Describes Sampling Procedure and Sample (Cs - Rs12-Iia-C-2)
Describes Sampling Procedure and Sample (Cs - Rs12-Iia-C-2)
Describes Sampling Procedure and Sample (Cs - Rs12-Iia-C-2)
Step 4: Put all the folded pieces of paper in a bowl or box. Cluster Random Sampling is the advantageous procedure
Step 5: Without looking, randomly pick out 286 folded pieces when the population is spread out over a wide geographical
area. It is also mean as a practical sampling technique used if
from the bowl or box.
the complete list of the members of the population is not
Systematic random sampling is convenient and available. A cluster refers to an intact group which has a
relatively easy to administer where population elements are an common characteristic. Multistage Sampling is more complex
ordered sequence. The first sample element is selected sampling technique. If the number of elements in the subset of
clusters is larger than the desired value of n, these clusters may
randomly from the first k population elements. Thereafter,
be subdivided to form a new set of clusters and subjected to a
sample elements are selected at a constant interval, k, from the
random selection process.
ordered sequence frame. Interval will be solved through the
formula k = 𝑛 , where k = size of selection interval/sample
interval, N= population size and n= sample size. Example: A researcher wants to determine who among the
families in a small town are using the new detergent product.
Example: Accountancy, Business, Management (ABM) Strand How is she going to do this using the multistage sampling
in Bataan National High School- Senior High School consists technique?
of 250 students, how will you select a sample containing 71
students by using the systematic sampling technique? Step 1: Divide the population into clusters. Use barrios as
Step 1: Prepare a sampling frame by randomly arranging the
250 students. Step 2: Not all the barrios of the town will be included in the
sample. Choose the final barrios by using either the simple
Step 2: Assign each student a number from 1 to 250. random sampling or a systematic sampling technique.
Step 3. After assigning numbers from 1 to 250, determine the Step 3: Not all the families in each selected barrio will be
interval. Use the formula k = 𝑛 , included in the study. Select the final families to be included in
the sample by using either a simple random sampling or
From the given, we have k= k = = 3.52 or 4. systematic random sampling technique.
Step 4. After determining the interval, you can select from Activity 1
1,2,3, or 4 by simply using the random technique. This value is
Directions: Identify the type of sampling technique used by the
called as a random start.
researcher in each of the following situations: simple random
Step 5. Assume that the randomly selected number is 2. Use 2 sampling, systematic random sampling, stratified random
as the starting number. sampling, or cluster random sampling.
Step 6: Select every 4th student from the sampling frame 1. The office clerk gave the researcher a list of 500
starting from the 2nd student. Grade 10 students. The researcher selected every 20th
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, … name on the list.
The numbers of the sample will then be 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, … 2. In a recent research that was conducted in a private
school, the subjects of the study were selected by
Stratified Random Sampling is a sampling technique where using the Table of Random Numbers.
population is divided into nonoverlapping subpopulations
called strata, based on some characteristics like year level, 3. A researcher interviewed people from each town in
gender, age, ethnicity, etc. A random sample is selected from the province of Albay for his research on population.
each stratum. 4. 4. A researcher is doing a research work on the
Example: You want to interview 200 students in your school students’ reaction to the newly implemented
to determine their opinion on the new school uniform. How are curriculum in mathematics and interviewed every
you going to choose your sample by using stratified sampling if 10th student entering the gate of the school.
there are 1,200 students in grade seven; 1,100 in Grade 8; 1,050
in Grade 9; 940 in Grade 10; 900 in Grade 11, and 810 in Grade 5. 5. A researcher who is studying the effects of
12? educational attainment on promotion conducted a
survey of 50 randomly selected workers from each of
Subdivide the population into several strata. In this problem, these categories: high school graduate, with
subdivide the population into year levels. Then, make a table undergraduate degrees, with master’s degree, and
similar to the following: with doctoral degree.
Activity 3
Identify the sampling techniques used in your present study. VALIDITY IN QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH
Describe the sampling procedure and identify the number of ➢ Refers to whether one can draw meaningful and useful
sample. inferences from scores on particular instruments.
➢ Establishing the validity of the scores in a survey helps to
ACTIVITY SHEET IN Practical Research 2 identify whether an instrument might be a good one to use
2nd Quarter, Week 1 - 3 (Constructs an Instrument and in survey research.
Establishes its Validity and Reliability) The three traditional forms of validity to look for are:
1. Content validity (do the items measure the content
they were intended to measure?),
LECTURE 2. Predictive or concurrent validity (do scores predict
a criterion measure? Do results correlate with other
➢ Refers to the whole process of preparing to collect data. It 3. Construct validity (do items measure hypothetical
involves not only the selection or design of the instruments constructs or concepts?).
but also the procedures and the conditions under which the
instruments will be administered. RELIABILITY IN QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH
➢ During this process, the following questions must be ➢ Refers to whether scores to items on an instrument are
answered. internally consistent (i.e., are the item responses
▪ Where will the data be collected? consistent across constructs?), stable over time (test-retest
▪ When will the data be collected? correlations), and whether there was consistency in test
▪ How often are the data to be collected? administration and scoring.
▪ Who is to collect the data? Remember
➢ When one modifies an instrument or combines
TRIANGULATION METHOD instruments in a study, the original validity and reliability
➢ Is the process of collecting multiple types of data to may not hold for the new instrument, and it becomes
increase confidence in the findings important to re-establish validity and reliability during
➢ It increases the validity and reliability of the data. data analysis.
➢ When multiple techniques give the same results, it can
increase confidence in results
➢ When multiple resources fail to give same results, it can ACTIVITY 1:
raise follow-up questions Answer the following questions. You may use additional
QUANTITATIVE DATA GATHERING TECHNIQUE 1. What instrument/s will you use to gather data to answer
your research questions? Describe the instrument/s. Cite
SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE your references as well.
➢ Refers to a paper containing series of questions 2. Why did you choose this/these instrument/s?
formulated for an individual and independent answering 3. What are the major parts of your instrument, including the
by several respondents for obtaining statistical major variables and sub-variables to be measured?
information. 4. What rating scale will you use? Discuss it in detail.
➢ The question must: 5. What question can you formulate that centers on one of
▪ Pertain to the variables of the study. your study variables or sub-variables? Mention at least
▪ Provide answers to the stated research questions. five indicators for your chosen variable/ sub-variable.
▪ Attain research objectives.
▪ Be stated in words whose meaning is understood ACTIVITY 2:
in the same way by the respondent and the Answer the following questions. You may use additional
researcher. references.
Types of Questions: 1. How will you establish the validity of your instrument?
1. Open-ended questions Describe your step-by-step process.
▪ No choices 2. Is your instrument valid and reliable? Justify your answer.
▪ Respondents answer freely
2. Close-ended questions
▪ Choices are provided
3. Contingency questions
▪ Questions that are asked after a particular question is
▪ Follow-up question.
Unemployment ( )
Pollution ( )
Inflation ( )
Power Shortage ( )
Floods ( )
What do you think are the most pressing problems 3. INTERVIEW
faced by the company? A form of data gathering by talking to people who are sources
2. Close-ended questions of information.
Choices are provided Persons who are expected to be very knowledgeable in
providing answers are called key informants.
Instruments for interview
Structured interview
3. Contingency questions Uses set of fixed questions
Questions that are asked after a particular question is Non-structured interview
answered. The researcher allows the respondents to
Follow-up question. answer freely
TYPES OF QUESTIONNAIRE Non-scheduled interview
Question Format No pre-specified questions/ no specified order of questions
1. General format
For open-ended question: leave blanks for the Types of interview
answer. 1. Personal interview
Example: 2. Face-to-face interpersonal
What is your civil status? _________________ communication.
For close-ended question: give the possible answers 3. Group interview
and provide boxes to check 4. Gathering respondents in group
5. Telephone interview
2. Rating
The answers to the question are in the form of a 6. Intercept interview
scale-meaning. Quick interview by randomly
Example: approaching people.
Indicate the answer to the following questions as (1)
strongly agree, (2) agree, (3) depends, (4) disagree,
(5) strongly disagree. Order of Interview Questions
Items Choices First set of questions – opening questions to establish friendly
relationships, like questions about the place, the time, the
1. The professor comes to class on time 5 4 3 2 1 physical appearance of the participant, or other non-verbal
things not for audio recording.
2. The professor has mastery of the subject 5 4 3 2 1 Second set of questions – generative questions to encourage
matter open-ended questions like those that ask about the
respondents’ inferences, views, or opinions about the
3. The professor uses visual aids 5 4 3 2 1
interview topic.
Third set of questions – directive questions or close-ended
questions to elicit specific answers like those that are
answerable with yes or no, with one type of an object, or with
Question Format definite period of time and the like.
3. Semantic differential Fourth set of questions – ending questions that give the
Another type of rating scale. It measures the respondent’s respondents the chance to air their satisfaction, wants, likes,
reaction to some objects or concepts in terms of bipolar scales
defined by contrasting adjectives. dislikes, reactions, or comments about the interview.
Place a check in the space above the number that best describe Guidelines in Formulating Interview Questions
your judgement. 1. Use clear and simple language.
How will you rate your dining experience? 2. Avoid using acronyms, abbreviations, jargons, and
Good Bad
highfalutin terms.
3. Let one question elicit only one answer; no double-
4. Ranking
barrel question.
The respondents choose the degree of priority or place of
4. Express your point in exact, specific, bias-free, and
importance to the answers.
gender-free language.
5. Give way to how your respondents want themselves
to be identified.
Rank the following problems faced by the nation at present
6. Establish continuity or free flow of the respondents’
(from 1-5, 1 being the most important)
thoughts by using appropriate follow-up questions
Number of Covid 19 Cases
1. Ungrouped Data Refer to Table 1 above, to get the
in the Philippines as of April mean or average number of parents who opted to receive
2, 2020 digital copies of learning modules, do the following:
𝑀𝐸𝐴(𝑋̅) = 24+25+16+11/ 4 = 76 /4 = 19
Number of Cases
From 4.01 to 5.00 is (strongly agree) Step 2: Substitute the value of m and b to the regression
formula. The regression equation for predicting the grade in
English given the grade in Math is 𝑌 = 𝑋 + 1.
From Module 3, you were exposed to creating your Null One-Sample t-test Formula:
hypothesis (𝑯𝟎) which states that there is no difference
between the two values or variables and the Alternative
hypothesis (𝑯𝟏) which states that there is a difference
between two values or variables.
The statistical test uses the data obtained from a sample to Example:
decide about whether the null hypothesis should be rejected.
In a one-tailed test (left-tailed or right-tailed test), when the A random sample of 10 Grade 7 students has grades in
test value falls in the critical region on one side of the mean, Math, where marks range from 90 (Good) to 98 (Excellent). The
the null hypothesis should be rejected. general average grade (Gen. Ave.) of all Grade 7 students as of
the last 5 years is 93. Is the Gen. Ave. of the 10 Grade 7 students
On the other hand, in a two-tailed test, the null hypothesis different from the population’s Gen. Ave? Use 0.05 level of
should be rejected when the test value falls in either of the two significance.
critical regions.
To perform hypothesis testing, you compute the mean from Computational Procedure:
the sample and compare it with the mean from the population. 1. Define the Null and Alternative Hypothesis
Then, you decide whether to reject or not reject the 31 null
hypothesis. If the difference is significant, the null hypothesis 𝐻0: There is no significant difference between the
is rejected. If the difference is not significant, then the null gen. ave. of 10 Grade 7 students from the population’s gen.
hypothesis is not rejected. In the hypothesis testing, there are average of 93.
four possible results.
𝐻0: 𝜇 = 93 𝐻1: There is a significant difference
between the gen. ave. of 10 Grade 7 students from the
population’s gen. average of 93.
𝐻1: 𝜇 ≠ 93
Use the same data from Example 1 of Critical value 2nd Quarter – Week 8-9(Draws Conclusions from Research
app Findings]
Computational Procedure:
1. Define the Null and Alternative Hypothesis
2. Intersect this column with the row for your 𝑑𝑓 (degrees of ACTIVITY 1: CONCLUDING THE RESEARCH PAPER
freedom). The number you see is the critical value (or the t-
value) for your confidence interval. Table of T-Values Provide the required information below. Refer to your
proposed study.
1. Proposed research
___________________________________________ Activity 1
Direction: Read the statement at the left column and write
3. Write the conclusion section of your research paper your recommendation at the right column.
___________________________________________ Situation I’ll recommend you to…
___________________________________________ 1. You failed in your
___________________________________________ posttest.
___________________________________________ 2. You had a heated
___________________________________________ conversation with your
___________________________________________ friend.
___________________________________________ 3. You are forgetful.
___________________________________________ 4. You can’t sleep.
5. You’re stressed. Guide
4. Write the recommendation section of your research Questions:
paper below.
___________________________________________ 1. Reflect on your given recommendations, do you think it is
___________________________________________ valid? Explain your answer.
___________________________________________ __________________________________________________
___________________________________________ __________________________________________________
___________________________________________ __________________________________________________
___________________________________________ __________________________________________________
___________________________________________ __________________________________________________
2nd Quarter, Week 8-9 2. In writing research recommendations, what factors should
Formulates recommendations be considered?
(CS_RS12-IIh-j-2) __________________________________________________
Lecture __________________________________________________
Research Recommendations __________________________________________________
Recommendations can be described as a suggestion __________________________________________________
regarding the best course of action to take as a result of your __________________________________________________
summary of findings and conclusion. The purpose of a ____________
recommendation is to provide a useful guide that will not only
address certain problems but result in a successful outcome.