
hereby waive any rights or requirements under any laws or regulations in EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, REVEAL DISCLAIMS ALL
any jurisdiction which require an original (non-electronic) signature or WARRANTIES RELATING TO THE EVALUATION ITEMS, EXPRESS OR
delivery or retention of non-electronic records, to the extent permitted IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES
1.1 Evaluator may use the Evaluation Items for evaluation purposes for a WELL AS ANY WARRANTIES IMPLIED BY ANY COURSE OF
period of up to thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the PERFORMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE. ANY DOCUMENTATION
Evaluation Items (the “Evaluation Period”). Evaluator and Reveal may, PROVIDED BY REVEAL IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND
upon mutual written agreement (including via email), extend the REVEAL MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES
Evaluation Period. If the Evaluation Items includes Products, any CONCERNING THE APPROPRIATENESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY,
such Products shall be returned within ten (10) days of the end of the USEFULNESS, COMPLETENESS OR TIMELINESS OF SUCH CONTENT.
Evaluation Period, (including authorized extended periods, if any) or 5. Limitation of Liability and Indemnity
the Evaluator shall be invoiced for the then-current list price for the 5.1 TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, EVALUATOR
Products. If the Evaluation Items include Software, Evaluator must AGREES THAT REVEAL SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE
delete all Software and other components (including WITH RESPECT TO THE EVALUATION, THE EVALUATION ITEMS OR
documentation) related to the Product at the end of the Evaluation THESE EVALUATION TERMS UNDER ANY CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE,
Period, and confirm those deletions in writing to Reveal. If the STRICT LIABILITY, EQUITABLE OR OTHER THEORY (A) FOR LOSS OR
Evaluation Items include Services, Evaluator understands that Reveal INACCURACY OF DATA, BREACH OF PRIVACY OR SECURITY OR
may suspend the Services automatically at the end of the Evaluation COST OF PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS, SERVICES OR
Period, without notice to Evaluator. Evaluator shall use the TECHNOLOGY, OR (B) FOR ANY INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL,
Evaluation Items strictly in accordance with the associated INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING, BUT NOT
documentation or other instructions provided to Evaluator in writing LIMITED TO LOSS OF REVENUES AND LOSS OF PROFITS. THIS
1.2 Reveal grants Evaluator a non-sublicensable, non-transferable, non- POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH DAMAGES HAS BEEN DISCLOSED IN
exclusive, royalty-free license to use the Evaluation Items without ADVANCE BY EVALUATOR OR COULD HAVE BEEN REASONABLY
modification, only in accordance with the documentation supplied FORESEEN BY REVEAL. IN ADDITION, REVEAL SHALL NOT BE
by Reveal, and solely for Evaluator’s internal testing and evaluation of RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY MATTER BEYOND ITS REASONABLE
the Evaluation Items for the term of the Evaluation Period. CONTROL. IN NO EVENT SHALL REVEAL’S AGGREGATE LIABILITY
1.3 All right, title, and interest in and to the Evaluation Items, including ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THESE EVALUATION TERMS,
ownership of all intellectual property rights therein and thereto, shall WHETHER ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO BREACH OF
remain at all times in Reveal and its licensors. CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE,
1.4 Evaluator shall not make any copies of the Products or the Software.
1.5 Evaluator shall not alter, modify, decompile, disassemble, create OR ACTION BY EVALUATOR RELATING TO THE EVALUATION ITEMS
other works from or reverse engineer the Evaluation Items in any MUST BE COMMENCED WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR AFTER THE END OF
manner, or otherwise attempt to discover any source code or THE EVALUATION PERIOD, OR SUCH CLAIM, SUIT OR ACTION SHALL
underlying Confidential Information (as that term is defined below), BE LOST AND FOREVER BARRED.
nor shall Evaluator allow any third party to conduct such activities.
5.2 Evaluator hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, any additional Products,
Reveal, its affiliates, its Partner and each of its affiliate and Partner
Software or Services provided subsequent to the Effective Date
employees, contractors, directors, suppliers and representatives
pursuant to a quote or other notice in writing indicating that it is for
from all liabilities, claims, and expenses, including without limitation,
evaluation or otherwise provided for evaluation purposes shall
reasonable attorneys’ fees, that arise from or relate to Evaluator’s use
automatically be subject to these Evaluation Terms and added to the
of the Evaluation Items and its other activities pursuant, under, or
Evaluation Items.
related to these Evaluation Terms. Reveal reserves the right to
1.6 Evaluator acknowledges that Product(s) delivered for evaluation assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise
purposes may be used and/or refurbished units. subject to indemnification by Evaluator, in which event Evaluator
1.7 Evaluator shall provide feedback in writing to Reveal regarding their agrees to assist and cooperate with Reveal in asserting any available
use and evaluation of the Evaluation Items within fourteen (14) days defenses.
of the end of the Evaluation Period. 6. Confidential Information
2. Ownership Evaluator acknowledges that, in the course of evaluating the
Unless purchased by Evaluator, the Evaluation Items shall remain the Evaluation Items, it may obtain or develop information relating to the
exclusive property of Reveal and its licensors. Under no Evaluation Items and/or to Reveal ("Confidential Information"),
circumstances shall Evaluator sell, license, sublicense, distribute, including, but not limited to code, technology, algorithms,
assign or otherwise transfer to a third party or encumber the schematics, testing procedures, documentation, problem reports,
Evaluation Items without Reveal’s prior written consent. Evaluator analysis and performance information, inventions (whether
shall be responsible for any damage to or loss of the Products, patentable or not), and other technical, business, product,
excluding ordinary wear and tear. If Evaluator chooses to purchase marketing, financial and customer information, plans and data.
the Products pursuant to Reveal’s standard terms and conditions of During and after the Evaluation Period, Evaluator shall hold in
sale, Reveal may sell to Evaluator the Production Units already in confidence and protect, and shall not use (except as expressly
Evaluator’s possession subject to pricing reflected in a quote authorized by these Evaluation Terms) or disclose, Confidential
provided to Evaluator by Reveal or its Partner for the sale of the Information, unless such Confidential Information becomes part of
Products. Any and all evaluation reports and information contained the public domain without breach of these Evaluation Terms by
in such reports are the sole property of Reveal. Any developments or Evaluator, its officers, directors, employees or agents. During or after
modifications made during the Evaluation Period by Reveal or the Evaluation Period, Evaluator will disclose the Evaluation Items
Evaluator, either independently or at Reveal’s direction, in any way and Confidential Information only to those of its employees as are
relating to the Evaluation Items, whether or not influenced or necessary for the use expressly and unambiguously granted
suggested by Evaluator, are the sole property of Reveal. Evaluator hereunder and who are bound by the provisions of these Evaluation
hereby assigns to Reveal any interest it has or may acquire in any of Terms or terms similar to and at least as protective as the terms
the foregoing, as well as all related intellectual property rights; and herein as a condition of employment or engagement. Evaluator shall
will cooperate to perfect or further evidence such assignments. not, without the prior written consent of Reveal, disclose or
otherwise make available the Evaluation Items, including any

information relating to the performance or operation of the obligations on each of the parties but only to the extent that Reveal
Evaluation Items (including any benchmarking or other testing considers necessary or reasonable, and that compliance with such
results), or copies thereof to any third party. Evaluator acknowledges legislation is of mutual benefit to the parties. If any term or provision
and agrees that due to the unique nature of Reveal’s Confidential in these Evaluation Terms shall be held to be illegal or unenforceable,
Information, there can be no adequate remedy at law for any breach in whole or in part, under any enactment or rule of law, such term or
of its obligations hereunder, that any such breach may allow provision shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent
Evaluator or third parties to unfairly compete with Reveal resulting in necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such
irreparable harm to Reveal, and therefore, that upon any such breach modification is not possible, such term or provision or part shall to
or threat thereof, Reveal shall be entitled to injunctions and other that extent be deemed not to form part of these Evaluation Terms
appropriate equitable relief in addition to whatever remedies it may but the validity and enforceability of the remainder of these
have at law. This clause shall survive the termination or expiration of Evaluation Terms shall not be affected. Notices required to be given
these Evaluation Terms for a period of two (2) years. under these Evaluation Terms must be in English, addressed for the
7. FCPA and Anticorruption Laws attention of the contact and delivered personally or sent by pre-paid
overnight courier or by email to the address or email address of the
Evaluator agrees to comply with the provisions of the U.S. Foreign
recipient. A notice delivered by hand is served when delivered, a
Corrupt Practices Act ("the FCPA") and the U.K. Bribery Act of 2010
notice sent by overnight courier is served 48 hours after posting (as
(“UKBA”) as well as any related provisions of local law and Reveal’s
evidenced by a proof of posting) and a notice sent by email is served
corporate policies and procedures related thereto. Evaluator further
when the email is sent (as evidenced by receipt of email). Notice by
understands the provisions relating to the FCPA and UKBA’s
email will be effective only if proof of receipt can be provided.
prohibitions regarding the payment or giving of anything of value,
including but not limited to payments, gifts, travel, entertainment
and meals, either directly or indirectly, to an official of a government
or political party for the purpose of influencing an act or decision in
his or her official capacity or inducing the official to use his or her
party's influence with that government, to obtain or retain business
involving the Evaluation Items. Evaluator agrees to not violate or
knowingly let anyone violate the FCPA or UKBA, and Evaluator
agrees that no payment it makes will constitute a bribe, influence
payment, kickback, rebate, or other payment that violates the FCPA,
the UKBA, or any other applicable anticorruption or anti-bribery law,
including those of any area or country where Evaluator conducts
8. Compliance with Laws
Evaluator represents and warrants that it shall comply with all laws
and regulations applicable to Evaluator with respect to the
evaluation, purchase and use of the Evaluation Items. Evaluator
further acknowledges and agrees that the Products and Software
may be subject to certain export restrictions and controls imposed
by the U.S. Arms Export Control Act of 1976, 22 U.S.C., ch. 39, and the
regulations thereunder. In such event, Evaluator agrees to comply
with all applicable export and re-export control laws and regulations,
Evaluator agrees to notify Reveal of any suspicious activities by any
employee related to the Products or Software. Evaluator agrees to
indemnify, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Reveal from and
against any fines or penalties that may arise as a result of Evaluator’s
breach of this provision.
9. Miscellaneous
The parties are independent contractors, and nothing in these
Evaluation Terms is intended to or shall create any agency,
employment, fiduciary, partnership or joint venture relationship
between them. Each party acknowledges in entering into any
contract incorporating these terms that it does not rely on, and shall
have no remedies in respect of, any representation or warranty
(whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in these
terms. Each party agrees that its only liability in respect of those
representations and warranties that are set out in these terms
(whether made innocently or negligently) shall be for breach of
contract. Reveal shall not be in breach of any contract incorporating
these terms nor liable for delay in performing, or failure to perform,
any of its obligations under these terms if that delay or failure results
from events, circumstances or causes beyond its reasonable control.
Nothing in these terms operates to transfer any intellectual property
rights or industrial know-how from Reveal. Any contract
incorporating these terms and any dispute or claim arising out of or
in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including
non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales; the
courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle
any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with any
contract incorporating these terms or its subject matter or formation
(including non-contractual disputes or claims). Any party who
unsuccessfully challenges the enforceability of this forum selection
clause shall reimburse the prevailing party for its attorney's fees, and
the party prevailing in any such dispute shall be awarded its
attorneys' fees. Evaluator may not sub-contract, delegate, transfer,
assign, mortgage, charge, subcontract, declare a trust of or deal in
any other manner with any of these Evaluation Terms, or any of its
rights or obligations hereunder, by operation of law or otherwise,
without Reveal’s prior written consent. Reveal may assign its rights
and obligations in these Evaluation Terms in whole or in part. All
expenses related to Evaluator’s performance of these Terms shall be
borne by Evaluator who shall be solely responsible for the payment
thereof. The failure of either party to exercise any right granted
herein or to require any performance of any of these Evaluation
Terms or the waiver by either party of any breach of these Evaluation
Terms shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach of,
the same or any other provision of these Evaluation Terms. These
Evaluation Terms (together with the applicable Evaluation Form)
constitute the entire agreement between Reveal and Evaluator with
respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all
other written or oral agreements existing between the parties hereto
regarding the Evaluation Items. These Evaluation Terms may not be
modified without the prior written consent of Reveal. Reveal shall be
entitled to vary these terms and conditions as Reveal shall
reasonably consider necessary to ensure compliance with any future
or subsequent legislation or other law as described above. Such
variation shall become effective upon notice by Reveal to the
Evaluator. It is agreed that such variations may impose new

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