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FITTA 2075 Note

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Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act 2075 By: Santosh Adhikari

Chapter 1: Preliminary

To attract

To ease doing
business by To make
foreign competitive
investors economy

Technology Transfer
• Transferring technology based on agreement between industry and foreign
investor including following matters in agreement:
•Patent, design, goodwill, formula, process, specialized technology
•User License, know-how sharing or franchise sharing
•Foreign technical advisor, management and marketing services or other technical
knowlege and skills

Foreign Investment
• Following investment made by foreign investor in industry or company:
•Share investment in FCY, Re-investment of dividend, Lease Financing (Sec. 6)
•Investment in venture capital fund (Sec. 9),
•Investment in listed securities via secondary market (Sec. 10)
•Investment by aquiring share or assets of Nepalese Entity
•Investment received by issuing securities by Nepalese entity in foreign capital markets
•Investment made through technology transfer
•Foreign investment maintained by establishing and expanding industry in Nepal

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Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act 2075 By: Santosh Adhikari

Chapter 2: Foreign Investment

Foreign investor may individually or jointly, invest in Nepal in following modes:

Lease in airlines,
Obtaining project Loan ship, machinery,
Modes of
or financing from Foreign construction
Financial Institutions equipment etc. in
prescribed limit.

➢ Maximum limit of FDI shall not be fixed.
➢ Foreign Investors can conclude Escrow
Agreement with Nepalese Banks.

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Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act 2075 By: Santosh Adhikari

Chapter 3: Approval & Repatriation of Foreign


Application to Approving Authority for

Obtaining Approval of Foreign Investment

Application to be accompanied Approving authority shall notify

with investment timeline and work within 7 days if it is not appropriate
plan. to grant approval with grounds of
➢ If it is deemed appropriate, refusal
approving authority shall grant ➢ Investor, who is not satisfied with
approval within 7 days. decision can appeal in ministry and
➢ However, approval is not required decision shall be provide within 30
for re-investment of profit earned days of appeal.
from already approved investment

After Approval

Information to be Provided NRB & Approving Authority

• Written information should be provided to NRB with self-declaration regarding legal
source of investment.
• Investment should be brought in convertible foreign currency (Indian investors can
bring INR through banking channel)
• In case of change in status or underlying ownership of any asset or share, due to
transaction within or outside of Nepal, concerned company should inform to
approving authority within 30 days of such transaction.

More than
6 Billion Investment Board of
NPR Nepal
Foreign Investment
Authority UP to 6
Billion Department of Industries

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Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act 2075 By: Santosh Adhikari

Repatriation of Foreign Investment and Profits

• By paying all applicable taxes, any foreign investor desiring to dispose their holding
fully or partially, can repatriate following amounts in same currency they brought-in
or in other convertible FCY:
➢ Disposal proceeds of share of foreign investment.
➢ Profit or dividend eared as a result of foreign investment.
➢ Residual amount remaining after meeting all liabilities on liquidation
➢ Royalty as per Technology Transfer Contract. However, industries producing liquor
product (except exporting 100% product) shall not permitted to repatriate more than 5%
of total sales.
➢ Lease rent under Lease Investment
➢ Compensation or fine received on final settlement of legal dispute or arbitration
➢ Amount of Loan and interest realized from auction of collateral in case of loan default

• After verification of abiding all the terms and legal grounds, approving authority shall grant
approval of repatriation within 15 days of application.(Then apply NRB for foreign currency exchange)

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Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act 2075 By: Santosh Adhikari

Chapter 4: Promotion, Simplification and

Regulation of Foreign Investment

Right, Functions and Duties of Authorities

• Following are the rights, function and duties of Industrial Promotion Board established
as per section 20 of Industrial Enterprise Act 2076:
➢ Suggesting government regarding policy & structural reforms for attracting foreign
➢ To grant approval for establishment of infrastructural industries based on foreign
➢ Coordination, facilitation, assisting in implementation of policies
➢ Arrangement for receipt of facilitation and services through One Point Service Center

• Following are the fights, function and duties of Department of Industries:

➢ Maintain friendly environment for establishment and operation of industries
➢ Facilitate on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Make recommendation for Visa
➢ Maintain records & Docs, Grant approval for repatriation of salary allowances
➢ Formulate & implement standard procedures and supervise and monitor
➢ Facilitate establishment of industries under foreign investment in industrial area and SEZ

& Approval
PAN regd.
Work Permit
facilitation &
& Visa

One Point
Servie Center

Concession &
control and
EIA approval
Focal point
for energy

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Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act 2075 By: Santosh Adhikari

Chapter 5: Facilities and Concessions to

Industries Established Under Foreign Investment

Facilities & Concessions

Industrial Foreign Specialists & Industrial

Facilities Currency Managers Security

All the facilities, With approval First Priority to Equal security Department may
concessions & from Authority & Nepalese should facilities like for provide Identity
discounts under NRB Industry can be given for hiring other industries Card in prescribed
prevailing use FCY for: technical experts established in format to the
industrial law •Remuneration & specialists. If Nepal shall also foreign investor.
shall be available, Payment N/A then can hire be provide to
except applicable •Payment of foreign nationals. industries
facilities for sick Interest and
Information shall established under
industries Principle of
be provided to foreign
Department. investment.

Visa Facilities

Visa Facility Type Eligibility Visa Duration

A foreigner visiting Nepal for conducting study, research or
6 Months
Non-Tourist Visa survey for investment in Nepal
For foreign specialist, technician or managerial person As required
Foreign investor or his/her authorized agent and his/her family Till foreign
Business Visa member (spouse, father, mother & minor children). Max two investment is
persons can avail this facility for prescribed limit of investment. retained
Till foreign
Investor or his/her authorized agent with foreign investment of
Residential Visa investment is
1,000,000 USD or more at a time.

➢ Industries under foreign investment pursuant to this Act shall not be nationalized. (However, can
be taken over for public purpose as per prevailing law)

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Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act 2075 By: Santosh Adhikari

✓ Foreign investor shall arrange required land by purchasing or by other methods as per
prevailing laws.
✓ If land could not be arranged and requested, approving authority shall recommend,
Facilities facilitate and coordinate with concerned body. they also do it for land limit approval.
✓ Leasing and other provisions shall be as per applicable laws.

National Treatment

Shall be treated as equal as invested by Nepalese person. With following protection:

➢ Industry established by FI shall be treated as similar established by Nepalese citizen
➢ Shall have freedom to determine price of goods or services within prevailing laws.
➢ Shall not be restricted for doing business in line within its industry
➢ Shall not be restricted for repatriation of investment, profit, or principle or interest of loan

However, national treatment is not applicable for following matters:

➢ Compulsory licensing of right to use of intellectual property as per agreement with WTO.
➢ Any rebate provided as per Public Procurement Act to any local industry of merchandise.
➢ Grant or Facility, Non-trading service or Financial services of GoN deemed necessary for
protection of interest of investors, participants of security market etc.
➢ Provide special treatment as per regional or multilateral financial or monetary agreement
to which GoN is enforcing party.
➢ Conditions imposed by regulators on repatriation of investment, loans, service fees etc.
➢ Matters relating to public health, flora and fauna and environment protection.

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Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act 2075 By: Santosh Adhikari

Chapter 6 & 7: Grievances Management &


Grievances Management and Inspection

➢ For any grievances relating to functions of approving, registering, regulating authority
or One Point Service center, Foreign Investor may submit such grievances to
Department of Industry.
➢ For any grievances relating to functions of Department and One Point Service Center,
Foreign Investor may submit to Ministry.
➢ Foreign investors should abide the terms and conditions of Approving Authority.
➢ Designated person from department, may inspect the industry.

Settlement of Disputes

Mutual Discussions and Negotiation

Department of Industries shall provide necessary facilitation.

If not Resolved within 45 days

➢ If resolved – Provide information
to Approving Authority within 15
As per Joint Agreement days (may not disclose terms).
Dispute shall be resolve as per Joint Investment Agreement or ➢ Dispute Resolution Agreement
Dispute Settlement agreement can be concluded before or after
dispute by informing authority.
If not Resolved or Agreement not available

Arbitration Arbitration shall be held in Nepal

Except otherwise agreed, procedures of United Nations and arbitration laws of Nepal shall
Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) be applicable.

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Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act 2075 By: Santosh Adhikari

Validity of Foreign Investment approval

Foreign investment approval shall be valid till the investment is retained however, under
following conditions investment approval is deemed to be cancelled:
➢ The approved investment amount is not initiated to bring in Nepal within 2 years of approval
without reasonable ground.
➢ The whole ownership of industry under foreign investment is transferred to Nepalese as a result
of share transaction.
➢ If approved industry for foreign investment or company establishing such industry’s registration
is cancelled.

Power of Attorney

➢ Person desiring of making investment under this act may provide power of attorney for
any of all activities on his/her behalf.
➢ Power of Attorney shall be certified by Notary Public & sent to foreign investment
approving authority.
➢ Holder of POA cannot delegate such authority to any other person.
➢ Foreign investor can withdraw POA at any time. Withdrawal of delegated authority shall
be applicable once it is registered in investment approving authority.

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Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act 2075 By: Santosh Adhikari

Industries where Foreign Investment is not allowed:

Annexure-: Relating to section 3 (i.e. Industry or Enterprise restricted for

Foreign Investment):
➢ Primary agriculture sector such as fish farming, animal husbandry, horticulture, milk
➢ Micro and Cottage enterprises
➢ Personal service businesses (like: hair saloon, tailoring, driving etc.)
➢ Arm and ammunition industry, industry producing biological and chemical weapons,
industries related to explosives, gunpowder, radio-active materials, atomic energy etc.
➢ Real Estate business (excluding construction industries), Retail business, internal courier
services, local catering services, money changer, remittance etc.
➢ Tourism based travel agency, trekking agency, expedition service provider, home-stay and
rural tourism
➢ Mass-media business (such as newspaper, radio, TV and online news), movies of national
➢ Business and Organizations providing management, accountancy, engineering and legal
consultancy services and language training, music training, computer training &
➢ Consultancy services with more than 51% foreign investment.

About the Compiler

CA. Santosh Adhikari
WhatsApp/Viber: +977 9845657204
Email: [email protected]

YouTube Video Link: https://youtu.be/8cAR4ZZ1bAM

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